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Every emotion felt isn’t same.

Guilt can be the worst emotion to feel.To know that you feel
guilt could be the best reason for the forgiveness to seek,not
from others but from within your soul. Inner healings gives you
the peace no other act ever could.It is always validation that
humans seek and to get it from within is satisfying. Validation
is another word that keeps us awake at night. The validation to
look good,do good, feel good and spread good all the time.Too
much of anything can be tiring.It is the mystery and
uncertainity of life that keeps us alive.And yet here we are,
trying to plan every move.
Guilt, an emotion felt when one feels that they have done
something wrong.Such a small word,infinite emotions felt.
Someone out there is feeling guilty for something they didn’t
do,while someone out there has realized the mistake,but it cant
be undone now.That makes it even more painful because in this
spiral of life,we are constantly trying to be right and do right all
the time and forget that that is where it went wrong.
Guilt and regret when felt -r

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