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Module 2
Communication in the Digital Age



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1|Page GEEd5: Purposive Communication

Shielo Jade Marasigan Baltazar

Unit 2: Communication in the Digital Age


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

1. Analyze and evaluate multimodal texts to critically enhance receptive (listening,

reading, viewing) skills; and
2. Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and or web-based presentations for different
target audiences in local and global settings using appropriate registers

Good day! Greetings in the Oneness of Heart of Jesus and Mary! Welcome to the Unit 2
of GEEd5 Purposive Communication. In the previous module, you learned why communication
is the heart of human relationships and why communication always has a purpose. Now, you will
understand the importance of communication especially that we are now in a digital world.

In this unit, Communication in the Digital Age, you will be equipped with adequate
knowledge and skills that will make you become more critical in dealing with multimodal texts.
This will help you acquire and use the skills, knowledge, dispositions, and attitudes of a critical,
productive, ethical, and responsible citizen in the digital world.


Multimodal texts are characterized by the combination of the five different modes of
communication: linguistic, visual, gestural, audio, and spatial.

o Linguistic – refers to the written or spoken words. Linguistic is probably the most widely
used mode because it can be both read and heard, on both paper and audio. The linguistic
mode is the best way to express details and lists.

o Visual – refers to the images and characters that people see. The visual mode is used in
order to instruct, persuade, entertain, represent feelings or etc. the visual mode also does a
good job of expressing details.

o Gestural – refers to the way movement is interpreted. The gestural mode works with
linguistic, visual, aural, and sometimes even spatial in order to create more detail and
convey it better to the consumer.

o Audio – refers on sound.

o Spatial – refers to the physical arrangement, organization, and proximity of the text.

2|Page GEEd5: Purposive Communication

Shielo Jade Marasigan Baltazar

✓ TASK #1

Listed are the elements or features that belong to the different modes. List down below the
elements that belong to a particular modes of communication.

hand gestures coherence ambient sounds facial expression

body language sound effects volume of sound layout and style

accent colors arrangement word choice

perspective tone organization of sentences music


1. coherence

2. word choice

3. accent

1. hand gestures

2. body language

3. facial expression


1. colors

2. layout and style

3. perspective

1. organization
of sentences AUDIO
2. arrangement 1. music

2. ambient sounds

3. tone

4. volume of sound

5. sound effects

3|Page GEEd5: Purposive Communication

Shielo Jade Marasigan Baltazar


Watch a TV commercial and answer the following questions below:

Guide questions:

1. What is the message?

Pantene pairs together with some of the toughest parents in the NFL to prove that
"girls who spend quality time with their dads grow up to be stronger women." This
advertisement offers a powerful message that empowering girls is a responsibility
shared by both men and women. What is the purpose of the message?

2. What did you feel while and after watching the commercial? Cite the scene/s that
elicited the feeling/s that you’ve mentioned.
I felt driven since I was reared in a large family and never realized that the reason I
grew up with strength and self-esteem was because of what they thought of me when
I was a child. My parents are the best teachers I've ever had.

3. Who is the target audience of the message?

Pantene intended to portray itself as a woman-empowering brand. Children are the
emphasis in this situation because they understand that growing self-esteem and
strength in girls begins at a young age.

4. What odes were used in presenting the message?

'Strong is Beautiful' Campaign: "Dad-Do" This is the commercial's statement that
drew my attention as well. Being a strong woman demonstrates how lovely you are,
regardless of ethnicity, color, or gender preference; what counts most is that you are a
woman with a strong, beautiful heart.
5. Do you think it effectively integrate the different modes in conveying its message?
Explain your answer.
Yes, the video visually depicts what "dad-doh" is by displaying a father and daughter.
The accents of the characters in the commercial were largely American and Scottish
in nature. Gestural, the father expresses his love for his daughter in the simplest way
possible, by doing her hair. Despite the fact that this is not something they usually do,
they did their best for their little princess. The organization of their lines in the
commercial is spatial. The audio is the sound of a commercial being lifted into a
motivating one.

4|Page GEEd5: Purposive Communication

Shielo Jade Marasigan Baltazar

✓ TASK #3

Find a viral post about social issue that concerns everyone regardless of social background
(e.g. data privacy). Complete the organizer below by following the instructions:

Describe the social issue discussed in the viral post. (Attach a screenshot of the viral post.)

In the post, find two or three comments of

If you were to post a comment of your non-Filipinos. Write their comments here
personal stand on the issue, what would it about the issue.
be? Write a brief paragraph here.

I viewed the video when it all started and I

didn't say it was the rallyist's responsibility,
but the police officers who drove were
equally to blame. They claim to be holding
a peaceful and well-organized rally, yet they
don't have a permit and have the audacity to
cause a riot. The rallyists encircled the
police car because he was the one who had
halted the rally after the squad in the back.
The rallyists attempted to flip the car and
shake it, but the policeman backed away
and ran through other people. The rallyists
made the mistake of retreating to avoid the
blockade and were stoned as a result. So,
what's the big deal? Do they intend to wreck
the police car? While, the driver's fault; he
should not be terrified and should not move
with the vehicle because many people will
be affected. Finally, be ready for battle
since it will undoubtedly strike you.

Compare and contrast your comment from the comments of non-Filipinos.

The video that was posted in this case was not the entire footage. It just shows the police
vehicle driving forward and backwards in relation to the rallyist. Yes, many people were
injured, but we can't really blame the driver of that vehicle, in my opinion. He was aroused by
the rallyists, and the cause for their rally makes no sense; they are simply there to defend
something they have no knowledge of. I understand that this may be upsetting, yet
uneducated people promote such nonsense. Before doing something that can cause you harm,
we should be polite in one thing. Let's not stare at the cover; instead, let's open the page and
see what it's all about.

5|Page GEEd5: Purposive Communication

Shielo Jade Marasigan Baltazar


As someone who consumes information on a daily basis, what challenges do you

usually encounter? What do you do to overcome these challenges?
I used to have this problem where I would get frustrated every time, I opened up my
phone to read my Facebook news feed. Everyone needs news to keep us current and
informed about what is going on in the world, but as an adult who is already tired of
poison in my life, I will be reading awful news, and I can't tell you how many mental
health issues it has caused me. I deactivated all of my social media accounts and focused
solely on what was in front of me. Because I can't take any more unpleasant feelings in
my life. I may not be aware of what is truly current, but I am aware of what I have missed
out on because I have been too preoccupied with keeping myself current.Life lesson in
this kind of challenge, never be too attached.


Why do you need to be culturally sensitive and aware?

Embracing cultural sensitivity and awareness allows us to better appreciate how cultural variations
can affect and influence people's personalities, perceptions, and relationships with others. This will
aid in the prevention of cultural issues in our society.

6|Page GEEd5: Purposive Communication

Shielo Jade Marasigan Baltazar

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