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Read the following e,camples. Identify the linking verbs
I.He~ tall.
2.Yo u~sa d.
3.Yo u~t hin .

4. He.~ happy, but actually he~ really sad.

5. Have you ever acted in a play before?

6. She appeared cold, so we took her inside .

ul her.
7. If she hasn't appeared by ten o'clock, I'm going wLiho
8. I _!lli terrible today.

9. Just feel how cold my hands are!

10. It's getting warm . The spring is coming!

11. He went to the shop lo get some milk.

12. The foo d~ bad, because I forgot to put it in tThe
13. We went into the house.

14. She grew tired.

15. The economy is expected to grow by 2% next y~ar.

16_-You look beautiful tooay! - -~

17. They looked at that picture.

18. He thought he~ right, but he was proved wrong
that the mistake was theirs .
19. I had to take all my records to the bank to prove

20. He remained calm. It was only a spider.

come to a complete stop.
21. Please remain in your seats until the plane has

22. The meal smelled delicious.

able to smell.
23. What I hate most about having a cold is not bein~

24. The band sounded excellent.

25. If the alarm sounds, leave the building immediatc:

26. He stayed curious all his life.

. <:al home.
-'~ at:."'e
l ~11.Q. CJJ-e
27. Because of the snow, children were told to st~
28. The wea the r~ bad just as we were leavi

29. He turned round and waved to us.

Relative clauses are usually introduced by relative pronoun such as _!!mt, tiha or WbJJ;b and
are used to provide information about som• e 1ng Just mentioned. We can use
relative clauses to identify people (I've just seen the woman who fives upstairs), describe
things (She's climbing up a ladder that wobbles with every gust of wind) and add
comments (/ think she's going to clean her windows, which seems rather dangerous In the
circumstances). We cah.§_ometim~s use a r~latjye clause with@relatiye QCQnoun (With
everY,.step _ she takes; water splashes out 'of the bucket_ she's carrying).

1 Read through this text and find one relative clause in each paragraph.

A Th<recenr discovery of the wreck of", l•ld ship l)n " large l'rc11,·l, ship, _whjch chey-renmne.:l 'QuS£11
the ocem lloor near the coasl of Nonh C.1rolin~ Anne's Revwge', Blackbeard 2nd his crew finilly •
has rwivcd inrereilr in th• colourful d ,...-.t'(j!r ~ , had a crur pirate ship,_80 foor long, with three
,va.s the ship's last captain. Tl,e ship is bdiiwd-ro masts and more than thtt.e dozcf\ cannons,
be the '~u.ien Anne's l}-eveng'e'; whir.h ;;·,nk ,n D Bl~ck!icard 500n leatned that a fearsornc
!ZYl· Her caprain, who was the n~<>•t 11otoriuu~ "' reputation, a p,irate flag,_and some warning shots
)2iut,u>fbis day, ,vas called 'Bl~k~ ~- (h~rl'~ from his cannons were all rhar he ntedgl to stop ,
Bla~eard, whose cral oan1e' um 1 ~.accl:. · ships wjtliout a ' fight, In contemporary
hadbeca a sailor on 13t'irish.-shjps in t he Cori bl •~.,n accounts, Blackbeard is desctibed as a ' demon ~
,o du·nng Quctn Anne's Wa,r (-l 70Z-17~:l). The~!- frcim hell', .1vhose huge black beard was c.wiswi · IJ"~~~
ships were ofcen involved in at=ks'o n f're,•:cr. an.i ,, into long tails and_who carriC~I.Yfr_;l gu__?s _and ! _v ..i__ 1 _
Sj:iarush sliaps r n To...-.=eglon and w.,:t;;:;:-\> ui :-;;--- _!;VOrds in beTrs~u ng_:g_oss both shgulde:cs. ➔ ~ ~
keep a percencagc of whatever the cap1u,cd fro,, Sticking ou1 from the sides of his cap were long ~ ' - ! ~
these enemies of the queen. f.N'I i r"c8 smouldering fuses ,.clµc be could use to ignite ;_ . ~\~ \It_
"C All this changed in 1713 w1.i:n d:c E1,:u;,:J.:o cannonsduringai] arcagk
- ,. d-l:Q 111"1
powers declared peace and tbc 1-1·or r.1·,Jc.i. Tea~h " I: lllackbeard'r r~ign of terror lastc,l uncil 1718~ _ ~ \ j f ~
~ 'tS
and hundreds of other s.;;lors !::.·l to choose he was kjlb! in a sea battle wid1 cwo Bricish shiQs C) A. ol2.:.... 0
berweeo returning toUnemploym,·•,, i,: ;;,.1rniu or which had been sent,co put an end to piracy in the..~ ··1r· ·~
r ont:i.nuing to do what they kne,r t,,·r.,, c d y as
pirates_.They·band.-: i:1,,m::\::.-'.·'·:,s,
u:gfon . .'\ftcr his death, Blackbe:1rd became a
ron'.:mcic fig ure a,ud stories about, d:;uing 1
u:ackmg and robbing merch,II,t sh,~£: .ir,J ,, ad~entu.res and tales pf: s~cret buried treasure
f. ~if ~e.ntually took control ofla~er ~-:i,:s ;i:;_-i•·', ,,,,; -h~lpc? to c,:eatc the popular image of piratesJ!'.'
'.;iif' the speed and power co dorrunate u,~ ir.,,,, ,
91;:-·, snll have today. •

r .
_ ,..........,,____._ ~,- . -----
in :ind near rhe Caribbean. When ,;1~v~1,i: ,. ,·.·d.;;


_______, _,.,...-
__ , .,_,~
. ~~
- -·------------
. I\-'-" f\_ . .

2 Complete this description usin9 n-'1at!·,ri r:.ronouns, or no relative pronoun where

Betwt;,en 17\3 aud 1718, a pir.1t'e, t ,1 _ '-}lhQl.>l.. ........ real name was Edward Teach, but
121 ~~"1 ..1...-:"".. ... was known a:.. l,l,,d,.Lt!arJ, atlacked ships /.Ii . ~~-b.i~1~.
sailed in and
near the Caribbean. This pirate, (1) .W.\.ifl'«' . ... so me described as a 'demon from hell', had a
large black beard (SJ . . -~ - .. . .. ·. · .. \•"a; twi5tcd into long tai !s.' t-ic wore belts across both

shoulders in (6) . .~i.c,)n ... ..... l·;c -:arr~·Li: ,:1i 11:; and swords. His pirate days came to an end in
1718 (7) . . . .W ~. ... ... . he was kilkc! in ,is~;: .battle, btLt the stories 18)
about his adventures helped to c.rea, ·: ,;h~ ;·,:, ,T..,.1•, ; ;, i,nage of pirates (9)
_J_~ :·.
.. _. spread
we have

.:, r'1''0n'tr
"' ~ ~g6"' ( doo)) ~
~ r )

l pronouns
Relative clauses and relative
IB,elatiye clauses Instead
n phra se in a prec edin g clause.
use a _rela tive clau se to give mor e info rma tion abo ut a nou who , whic h).
We pro nou n (
n phra se, we can use a relative in Lo11do11 .
of repe aun_g the sub ject nou in Lon don . ..... J lrave a friend who lives
1 I have a frie nd . The frie nd OR !k lives
shop whi ch sold old records.
rds . ..... We foim d a
[ 2 We foun d a sho p. The shop OR I! sold old reco
pro nou n
pron oun , we put the relative
en we u
_ se_ a rela tive pro nou n instead of an object nou n or nou n.
Wh n or pro
clau se. We don 't repeat the nou
at the beg mm ng of the relative the card tha t you sent. (NOT ... Nie ea,-d el111t ,.,1, ,e,,t
[ 3 I l~ve d the card . You _sent _it. - I loved
. ,./,a m f ttdm il'E him .)
. - He's one man whom I admire. (NO T . .
4 Hes one man . I adm ire him
a~ s they desc ribe (5) ,gw e
to pu~ ~ela tive clau ses imm edi<!te,!y afte r the nou n phr
We ~su ally try the relative clau s (6).
e betw een the nou n hrase and
can mcl ude a re os1tion hras - ..... The food tha t we had to eat cam
e in
d cam e in plas tic ags. W e 1a to eat ~
5 The '.oo
t-pl - bagtthttr ut: h11d tt, t:tlf.)
plas_tic bags. (NO T~ me -f1 other ships.
6 A ptrat-e I S ~
ship wl10 atta cks and steals from
011 a

om, wh ich, th'!!]

~ \who, wlr use llLllD as the sub ject of a rela
n we are talk ing ab o~ le. We can as the
We use lldw aud ~ r whe
aut i s ~ ln~ sit ua tio ns
, we can use img
obje ct (8) . .Mi.
clau se (7) and tW.flW. as the
e lly, we leave out the relative pro nou n (9).
object or, mor usua
ks in Dub lin. - Micht1el is a
teacher who works in Dublin.
a teac .her . l:k wor
:net _was,r't Adichael.

7 Mic hae l is
in:et·him; - The person whom youn t Mtd iae/. ·
8 !he per son was n't Michael. Y~u m t Mrchnel./ [he perso11 _ you
met wm .
pers on wl,o .)'OU met w_ a
9 !Jie ns.
tive clau se in form al situ atio
€v& od)after pre pos itio ns at the beg inni ng of a rela at the beg inni ng or,
We can use verb and use who
put the preposit ion afte r the
In info rma l situ atio ns, we can
the rela tive pro nm: n . Nash
mor e usu ally , we leav e out to who m ou should talk is Joe
sho uld talk - rhe man
.IO The man is Joe Nas h. You ma n_ you s ou ta to is oe as ,.
to is Joe Nasli./The
The man who you should talk gro up of
up nou ns suc h as team for a
We use @)and ~o r{t hin
gs QI ru1ir..1.1!s} l - after gro . ln~ nfo rmi llitu atio ns, we
or e~
a sing le udt (12) . Which ·s m
peo ple we are thin kin g of as eo e ( 13 ).
of who /who 11r'for
som etim es use that inst ead tllat do~sn't have a taiL
l l I found th';i;;ys which/that
were 1111ssing. • They own a cm_whicl,J which/that won the cup.
the team
won thc cup .-+ We were in

l We
12 We wer e in the team . The team next c)u,)I'. - The woman tha t lives next door is a nurse.
13 The woman is a mirse. lli

can use (@i,g) after pre pos itio ns


th e p repos1t!On after ~e ver and use t at at

in formal
at the ?q:innin& of a relative clau se the begmmm,: of the
In~ forn;3Dsitu ations, we put twe pro nou n.
ally , we leaw out the rcla er the hotel itl which we
rela tive cau se or, mo re usu j:1 the hotel. - l can't rememb
emb er the hot el. We stay ed
14 I can 't rem lietel we sra,•ed irr ii.)
ed.II can 't rem emb er the /Jote l (tl1at) we stayed in. (NOT .. . t/1e
with no relative
with that which could be used
, 3 Find two rela tive cla
pronoun tn the article on
use s beg
pag e 172.
inn ing

t .. . "'... ....-~ . .... . .... .... ...

...... .. ..... ... .. .... .......... .
; . .. ..... .... .. .. ... ... .....~ ...J
... ..\ . . . ....

l '

I Group noun , 75 Nou n dauscs

wirh 1/r111 164 Prepositions 125
11'/ro.<, 178
l23 .
~ rJffl\MY\o)
tive cl a u se 5
1-4 \ffl -\"I \\ 1
r l \ Ll~ f,

..d.eJioiog Lela
d JJ.;
~ ~
g a n QO
th i.ngs
~ - . i~
D ef in in g relative
clauses \. on tha t idc mi li~ , or classifies
pe op le ( 11 an d
lud e inf orm ati g rel ati ve cla us e.
ve cla us e, we inc tho ut the de fin in ,
In a dc fin in~ relati ten ce is no t co mp let e wi ok sh op ? Slic's n tea ch er
in,: of th e sen wo rk in tl1c bo So rry . l do n ·
(2 ) . Th e m ea n wl ,o lls ed to nn o,n ett :r?
l Vo yo u n·n;n,
,Uer tl1c wo uuu, s tem pe ra tur e? ~- \ Ou me nu " tlie . .
rl1i11g tl1at ,nens1 ob jec t (3 ) or t~e or
2 /)o yb u ha ve n use ins tea d ut' the ( ~)
nin g 111 a dd in; ,.,; rel ati ve cla rases co nta ini ng su pe rla tiv es
t) at the he gin a fte r no un ph
We oft en us e ( rlin ion (4) . We us ua llr use (t/J ,?1/ .
nb.kc t of a µre µo
,it ,_vtt'.iteti.
1111 ry ( ll1 al) """ ;'"
il. - / brought the ,lic11,1 L< T"''"·' .
qu an tif ier s ( 6) . dic tio na ry. M ari
a wa nte d
11 (tl wt ) J,e'., tnl
ku rg ab ou t
3 I br ou gh t the
ins '. He's tal kin g
ll2!ll!l..i1- - Tl, e fi/1 wo rst tcnch cr (th at) I Jw d "' sclro ld,
4 Th e film is ' Tw Y'" rs. · He ,w1 s rJ,c
) we me t /ra d a co
1 (tl wt ) I'v e scc
11 i11 ery pc r;u n (th at
5 It's tJ,e be st fi/11 t mm purer ;. • Ev
I do11'1 k11ow abou
(, There's a lot (th at )
cla use~; wi th Q ,o,\who,iilirnd
whicl1 yo u
r0;,/i:J mm t t1lways ol,
de fin ing relative J cu11 trust. • T/1rr,• are two mies
W e can als o begin
yo1 o!w m
1e wh
7 T do11't· k11ow a11

N on -d ef in in g re la tiv e
cl ause s c.AF'tif- c

a de fin ing rel ati ve cla us

e lRJ. 'W he n we
t a co
an :
mm a
inf orm ati o:i , we 11< lly pu
inc lud e ess en tia l us e ( 9) . We us ua
W h en we 1,·a nt tu we use a n,r n-d cti 11in g relati ve cla the se nt en ce.
tra inf or ma tio n, les~ it is the en d
sim ply ad din g ex co mm a aft er it, un ll win tl,e priz.:.
a no n- de fin ing cla us e an d a <•!I S_IV I\: wi
be for e
ller wh o cm1 giv
e tl, e corce et corrci1 am we r.
[ 8 Tl,e first ca m th e La nd ot, dr<!u, didn't give the l-Sco rti sl1) gM irTighr.
, wh o wa s fro /ler -(w );o so11nder
9 Tl, c first en Iler es: Tl,e ,.~w,.,l c:.i es ( 10 ). \,Ve do
br ac ke ts or da sh ing rel a tive cla us
We ca n als n us~ .· bt: gi. nn ing r.,f no n- d~ fu1 un ( l l ).
M.,lt id, at th1 rd ati\'<.' ~,ro nti
wl w. 1v/rc1111 or t nr wi th ou t a he rep lac ed .
Vile u.suall}' us e da use s wi th rlw
n un •d efi nin g rcl .ni vt' 1w riti11g e1b o111 Mr Bell, wh om ca r.
us uall y be gin
ms to be_ nic_e, Jrn s sai d
me the 111 ost popultll'
<1ss,_wl10 see beca
,1 U U11r 11e_wb op le 111 11, a/ly lnu gh ed ,11, soo11 e the mo st po pu lar cm .)
, wh1c/1 so ine pe i , ~ soon bc,am
\,1 I Tire M111, •'f'~ A fi; f f l ec ed ing sta tem en
( NOT Tl1t, Mi
11i, !tl1t1t) st11ne p< mm en ts ab ou t pr in g
1vl1 id r to ad d co o of no n- de fin
no n- de fin ing rel ative cla us es ,.ith ch as in wh ich ct1sc at th e be gin
We ca n us e sit ion ph ras es su
e wh ich in pre po en ts ( 13 ).
(I 2) . We als o us mm
relative cla us es us ed to ad d co ply wa m' t tru e.
priso,;, w,1,c/1 sim iai clo5,,,J.
eri11e ha il bee11 i11 n_(j,,~
r 12 Th ey sai d C1 1th
ike, in wlticfr ca se
t/;;: n•i il rcn 11
er qu an tif ier s su ch on b t
as so me ( 14)
L l 3 Th ere m il)' be 11 str ,i/ id, an ·oJ w/10111 aft
d •
, i

we cu 1 i.I.- c h·lr nt to ad d in fo rm a ou pa r1
In no n- de fin ing
rel ati ve cla us es
0!/s ( i Sl. ,.-.,:,.clu
-lh is wh en w.: wa "
os1 /11111 tin ne <l.
or su perlaI trv es such as lfrc · d ' . . ua,, f rc r.1 a 2-r-:., ;. ,;,-alrca dy n1
111 en
f · a b ou t an 111 1v
<1111l, was ab ou
t oslllosi;.
o son 1e t 11ng or I j;, sl ,ii;J11 '1 1111derst w as Pa u l Th e•
me of wh ich fa111014s or wh om ro11x.
CI~ Tlie las t lrclll re, so
the co nferen ce, there wef re sev cn1 /.
write r, , tl: e 1110s1
ou n : . .. wr ite rs,
of wh on1 rhc n1os
t fcunous wa s . ,.
I:, At aJ :: pr on
· · so pu t su pe rIatt·ves a .ler the r eln !"ivl
we can
be gi nn in g with
fin d th e fo ur re la tiv e cla us es
rd on pa ge Hin 2, in g.
ab_out Bl ac kb ea g or no n- de fin
4 In~~~ ar ticdlede cid e wh et he r th ey ar e de fin
w 1c , an
L>e linin!(: .
No n -de fin ing : .

c-rl.iti, ,,...,. 120

1-., u n_; 17 J Q
u., m il i,·r. !.--4 ~up
i i, e .:-l....1sti .Jlh i rd .i1ivt" 1,11,,1
17 4
5 Add ones t f ·
ve pron ouns ( ) to each desc riptio n.
e o relati
Whic h one could be left out?
not nece ssari ly In this order

that I which I who (x2) I wl,om that· (x2) I whicl, I who (x2)
to 1940. Stan Laurel, IZ) . \:;~Q,-- ~

fil · · · · · · · · · ·· ·· ·· · was horn tn Bntam

Laurel and Hardy were a p . f come dy actor.s <1> • ·.· . . .. : · . :~· .. . . . . made over 100 films from 1926 1,...--
, and Ohve r Hardy, an American, were
first successful · st•t and were fan c I · .cr::::: zi:I l e of come dy. In their films,
m ent ms . ioM •~r sl C L r ~sty
Laurel often caus d th h L.,/
I~ . ~. c · H· e many accidents· (I· \ · · · •. . . . .. . . . appen cd to them bo.t~. afte\ -
141 . . W '
_(\\ 'This is ano1hcr fine mess (Sl--\+> Ql: parts of a
, · · · ·. · · · .i.rdy would gel angry and say, .. .... . .. ..... .
ou ve gotte n me into.'
Je;! ······
and Hyde is. a perSOll (6) · •w"'-
v <?> A'-" •. \ ~
&- ..
• ... ..... ....... has two personahtics, one
of V,, / 1 from a
ituent is
V<a) ::::i,J.. :i.: ;s ~ad.a nd the other good. The expression
, , _...\- · · · · · · n esttgates I.he good and
evil parts of huma
comes from a novel about Dr Jekyll,
n natur e and invents a drug
the drug, he becomes an evil version of
~ • · · 'f\~ epa rate them. When he
Hyde . V
tmse1 '(ID )···~ ·• ~~H .... he calls Mr

f . Use relati ve pron ouns and

6 Add othe app claus
ofr these . es t 0 each o the sente nces below e nece ssary.
ropr1ate chan ges. Add comm as wher

v'he or she controls a sports game most people know him as Mark Twai11 "/,,
11ts ~
~otn e of them are poisonous it uses exaggerated actions, often i,1vo/ving accide
it is below the surface of the water ~
the largest part of con.sists of nine islands takes part in t-hrce different sports in it ,.__
or flat from him each comp etitor
'1,...yoll rent a room
✓ he has never been married .I .A •h•'-~ o,·~ ~
. -
Exam ple: A bache lor is a man .'"ho..
has. ne.v.":".". ?'-.":"

~ :::;;~:-1::i;r:f~~i~on~J·" '~ ···~ ~ ·-·~ ~ -··'·i/"·~···~

mllrr-.i":J : V. ~ -f~~ -

3 Atc iath Joni sasp orl~ i: ~
~ ~ :~ ::::~ ~ ~ ::~ ~ : :::
· ::·· ::·.:.::v
: :: . :: ~ 1
~.. r·('i~:~r-' . ~
::;:~~::.-fl::~i~--,tli;·.!1,.\..~ · ~ ··i·~·~ ·1~~f_·.·~ .i~·;·~~lid···· ✓
"~, .. , . ., ..... .
6 Snak es ...
7 Tuvalu .. ~~~O.:~ ..c
.~~~ :.:.: ~Q, \·

.. ~
ist$ ...
8 Samu el Clem ens. :~.- . ~ .. ~ .QA#'r-
QJC.l.. .f~i!! ..°"", ru,.,. .

•- ·· · ·····~ ; ··· - ·' ·'·~ "····· · are. ongre

i .. ~ ...;;'! ~~--··. is a count ry in the south

~b -~-
t, ·~ ~C ~i~was a majo r American writer { /
p ti! csW1t out egs. V
Pacifi c.
· /
7 Editing. Corr ect the mistakes In the
use of relative cla~ es In
tht .1
that ~ \.'->
'te~ ated '. The letter, that
A stran ge thing ,{hap pcned to me once

came from the university, was an offici

was gettin g a lctteiU laid I had been

al 11oti 7ot' termi natio n (~can s 'the end')

~;c,"'of emplo ymen t. It

unive rsity that I

was like being fired from, ,my job, which
f~lt rcJlly w~ird.,{ didn' t have a job at the
v' w\:I" v I calledJthe office, they said it was
could be tir~g, from \t!
I \fas just a studr nuic! ll't !Jaye a job. When
A~ 1-..¼& v. ~?· I wasn t the
. only .
on~h ad be✓ermmate:by that
an erro~ had been came o hy ~Y~~
comp uter. A lor of other peop l~idn 't
have jobs at the universiry lost them that


po ss ib le . V
re du ce d re la tiv e cl au se s w he re
ea tin g
xt sh or te r by cr
10 M ak e th is te mething"ttnrr1s
w ~ e lo ok in g for so
fo od -lo ve rs --•"ho wi ll b e si tti ng at h c,m~
an d w ho
Asia n Kitchen',
Fo r aU yo u sh ow wh ic h M> called. 'T he
e's a fa bu lo us ne w
th is af te rn oo n, th er \/
in te re st in g on TV
ed by M ar y Sa h, wh ic h be gi ns at 4.30 this
A eee11 pr od uc
• c. ~ ic b b u be eA -c
re at ed -a-t~~kv bi d, J;ia s of to fu J
ab u: e'1 wi ll be Sa uc y To fu, wh ic h consist
be fe
e di sh es w hi ch. wiJI b, ef t ~
af te rn oo n. A m on g th Eih 1'l aw ec e:f l de ep -fr ie d an d ~.. ht~k ha+c
ial battcr,....,"Ai
.M ve be er rd ip pe d in a spec _,~ V
sq ua re s w bi rb
1hieh--1s m ad e wi th
ho t p e p p e r s
d Evil Shrimp1 .l'.
co ve re d in a cr ea m
y pe an ut sa uc e, an 10 a shallow pool V
e- se rv ed wi th sh rim p w hi ch m sizzl in g
ifiR ar
ve ge ta bl es , an d wA
sa ut ee d w ith ot he r
th in g on TV co da y! 177
of re d cu rr y. It 's th e m os t de lic io us
$,~ G:- ~~)11\D'L - ~lff i 0A. 1:t ND~\_;€.. ol.OR

\\~_ acncl ol.:,~eJs - .

l -\,-u;~J'5)S\¾\\)e. a.r-0 a: \""-\-\o.,'()<;,.,-\t\)e- ,rQ.A,\~s') -
~ <~"e., k~ C-0.I'<) s ~ ~1t~,-~- ~- - - - - -

J .

-4 .

iO A (fts . rm~
) ~
I"~ Q\
:) ~ Nh\~ V
l\ . -~
5. --Uts-~ ~~ V

~ ~e-
·! ) )t )
o01ke< v
1 S\-\-e...
·v "
°'- .
l ne_


J) V


LO) btt dflaJ,

4) ~ - V

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