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NSG 310 Topic 6 DQs

Explore the Patient Safety Network website. Which aspect of the website seems most useful to
you at the present time and why? Identify a product listed and explain how that product is useful.
How does the product promote interprofessional communication?

- Looking through the Patient Safety website, I found that it is very useful for us as student
nurses to know many of these things. The aspect of the website that I found to be most
useful to me right now would be the fundamentals portion. Considering that we are in
fundamentals of nursing and learning about the importance of patient safety, as well as
cultural safety, it is interesting to see that. The fundamentals aspect talks about various
definitions encompass the breadth of the field of patient safety. It has been characterized
as preventing patients from suffering damage as a result of care that is intended to help
them. It entails the prevention and mitigation of harm caused by healthcare errors of
omission or conduct, as well as the implementation of operational systems and processes
that reduce the chance of errors and increase the possibility of intercepting them when
they occur (Patient Safety 101, 2019). I like that this website gives the epidemiology of
preventable harm, and it talks about how healthcare providers could have easily
prevented many terrible outcomes. This website talks about how medical errors and
patient injury are frequently caused by communication breakdowns among healthcare
staff. When utilized on a regular basis, a technique to improve team communication can
help healthcare teams communicate information, evaluate their performance, proactively
identify safety risks, promote accountability, and guarantee that safety solutions are built
into the system (Patient safety 101, 2019).

- Patient Safety 101 | PSNet. (2019, September 8). Psn.Ahrq.

Reply 1

Hello Olivia,
I really enjoyed reading your reply about which aspect of the website seems most useful to you
at the present time and why, as well as identify a product listed and explain how that product is
useful. The patient safety network is a great source that gives a lot of good information about
patient safety and everything that goes along with it. The innovations Exchange highlights was
very insightful about new or revised goods, tools, services, processes, systems, policies,
organizational structures, or business models implemented to improve or enhance quality of care
and prevent harm. (Patient safety 101, 2019). Administering medications is a very important
aspect in patient safety because this really can kill a patient. Really good reply

- Patient Safety 101 | PSNet. (2019, September 8). Psn.Ahrq.

Reply 2
Hello Nicole,
Your reply about which aspect of the website seems most useful to you at the present time and
why, as well as identify a product listed and explain how that product is useful was very well
developed and put together. I really like the fundamentals aspect of this website just because this
is the basics of learning how to care for patients and keep them safe. There is so much
knowledge out there, and we will never have all of the answers, which is why it is critical to
build on the ideas of others and to strive to learn from them. I also really like how this website
allows doctors and nurses to talk about their experiences in the medical field whether it be good
or bad. Everyone comes together and talks about it. Very good reply.

- Patient Safety 101 | PSNet. (2019, September 8). Psn.Ahrq.
Reply 3
Hello Kylee,
I really enjoyed reading your reply about which aspect of the website seems most useful to you
at the present time and how you identified a product listed and explain how that product is
useful. While exploring the patient safety network website, I noticed that there was a lot of
interesting intel about how to properly care for your patients to ensure that they are safe. I also
liked how there are doctors and nurses giving their own intake on patient safety. It is like its own
community. I liked the project BOOST because the Patient Safe-D(ischarge) program employed
standardized methods to teach patients about their discharge needs, assess their comprehension,
and enhance medication reconciliation at admission and discharge (Project BOOST Increases
Patient Understanding of Treatment and Follow-up Care, 2021). Overall, very good reply

Project BOOST Increases Patient Understanding of Treatment and Follow-up Care | PSNet.

(2021, April 7). Psnet.Arhq.Gov.


DQ 2
How does a nurse-client relationship differ from a social one? Think about a time that you did
not communicate effectively to a friend due to problems in your relationship. How were you able
to resolve differences and communicate effectively thereafter? Or did you not resolve the issue?

It's critical to understand the distinctions between professional and social interactions, and nurses
are responsible for establishing appropriate boundaries in these settings. The five components of
the nurse-client connection are trust, respect, professional intimacy, empathy, and power, with
the client's requirements at the center of the professional relationship (The standard, 2020). Both
sides' needs are addressed in a social connection; only the patient's requirements are regarded in
a therapeutic relationship. A therapeutic relationship is established for the goal of friendship,
whereas a social relationship is established for the aim of understanding one member's feelings
and difficulties.
Living with your best friend can be difficult at times, especially when something goes wrong.
When living with your best friend and a communication error occurs, it can cause an awkward
situation. There was this one predicament where my roommate and I were very upset at one
another to where I didn’t even want to be home and when I was home, we wouldn’t say a single
word to one another. It was awkward and I hated it and I know they were uncomfortable with it
too. Then I came home one day because I was tired of not being able to be comfortable in my
own home, so I sat him down and told him we needed to resolve this before things get worse. He
was clearly thinking the same thing and was relieved when we talked. If we would’ve talked
earlier, the problem could’ve been resolved. Communication is key in ANY relationship no
matter if it is with a coworker, a patient, or even your best friend.

The standard (2020).

Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2020). Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication

Skills for Nurses. (8th ed.). Elsevier.

Reply 1
Hello Kiley,
I really enjoyed reading your reply about how a nurse-client relationship differs from a social
one, as well as a time that you did not communicate effectively to a friend due to problems in
your relationship. The nurse–patient connection is built on communication. The patient's needs
are at the center of communication in the nurse–patient relationship, which is known as patient-
centered care (Professional Boundaries for Therapeutic Relationships, 2014). I really enjoyed
reading your story about how not communicating with your best friend potentially made things
worse for you guys. It is easy to stay mad and be petty when it comes to fights with your friends,
especially your best friend, but in the end, it is not worth losing this relationship. Communicating
is an effective way to resolve these issues and ensuring that your friendship stays. Overall, very
good reply.

Professional Boundaries for Therapeutic Relationships. (2014).

Reply 2
Hello Nicole,
Your reply about how a nurse-client relationship differs from a social one, as well as a time that
you did not communicate effectively to a friend due to problems in your relationship was very
well written. Regardless of the amount of contact, the therapeutic relationship's core principles
remain the same: respect, authenticity, empathy, active listening, trust, and confidentiality. The
therapeutic relationship's goal is to help the patient, promote healing, and support or improve
functioning. A therapeutic connection varies from a social relationship in that it is oriented on the
patient's health and has well defined boundaries. Peplau described the nurse’s focused interest in
the patient as “professional closeness.” (College of nurses of Ontario, n.d.). Overall, very good

College of Nurses of Ontario. (n.d.). What are the key differences between professional and
social relationships?

Reply 3
Hello Esmeralda,
I really enjoyed reading your reply about how a nurse-client relationship differs from a social
one, as well as a time that you did not communicate effectively to a friend due to problems in
your relationship. The difference between mediocre and outstanding nursing care is
communication abilities. Throughout the range of health, disease, healing, and recovery, the
therapeutic relationship between the patient and the nurse is the foundation of nursing care
(Arnold & Boggs, 2020). There have been many times in my relationships where lack of
communication has caused fights, which led to us not talking for days. Having effective
communication in any relationship is honestly very important to understand. Overall, very good

Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2020). Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication

Skills for Nurses.(8thed.). Elsevier.

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