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DG Integrated Approach for Service Restoration Under Cold Load Pickup

Vishal Kumar, Rohith Kumar H. C., Indra Gupta, and Hari Om Gupta, Senior Member, IEEE
AbstractThe additional power demand caused by cold load pickup (CLPU) condition restricts the simultaneous restoration of all the loads of a network due to excessive loading on the network elements and violation of limits. Therefore, step-by-step restoration is the most adopted approach. However, it requires long time for the complete restoration. The main cause of CLPU problem is the loss of diversity amongst the loads which causes the enduring phase of CLPU condition. The conservation of load diversity reduces the demand during restoration. In the proposed approach, the diversity is conserved by using distributed generation (DG) for quick restoration and the reduction of additional power demand caused by CLPU condition. The capacity required for DG is evaluated on the basis of the required additional power demand and the load-diversity preserved. The proposed approach utilizes the genetic algorithm for determination of the optimal size and location of the required DG. The approach is demonstrated on a 33-bus, 12.66-kV primary distribution network. Index TermsCold load pickup, distributed generation, distribution system restoration, genetic algorithm.

Load demand with respect to time for at bus . Substation transformer capacity . Transformer loading-limit violation . Undiversied value of load Undiversied value of load at bus Required UGs capacity Initiation of restoration process Initiation of load decay towards model. Time instance for roll-back of UGs. Unit step function. Voltage at bus . in CLPU

NOMENCLATURE Time constant of CLPU model. Binary decision variable for load ; . Current through branch . Sum of the ratios of line-current violations to its thermal limit in the main network . Load diversity factor. Maximum transformer overloading factor (short term). Total no. of buses in the system . Load demand with respect to time for . Diversied value of the load. Diversied value of load at bus .
Manuscript received May 28, 2009; revised May 28, 2009. First published December 15, 2009; current version published December 23, 2009. Paper no. TPWRD-00481-2007. V. Kumar is with the Electrical Engineering Department, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow 226021, India (e-mail: vish1dee@iitr.ernet. in). R. Kumar H. C. is working with the ABB, Bangalore, India (e-mail: I. Gupta and H. O. Gupta are with the EED, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, 247667, India (e-mail:; harifee@iitr. Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPWRD.2009.2033969

Sum of the ratios of bus-voltage violations to the limiting value in the main network Weight for , Weight for ratio of lost load over total load Weight for Weight for I. INTRODUCTION

EREGULATION of electric power system has substantially affected the electric system design and functioning concepts [1], [2]. Energy supply companies (ESCOMs) are striving to improve on their prots while minimizing their investment risks by meeting the increase in demand competitively. However, lack of power generating units and signicant rise in the power demand in the developing countries appears to hinder the development programs. On the contrary, establishment of conventional generating units is a long term planning process and utilities are unable to provide immediate relief to ESCOMs. Presently, scheduled/forced power interruptions are the only viable solution to compensate for the shortage of power and this signicantly affects the reliability of supply. Also, network restoration followed by an extended outage creates problem owing to the additional loading on the network elements. This overloading is chiey due to loss of diversity of thermostatically controlled loads and it delays the restoration process. Such a high loading condition is known as Cold Load Pickup (CLPU) condition [3][6]. Consequently, CLPU condition is highly prevalent problem in the power decient

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countries. Even under such intricate circumstances, ESCOMs aim to improve system performance and reliability so as to get a competitive edge [6]. However, the relief to such problem has to be in the form of addition of new generating units, and reduce the frequency and duration of power interruptions. In the last decade, subsequent development of technologies has offered several options to ESCOMs to fulll their demands economically. Distributed Generation (DG) technologies are one such arena which is gaining momentum and are more likely to play a major role in the power system expansion owing to its environmental and economical considerations. The DG technology includes both the conventional and non conventional type of energy sources for generating power [2], [7], [8]. A prudent selection of the technology is essential to meet the ESCOMs requirement. Among the several operating strategies opted by the ESCOMs, DGs have been largely used for peak load shaving when the utility supply is likely to be high priced. However, the high interruption cost in the recent years has forced ESCOMs to operate their DGs even during the outage period. Therefore, a balanced operating strategy of minimum cost of energy with maximum reliability of supply is necessary [2]. In the present work, DG technology is effectively used to restore the entire network in a single-step under CLPU condition by conserving load diversity during the outage period. DG units are owned and operated by ESCOMs in rollover mode to mitigate the CLPU problem. The optimal placement and capacity of DG required to achieve this objective is determined and is illustrated on a 33-bus test system. II. BACKGROUND OF CLPU Cold Load Pickup (CLPU) condition is the additional demand in the power network caused during restoring power followed by an extended interruption. This condition is largely due to the loss of diversity among the thermostatically connected loads. Depending on the duration of outage, connected loads, local weather, habits of user and thermal characteristics of the building the severity of CLPU condition varies [4][6]. The CLPU problem is highly a site specic problem and hence, a clear insight about the local area conditions is very essential [6]. As evident from literature, the excessive loading conditions restrict the simultaneous restoration of the network due to violation of the steady state operational constraints. However, the aggregated load decays gradually and allows the ESCOMs to restore the loads in steps, but such a step-by-step restoration adversely affects the reliability of supply. Several optimal system designing and restoration strategies using various bases are observed in the literature and none seem to suggest ways to mitigate CLPU problem [9][13]. Conversely, the research works in the past are oriented towards preparing the system for such kinds of adverse conditions.

Fig. 1. CLPU condition modeled as a delayed exponent.

Although very acute measured data on CLPU is made available, researchers have proposed various types of physical based models [14][16], regression based models [17] to predict the behavior of CLPU. However, the resultant CLPU characteristic is in very close agreement with a delayed exponential model [18] and is expressed mathematically as (1) [13], the corresponding model is shown in Fig. 1. See (1) at the bottom of the page. III. OPERATION OF DG UNDER CLPU In the power decient countries where reliability of the supply is very low and regular power cuts are prevalent, most of the customers have standby power generation units usually of dispersed generation type (capacity of 10250 kW). These non utility owned DGs (NUGs) are operated in a rollover operation (i.e., as a backup power supply) and are switched ON immediately the supply fails. Such a rollover operation maintains the diversity of these loads during outage, and preserves it when it is reconnected back to grid on restoration. Therefore, the presence of NUGs in the distribution system quickens the restoration of network and thereby improving the reliability of the system [19]. However, the operation of NUGs is not under the control of ESCOMs, but the reported work here considers the effects of presence of NUGs on the restoration of network. DGs of rating 15 kW to 10 MW range can be entirely owned and operated (UGs) by the ESCOMs, with being connected or isolated from the grid [2], [8]. In the proposed approach, during the outage period, only the UGs power generation is under ESCOMs control, and it has the capacity to supply only a part of the total demand or the loads connected to nearby locations to UGs (as a sub-network). As the outage is over, the main supply from the substation is restored, and the UGs still continue to operate either in synchronization with the main supply (received from the grid) or in rollover mode. The synchronous operation of the DGs includes more cost and complex operation. Hence,




here the rollover operation has been used. The UGs are utilized mainly for the following purposes: 1) Reduction of total demand for restoration by conserving the load diversity during CLPU condition. 2) Serving loads during the outage period and improving the reliability of supply. Normally, DG devices are placed in power systems chiey for power generation support, reduction of power losses, shaving of peak load, operating during the period of high-price grid power, improvement of voltage proles and load factors, deferring for system upgrades and enhancement of system reliability [20], [21]. The common strategy for determination of location for placing DG is to minimize power losses in the system, and power ow algorithms are utilized for nding the optimal size of DG [21]. However, in the present work, the placement of UGs involves determination of optimal size and site of UG required for single-step restoration. The evaluation is carried out on the basis of the additional power requirement under CLPU condition, and conservation of the load-diversity achieved through NUG and UG operation during outage period. This evaluation is performed using Genetic Algorithm. A. Genetic Algorithm (GA) GAs are the heuristic search methods largely used for nding global optimal solution [22]. Optimal solution in GA evolves based on application of natural selection and random numbers employed to conduct the probabilistic selection of a possible optimal candidate, hence, it does not require a good initial estimate. The evaluated tness function acts as a measure of effectiveness of the candidate solution. Therefore, a stronger candidate advances to subsequent generations and recombines with other candidates to produce new offsprings. Eventually, one solution emerges as the global optimal solution. In the current work, binary encoded GA with the elite preserving mechanism has been utilized to obtain the optimal location and capacities of UGs. IV. METHODOLOGY The main objective is to restore all the loads connected in the power network simultaneously (i.e., in a single-step) under CLPU condition with the use of UGs; such that the existing network is also effectively utilized. For this purpose, the network is divided into main and subnetworks. The division is performed such that the main network could be restored in singlestep through substation as the grid supply is restored, while the subnetworks are supplied by the proposed UGs. Thus, all the loads of the network are restored simultaneously. Moreover, the load supplied by UGs has to be connected back to the main network once the sufcient amount of diversity is regained. The proposed approach for single-step restoration of a distribution network under CLPU condition is outlined in the following steps: Step 1) The reduction in load demand for the restoration of network under CLPU is achieved by conserving the load diversity. Step 2) The DG is used for conservation of the load-diversity. Both the types of DG installations: NUGs and UGs are utilized for this purpose. NUGs maintain

the diversity of the load supplied by them during the outage. Besides maintaining the diversity of connected load, similar to NUGs, UGs also allow the main network to acquire the diversity by running parallel to substation during CLPU condition. Step 3) NUG is under the control of customers and are installed according to individuals need. Therefore, the planning for DGs placement is performed only for UGs although the effect of NUG existing in the system is taken into account. Step 4) The required capacity and location of the UGs installation is determined by nding the amount and locations of the loads to be curtailed (these curtailed loads are supplied by UGs in the form of sub-networks) such that, the rest of the network can be restored by substation in single-step under CLPU condition. GA is used for obtaining the optimal solution. A. Constraints The main objective is to restore the entire network in a single-step, i.e., determine the minimum amount of UGs capacity required to simultaneously restore the entire network. This is equivalent to minimizing the load curtailment during CLPU condition while meeting all the following network constraints: The network power ow equations must be satised. Voltage at every bus in the network should be within the acceptable range (Utilitys standard ANSI Std. C84.11989) [23] i.e., within permissible limit (2) Current in a feeder or conductor, must be well within the maximum thermal capacity of the conductor (3) Here, is current permissible for branch within safe limit of temperature. Substation Transformer Capacity: The total power supplied by the substation transformer must be within the permissible limit, without any additional loss of life for the duration of CLPU condition.

where, is transformer maximum loading factor and is the transformer rating. Loading limit of the forced air-cooled transformer for a delayed exponential load has been explained for different outage-duration, and pre-outage and post-outage loading conditions in [8]. Radiality Constraint: The load curtailed for the restoration should be in the form of a radial sub-network so that it could be supplied by the UGs installation. Distributed Generation is dened as the generation of electricity by facilities that are sufciently smaller than the central generating plants so to allow interconnection at nearly any point in a power system. There is no dened limit on the amount of generation through DG. For example, in [1]



and [24] the maximum DG installed capacity limits have been considered as 30% and 50% respectively. Hence, here the total installed capacity of UG in the network has been limited to less than 30% of substation rated capacity to maintain the concept of DG against centralized generation similar to [1]. (4) B. Objective Function The main objective is to minimize the total load curtailment while meeting all above mentioned constraints. The objective function is accounted for constraints by penalizing any solution that violates network constraint. Hence, a penalty/weight which depends on constraint and extent of its violation is multiplied with each term of the objective function . The GA objective function for single-step restoration here consists of four terms: The loads that cannot be supplied and have to be curtailed due to constraint violations Bus voltage violations Branch current violations Substation transformer overloading Each term contributes a penalty term and is considered as ratio (unit-less) for dimensional uniformity and normalization. Therefore, the nal objective function (5) is the weighted sum of all these penalties.

unity for on status of the load. The model provides the amount of additional power required over the maximum substation capacity for the restoration of network, which is to be produced by UGs, while keeping all the operational constraints satised. Assumptions In the reported work, few assumptions have been made and these are listed below: 1) Some of the load/s of the network is supplied by DG under customer ownership (NUG) during outage. Therefore, diversity of such loads is maintained during outage period. Moreover, these NUGs operation cannot be controlled by utilities. Therefore, these loads will be connected to network with their diversied value immediately after supply restoration. 2) The transformer utilization factor under normal condition is assumed as 0.80 p.u., i.e., load on the distribution transformer prior to outage is assumed to be nearly equal to 80 percent of its full-load capacity. is equal to 2.50, i.e., under CLPU 3) Load diversity factor condition each load in network increases to 2.50 times its normal condition value during initial restoration and follows CLPU model given by (1) thereon. 4) Substation transformer can be loaded up to 1.50 times its rated capacity without any additional loss of life for duration of one hour followed by an outage of more than one-hour duration [8], [25]. C. Computation of Roll-Back Time of UGs

(5) where, (6a) (6b) The required capacity of the UGs, (7) The rst term in (5) represents lost load (i.e., Total load curtailed). Weight represents the priority for load curtailment. In reality heavy penalties are imposed for lost load, and here, GA can decide the optimal load curtailment to obtain best solution for single-step restoration problem. The second and third terms in (5) incorporate steady-state operational constraints, as violating these can cause serious damage to the system; heavy penalties in terms of weights are imposed on these terms. The nal term in (5) represents transformer loading violation, as substation transformer can withstand overloading for short duration without any additional loss of life it has the least weighted value as compared to other terms in the objective function. The developed model is a nonlinear formulation with binary decision variables which are represented by zero for off and

The aggregated load under CLPU condition decreases from its undiversied value ( at ). Hence, the loads served by the UGs can be reconnected to main network (i.e., substation). Such a roll-back is made possible only when the substation load decreases at least by the amount equal to load served by the UGs and is given as (8) Considering (1), the initial value of is given by



At computed by (8) and (9), the rollback may not be peris used formed if violation of the constraints take place; then as an initial guess and search for is started from this value. could be searched by making attempts on some Therefore, discrete time instants corresponding to next reduced value of supplied load or at some xed interval.





Algorithm The algorithm for DG based single step system restoration approach is given by following steps. : Determination of of GA, determine 1) For current candidate solution loading at each bus, total load and supplied load with radiality constraint.



where, , and 2) Perform power ow calculation to determine , , . 3) Evaluate objective function value from (5), and from (7) 4) Repeat steps, 1 to 4 till both of the following GA convergence criteria are satised. a) Change in value of is very small. b) Computation of Roll-back time : from (9) as an initial 1) Determine 2) Repeat following steps till the constraints are satised a) Run Power ow algorithm and determine the con. straints b) If no constraint violation, exit loop and determine , else go to next step c) Select next search point V. CASE STUDY The rst step for mitigation of CLPU problem is reactive power compensation. The proposed approach is illustrated on an optimally compensated 12.66 kV, 33-bus test system with an as, the netsumed substation transformer rating of work details are available in Appendix . Although the network is compensated using capacitor installations for the normal load condition, it faces severe low-voltage problem during restoration under CLPU condition. Therefore, a substation voltage of

1.045 p.u. has been employed to utilize the available permissible limit [23]. A load connected with a NUG and operating in rollover mode is assumed at bus 25. The proposed approach uses a delayed exponential model with the following CLPU pa, and , rameters: . Network loading and the minimum voltage observed in the network under different conditions is given in Table I. It is observed, that buses 6 to 18 and buses 26 to 33 violate the minimum permissible voltage limit. Also, the loading on substation transformer exceeds the maximum allowable loading under CLPU condition. Presence of NUG at bus 25 reduces the total load demand by 697.80 kVA during CLPU condition due to conservation of load diversity. Also, the affect of this conservation of diversity can clearly be observed on the voltage magnitudes of the buses 23 to 25 mentioned in Table II. However, the constraint violations at other buses will still compel ESCOMs to restore the network in steps. Therefore, installation of the proposed UGs is necessary for single-step restoration. The objective considered is the maximum utilization of existing network through the minimum load curtailment subject to fulllment of the constraints mentioned in the previous section. The loads curtailed as sub-networks (supplied by UGs) and the loads retained in main network (restored by substation) are determined in terms of decision variables as shown in (5)(7). The set of penalties/weights employed in the objective function for the present case-study are: 75.0 for lost load, 500.0 for current violation, 10000.0 for voltage violation and 50.0 for transformer violation. The total length of chromosome used in GA is equal to the total number of buses in the network; each bit of chromosome represents the switching-status of the loads at different buses. GA parameters and the type of genetic operators applied are mentioned below.

The locations and size of UGs obtained from the application of GA are given in Table III. The graphical representation of single-step restoration is presented in Fig. 2. Here, at restoration is initiated and at the rollover operation of subnetworks takes place. The gure also depicts the duration and amount of load supplied by substation, NUG and UGs. At point , as the grid supply becomes available, all the loads of the network (main network through grid and sub-networks



Fig. 2. Graphical view of single-step restoration of 33 Bus network.

Fig. 4. The 33-bus radial test system operation during CLPU condition.

Fig. 3. GA convergence curve for the test system at T instant.


through UGs) have been energized. Therefore, the entire network is restored in a single step at ; whereas, the stepwise restoration is performed in parts and it requires considerable amount of time in complete network restoration [10]. Hence, single step restoration would reduce the average time of supply interruption to loads. Moreover, usage of UGs would improve the voltage prole during CLPU condition. At , the sub-networks are switched over from UGs to grid supply, and the entire network is supplied by grid through substation. The GA evolution process is shown in Fig. 3. The minimum objective function value of 263.63 was attained at 20th iteration with a computation time of 496.09 seconds on a INTEL desktop with 512 MB RAM. All the evaluations were carried out with self developed codes in MATLAB.

Results obtained from GA suggest incorporation of two DG units for the purpose of single-step restoration under CLPU condition. The UGs of 700 kVA and 500 kVA capacity are to be installed at bus 10 and bus 31 respectively with a total DG installed capacity accounting for 24% of the total load. The DG installed capacity appears to be sizeable due to weak network under study (Table I) but still it is well within considered limit of 30%. As shown in Fig. 2, integration of UGs in the network and operating them during outage duration reduces the system demand by 1573.80 kVA on restoration due to conservation load diversity. Hence, a total demand reduction of 2271.60 kVA is achieved because of the presence of NUG and incorporation of UGs. The Fig. 4 shows the division of the network into a main network and two subnetworks as mentioned in Table III. During the outage, subnetworks are supplied by UGs while NUG supplies the load connected to it, and the main network remains un-energized. During restoration period, the subnetworks continue to be supplied by UGs while NUG loads are connected back to substation supply. During restoration the total load supplied by substation, is the addition of undiversied load of main network and diversied load that was connected to NUGs during outage. The subnetworks are connected back to substation after , when the main network regains sufcient diversity. The status of switches of the network shown in Fig. 4, is given in Table IV for all the three periods viz. outage, restoration and rollover. Since all the operation of DGs is in isolated mode the synchronization and frequency related problems do not arise during supply. However, momentary interruption may be expected during the roll-over (switching) operation and this can be avoided by usage of synchronizing switches. Such momentary interruption in supply may even be acceptable in power decient countries like India, to avoid the cost associated with synchronizing switch. The subnetworks obtained from GA are also checked for light loading condition (i.e., 50% of normal load) and voltages at all the buses were found within the permissible limits. Signicant improvement in voltage prole is observed in case of presence of DGs at initiation of restoration under CLPU condition. Fig. 5





Fig. 5. Voltage prole under CLPU condition on initiation of restoration.

Fig. 6. Search for rollover time T .

characterizes this distinction between the cases of presence and absence of DGs. Many available DGs can be operated with multiple fuels. Therefore, the selection of fuel becomes the choice depending upon various factors such as availability, cost of operation, and emission requirements. Although, natural gas is environmental friendly and produces less pollution, the unavailability of gas pipeline network and high cost may compel the ESCOMs to opt for diesel operated DGs. In the proposed approach, the load existing on the UGs during the outage and CLPU duration has to be rolled back once the sufcient diversity is regained by the main network. The rollover (corinstant is evaluated using (8) and (9) as ). But the rollback at responding loading of main network is this instance could not be performed due to violation of voltage is used as an initial guess and search for is constraints. is searched by making started from this value. Therefore, attempts on some discrete instants corresponding to different (80%, 70%, 60% of as shown in values of Fig. 6). It was found that at 70%, all the constraints were sat-

ised and sub-networks could be reconnected to main network from initiation of restoration. after A. DG Installed Capacity and DG Penetration In the present case study, the total feeder capacity is equal to 5000 kVA (assuming it to be equal to substation transformer rating). The total DG installed capacity, dened as sum of maximum output of each installed DG unit [24], is equal to 1200 kVA which is within the 30% (1500 kVA) considered maximum DG installed capacity limit. The DG penetration is dened as the ratio of amount of DG energy injected into the network over the feeder capacity [24] and is given by

(12) Here, capacity factor is the ratio of energy produced to energy that could have been produced if DG is operated continuously, during the period of time considered.




diversity. Operation of UGs during the outage duration reduces the total demand of the network signicantly and also assists in improvement of network voltage prole during restoration. The proposed approach can be suitably used for simultaneous restoration of the entire network resulting in a drastic improvement of reliability of supply. Integration of DG in power distribution networks for supply restoration provides the scope to analyze many other related issues. Since the present scheme operates DGs in isolation, the synchronization and frequency related problem have not been dealt. Although synchronized operation and other issues like protection schemes and stability require the attention from researchers for further work. APPENDIX Network data for the 33-bus radial system [26] used in this study are given in Tables V and VI. REFERENCES
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Since, in the proposed approach the NUGs operate in isolated mode and their operation is not under the control of utilities, hence NUGs will not have any contribution towards evaluation of DG penetration value. The total UGs operation per day is 191.59 minutes (i.e., 120 minutes of supply outage plus 71.59 minutes of restoration) and serves a total load of 1049.20 KVA. The capacity factor and DG penetration percentage value evaluates to 0.1163 and 2.792% respectively, and are well within the acceptable range [24]. VI. CONCLUSION The proposed approach is very pertinent in context to power decient countries where the daily scheduled or un-scheduled power cuts are a prevalent feature. Deferral in the commissioning of large power generating units is the major cause for this decit of power, and ESCOMs need to nd a means to rapidly fulll this shortfall. Restructuring and deregulation of the electric power market has lead to renewed interests by ESCOMs in the area of DG, and it appears to hold a possible solution for power deciency and also to alleviate CLPU problem. Therefore, it is proposed to install UGs in the network and operate them during the outage duration to conserve load



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Rohith Kumar H. C. is currently with ABB Global Industries and Services Limited, Bangalore, India. His current areas of research include power markets, power system operation and control, evolutionary computing, and articial-intelligence application to power system.

Indra Gupta received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from HBTI, Kanpur, India, in 1984, and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in power system engineering from the University of Roorkee, Roorkee, in 1986 and 1996, respectively. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. Her research areas of interest include power distribution system automation, demand-side management, and advance microprocessor architecture.

Vishal Kumar received the Ph.D. degree in power system engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (IITR), India, in 2007. Currently, he is a faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India. His research interests include power distribution system operation and protection, and digital design and verication.

H. O. Gupta (SM03) was born in Agra, India. He received the B.E. degee in electrical engineering from Government Engineering College, Jabalpur, India and the M.E. degree in system engineering and operation research and the Ph.D. degree in performance optimization of electronic circuits from the University of Roorkee, Roorkee, in 1975 and 1980, respectively. He visited McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, from 1981 to 1983 as a Postdoctorate Fellow. Currently, he is s a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, IITR. His research interests are in the area of computer-aided design, reliability engineering, power transformers, and power network optimization.

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