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ata com monica Hions avd etuoovk

Ass ment-2 RHlka Maneanwoa

143148 o2819

(onaldev the ddoa ot pove ALOHA veos slotted ALoHA at

low load. ohidh is less
one ? Explain 00v oMswev.
A Sta tis Mcaly, Pove ALOHA iS suppod to be lesd u i t he
slted ALOHA, that m.eund at nov m load or whe
(as io ns octuv in a (onten o n anne
Mlae ye, i t e load i lo, then pore ALOR srro
to be a eaent as slo tted ALORA. botiwe (oider
duloa ot sndin he packet in a loted time a in
eslokted ALOHLA erokoc,men we ta sa thut lHd
ALORAs delan is more Mam tne one in pove ALORA
vodocaluid send he padkd imnmedi a tela-
G2 Too CS MA/D «tako art èod tvga to tvams mt loa
m k Cvme) les. APter eahvame scn, hen Contend fo
channd vin he binarO xpo nenti al bauko f adgovimm.
Out Me
voboa bilitat Me tontentien emda om Aound 5
and w i ne aven nUm ber ot Voonds per conteton
A AFtey K Constw tive t U i ons lwim pro be bili ta e a

sta hion dela tvons ision a Amdo n iterva

Onlota dis tui bo teul btwte 0 an 2K, lso he
iA tvanmi ted k+l ttma in total).
NMmoev Hhr otem hs star tun romL. Attemp
ds tvi boted omora 2 s lot Thus, the
ota (alli sion prepa.uiluy
atp t
is/2-) ov 2 . The
fo balbit that he a t k-t at
te willfail
(12 7 t=1 4o (k-1)) - (C-1) w h tam ye
Smpi ked to

P(1-2 ).2 - (Lk-1). C-21)/2,

So, Hhe tapc ted no o ADon da p :Ek.fe.
QsFor nbit tvome
ece,what hould be the mar.
sizetov dodo tvosmilbiam uin Jlec
voto cal ond oback n hue ngcat
4 t no
oteq.oente umbers qcaa Me 2
salesdec Hue vepeat rako ca, Sendoy windoo ige= VEeivey

Noa ik. ovcila ble seq, ce nos Senden wivdoo sie t Receive

oiveloo s

2: 2

Cor Seletue nepead (vadocal wc

Lidow uze 2*
ho-buk qvolo (a, he vewiuer auephs ad, tMe ntat
ecked pack and dato discard aul bot-o-ovetw pakes.
windew sze 2-1
4 A net woe o u C S MA CD has a o nd widH of lo

otaa Hn Hme 2 S6 us. Ohat t he

un. Sigt ot fvame
awme tvans missi an Hme CT) = 2 XT

Thiy eons l vot Co0° a stoton needo to tvarsi tov
a eiod o S to delec
the caiston
MUm se otfame u lotb ys y S-2us S12 bit
6b tes This acdo d the min. i e o frameo
Stam dan we
us Lt h be He to tnate ad oltd frawme tvons i
IhaloHed. ALOHA &aBem Uhat ttt are

i n tuis s tem? what pvoro uoror Han o stots a0

he tiun oiets ao emrt when
em oeva ti at
OBty i Maim0 thoogh M
UaKous about dhan nd ayr
h s\ae
be uae to deteve
na shoold took nit ?
As-froqor n ot
plaka: fCo tvossise

Maa Mvou sh u: 0-e o

S68 , h mt\
leapor hum np lot a maK.

twwoukpot e

0- 3b8
A atomp do decreaye Me
vopor ta otonp slots
bdo c icouortvo duc hive a th achon
he hvou ualoh
ghpot blo it t&A alue.
simpli fied me s lotted AC PVato ca Iheve
Cei dev
eah data to stnd a t r s mi ts i t
ho2t alwas has
l . 7hevc n o betkolf
vobce bili t o2 in evevA
be vans tted
in one la
0Levome Con
mmore han on hot tvas mits in some slok he
e t ans muissi ons ave sta
unsuuejs due to a l l e n .
at Me anax wo o haat kichtHw' protocal
tam o t , eoh hea has to be vout Aed o

hreugh ut ot ol6 vom e e me slat

Hb s lotrd A voto col when me Sato tvonyi t n

eher staten (on tvond t . Nots ossome that Me pobabilu
o teondm Hi daa ba a
siele siat on be p ao n be
e no sta tious hat tom tuo-d i t .
Sintehen one atton duoas itine no eMer tattou
Con trons i t , So hove w l be n-l ste tons a t are
sulend wr po ba biiio
outor Bne atoaH on a in. Mo0 huT o o l6 ownes
per lot o me to be auen S o, tor n stetios thne
thwog ot o aiven o l b n aud eoer st atton els ag
hud wme dada totronddt wit tne r o babi o

f0-2 in eve wwe slla

D-16 n n* o2 lo8 Cn-1)

o8 z0-8 Cn-\)

opavi dh sidey wrad



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