Vocabulario Ingles

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Common Foods

A. Vegetables
1. Potatoes
2. Onions
3. Cabbage
4. Lettuce

B. Fruits
5. Apples
6. Oranges
7. Bananas
C. Grains
8. Bread
9. Cereal
10. Rice

D. Proteins
11. Chicken
12. Fish
13. Beef
14. Eggs
15. Beans
E. Dairy
16. Milk
17. Cheese
18. Yogurt

F. Oils
19. Vegetable oil
20. Butter

Count and non-count nouns

Count nouns are nouns you can count: one apple, two apples

Non-count nouns are nouns you can’t count: rice (you can’t say two rices), water
Reading practice

Sell-by date: Maximum date to sell food

Freeze: Congelar
Keep: Mantener
Canned: Enlatado o enlatada
Frozen: Congelado
Best-before date: Maximum date for quality in food
Use-by date: Maximum date for safety in food

Reading comprehension

Complete the sentences. Where is the information? Write the line number

1. When you go food shopping, don’t buy ________.

a. Canned food
b. Frozen chicken
c. Food after its sell-by date

Lines ___1-2_____

2. You can usually drink milk for 2 to ______ days after its sell-by date.

a. 3
b. 10
c. 14

Lines ____4-5_____

3. It is important to keep ______ in the refrigerator.

a. Frozen foods
b. Canned foods
c. Milk and eggs

Lines ____4-7_____

4. When you buy fresh chicken, _________ in the next 1 to 2 days.

a. Cook it or freeze it
b. Put it in the refrigerator
c. Eat it

Lines ____11-12_______

5. _______ doesn’t have a sell-by date

a. Canned food
b. Chicken
c. Milk

6. It is a good idea to ______.

a. Eat food before its use-by date
b. Keep canned food for many years
c. Keep canned food in a warm place

1. Sell-by date
2. Buy
3. Safe
4. Canned foods
5. Use by-date

Choice questions with “or”

Choice questions with “or”

Would you like coffee tea? Tea, please.
Do you want an apple a banana? An apple, please.

Observation: Questions with “or” give choices. Answer with your choice. Do not
say yes or no.

“Would you like…” = ¿ Le gustaría

2. Would you like a fish sandwich or a hamburger?

3. Fries or a baked potato?
4. Soda or a juice?
5. Ice cream or an apple pie?
Listening practice


0. b
1. c
2. a
3. b

Listening practice – Compare food prices

Cheaper = Más barato

Where are onions cheaper?

a. Tom’s – (79 cents/lb)

b. Country market

Where is bread cheaper?

a. Tom’s
b. Country market ($2.59)

Healthy = saludable
Stay = mantenerse
“A lot of” = mucho (in great amounts)
Fat = grasa

Look at this label for bread. Match the words and definitions.

Container = recipiente o paquete

Serving = porción o ración

1. b
2. c
3. d (Net Wt. = Net Weight)
4. a

1. How much is one serving?

1 slice

2. How many servings are in the package?

18 servings

3. How many calories are in the package?

4. How much fat is in one serving?


5. How much sodium is in one serving?

180 mg

6. How much sugar is in one serving?


Questions and short answers with How many and How much

How many and how much

How many eggs do we have? A lot Not many
How much milk is there? A lot Not much

Grammar observation

• Use how many with plural count nouns

• Use how much with non-count nouns

➢ How much salt is there? Not much

➢ How many grams of salt are there? Not many
Situation 1

A: __HOW MANY ORANGES___ do we have?

B: Not many. We only have three

Situation 2

A: __How much milk__ do we have?

B: Not much. Just one container

Situation 3

A: __How many eggs__ are there?

B: Twelve. We don’t need more

Situation 4

A: __How much cheese__ is there?

B: There is no cheese! Put it on the shopping list.

Situation 5

A: __How many potateos___________ are there?

B: Six. And they’re big!

A: Great. Let’s have them tonight

More vocabulary of foods
Seasons and Weather

Season = temporada
Weather = clima

A. Fall (Autumn)

1. Cool
2. Cloudy

B. Winter

3. Cold
4. Snowy
C. Spring
5. Warm
6. Rainy

D. Summer
7. Hot
8. Sunny

Present Continuous: Statements

Read = leer
Rain = llover
Snow = nevar
Fly = volar
Over = sobre

Present continuous structure

Pronoun + verb “to be” (in present) + main verb with “ing” + complement


• Tomas Gabriel is sleeping on the bed

• The airplane is flying over the beach

Example for rule number “3”


I am swimming in the pool


Some special cases

Ski – skiing
Taxi – taxiing
Lie – Lying
Die – Dying
Dye – Dyeing
Panic – Panicking
Bad weather and emergencies

1. Landslide (deslave) --- Mudslide (derrumbe)

2. Hurricane --- Tsunami (tidal wave)
3. Tornado --- Twister
4. Wildfire --- Incendio forestall
5. Thunderstorm --- Tormenta eléctrica
6. Flood --- Inundación
7. Snowstorm --- Blizzard
8. Earthquake --- Tremor --- Aftershock

1. Matches
2. Flashlight
3. Batteries
4. First aid kit
Shary is eating a grape popsicle

Is Shary eating a grape popsicle?

Yes, she is / No, she’s not


Use the words in parentheses to write yes/no questions:

1. (they / eating pizza) _______Are they eating pizza? _______

2. (they / text) _____ Are they texting? __________

3. (she / wear a hat) ____Is she wearing a hat? _______

4. (he / listen to music) ____Is he listening to music? ____

He’s working
He isn’t working
He’s not working
Season vocabulary

1. Light clothes
2. Shorts
3. A bottle of water
4. Hat (cap)

5. Sunblock = sunscreen
6. Sunglasses
7. Raincoat
8. Umbrella

9. Boots
10. Gloves
11. Scarf
12. Earmuffs
Adverbs of degree

Pretty (adjective) = bonito, bonita

Pretty (adverb of degree) = muy

Ada Renee is a very nice girl

Very (most common), really (most formal), pretty (most informal)

Ada is a really pretty girl

• It’s pretty shiny (sun)

• It’s very cloudy (sky)

Observation: “so” and “quite” can also be used


Write sentences with the words in parentheses. Then match the sentences with the

1. (really / it’s / cold) - _____It’s really cold (D)______

2. (pretty / it’s / hot) - _____It’s pretty hot (B)_______

3. (very / it’s / windy) - _____It’s very windy (A)______

4. (foggy / really / it’s) - ____It’s really foggy (C)______

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