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Xenotransplantation 2016: 23: 179–201 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

doi: 10.1111/xen.12240 Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Review Article

Contribution of polymeric materials to

progress in xenotransplantation of
microencapsulated cells: a review
Mahou R, Passemard S, Carvello M, Petrelli A, Noverraz F, Gerber- Redouan Mahou,1,2,3 Solene
Lemaire S, Wandrey C. Contribution of polymeric materials to Passemard,1,2 Michele Carvello,4
progress in xenotransplantation of microencapsulated cells: a review. Alessandra Petrelli,4 Francßois
Xenotransplantation 2016: 23: 179–201. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Noverraz,1,2 Sandrine Gerber-
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Lemaire1,2 and Christine Wandrey1,2
Interfaculty Institute of Bioengineering, Ecole
Abstract: Cell microencapsulation and subsequent transplantation of
Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
the microencapsulated cells require multidisciplinary approaches. Physi- 2
Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering,
cal, chemical, biological, engineering, and medical expertise has to be Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,
combined. Several natural and synthetic polymeric materials and differ- Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Institute for Biomaterials
ent technologies have been reported for the preparation of hydrogels, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto,
which are suitable to protect cells by microencapsulation. However, Toronto, ON, Canada, 4Department of Surgery, San
owing to the frequent lack of adequate characterization of the hydrogels Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
and their components as well as incomplete description of the technol-
ogy, many results of in vitro and in vivo studies appear contradictory or Key words: biocompatibility – cell
cannot reliably be reproduced. This review addresses the state of the art microencapsulation – hydrogels – mechanical
in cell microencapsulation with special focus on microencapsulated cells resistance – permeability – xenotransplantation
intended for xenotransplantation cell therapies. The choice of materials, Abbreviations: Alg-CS, alginate–cellulose sulfate;
the design and fabrication of the microspheres, as well as the conditions APA, alginate–poly(L-lysine)–alginate capsules;
to be met during the cell microencapsulation process, are summarized Ca-alg, calcium alginate; cryo-SEM, cryo-scanning
and discussed prior to presenting research results of in vitro and in vivo electron microscopy; DDA, degree of deacetylation;
studies. Overall, this review will serve to sensitize medically educated ECM, extracellular matrix; FGF-1, heparin-binding
specialists for materials and technological aspects of cell microencapsu- growth factor 1; G, a-L-guluronic acid; HPC,
lation. hydroxypropyl cellulose; IL, interleukin; ISEC, inverse
size-exclusion chromatography; LCST, lower critical
solution temperature; M, D-mannuronic acid;
MWCO, molecular weight cut-off; Na-alg, sodium
alginate; NICCs, neonatal pig islet-like cell clusters;
PEG, poly(ethylene glycol); PLL, poly(L-lysine); PLO,
poly(L-ornithine); PMCG, poly(methylene-co-guani-
dine); PNIPAA, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide); PNVIBA,
poly(N-vinylisobutyramide); RGD, arginylglycylaspar-
tic acid; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; UCST, upper
critical solution temperature; VEGF, vascular
endothelial growth factor
Address reprint requests to Sandrine
Gerber-Lemaire, Institute of Chemical Sciences and
Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de
Lausanne, EPFL SB ISIC, Batochime, CH-1015
Lausanne, Switzerland

Received 29 February 2016;

Accepted 9 May 2016

Drug Administration (FDA) defines cell-based

therapy as “the prevention, treatment, cure or miti-
Cell-based therapy is an attractive approach to gation of diseases or injuries in humans by the
treat several end-stage diseases. The Food and administration of autologous, allogeneic or

Mahou et al.

xenogeneic cells that have been manipulated or Microencapsulation also includes the entrapment
altered ex vivo” [1]. While the whole-organ trans- of biologically active substances such as cells, tis-
plantation is limited by the shortage of donors and sue, enzymes, bacteria, or DNA. For such applica-
the need of major surgery, cell-based therapy could tions, the term bioencapsulation is frequently used.
overcome both obstacles. Indeed, xenotransplanta- An ambitious challenge in bioencapsulation is cell
tion will offer an inexhaustible source of cells, and microencapsulation, which denotes the entrapment
these cells could be delivered near the target site of cells while maintaining their viability and meta-
using non-invasive procedures. bolic functionality (Fig. 1).
In spite of the enormous potential of such Cell immobilization in polymer-based hydrogels
approach, progress in the field of cell-based ther- was first proposed in 1933 by Bisceglie [4],
apy has been hampered for several reasons, in par- who demonstrated that insulin-producing cells
ticular due to issues of maintaining cell viability remained viable and metabolically active after
and of the identification of “non-self” cells by the immobilization. Three decades later, Chang pro-
immune system causing transplant rejection. posed the use of semipermeable membranes as
Although better patient and transplant survival immune-isolating devices and introduced the term
rates are achievable by the administration of “artificial cells” to define the concept of cell
immunosuppressive treatment, major challenges microencapsulation [5]. As shown in Fig. 1, cell
such as adverse effects associated with these drugs microencapsulation offers protection against
and the risks of long-term immunosuppression are mechanical stress or deteriorating environmental
still to be overcome. effects. The surrounding hydrogel allows for bidi-
The immobilization of cells within a hydrogel rectional diffusion of molecules essential for cell
material has been identified as efficient strategy to metabolism such as oxygen and nutrients, and the
provide mechanical and immune protection to the release of metabolic products. Simultaneously, the
cells, and to maintain their viability and metabolic passage of immune cells and antibodies is
functionality for subsequent therapeutic applica- restricted, giving rise to an immunoprotection for
tions [2,3]. Successful applications undoubtedly the encapsulated cells. Therapies relying on
require a multidisciplinary input from materials sci- microencapsulated cells could therefore result in
entists, chemists, biologists, engineers, and surgeons. the reduction or even avoidance of the administra-
The focus of the present review will be on cell tion of immunosuppressive drugs on the one hand
microencapsulation, even though the immobiliza- and, on the other hand, permit the transplantation
tion and protection of cells is achievable also by of non-human cells, which is a promising alterna-
other techniques such as immobilization in films, tive considering the limited availability of donor
extravascular chambers, or hollow fibers. This organs [6,7]. The therapeutic potential of the trans-
review provides an overview of suitable materials plantation of microencapsulated cells has been
under study for cell microencapsulation and dis- reported for the treatment of a variety of diseases,
cusses the special features of the technologies including liver failure [8–10], renal failure [11–13],
applied so far. The paper is mainly addressed to cancer [14], and diabetes mellitus [15–18].
medically educated readers working on developing
therapies that rely on hydrogels. The selection of
Hydrogels for cell microencapsulation
suitable material, the design and preparation of
spherical hydrogels, as well as the main require- Since the pioneering work of Wichterle on cross-
ments to be fulfilled during the cell immobilization linked poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) [19],
process are summarized and discussed. Recent tri-
als toward transplantation of xenogeneic microen-
capsulated cells in order to treat congenital or
acquired hormone/enzyme deficiencies as well as
degenerative/inflammatory diseases complete this

Cell microencapsulation
Microencapsulation denotes the physical entrap-
ment of a gas, liquid, or solid within a surrounding
material with dimensions in the micrometer range.
It has gained interest in domains such as agricul-
ture, food, cosmetics, construction, and analytics. Fig. 1. Schematic representation of cell microencapsulation.

Polymeric materials for xenotransplantation

hydrogels have been of great interest to biomate- obtainable in a one-step process while avoiding the
rial scientists [20–24]. Hydrogels consist of a three- use of cross-linking agents. Only physical hydro-
dimensional network of natural [25] or synthetic gels obtained via ionic bonding or induced by tem-
[26] polymer chains. Due to their high water con- perature change are discussed herein.
tent, hydrogels have been recognized to meet the
requirements for bioencapsulation [27–30]. The Physical hydrogels by ionic bonding
cross-linking mechanism determines their classifi- The principle of preparing physical hydrogels via
cation as physical or chemical hydrogels. Hydro- ionic bonding is schematically represented in
gels are called “physical” or “reversible” if the Fig. 2. First, when a polyelectrolyte (polymer bear-
networks are held together by physical forces only. ing many positive or negative charges) interacts
Chemical hydrogels, also referred to as “perma- with multivalent ions of the opposite charge, it
nent,” are obtained when polymers having reactive may form a physical hydrogel known as “ionotro-
groups link together via covalent bonds. Hydrogels pic” hydrogel. Second, when polyelectrolytes of
used for cell microencapsulation are hereinafter opposite charges are mixed, they may gel depend-
designated as microspheres, which is a generic ing on their polymer backbone constitution, con-
name that refers to the size and shape of the mate- centrations, the ionic strength, as well as the pH of
rials. According to other classifications of micro- the solution. The products of such polyanion/poly-
spheres, which take into account the physical cation interactions are known as complex coacer-
structure of the hydrogel, microspheres are called vates, polyelectrolyte complexes, or simplexes. A
microbeads if the hydrogel is radially homoge- polyanion was selected in Fig. 2 as example to
neous. Contrary, the term microcapsule is used if demonstrate the principle. The complexation of
the microsphere is radially heterogeneous, for polycations is achievable similarly.
example, if a microbead was additionally coated A description of polymers that have been
with other polymers or if hydrogel surrounds a liq- explored in terms of their ability to form physical
uid core. hydrogels via ionic bonding is presented below.

Sodium alginate
Physical hydrogels
The designation sodium alginate (Na-alg) does not
Physically cross-linked hydrogels possess physical refer to a unique polymer structure but to a variety
junction domains associated with chain entangle- of polymers, which are composed of the same two
ments, ionic or hydrogen bonding, and hydropho- monomeric units, b-D-mannuronic acid (M) and
bic interactions [31–36]. The interest in these a-L-guluronic acid (G), but arranged in different
physical hydrogels is obvious since they are easily linear sequences [37, 38]. As shown in Fig. 3, the

Fig. 2. Principles to form physical

hydrogels by ionic bonding.

Fig. 3. Na-alg consists of a-L-guluronic

and b-D-mannuronic acid residues.

Mahou et al.

Fig. 4. The properties of alg-based

hydrogels depend on the nature of the
applied Na-alg, (solid line) confirmed
influence, (dotted line) controversially

monomeric units can be arranged as blocks of dif- The molar mass of the Na-alg and the concen-
ferent lengths or randomly alternated in the poly- tration of its solution are further important param-
mer chains. Due to the advantageous gelling eters. Na-alg is available with molar mass in the
properties in contact with divalent cations, the Na- range of 50 to 3000 kg/mol [48, 49]. The viscosity
alg family is the most frequently used polymeric of a Na-alg solution increases with both the molar
material for cell microencapsulation. However, the mass and the concentration of Na-alg. Therefore, a
properties of alg-based hydrogels are very sensitive compromise between the molar mass of Na-alg
to the nature of the Na-alg and the preparation and its concentration is needed to adapt the viscos-
conditions. Consequently, the knowledge of the ity of the solution to a specific application in terms
molecular and macromolecular characteristics of of cell type and technology. A selection of applica-
Na-alg is crucial for the production of defined tions of Na-alg-based physical hydrogels is listed
hydrogels. Fig. 4 summarizes characteristics of in Table 1.
Na-alg that influence the properties of alg-based In spite of favorable properties, alg-based physi-
hydrogels. cal hydrogels suffer from drawbacks such as lim-
The chemical composition of Na-alg has an ited mechanical stability, insufficient durability,
impact on the stability and permeability of the alg- and too high permeability. They are dissolved
based hydrogels [38–40], attributed to ionic bond- when chelators such as phosphate, lactate, citrate,
ing between G units and divalent cations, referred and non-gelling cations are present above a certain
to as the egg-box model [41]. The importance of concentration [62]. To overcome such problems,
the G units is highlighted by the fact that the
strength of alg-based hydrogels is directly related Table 1. Selected alg-based physical hydrogels applied for cell
to the total content of G units and the average microencapsulation
length of the G blocks in Na-alg [42]. Furthermore,
it has been demonstrated that calcium alginate ions Cell type Target Reference
beads (Ca-alg) prepared from Na-alg with high G
2+ a
content are more permeable and exhibit less water Ca BMSC Treatment of stress urinary [50]
uptake compared to Ca-alg prepared from Na-alg Hepatocytes Development of bio-artificial liver [51]
with high M content [43]. The composition–bio- Pig islets Impact of implantation sites on the [52]
compatibility relationship, however, is still a mat- biocompatibility
ter of controversy. Some studies reported that Na- ADSCb Study of angiogenic and osteogenic [53,54]
potential of ADSC
alg with a high content of M evokes an inflamma- CSPc Therapeutic approach for cartilage [55]
tory response by stimulating monocytes to produce regeneration
cytokines such as interleukin IL-1, IL-6, and TNF Ba 2+
Rat islets Study of islet function in vitro and [56]
[44]. Moreover, antibodies were found when high- in vivo
Neuroblastoma Cryopreservation of neurospheres by [57]
M alg-based hydrogels were transplanted, but not encapsulation
in the case of high-G alg materials [45]. In contrast, WJMSCd Optimized microencapsulation of MSC [58]
other studies claim high-G alg-based hydrogels to by vibrational nozzle
Ba2+/ Human islets Viability and function after [59,60]
be associated with more severe cell overgrowth
Ca2+ transplantation into diabetic mice.
[46]. In addition to the composition, the purity of ARPE-19e In vitro study of encapsulated human [61]
the Na-alg cannot be neglected [47]. There is a con- retinal pigment epithelial cells
sensus that in vitro and in vivo studies have to be a
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells; badipose-derived stem cells; chuman mes-
conducted using highly purified Na-alg, free of enchymal progenitor cells from the subchondral bone marrow; dWharton’s jelly
endotoxin, proteins, and polyphenols. mesenchymal stem cells; ehuman retinal pigment epithelial cells.

Polymeric materials for xenotransplantation

subsequent coating of the initially formed hydro-

gels with polycations to form a polyanion–polyca-
tion complex has been proposed. Poly(L-lysine)
(PLL), poly(L-ornithine) (PLO), and chitosan are
the main polycations that have been suggested for
the coating of alg-based hydrogels. A final layer of
Na-alg is needed to neutralize the excess of positive
charges, to turn the surface charge into negative,
and thus to avoid biocompatibility problems
caused primarily by attachment of proteins to a
surface with positive charges.

Poly(L-lysine) and poly(L-ornithine)

Since the first transplantation of islets of Langer-
hans microencapsulated in alg-based hydrogel
coated with PLL was published [63], the applica-
tion of PLL as coating material for alg-based
Fig. 5. Chemical structure of poly(L-lysine) hydrochloride and
hydrogels has been widely reported. Typically, the poly(L-ornithine) hydrochloride.
alginate–poly(L-lysine)–alginate (APA) microcap-
sule comprises three main components: a core of
Ca-alg surrounded by an alginate–PLL complex hydrophilicity, improved mechanical properties,
and an outer coating of Na-alg. The coating rein- and superior resistance to swelling and damage
forces the mechanical resistance of Ca-alg and under osmotic stress [87,88]. In terms of biocom-
allows for controlling the permeability. The sur- patibility, however, the suitability of using PLO
rounding polyanion–polycation complex reduces instead of PLL is still controversial. Likewise PLL,
the osmotic swelling and thus stabilizes the micro- the immunological response to PLO containing
capsule size. Numerous studies using APA to microcapsules was reduced by PEGylation of the
encapsulate cells have been reported [64–70]. outer layer [89]. While some studies claim that
Despite improvement of the physical properties promising results are obtained when replacing PLL
of alg hydrogels upon coating with PLL, the by PLO [90–92], others suggest that PLL remains
immunological response upon transplantation of the best option [93,94].
APA remains a major challenge. A multitude of
studies have demonstrated that Ca-alg is better tol- Chitosan
erated in vivo than polycation-coated microcap- Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide consisting of
sules [71–73]. The proposed mechanism involves randomly distributed b(1?4) linked D-glucosa-
the adhesion of proteins to the surface of the mine and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine units, as illus-
hydrogel when this latter is exposed to blood, trated in Fig. 6. The cationic properties of
plasma, or peritoneal fluid. This adhesion initiates chitosan depend on the degree of deacetylation
the reactive protein cascades and serves as cellular (DDA), which is the fraction of glucosamine
anchor [74–78]. To overcome these biocompatibil- units. The molar mass depends on the source
ity issues, different methods have been proposed to and isolation procedure, and it can reach values
reduce the protein adsorption to the surface of up to 500 kg/mol. Lower molar masses and oli-
APA. For instance, grafting biocompatible poly gomers are obtained by chain degradation [95].
(ethylene glycol) (PEG) pendent chains [79–81], Chitosan is a non-permanently charged cationic
optimizing the APA composition [46] and size [82], polyelectrolyte. Its charge density and solubility
or using epimerized Na-alg [83] was reported. strongly depend on the DDA and pH. With a
Other efforts were directed toward exploring the pKa value of approximately 6.5, chitosan is posi-
suitability of other polycations as coating materi- tively charged and soluble in acidic to neutral
als. It has been suggested that using PLO has media, only if the DDA exceeds 60%. Excep-
advantages compared to the use of PLL [84–86]. tions are oligomers.
PLO is more hydrophilic than PLL due to the dif- Similarly to PLL and PLO, chitosan has been
ference in the chemical structure, as shown in applied to coat Ca-alg or Ba-alg [96]. However,
Fig. 5. PLO binds more efficiently to the surface of microspheres with a Ca-alg core covered by an
Ca-alg, which in turn has a positive impact on the alginate–chitosan complex membrane can also be
physical properties of the microspheres. Micro- made in a one-stage process by dropping Na-alg
spheres coated with PLO exhibited higher into an aqueous solution containing chitosan and

Mahou et al.

Fig. 6. The chemical structure of chitosan.

calcium ions [97]. The opposite process, dropping the ratio of Na-alg/CS in the polyanion blend and
chitosan and Ca2+ solutions into Na-alg yields the chemical composition [43,116,117]. A subse-
microspheres with a chitosan core and a chitosan– quent coating with lower molar mass Na-alg
alginate membrane [98]. The stability, permeabil- allowed adjusting the permeability over a wide
ity, and biocompatibility of alg–chitosan micro- range, suitable for cell microencapsulation and
capsules were intensely studied [99–105]. Several immunoprotection, without compromising the
cell types were successfully encapsulated in alg–chi- durability of the microspheres. A number of stud-
tosan microspheres including islets of Langerhans ies using alg-CS/PMCG microcapsules were pub-
[106,107], hepatocytes [108–113], and mesenchymal lished [118–123]. However, the in vivo
stem cells [114,115]. biocompatibility remains a major issue. Indeed,
when a human whole blood model was used to
Sodium cellulose sulfate and poly(methylene-co-guani- assess the inflammatory properties of alg-CS/
dine) PMCG microspheres, they have triggered comple-
Alginate–cellulose sulfate–poly(methylene-co-gua- ment and leukocyte activation over time, although
nidine) microcapsules (alg-CS/PMCG) are pre- they were still less activating than PLL-containing
pared by a two-step process (Fig. 7). First, a microcapsules [71].
polyanion blend of Na-alg and CS is gelled in the
presence of calcium ions. Second, a membrane is Physical hydrogel by temperature response
formed via the addition of PMCG. It was demon- The preparation of temperature-responding
strated that both mechanical resistance and perme- hydrogels is emerging as a promising tool for
ability of alg-CS/PMCG are tunable by changing various biomedical applications [124], including
cell microencapsulation. Such hydrogels are
obtained from polymers that respond to tempera-
ture change and undergo a solgel transition
[125,126]. Derivatives of methylcellulose [127],
chitosan [128], hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC)
[129], poly(N-vinylisobutyramide) (PNVIBA)
[130], and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNI-
PAAm) [131–134] have been reported to exhibit
gelation upon temperature change. The latter is a
very attractive temperature-responsive polymer
since it exhibits a sharp solgel transition in water
at 34.3 °C. Thus, injecting a polymer solution
prepared at room temperature (rt) can lead
in situ to the formation of hydrogels at 37 °C.
Moreover, the formation of hydrogels from PNI-
PAAm is tunable by changing the preparation
conditions [135–137].

Chemical hydrogels
Fig. 7. The chemical structures of sodium cellulose sulfate
(CS) and poly(methylene-co-guanidine) hydrochloride Chemical hydrogels are mostly applied in cell
(PMCG). microencapsulation when high mechanical

Polymeric materials for xenotransplantation

resistance and long-term durability are required. precursor solution are crucial to maintain cell via-
For this purpose, several combinations of poly- bility and cell–cell adhesion during the encapsula-
mers and preparation conditions have been tested tion process. Mixing cells with highly viscous
in regard to their suitability to encapsulate cells solutions can lead to a significant decrease in cell
within chemical hydrogels. However, only a lim- viability [157].
ited number of combinations have been identified
for this purpose. Table 2 lists some examples that
Hybrid hydrogels
have been used to immobilize cells. Numerous cri-
teria must be considered when designing a chemi- Novel hydrogel types that combine physical and
cal hydrogel for cell microencapsulation. The chemical cross-linking are being emerging as ade-
process of hydrogel formation must not negatively quate candidates for cell microencapsulation. The
influence cell integrity and viability and should not physical interactions allow for fast gelation and
involve harsh conditions, toxic solvents, and reac- spherical shape formation, while biocompatible
tants [156]. Because cells are suspended in a liquid covalent cross-linking ensures the reinforcement of
precursor solution prior to the encapsulation pro- the hydrogel networks, along with tunable perme-
cess, the choice of precursors is limited to water- ability and gel stiffness.
soluble components. The aqueous solution must be For the preparation of APA microspheres with
buffered with appropriate osmolality to prevent covalent cross-linking between adjacent layers,
cell lysis. The rheological properties of the PLL was equipped with phenyl azide residues that
create covalent bonds with Ca-alg when irradiated
with UVA [158]. The photoinitiated cross-linking
Table 2. Examples of chemical hydrogels applied for cell immobiliza- was shown to be cell compatible and yielded stable
tion microspheres up to 3 yr in alkaline buffer (pH 12),
whereas standard APA disappeared within 1 min.
Material Preparation Cell Reference
Another strategy reported the replacement of the
Alginate Click reaction with tetrazine– EGFP- [138] final alginate layer of APA capsules by poly
norbornene modified hydrogel (no expressing (methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic anhydride) (PMM)
ionic cross-linkings) 3T3
and poly(vinyl dimethyl azlactone-co-methacrylic
PEG Thiol-ene reaction of PEG diacrylate Fibroblasts; [139,140] acid) (PMV) to form stable covalent amide bonds
with thiolated gelatin keratinocytes with PLL, neutralizing the polycation layer [159].
Maleimide, acrylate, and vinyl sulfone- C2C12 [141] Further, the involvement of methacrylate poly-
modified PEG cross-linked with myoblast
peptides mers into physical microspheres, and subsequent
Photopolymerization of fibrinogen-g- BMSC [142] covalent cross-linking, was reported [160,161]. It
PEG-acryloyl and PEG diacrylate was demonstrated that either cross-linked shells or
Photopolymerization of PEG diacrylate Huh-7.5 [143]
cross-linked cores are obtainable by adjusting the
Chitosan Photopolymerization of chitosan grafted Chondrocytes [144]
with lactic acid and methacrylate molar mass of the cross-linker. Approaches based
Chemically cross-linked chitosan [145] on chemical cross-linking through complementary
hydrogel loaded with gelatin reactive groups attached to two oppositely charged
N-succinyl-chitosan gelation with [146]
aldehyde hyaluronic acid
polyelectrolytes were also investigated [162,163].
Dextran Photopolymerization of dextran with Osteoblast– [147] Similarly, microbeads were prepared by ionotropic
benzophenone endothelial gelation of a combination of Ca-alg and sericin as
cell inner core followed by coating with chitosan and
Gelation of methacrylate and lysine Smooth [148]
functionalized dextran muscle cells
further cross-linking with genipin [164,165]. This
Photopolymerization of dextran acrylate Embryonic [149] combination effectively reduced swelling and phys-
stem cells ical disintegration of the microspheres induced by
HA HA cross-linked via disulfide bond Fibroblasts, [150] non-gelling ions and calcium chelating agents.
formation reaction stem cells
Methacrylated HA cross-linked by UV MSC [151]
Higher resistance to mechanical shear force and
exposure improved durability against enzymatic degradation
Peroxidase catalyzed oxidation of Chondrocytes [152] were achieved. The entrapment of vinyl sulfone
tyramine-substituted HA terminated PEG in Ca-alg and subsequent
Conjugate addition of thiol-modified HA Adipocyte [153]
onto PEG diacrylate stem cells Michael-type cross-linking has been reported. The
PVA UV photopolymerization L929 fibroblast [154] mechanical properties of such hybrid microspheres
Click hydrogels formed by hydrazone [155] were adjustable and suitable for cell microencapsu-
lation [166–168].
PEG: Poly(ethylene glycol); HA: hyaluronic acid; PVA: poly(vinyl alcohol); MSC: mes- Rather than using hydrogels obtained from
enchymal stem cell. oppositely charged polyelectrolytes bearing

Mahou et al.

complementary reactive groups for chemical cross- chemokine CXCL12 [186], or the drug dexam-
linking, one-component hybrid hydrogels are also ethasone [187] reduced the inflammatory response
being developed and tested for cell microencapsu- and thus prolonged the graft survival. Also, anti-
lation. A one-component system denotes hybrid cytokine agents [188,189] were covalently
hydrogels prepared from polymers able to form attached on the hydrogel matrix sequestrating the
simultaneously both physical and chemical links. pro-inflammatory cytokines highly expressed in
Such polymers are very often a modified macro- wounded environment.
molecule or biopolymer. For instance, the prepa-
ration of hybrid alg-based microspheres was
Properties of hydrogel microspheres and their assessment
achieved by equipping Na-alg with azide-termi-
nated PEG pendent chains [169]. The azide end In addition to the size and size stability as well as
group forms chemical cross-links via the Staudin- chemical stability, the most important characteris-
ger reaction by incubation in a gelation bath con- tics of microspheres, which determine the applica-
taining phosphine-functionalized agents. Human bility for subsequent transplantation, are their
pancreatic islets were encapsulated using such sys- mechanical resistance, permeability, and biocom-
tems [170–172]. Similarly, Na-alg with thiol end patibility. The selection of suitable methods to
groups was prepared [173,174]. The modified Na- assess these parameters is not always a straightfor-
alg maintained the gelling capacity in the presence ward decision.
of calcium ions, while the thiol end groups
ensured the preparation of a chemically cross- Mechanical resistance
linked network via disulfide bond formation. The mechanical resistance of hydrogel micro-
Being biocompatible, spontaneous, and catalyst spheres is not an absolute parameter. It can be
free, the formation of disulfide bonds yielded evaluated by several methods, each of them pro-
hybrid microspheres in a one-step extrusion pro- viding different information. One method to assess
cess under physiological temperature, pH, and the mechanical resistance is the osmotic pressure
osmolality. Good survival rate and improved pro- test. The microspheres are simply exposed to water
liferation were obtained upon microencapsulation [190]. The sudden influx of water causes the micro-
of liver-derived cells within hybrid microspheres spheres to swell and break. A method to study the
[175]. resistance to mechanical stress is the microsphere
Nonetheless, the strategies described above shearing test. A suspension of microspheres is sub-
mainly focused on the robustness of the biomate- jected to a controlled fluid shear [191]. The number
rials, but other parameters must also be under- of broken microspheres as a function of the
lined. The lifetime and biocompatibility of applied mechanical stress gives an indication of
encapsulated cells should be enhanced to over- their mechanical resistance. Such essays have the
come the problem of graft failure [176]. Actually, advantage of being very simple. However, they
the survival of engrafted cells depends on the cell have limitations:
adhesion to the hydrogel matrix, on the vascular- (i) only qualitative information, restricted quan-
ization improving the delivery of nutrients, oxy- tification; (ii) the osmotic pressure test is reliably
gen, and metabolites but also on the immune applicable only to physical hydrogels.
response of the host body. For this purpose,
Contrary, the evaluation of the resistance and
hybrid hydrogels containing peptides or proteins
deformability of the microspheres under compres-
were developed. Mimicking the ECM and the
sion is considered a quantitative method [192]. A
covalent incorporation of adhesives ligands such
mobile probe compresses the microspheres at a
as galactose [177], RGD [178], and other types of
defined speed. Microspheres having the same size
laminin-derived recognition sequences and colla-
can be characterized and compared by measuring
gen type I sequence [179] have been reported.
the force corresponding to the rupture of the
Besides these molecules, proteins such as fibrin
microsphere and by comparing the mechanical
[180] and collagen [181] but also glycoproteins
resistance at a given degree of compression
[182] were also encapsulated to enhance cell via-
[193,194]. Dependent on the equipment sensitivity
bility. Moreover, the co-encapsulation of vascu-
and the hydrogel stiffness, two methods are com-
larization promoting factors such as VEGF [183]
monly used:
and FGF-1 [184] promoted the neovasculariza-
tion by improving the viability of engrafted 1. Each microsphere is individually com-
encapsulated islets. Last but not least, co-encap- pressed. The mechanical resistance of 20 to
sulation of anti-inflammatory agents such as 30 microspheres needs to be analyzed to
complement receptor 1 sCR1 [185], the obtain statistically meaningful data.

Polymeric materials for xenotransplantation

2. A layer of microspheres is compressed. This size is achieved by cryo-scanning electron micro-

method is suitable for capsules that burst at scopy (cryo-SEM), a technique that images the
low force. A narrow size distribution is the internal structure of hydrogel microspheres on a
prerequisite. nanometer scale [202]. However, the manipulation
of the hydrogel during freezing is critical.
Although several methods have been proposed
to study the mechanical properties of hydrogels, Biocompatibility
only few have focused on measuring the mechani- The assessment of the biocompatibility of hydrogel
cal properties of cell-embedding hydrogels. microspheres is a complex task due to the multi-
Ahearne et al. reported a non-destructive, online, tude of interactions between host body and foreign
and real-time method that allows measuring the material and because biocompatibility is not sim-
mechanical properties of hydrogels with incorpo- ply a property of a material but a property of a
rated cells [195]. biomaterial–host system [203]. Biocompatibility
issues of microspheres are often connected with
Permeability their ability to perform with an “appropriate host
The ability to deliver metabolic products and ther- response” in a “specific application” [204]. A bio-
apeutic proteins, but to block the diffusion of compatible hydrogel is considered to be a system
immune cells and antibodies, is the basis of the use that elicits no or not more than a minimal foreign
of cell microencapsulation in biomedical applica- body reaction. The success of cell microencapsula-
tions. A defined and controllable permeability is tion intended for transplantation strongly depends
therefore an essential prerequisite of hydrogel on minimizing this immune response. Upon
microspheres intended for transplantation. implantation of microencapsulated cells, the
The permeability of microspheres can be immune response is activated by the adsorption of
described by the mass transfer or diffusion coeffi- proteins onto the microspheres surface, which will
cient [196,197]. It defines the rate of diffusion of a subsequently stimulate the recruitment of immune
given solute into the hydrogel microsphere. cells [79], and the rejection of the transplant
Another quantification is the minimum size of a through one of the many well-documented path-
solute, which is completely excluded from the ways [205,206]. The immune response also elicits
hydrogel pores. This is usually referred to as the fibrosis around the hydrogels, which subsequently
exclusion limit or molecular weight cut-off starves the encapsulated cells by limiting the diffu-
(MWCO). The determination of solute permeation sion of nutrients, and limits the efflux of bioactive
can be either by diffusion into the microspheres molecules secreted from the cells [45]. Thus, most
(ingress) or from the microspheres (egress). approaches developed to minimize the immune
Several experimental techniques to assess the response to hydrogels are focused on preventing
permeability of microspheres have been described protein adsorption and cellular adhesion to the
relying on different solute types and monitoring surface of hydrogels through the encapsulation of
methods for quantifying the chosen solute. These cells into biologically inert hydrogels, or modifica-
include, for example, dextrans and pullulans as tion of the hydrogel surface with biocompatible
solutes and spectroscopy (fluorescence, UV/vis), materials. Very recently, bead size and shape have
measurement of radioactivity, size-exclusion chro- shown to influence the immune response of the for-
matography with concentration-sensitive detectors, eign body [207]. It was demonstrated that larger
and protein assay kits as monitoring methods beads (1.5 mm) reduced immune reactions and
[198,199]. fibrosis in comparison with smaller beads
An efficient technique that is being used for mea- (0.5 mm) when using different materials, including
suring the permeability is the inverse size-exclusion alginate in rats and non-human primate models
chromatography (ISEC) [200,201]. It has the [208].
advantage that the MWCO and its distribution In addition to the host reaction, the cell compat-
can be determined simultaneously. The drawback ibility of the hydrogel is a general biocompatibility
is that a minimum of 10 ml of microspheres is so prerequisite for a successful therapy using microen-
far needed for each measurement. The optimiza- capsulated cells. Different cell types could require
tion of this method to reduce the volume of hydro- different hydrogel properties in terms of stiffness
gel microspheres would be a great achievement. or hydrophobicity. In this context, also a minimum
The hydrogel mesh size, which is the space avail- of microsphere volume was reported as being
able between the macromolecular chains, has been advantageous to ensure sufficient oxygen supply
also used to describe the permeability of hydrogel and to avoid necrosis [91]. This is in contradiction
microspheres. Direct determination of the mesh with results reported in [208].

Mahou et al.

uniformity are obtained. However, the size distri-

Cell microencapsulation techniques
bution significantly increases for diameters below
Extrusion techniques 400 lm [213]. Reasonable production rates are
attainable by optimization [214].
Numerous techniques have been developed for
the production of hydrogel microspheres
Jet breakage by a vibrating nozzle
[209,210]. Most of them are based on forcing the
Small (<1000 lm) and uniform (<3% size devia-
passage of the cell-containing solution through a
tion) microspheres can be obtained by employing
needle or a nozzle, and its extrusion into a gela-
the jet-break vibrating technique [215]. The tech-
tion bath. The simplest method comprises drip-
nology principle is that a laminar liquid jet breaks
ping with only gravitational force as the driving
up into equally sized droplets by superimposed
force. This mode is restricted to low-viscous solu-
vibration of the nozzle. However, given that the
tions and yields hydrogel microspheres with diam-
droplet diameter obtained by this technique is 2 to
eters in the range of 1.5 to 3 mm. However, the
3 times larger than the nozzle diameter, the pro-
challenge in cell microencapsulation is to produce
duction of capsules with diameters <400 lm needs
preferably microspheres with diameters in the
extrusion nozzles of 150 lm. Therefore, this tech-
range of 100 to 400 lm. Indeed, hydrogel micro-
nique is not optimal for the microencapsulation of
spheres with such dimensions have the advantage
large cells or cell clusters. The high mechanical
of a higher surface-to-volume ratio, exhibiting
stress to which the cells are exposed might compro-
good transport of nutrients [211]. Subsequently,
mise their viability.
different processes of droplet formation, which is
the first step of cell microencapsulation, are dis-
Droplet formation by an electrostatic potential
cussed and schematically shown in Fig. 8. A com-
To obtain small uniform droplets, a high electro-
prehensive database of different encapsulation
static potential between the needle and the receiv-
technologies is available on
ing bath can be used [216,217]. The diameter of the
droplets can be tailored by controlling the electro-
static pulses [218–220].
Droplet formation by coaxial air flow
The principle of the coaxial air-flow droplet gener-
Jet breakage by rotating elements
ator [212] is the use of air flow to separate droplets
This technology is especially suitable for the pro-
from a needle or nozzle tip before they fall due to
duction of large batches of microspheres. Droplets
gravity into a gelling bath. Surface tension gives
are formed by rotating nozzles, a rotating disk, or
the droplets their near-spherical shape. Micro-
a cutting wire [221].
spheres in the range of 200 to 1000 lm with good

Fig. 8. Formation of droplets by: coaxial air flow (1), electrostatic potential (2), rotating disk (jet cutter) (3), and vibrating nozzle
(4). Cells are finally entrapped in hydrogel microspheres after falling down in the gelation bath.

Polymeric materials for xenotransplantation

Emulsion techniques drawback to be overcome. There is therefore a

need for scale-up studies to adapt this technology
Emulsion techniques allow the formation of micro-
for cell microencapsulation [250].
spheres with relatively small diameters. The aque-
ous phase (cell-containing solution) is mixed and
dispersed in an organic phase. When the dispersion Conformal polymer coating
reaches equilibrium, gel formation is initiated by
If the average diameter of a cell aggregate is con-
cooling or by the addition of a gelling agent.
sidered as 150 lm, the total volume of a 450-lm-
Although the emulsion process is advantageous for
diameter microcapsule is 27 times larger. This
large-scale production [218–222], its use for cell
“dead” volume is an often-overlooked issue that
microencapsulation is limited due to the broad size
can be related to a delayed metabolic response and
distribution generally obtained. Further, the use of
a slowed diffusion of oxygen and nutrients causing
an organic phase and the significant shear stress
cell necrosis, especially at the center of the micro-
during emulsion may compromise cell survival
sphere. This issue may also represent a limiting fac-
tor if the transplantation of microencapsulated
cells is aimed, as only limited space is available at
Microfluidic-based cell encapsulation the transplant site. To reduce the microsphere size,
depositing a polymer coating directly on the sur-
The recent advances in microfluidics and
face of a cell was proposed [251]. As shown in
microlithography provided effective tools to
Fig. 9, the total volume equals the size of the cell
control the formation of hydrogel microspheres
aggregate plus the thickness of the coating. The
with desirable shape, size, and size distribution
advantages from a mass transfer perspective are
[224–227]. Microfluidics allow for the preparation
achieved because of the high ratio of surface to
of hydrogels with defined morphology such as
volume. The direct deposit of polymer coatings on
Janus particles, multicompartment microspheres,
the surface of cells has been achieved following dif-
and non-spherical microgels [228–235]. Droplets
ferent processes such as emulsification [208], dis-
are produced when mixing an aqueous precursor
continuous gradient density centrifugation [252],
solution with an oil phase such as mineral oil, sili-
selective withdrawal [253], or interfacial polymer-
cone oil, corn oil, hexadecane oil, or fluorinated oil
ization [254]. Because of the relatively large cell or
[236]. The droplets are further internally cross-
cell cluster diameter, conformal polymer coating
linked by ionic gelation or by photopolymerization
was preferably applied to islets of Langerhans,
to obtain cells entrapped in hydrogel microspheres
using alginate [255], agarose [256], and PEG [257–
[237]. Obviously, the immiscibility of the two
259], and different chemical strategies were
phases is a prerequisite to ensure the formation of
explored to modify covalently the surface of the
spherical droplets [238,239]. However, the viscosity
cells [260]. Polymers such as PLL have been
of the oil has been identified as an important factor
applied for conformal coating after conjugation
controlling the formation of the droplets. The
with biocompatible molecules to attenuate their
results have shown that highly viscous liquids are
toxicity [261–263].
emulsified into larger droplets with lower polydis-
persity [240]. As a proof of concept, several cell
types have been encapsulated within hydrogel
microspheres using microfluidic droplet formation Cell microencapsulation for xenotransplantation
devices [241–247]. Moreover, this technology exhi-
Sites of transplantation
bits ideal solution for single cell encapsulation
[248,249]. The production of a sufficient numbers Different surgical sites have been so far used for
of droplets in a short-time period remains a major the transplantation of encapsulated cells [264,265].

Fig. 9. Comparison of conformal coating

and cell microencapsulation.

Mahou et al.

Choosing the surgical site is critical to provide cap- paraphysiological conditions for the cells to work
sules proper intimacy with the outside environment properly are difficult to obtain in these sites; thus,
and graft vascularization. In addition to biological the skin should be used for host biocompatibility
functionality, the ideal site for transplantation and immunoprotection tests. Vascularization could
should be easily accessible for both placement and be improved by using the intramuscular site to
microcapsule retrieval. maintain good surgical accessibility and graft mon-
To accomplish these needs, several studies have itoring.
investigated the peritoneal site. Indeed, the peri- The kidney capsule has been widely used for
toneum is currently considered by several authors murine islet transplantation [280,281]. It provides
a feasible and effective site to implant both encap- good surgical accessibility and retrievability. How-
sulated islets and hepatocytes [266–271]. However, ever, the volume of encapsulated cells required to
it was also shown that the peritoneal cavity has less achieve insulin independence makes this site
chance to provide sufficient oxygen to microencap- unconvincing for clinical translation.
sulated cells compared to the kidney capsule and
muscle [266]. Nonetheless, the peritoneum has
Sources of cells for xenotransplantation
shown good results, when used as implantation
site for encapsulated cells, despite impaired insulin The use of porcine cells for xenotransplantation
secretion to glucose stimuli and progressive loss of has been intensively studied, in particular for islet
function in islet transplantation has been transplantation [282,283]. Shin et al. demonstrated
reported. Furthermore, it has been shown that the that adult porcine islets from pathogen-free minia-
capsules are likely to float into the peritoneal cav- ture pigs transplanted into immunosuppressed dia-
ity with lack of engraftment, clot formation, and betic monkeys induced fast glucose level
subsequent poor nutrition. On the other hand, the normalization. In addition, normoglycemia was
peritoneum allows the transplantation of large maintained for more than 6 months in four cases,
quantity of tissue and further infusions in case of with no serious advert effects resulting from the
loss of graft function with respect to other sites transplantation [284]. Several reports highlighted
[272]. In addition, the biocompatibility can be sig- the advantages to use neonatal pig islet-like cell
nificantly improved by using barium alginate clusters (NICCs) instead of adult pig cells. In par-
microcapsules [273]. To overcome low oxygen ten- ticular, NICCs are easily digested and purified and
sion, some authors proposed the construction of show low level of T-cell response and high resis-
an omental pouch providing a more efficient tance to ischemia and inflammation [285]. Optimal
blood supply by capillary neoangiogenesis functionality was observed after 12 days of culture
[274,275]. Indeed, it was shown that encapsulated [286] and tolerance to xenotransplantation of
islets, transplanted into the omental pouch, are NICCs can be improved by treatment with
able to restore euglycemia in NOD mice without expanded regulatory T cells or molecules targeting
immunocyte infiltration around the capsules innate immunity [287]. The ideal age at which these
[275,276]. cell clusters should be isolated from porcine donors
The portal vein is traditionally used for human was established to be during the first month of life,
islet transplantation and it is now considered the with slight advantages for pigs within the first week
standard site to make islets exert their function. of life [288]. Pig-to-monkey islet xenotransplanta-
Moreover, closer contact to the vessels should pro- tion was also attempted from adult genetically
vide efficient nutrition and blood supply. On the engineered pigs to overcome the metabolic and
other hand, the risk of portal vein occlusion and immunological barriers between species. However,
the difficult retrieval of the capsules (harboring the multitransgenic islet grafts did not show consis-
both islets and hepatocytes) are important issues to tent long-term functionality for several months
be solved to optimize this site of implantation [289]. The use of pig cells was also investigated in
[277]. Nevertheless, portal puncture during acute the context of xenotransplantation for the treat-
liver failure for HT should be balanced as a highly ment of acute liver failure [290]. Alginate-encapsu-
hazardous maneuver due to both coagulopathy lated reaggregated neonatal pig liver cells
and the enhanced risk of occlusion in pathologic demonstrated promising efficacy for the treatment
liver parenchyma. of mice with acute liver failure. In addition, coat-
Skin and subcutaneous tissue represent the most ing of the capsules with chitosan resulted in a
accessible site for microsphere transplantation reduction of the attachment of macrophages [291].
regarding surgical implantation and retrieval [278]. Recently, No et al. reported on the development of
Lack of blood supply could be improved by pre- a method for the triculture of three types of cells
vascularization of the site [279]. However, from rats to produce uniformly sized and shaped

Polymeric materials for xenotransplantation

microliver tissues. Encapsulated in collagen–algi- alginate-encapsulated islets, transplanted into the

nate composites, these cells induced a long-term portal vein, in 4 type I diabetic patients obtaining
survival rate of 80% in mice with 90% hepatec- transient insulin independence only in one of them,
tomy [292]. Other sources of transgenic cells have but showing safety, feasibility, and biocompatibil-
been investigated. In particular, wide-type and ity of alginate capsules in humans [299]. More
transgenic tilapia donors were considered for the recently, Matsumoto et al. published the results
harvesting of islet cells [293,294]. Transplantation from a phase I/IIa xenotransplantation study of
of alginate-encapsulated tilapia islets into diabetic APA-encapsulated neonatal porcine islets in
mice resulted in long-term (up to 210 days) meta- 14 patients with unstable type 1 diabetes [300].
bolic control but required immunosuppressive Without immunosuppressive treatment, the trans-
treatment [295]. The significant difference between plantation was safe and resulted in the reduction
tilapia insulin and human insulin is nevertheless a of unaware hypoglycemia events, but did not result
strong limitation to clinical application of tilapia in insulin independence.
islets in cell therapy protocols.
Concluding remarks, future directions, and open questions
Translation of cell microencapsulation into a xenotransplantation
The Holy Grail for transplant investigators is to
cell therapy
avoid the use of immunosuppression. Encapsula-
Since the first reports, in the 1980s, of hydrogel tion of cells and cell clusters could finally lead to this
encapsulation of islet-b-cells for the treatment of goal by setting up the conditions for long-term
type I diabetes mellitus, many studies on animal function cell therapy without the adverse effect of
models addressed the different parameters which immunosuppressive agents. Nonetheless, adequate
can improve biocompatibility, stability, and func- protection of cells from the immune system could
tionality of encapsulated cells. Table 3 lists some expand the field of xenogeneic transplantation.
of the animal experiments and preclinical studies However, despite the recent breakthrough findings,
that evaluated the xenotransplantation of encapsu- crucial issues still remain unsolved. Purity and sta-
lated islets and hepatocytes. bility of encapsulation materials should be
The encapsulation of different islet types in Ca- improved to gain effective biocompatibility [301].
and Ba-alg materials allowed restoring normo- Highly purified alginate-based materials have
glycemia in xenogenic settings, without immuno- brought promising results, but capsular overgrowth
suppression. Similarly, encapsulated xenogenic is still an issue leading to inadequate blood and
hepatocytes were able to revert acute liver failure nutrients supply. Conformal coating of cells and
in rodent models, in the absence of immunosup- cell clusters seems to be one possibility to overcome
pressive treatment. Despite these encouraging problems of cell malnutrition by reducing the dis-
results, the demonstration of effective protocols in tance between cells and capillaries and has shown
patient protocols is still very scarce. In 2011, Cala- better quality in terms of immunogenicity. Despite
fiore et al. reported a phase I clinical trial testing the progress achieved in biotechnology, the balance

Table 3. Xenotransplantation of encapsulated cells in animal models

Transplanted model Cell type Transplantation site Materials for encapsulation Reference

Mice Neonatal porcine islets Peritoneal cavity Ca-alg and Ba-alg [269]
Rat islets Subcutaneous tissue Agarose/poly (styrene sulfonic acid) [279]
Intraperitoneal space Alg-PLL-PEG [80]
Peritoneal cavity Agarose [185]
Human islets Omental pouch Agarose [275]
Peritoneal cavity Ba-alg [56]
Neonatal pig hepatocytes Abdominal cavity Ba-alg [291]
Rat hepatocytes Peritoneal cavity Alg-PLL-alg [266,267]
Human hepatocytes
Fish islets Abdominal cavity Ba-alg [295]
Rat Pig islets Subcutaneous tissue Ca-alg [278]
Abdominal cavity Ba-alg [296]
Guinea pig hepatocytes Peritoneal cavity acrylonitrile–sodium methallyl sulfonate copolymer [297]
Non-human primates Pig islets Intraportal injection No material [284]
Intraperitoneal space Ca-alg-PLL [298]

Mahou et al.

between immunoprotection and nutrition delivery successfully tested. Cryopreservation and rewarm-
requires further attention. Interestingly, necrosis of ing did not negatively affect the function of
the central region of the encapsulated cells was microencapsulated hepatocytes [306,307]. In con-
identified in several studies as the common charac- clusion, while the potential of cell microencapsula-
teristic for graft failure and thus it was hypothesized tion for the development of cell therapies has been
that poor nutrition and lack of blood supply are the demonstrated in animal models, long-term studies
main causes of loss of function other than failure in are still scarcely reported. Despite promising
immunoprotection [275]. results, translating in particular xenotransplanta-
There is no consensus about the ideal site of tion of microencapsulated cells into a therapy will
transplantation. Many reports gave evidence for require further multidisciplinary efforts. The final
the advantages of intraperitoneal placement of success will not least depend on the development
both encapsulated islets and hepatocytes. Peri- of suitable encapsulation materials and technolo-
toneum is well surgically accessible, but the short- gies.
age of nutrition impairs the engraftment of
encapsulated cells [302,303]. Moreover, the lack of
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