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Purposive Communication


Communication in the Global World



1|Page GEEd5: Purposive Communication

Shielo Jade Marasigan Baltazar

First, what is communication? And why do you think it is the heart of human
relationships. Write your answers in the box.

Human relationships are based on communication. Strong, healthy relationships

require the ability to accurately communicate messages to others while also listening with
the aim to understand. The importance of self-disclosure and trust are both included in

Guide questions:

1. What went wrong in the communication of the family members?

2. What could have worked better in their communication?
3. How important is communication?

The advertisements instruct us on how to have a proper meal with our family and
how to converse properly before the meal. Why does having a nice chat with your family
make you a better person? because you can open up to your family about your thoughts and
feelings without dread. The beginning of trust is always with one's family, and it is then
shared with others.


1. Write TRUE if the statement expresses truth about the countries’ distinct practices,
then write FALSE if not.

On Body Language

___TRUE___1. When greeting, people from India hold their hands together in front of their chins
in a prayer-like position.

___ TRUE___2. When greeting, most Latinos expect body contact. Hugging and kissing on the
cheek are acceptable or both the same sex and the opposite sex.

___ TRUE ___3. When greeting, most Middle Easterners, especially Muslims, avoid body contact
with the opposite sex, but men may embrace and kiss one another.

___ TRUE ___4. When greeting, most Armenians, expect some body contact. Women kiss once
on each cheek and hug; men shake hands.

___ TRUE ___5. When greeting Orthodox Jews, avoid body contact with the opposite sex.

On Verbal Expressions

___ TRUE ___1. Avoid wishing “Happy Birthday” or “Merry Christmas” to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

___ TRUE ___2. After receiving praise, many Asians feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. They
may even consider praise as a form of subtle criticism.

___ TRUE ___3. Some Asian cultures consider it rude to say no and will go to extremes to avoid
doing so.

___ TRUE ___4. Open criticism should be avoided when dealing with Asian employees, as this
may lead to loss of face.

___FALSE___5. Do not assume a married woman has her husband’s last name.

2|Page GEEd5: Purposive Communication

Shielo Jade Marasigan Baltazar


Choose one from the language registers above then write a short text that corresponds to your
chosen language register.
Do the dishes right now! – Intimate register


Explain the phrase, “Communication is the key”.

Effective communication, as in many aspects of personal and professional life, is a

critical component of success. Effective communication can help you improve your
interpersonal relationships. Better production results from communicating your message
and integrating them as a team member rather than a subordinate. You may clearly
outline work tasks and expectations by communicating properly. The better you
communicate, the less likely you are to have personnel turnover in your organization.
Effective communication is the most critical aspect in professional progress and retention,
according to supervisors and leaders. Senior leaders and human resources managers are
emphasizing the importance of communication and providing more training to mid-level
managers. The importance of clear communication is emphasized through robust
transmission. The ability to express and understand a message from one person to another
is referred to as successful communication. The meaning of communication must be clearly
grasped for it to be effective. Speaking, reading, listening, and thinking skills all have a role
in an individual's communicative success. Verbal and nonverbal communication, as well as
one-way and two-way communication, are all forms of communication.


Why should you as an individual respect and value people who are different from you?

Well, I have a friend. We have different religions, and we all know people from
different religions have different faith and different virtues in life. But then she’s still my
friend. When we are together, we don’t talk about our religions because I know we will
clash and I think she thinks the same thing. But one day she told me that “We are different
but I really like you as a friend”. I just smiled, but yeah deep inside me, screaming that
“yeah girl we are different, we are different because you are a believer of ….” something
like that. I do not respect her values but I respect her as being a good friend, and I respect
her right to have her values, as I hope she does with me. So, for me respect and value
should not always be designate to an individual, that always depends on the situation.

3|Page GEEd5: Purposive Communication

Shielo Jade Marasigan Baltazar

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