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Name …………………………………………………….

7 th grade

Date …………………………………………………….

I. Read the text:
Look at a globe. You'll see most of it is colored blue. That shows Earth's oceans. Oceans are big areas of salty water.
There are five oceans. The large pieces of land are called continents. There are seven continents.
You will see small bits of land on the globe, too. An island is a small area of land that has water all around it. Australia
is a large island that is both an island and a continent.
Different landforms were formed in different ways. There are mountains and valleys. Mountains are tall and rocky land.
They have high elevation. Elevation means the distance above or below sea level. Mountains often have pointed tops called
peaks. Valleys are the lower land between mountains or hills. Hills are raised, rounded pieces of land that are smaller than
Plains are large, mostly flat areas of land. Plateaus are higher areas of land that rise steeply from the land around them.
They are mostly flat on top. These areas were pushed up by forces inside the Earth.
Lakes are bodies of fresh water. They are surrounded by land. The Great Lakes were formed by ice about 10,000 years
ago. The Great Lakes are found on the northern border of Canada and the United States.
Earth also features many forests. Forests are areas of land that feature many trees and plants. There are different types of
forests all over the world. People often call forests the “woods” because of the large number of trees.
Deserts are unlike forests. They are dry, hot, and sandy places that often cover a large amount of land and have little to
no water. You find many deserts in the Middle East and African countries. The largest desert in the world can be found in
Africa stretching over 9 million kilometers. It’s called the Sahara Desert and covers most of northern Africa.
I.A) Are the sentences are true (T) or false (F)? (0.20x10=2p)

1. Oceans are big areas with fresh water. ………….

2. Australia is an area that has water all around it. ………….
3. Different landforms are formed in the same way……………..
4. A valley is a higher piece of land between mountains or hills. ………………
5. The Great Lakes were formed by ice about 1000 years ago. …………..
6. There are many deserts in the Middle East ……………..
7. There are few deserts in African countries. ……………
8. Plateaus are areas that were pushed up by forces inside the Earth. …………
9. Deserts are humid and hot places. ………
10. The largest desert in the world can be found in northern Asia. …………..
I.B) Complete the sentences or answer the following questions based on the information given.(0.20x5=1p)
1. Most of the globe is blue because it is covered in:…………………………………………………………………
2. What is an island? Explain using sentences. ……………………………………………………………………..
3. The difference between a mountain and a hill is: ……………………………………………………………….
4. A plain is:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. A plateau is:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
II. A) Look at the map. Where are you going?(0,50x4=2p)

1. Go along Lakeside Street. Turn left at the traffic

lights and take the first turning on your left.
2. Go straight ahead as far as the roundabout. Go
round it and take the second turning on your
right. __________________________
3. Take the first turning on the right. Then turn
right again. Go past the cinema and along
Princess Street. It’s at the end of the street on
your right. ____________________
4. Turn right. Go down High Street. Take the
second turning on your left. ______________

II. B).Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.(0.20x10=2p)

1. My friend ______________________ (eat) the dinner while I _________________________ (talk) on the phone.
2. When I _________________________ (get) home last night, the phone ___________________________ (ring) .
3. What _____________you ________________ (do) when I __________________ (see) you at the cinema?
4. While we _____________________ (play) chess, my father ________________________ (read) his newspaper.
5. While My sister ______________________ (have) a bath, the electricity ________________________ (go off).
6. David ________________________ (repair) his car when his friends ________________________ (call) him.
7. While he _________________________ (sing) happily, he ________________________ (hear) a noise outside.
8. It ____________________ (begin) to rain while the students _________________ (play) the football in the garden.
9. Mrs. Pink ________________________ (cook) lunch when the visitors __________________________ (arrive).
10. While Merve and Ali ________________________ (walk) home, they ________________________ (meet) a big
black dog.

II C) Fill in the correct form of the adjectives: (0.20x10=2p)

1. My brother is ten years ____________________ (old) than my cousin.
2. Kilimanjaro is the _____________________ (high) mountain of Africa.
3. Today it is not as ______________________ (windy) as it was yesterday.
4. This is exercise is ________________________(challenging) than expected.
5. To my mind spring is the ______________________ (wonderful) season of all.
6. This film was not as ___________________ (dramatic) as the book.
7. I think Claire is the ____________________ (clever) girl in my class.
8. That ice cream tastes really delicious. It’s the _______________ (good) I’ve ever eaten.
9. She wore the _______________________ (elegant) dress of all the women at the reception.
10. Unfortunately, he took the ____________________(long) way to the pole.

Good luck!
Barem de evaluare și notare

Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităti de rezolvare corectă a cerintelor.

Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărtirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10.

I.A) Are the sentences are true (T) or false (F)? (0.20x10=2p)

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. F
10. F
I.B) Complete the sentences or answer the following questions based on the information given.(0.20x5=1p)

1. Water.
2. An island is a small area of land that has water all around it.
3. Hills are raised, rounded pieces of land that are smaller than mountains.
4. Plains are large, mostly flat areas of land.
5. A plateau is a higher area of land that rise steeply from the land around them.

II.A) Look at the map. Where are you going?(0,50x4=2p)

1. Supermarket
2. Zoo
3. Hospital
4. Swimming pool

II.B).Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.(0.20x10=2p)

1. Was eating/was talking

2. Got/ was ringing
3. Were you doing/ saw
4. Playing/ reading
5. Was having/ went
6. Was repairing/ called
7. Was singing/ heard
8. Began / were playing
9. Was cooking/ arrived
10. Were walking/ met

II C) Fill in the correct form of the adjectives: (0.20x10=2p)

1. Older
2. Highest
3. Windy
4. More challenging
5. Most wonderful
6. Dramatic
7. The cleverest
8. The best
9. The most elegant
10. The longest

School: Șc. Gim. ”Ion Heliade Rădulescu” Urziceni

Teacher: Ilie Marilena
Date: 6th April 2022
Grade: 7th
Lesson: evaluation test
Grammar focus: Past simple, past continuous, comparative and superlative of adjectives
Vocabulary focus: Landforms, giving directions
Time: 45 minutes
Type of lesson: Evaluation
Methods and techniques: individual work
Skills developed: listening, writing, reading
- to test the grammar knowledge that the students achieved in the previous lessons;
- to understands gist and extract information from a text;
- to use correctly the Simple Past, Past Continuous and Irregular verbs;
- to measure the Ss ability use the Degrees of Comparison;

Stage of the T's activity Ss' activity Interaction Skill Tim

lesson e Aims
1. Warm-up a) T greets the Ss; - to check
b) T checks attendance; Ss answer T - Ss S 5' attendance;
- to create a
2. T gives Ss the test papers. T tell Ss Ss listen. T - Ss L - to make
Announcin that they have 35’ to solve the Ss aware of
g the exercises. the test
content of T gives the Ss the necessary 5’ content and
the test instructions for them to complete what they
the given tasks. are
supposed to
do with it
3. Testing T supervises the Ss Ss write 30’ - to check
4. T asks the S’s question related to the Ss answer the questions T - Ss L - to let Ss
Feedback test and the way they solved the S know how
and exercises. W 5’ well they
evaluation performed

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