M.B.A. (Semester-I) Examination, 2021-22: Management Studies

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M.B.A. (Semester-I) Examination, 2021-22

Management Studies
Paper : MB-118
(Business Communication)
Time : 4.30 Hours Full Marks : 70

Instructions :

1. The Question paper contains 08 questions out of which you are required to
answer any 04 questions. The question paper is of 70 marks with each question
carrying 17.5 marks.

2. The total duration of the examination will be 4.30 hours (Four hours and
thirty minutes), which includes the time for downloading the question paper
from the Portal, writing the answers by hand and uploading the hand-written
answer sheets on the portal.

3. For the students with benchmark disability as per Persons with Disability
Act, the total duration of examination shall be 6 hours (six hours) to complete
the examination process, which includes the time for downloading the question
paper from the Portal, writing the answers by hand and uploading the
hand-written answer sheets on the portal.

4. Answer should be hand-written on a plain white A4 size paper using Black

or Blue pen. Each question can be answered in upto 350 words on 3 (Three)
plain A4 size paper (only one side is to be used).

5. Answer to each question should start from a fresh page. All pages are required
to be numbered. You should write your Course Name, Semester, Examination
Roll Number, Paper Code, Paper title, Date and Time of Examination on the
first sheet used for answers.

Questions :

Q.1. "Communication is considered to be the most important and most effective

ingredient of the management process". Give reasons and examples to
support your belief.

Q.2. What do you mean by the phrase "through proper channel" ? Compare the
strength and weaknesses of the print and electronic media with the help
of suitable examples.

Q.3. Read the following blog posting, then analyze whether the message is
effective or ineffective and revise the message if necessary.
It has come to my attention that many of you are lying on your time
cards. If you come in late, you should not put 8.00 on your card. If you take
a long lunch. you should not put 1.00 on your time card. I will not stand for
this type of cheating. I simply have no choice but to institute an employee
monitoring system. Beginning next Monday, video cameras will be installed
at all entrances to the building and your entry and exit times will be
logged each time you are you use electronic key cards to enter or leave.

It is too bad that a few bad apples always have to spoil things for everyone.

Q.4. “The major mistake in communication is to believe that it happens." Discuss.

Q.5. Draft a complaint letter stating that you have a problem with goods sought
from the XYZ shop under following heads :

(i) When you purchase the goods

(ii) When the problem occurred
(iii)What action you have already taken to fix the problem ?
(iv) What will you do if you and seller cannot resolve the problem ?

Q.6. "We don't see reality. We interpret what we see and call it reality." Discuss.

Q.7. "Interview refers to a formal, in-depth conversation between two or more

persons, wherein the exchange of information takes place." Comment and
differentiate between Structured Interview and Stress Interview.

Q.8. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Listening skills

(b) Report writing
(c) Basic rules of Business Etiquette
(d) Tools of Communication


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