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Summer 2021 Assessment

Further Mathematical Methods
Suitable for all candidates

Instructions to candidates

This paper contains 6 questions, divided into two sections. Your answers to all 3 questions from
Section A and all 3 questions from Section B will count towards the final mark.

All questions carry an equal number of marks.

Answers should be justified by showing work.
Please write your answers in dark ink (black or blue) on white paper only.
Start your answer to a new question on a new sheet of paper.
At the top of each sheet of paper, please write the question number you are answering on that page.
At the top of each sheet of paper, please write your 5-digit candidate number for this academic year.
Answers and all working should be uploaded in the question order.
Ensure you do not write your name or LSE ID number anywhere.

Keep all rough work and upload it with your answers. Indicate rough work by drawing a line through it.

Assessment has to be uploaded within the 24-hour window as specified on the exam timetable.
Expected effort for completing the exam: 3 hours

You are supplied with this examination paper only.

You may use the course materials, including anything on the course’s Moodle page, lecture notes and
your own notes.

Calculators are not allowed in this exam.

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Section A

Question 1
(a) Let D be the finite region bounded by the curve x2 + y 2 = x + y .
Sketch D and use suitably modified polar coordinates to evaluate the double integral
(x + y) dx dy.

(b) Let F be the region defined by

F = (x, y) | 0 ≤ x ≤ π and 0 ≤ y ≤ π .

Evaluate the double integral ZZ

cos(x + y) dx dy,
simplifying your answer as far as possible.

Question 2
(a) Find the following limits.

ln(x2 + ex )
(i) lim ,
x→∞ ln(x4 + e2x )
Z 1+α
(ii) lim √ dt.
α→0 0 1 + α2 + t2

(b) Let β be the third digit (from the left) of your candidate number.
Let f (t) be a positive and continuous function on the interval [0, 1] such that f (0) = 1.
Find the limit Z 1
β+1 f (t)
lim x dt.
x→0+ x tβ+2

(c) For every γ ∈ R, determine whether the integral

Z ∞
ln(1 + x)
0 xγ
is convergent or not.

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Question 3
(a) For real numbers a and b, consider the integral

e−at − e−bt
I(a, b) = dt.
0 t
(i) Show that I(a, b) converges for every a, b > 0.

(ii) Using differentiation under the integral sign, determine I(a, b) for all positive a and b.
Justify your manipulation carefully.

(b) (i) Suppose f : [0, ∞) → R is a function of exponential growth at most.

Show that
lim f˜(s) = 0.

(ii) For c > 0, find the Laplace transform of

ect − e−ct
[Hint: Use (a) part (ii).]

(iii) Use Laplace transforms to solve the differential equation

ty 00 (t) + (2 − t)y 0 (t) − y(t) = 0,

subject to y(0) = 2 and y 0 (0) = 1.

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Section B

Question 4
(a) For which values of a, b and c is the matrix
 √ √ 
0√ 1/ 2 1/ 2
A = 1/ 2 1/2 −1/2
a b c
For appropriate values of a, b and c, describe the rotation represented by A.
(b) Suppose that f , g : [−π, π] → R are the functions given by

f (x) = sin(ax) and g (x) = cos(bx)

where a, b ∈ R are constants.

(i) For a 6= 0, find the Wronskian for these functions.
Is the set {f , g } linearly independent when a 6= 0?
(ii) For a = 0, is the set {f , g } linearly independent?
Now suppose that that we are using the standard inner product on the space containing these
functions, i.e.
Z π
hf , g i = f (x)g(x) dx.

(iii) Show that f is orthogonal to g for all a, b ∈ R.

Question 5
(a) Suppose that A is a 3 × 3 matrix and that λ, its only eigenvalue, has a geometric multiplicity of
two. Let U (A, λ) be the set

U (A, λ) = {u ∈ R3 | (A − λI3 )u = v for some v ∈ E(A, λ)}

where E(A, λ) is the eigenspace of A for the eigenvalue λ.

Show that the following statements are true.
(i) U (A, λ) is a subspace of R3 .
(ii) E(A, λ) ⊆ U (A, λ).
(iii) E(A, λ) 6= U (A, λ).
(b) Suppose that A is the matrix
 
0 2 1
A =  0 −1 0  .
−1 −2 −2

Find an invertible matrix P such that P −1 AP = J where J is in Jordan normal form.

Hence find Ak for k ∈ N, simplifying your answer as far as possible.

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Question 6
Consider the matrix
 
1 2
A = −1 1  .
1 −1

(a) Find all the left inverses of the matrix A.

(b) For each b ∈ R3 , use part (a) to find all possible solutions to the equation Ax = b .
In each case, comment on the number of solutions you have found.
(c) Find all of the projections onto R(A) that can be found using part (a).
Hence find the orthogonal projection onto R(A).
(d) Does your answer to part (c) give all of the possible projections onto R(A)? Justify your answer.


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