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Rijaset Islamske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini

Uprava za obrazovanje i nauku


za prijemni ispit u medresama

iz Engleskog jezika
za prijemni ispit u medresama

Sarajevo, mart 2018. godine


1. UVOD 2





6. 1. UDŽBENICI 27


Katalog pitanja sa rješenjima iz Engleskog jezika kreiran je za potrebe prijemnog ispita u

medresama Islamske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Katalog ima za cilj da učenicima pomogne u pripremi za polaganje prijemnog ispita u medresama.
Ponuđena pitanja obuhvataju nastavne sadržaje iz predmeta Engleski jezika koji se izučavaju u
osnovnim školama u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Pitanja su razvrstana u dvije osnovne oblasti: gramatika i vokabular.
Svaka od ove dvije oblasti podijeljena je na dva nivoa znanja: početni nivo i napredni nivo.
Katalog sadrži pitanja višestrukog izbora u kojima su ponuđene četiri opcije (A, B, C i D) i samo
jedan tačan odgovor.
Pitanja u testu na prijemnom ispitu mogu imati drugačiji raspored ponuđenih opcija u odgovoru u
odnosu na Katalog.
Primjerak potencijalnog testa koji se nalazi u Katalogu baziran je na pitanjima ponuđenim u ovom
Katalogu i služi kao orjentir učenicima pri pripremi za prijemni ispit u medresama.

Predmetna komisija:
Mr. Asmir Dorić
Mr. Kemal Avdagić
Enes Softić



I. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1. I do not like listening _____ folk music.

A of B on C to D for

2. Happy is the _________ of sad

A oppositive B opposite C oppose D opposed

3. They were all __________ so they went to a restaurant.

A hungry B angry C thirst D fat

4. Did you enjoy the __________ from London to Tokyo?

A flying B flight C fly D flew

5. Jack's not well I think we should call an __________ .

A illness B accident C ambulance D engine

6. I called you _________ six o’clock yesterday.

A on B at C in D by

7. Ahmed: ”____________ you like some tea?” Osman: ”No, thanks.”

A Do B Did C Are D Would

8. The cars wait until the traffic ______ turn green.

A railings B signs C crossing D lights

9. I sleep with my head on the ______.

A sheets B blanket C pillow D bad

10. The knife was very ______. I cut my finger.

A huge B dirty C ordinary D sharp

11. His father always remembers to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. He is very ______.

A impolite B polite C rude D talkative

12. Harun: What’s wrong with your foot? Amir: One of my ______ hurts.

A fingers B heels C wrists D toes

13. The police are looking for the ______ of a red BMW.

A detective B instructor C owner D rider

14. His suitcase was quite ______ so I could easily carry it.

A light B heavy C cheap D short

15. I like the color of the jacket but the ______ are too short.

A buttons B heels C collars D sleeves

16. The young cat is called ______.

A puppy B lamb C kitten D calf

17. ______ is a piece of plastic or metal that you use to make your hair tidy.

A Comb B Razor C Blade D Scissors

18. ______ is a piece of material that you wear around your neck, head, or shoulders, when it is cold.

A Shirt B Tie C Scarf D Glove

19. ______ is a small tool used for picking up food, with handle and three or four points.

A Fork B Spoon C Knife D Plate

20. My mother’s sister is my ______.

A niece B uncle C nephew D aunt

21. ______ is a round white vegetable with a brown or pale yellow skin, that grows under the ground.

A Tomato B Potato C Cucumber D Cabbage

22. The doctor who does operations in the hospital is called ______.

A surgeon B dentist C nurse D optician

23. ______ is the raised floor in a theatre where actors perform a play.

A Screen B Stage C Audience D Balcony

24. ______ is a curve of different colors in the sky that is caused by the sun shining through rain.

A Rainbow B Thunderstorm C Lightning D Storm

25. Amir is __________ than I am.

A higher B high C tall D taller

26. My sister is __________ than I am.

A shorter B short C low D lower

27. He's completely ________. He lost all of his hair years ago.

A bold B bolder C bald D baldy

28. I was _________ last month.

A hired B heart C hearing D hires

29. I work _________ sales.

A at B on C in D for

30. A sliding door that lets air in but keeps bugs out: A ________ door.

A net B screen C bug D wood

31. A couch that also functions as a bed: A __________ bed.

A sofa B king-size C couch D chair

32. An appliance that cools your house in the summer: An air _____________ .

A cooler B conditioner C cooling D condition

33. You hang this on a wall to know what time it is: A ____________ .

A clock B watch C timer D timing

34. Most people keep their books on a bookshelf, also known as a __________ .

A book-closet B bookcase C shelf D table

35. My sister used to ________ her hair blonde.

A die B dye C colour D paint

36. My ____________ is much darker than my brother's.

A complex B complexion C colour D tan

37. She is very good-_________ .

A looking B viewing C look D watched

38. Omer is a very _________ man.

A style B stylish C styling D stylished

39. My sister has a shoulder- ______________ hair.

A length B long C big D size

40. Find the words which are out of the logic list

A apple B orange C garlic D peach

41. Find the words which are out of the logic list

A huge B large C serious D big

42. Pierre is from France. He can speak ______.

A Franchise B Francese C Franc D French

43. Where does an actress work?

A cinema B theatre C sports centre D shop

44. Carlos is from Madrid. His nationality is ______.

A French B Italian C Spanish D Madridian

45. I’ll post your letters. Have you got __________?

A s stamp B any stamps C any stamp D much stamps

46. The streets were empty. There weren’t _________ there.

A peoples B some people C any people D much people

47. Yuk! This sandwich is disgusting. There’s _________ salt in it.

A too much B enough C too many D any

48. How many desks are there _______ this classroom?

A into B at C in D on

49. I knocked at the door, but there was nobody _______ home.

A in B on C at D into

50. Today is Monday. So Wednesday is ________

A tomorrow B the day before yesterday

C the day after tomorrow D yesterday


I. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1. I am looking forward to ______ you as soon as possible.

A meet B met C meeting D have met

2. Students always complain ______ the food.

A of B about C on D for

3. Students of this class are very ______ on their subjects.

A keen B enjoy C useful D good

4. This is a ______ coat, not cotton.

A fair B fur C fare D fear

5. If you have financial difficulties, I can ______ you some money.

A lend B borrow C rent D pay

6. He gets very annoyed if he has to wait for anything. He doesn’t like waiting. He is very ______.

A impatient B industrious B hard D sociable

7. Jimmy sent his mother a ______ of flowers for her birthday.

A bar B bunch C pack D packet

8. When you say something to someone’s ear quietly and secretly, you ______.

A say again B whisper C discuss D cry out

9. The highest ______ of the mountain Everest is 8860 meters high.

A peak B island C stream D boulder

10. ______ is a kind of chair used by people who cannot walk.

A Wheelchair B Stool C Rocking chair D armchair

11. Someone who sells food, cleaning products in a small shop is a ______.

A biker B barber C butcher D baker

12. ______ is a hanging cloth that can be pulled across a window.

A Cloth B Curtain C Rug D Carpet

13. The seat which is put on the horse’s back is the ______.

A saddle B stirrup C reins D jockey

14. Hakan ______ the earliest goal in the World Cup history.

A scored B served C threw D hit

15. There is a layer of cloud close to the ground that makes it difficult to see very far. It is ______.

A stormy B sunny C dull D misty

16. Jenny is ___________ , she can speak French and English fluently.

A linguist B bilingual C dialect D translator

17. Find the words which are out of the logic list

A player B pitch C fan D referee

18. We cut paper or cloth with a pair of ______.

A penknives B knives C scissors D axes

19. He was the leader of a well-known ______ of criminals.

A gang B flight C clump D set

20. He gave her a ______ of flowers.

A crowd B bunch C audience D set

21. The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don’t ________ themselves better.

A direct B compose C behave D) declare

22. It will ________ time if we make the sandwiches the day before the picnic.

A earn B spare C lower D save

23. Bill doesn’t ________ what people say about him.

A concern B care C matter D disturb

24. Can I ________ £5 from you until next week?

A borrow B lend C hire D rent

25. I’m afraid we can’t agree _____ each other _____ anything.

A with/on B with/with C on/on D on/with

26. Amir put a large _________ full of apples on the table.

A envelope B saucer C bowl D pan

27. You can type __________ I can.

A much faster than B more fast as C just as fast than D fastest than

28. You left school _______ than I did.

A later B more lately C most lately D more late

29. It seems that the Olympic Stadium will not be finished _______ for the Games.

A immediately B in time C yet D soon

30. I haven’t eaten _______, so I feel really hungry.

A now B soon C at once D yet

31. Misunderstandings are common in relationships, simply because communication _________

A breaks down B goes on C turns up D shows off

32. Even when two people _________ extremely well, they still have to talk to one another.

A turn up B go on C build up D get along

33. It’s not unusual for people to ________ because of some annoying habit.

A show off B fall out C get along D turn up

34. You could commemorate someone by ___________

A ignoring all of the person's faults B telling the person why you like him or her

C taking the person out for lunch D dedicating a building in the person’s honor

35. She signed the petition for the ______ of jet skis from the lake because she disliked the noise.

A inclusion B immortality C sustenance D exclusion

36. The gravestone was surrounded by so many flowers that it was impossible to read the _________

A eulogy B epitaph C stricture D enclosure

37. If everything goes according ____ our plan, we should finish the school project by Friday.

A with B by C to D in

38. Bill’s a ______ so he travels all over the world.

A baker B butcher C sailor D driver

39. We plan to go hiking but the weather _____ for the weekend is not promising.

A prediction B forecast C broadcast D promise

40. She whispers through her role as if she’s got a sore ______.

A throat B tongue C teeth D ear

41. I am really good ___ playing PC games and interested ____ trying out the new ones.

A in / at B at / at C at / in D in / in

42. There is a mosquito bite on my left ankle that is ______ like crazy.

A swelling B itching C paining D hurting

43. I often use English to ____ online with the teenagers from all over the world.

A chat B find C spoke D tell

44. J. K. Rowling is one of the most popular writers who is the ______ of the Harry Potter books.

A composer B painter C author D poet

45. Your new flat ________ me very much of the one we had in Sarajevo.

A remembers B recalls C recollects D reminds

46. You should take more exercise if you want to keep ________.

A fit B fat C fine D fresh

47. There were twenty-five ________ waiting in the doctor’s surgery.

A customers B visitors C patients D waiters

48. It’s my ________ that it’s going to rain.

A option B opinion C intention D thought

49. Find the words which are out of the logic list:

A cook B steward C chef D waiter

50. Someone whose job is to treat people’s teeth is a ______.

A grocer B doctor C dentist D singer



I. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1. If you study hard, you _____ bad grades.

A didn’t get B haven’t got C not get D don’t get

2. My sister’s really happy - she ______ all her exams.

A is pass B passes C passed D was passing

3. I _______ tennis every Sunday morning.

A playing B play C am playing D am play

4. Don't make so much noise. Merjem ________ to study for her ESL test!

A try B tries C tried D is trying

5. Ahmed _______ his teeth before breakfast every morning.

A will cleaned B is cleaning C cleans D clean

6. Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She _______ a bath!

A is having B having C have D has

7. _________ many times every winter in Frankfurt.

A It snows B It snowed C It is snowing D It is snow

8. Babies _______ when they are hungry.

A cry B cries C cried D are crying

9. Fadil: "What _______ in the evenings?" Ilhan: "I usually watch TV or read a book."

A you doing B you do C do you do D are you doing

10. What time ________

A the train leaves? B leaves the train? C is the train leaving? D does the train leave?

11. My little brother is ____ person I have ever met?

A the laziest B lazier C the lazyiest D lazyier

12. I like the book _______ I’ve read recently.

A who B whose C which D this

13. People who know a foreign language _____ learn the second one easily.

A may B can C need D must

14. I’ve been so busy these days. I have ______ free time than my schoolmates do.

A less B more C larger D bigger

15. Let’s go to the theatre, _____

A don’t we? B let us? C shall we? D will we?

16. He goes to his guitar lessons _________.

A by underground B on underground C with underground D. in underground

17. Choose the correct question:

A. Where playing Željo FC? C Where is Željo FC playing?

B. Where is playing Željo FC? D Where playing is Željo FC?

18. I have Kung Fu classes ______ Saturday afternoons.

A on B in C at D by

19. I _______, I didn’t hear you come in.

A was sleeping B slept C had slept D was sleep

20. She _______ lunch with us last Friday.

A hadn’t B no had C didn’t have got D didn’t have

21. I __________to see her twice, but she wasn't home.

A was coming B came C coming D had come

22. Kemal: What __________ when I called you? Ismet: I was watching TV.

A did you do B were you doing C was you doing D were done

23. Ahmed ________ in Sarajevo for the past 3 years.

A lived B has lived C was lived D was living

24. _______ me last night?

A Did you call B Have you called C Were you called D Did you called

25. I worked as a graphic designer before I _______ to Tuzla.

A have come B came C did come D did came

26. _________ you finished reading the paper yet?

A Have B Are C Were D Did

27. I ________ in love three times in my life.

A have been B was being C was D been

28. Hamza _______ tennis for three years when he was at school.

A played B has played C was play D plays

29. I _________ this upset in many years!

A was not B was not being C haven't been D has been

30. I don’t think you can lift that case ________ I help you.

A since B without C not D unless

31. The children ______ play with them.

A want that I B want me to C want me for D want my

32. I think ____ took your umbrella.

A anyone B other C person D someone

33. Having lost their house in the disaster, they don’t have _____ to go.

A nowhere B anywhere C somewhere D any where

34. You’re an intelligent person and you can take care of _____ .

A you B your C yourself D yourselves

35. _____ does Andy’s little brother play with?

A Who B Why C How old D Where

36. A: _____ languages do they speak? B: Just one.

A What B How many C How much D Which

37. Upstairs there’s _____ big bathroom.

A some Ba C an D any

38. Yes, there are _____ chairs, but there are not _____ desks.

A some / any B any / some C any / any D some / some

39. Dino didn’t _____ yesterday afternoon; he _____ at home.

A go out / stayed B go out / stay C went out / stayed D went out / stay

40. _____ your teacher speak English when he was seven?

A Can B Could C Does D Is

41. A: ‘______ ?’ B: ‘He’s very nice.

A What does he look like? B) What’s he like? C How is he? D How does he look?

42. How ________ money do you have?

A many B few C much D little

43. Is this the man _______ yesterday?

A you've met B that has met you C you met D which you

44. The children soon got used______ in England.

A to living B living C to live D live

45. Hasan likes going to the theatre and ____________.

A so do I B so go I C so I like D so I am

46. I can't find my keys ______________.

A nowhere B everywhere C anywhere D somewhere

47. ________ is it from Sarajevo to Visoko?

A What long way B How long way C What distance D How far

48. __________ the weather was fine, we decided to open all the windows of the room.

A For B As C Because of D Since that

49. Rijad is waiting ________ the dentist.

A for to see B for seeing C for see D to see

50. ________ people came than I expected.

A Other B Fewer C Another D Few


I. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1. If you _____ to choose a country to live in, which country would you choose?

A will B had C have D has

2. The police arrived quickly, but it was too late - the robbers _______ .

A went B go C had gone D were going

3. ______ your grandfather ______ to play football professionally when he was younger?

A Is, use B Was, used C Does, used D Did / use

4. Look at that! I ______ never _______ such a beautiful view.

A ‘d, saw B ‘ve, seen C ‘m, see D was, seeing

5. By the age of 10, Mozart ____ three operas and 25 symphonies.

A had composed B was composed C composes D has composed

6. A lot of new words _____ to English recently as a result of the Internet and globalization.

A added B was added C have been added D are added

7. Did she get her assignment _____ on time?

A submit B submitting C submits D submitted

8. Do you mind _____ down the volume a little, please!

A to turn B turn C turning D turned

9. Is there anything else that needs _____ around here?

A to do B to doing C to done D to be done

10. ________ God be with you.

A Can B May C Must D Will

11. Do you speak English ______ than Arabic?

A more fluently B more fluent C fluentlier D fluentlyer

12. He admitted _____ the car but denied _____ it by himself.

A stealing, to do B steal, to do C to steal, doing D stealing / doing

13. If only I had had the courage to do this __________.

A years ago B for years C since years D in years

14. They laughed a lot last night. The film _____ very funny.

A should have been B must have been C was to be D should be

15. Ask her when __________.

A will be ready the food B will be the food ready

C the food will be ready D will the food ready be

16. Ask the doctor _________.

A when you will be able to travel B when will you be able to travel

C you will be able to travel when D when able to travel you will be

17. A: Have you been to the United States? B: Yes, I ______ there in 1989.

A have gone B go C gone D went

18. We have been working in terrible conditions ______ May.

A for B since C by D until

19. Bananas _______ in our country.

A haven’t grow B hadn’t grown C aren’t grown D didn’t grow

20. While I was doing my homework, my little brothers ______ cartoons.

A was watching B were watching C have watching C are watching

21. They can't attend tonight's meeting, Ahmed, ________ not being members.

A on account of B when C in case of D because

22. The streets were filled with water ________ the rain.

A because B due to C caused D as

23. The man lay awake in the bed ________ he was exhausted.

A but B because C although D reason

24. We expected the money ________ he had promised it to us.

A for this B while C as D why

25. ________ the company didn't offer Jasmina a new pay rise, she left and found a new job.

A Since B For C So D If

26. ________ the apartment is so new, it should sell for a good price.

A So B Though C Seeing as D Unless

27. If you had come to the mosque last night, you _________ the prayer.

A had perform B will perform C would perform D would have performed

28. ________ you English?

A Have B Are C Is D Am

29. Osman and Lejla _______ in Mostar since 1985.

A are living B live C have lived D do live

30. If I had enough money, I __________ a house in the countryside.

A would buy B buy C will buy D can buy

31. The windows ________ by the boy.

A was broken B were broken C is broken D broke

32. They laughed a lot last night. The film _______ very funny.

A should be B could be C will have been D must have been

33. ________ is ___________ ?

A How / the weather like B What / the weather like

C Where / the weather D Why / the weather

34. By this time tomorrow, we ________ the meeting.

A are heaving B will have had C must have D will have

35. _________ have you been waiting?

A How much B What time C How long D When

36. Most countries have strong __________ on owning handguns.

A restrictively B restrict C restrictive D restrictions

37. If I ____________ you, I wouldn't buy that coat.

A will be B were C had been D am

38. If I went anywhere, it ________ Europe.

A would be B will be C were D is going to be

39. Could you _____ the music, please? I can't concentrate

A to turn down B turn down C to turn up D turn up

40. It was a wonderful holiday. I will always remember _____ the Niagara Falls.

A seeing B to see C saw D see

41. The hotel ______ in 2020 and then we can visit it.

A is built B will built C will be built D be built

42. “______ your father ever _______ to Paris?” “Oh, yes. Five times.”

A Did / go B Has / gone C Does / go D Has / been

43. All of the leaves ___ off the trees in the storm.

A were be blow B were blew C were blown D blown

44. ____________ car was hit three different times in one day.

A Osman's B Osman has C Osmans D Osmans'

45. Our kitchen _____ decorated at the moment.

A is B is being C being D was being

46. Choose the correct sentence:

A Enes, your car alarm has been blaring for hours!

B Enes, your car alarm, has been blaring for hours!

C Enes your car alarm has been blaring, for hours!

D Enes your car alarm, has been blaring, for hours.

47. I watched TV last night but my sister _____ .

A hasn’t B didn’t C isn’t D doesn’t

48. They’ve gone away for a few days, __________ ?

A they have B have they C they’ve D haven’t they

49. Choose the correct sentence:

A Husein who is my sisters new boyfriend, is very bright.

B Husein, who is my sister's new boyfriend is very bright.

C Husein, who is my sister's new boyfriend, is very bright.

D Husein, who is my sisters' new, boyfriend, is very bright.

50. Not every American ______ English.

A doesn’t speak B don’t speak C speak D speaks



1. C 14. A 27. C 40. C

2. B 15. D 28. A 41. C
3. A 16. C 29. C 42. D
4. B 17. A 30. B 43. B
5. C 18. C 31. A 44. C
6. B 19. A 32. B 45. B
7. D 20. D 33. A 46. C
8. D 21. B 34. B 47. A
9. C 22. A 35. B 48. C
10. D 23. B 36. B 49. C
11. B 24. A 37. A 50. C
12. D 25. D 38. B
13. C 26. A 39. A


1. C 14. A 27. A 40. A

2. B 15. D 28. A 41. C
3. A 16. B 29. B 42. B
4. B 17. B 30. D 43. A
5. A 18. C 31. A 44. C
6. A 19. A 32. D 45. D
7. B 20. B 33. B 46. A
8. B 21. C 34. D 47. C
9. A 22. D 35. D 48. B
10. A 23. B 36. B 49. B
11. D 24. A 37. C 50. C
12. B 25. A 38. C
13. A 26. C 39. B


1. D 14. A 27. A 40. B

2. C 15. C 28. A 41. B
3. B 16. A 29. C 42. C
4. D 17. C 30. D 43. C
5. C 18. A 31. B 44. A
6. A 19. A 32. D 45. A
7. A 20. D 33. B 46. C
8. A 21. B 34. C 47. D
9. C 22. B 35. A 48. B
10. D 23. B 36. B 49. D
11. A 24. A 37. B 50. B
12. C 25. B 38. A
13. B 26. A 39. A


1. B 14. B 27. D 40. A

2. C 15. C 28. A 41. C
3. D 16. A 29. C 42. D
4. B 17. D 30. A 43. C
5. A 18. B 31. B 44. A
6. C 19. C 32. D 45. B
7. D 20. B 33. B 46. A
8. C 21. A 34. B 47. B
9. D 22. B 35. C 48. D
10. B 23. C 36. D 49. C
11. A 24. C 37. B 50. D
12. D 25. A 38. A
13. A 26. C 39. B
Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) max ostv
1. The cars wait until the traffic ______ turn green.
A railings B signs C crossing D lights

2. The police are looking for the ______ of a red BMW.

A detective B instructor C owner D rider

3. ______ is a small tool used for picking up food, with handle and three or four points.
A Fork B Spoon C Knife D Plate

4. We plan to go hiking but the weather _____ for the weekend is not promising.
A prediction B forecast C broadcast D promise

5. He gave her a ______ of flowers.

A crowd B bunch C audience D set

1. Ahmed _______ his teeth before breakfast every morning.
A will cleaned B is cleaning C cleans D clean

2. Look at that! I ______ never _______ such a beautiful view.

A ‘d, saw B ‘ve, seen C ‘m, see D was, seeing

3. If I went anywhere, it ________ Europe.

A would be B will be C were D is going to

4. All of the leaves ___ off the trees in the storm.

A were be blow B were blew C were blown D blown

5. ________ the company didn't offer Jasmina a new pay rise, she left and found a new
job. 1

A Since B For C So D If

Maximalan broj bodova: 10 Osvojeni bodovi: _______



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Sikorzynska Anna, Mešić Asmir, Mower David and Harris Michael (2012). Challenges 4 - Students' Book
- Engleski jezik za deveti razred devetogodišnje osnovne škole. Harlow Essex UK: Pearson.
Mugglestone, Patricia (2007). Challenges 3 – Test Book. Harlow Essex UK: Pearson Education Limited.
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Hutchinson, Tom (2011). Project – udžbenik engleskog jezika za VIII razred osnovne škole. Oxford UK:
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Mardešić Maja, Vasić Mirela and Breka Olinka (2011). WAY to go 8 – radna sveska engleskog jezika za
8. razred devetogodišnje osnovne škole. Sarajevo: Sarajevo Publishing d.d.
Maris, Amanda (2007). Challenges 3 – Workbook. Harlow Essex UK: Pearson Education Limited.
Maris, Amanda (2007). Challenges 4 – Workbook. Harlow Essex UK: Pearson Education Limited.


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