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Photosynth Res (2011) 109:47–57

DOI 10.1007/s11120-010-9608-y


Inorganic carbon transporters of the cyanobacterial CO2

concentrating mechanism
G. Dean Price

Received: 15 September 2010 / Accepted: 14 December 2010 / Published online: 26 February 2011
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

Abstract Cyanobacteria possess an environmental adap- Photosynthesis  Bicarbonate transporters  CO2 uptake
tation known as a CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM) systems  Genetic regulation
that evolved to improve photosynthetic performance, par-
ticularly under CO2-limiting conditions. The CCM func-
tions to actively transport dissolved inorganic carbon Introduction
species (Ci; HCO3- and CO2) resulting in accumulation of
a pool of HCO3- within the cell that is then utilised to In response to ancient changes in atmospheric CO2 and O2
provide an elevated CO2 concentration around the primary levels, the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) evolved an
CO2 fixing enzyme, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase- environmental adaptation, known as a CO2 concentrating
oxygenase (Rubisco). Rubisco is encapsulated in unique mechanism (CCM), which has a significant positive effect
micro-compartments known as carboxysomes and also on photosynthetic performance. The CCM functions to
provides the location for elevated CO2 levels in the cell. actively transport inorganic carbon species (Ci; HCO3-
Five distinct transport systems for active Ci uptake are and CO2) resulting in conditional accumulation of bicar-
known, including two types of Na?-dependent HCO3- bonate (HCO3-) within the cell. This pool of HCO3- is
transporters (BicA and SbtA), one traffic ATPase (BCT1) thereafter utilised to provide elevated CO2 concentrations
for HCO3- uptake and two CO2 uptake systems based on around the primary CO2 fixing enzyme, ribulose bisphos-
modified NADPH dehydrogenase complexes (NDH-I3 and phate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco), which is in turn
NDH-I4). The genes for a number of these transporters are encapsulated in unique micro-compartments known as
genetically induced under Ci limitation via transcriptional carboxysomes. Cyanobacteria are found in many niches
regulatory processes. The in-membrane topology structures which arguably have applied evolutionary pressure on the
of the BicA and SbtA HCO3- transporters are now known precise compositional diversity of cyanobacterial CCMs.
and this may aid in determining processes related to This diversity is mostly related to the types of Ci trans-
transporter activation during dark to light transitions or porters employed by different species. The purpose of this
under severe Ci limitation. review is to update discussion of these Ci transporter sys-
tems without attempting to supplant more detailed previous
Keywords Cyanobacteria  CO2 concentrating reviews. Further details can be found in a number of pre-
mechanism  Carboxysomes  CO2-responsive genes  vious reviews dealing with cyanobacterial and micro-algal
CCMs (Badger et al. 2002, 2006; Badger and Price 2003;
Giordano et al. 2005; Kaplan and Reinhold 1999; Price
et al. 1998, 2002, 2008; Raven et al. 2008).
G. D. Price (&) The group of photosynthetic prokaryotes known as
Molecular Plant Physiology Cluster, Plant Science Division, cyanobacteria occupy an enormous range of ecological
Research School of Biology, Australian National University,
niches that feature the availably at least some free water.
Building #46, Sullivan’s Creek Road, Canberra, ACT 0200,
Australia These niches include freshwater (rivers, ponds and lakes),
e-mail: polar, hot springs, alkaline, estuarine and open ocean,

48 Photosynth Res (2011) 109:47–57

saline and symbiotic environments (Badger et al. 2006). carboxysomes (Badger et al. 2002; Badger and Price 2003;
Considering the range of niches occupied, it is interesting Raven 2003). Collectively, these CCM adaptations func-
that cyanobacteria fall into two broad CCM groups known tion to raise the concentration of CO2 around Rubisco and
as a- or b-cyanobacteria based primarily on the type of thereby improve the efficiency of CO2 fixation, suppressing
Rubisco and carboxysomes employed (Badger et al. 2002; the wasteful oxygenase reaction of Rubisco. In species so
Tabita 1999); b-cyanobacteria, prevalent in freshwater and far examined, a basal form of the CCM is obligate for
coastal areas, utilise Form-1b Rubisco and ccm-type survival in natural environments.
carboxysomes, whereas a-cyanobacteria utilise Form-1a The widespread occurrence of CCMs in present day
Rubisco and cso-type carboxysomes. The abundant and cyanobacteria may have been aided by rapid evolution as
productive a-cyanobacteria occur in the deep ocean areas a result of horizontal transfer of large gene sets (Badger
of the world, usually at depths of 100–150 m where they et al. 2002). Another important secondary adaptation that
can often access nutrient upwellings from the deep ocean, appears to have accompanied the development of the
but where light intensity can be as little as 1% of surface CCM is the co-evolution of a Rubisco enzyme that is
intensity. The species that predominate in these low-light, adapted for optimal performance under the elevated CO2
low-nutrient environments are relatively slow growers conditions produced by the CCM. More precisely, the
typically displaying growth rates of about one cell division evolution of the CCM possibly allowed the retention of a
per day under optimal conditions, but oceans cover more more ancient form of Rubisco with lower affinities for
the half of the earth’s surface, making these species both CO2 and O2 than other algal or higher plant coun-
abundant enough to be highly productive on a global scale. terparts, but with much higher catalytic turnover rates per
It is estimated that some 50% of global primary produc- unit protein than terrestrial forms of Rubisco (Badger
tivity occurs annually in the oceans, with oceanic cyano- et al. 1998). The cyanobacterial enzymatic properties of
bacteria contributing a significant fraction of this Rubisco improve the nitrogen use efficiency of photo-
productivity (Field et al. 1998; Liu et al. 1999), possibly as synthesis since the CCM allows Rubisco to operate near
much as 25% of global productivity. For example, in Vmax, thereby requiring a much smaller nitrogen invest-
oligotrophic oceans located between 40°N and 40°S, pho- ment in Rubisco to achieve a particular rate of
tosynthetic CO2 fixation is dominated by marine a-cyano- photosynthesis.
bacteria of the Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus The acquisition of Ci for photosynthetic CO2-fixation
genera, and together these species have been estimated to represents the largest nutrient flux that cyanobacteria
contribute 30–80% of primary production (Liu et al. 1997). encounter, but ultimately only CO2 can serve as the sub-
Cyanobacteria, along with diatoms, form the base of the strate for Rubisco. A key problem in aquatic environments
marine food web and are therefore of critical ecological is that CO2 availability and supply rate are often severely
and commercial importance. limiting for photosynthesis and growth. In large part, this is
because CO2 diffusion in water is 104 times slower than in
air, plus the chemical equilibrium between HCO3- (the
Evolution of cyanobacterial CCMs main source of CO2 supply) and CO2 is relatively slow,
especially in the pH range 7 to 8.5. Furthermore, the total
Cyanobacterial progenitors first appeared some 2.7 billion Ci and HCO3- concentrations are sensitive to prevailing
years ago (Buick 1992) when the O2 level in the atmo- pH, with total Ci and HCO3- being lowest at neutral to
sphere was low, and CO2 levels were many fold greater acidic pH. In cyanobacteria, the existence of efficient
than today (Berner 2006). However, it is near certain that active Ci uptake systems and the generation of an elevated
cyanobacteria have been subjected to periods of rapid CO2 level within carboxysomes overcame limits that would
evolutionary change throughout the past 2.7 billion years. normally be posed by poor CO2 availability. Thus, the
In particular, the marked drop in CO2 levels, and rise in O2 cyanobacterial CCM can achieve a saturated rate of CO2
levels, that occurred around 400–350 million years ago fixation at 10–15 lM exogenous CO2 despite the fact that
(Berner 1990; Berner 2006), combined with the diffusional cyanobacterial Rubisco enzymes possess a low-affinity for
resistance to CO2 transfer in liquid, may have triggered CO2, with KmCO2 of greater than 150 lM (Badger and
adaptations to cope with photorespiration and low-effi- Andrews 1987). Running Rubisco at near substrate satu-
ciency carbon gain. These adaptations would have included ration also suppresses photorespiration allowing cyano-
transport mechanisms for active uptake of inorganic carbon bacteria to display better photosynthetic and ecological
(Ci) and subsequent localised elevation of CO2 around the competitiveness. It is suggested that the extra metabolic
primary carboxylating enzyme, ribulose bisphosphate car- costs associated with active accumulation of Ci are sig-
boxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) and the partitioning of nificantly outweighed by the performance advantages
Rubisco into icosahedral, micro-compartments known as conferred by a CCM (Raven and Lucas 1985).

Photosynth Res (2011) 109:47–57 49

Active accumulation of Ci Genes needed for

β- Carboxysomes:
Cyanobacteria are dependent on active accumulation of Ci Thylakoid
ccmKLMN, ccmO
to achieve a satisfactory rate of CO2 fixation and growth. membrane
RbcLS, CcaA
To date, a total of five different uptake systems have been
identified (see below), including three HCO3- transporters Outer membrane
and two CO2 uptake systems (Fig. 1). Active uptake sys- Plasma membrane
tems vary in maximum flux rate and net affinity for CO2 or (inner)
HCO3-, with some transport activities being constitutively
expressed, while others are genetically inducible by growth Restricted
CO2 leakage Rubisco
under Ci limitation. A majority of cyanobacteria possess CO2
active uptake systems for both CO2 and HCO3-, however, CA
genomic data indicate that Prochlorococcus species (an Internal recycling
of CO2 leakage HCO3-
oceanic clade) only possess gene homologs for HCO3-
uptake (Badger and Price 2003; Badger et al. 2006).
b-Cyanobacteria from freshwater and estuarine niches face Ci transporters PGA
the greatest extremes in Ci availability, driven by temper- NDH-14 CO2 HCO3-
ature, pH and degree of mixing with air, and accordingly NADPH
these species possess the largest number of discrete trans-
porters (Badger et al. 2006). NDH-13 CO2
Regardless of whether CO2 or HCO3- is the substrate
BicA HCO3-
for an uptake system, HCO3- is the species accumulated
within the cell to ratios as high as 1000-fold relative to total
exogenous Ci levels. Peak internal Ci pools of between 20 SbtA HCO3-
and 40 mM are regularly measured in cyanobacteria Na+
(Kaplan and Reinhold 1999; Price et al. 1998; Sültemeyer ATP
et al. 1995; Woodger et al. 2005b). Furthermore, HCO3- is BCT1 HCO3-
apparently maintained at chemical dis-equilibrium partly CA absent
due to the general absence of carbonic anhydrase (CA)
activity in the cytosol (Price and Badger 1989a; Volokita
et al. 1984) and the CO2 recycling action of the vectorial
CO2 uptake systems (Price et al. 2002). Bicarbonate is the β
preferred species for accumulation since as an ionic form
of Ci it is about 1000-fold less permeable to lipid mem- Fig. 1 A scheme showing a stylised b-cyanobacterium possessing
branes than the uncharged CO2 molecule. Experimental five types of Ci transporters and the b-carboxysome type. Each
support for the view that HCO3- is the accumulated spe- transporter delivers HCO3- to the general cell cytoplasm regardless
of the substrate accepted for uptake. Carbonic anhydrase (CA)
cies came from expressing human CA within the cytoplasm activity is absent for the general cytoplasm and is only present as a
of Synechococcus PCC7942 cells, leading to a high-flux carboxysome-specific form used in the generation of elevated CO2
leakage of CO2 from the cells due to rapid equilibration levels around Rubisco. The ribulose bisphosphate and phosphoglyc-
between HCO3- and CO2 (Price and Badger 1989a). This erate (PGA) are able to transverse the proteinaceous carboxysome
shell. Ci transporters shown in red are usually genetically induced
showed that Ci is normally held in a steady state non- under Ci limitation, whereas blue indicates a constitutive uptake
equilibrium favouring HCO3-, and also that carboxysomes system; purple relates to transporter that can be constitutive or
are the devoted site of CO2 elevation. inducible
An unavoidable feature of active Ci accumulation is the
problem of CO2 leakage. However, a CO2 uptake system carboxysomes (CA assisted) or by spontaneous dehydra-
can aid in the recycling of leaked CO2 before it escapes tion of HCO3-. The experimental evidence for recycling
from the cell (Espie et al. 1991; Fridlyand et al. 1996; by the CO2 pumps is 3-fold. Firstly, a mutant of Syn-
Kaplan and Reinhold 1999; Price and Badger 1989b; Price echococcus PCC7942 lacking both CO2 uptake systems,
et al. 1998, 2002). In fact, CO2 pumps, by default, accept but possessing normal HCO3- uptake, showed substan-
CO2 from any source, whether it originates from outside tially higher rates of spontaneous CO2 efflux from the cell
the cell or is internally generated. Thus, CO2 uptake sys- during steady state photosynthesis (Maeda et al. 2002); this
tems, particularly when located on the thylakoids, are well efflux is not evident in WT cells. Secondly, it has been
placed to intercept CO2 leakage originating from the observed that a high-CO2-requiring (HCR) mutant of

50 Photosynth Res (2011) 109:47–57

Synechococcus PCC7942 (mutant #68), with normal Ci Ci transporters present in cyanobacteria

uptake, but extremely low carboxysomal CA activity,
exchanges 18O out of labelled Ci at WT rates (Price and There are five types of active Ci uptake so far discovered in
Badger 1989b; Price et al. 1992); this means that the cyanobacteria, and in general, freshwater and estuarine
carboxysomal CA is not the major 18O-exchange/CA species have the most Ci transporter types, whereas the
activity in whole cells (Price et al. 2002). Thirdly, a mutant oceanic strains, from environments with remarkably stable
lacking active CO2 uptake, but still possessing HCO3- Ci levels, tend to have the fewest. The five Ci uptake
uptake, showed abnormally low exchange of 18O-label systems are explained in more detail in the subsequent
from labelled Ci compared to WT cells (Maeda et al. 2002) sections and in Fig. 2. Briefly, the five Ci uptake systems
implicating WT CO2 pumps in active recycling of leaked are
CO2 originating from the carboxysomes and cytosol;
(i) BCT1, an inducible, high-affinity HCO3- transporter
effectively, the vectorial hydration of CO2 to HCO3- by
encoded by the cmpABCD operon and belonging to
the CO2 pump, followed by dehydration of HCO3- in the
the traffic ATPase family (Omata et al. 1999).
carboxysomes, or cytosol, constitutes a special type of CA
(ii) SbtA, an inducible, high-affinity Na?-dependent
cycle that is missing in mutants unable to take up CO2 (for
HCO3- transporter (Shibata et al. 2002) acting as a
details see Price et al. 2002).
probable Na?/HCO3- symporter.
(iii) BicA, a low-affinity, high-flux Na?-dependent
HCO3- transporter belonging to the widespread
The carboxysome micro-compartment
SulP/SLC26 family (Price et al. 2004) and also
acting as a probable Na?/HCO3- symporter.
Bicarbonate that is accumulated in the cell is used in the
(iv) NDH-I4, a constitutive CO2 uptake system based on a
generation of elevated CO2 levels within the carboxy-
specialised NADPH dehydrogenase (NDH-I) com-
somes (see Fig. 1) which contain most, if not all, of the
plex (Maeda et al. 2002; Shibata et al. 2001).
Rubisco content of the cell. Carboxysomes range from 90
(v) NDH-I3, a second CO2 uptake system based on a
to 250 nm diameter, depending on the cyanobacterial
modified NDH-1 complex that is inducible under Ci
species type, and are proteinaceous, polyhedral bodies
limitation and is of higher uptake affinity than NDH-
containing tightly packed Rubisco molecules (L8S8)
I4 (Klughammer et al. 1999; Maeda et al. 2002;
bounded by a thin protein shell of about 3 nm width. As
Shibata et al. 2001) and has been confirmed to be
noted before, there are two types of carboxysomes in
located on the thylakoid membrane in Synechocystis
cyanobacteria, each apparently having evolved by parallel
PCC6803 (Prommeenate et al. 2004; Zhang et al.
evolution to a convergent evolutionary function (Badger
2003; Badger et al. 2002). Both types of carboxysomes
contain a specific CA for catalytic conversion of HCO3-
to CO2 in the vicinity of Rubisco. In the case of b- The BCT1 bicarbonate transporter
carboxysomes, the CA function is carried out by shell-
associated proteins CcaA/IcfA, or by CcmM in some The high-affinity HCO3- transporter, BCT1 (Omata et al.
strains (Fukuzawa et al. 1992; Pena et al. 2010; So et al. 1999), belongs to the ATP binding cassette (ABC) trans-
2002; Yu et al. 1992), whilst in a-carboxysomes the shell porter family, also known as traffic ATPases (Higgins
protein CsoS3 (CsoSCA) is required (So et al. 2004). 2001). To date, BCT1 has been physiologically character-
Modelling indicates that for optimal efficiency carbox- ised in just one cyanobacterium, namely Synechococcus
ysomal CA activity should generate CO2 at a sufficient PCC7942, although close homologs have been detected in
rate to match, as closely as possible, the maximal rate of [10 other species (Price et al. 2008). BCT1 is encoded by
CO2 fixation (Price and Badger 1989b; Reinhold et al. the cmpABCD operon and is expressed when cells are
1987, 1991). A basic requirement of a CCM is the exis- under Ci limitation (Omata et al. 1999). Using gain-of-
tence of an effective mechanism for minimising the function analysis, the transporter displayed a high-photo-
leakage of CO2 from the site of elevation in the carb- synthetic affinity for HCO3- of around 15 lM, and sup-
oxysome. In addition to the recycling action of the CO2 ported a medium to low flux rate (Omata et al. 2002). Gene
pumps, it is envisaged that the hydrophilic shell of the transcript analyses confirm that the cmpABCD operon is
carboxysome can help impede the transfer of gases such strongly induced under conditions of relatively severe Ci
as CO2 (Reinhold et al. 1987, 1991). Further details about limitation (McGinn et al. 2003, 2004; Wang et al. 2004;
the gene products involved in forming the two carboxy- Woodger et al. 2003, 2005b). Additionally, high-light
some types can be found in previous reviews (Price et al. conditions can enhance transcription (McGinn et al. 2004;
2008; Yeates et al. 2008). Woodger et al. 2003).

Photosynth Res (2011) 109:47–57 51

Fig. 2 Scheme summarising HCO 3- Passive CO2 entry

some of the differences between Porin ? CO2
the five known Ci uptake Outer
systems (coloured components).
Na+/H+ antiporter EcaA/B
Ancillary components that do CO2
HCO3- HCO3- layer
have, or may have, a secondary
Na+ Na+ HCO3- H+ H+
role in supporting Ci uptake are Na+ Na+ K0.5 (CO2 )
10 μM
shown in grey HCO3-
MnhD1 NdhD4
MnhD2 Mnh B B SbtA NdhF4 NDH-14
MnhB complex NdhB complex
Or Fd H+ CmpC ATP CO2
Cytosol ?
HCO 3- HCO 3- HCO 3- HCO3-
Mnh Complex NADPH ChpY K0.5 (CO2 )
(modified NDH-1) Or Fd 1-2 μM
K0.5 (HCO3-) K0.5 (HCO3-) K0.5 (HCO3-)
NDH-13 NdhD3
~ 15 μ M 90-170 μ M ~ 5 μM Thylakoid
complex NdhF3 membrane

Three HCO3- transporters H+

Two CO2 uptake systems

The multimeric BCT1 complex is composed of four The SbtA bicarbonate transporter
different subunits (see Fig. 2) with cmpA coding for the
periplasmic lipoprotein, cmpB coding for the membrane The Na?-dependent SbtA transporter was originally iden-
integral subunit and cmpC/D coding for attached cyto- tified in Synechocystis PCC6803 as a single gene trans-
plasmic domains. At maturity, CmpA is a 42-kDa mature porter with relatively high affinity for HCO3-, requiring
peptide that is bound to the periplasmic face of the plasma 1 mM Na? for half maximal HCO3- uptake activity
membrane where it acts as a mobile binding protein for (Shibata et al. 2002). SbtA from PCC6803 has a predicted
HCO3-. The CmpA protein from Synechococcus PCC7942 size of 40 kDa, but the sbtA gene is generally co-located
has been over-expressed in E. coli, purified and shown to with a smaller sbtB gene of unknown function; however, in
specifically bind HCO3- with a KD of around 5 lM Synechococcus PCC7942, inactivation of sbtB does not
(Maeda et al. 2000). The crystal structure of CmpA has eliminate SbtA-dependent HCO3- uptake (B Forster and
also been determined, and unexpectedly it has been found GD Price, unpublished). In Synechococcus PCC7002, the
that the HCO3- binding site also binds Ca2? as a co-factor SbtA transporter has been estimated to have a high-pho-
(Koropatkin et al. 2007); any potential role for Ca2? in the tosynthetic affinity for HCO3- of around 2 lM and was
transport of HCO3- is unknown. The hydrophobic CmpB only capable of supporting a relatively low flux rate (Price
membrane protein probably exists as a dimer within the et al. 2004). The SbtA protein has been detected in cyto-
membrane, by analogy with other ABC transporters, plasmic membranes isolated from Synechocystis PCC6803
allowing the formation of an ion transport channel. Both with an apparent complex size of around 160 kDa (Zhang
CmpC and CmpD are located on the cytoplasmic face of et al. 2004), indicating that SbtA probably exists in the
CmpB, and both possess consensus binding sites for ATP. membrane as a functional tetramer (Fig. 2). This proteomic
However, CmpC has an extra domain not present in CmpD study also confirmed that SbtA abundance is dramatically
raising speculation that the domain is involved in allosteric increased under Ci limitation. A topology map of SbtA
regulation of the BCT1 transporter since a similar domain from Synechocystis PCC6803 has been determined (Fig. 3)
in the analogous NrtC protein of NRT1 has been shown to showing that the protein has a distinct 5 ? 5 duplicated
have a role in inactivating the transporter when NH4? is structure consisting of 10 transmembrane helices (Price
present (Maeda and Omata 1997). Potentially, CmpC could et al. submitted to CCM7 special issue). At least two
have a role in dark inactivation of the BCT1 transporter. cytoplasmic domains have been identified that could be
Analysis of available genome databases indicates that involved in allosteric regulation of the transporter.
BCT1 is generally only present in b-cyanobacteria and Strong homologues of SbtA are present in many
mainly restricted to freshwater or brackish strains (Badger b-cyanobacteria (Badger et al. 2002, 2006; Badger and
et al. 2006). Some transition strains of a-cyanobacteria Price 2003) but appear to be lacking from species such as
appear to have gained BCT1 by horizontal gene transfer Thermosynechococcus, Gloeobacter violaceus and Trich-
(Price et al. 2008) and Rae et al. (CCM7 special issue). odesmium erythraeum (Price et al. 2008). The weak

52 Photosynth Res (2011) 109:47–57

Fig. 3 Experimentally
determined topology maps for
the BicA bicarbonate
transporter from Synechococcus
PCC7002 (a) and the SbtA
bicarbonate transporter from
Synechocystis PCC6803 (b).
Transmembrane helices are
shown as coloured cylinders
and the distribution of positively
charged residues are shown as

A T*


homologues of SbtA present in most of the a-cyanobacte- levels can spike or persist above this value, whereas in
ria, except some a-Synechococcus species, are probable brackish and estuarine water bodies Na? levels are usually
HCO3- transporters, but to date there is a lack of physio- much higher. While phosphate and nitrogen levels usually
logical data that substantiates this expectation. The kinetic correlate with the onset cyanobacterial blooms, but it
variability of SbtA transporters from different cyanobac- would be of interest to probe for any correlation with Na?
teria is still an open question at this point in time. levels in future studies.
The gain-of-function approach allowed two other BicA
The BicA bicarbonate transporter transporters to be characterised, including one from the
ecologically important oceanic strain, Synechococcus
The BicA transporter is another Na?-dependent HCO3- WH8102 and the other was from Synechocystis PCC6803.
transporter, unrelated to SbtA. Discovered in the coastal Including BicA-7002, the three BicA transporters showed
marine cyanobacterium, Synechococcus PCC7002 (Price transport affinities for 14C-HCO3- uptake that ranged from
et al. 2004), it has a relatively low-photosynthetic transport 74 to 353 lM, revealing an interesting trade-off for Km
affinity (*38 lM HCO3-) but it is able to support a high- verses Vmax (Fig. 4). However, the collection of kinetic
photosynthetic flux rate. BicA belongs to a large family of data from a greater diversity of BicA transporters would be
eukaryotic and prokaryotic transporters often annotated as necessary to complete this analysis. In Synechococcus
sulphate transporters in many bacteria (the SulP/SLC26 PCC7002, BicA expression is highly inducible under Ci
family), and BicA homologs are represented in most b- and limitation and is lowly expressed in high-CO2 grown cells
a-cyanobacteria genomes so far examined (Price et al. (Price et al. 2004; Woodger et al. 2007). In contrast, the
2004; Shelden et al. 2010). Gain-of-function experi- BicA gene in Synechocystis PCC6803 is constitutively
ments in the freshwater cyanobacterium, Synechococcus expressed (Wang et al. 2004).
PCC7942, showed that bicA expression alone was suffi- The predicted bicA gene product from Synechococcus
cient to confer Na?-dependent, HCO3- uptake activity, PCC7002 is *60 kDa and recent topology mapping indi-
requiring 1.7 mM Na? for half maximal HCO3- uptake cates that it possess 12 transmembrane helices (see Fig. 3)
activity (Price et al. 2004). A strict Na? requirement with both the C- and N-termini inside the cell (Shelden
implies that an electrochemical Na? gradient is required to et al. 2010). The prominent, hydrophilic C-terminus known
energise HCO3- uptake via either BicA or SbtA, possibly as the STAS (sulphate transporter anti-sigma factor-like
as symport processes. In the natural environment, fresh- domain) domain is known to be a regulatory domain in
water bodies usually possess less than 1 mM Na?, but some mammalian homologues (Ko et al. 2004) and

Photosynth Res (2011) 109:47–57 53

uptake (Maeda et al. 2002; Ohkawa et al. 2000b; Shibata

1400 PCC6803
et al. 2001).
ptake rate

1200 Two unique proteins are involved in CO2 uptake activity

PCC7002 by modified NDH-1 complexes, and these are the CO2

1000 hydration proteins, ChpX (NDH-I4 complex) and ChpY

Vmax, Grross 14 C-HCO 3 - up
( Chl -1.h

(NDH-I3 complex) in Synechococcus PCC7942 and

PCC7002 (Maeda et al. 2002; Woodger et al. 2007); also
known in Synechocystis PCC6803 as CupB and CupA
(Shibata et al. 2001), respectively. Proteomic studies in
400 WH8102 Synechocystis PCC6803 have confirmed the presence of
NdhF3, NdhD3, ChpY, sll1735/orf133 (Herranen et al.
200 pH 9.3 assay, 2004; Prommeenate et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2004) as being
Silicone oil centriguation-filtration present in thylakoid membranes and part of a sub-complex
0 100 200 300 400 that is induced under Ci limitation. Unfortunately, such
Km (HCO 3- ), μ M studies have so far failed to detect the constitutively
expressed NdhF4, NdhD4, ChpX proteins in thylakoid or
Fig. 4 Data replotted from Price et al. (2004) based on the gain-of- plasma membranes. It is possible that the NDH-I4 complex
function analysis of BicA bicarbonate transporters from Synechocystis
PCC6803, Synechococcus PCC7002 and Synechococcus WH8102
is of low abundance or is located on the plasma membrane
based on 14C-HCO3- uptake. The plot shows Km(HCO3-) data and is easily lost during cell fractionation. Inhibitor studies
against the Vmax for gross HCO3- uptake with CO2 uptake mutants of Synechococcus PCC7942
showed a differential sensitivity to DCMU, with the NDH-
I4 system being largely unaffected, whereas the thylakoid-
Arabidopsis sulphate transporters (Shibagaki and Gross- based NDH-I3 system was inhibited (Maeda et al. 2002).
man 2004), and this is also likely for BicA. The cyto- This would be consistent with NDH-I4 being located on the
plasmic loop between helices 8 and 9 is another domain plasma membrane and therefore not in close association
likely to be involved in allosteric regulation (Shelden et al. with Photosystem-II. In Fig. 2, NDH-I4 is shown as being
2010). located on the plasma membrane, but a location on the
thylakoid is possible, subject to further analysis. Single
CO2 uptake systems based on specialised NDH-1 particle analysis of NDH-I3 complexes isolated from Syn-
complexes echocystis PCC6803 indicates that the complex assumes a
flattened U-shape, with the bottom of the ‘‘U’’ being
Two types of CO2 uptake systems have been identified in membrane intrinsic, whereas CupA (ChpY) is believed to
cyanobacteria. They are not true transporters since the be located on one of the cytoplasmic-facing lobes (Folea
uptake process involves passive entry of CO2 into the cell et al. 2008).
followed by energised, vectorial conversion to HCO3-. It has been suggested that the ChpX and ChpY poly-
Both systems are based on modified, plastoquinone oxi- peptides may direct the vectorial conversion of CO2 to
doreductase NADPH dehydrogenase (NDH-1) respiratory HCO3-, linked to electron transport and proton transloca-
complexes that are related to complex-I from mitochon- tion functions associated with the NDH-1 complex (Maeda
dria. The basal system, NDH-14, is constitutively expres- et al. 2002; Price et al. 2002). As noted above, proteomic
sed, whilst NDH-13 is inducible under Ci limitation, data indicates that NDH-I3 complexes are restricted to
displaying uptake affinities of around 10 and 1–2 lM, the thylakoid membrane thus linking them directly to
respectively (Klughammer et al. 1999; Ohkawa et al. the photosynthetic electron transport chain. A model of the
2000a; Price et al. 2002). A set of NDH-1 genes common operation of such an NDH-13/4 CO2-uptake complex has
to both respiratory and CO2 uptake systems are present as been presented previously (Badger and Price 2003; Price
single copies in the genome, namely ndhAIGE, ndhB, et al. 2002) based on the generation a nucleophilic Zn-OH-
ndhCJK, ndhH and ndhL. However, most b-cyanobacteria species within the ChpX or ChpY proteins of specialised
possess multiple copies of ndhD and ndhF, with some of NDH-1 complexes at the expense of NADPH or reduced
these being specific for CO2 uptake systems. Thus, in ferredoxin as an energy source. At present, there has been
Synechococcus PCC7002, the ndhF3-ndhD3-chpY-orf133 no further advancement or further confirmation of this
gene cluster encodes specific components necessary for model.
inducible, high-affinity CO2 uptake (Klughammer et al. Analysis of 70? cyanobacterial genome databases
1999; Sültemeyer et al. 1997). In contrast, NdhD4 and confirms significant diversity of the two CO2 uptake sys-
NdhF4 are specific subunits required for constitutive CO2 tems in the a- and b-cyanobacteria, as previously reported

54 Photosynth Res (2011) 109:47–57

(Badger and Price 2003; Badger et al. 2006; Price et al. expression with limited plasticity (Kaplan and Reinhold
2008). In general, the b-cyanobacteria usually possess 1999; Price et al. 1998, 2002). This basal form of the CCM
genes for both CO2 uptake systems, whereas the oceanic is essential for survival since mutants lacking CO2 uptake
a-Synechococcus possess only the low-affinity CO2 uptake systems (Woodger et al. 2005b), or lacking functional
system; the observation that Prochlorococcus species lack carboxysomes (Friedberg et al. 1989; Price and Badger
genes for any known active CO2 uptake systems is a fea- 1989b), possess a HCR phenotype, necessitating 2–3%
ture of all Prochlorococcus genomes so far examined. A CO2 for normal rates of CO2 fixation. Importantly, when
recent update on the presence of genes encoding CO2 subjected to Ci-limited conditions, b-cyanobacteria, in
uptake systems in cyanobacteria can be found in Rae et al. particular, are able to up regulate the expression of genes
(CCM7 special issue). required for high-affinity Ci transporters such as NDH-I3,
SbtA, BCT1, and also the low-affinity transporter, BicA.
Cells can reach full physiological induction within
Ancillary systems supporting Ci uptake 60–90 min (Woodger et al. 2003), but transcripts for CO2-
responsive genes can respond to Ci limitation in \15 min
MnhD1 and MnhD2 (also known as NdhD5, D6, respec- (McGinn et al. 2003; Woodger et al. 2003, 2005a, b, 2007).
tively) are polypeptides in yet another specialised NDH-1 The photosynthetic affinity for Ci rises significantly under
complex, the Mnh complex, that is thought to be involved induction; for instance, in Synechococcus PCC7942 the
in Na?/H? antiport in bacteria (Hiramatsu et al. 1998) or as K0.5(Ci) drops from around 170 lM to as low as 10–15 lM
a primary Na? extrusion pump involved in enhancing the (Woodger et al. 2003).
generation of an electrochemical Na? gradient (Fig. 2). An The expression of CO2-responsive genes in b-cyano-
Mnh-like operon is known to be low-Ci-responsive in bacteria is controlled by one or two LysR-type transcrip-
Synechocystis PCC6803 (Wang et al. 2004) and could tion regulators known as CcmR (NdhR) or CmpR, acting as
potentially aid in Na?-dependent energization of HCO3- activators or suppressors of transcription (Omata et al.
uptake due to SbtA and BicA. Interestingly, an Mnh 2001; Price et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2004; Woodger et al.
cluster, including mnhD1 and mnhD2, is expressed as part 2007). The precise signal transduction pathway through
of the bicA operon in Synechococcus PCC7002 and was CcmR or CmpR is still unknown; however, evidence
found to be responsible for improving the efficiency of indicates that expression of CO2-responsive genes corre-
HCO3--dependent photosynthesis under Ci limitation lates inversely to the size of the internal Ci pool during
(Woodger et al. 2007). The Na?/H? antiporter, NhaS3, is illumination (Woodger et al. 2003, 2005a, b). One possi-
also part of this operon and could help generate a Na? bility is that CcmR itself may be able to respond directly to
gradient for BicA. the HCO3- accumulation level in the cell (Woodger et al.
Another ancillary component, the PxcA H? extrusion 2005b, 2007; Zhang et al. 2007); alternatively, a signal
pump, has been shown to be needed for homeostatic H? transduction pathway may transduce a signal to CcmR or
extrusion associated with the initial phase of CO2 uptake CmpR. For instance, the FtsH protease can play an enig-
(Sonoda et al. 1998). PxcA is widespread in cyanobacteria matic role in activation of CcmR in Synechocystis
but only at protein sequence identities of 30–50%. Two PCC6803 (Zhang et al. 2007).
other ancillary components with possible subtle roles in Ci It has also been suggested that increases in photorespi-
uptake are the periplasmic-located CAs, EcaA and EcaB, ratory intermediates, arising from the wasteful oxygenase
and the possible HCO3- porin, PorB. The two periplasmic reaction of Rubisco, could be involved in sensing Ci lim-
CA forms are not widespread in cyanobacteria, and use of itation (see Kaplan and Reinhold 1999). Indeed, it has been
insertional mutants indicates that have very little effect on established that Synechocystis PCC6803 has plant-like and
CO2 uptake (So et al. 1998). Likewise, PorB has been bacterial-type cycles for dealing with metabolism of pho-
suggested to be a HCO3- porin in the outer membrane but torespiratory phosphoglycolate (Eisenhut et al. 2008) and
has little effect on Ci uptake when inactivated (Woodger although mutants display unaltered expression of low-CO2-
et al. 2007). responsive transporter genes there are some minor genes
that change due to higher phosphoglycolate/glycolate lev-
els in the cell (Eisenhut et al. 2007). Mutants defective in
Genetic regulation of Ci transporters all three glycolate turnover pathways (Eisenhut et al. 2008)
exhibit significantly increased glycolate levels at high CO2,
All cyanobacteria examined to date display a basal form of although the percentage photorespiratory flux via Rubisco,
the CCM when grown under high-CO2 conditions, indi- relative to carboxylation, remains unknown. Such mutants
cating that many of genes coding for carboxysome proteins will only survive at high CO2, and although photosynthetic
and low-affinity Ci transporters are under constitutive Vmax is nearly half that of WT cells at high CO2, the affinity

Photosynth Res (2011) 109:47–57 55

for Ci is not abnormally induced at high CO2 as would be Concluding remarks

expected if phosphoglycolate is an inducer molecule for
CO2 responsive transporter genes. Recent in vitro DNA- Over the past decade, the CCM field has amassed a large
binding studies with CmpR indicate that binding to the body of information about the types, diversity and regu-
cmpABCD promoter of Synechococcus PCC7942 can be lation of cyanobacterial transporters used for the active
enhanced by low lM concentrations of phosphoglycolate uptake of CO2 and HCO3- to support photosynthetic CO2
(Nishimura et al. 2008), but since binding can occur fixation. However, there is still much to discover yet on the
without phosphoglycolate it is concluded that it may act as molecular structure of each transporter, its substrate
a co-inducer. stoichiometry, its mechanism of energization and its traf-
It is known that light is a prerequisite signal for ficking/folding into the membrane and genetic and post-
expression of CO2-responsive genes (McGinn et al. 2003, translational controls in regulating cyanobacteria Ci
2005), and although this could involve redox or phyto- transporters.
chrome signals, the mechanism is unknown. However,
light can also enhance the transcriptional response to Ci
limitation by enhancing the expression of CO2-responsive
genes (McGinn et al. 2004; Woodger et al. 2003). In References
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