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Much Anticipated Alzheimer Disease Prevention Trial

Finds No Clinical Benefit From Drug Targeting Amyloid;
Highlights Need to Consider Other Approaches
Rita Rubin, MA

he Paisa mutation, nicknamed for the
people of northwest Colombia’s
Antioquia region in whom it is found,
is associated with sticky clumps of protein in
the brain called amyloid-β plaques, one of
the hallmarks of Alzheimer disease.
Individuals who inherit a copy of the
Paisa mutation—E280A in the presenilin 1
gene—from one of their parents develop
mild cognitive impairment by 44 years of
age, on average,
and Alzheimer dis-
Medical News website
ease 5 years after
that. Typically, they die within a few years
after their 59th birthday.
Researchers in the US and Colombia
have identified about 1200 members of an
extended family of 6000 people, most of
them living in and around Medellín,
Colombia, who carry the Paisa mutation, the
most common cause of familial, early-
onset Alzheimer disease.
“A rare but tragic family,” probably
descendants of a conquistador who lived
centuries ago, is how Richard Hodes, MD,
director of the National Institute on Aging
(NIA), described them in an interview
with JAMA.
Between the prevalence of autosomal
dominant Alzheimer disease (ADAD) in the
Paisa region and its inhabitants’ history of a
high level of participation in Alzheimer dis- one antiamyloid therapy after another in the an antiamyloid monoclonal antibody
ease research, “this seemed to be an enor- search for an effective treatment. called crenezumab in members of the
mously powerful place to test the hypoth- Whether amyloid-β deposits cause Colombian extended family. The trial, part
esis,” Hodes said. Alzheimer disease still isn’t clear. Although of the international Alzheimer’s Prevention
“The hypothesis” Hodes was referring to higher levels of plaques—detected via posi- Initiative, would go on to enroll 252 people
is what has come to be known as the “amy- tron emission tomographic (PET) scans or between the ages of 30 and 60 years who
loid cascade hypothesis,” an idea born 30 cerebrospinal fluid or on autopsy—are asso- had no Alzheimer symptoms at baseline.
years ago when 2 UK scientists proposed ciated with more advanced Alzheimer However, a decade after the trial was
that amyloid-β deposition in the brain— disease, some people with amyloid plaques announced, in June of this year, the NIA
first described by German psychiatrist and in the brain never experience cognitive and trial collaborators the Banner Alzheimer
neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906— impairment. Institute and Genentech issued press
was “the central event in the etiology of releases announcing disappointing news:
Alzheimer’s disease.” Disappointing Results compared with placebo, crenezumab
According to the hypothesis, reducing In 2012, the National Institutes of Health did not demonstrate a statistically sig-
amyloid-β plaque in the brain should pre- (NIH) announced a landmark $100 mil- nificant clinical benefit in people with
vent or slow the progression of Alzheimer lion project, the first-ever Alzheimer dis- the Paisa mutation after 5 to 8 years of
disease, and that has led to clinical trials of ease prevention trial, that would test treatment. (Reprinted) JAMA Published online August 17, 2022 E1

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News & Analysis

Focusing on a family in which every “Whenwedesignedthetrial,weassumed Déjà Vu All Over Again?

member has a high risk of developing a 5% dropout per year,” Pierre Tariot, MD, The Colombia trial was just the latest in a se-
early-onset Alzheimer disease served as a director of the Banner Alzheimer Institute, ries of trials of crenezumab and other anti-
shortcut for a prevention trial, Eric Reiman, said at the conference. Instead, only 4% of amyloid therapies that have failed to show
MD, one of the lead investigators, told participants in total dropped out, “an ex- a clinical benefit.
JAMA. Trying to answer the same question traordinary testimony” to the families and A recent review article in the Journal of
in the general population, most of whom are the research team at the University of Alzheimer Disease identified 9 compounds
destined to never develop Alzheimer dis- Antioquia, Tariot said at the conference. targeting amyloid that had failed in phase 3
ease, would be cost- and time-prohibitive trials since 2018.
because it would require studying approxi- Hindsight In January 2019, Roche, Genentech’s
mately 50 000 participants for 25 years, Reiman has several theories about why parent company, announced it was discon-
he said. crenezumab didn’t demonstrate a statisti- tinuing 2 phase 3 trials of crenezumab in pa-
Two-thirds of the participants in cally significant clinical benefit in the tients with mild, sporadic Alzheimer dis-
Reiman’s trial carried the Paisa mutation, and Colombia trial. ease because preplanned interim analyses
they were randomized to receive infusions Trial participants who were carriers were concluded that the treatment was unlikely
of crenezumab or a placebo. Participants several years younger and approximately to meet its primary end point of slowing cog-
who weren’t carriers of the mutation re- half as likely to have amyloid deposits at the nitive decline.
ceived only the placebo. (Although all par- beginning of the trial as the researchers had And a year before the findings of the
ticipants underwent genetic testing, they expected based on observational data from Colombia crenezumab trial were reported,
weren’t told whether they carried the the kindred, Reiman said. the US Food and Drug Administration
mutation; noncarriers received placebo in- Their average age was 37 years, in- (FDA) approved aducanumab (Aduhelm),
fusions instead of nothing at all so as not to stead of 41 years, and 45% had no amyloid another antiamyloid monoclonal anti-
reveal who carried the Paisa mutation and deposits at baseline, although the research- body, even though none of the agency’s
who didn’t.) ers had expected only a quarter of them panel of outside exper ts had voted
One reason crenezumab was selected would have no deposits, he said. As a re- “yes” when asked whether clinical trials
for the trial was because it didn’t provoke sult, Reiman explained, there was less pro- had shown it to be effective in treating
amyloid-related imaging abnormalities gression in the placebo group than antici- Alzheimer disease.
(ARIAs), which are swelling or bleeding in pated, contributing to reduced power The agency granted aducanumab
the brain that can lead to confusion, altered to detect significant slowing in the treat- “accelerated approval,” which is based on a
mental status, and disorientation. ARIAs, ment group. surrogate end point—in this case, a reduc-
seen with other antiamyloid monoclonal Also, he speculated, participants might tion in amyloid-β plaque in the brain—that,
antibodies, usually resolve over time. have been receiving too low of a dose of according to the FDA, “is reasonably likely
Because crenezumab wasn’t associated crenezumab for most of the trial. They re- to predict a clinical benefit to patients.”
with ARIAs and appeared to have a low rate ceived the highest dose for only 2 years, Aducanumab, the only antiamyloid drug
of other adverse effects, the Colombia trial he pointed out. that has ever received FDA approval, is the
started the treatment group on a dose “We cannot tell you with certainty first Alzheimer therapy designed to modify
higher than used in previous trials of whether a higher dose might have had a clini- the underlying disease process and not just
other antiamyloid monoclonal antibodies cal benefit,” Reiman said during the panel dis- treat symptoms.
and increased it 7-fold over the course of cussion about the trial at the Alzheimer’s After the FDA approved aducanumab,
the study. Association conference. the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Serv-
Although the differences between Unlike other monoclonal antibodies di- ices (CMS) released a national coverage
the treatment and placebo groups weren’t rected at different targets in the amyloid policy for the therapy as well as future anti-
statistically significant, “[i]t is striking that pathological pathway, crenezumab didn’t amyloid antibodies to spur the collection
all the clinical and most of the biomarker slow the deposition of plaque, Reiman said. of more information about their safety
data favor active treatment, though Although he and his collaborators didn’t an- and effectiveness.
confidence intervals are broad,” dementia ticipate a dramatic impact on plaque, “we Medicare will cover aducanumab and
specialist Gil Rabinovici, MD, said in an had expected we might see a slowing of the other such therapies granted accelerated
interview with JAMA. Rabinovici, who increase,” he said at the conference. approval based on a surrogate end point,
wasn’t involved with the Colombia study, All study participants with the Paisa such as amyloid reduction, only for benefi-
is director of the University of California, mutation are now receiving crenezumab, ciaries participating in FDA-sanctioned ran-
San Francisco, Alzheimer Disease Re- while those who don’t carry a copy of the domized clinical trials to determine clinical
search Center and an associate editor of mutation are continuing to receive infu- effectiveness. Aducanumab isn’t cheap.
JAMA Neurology. sions of the placebo—again, so no one In January, Biogen cut the drug’s wholesale
Reiman, executive director of the learns their carrier status. acquisition cost in half, to $28 200 per year
Banner Alzheimer Institute in Phoenix, and Trial data are still being analyzed, for an average-size patient (dosing is based
several of his collaborators reported their re- Reiman said at the conference. “We think on patients’ weight).
sults August 2 at the Alzheimer’s Associa- these data will be invaluable in planning fu- For monoclonal antibodies that re-
tion International Conference in San Diego. ture trials.” ceive FDA approval via the conventional

E2 JAMA Published online August 17, 2022 (Reprinted)

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News & Analysis

pathway, which involves demonstrating clini- common cause of dementia. (The authors points measure an effect “on irreversible
cal benefit, Medicare will still only cover the noted that misdiagnosis is less likely today morbidity or mortality…or on symptoms
cost for patients in CMS-approved or NIH- thanks to advancements such as the use of that represent serious consequences of
supported studies. amyloid-β and other biomarkers.) the disease.”
Like Levey and Schrag, Sam Gandy, However, as other therapies targeting
Time to Move on From Amyloid? MD, PhD, director of the Mount Sinai amyloid have shown, preliminary clinical evi-
Although Reiman says the study in Colombia Center for Cognitive Health in New York, dence of efficacy in early-phase trials doesn’t
neither confirms nor refutes the amyloid has criticized the FDA’s approval of adu- always pan out in larger phase 3 trials.
hypothesis, one might wonder whether canumab because evidence of clinical ben-
crenezumab’s and other amyloid treat- efit is lacking. “There is no consistent rela- Branching Out
ments’ failures to show a clinical benefit in tionship between amyloid fibril [strands] No matter their opinion about the useful-
multiple trials sounds the death knell for burden and cognition, and it seems to ness of targeting amyloid, dementia ex-
the theory. me that it is time to move on beyond perts seem to agree that the complexity of
“All these antibodies are different,” this simplistic formulation,” Gandy told Alzheimer disease calls for a multipronged
Allan Levey, MD, PhD, director of Emory JAMA recently. treatment approach tailored to the particu-
University’s Goiezueta Alzheimer Disease Not so fast, Rabinovici said. Within the lar patient, depending on such factors as the
Research Center, told JAMA. “Maybe next year, clinical trial results for 3 other stage of their disease.
[crenezumab] is just the wrong antibody, antiamyloid-β monoclonal antibodies “I have a hard time imagining how tar-
but man, it’s a downer that it didn’t work” should finally settle the question of whether geting any single molecule or any single pa-
to prevent Alzheimer disease in the amyloid is a useful target for Alzheimer dis- thology is likely to yield a meaningful clini-
Colombia trial. ease therapies, he explained. cal benefit,” Gandy said.
The amyloid hypothesis “is a well- The 3 are Eli Lilly’s donanemab, Eisai’s Although the final answer on amyloid
reasoned hypothesis,” Matthew Schrag, MD, lecanemab, and Roche and Genentech’s may not yet be in, researchers are branch-
PhD, assistant professor of neurology at gantenerumab. Reiman is one of the lead ing out in their search for tools—both drugs
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, principal investigators for a donanemab and lifestyle changes—that could at least
said in an interview with JAMA. “The main phase 3 prevention trial involving individu- slow the development or progression of
problem with it is it’s not working in clin- als 55 years to 80 years of age who are at Alzheimer disease.
ical trials.” risk of Alzheimer disease based on elevated “A decade ago, there wasn’t much in
Schrag recently raised concerns that plasma levels of plasma phospho-tau217 terms of alternative targets” to amyloid,
a number of research articles about an (P-tau217), a promising biomarker. Hodes said. To illustrate his point, he noted
amyloid-β oligomer dubbed Aβ*56 might A recent meta-analysis of data from that 5 of the 8 late-stage Alzheimer trials
include manipulated or misrepresented trials of donanemab, lecanemab, gan- funded by the NIA involve antiamyloid thera-
images, and many of the papers, pub- tenerumab, and aducanumab found that the pies. However, Hodes said, only 13 of the 61
lished in leading journals such as Nature extent of amyloid removal among the 4 phase 1 or phase 2 trials receiving NIA fund-
and Science, have now been retracted therapies varies. Higher amounts of amy- ing target amyloid.
or labeled with expressions of concern loid removal were correlated with a better Nonamyloid therapeutic targets
by editors. clinical response in patients with early include other proteins, such as tau—tau
No experimental therapy based on Alzheimer disease, according to the meta- neurofibrillary tangles are a hallmark of
Aβ*56 has ever been developed, Hodes analysis. However, the authors noted that Alzheimer disease that haven’t received as
noted in a July 29 statement. While Aβ*56 higher levels of amyloid removal were also much attention as amyloid plaques—TDP-43
“caused some initial interest, it resulted associated with a greater risk of ARIA, sug- (transactive response DNA-binding pro-
in a limited line of subsequent research gesting, they said, that the balance be- tein 43), the accumulation of which in the
because of the lack of specific markers to tween amyloid removal and risk of ARIA is central nervous system is also a feature of
detect it in laboratories and the inability to relevant for deciding what dose to use in other neurodegenerative diseases; and
reproduce the initial findings,” he said. clinical trials. α-synuclein, which appears to interact with
“Despite the data from some recent clinical Based on early-stage trials, the FDA tau in neurodegenerative diseases, Hodes
trials on amyloid-directed antibodies, there has designated all 3 of the experimental said. Besides proteins, other Alzheimer
is still a strong scientific rationale for con- monoclonal antibodies as “breakthrough therapeutic targets for which the NIA
tinuing to explore approaches that target therapies,” a category “designed to ex- is funding trials include inflammation,
different aspects and collections of the pedite the development and review of genetics, and vascular system changes,
amyloid protein.” drugs that are intended to treat a serious he said.
One possible reason that clinical trials of condition,” according to the agency. The The NIA is also supporting 131 studies
antiamyloid therapies for Alzheimer dis- FDA designates treatments as break- of nonpharmacological interventions
ease failed, the recent Journal of Alzheimer throughs because preliminary clinical focused on cognitive training, sleep,
Disease review article pointed out, is that evidence “indicates that the drug may and exercise, among others, Hodes said.
some trial participants may have been demonstrate substantial improvement One NIA-funded phase 3 trial presented at
misdiagnosed and didn’t actually have over available therapy on a clinically sig- the Alzheimer’s Association conference
Alzheimer disease, which is the most nificant endpoint(s).” Generally, such end evaluated whether regular exercise could (Reprinted) JAMA Published online August 17, 2022 E3

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News & Analysis

benefit people with amnesic mild cogni- cise, and, possibly, the socialization partici- National Institutes of Health (NIH) and serving
as a consultant for Ritrova Therapeutics.
tive impairment (MCI), which primarily pants received with it, stalled cognitive de-
Dr Rabinovici reported receiving research
affects memory and increases the risk of cline, researchers reported at the meeting. support from the NIH, American College of
Alzheimer disease or related dementias. In contrast, cognitive function did decline Radiology, Alzheimer’s Association, Rainwater
The trial randomized 296 adults to over a year in similar adults with MCI who Charitable Foundation, Genentech, Avid
Radiopharmaceuticals, GE Healthcare, and Life
either moderate-intensity aerobic training or participated in a large “usual care” observa-
Molecular Imaging; serving on scientific advisory
low-intensity stretching, balance, and range- tional study. boards for GE Healthcare, Eli Lilly, Roche, and
of-motion exercises for 18 months. Approximately 6.5 million people aged Genentech; serving on a data and safety monitoring
Exercise sessions took place at a YMCA 65 years or older in the US are living with board for Johnson & Johnson; and being an
associate editor for JAMA Neurology. Dr Reiman
4 times a week for a total of 120 minutes to Alzheimer disease, and that number is ex- reported being one of the leaders of the
150 minutes per week. In the first 12 months, pected to nearly double by 2050, according Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative, receiving grants
a trainer supervised 2 sessions a week, while to the Alzheimer’s Association. from the NIH and the Banner Alzheimer’s
Foundation; receiving fees for serving as a scientific
the other 2 were unsupervised. All exercise ”The stakes are too high just to focus on
advisor to Alzheon, Aural Analytics, Denali,
was unsupervised in the last 6 months. Nei- amyloid,” Reiman said. Retromer Therapeutics, and Vaxxinity, and being
ther group showed significant declines from Published Online: August 17, 2022.
a cofounder and advisor to ALZPath. Dr Schrag
baseline in the primary measure of cogni- reports receiving research support from the NIH.
tive function over 12 months, suggesting that Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Gandy Note: Source references are available through
both the moderate- and low-intensity exer- reported receiving research support from the embedded hyperlinks in the article text online.

E4 JAMA Published online August 17, 2022 (Reprinted)

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