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Situational Analysis and Community

Diagnosis of Barangay San Vicente, City

of Binan, Laguna 2018

In partial completion of requirements in
Primary Health care 1


De Guzman, Maria Sofia T.

Dela Cruz, Rlyn Joy M.
Hicana, Krishia Mae B.
Segodine, Kate Lourence B.

Erlinda Manalastas, RM,BSM

Aldrin T. Boyano, RM, BSM
Faculty Preceptors

In Collaboration with

Roshelle Carlet Fugio, RM

City Health Midwife
Barangay San Vicente
Binan, Laguna







Chapter I: Situational Analysis

Background of community
 Introduction
 Summary of the Data Relevant to Health

Chapter II: Problem Analysis

 Problem list
 Decision Matrix
 Problem Tree
 Objective Tree
 Alternative Tree

Chapter III: Project Planning Proper

 Introduction to the project
 Planning Phase
-Project Plan
 Final Planning Output

Chapter IV: Project Implementation

 References
 Appendic

Table I. Household Number and Total Number of Family Member in Barangay San Vicente,
Binan Laguna, 2020
Table II. Age and Sex Distribution of the Respondents in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna, 2020
Table III. Religion of the Respondents in Barangay San Vicente, Binan, Laguna 2020
Table IV. Occupation of the Respondents In baragay San Vicente, Binan, Laguna 2020
Table V. Average monthly income of the respondents in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan
Laguna 2020
Table VI. Pregnant members in the family of barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna
Table VII. Pregnant women given with tetanus toxoid in barangay San Vicente, Binan
Table VIII. Pregnant women with and without folic acid in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna.
Table IX. Pregnant women Utilizing Family Planning to Breastfeed in Barangay San Vicente, Binan.
Table X.Pregnant women planning to Breastfeed in San Vicente, Binan Laguna.

Table XI.Age of Gestational on Infants in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna.

Table XII. Place of delivery in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna.

Table XIII.Type of Feeding Done by the respondents of BarangaySan Vicente, Binan Laguna.
Table XIV. Vaccination given to the Infants of Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna. 2020
Table XV.Newborn Screening Done with the Infants of Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna.
Table XVI.Members of the family less than 5 years old in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna.
Table XVII. Members of the Family with less than 5 years Old Children With and Without
Complete Vaccination in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna. 2020
Table XVIII. Common Cause of Illness in Children less than 5 year old in Barangay San
Vicente, Binan Laguna. 2020
Table XIX. Members of the Family less than 5 years old Given With and Without
Vitamin A in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna. 2020
Table XX. Deworming Treatment given to the Children less than 5 years old in Barngay San
Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.
Table XXI. Type of Housing Material in Barngay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.
Table XXII. House Ownership of the Respondents in Barngay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.
Table XXIII. Source of Household Water in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.
Table XXIV. Household Sanitation Facilities in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.
Table XXV. Solid waste disposal in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.
Table XXVI. Leading cause of morbidity in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.
Table XXVII. Leading Cause of Mortality in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.
Table XXVIII. Table XXIX. Attendant at Birth in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.

AOG – age of gestation

BCG- bacillus of calmette and guerin
BF- breastfeeding
DM- Diabetes Mellitus
IPV- inactive polio vaccine
LRTI- lower respiratory tract infection
MMR- measles, mumps and rubella
OPV- oral polio vaccine
TB- tuberculosis
TT – tetanus toxoid
URTI- upper respiratory tract infection
UTI – urinary tract infection

We, the BSM Level II, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and acknowledgements to
the following:

To Ma’am Erlinda Manalas and Sir Aldrin T. Boyano, our faculty preceptors,

To Our beloved Dean Juana I. Dela Cruz, for letting us conduct a community research.

To Ms. Roshelle Carlet Fugio, the City health Midwife for her unending support and help.

To Ms. Erlie Dialogo, Anthonette Alma David, Tessa Ocampo Albotra, Mila Casanuran
Malubaga and Ms Marlet Pura, the BHW (Barangay Health Workers) of Barangay San Vicente.

To the Community of Barangay San Vicente, especially the mothers, for their warm welcome

To our classmates and friends for exchanging information, insights and updates from their
respective locations, and most especially the moral support.

To our families, for their patience, love and support

Last, but definitely not the least, to the Almighty God for making this all possible.

Back ground of the Community


San Vicente is a barangay in the city of Biñan in the province of Laguna. Its population
as determined by the 2015 Census was 8,530. San Vicente is situated at approximately 14.3335,
121.0811, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 11.9 meters or
39.0 feet above mean sea level.

Politics and Economy

San Vicente also, known for the best maker of Puto Biñan above all makers in the City,
They also have a variety way of making kutsinta and cassava cake. In addition to their local
product, they also produce shoes that are uniquely leather made and at the same time they are the
one who are still creating Bakya that are made in cotton fruit tree.
Summary of Data Relevant to Health
Table I. Household Number and Total Number of Family Member in Barangay San Vicente,
Binan Laguna, 2020


1 5
2 7
3 4
4 5
5 4
6 6
7 5
8 5
9 2
10 4
11 2
12 3
13 3
14 3
15 3
16 5
17 7
18 4
19 5
20 7
21 6
22 4
23 3
24 4
25 4
26 8
27 4
28 8
29 4
30 5
31 7
32 4
33 5
34 4
35 6
36 4
37 7
38 5
39 5
40 4
total 190
Table II. Age and Sex Distribution of the Respondents in Barangay San Vicente, Binan, Laguna,

Age range Frequency Percentage

0-1 16 8.42
2-5 39 20.53
6-10 20 10.53
11-15 10 5.26
16-20 9 4.74
21-25 19 10.00
26-30 28 14.74
31-35 21 11.05
36-40 10 5.30
41-45 7 3.68
46-50 3 1.58
51-55 5 2.63
56-60 2 1.05
61-65 0 0.00
66-70 1 0.53
TOTAL 190 100.0
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Sex Percentage
male 99 52.10
female 91 47.9
total 190 100.00
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on the survey ages 2-5 has the highest percentage with 20.53% of population, while ages

66-70 has the lowest percentage with 0.53% of the population. On the other hand male has

52.10% and female has 47.9% of the population.

Table III. Religion of the Respondents in Barangay San Vicente, Binan, Laguna 2020


Catholic 158 83.16
Iglesia Ni Cristo 5 2.63
Born Again 27 14.21
TOTAL 190 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on the survey, 83.16% are catholic, 14.21% are Born Again and the remaining 2.63% is

the Iglesia Ni Cristo. Majority are Catholics because we only have 40 respondents.

Table IV. Occupation of the Respondents In Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna 2020
White Collar 10 11.11
Blue Collar 44 48.89
Housewife 32 35.56
(Self-employed) 4 4.44
TOTAL 90 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on the survey 48.89% of the respondents is Blue Collar which is the highest percentage,
35.56% are Housewives, 11.11% are the White Collars and the remaining 4.44% are those
people who are Self-employed or has Business
Table V. Average monthly income of the respondents in Barangay San Vicente, Binan
Laguna 2020
1000 -5000 14 24.13
6000-10,000 20 34.48
11,000-15,000 15 25.88
16,000-20,000 6 10.34
21,000-25,000 2 3.44
26,000-30,000 1 1.73
TOTAL 58 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on the survey 6,000 to 10,000 monthly income has the highest percentage which is
34.48%, 25.88% are those who have 11,000 to 15,000, 24.13% are 1,000 to 5,000, 10.34% are
16,000 to 20,000, 3.44% are 21,00 to 25,000 and the remaining 1.73 are those who have 26,000
to 30,000.

Table VI. Pregnant members in the family of barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna

Pregnant members Y E

Yes 16 40
No 24 60
Total 40 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey, families without pregnant member have the highest percentage of 60%, while
families with pregnant member have only 40%. Out of 40 residents we interviewed, there are only

pregnant women.
Table VII. Pregnant women given with tetanus toxoid in barangay San Vicente, Binan


Tetanus Toxoid Y E
Tt1 6 37.5
Tt2 3 18.75
Tt3 4 25
Tt4 3 18.75
TOTAL 16 100

Toxoid Y E
Yes 16 100
No 0 0
TOTAL 16 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey, 37.5% of pregnant women were given Tetanus toxoid, TT2 AND TT4 are both
18.75% were given Tetanus toxoid. And Tt3 have 25% pregnant women were given tetanus toxoid.

Table VIII. Pregnant women with and without folic acid in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna.


Yes 14 87.5
no 2 12.5
TOTAL 16 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey, 87.5% of pregnant women were given folic acid, while 12.5% was not given.
Table IX. Pregnant women Utilizing Family Planning to Breastfeed in Barangay San Vicente,

Binan Laguna.


User 10 62.5
Non user 6 37.5
Total 16 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on the survey 62.5% are family flanning user and 37.5% are not user and not even aware

about family planning.

Table X. Pregnant women planning to Breastfeed in San Vicente, Binan Laguna.


Yes 16 100
No 0 0
Total 16 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on the survey 100% percent of the pregnant woman are breast feeder because it is the

most easiest and cheapest way to feed their child.

Table XI. Age of Gestational on Infants in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna.
2mons 1 6.25
4mons 3 18.75
7mons 3 18.75
8mons 4 25
9 mons 3 18.75
10 mons 2 12.5
TOTAL 16 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on the survey 8 months has the highest percentage which is 25%, 4, 7, 9 months has 18.75%, 10

months has 12.5% and the remaining 6.25% are those who is in their 2 months of AOG.

Table XII. Place of delivery in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna.


hospital 5 33.33
lying in 9 60
other 1 6.67
TOTAL 15 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey, birthing center has the highest percentage with the total of 56.42%,
followed by hospital with 28.20% and home birth delivery with 15.38%.

Table XIII. Type of Feeding done by the respondents of BarangaySan Vicente, Binan
Laguna. 2020
complementary 4 26.66
exclisive BF 4 26.66
Mixed feeding 7 46.68
TOTAL 15 100

Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survery, mothers who do mixed feeding has the higest percentage of 46.68%,
complementary feeding with 26.66% and exclusive breastfeeding 26.66%

The respondents practice Mixed Feeding because some is having a breast or nipple problem like
inverted nipples, a low milk supply and some are returning to work.

Table XIV. Vaccination given to the Infants of Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna. 2020

BCG 15 100
Penta 13 86.66
OPV 13 86.66
IPV 10 66.66
Measles 3 20
Mmr 2 13.33
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Vaccinations, Based on our survey, BCG vaccine has the highest percentage of 100% followed
by Penta with 86.66%, OPV with 86.66%, IPV with 66.66%, measles with 20%, MMR with
13.33%. Infant given with BCG up to IPV has complete vaccinations while infants given with
Measles and MMR stop going to health centers due to the false information about immunization.
Table XV. Newborn Screening Done with the Infants of Barangay San Vicente, Binan
Laguna. 2020

Yes 15 100
No 0 0
Total 15 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

NewBorn Based on our survey, 100% Newborn, performed a newborn screening. The
respondents let their newborn be screened because mother’s wants to find out if their babies have
certain serious medical conditions so that they can begin treatment right away.

Table XVI. Members of the family less than 5 years old in Barangay San Vicente, Binan
Laguna. 2020


Yes 29 72.5
No 11 27.5
TOTAL 40 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Members of family less than 5yrs old. Based on our survey, 72.5% of the total percentage has
members less than 5 years old. While 27.5% no members less than 5 years old. Members of the
family with less than 5 yrs with and without complete vaccine.
Table XVII. Members of the Family with less than 5 years Old Children With and Without
Complete Vaccination in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna. 2020


Yes 27 93.1
No 2 6.9
TOTAL 29 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey, children less than 5 years old with complete vaccinations given the highest
percentage of 93.1%, while children less than 5 years old without caomplete vaccine given have
6.9%.Common cause of illness.

Table XVIII. Common Cause of Illness in Children less than 5 year old in Barangay San
Vicente, Binan Laguna. 2020

common cause of illness FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE

URTI 20 68.96
LRTI 1 3.44
COUGH 23 79.31
FEVER 19 65.51
other 1 asthma 3.44
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey, the leading common cause of illness in children less than 5 years old is
cough, with 79.31%, followed by URTI with 68.96%, fever with 65.51%, and others with 3.44%.
Table XIX. Members of the Family less than 5 years old Given With and Without
Vitamin A in Barangay San Vicente, Binan Laguna. 2020


yes 27 93.10
no 2 6.90
TOTAL 29 100.00
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Members of the family less than 5yrs given with and without vitamin A. Based on our survey,
children less than 5 years old given with Vitamin A has 93.10% of the total percentage, while
children given without Vitamin A has only 6.90%.

Table XX. Deworming Treatment given to the Children less than 5 years old in Barngay
San VIcenta, Binan Laguna 2020.


Yes 21 72.41
No 8 27.59
TOTAL 29 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Deworming treatment, Based on our survey, 72.41% of the total percentage was given with
deworming treatment, while 27.59% was not given deworming treatment.

Table XXI. Type of Housing Material in Barngay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.

Type of housing material FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE

concrete 22 55
wood 2 5
half concrete half wood 16 40
TOTAL 40 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Type of housing material, Based on our survey, 55% of the total number of housing made up of
concrete, 40% was made up of half wood half concrete and 5% was made of wood.

Table XXII. Source of Household Water in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.


deep well 23 57.5
piped 17 42.5
TOTAL 40 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Sources of Household water. Based on our survey, 57.5% of the total population uses deep well,
and 42.5% uses piped.
Table XXIV. Household Sanitation Facilities in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna


flushtype 3 7.5
cat hole 0
water sealed 37 92.5
Total 40 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey, 92.5% of the total household sanitation facilities use water sealed for
sewage disposal while 7.5% uses flush type and 0% cat hole.

Table XXV. Solid waste disposal in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.

burning 2 5
dumping 0 0
collected 38 95
TOTAL 40 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey 95.5% total of population claimed their garbage is being collected while 5%
is burning.
Table XXVI. Leading cause of morbidity in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.

UTRI 24 60
DM 1 2.5
Hypertension 12 30
LTRI 2 5
common cold 31 77.5
TB 0 0
animal bites 3 7.5
UTI 8 20
head ache 0
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey, the leading cause of morbidity in barangay San Vicente is common cold
with 77.5% followed by URTI with 60%, hypertension with 30%, UTI with 20%, animal bites
with 7.5%, LTRI with 5% and DM with 2.5%. Common cold has the highest percentage because,
one of the factors is that the environment is flooded. Second to the highest hypertension due to
many elderly people.

Table XXVII. Leading Cause of Mortality in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.

kidney failure 1 2.5
TOTAL 1 2.5
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Leading Cause of Mortality Based on our survey, the leading cause of death in barangay san
Vicente is only 1 with kidney failure and with the percentage of 2.5%.
Table XXVIII. Attendant at Birth in Barangay San Vicenta, Binan Laguna 2020.


DOCTOR 4 26.66
Midwife 10 66.67
TBA 1 6.67
TOTAL 15 100
Source: College Of Midwifery, Community Diagnosis Survey Form AY 2019-2020

Based on our survey, midwives have the highest percentage of 66.66%, doctors with 23.07% and
trained birth attendants with only 10.27% of the total percentage.


The group evaluate the problem encountered in Barangay San Vicente, Biñan City,

Laguna. On the other hand, the group analyzed records to examine if the problem of the

community was justified with data.

A. Problem List

During the group meeting, the following problems identified:

 Some pregnant mother not taking Folic acid

 High percentage of non-user of Family Planning Method

 Low percentage of Breastfeeding

 Low percentage of Immunization

 Common cold as the leading cause of Morbidity

 Kidney failure as the leading cause of Mortality

Decision Matrix

The group considered four (4) criteria to determine the importance of a problem namely:

nature of the problem, modifiability of the problem, preventivepotential. To minimize the chance

of “tied scores”, the group placed weighted scores on each problem.

The Nature of the problem is the perception of the group whether the problem seems to

be a deficit, a threat or a foreseeable crisis.

The Modifiability of the problem refers to the probability of success in minimizing,

alleviating or totally eradicating the problem through intervention.

The Preventive Potentialrefers to the nature and magnitude of future problems that can

be minimized or totally prevented if intervention is done on the problem under construction.

The Saliencerefers to the families and community’s perception and evaluation of the

problem in terms of seriousness and urgency of attention needed.

Here is the scoring system of each criteria of the decision matrix.

Table XXIX. Scoring Matrix of Each Criterion

Weight of the Nature of the Modifiability of Preventive Salience

problem problem the problems Potential
5-High priority 4- Health Deficit 3-Modifiable 4- High 4- Serious
a gap between
actual and
achievable health
status, instances
of failure in
4-Moderate 3- Health Threat- 2-Easily 3- Moderate 2- Not needing
priority conditions that modifiable immediate
are conductive to attention
disease, accident
or failure to
realize one’s
3-Priority 2- Foreseeable 1-Partially 2- Low 1- Low felt
Crisis Anticipated modifiable
periods of
unusual demand
on the individual
or family in terms
2-Low Priority
1-Not priority

After scoring the problem and its criteria, the score would be added. The problem will be

ranked according to the highest and lowest weighted score. The formula of the problem for the

decision matrix would be: C1 Nature of the Problem +C2 Modifiability of the Problem +C3

Preventive Potential +C4 Salience +Weight of the problem= Weight score.

The table below shows how the group scored the problems identified according to

scoring matrix.

Table XXX. Scoring Matrix of Each Criterion

Problem List Weight Nature Modifiability Preventive Salience Total Rank

of the of the of the Potential Score
Problem Problem Problem
Some 2 1 2 3 2 10 4
mother not
taking folic
High 5 2 3 3 3 16 1
percentage of
non-user of
Low 3 1 2 3 2 10 4
percentage of
Low 4 1 3 3 2 13 2
percentage of
Common 3 1 3 3 2 12 3
cold as the
leading cause
of Morbidity
Kidney 2 2 1 1 1 7 5
failure as the
leading cause
of Mortality

3. Justification of the Problem

 High percentage of non-user of Family Planning Method

The group used the data of the women not using any family planning method as evidence

of the problem. There is a high percentage of non-user of family planning method in Barangay

San Vicente.

3. Problem Tree

The main problem of the Problem Tree is the high percentage of non-user of family

planning method. The cause of the problem was many couples are lack of awareness and do not

have adequate access to family planning method. Additionally, providing them with reproductive

health services, including modern contraceptives is one of the major challenges. Most women are
not knowledgeable or had little expertise in contraception. Also, those women are not using any

kinds of contraceptives for many reasons like, the fear of experiencing side-effects; their

opposition due to their religious and cultural belief; and hard to access contraceptives.

D. Objective Tree

For the case of high percentage of non-user of family planning method, our objective is

the following:

 to enable couple or mothers to freely determine the different kinds of family

planning method and proper way of using it;

 to educate the community about the advantages and benefits of the Family

Planning Method;

 to lessen the fear of experiencing side-effects of Family Planning Method; and

 to educate and give protection against sexually transmitted disease (STD) which

is common now in the Philippines.

E. Alternative Tree

The group chose to address the advantages of Family Planning Method by having a

health teaching program in Barangay San Vicente. This action will encourage the couples to use

Family Planning Method and give awareness and knowledge to the community regarding the risk

factors of unplanned pregnancy.

Objective Tree

Family Planning Method

To promote different kinds of

Family Planning Method

Proper ways of using family Give protection against sexually

planning method transmitted disease (STD)

Advantages of contraception Healthier family

Promote health teaching in Discuss side effects of different

Barangay San Vicente contraceptives

Figure ___?. Objective Tree

Alternative Tree
Family Planning Method

Educating couples or mother to use

family planning methods

Couples must be aware of modern Adequate access to modern family

contraception planning method

Reduced unplanned pregnancy Determine where to access family

planning method facility

Always prioritize the health of the


Figure ___?. Alternative Tree

Problem Tree

Increase of Childs Increased of maternal
Morbidity and mortality Mistimed Pregnancy

Increase Number of
Unwanted Pregnancy

Unable to reduced the Unable to limit the

Need for unsafe abortion size of their family

Uncontrolled teenage Not using family

pregnancy planning method

Not motivated to do so Lack of education

About family planning

Project title

“Family Planning: Pamilyangplanado, kinabukasan ay sigurado”

Introduction to the Project


214 million women of reproductive age in developing countries who want to avoid

pregnancy are not using a modern contraceptive method. Family planning is one of the 10

great public health achievements of the 20 th century. The availability of family planning

services allows individuals to achieve desired birth spacing and family size, and contributes

to improved health outcomes for infants, children, women, and families.Family planning

services includes: contraceptive services, pregnancy testing and counseling, pregnancy–

achieving services including preconception health services, and sexually transmitted

infection (STI) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention education, counseling,

testing, and referral

Abstinence from sexual activity is the only 100% effective way to avoid unintended

pregnancy. For individuals who are sexually active, correct and consistent contraceptive use is

highly effective at preventing unintended pregnancy. The most effective methods to prevent

unintended pregnancy include long-acting reversible contraceptives such as intrauterine devices

(IUDs) and contraceptive implants, followed by other hormonal contraceptives including oral

contraceptives (pills), the patch, the ring, and the Depo-Provera shot (DMPA). Condoms protect
against both unintended pregnancy and STIs, and their use should be encouraged. Both men and

women should be counseled about using condoms at every act of sexual intercourse when not in

a long-term, mutually monogamous sexual relationship.


Family planning allows people to attain their desired number of children and determine the

spacing of pregnancies. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment

of infertility. Benefits of family planning / contraception. (1.) Preventing pregnancy-related

health risks in women. (2.) Reducing infant mortality. (3.) Helping to prevent HIV/AIDS. (4.)

Empowering people and enhancing education (5.) Reducing adolescent pregnancies. (5.)

Slowing population growth.


According to World Health Organization (WHO) 14 million women of reproductive age

in developing countries who want to avoid pregnancy are not using a modern contraceptive

method. Reasons for this includes limited choice of methods;limited access to contraception,

particularly among young people, poorer segments of populations, or unmarried people;users and

providers bias; fear or experience of side-effects;cultural or religious opposition; and poor

quality of available services. The unmet need for contraception remains too high.
Goal of the Project

To increase the knowledge and awareness on family planning among women of

reproductive age in Barangay San Vicente, Biñan City, Laguna by April 2020.

Purpose of the Project

The purpose of the study are the following:

1. Promote different kinds of family planning method.

2. Educate the community about the benefits of family planning method.

3. Increase protection against sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Project Results

The following are the intended results of the “Family Planning: Pamilyangplanado,

kinabukasan ay sigurado.”

1. Promote different kinds of family planning method.

2. Educate the community about the benefits of family planning method.

3. Increase protection against sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Project Activities and corresponding resources needed.


Table XXXVII. Project activities and Corresponding needed

Activities Resources Needed
1. Increas the number of woman who have knowledge
about family planning
2. Increase the awareness of woman about the availability of
family planning methods, effectiveness, efficacy, advantages
and disadvantages
Creation and distribution of >Functional computer
IEL materials (Pamplhet) >Layout and printing cost
>Transportation for distribution
Health teaching to a mother Budget for printing and
with regards to distribution expenses
family Planning >Snacks and drinks
>Token for mothers
>Communication and
Transportation mean
Table XXXVIII. Project Budgeting
Project Other Total
Activities Transportation Supplies Communication Service Meals Printing Expenses Cost
and P80.00 P60.00 P100.00 P230.00
of Back and
IEL Materials Fort

to Mother
with P80.00 P80.00
Regards to


Final Planning Output

The team will assess for the possible health condition that are currently experienced by the

barangay, particularly in barangay San Vicente Biñan City Laguna. The first activity is to

conduct a skateholders meeting wherein the leaders the barangay (barangay captain, barangay

official, city health midwife and barangay health workers) will be invited to participate and

identify the health threats, deficits orr foreseeable crisis in the community. The goal of the

stakeholders meeting is to gathrr as much information as possible on the current health

problem of the community and identify the leading problem thay may need immediate

attention of the team. Furthermore, reviee of records wille done to ensure validity of the

current problems being idenfied by the meeting.

Based on the pertinent review and identification of problem, it was found out that the major

concern of the community is the high percentage of non user of family planning method. Health

teaching is important in a community in order to raise awareness for the promotion of good

health not only in the family but especially to the mother and child.

To ensure that every family in Barangay San Vicente is safe fron unintended/uncontrolled

birth and birth risks, the team implement the

project“FamilyPlanning:Pamilyangplanado,kinabukasanaysigurado.”aims to



After increasing awareness on Family planning ing Barangay San Vicente, it is vifal that the

support personnel behind the local level or the barangay health workers be capacitated to ensure

that the monitoring and tracking implementation will be effective ing the families.

The overall success of the“FamilyPlanning:Pamilyangplanado,kinabukasanaysigurado.”

project will be dapendent upon the cooperation of the community perople of barangay San

Vicente and the leaders in the barangay. It is also expected that te barangay health worker will

conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of the activity of the project to ensure goal are met.




Sample Survey Questionnaires

House to house survey Documentation

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