Mastering Use of English

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fo Mastering Use of English B2 Exams Edition GEORGIA GRAHAM WITH ANNA JOHNSON B Burtington Books rey Use of English 82 Exams Edition aie by Georgia Graham A with Anna Johnson ie Burlington Books P.O. Box 54411 3721 Limassol Cyprus, . ‘Buelington Books isan imprint of Danos Books Lid, , Acknowledgements ‘The publisher gratefully acknowledges the following for permission to use photographic material: Associated Press: page 75; Gelty Images / Photodisc: pages 112, 124, 132, 136, 148, 159, 1725 Image 100: page 76; IMS Communications Lid: page 82; Nova Dev. Co, and Licensors: page 147; The Peace Corps: page 63: Reuters: pages 108 and 120; Royal National Lifeboat Institution: page 23; page 98. ‘The publisher has made every effort to contact the owners of copyright material which appears in this book, and will be pleased to heur from any copyright holder who could not be located. All rights reserved by the publisher. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or ‘transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise — without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 978-9963-47-891-0 Copyright © 2008 Burlington Books 098765 43 2 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 INTRODUCTION istering Use of English 82 Exams Edition is designed to consolidate and extend students’ knowledge ‘and vocabulary for the B2-Ievel examinations. The book has been revised to reflect the changes in the FOE ‘is comprised of 28 alternating grammar and vocabulary units, 14 reviews, a glossary and four appendices. There: ely of exercise types leading Up to exam practice for the FCE, ECCE and Stato (KPG) exams. To help students, and siructures of special importance are highlighted, indicating thet these words should be learned carefully. examination strategy tips are given throughout the book. ‘opens with a dlagnostc tast page which is intended to holp students assess ther strengths and weaknesses. »orammar units, the diagnostic testi followed by two pages of detalled grammar rules and a Common Mistakes 2. The units follow a comprehensive grammar sylabus, covering the structures tested in the B2-level examinations. Jary units are all based on topics which commonly appear on exams at this level. The units practise topic easily confused words, useful colocetions and phrasal verbs. ery two units, there is @ review with exercises in B2-level examination formet. folowing can be found et the back ofthe book: ‘of the vocabulary unis containing English and Greek definitions with example sentancss to show typical usage, definitions provided inthe glossary reflect the context in which the words and phrases are used inthe book. appendices: list oftregular eros » comparison of Bish and American English on prefixes and suffixes CONTENTS age UNIT Grammar Present Tenses (active and passive: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous 7 unir2 Vocabulary Language and Communication 13 (REVIEW 1 17) UNIT3 Grammar Past Tenses (active and passive) Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous; used to / would 19 UNIT4 Vocabulary People and Relationships 2 (REVIEW 2 2) UNITS Grammar Future Tenses (active and passive): Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Continuous; be going to, Present Simple, Present Continuous a uNIT6 Vocabulary Living Conditions, Services and Places ar (REVIEW 3 41) uNIT7 Grammar Prepositions of Time, Prepositions of Place 43 UNIT8 Vocabulary Work and Employment 49 (REVIEW 4 53 ) UNIT9 Grammar Modals, Semi-modals, Modal Pertects (active and passive) 55 UNIT 10 Vocabulary Education 61 REVIEW 5 65 ) unita4 Grammar The Passive: Review ofall Tenses; The Causative or UNIT 12 Vocabulary Sports and Other Free-time Activities B (REVIEW 6 77) UNIT 13 Grammar —_Pelative Clauses 79 UNIT 14 Vocabulary Entertainment and the Arts 85 (REVIEW7 89) UNIT 15 Grammar Conditionals, Temporals, wish ot UNIT16 Vocabulary Travel, Tourism and Transport 7 (REVIEW 8 101) ‘UNIT 17 Countable and Uncountable Nouns; Articles; Quantifiers PAGE 103 Grammar UNIT 18 Vocabulary Shopping, Consumer Goods and Money 109 (REVIEW 9 113.) UNIT 19 Grammar —_Demonstratives; its there is; Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives; Determiners: each / every, all/ whole, both, either neither 115 UNIT 20 Vocabulary Food and Drink 121 (REWEW 10 125 ) UNIT 21 Grammar Adjectives and Adverbs: Comparatives and Superatves; 0/ such 127 UNIT 22 Vocabulary The Media and the News 133 (REVIEW 11 137) UNIT 23 Grammar Indirect Speech 139 UNIT 24 Vocabulary The Weather and the Environment 145 (Review 12 7 149) UNIT 25 Grammar Gerunds, Infntves and Bare Infnitives; be / get used to, would rather, i's time 151 UNIT 26 Vocabulary Science and Technology 187 (REVIEW 13 161 UNIT 27 Grammar Connectors, Inversion 163 UNIT 28 Vocabulary Health and Fitness 169 (REVIEW 14 173) GLOSSARY 176 APPENDICES Irregular Verbs 206 British and American English 208 Prefixes and Suftixes 209 Prepositions and Prepositonal Phrases 210 Present Tenses (active and passive): Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous TEST YOURSELF ~ EXAMPLE: A Water is boiling at 100°C. (wate ais a 100°C G7) A Lam always meeting my trends after school. (@])_-A._ Have you been waiting here long? 1 always meet my fiends ator school. ‘Are you waiting here long? 2) A Ihave been studying English for five years. 42) A My sister has always been borrowing my lam studying English for five years. clothes without asking. My sister Is always borrowing my clothes 3) A Are you thinking of buying a new car? without asking Do you think of buying a new car? = 43) A Does this watch belong to Irene? 4) A Sonn nasn't come home already. Is tis watch belonging to Irene? John hasn't come home yet. 4) & Do you want to speak to him now? &) A The house's painting at the moment. ‘You want to speak to him now? ‘The house is being painted st the moment. 4) A Tiss the frat time Ive gone to London. GA Ibelieve thet he is working abroad This isthe fist time I've been to London. | am believing that he is working abroad. 4B) A I know my best friend since 1996, 7) Ws the frst time ve seen her since T have known my bestfriend since 1985. ‘she got married. it's the first time | see her sinos 7 ‘My brother and | are going to the cinema she got married, next Friday night. My brother and | wil go tothe cinema 8) A Dad's exhausted. He's working herd next Friday night. in the garden all day. Dad's exhausted. He has been working 48) A They have been owning 2 house by hard inthe garden al day the sea for saveral years. ‘They have owned a house by the 1B) A He can't speak to you just now — 0a for saveral years. he has a shower He carapace valet = 49) A THis eummer we have gone to Pati. he's having a shower ‘This summer we are going to Pars 40) A {have not szen them since they 20) A So tar today, | have writen three letters. bought their naw house. | have not seen them since they have bought their new house. ‘So far todey, | have been writing three letters. USE EXAMPLES 2 PRESENT SIMPLE i Aetive ‘4. ahabitual action orafact ‘goto actao every morning {bare infinitive +s /es in rd person, a general truth i ia aa ‘singutar in the west. I war : fe with statve verbs std below) {dont ike statis. : ‘Do you work? d. future (timetables / schedules) Schoo ends on 14th June this year. Does sho work? iy lane leaves et 00 am SHAY Cer . narratives, sports A boy walks into class and says He CaeTEMK, commentaries, jokes to the teacher ‘He hoks the bal. ts aga Passive to stress the action rather than The letters are delivered every week. /is/are+ ‘the agent ib ‘am 1s / are + past participle Were /there. 29, Here comer the bride PRESENT CONTINUOUS There here Active 2. an action n progress gt ome is writing ana. Sean at the time of speaking We are working b. an incomplete action stilin. fm ving wth ny ssa te ment He is wortng. progres, usually temporary ‘Ate you working? %. an arrangement or plan for the She Is going on holiday next week. Is she working? = near future ioe m ™ en tim net working. ttisn’t worki 4. action which happens very. Tom is always dropping things. na often, can be used to erticise fr complain (with ahvays, forever, constant) Passive to stress the action rather than Lunch is being served now. am/is/ are being + past participle the agent ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS: Present Simp! always, often, usualy, occasionally, sometimes, rarely, hardly ever, scarcely, never, ‘every weak, twice a year Present Continuous: now; right now, at the moment, today, tonight With a future meaning: this weak, next weak, tomorrow, soon, on Monday, next Saturday ‘STATIVE VERBS 1 Stative verbs refer to a state rather than an action and are usually not used in the continuous form, These verbs express: ‘senses: feel, hear, notice, see, smell, sound, taste ‘mental activities: appear, balisve, consider; depend, doubt, expect, feel, forget, guess, hope, imagine, ‘know, mean, mind, prefer, realise, recognise, remember, seem, suppose, think, understand Possession: belong fo, have, own, owe, possess ‘emotions: adore, desire, cislte, fear, forgive, hate, like, ove, need, want, wish ‘amounts: cost, equal, measure, weigh 2 Some of these verbs have more than one meaning and can be used in the continuous form when the ‘meaning changes from a state to an activity in progress. We have a smail dog. (possess) This soup tastes delicious. fact) Vm having lunch. (doing that activity) 1m tasting the soup to see if fs ready. (doing that activity) | think he’s a terrible dancer. (my opinion) Now | $8e what you mean. (understand) ’m thinking of going out tonight. (considering) She's seeing her doctor this afternoon. (meeting) Tne Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous FORM USE EXAMPLES: PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Active ‘8 an action that took place at an We have seen tat fi, has / have + past patticiple unstated time in the past, but Is She has already Brought the food. iisuoaested sl relevant in the present She hes worked. bb. an action that began in the past They have worked here since 1997. Have you worked? and continues up to the present ‘He has owned a ca for two years. Has Tae (osually with for and since) haven't worked. «for unfinished time periods 1 haven't eaten anything al day She pesrEwoted: 4, for an action that happened several have heard that joke saverai mes. times or repeatedly in the past fe. with This /It isthe frst / second I's one ofthe best fms tha) 've that .. and superlatives ‘ever seen, Passive to stress the action rather than the The house has been sold have /has been + past participle agent PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Active ‘a, an action that began in the past They have Been doing their have / has been + verb+ing ‘and continues into the present with homework for he ast three hours. ‘an emphasis on the duration of thet Iie have been cleaning the house Ves oe action {usually with for and since) afl moming. He has been working. Have you been working? 'b. an action that has just fished Hr hairs wet because she has Has he been working? and is sill relevant to the present een walking inthe rain. | haven't been working. ‘She hasn't been working, Passive No passive form ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS Present Perfect Simple: just, yet, already. ever, never, lately, recently, so far, slays, for, since, how tong Present Perfect Continuous: for, since, al day, how long COMMON MISTAKES = The following sentences contain mistakes commonly made by students. Rewrite them correctly. 4. Every weekend, we are visting our grandparents. | am studying English for five years. 3. Ihave three years to see my cousin, 4. Does your mother works full-time? 5. He stays with friends at the moment. UNIT t c se Grammar Practice _ ‘A. Complete the following paragraphs with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Te eles ‘that it’s the Funniest film that (2) Peter and 1 (3) @) Well, he (5) but he is going back on Thursday. We (6) . of seeing the film on Wednesday evening. It (7) (start) at 8:30, so we (8) . (you see) the new film at the local cinema yet? Everyone says | at 8.15, Perhaps you'd like to come with us? | cv» (make) ina long time. (want) to see the film. You (not see) Peter for a long time, have you? 2. Did you know that the continents of the earth (1) for billions of years? This (2) seas and the continents (3) . ‘continue to change in the future, Scientists still (4) . (not understand) hove this happens, but recent research (5) (give) them a great deal of useful information. (change) all the time and will 3. The police (1) just report) a serious accident in the city centre, $o fa, 10 PeOpIE (2) emennnn cba (bE) | to hospital. Some (3 (treat) and others Gis. ee (alfGidy release). The police ©) _ (not discover) the cause of the accident yet, but they (6) ‘more information shortly. (hope) to get es 'B. Complete the following sentences with the correct time expression below. Use each time expression once only. already * ever + forever just ¢ seldom * so far twice a week * always * for * never * since © yet 1. We've vou 888n that film 0 we don't want to see it agen. 2, dulle goes to the Neath CUD ..-.nnnse-nnim OM Mondays and Thursdays, _ heard such nonsense! It's an absolutely crazy ideal 8. VC an 4, Don't wake the baby! She's nn. cw gone to sleep. 5. Have you spoken to a famous person? 6 They've been interested in music and often attend concerts. 7. I's very annoying! Jane is forgetting where she's put things. 8. Susan's parents . {90 out in the evenings because they finish work very late, 9 ‘today, Mrs Smith's secretary has typed three letters for her. 10. ve only been taking karate classes va @ fa Waeks but I'm already quite good. 11. Hurry up! | can't believe you haven't done this exerci .. 5) 12. Have you seen Tom... his party last week? é nr s GRAMMAR . Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the most suitable verb from the list below, active or passive, positive or negative. teach * forgive + take © paint + seo + study » read © work This is my cousin Jude ~ he AA first, | did't understand what he wanted, but now |. ‘Their house “i's ballet elas... | can't wait for tomorrow! My dad sity and he'll graduate next yea sone bis point _ for years. They realy should do something about it! by an ex-prima ballerina, The pupils really look up to her her for lying to me. ‘me to a football match! for the same company? all of her books. How long ‘My favourite author is Jane Austen —1 you 1 2 8 4, 5. I'm not inviting Kelly to my party because | 6 7 8 ‘A. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1, hear that our examination papers 5, “What time is Sue arriving?” land are ready now. “The bus 6 pm. and I'm going to meet are being marked her at the bus station.” b. are marking a gets in c.have marked has got in d._ have been marked does get in 4, getting in * son the man in this picture? "Yes, he's the man who robbed me." 6 ‘a. Are you recognized b. Do you recognize ©. Are you recognizing b saw 1. You aro recognizing . have seen have been seen She has not spoken to me sincs we each other at the library last week. a. were seeing 3, The photographs... at the moment. ‘You should have them in an hour 7. This is the best plece of advice a. develop a. lamrreceiving b. are developed bl receive are being developed cc. lam being recetved dL have developed 4d. ve received 4, Why are you out of breath? They vn. to tum off the lights when they leave the room. ‘a. Have you been running are never remembering b. Have you run remember never fe. Are you running ©. never remember Do you un 4d, have never remembered B. KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given, You must use between two and five words, including the word sven, TIP! remember that contracted forms (29, doesn't, don't) count as two words, 1. The last ime Susan went to Ertan was two years ago, susan . not for two years. never 2. This Is our first time in an aeroplane. We . in an aeroplane before, it unr 12 a See 2. started to snow at sik o'clock this morning. since i on sue 8 0'e08k this morning. 4, What's the prioe of that camera, please? cost How much . plesse? 5, The use of certan spray cans is polluting the atmosphere. by “The atmosphere. Bal - . the use of certain spray cans. 6. I haven't recelved my exam results yet. still tae 7. lean’t remember ever seeing such @ good programme cn TV. best This i the Scat 8. We moved here 10 years ago. for we . for my exam results. ‘seen on TV 10 years. Read part of a leaflet about a music festival and fil in the missing words. Choose from among the words in the table bbolow by marking the corresponding letter. (There are four words you won't need and two you may use twice.) A been |B being [C has |D is E have [F do G we for I si K before [L_ offen WORLDSONG MUSIC FESTIVAL ‘The Worldsong Festival has been around (1) .... 25 years and is now the top musical event ofits kind, The festival (2) .... normally held in June but has (3)... postponed this year because the venue is (4) for the European Student Games. This year’s Worldsong Festival (5)... taking place on the weekend of the 10th/11th of August (6) nthe early 1970s, when just a few hundred spectators came each year the event (7) «nu grown enormously, and this year more than 30,000 people (8)... expected to turn up. Whether you area regular at Worldsong, or have never been (9) mut is sure to be an experience to remember! A varied programme (10)... been put together, including performances by blues singers, African rhythm bands, Irish dancers and folk singers from South America, Tickets are available at major record shops or by post. A two-day pass costs just £30, and includes parking or transfer by bus from Fridley Station. used OPEN CLOZE Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. MOVING HOUSE think one of (1). -» most difficult things to do is to move house, particularly when you have 2) ene somewhere all your life. As well as leaving your home, you also have the problem of packing everything (3) ‘own into boxes. You don't realise how much you have until you have to pack it all up! We (4). .- moving house in about two weeks' time, o { know what I'm talking about! My father (3) found a new job in another town about 100 kilometres from here. Fle has oy looking for an opportunity like this (7) 2 long time so the whole family agreed that we should move. Our house is (8) sold, and my parents have (9) nso found us a new one. It is much bigger than the one we live in (10) sesonuee the moment. My sister and { will have our own rooms, which I'm glad about because she has been annoying me lately She is ay .» borrowing my clothes without asking me. She isn't very enthusiastic about moving, but Tim quite excited about it, and T don't (12) von UL mind living in a new town, Vocabulary Language and Communication ne TEST YOURSELF “~\\Gomplete the sentences with the correct form of a word below. There are more words than you need. ‘Make sure you understand all the words in the vocabulary boxes, not just the correct answors. FORMS OF LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION accuse argue ‘contact excuse interrupt protest admit chat criticise express interview regret advise communicate declare gesture object threaten announce complain discuss get across persuade warn apologise confess exclaim grumble pronounce whisper 4. Ifyou don't sesusninuie @WOrd properly, people may not understand what you are tying to say. she for coming 20 lata. She was sorry she had kept us waiting 3. We weren't satisfied with the service in the restaurant so We... to the manager. to stop his pocket money if he didn’t start helping in the house, san Me of breaking his MP4 player, but | didn’t do it |. His tether . 2 3 4 5. My brother. 6. 7. 8 itis impotte to people when they are in the middle of a conversation. - 1h.gve you my mobile phone number in case you want to sme while I'm out ‘They really _ not coming to the party. They are sory they missed it 8. “What a great idea” she . $0, THEY oonnan because they didn't want anyone to hear what they were saying, a to being treated 0 untaiy 12, He always finds fault with people and everything they do. 13. She swoon fo US t0 take OUT Seats. 14, The teacher .. Us not to be late for morning assembly. DESCRIBING LANGUAGE AND CommuntcaTION ee eee Scenery . language, you can communicate with people from another country. . part of the exam is often hardar than the written part. ‘She grew up speaking both French and Russian 16. The I 17, Elizabeth is 1B, Allan speaks Spanish very hesitantly, He would like to be more In Spanish, | 18. you know a... speaker, 19, Mary's Gorman is excellent ~ she sounds just lke & 20, John doesn't say much but his sister is the opposite ~ she's very. Cheek your answers with your teacher. How many of them are correct? 0-6: Start studying! 7-9: Ty harder! 10-12: Quite good! 13-15: Good! 16-20: Excellent! — 13 ie . <=, Vocabulary Practice A. PHRASAL VERBS Circle the correct phrasal verb with get to complete the following sontences, While Ido the shopping, you can get over to / away with / on with your work. tts dificult to gst by / away / to in a foreign country if you don’t speak the language. Russian is such a hard language to learn. I's really getting me oft / by / down. He thought he would get down to / away with / out of copying on the exam, but he didn't. (Once their French teacher arives, they will get over to / down to / on to work. ‘You promised to come and help me with my Spanish homework, Don't try to get out of / up to / into it! you want to get on / in / away in life and find a good job, knowing a foreign language can be an advantage. {John's parents won't let him go to summer school but | think hell get on / over / out the disappointment quickly. exe ererna B, USEFUL COLLOCATIONS AND EXPRESSIONS Complete the following sentences with the words below. ‘You will need to use some of the words mora than once. have * info * make * voice * up * get * excuse * tell * clue * tongue * over Why are you shouting at the top of your... suum standing right beside you, Ho's very nervous. He's bon asked to . «8 speech at his nephew's wedding. {did't ‘the point of what she was trying to say. Did you understand her? “There's s0 much noise in the room that | can't hear you. Please speak ... HM leave my phone number on the notice board in case you need 0 «senna i touch with me, twas a difcul subject to explain, but he managed to himself understood very well. Please don't raise your voice to me, I don't want 10 ‘an argument about this. ‘She's only three years old; she may have a watch, but she can't sn «the time yet. ‘haven't what the answer to your question is. Maybe Mark can help you. 40. Some people find i €88y 10 on conversation; | find it quite hard. 11. I don't believe he was il yesterday. He's just making an .... 42, Ifyou have a problem, talking it. s+» With someone often helps, 13. We 1 long conversation every time we meet. 14. Please lower your Everyone can hear you. 48. She talked us going with her. 16. Don't waste time on unnecessary details 17. You should always be truthful. It is wrong to 18. The name of the shop is on the tip of my... but | just can’t remember it now. (C. WORD FORMATION Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word given. ‘These instructions ara in Italian. Could | have an Enlist please? ‘TRANSLATE 2. Students of a foreign language need to improve their as well as ACCURATE trying to speak with a degree Of seunnsnsniennnnnn FLUENT 8. Ibis important to learn the correct, _ of € new word. PRONOUNCE 4, The girls in the class are very «Dut the boys are much quieter. TALK ‘5. What she did was wrong. | expact an .. from her, APOLOGISE 6. Please tum off all mobile phones during the meeting. We don't want any INTERRUPT 14 VOCABULARY D. EASILY CONFUSED WORDS Circle the correct answer. 1. I was born in Italy so my mother language / tongue / speech is italian When he went into the room, they were all discussing / talking / telling the latest news. ‘My best friend has moved to another town, but we still contact / get In touch / keep in touch. | could tell he was uncomfortable from his body gesture / language / sign. slim giggled / mumbled / grumbled at the price of the cinema tickets. Susan refused / denied / rejected to listen to what Ben had to say. The technician gave them lots of news / information / informations about their new computer, Let me give you some advices / advise / advice. | sald / warned / threatened him never to do that again. We mentioned / informed / told the concert to Peter, but he did't seem very interested in going. Its not my fault / blame / wrong you forgot the appointment. Don't fault / blame / wrong me. | agreed / agreed to / agreed with hsip hor translate the article into French. She agreed / agreed to / agreed with everything that | suggested. Exam Practice A. KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentenc using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word siven. TIP! vont torgot to use the key word. 1. He said he was sory that ne had tld se many ies. apologleed He aa .- 60 many lies. 2. We'try to phone our cousins regulary. touch. We try to . ur cousins by phone, 3. You will have to help us tidy up. get You can't e helping us tidy up. 4. Because they were arguing, | let the room. argument Because they .. 7 «Heft the room, 5. When | went into the room, the political situation was under discussion. about When | went into the room, they . .. the political situation. 6. I finally agreed to go to the concert with John. persuaded Joho fray tothe concert with him, } 7, She was shouting very loudly and waving her hands in the air. voice | She wes shouting at . and waving her hand inthe ai 8. You can contact me by e-mail f you want. Here's my address. get Hl give you my e-mall address go that you can . 15 unre eu BL Below is some information about the languages spoken in Europe. Some words are missing. Decide what they are. Choose from among the words below by marking the corresponding letter. (There is one word you won't need and ‘one you may use twice.) ‘A. themselves |B foreign © native D_ tongue E get F speak comersation | H multilingual [1 communicate | J tell LANGUAGES IN EUROPE. Did you know that there are currently 23 official European Union languages? A recent survey has shown ~ 569% of European citizens can hold @ (2) .... im more than that nearly half of Europe is already (1) cone language. Here are some details & English is the number-one language only 13% of the EU population (3) (A) oor, But a further 38% know enouigh to (5) ... by in everyday situations. %& The language that has the greatest number of (6) .... speakers is German, but only 14% of Europeans speak it a8 a (7) on. language. 4 People in Luxembourg are the most likely to be fluent in more than one language, followed by Slovakia and Latvia, where more than nine out of 10 people can easily make (8)... understood in another language. People in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Italy are the least likely to speak (9) ..n. language ~ more | than halfare not able to (10). itas their mother (©. MULTIPLE CHOICE CLOZE Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B,C or D, best fits each space. GOOD COMMUNICATION ‘Throughout our lives, good communication is the key to success. In our personal relationships, we need to be able to get our ideas and feelings (1) .-..and to understand what others are trying to tell us. Parents and children need t0 (2) sw things without (3) a. arguments all the time. (Communication is important in other areas of life too; if we can't (4) ourselves understood at work or at school, how are we going to manage? At work, if your colleagues feel they are being (5) .... OF told what to do, ‘they may complain, Some might do more than (6) ....3 they may even (7) ssn to cooperate. If you want to (8) .n. in business, you need the ability t0 (9) ue others i you are selling, As well as choosing words carefully, it's important to understand that we (10) other ways too, Ninety percent of the impression we make on others depends on things like body (11) ous and only 10% on what you are saying. We can all benefit from knowing more about to buying what .- ourselves in appearance and (12) good communication, 1 A up B away © across D down 2. A. discuss B owk © speak D chat 3. A making B having © doing D_ getting 4. A. have B do © make D speak 5. A objected B advised © complained D criticised 6. A grumble B mumble C wa D giggle 7A deny B regret C refuse D_ threaten 8. A get outof B geton © getto D_getover 9. A talk B tell © say D_ persuade 10. A. exclaim B admit C express D impress 1. A signs B language © tongue D gesture 12. A. point B advice © noise D wiee 16 Review 1 |A. OPEN CLOZE Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. CAN ANIMALS TALK? ‘There are many films with talking animals in them, and many people claim to be able to understand what their cat ‘or dog is trying to tell them. Some animals can be taught to use words. Parrots (1). ‘example, ean learn to repeat things like their names but rescarchers (2) smonen Stil studying them to discover if they really know (3) they are saying. In general, scientists believe that the way humans use language to get (4) what they mean is unique, Animals use many different ways to communicate basi ideas: ‘bees do a complicated dance to show other bees where to find flowers, and nearly all animals use movements 6) _ gestures for communication. But the way people use words (6). ve different. We use sounds (7) . mean specific things, and we can put together any meaning we want from (8) snsonnnenennan sotunds We make. The noises which are made (9). animals, such as bird calls or dog barks, can only express (10) . few general ideas. The noise warns the others that (1) is danger, but they cannot express what the danger is or say what to (12) about it. B, KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Compiete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 4. We've never been to Ganada before. time This is the first : .» to Canada. 2. Temy has a bad habit of not telling the truth, and it relly annoys me. always TeRTY sos centers : co las, and it really annoys me. 3. My friends managed to persuade me to go climbing with them, into. My friends ccimbing with them. 4, What is his opinion of his new French teacher? think What .. vw his new French teacher? 5. They are talking about the plans for 2 new language schoo! today. discussed The plans for @ new language school ... 6. She came to live here in 1895. living today. She : - suns 1995, 7. When did you first mest Charles? long How See ovens Charles? 8. Helen Is recovering from a recent iiness. getting Helen n & recent illness, 7 ©. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 10. We have been waiting for you What musieal instrument... 2" “The guitar” ‘8. is playing your brother b. does play your brother ‘©. does your brother play dd, plays your brother “enrifer, have you made any vacation plans yet?" Well, of going abroac.” a. Tm thinking b.Ithink ©. Wa thought 4. | would think His car broke down yesterday. It a. repairs be is repaired . isrepaiting 4d. le being repaired wo in the garage. 15 minutes. a. already b. sofar ©. for di. since How long... this house? have you owned are you owing 2. doyou own ._have you been owning So far this month, three important speeches ‘= b. a a. ‘Tom is very tired. He ..... hard recently. ‘a. has been working b. was working c. isworking d. works | hope you're listening and a write b. wniting ©. you writing d. towste “This food... delicious. a teste De is tasting tastes i. has tasted _ down the new words. 1 12. 13. 14, 18, 18 1". 18. 19, ‘or forgetting Jane's letter, a. complained b. rogreited © excused 3. apologized had great difficulty it x what he wanted to 3y. gating on speaking up getting across talking over 10 tell us what thay knew about the matter. refused denied objected rejected ‘The principal... the class to talk tothe students. a. Interviewed b. interrupted ‘c. mentioned d. exclaimed z Role oon hoy Her name was on the ‘couldn't remember it. a. end b, top edge d. tip When you learn a new word, learn how to spell Rand HOW 10 van a. pronounce ‘announce: exoress sound of my tongue, but | to tell his parents what he had dona, a. warned . contacted c. threatened d. persuaded He's never satisfied. He's gesturing ‘grumbling, whispering declaring Past Tenses (active and passive): Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous; used to / would TEST YOURSELF Road the pairs of sentences below and circle the sentence which is correct. EXAMPLE: A was seeing a very good fir lst week. © saw a very good in at week | didn’t sieep well at ail last night. 4A A By the time they arrived, all the B | wasn't sleeping well at all last night. preparations had been made. B By the time they arrived, all the (Bh When t went into the living room, my preparations had made. father was watching TV BB When | went int the living room, my |A He was stuciyng English fortwo years father watched TV, when he first went to Britain, BB He had been studying Enlish for two [A Were you going swimming every day years when he first went to Britain. after schoo! last month? B Dic you go swimming every day after ‘A After they had done the shopping, they ‘sahobl leet nonin hhad started to prepare the meal B Alter they had done the shopping. they (A wile | was crossed the road, | saw started to prepare the meal. fan accident. 8 Wiike: was ctdectig the read, Law His clothes were wet because he had ssvéocident been walking in the rain. - B His clothes were wet because ne walked 6B) I didn't mean to upset her; 'm sorry in the rain, about it. B | wasr't meaning to upset her Vm 5) A Unit ne arived, they were ready. sorry about it B By the time he arived, they were reac. [A During the interviow, all his answers {used to have short hair; now it's long. were recorded for a radio programme. B I was used to have short hair; now it’s long B During the interviow, all his answers \wete recording for a radio programme. eS ) > We would live in @ ema fat 1B We used to live In a small at. When | looked out of the window, the ‘sky was blue and the sun shone. @ Did Julle buy anything new the other day? B When ! looked out of the window, the 'BHas Julie bought anything new the other day? ‘oky was blue and the sun was @] 6 1H. sea 09 tthe cama rey Wook ‘A | Gicn’t know that he had left. B They would to go to the cinama every week B | cide? know that he et (@_» to tamiy na ised eating before AA We were phoning him immediately we anived. We phoned him immediately B The family has fished eating before we aved. A They didn't use to eat late 1B They didn't used to eat late, 19 PAST SIMPLE Active verb+ed (except irregular verbs) | worked. Did you work? He didn't work Passive was / were + past participle PAST CONTINUOUS Active was / wore + verb ting | was working We were working. Was he working? Were you working? | wasn't working. They woren’t working, Passive ‘was / were being + past participle TIME EXPRESSIONS Past Simple: used to / would FORM 1d to + bare infinitive Nogative didn’t use to / never used to Question Did you use to ‘would + bare infinitive (not usually used in negative and ‘question forms) Past Simple, Past Continuous ‘8. @ completed action that took place at 2 definite time in the past several actions in the past which happened one after another fe. the main events in @ narrative to stress the action rather than the agent 1. an action in progress at a ‘specific time in the past two incomplete actions taking, place at the same time in the past . an action in progress (Past Continuous) interrupted by another action (Past Simple) background to a narrative to stress the action rather than the agent USE can only be used in past tense — replaces Past Simple ‘a. an action that happened regularly in the past but no lenger happens bb, a past state or situation past habits or repeated actions (only used to can refer to past states) For Information on be used to and get used to, see Unit 25. He teft home two years 290. ‘He got up, washed and went He kissed her and asked her to marty him, The book was published In November. AL8.00 pm, fst night was ‘doing my homework Tim was llstening tothe radio Uuile Sam was reading a book. The children were chatting noisily when their teacher entered. We want into the garden. The birds were singing. ‘The tents were st being put up hen we arrive. ‘Remember! We don't use the continuous form when a verb refers to a state, not an action. (See Stative Verbs, Unit 1.) ago, yesterday, last week, in 1963, in November, when, the other day Past Continuous: yesterday, at five o'clock, as, wile ‘used to play tenis, but I don't have the energy nov. Did you use to have a garden winen you were a child? ‘She would always sleep with the window open. Ea Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous FORM USE EXAMPLES PAST PERFECT SIMPLE pee ‘an action that happened before another ‘They had moved Nouse before we had + past participle action or periog of time in the past ried in the ceighbourhood. She had worked, £8, the time laved, everyone else Had she worked? ie perenne {adn sooner got to work than We hadn't worked. tape | Passive | had been + past participle to stress the action rather than the agent ‘The apple had bean eaten, | PAST PERFECT | CONTINUOUS | Active 2. an action which started before another ad haan reading fran hour had been + verb+ing action in the past and was still in when the doorbell rang. | | She had been working. progress at the time of the second action Had she been working? an action that had just finished at @ ‘ls hands were city because he We hadir't been working, Particular time in the past but was stil ‘fad been working in te garcen. relevant at that time (see Present | | _ Passive No passive form Perfect Continuous) NOTE ‘We can often use Past Simple instead of Past Perfect when the time expression ( makes it clear which action happened first. After she (had) finished lunch she took a nap. ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS Past Perfect Simple: by the time, aftar before, when, as soon as, already, for, no sooner... than Past Perfect Continuous: for since, al night / wack / afternoon COMMON MISTAKES ‘The following sentences contain mistakes commonly made by students. 1. Last winter they were going skiing every weekend, 2. Asa child | would love lee cream, but today | hate it 3, twas raining heavily when we were leaving the house. 4, She hadn't to see him for years 8, He was working there for two years when he moved offices. 6. The old house hadin't been painting for years. 3 22 ma ‘Grammar Practice Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use past tenses. 1. While we (play) tennis yestorday, it (start) to rain. 2. The report suosssinsune (Gomplete) before We Jeave) the office. 3. Aswo « leave) the shop, we . (meet) our aunt, who (invite) us to dinner |4, By the time my mother 3 sue (me) home, We (tidy up) our room. 5. He vn (talk) to his tend for several minutes when his brother (arrive) and .. . (interrupt) their conversation, 6. By the tiMe I son (wake up), the rain . .. (shine) again, (stop) and the sun Complete the following sontonces with the correct time expression below. Use each time expression once only. There ‘are more words than you need. stil © the otherday + aga * for © since * bythe time » already © until © while ‘we realised our mistake, we had driven 20 km in the wrong direction. We couldn't use the swimming pool because it was Fifty years : peer — our old maths teacher! | -nabody had personal computes nthe homes, {ead my book. su Lee wating for my dacs appaitent | ‘Simon's mum was angry because he had been playing computer games 8 got home from school, Ge Complete the following paragraphs with the correct form of the verb in brackets, You'll never guess who | saw 1, It was the first time that Harry (1) (ever fly) in an aeroplane and naturally, he was very excited, When the suiteases (2) sesame (pack), he and his family (3) (set off) for the airport. Harry's parents liked travelling and they used (4) wv. quite often, s0 they (5) en after he left his house, Harry (6) .. Dn (buy) before he (8) (read) his magazine for an hour when lunch (10) .. » (go) abroad _ (always wear) comfortable clothes for such journeys. Two hours sit) in the aeroplane, reading a magazine which he (board) the plane. Hie (9) (serve). Last Saturday, my friend and I (1) (decide) to go shopping in town. Once we 2. nnn (arvive) in the city centre, We (3) « (go) straight to the new music shop, Which (4) son _ (open) by a local singer a few weeks before. We (5) - (try) for afew days to find the time to go there and we (6) om (not be} disappointed. There ‘was a wonderful selection of CDs in the shop, and we both (7) . (spend) an enjoyable hour there before we (8) sso (ave) kuch, Complete the following sentences with the correct form of used fo oF woud. You may need to use the negative, There may be more than one correct answer. 4. Sam be in my class at school but he moved a year ago. 2. My brother «lke Chinese food but now he tkes it very much. 3. When we were young, our cousins $end the weekends with us. 4. My grandmother. often tell us about her life when she was a git, 5. 90 to the beach a lot when you were a child? 6. Voussususstnnennnne KNOW this area very well but ithas changed a lot. E. Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each space. aiaarontner ‘The Grace Darling Museum (1) «by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution in 1938 in memory of a young heroine who (2) ... famous exactly 100 years exrlier. Grace Darling (3) ..n in a lighthouse with her father on a tiny rocky island in the North Sea. She (4)... him keep the lighthouse working and (5) su. wateh for sailors in trouble. She was just 22 years old when, on 7th September 1838, a ship (6) nau onto the rocks ina storm. She helped her father row a tiny boat out to the wreck to rescue nine survivors. People at the time were amazed that a young woman could show such strength and courage, and portraits (7)... showing her batling against wind and waves, her hair flying behind her. The museum contains various items belonging to Grace and the boat which (8) .... in the famous rescue. 1. A. was established B had established € established 2. A hasbecome B had become © was becoming 3. A. haslived B waslived © lived 4. A used to help B was helping Chad been helping 5. A. wasalso keeping B_ would also keep was also kept 6 A ran B. used torun © hadron 7. A_ wete painting B painted C_ were painted 8. A would use B_ was used © was being used _Exam Practice A. KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that Ithas a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use betwoon two and five words, including the word siven. TIP! ntake sure your answer does not include any unnecessary words. Write only 2-5 words. 4. had to tidy my desk before | could got down to work, until I eouldn't get down to work my desk. 2. Jennifer never forgot her mother's birthday. Jennifer. ° sot vo her mother's bithday. ‘3, An talian drove the winning car in the race. by “The winning car in the rece : ow an Malian, 4, The postman arrived in the middle of our breakfast. while ‘The postman arrived. breakfast. 5. I hadnt finished checking my test when the examiner told me to stop. stil Ie ii 6. Allan studied hard all day so he was very tired that night. because vas My test when the examiner told me to stop. Alan was very tied that night nnn Sea hard all day. 7. The boys often played football after school. would ‘The boys .. rar . 1 after school. 8 This is the house where | lived when Iwas a boy. used This isthe house where. | wes a boy. 23 ‘ONT RAMMAR, B. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, 1. They wns 0n our street for several 6. "Why dia they lower their voices?” weeks when | frst met them. "They obviously didn't want me to hear a. were living what sone b. have lived was being discussed c. tived b. discussed had bean living ‘6. would discuss d._ were discussing 2. When George... at the bus stop, his friends wore already there, 7. "What... between 9.00 and 10.00 last a. artived night?" the policeman asked. b. had arrives ‘a. were you doing ©. was arriving had you done dd. was arrived have you done d. were you done 8. Sandra looked in her bag and discovered that her wallet 8. “Did you understand the book? a. was stolen "No, not ... had read! the translation.” 'b. had been stolen a. since had stolen be yet d. stole ©. until d. while 4. They oun to him immediately after the interview. 9. The first airplane .... by the Wright 2. had been written brothers in 1903. b. were writing was flying c. wrote was flown d. were writen flew had flown 5. “Why did the boss send Linda home yesterday?” 10. Henry was out of breath because “Because she .... I.” he... to catch the train, a. was looked a ren b. had looked b.had been running ©. has been looking ©. was running looked dd. used to run ©. OPEN CLOZE Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. TIP! remember to read the whole toxt carefully botore you start. A BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Generally Janet (1) ‘get home at about 6.30, but that evening she got home later than expected because she had missed her usual train. The house was very quiet and in total darkness; ‘obviously nobody else had come home (2)... __. She had been in the house for only afew seconds (3) snnsnnnuone She heard a slight noise in the living room and she (4) vom there, wondering what todo. (5) he was trying to find the courage to g0 (6) wsnmnsununs the living room and see what was happening, she (7) Janet went in, Suddenly the lights (8) someone laugh quietly, and then there was silence again. Finally, +e Switched on, Her Family ancl all her friends were in the room, singing “Happy Birthday” A surprise party had (9) . organised for her! Everyone had been sitting in the dark living room (10) seems» at hous, waiting for her to come home. They all (11) a ‘wonderful time at the party. Janet had not (12) to celebrate her birthday, so the whole evening was areal surprise for her. 24 Nite] lay People and Relationships TEST YOURSELF ©) complete the sentences withthe correct form of word below. There are more words than you need. ‘Make sure you understand al the words in the vocabulary boxes, not ust the correct answers. RELATIONSHIPS adolescent Dridesmaid ex-wife niece separated adopt couple father-in-law. oly child single adult divorced Ganeée orphan stepiather bride engaged infant relative widow Here's a photo of my friend Tim's wedding. I was best man. As you can see, there were lots of guests, as has alot of (1). and most of them came. I’m standing between the @ (Bridget) and Jim’s new (3) (Bridget’s dad). Bridget's parents are (4). and her father has since remarried, but luckily he still gets on well swith his (3) . so they both came to the wedding. Bridget is an © » but Jim has two brothers: Tom, on the right is still (7). oF 4 but Greg has just got (8) enue and is planning his wedding for the summer, That's his (8) sone standing next to him. Bridget’ itl cousins, Slly and Donna, were (19) ose Don’t they look cute? APPEARANCE bald complexion feature middle-aged pretty straight beard ‘elderly freckle ‘moustache slim wavy 11. you have a pale ... .« YOU must be careful not to get sunburnt, 412. My fathar is in his mie-fftias. | quess you could cal him 13. A few years ago he had thick black hair, but now he's completely 14, We generally say that boys are good-looking, but giis are. 16. Women should wear make-up to emphasise their best PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS conscientious enthusiastic hospitable obedient — self-centred sympathetic considerate faithful independent outgoing stubborn tactful 16, twas very... (of you to tell hor that her new hairstyle doesn't suit her! 17. His nephew is & VOY nen 18. | told her my problem but she wasn't very . student; he always does his homework and works hard. «person. He cares about other people's feelings and wishes. 19, Paul isavery.. 20, Steven's parents are very ‘They are alviays inviting people to their house. ___ Check your answers with your teacher. How many of them are comect? 0-6: Start studying! See 10-12: Quite good! 13-15: Good! 16-20: Excellent! 25 one (eee Fs “2, Vocabulary Practice A. USEFUL COLLOCATIONS AND EXPRESSIONS Complete the following sentences with a suitable word, 1. My brother is fiendly person. He om friends very easily 2, Denise's children are very noisy ~ I don't know how she Puts. with them. 3. Md ike to introduce you to Pamela, She '6 a C1080... of mine, 4. | don't know whats wrong with my sister today. She's a bad mood. 5, George's sharing a fat with another student. They get... woll 6. Jim's parents divorced many years ago and he grew up in a single-parent... 7. Im not sure how old Mr Lewis is - probably sone his early thi 8. They had a bad quarrel few days ago, but they've now made and are fiends again 9, She looks a lot her mother, but her sister resembles her father more. 10. Margaret and Allan sm love and decided to . married a few months later. B. PHRASAL VERBS Complete the following sentences with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs with bring, tring about + bring down * bringin * bring out bring back bring off bring on = bring up |. When he saw his old house again, it memories of his childhood, 2. She took on extra work three evenings a week, but it only i a few pounds. 3, Jane's new boyfriend has ‘complete change in her behaviour. 4. They've just sn ‘new digital camera which is excellent 5. The government is trying very hard to the rate of inflaton. 6. Itwasn't an easy thing to do, but | was sure she Would... it 7, She has. her children to be very independent. a Her ines was... by stress at work, ADJECTIVES Complete the following sentences with the correct adjective below. tlexible * rude * pessimistic * ambitious * generous » selfish » introverted Pat has an optimistic attitude to life. She doesn't believe in being uth is stubbom. She should learn to be mors ‘Tom is very outgoing but his brother is Linda only thinks about herself; she's so. ‘Simon is mean whereas his fiend Alex is quite Mark is not interested in doing well i life but his cousin is Negnoep ‘Sam is not a polite child. His behaviour is very. D. EASILY CONFUSED WoRDS Circle the correct answer. 4. I:don't like wearing bright colours. They don't fit/ suit / mateh me. ‘After Susan's parents broke up, her mother brought her up / grew her up / brought her out alone. Sophia looks after / takes after / agrees with her grandmother ~ she has the same looks and personality Her parents are celebrating their anniversary today. They have been married / got married / married for 25 years, 5. Although the twins, Sue and Ann, look exactly ale, each one Is single / alone / unique in her own way. gE ‘Complete the following sentences with the negative form of the word in bold. Choose from the prefixes un-, im, in-, dis- and ir. Harry is 80... obediant; he never does hat his parents el im, My cousin's vary ..regponsibe; he never Keeps his promises. ~ ror. yous laa re = Vm always very shy in ...familiar situations. | think he's so ....mature because he's the youngest child in the family. At school she was ....popular and didn't have meny fiends. People wo tel les ae... honest. We mustn't keep George waiting: he gets ....patlent when we're late COMPOUND ADJECTIVES Complete the following paragraph with the adjectives below to form compound adjectives. You will need to use two of the words twice, short © well * good * brand © hard © easy © fair © tight © half » blue Jeffrey Sanderson is a 19-year-old who lives in a small town outside London. He has a very pleasant personality and he is also ¥ery (1) s.enmmerlooking, He is (2) haired, (3) eyed and 4. skinned, He i tall for his age and very (5) . built, and he is quite strong because | he goes to the gym regularly, jfTrey likes to keep up with the latest fashions and is always very 6) dressed. Today he is wearing a (7) w--vo---sleeved shirt and (8) .. He is also wearing (9) . new leather jacket that he bought at (10) AAs for his character; he’s very (11) (12) ‘working. fitting jeans. rice inthe sales, -going, and he's popular with his bosses because he’s Exam Practice : ‘A. Read the sentences below and indicate which are logical. Mark A (VES) ifthe statement makes sense and B (NO) if it doesn't. 41. | tf two people look lke each other. there's no resemblance, 2. | An introverted person would find it difficult to make fiends easily. 3. | An event is a success if the organisers bring it of. “Two people are no longer talking to each other when they have made up. Parents usually punish obedience. Employers do not want ther staff to be conscientious, 7. |_ itis considered polite to be hospitable to quests. a7 ours VOCABULARY 28 ‘KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word siven. 1. Mrand Mrs Burton's wedding day was 10 years ago. married Mr and Mrs Burton .. 5 1 10 years. 2, Will you take care of the children for me tomorrow afternoon? look Wl YOU sn i sR for me tomorrow afternoon? 3. Does anyone know why Erica and Sam started arguing? brought What. sr " between Erica and Sam? 4, llcan't stand the way my brother behaves anymore. put Vean't - behaviour anymore 5, The photos reminded Sam of his schooldays. memories The photos : oe — ‘Sam's schooldays. 6. Because of his generosity, many people benefited from his kindness. 80 Because sensei . | many people benefited from his kindness. 7. They didn't speak for 2 few weeks, but now they are friands again. made ‘They didn't speak for & few weeks, but ‘8. He didn’t show much consideration for us when he phoned al midnight. him Iwas lately, phone us at midnight WORD FORMATION Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word tat fits in the space in the same line. Write your word In the space, TIP! nad the sentence carefully to see iit has a positive or negative meaning. ‘Be prepared to form the negative or opposite form af the word given. THE GENERATION GAP People talk about the generation gap as a kind of (1) . z DIVIDE ‘between young people and their parents, It is something which is generally a problem when children enter their teenage years, and results in 2) ~~ on both sides. Parents, for example, can often be heard to COMPLAIN say that young people are disrespectful and (3) suns and in addition, oney tend to be (4) .when spending because they don't appreciate RESPONSIBLE the value of money, (5) enn .s0n the other hand, complain that ADOLESCENCE. their parents don’t understand them. ‘What has gone wrong? One (6) ow lies in how society EXPLAIN hhas changed. In the past, children would (7 - continue TYPICAL ‘the way of life of their parents, In today’s world, parents are very (8). for their children because they want them to achieve more AMBITION than they did, The problem is that the children often don't agree with their parents’ plans. Teenagers also reach (9) smsnune at af catlier age than MATURE they used to and want their (10) sooner. The resulting conflict INDEPENDENT is painful to both sides. Review 2 A. WORD FORMATION Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word ‘that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the space. HELPING A FRIEND ‘When I was fourteen, Faye moved into the house next door. She was a friendly, a). sic, and within a few hours of our first meeting, she had TALK told me all about herself. In fat, she talked so much that (2) Slee INTERRUPTION her to offer information about myself was almost impossible. Faye and I became close, but over time she became (3) . INTROVERT and lost all her (4) . sen for life. One day, when [asked what ENTHUSIASTIC vwas wrong, Faye told me quite (5)... hat it was none of my RUDE business. The next day she said that she owed me an (6) . APOLOGISE She then explained that her parents had been arguing a lot and she was aftaid that they were going to get (7) - My parents rarely DIVORCE, argued so Twas (8) with this kind of problem, FAMILIAR, However, I was able to give her some good (9) to speak ADVISE to an older (10) . such as an aunt, about her concerns. RELATE ‘When she did so, she found out that there was nothing to worry about at all. B. Below is an article about teenagers. Choose the appropriate word (A, B or C) with which to fil in the gaps. PEER PRESSURE Sociologists have been carrying out research into the social pressures of being a teenager. Many (1) ‘unhappy at school because they find it difficult to make (2) .... ‘This stress can (3) sn. on illness or result in ‘poor grades. They may also worry about their (4) ... and often feel under enormous pressure to dress tlle ‘and (5) ... the same as others, This phenomenon is called peer pressure, and it is very common in today’s society. Advertising contributes a Jot tothe social pressures teenagers (6) .... Advertisers know how important it is to feel that you belong to @ group when you are (7)... our teens, so they try to (8)... teenagers that certain products will make them (9) .. with their classmates. Sadly, many teenagers act (10)... and even do, dangerous things just to (11)... others accept them. Peer pressure is often the reason for teenage smoking, drug abuse or dangerous driving, Teenagers need fo learn to say “no” to social pressure and to find friends ‘who they can (12) ... things over with when they have a problem, 1, | JA adolescents | |B adults O {infants 2 | OV [A relatives |B friends Oe couples | 3 [CV[A get [8B put (CO [e bring | 4 | TIA looking (|B characteristic | C)[C appearance 5 |C [a fe | CI |B behave [OIE obe, 6 |CIA feel 7 [B_ belong OJ own 7 |O Ja ty [8 on Olc in [a [CTA persuade | OJ |B getacros | [C argue 9 (CJA faith | OF |B popular JE hospitable 10 CDA irresponsibly | CV] Bfexibly (C7 [Cconsideraely ni. |O |A do 1 [B make [ec cause 12, |CD|A discuss [|B talk Ole empress 29 40. ~ Review 2 C. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentanc “Why .., me that George was in the hospital?” “tm som; | forgot.” ‘a. haven't you told b. didn't you tal c. don't you tel d._ hadn't you told | haven't spoken to Paul since | the concert last Saturday. ‘a. had seen b. seen ‘e. have seen d. saw Before she left the office, she made sure that everything ... for the meeting. whim at was preparing had prepared had been prepared prepared We son breakfast when the dog started to bark. a. were having b. had a aege ‘had been having ‘two weeks ago since two weeks The Empire State Building ....n 1991. ‘a._had built b. was built c. were bull 4d, has been built Have you ever been to Paris?” "Y@5, | on 10 Paris two months ao.” a. have been b. been ©. have gone d. went ‘The visitors had arrived by the time Robert se home from work, fa. has come b. had come ©. came . was coming I'm sorry; 've forgotten what .. @. you told me b. did you tell me © you tell me d. were you teling me Thay sn Spanish for two years when they went on their first trip to Spain, a. learned had been leerning ©. wiete learning d._ have besn teaming 1" 2, 8. 14, 18. 17. 18 19. Life can be dificult for... ; they are not chien and they are not adults, a. young infants orphans: 6. adolescents They've ... thelr children to know the a putup grown up brought up d. got up When Jenny sits out in the sun, she get all over her face. ‘a, complexion b, freckles ©. elderly J. features Linda definitely ... her father, gets on rings about © gets across d. takes after John and his ..: spend all their time planning their wedding. a. fiancée bridesmaid 6. widow ._ engagement Margaret's boss is pleased because she is about her work. ’ conscientious threatening d. disobedient ‘They ae determined to get on in the world. They are 80 wn! easy-going b. relaxed ©. ambitious 4. unfamiiar Sonia is always... early in the momings. ‘a. in her early twenties b. ina bad mood &. brand new d._ well-bult My brother is stil a. single b. unique selfish d._ separate ‘She didn't answer me ~ she just. ‘something I couldn't hear. informed b, adopted fc. mumbled d. blamed _: he's not married yet. Future Tenses (active and passive): Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Continuous; be going to, Present Simple, Present Continuous TEST YOURSELF ead the pairs of sentences below and circle the sentence which is correct. EXAMPLE: A He phones you tomorrow. He will phone you tomorrow. Is she meeting her fiend for lunch today? 41) A You'll bo home by 7 o'clock, won't you? 3 Does she mest her friend for lunch today? B You'll be home by 7 o'clock, aren't you? [A You're going shopping? | come with you. 12) A Do you know when the new store opens? I Ais you going shopplrig® M:comne wit you: B Do you know when the new store is opened? (BD A Good tuck! We'll be thinking of you 48) 1" ack Dad as soon as he's going to get home. 1B Good luck! We're going to think of you. B I'l ask Dad as soon as he gets home, [A When | leave school, 'm going to study aw. #)._A.By Easter, well have ived here for si years 1B When I leave school, 1am studying law B By Easter, we are living here for six years. G@ * decrs pret that they wil soon be nding (A By next you compiters er going fo come ‘8 cure for cancer down a lat in price 8B Doctors predict that they wil soon find a cure By noxt yoar, computers will have come for cancer, down a ot in price. 6B) A winat time isthe him beginning tomorow? FB) A 1'm visting my grandmother the other day. 'B What time does the film begin tomorrow? 8B I mvisiting my grandmother the day after tomorrow. @D) A The now cinema wil build just outside the city contre 47) 4 Wit you help me with my homework, please? BB The nev cinema will be bul just outside the B Are you helping me with my homework, please? «ily centre F 18) A Soon, they will be modernised the old GB) A Tris time next week Ibe fying to London. classrooms. B This time next week I'l be flown to London. B Soon, the old classrooms wil be modernised. ‘A Sally wil have been working there for 20 years) When you wil larn to type, it's quicker to ‘this winter. use a computer. B Sally will be working there for 20 years this When you learn to type, it's quicker to use winter @ computer 'A The new car wil have delivered by the end of (Zi) John fe about to start a new job. the week. B John starts @ new job. B The new car will have been deliverad by the end of the week. 31 FUTURE SIMPLE Active will + bare infinitive | ll work. Will she work? They won't work. Passive will be + past participle FUTURE CONTINUOUS Active will be + verbsing | wi be working, Will he be working? You won't be working. Passive No passive form FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE Active will have + past participle | will have worked. Wille have worked? ‘They won't have worked, Passive will have been + past participle FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS Active will have been + verbsing | wll have been working, Will they have been working? ‘She won't have been working. Passive No passive form NOTE Pu Te Information about the future 2 spontaneous decision offer / request € prediction or waming, wilingness oF refusal to do something opinions or speculations about ‘the future (after: think, know, ‘hope, expect, be sure, maybe, probatiy to stress the action rather than tne egent eee fa. when we know an action wil be in progress at a certain time inthe future b. a future action thet has been pre-arranged an activity that will be completed by a certain time in the future to stress the action rather than the agent an activity that has already begun and wri stil be n progress at a specific time in the future Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Continuous 1M buy te kets tomorow eal? PU come to! Wil you open the window, please? = The trip will be interesting. | ‘We'll help you pack, but we won't take you to te pore | 1 expec they wil be let. | think she'll find her way home. {im sure well be ready on tine. The jb willbe finished soon. 1 be playing basketball between 8.00 and 9,00 tomorraw night. ‘My grandparents will be visiting us next weekend, By next weok, we will have received cur exam results. Tho letters wil soon have been delivered. By next June, he wil have been working here for five years. ‘The modal shailis used with / and we and can be used to talk about the future and to make offers or ‘suggestions, but itis not very common, ‘Shall | open a window for you? We shall never forget the day we met EU onir 5 be going to, Present Simple, Present Continuous FORM bbe going to + bare infinitive Passive bbe going to be + past participle PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINUOUS USE ‘a. plans, intention or decisions ‘already taken 'b, to predict an event based on things we know or can see to stress the action rather than the agent ‘planned future action or series ‘of actions connected with ‘timetables or a journey personal arrangements and fixed plans (usually with a time expression) We're going to find out about the concert. ‘The sky is black. There's going to be asiorm, ‘The project is going to be completed on time, ‘My tight leaves at 8,30 a.m, next Tuesday. ‘He is taking Jim to the z00 tomorrow. ‘Are you doing anything special tonight? +. The following phrases are algo used to express the future. They refer to something that will happen very soon. be about to + bare infinitive ‘be on the point of + gerund 2 The following words and phrases are followed by the Present Simple although they have a future meaning. She is about to start 2 new job He is on the point of opening his own business. + expressions of time which refer to the future: whan, ance, as soon as, attr, before, the moment, etc. | want to jain the police when | leave school. + mo matter what/ who/ where / when / how/ which Do the dishes before you go out. ‘No matter what he does, well forgive him! COMMON MISTAKES The following sentences contaln mistakes commonly made by students. Rewrite them correctly. 1. I've made up my mind. | wil study physics at university 2. Did you say you need milk? I'm buying some for you. 3, Bynext month, | will be going out with my gittriend for a year. 4, This time next week, | will swim in the new swimming pool. ‘No matter when you arrive, Iii meet you, A. Complete the following sentences withthe correct form ofthe verb in brackets. Choose from Future Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous or be going to 41. They expect thet about 300 peod'e.. (attend) the lecture. (write down) your new adcress and phone number for me? “The SUN'S COMING OU I nninnnmacninsinnannnane (OB) a nice day 1m Sure that YOUF A0VIC8 ni (hot take); he's very stubborn. . When I get my packet money atthe end ofthe west, |. 2 8 a 6. The day after tomorrow, | Es 8 8 ay (buy) a new CD. . (travel) to Spain for an international conference. Susan wants to go on holiday with her fiends but her Parents wnnnmennenonen «(not let) her Look out! Drive more slowly! We ‘ sts (6F@Sh) into the car infront! My cousin and his girlriend (get married) soon. We're very pleased about it 40. The match next Saturday .~= finish) at about five o'clock. | hope we (be able) to get home on time. B. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Choose from Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple and Future Perfect Continuous (active or passive). 1. This time next year, he (study) architecture in New York. Between 9.00 and 10.00 tomertow Moen, MO ann (shop) at the market. Hopefully the fax machine - repai)by this afternoon. “Theres no point n phoning him: he (leave) by now. | can't help you on Sunday. | (visit) my rolatives all day By next June, she... Promise me that by tomorrow morning you (work) in the bank for 12 years. sa (tidy up) your room, By the end of the week, a new government... (elect 1 (lve) in England for two years. -» (decide) what kind of work he wants to do. By next year, we 40. By the time he finishes university, he... ©. Complete the following paragraph with the correct form of the verb in brackets, There may be more than one ‘correct answer. Let Madame Claire Tell Your Fortune .. I predict that you (1) sm You have already told me thet you (2). at the moment, By the age of 30, you (3 «dress shop and your clothes (4) (have) a very successful if, (study) fashion design (open) your own | (be) very popular. By then, | (already make) a lot of money, and you (not have) any financial worries. see a very happy sv (live) in a big house with your husband and | som (lecture) to fashion students all over the country. By the time | ‘marriage too. In 15 years’ time, YOU (7) sarmmnenmnn four children, and you (8) you retire, you (9) (teach) in fashion colleges for more than 20 years. But now we must stop. 1 (10) (meet) a group of fortune-tellrs this evening, and our programme ay . (begin) at 7.30, I'm sure that my predictions for you (12) (come) true ~ they always do! Goodbye and good luck! 4 Cama g Exam Practice 'A. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. eniTs 4. This time next month, they wn. thelr exams 7. By7.00 this evening, all the preparations a. are taking a. willbe made b. willtake bb. are going to be made 6. willbe taking ©. will have besn made will have boon taken dare made 2, Peterhas tobe at the sirport early on 8. By lunchtime, she... for thes hours. Monday moming. His fight... at 8.00 a.m. a. willbe studying a. leaves will have been studying b. will leave ©. is studying ©. willhave left d._ is about to study ‘i eapou ta teays: 8. “Ill probably be studying all night." 3. Don't wory! I... you choose a present. "son Coming Out for coffee then, will you?” a. amhelping ‘a. You will be b. willhelp b. Willyou be going to help ©. Won't you be 4. help di You won't be 4, Please don't phone between 8.00 and 9.00 10._By the time they amv, Me... his homework, this evening... my favourite soap opera. ‘a. will hava finished Mwah Bl have Deon ishing b._ I'm on the point of watching &.was going to finish cc. iinave been watching 4. willbe finished a Kibeomeltis, "1 . What the decision is, 5. Next week, a new lif... in the town hall, willinstall, be Iwi hear will be instalting ©. 11am going to hear ©. willbe installed 4. heer i inatating 42. I'm sure Eva will ook great no matter 6. Sarah and |... next Friday at the beach, os eee ‘a. are not spending a b. don't spand what she is wearing , ‘They ran all the way til the park, B They ran all the way to the park. 43 17) PREPOSITION at during (+ noun) while (+ subject + verb) by (+ noun ore specific time / dats) by the time (+ subject + verb) wnt / not until, from... to between at the beginning of / at the end of in tho beginning / in the end at first at last intime on time Prepositions of Time Cand USE a. with specific mes with the folowing expressions: at the same time, at the age of, at the moment, at present, at night, etc. months, years, seasons, historical periods b. to show a time in the future - with the following expressions: in the morning / evening / afternoon, in the future, in the past, etc. dates days (or parts of days, when the day Is mentioned) . AmE: on + the weekend to show a period of time in which something heppened ‘8. means not later than . up to a certain point in time rot later than the moment when ‘something happens to show a state or situation which continues 40-2 certain point in time and then stops not before to show the beginning and ending of a period of time ‘AmE: from ... through ‘something happening in a period of time from one time / day / date to another before a noun before subject + verb happened at the beginning of a period of time after a long time has passed early enough, before the last moment at the planned time EXAMPLES ‘He came at lnchtine at about 1.30 What are you ding at the weekend? We're going skiing at Christmas. We both arrived at the same tim. ‘She finished schoo! atthe age of 17. At the moment /At present, she is out He came home late at night. They got mariod in March, in 1995. 11/8 very cot therein winter He lived inthe 19th century. We wil leave in five minutes’ time They are moving in a month ! work inthe morning. He if at 700 inthe evening What wil houses be kein the future? ‘She let for France om 10th Jy 1 see you on Wednesday morning. ‘Ho woke up eaty an Cvistmas Day. \ihat are you doing onthe weekend? He fel during his visit tothe town. He fall while he was visting the town. They should be back by 6.30. By the evening | was exhausted, By the time | rished, | was exhausted, | worked anti / ti 9 o'clock lastnight ‘won't leave until 've writen this report. ‘She was a student from 1998 to 2001. The store is open from Manday through Friday. The doctor sees patents between 4 and 7 each evening 11 see you at the beginning of next week. She is going into hospital a the end of the month {nthe beginning, | nated matns. Inthe end, we decided to stay. At first we planned to fy but ft was too expensive. We waited for hour and at last our favourite singer came on stage ‘She got to te bus stop in time, They arid justin time, (ur ple ttt on time. easy unr? NoTes + We say: in the moming, in the afternoon, in the evening but at night. We say in the night when we refer to one specific night. He heard a noise in the night. (= during) 2 We do not use at / in / on before next and last. We're going away next weekend. | saw her last week. Prepositions of Place PREPOSITION USE EXAMPLES at 2, before announ te shaw a certain position Tum left atthe next street. b. with events or group activities Jang was at 2 concert lastnight ¢. places of study / institutions: He's studying at Oxford University. | ‘a. position inside something ‘The meeting willbe in room 403. b. with towns / countries ‘Are there st bears In northern Greece? | ©. with names of roads, streets, squares ‘There are hundreds of stops in Oxford Street. ‘AME! on + aests He hasan apartment on St Aven. on a particular place or position London es onthe River Thames. Brighton i on te coast The school onthe lt atthe front of / before a noun to show position He sts atthe back of he cass. at the back of / ‘The patio is at the front of the house. in front of ‘Ae waited in front of the cinema. ‘on the way (to) in the mide of ajoumay trom one place The shop ison the way to schoo. to-another in (the) way ‘va position which stops a person from «Move your bike Is in the / my way. \ ‘moving freely or seeing clearly Other prepositions of place: among, beside, between, near, next fo, opposite It's very peaceful beside the pond in the garden. (place) Prepositions that show movement: o, nto, acress, around, along, through, up, down, past, towards, out of, off The chiféren ran into the garden. (movement) NOTES 1 We use arrive in with towns or countries. ‘They arrived in Genmany yesterday. We use arrive at in all other situations, She arrived at the station, (but: He arrived home at 8.20.) 2 Beside is a proposition of place. | sat beside her on the bus. Besides is a connector meaning in addition to. Besides being expensive, this dress is also ugly. > COMMON MISTAKES The following semtences contain mistakes commonly made by students, Rewrite them correctly. We walked together tll the car park and then separated. 2. | expect that you will have finished your homework until 10 o'clock. 3. By the time we arrived to the party, everyone was dancing. UNIT? Erm Grammar Practice a ‘A. PREPOSITIONS OF TIME Complete the following sentences with at, n, on or by. 4. My family always gat together... ee Easter Sunday the children have great fun looking for the Easter eggs. the beginning of the 20th century, family relationships were very formal. However, the 119805, relationships had become more relaxed... the future, they will probably change again. 3. "What are you doing « the weekend?” "Well, ‘Saturday morning I'm playing volleyball, ‘the evening I'm going to the cinema." 4. Pam's birthday is, se the 10th of July. Because her birthday fs... ‘a barbecue .. .. the beach for her family and friends. That is the advantage of heving a birthday the summer. 5. The train left... a 111 O°CIOCK y.ensnenre Right, and arived in Edinburgh early the morning, 6. Life must have been very dificult the past without computers. It was only .. home. the time he celebrated his 40th bithday, 20th century, for example, that people began to have computers. 7. He starred in his first film the age of 30. the had won two Oscars, the past, she was a well-known storyteller. Her frst children’s book will be published .. ‘afew weeks! time, B, PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE Completo the following paragraphs by circling the correct preposition. see ee ee si stoma 1, “Excuse me, can you tell me the way 1. at /to//for the post office?” “Certainly. Its 2. at/ in / on the end of the ‘3.mext / near / opposite street. You can't mis it; i's f ‘| 4, on / at /in yout lett 5. across / opposite / next l | the police station.” ie Fe | ip 2. My>rother Sam has just moved to a new lat 1, in / at / along the same street as me, Our street is very conveniently located because itis 2, near / next / by a supermarket and not far ol] 3. to/from / across a public library. Sam's flat is 4. by /in/ at the back of the building, so itis very quiet. I've brought im lovely plant to put 5. at / on /in the corner of his new —# living room. Yesterday, Judy spent the morning 1. at /at the /in the home and then went to visita friend of hers 2, at /in / on hospital. Her friend’s room was 3. on / at /in the end of along corridor. She went in and sat down 4, beside / besides / next her friend and tried to cheer her up. At the end of her visit, Judy left the hospital and caught a bus at the bus stop 5. next /in front / opposite the hospital. | | & lunchtime I'm meeting my friends and July, she usualy has the late Erm Unt? Complete the following sentences with by, until (til), at the end, in the end, in the beginning or at the beginning. It was 2 wonderful concert, and . ‘everyone applauded enthusiastically. .. Tom found it very hard to speak Spanish but he soon became more confident. 1 Ietook us a long time, DUE nnn we found the halls of residence. 1. Young people in Britain cannot get a driving cence we they are 17, . we have al the facts. I you want to come with me, you must be ready half past ton. You have got 12 o'clock to finish the test. She had written all the invitations to the party .-.urmnse nen hunehtime, ‘Sarah arrived late 80 she wasn't there Oe 41. At first we didn't lke our new teacher, but 42. They hope to have finished the puzzle... 1 2 8 4 5. [tis impossible to make a decision 6. 7 8 8 of the lesson. . of the day I was exhausted. son WE Got USed to her. the end of the day. In the sentences bolow, one of the underlined words or phrases is Incorrect. Mark which one and change the ‘word or phrase to make it correct. 4. Lexpect to finish my project until michiaht and I'l give it to the teacher in the morning. The lesson starts at 10. 2. We saw John at the concert on last night, siting between his brother and sister in the front row. 8. Queen Victoria ruled from 1837 to 1901, and during this time there were many changes in Britain. By she dled, ‘the population had risen from 28 milion to 41 million, and there were train stations all aver the country. 4, While | was ln the way home, | saw a strange man coming towards ms, so | quickly ran cross the road. 5. My seat on the plane was besides the window. Jil sat on my right and Lucy was infront of us. Exam, Practice. KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, ‘using the word given. Do not change the word given, You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 4. Please move your bicycle as we can't get past it in the hall. way Your. : 2. The hotel we stayed atin Scotland was near the sea, coast We stayed at a hotel which .. ‘9, We lkad her in the beginning, but then we changed our minds. first In the hall ~ please move it! ste Of Seotland. We i : ., but then we changed our minds, 4. [had to wait for my brother to come home before I went to sleep. until | couldn't 90 to sl0@p on . home, 5. Thay were confused, but after a while they realised what to do. end, ‘They were confused, a i thay realised what to do. 6. While they wore visting the town, they took lots of photographs. during “They took lots of photographs .. . tothe town. 7. saw Brian a week ago. since haven't : o ; week, 8, By the time they got to the party, twas very late. arrived By the time 7 twas very late. 47 h | UNIT 7 GRAMMAR B. Read the advertisement for an electronic dlary and fil in the missing words. Choose from the words in the ‘table below. (There are two words you won't need and three that you may use more than once.) A at B in © on D to E between’ F time [G untt [HH during [1 way J of ‘The OL. 100 is so useful that everyone will have one (1 afew years’ time! DIARY: Record the date and time of your appointment by speaking into the microphone (2) ... the let side of your OL 100. When you wake up (3) . the morning, the OL 100 will remind you (4)... all the appointments you have that day: You can set it to remind you (5) ..« the day as often as you | want: (6) ... the hour of your appointment, (7)... the same time each day, or at different times on different days, for example (8)... weekends, LOCATION: Press the button marked “Location” and a map will appear. The red dot (9) sum the map shows you where you are. Your OL 100 can tell you how to get (10) wan any place (11) sn. the country. Press the button marked “Directions” and say the name of the street and town. The OL 100 will give you directions. For example, you might hear: “Turn left (12)... the next sonnet The tet yx wat ti wring (9) — theif tat © FO | the school” If you get lost on the (14) nue, the OL. 100 senses this and warns you, [No more excuses for not being on (15) ... for appointments or for getting lost! C, OPEN GLOZE Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. A WEEKEND BREAK working very hard so we decided to go away for the weekend, We had ‘we agreed to visit the Channel Islands. We My friends and Chad (1) long discussion about where we should go and in the (2) travelled down to Portsmouth, where the ferries leave from, (3) .ninnun train, As the train was delayed, we almost missed our ferry. Luckily, though, we got to the port justin (4) .ocewne- 10 catch it, Tt didn't 6) long to reach the islands, and as soon as we got there, we made (6) vvsesnnon the hotel. It ‘was situated (7) a lovely location very (8) the beach. We went to bed late that first night and we diet wake up (9) --10 o'clock the next day That morning we took a bus tour (10) snonesnsnne the island before hav’ (1) the beach, then caught the ferry back to Portsmouth, (12) sn. ‘we were all tired but happy. 1g lunch in a restaurant near the sea, We spent Sunday morning, the time we got home,

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