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Nama:Irfan Qadhafi


Page 1

Do you recognize global problem in these pictures? Write the name of each situation.

1. melting of ice at the north and south poles

2. air pollution from factories
3. Poverty and Population Density
4. Forest fires
5. increasing temperature due to depletion of ozone layer
6. a pile of rubbish that is difficult to decompose

Page 2

Which world problem do you think is serious? Why?

We produce more than 300,000,000 tons of plastic every year.

Because plastic can damage the earth because plastic is a difficult material to decompose so we must
reduce the use of plastic waste

Listen to the audio ( and decide

whether the statements below are true or false.









Listen again and match the chunks of the phrases below.

1. rare and i. undercooked meat

2. making bugs stronger and d. more resistant
3. dangerous to f. people's health
4. reduce the amount b. of antibiotics
5. life-saving medicines h. still work effectively
6. researchers are calling a. for strict targets
7. in animals, rather j. than humans
8. the public could get ill e. from superbugs
9. make sure they cook c. meat properly
10. be aware of where c. meat properly

Page 5

What did you find in the reading?

Fact : But microbiologists B. Brett Findlay and Marie-Claire Arrieta make that case with an unusually
convincing display of evidence — as well as historical anecdotes and a parent-friendly sense of humor —
in their new book, “Let Them Eat Dirt: Saving Your Child from an Oversanitized World.”

Definition: They lay out the 19thcentury discoveries that identified microbes — germs! — as dangerous
carriers of diseases, and the discoveries of the past two decades that have shown us how vital microbes
are to our very existence. Then they translate that evidence into accessible, understandable advice.

Value: This is followed by an entertaining recitation of what babies eat in other countries, concluding,
“The next time your child refuses to eat something you offer, remind her that she should be thankful
she’s not in Tibet, where babies eat barley flour mixed with yak butter tea!”

Cause and effect :

Cause: Our society’s penchant for hypercleanliness is actually making our children less healthy and more
prone to allergies.

Effect: A recent Swedish study found that babies whose parents clean the pacifier by sucking on it get
fewer allergies than those whose parents rinse the pacifier in tap water. On the other hand, the pacifier-
sucking parent may pass on cavity -inducing microbes. The takeaway: Life is complicated.

Policy: They explain about avoiding the unnecessary use of antibiotics, and they advocate exposing your
children to the great, messy outdoors. Their guide to transitioning babies to solid foods warns: “Don’t
delay the introduction of allergenic foods. Offer peanuts, soy, shellfish, etc. . . . between four and seven
months of age.
Page 8


a. People who changed their lifestyle from working in an office to work from home demonstrate more
productive results.

b. the beginning of the start of work from this house because of the ever-increasing outbreak of corona

c. we must do work from this house in order to reduce the spread of this virus

d. we have to do this work form home because to reduce the spread of this corona


Paragraph 1

1.main idea about work form home

2.supporting detail about work form home

Paragraph 2

1.main idea

2.supporting detail about defend like the advantages ofwork form home

Paragraph 3

1.main idea

2. supportig detail about work form home


1.restate the point of the text

2. the main point of the text that was made conclusion about the topic

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