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he at casS was over, but Ya_hti sát
Jlued to her chair.
Her Raper wes tmty.
Vashti's teacher eaned
oNer the blanK paper.
"Ah' ARolar hear
in a Sn storm, she Said.
"yery orny! sid Vesati.
Iyst CaNT draw!

ter feacher smijed. Vashti grabhed felf-tipped pen and


"Jst maKe a mark and gave the paper a g0d, Strong jab.
See where it faKes you. "There
Her teacher Piced up the pe She pshed the paper towards
and studied it carefily. Vashhi and qvietly Sajd,
mmmmm "NoN sign it."
Vashh thonht pr a moment J

"Well,maybe I can't draw,

bt CAN sian y Neme.
The next weeK
when Vashti wajked into her" art elasS
she was sorprised to see what was
hanging ahove her teacher's esk
Was the litle dot
She had dyawn-HER DOT!
Al ramed in swirly gold
"mmpn She opened her
TCan make a bethe dot never- befoft- uged Set of
then THAT! WaterCelours and set to ork
Vashti painted and ainted. The blue miyed with the yelow.
A red dot: She disovered thet she (old make
A Pur ple dot aGREEN 4t
A yelew dot ashti Kept egimenting
A blve dot: 1s of ittle dets in many Colours
Vashti even made a dot
y NOT paintig a dot.

TE I Can maKe littfe dots

I Can meke BIG dots, too."
Vahti splashed her celours wit
bigjer bragh m bigger paper
tpmake bigger dots,


At he schol art show afewweks aTer,

Vashti's many das made qvte a splash).
ati neiced a litie boy
galing up at her.
"You'fe a Teally greaf artist.
1 Wish I sld draw,he sajd.
et y Car, id Vashti.
"ME?NO, not me. Icant draw A
9traight line with a rler
Vasktri smied.
She hended the pof a
blanK Sheetf paper.
"ShoW me.
The boy's pencil sheok
qs he drew hi_ line.
Vaskti stared atthe hoy's sqvigle.
And then she sajd.
"Sign it
Vedicated to Mr. Matson, my 7th rade math teache
Who dared me to "maK my mark.

First published 2003 by Walker Books Ltd

87 Vauxhall Walk, London SE11 5HI

This edition published 2004


2003, 2004 Peter H. Reynolds

This book has been handlettered by Peter H. Reynolds

Printed in China

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted or stored
in an information retrieval system in any form
by any means, graphic,

electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, taping and recording.

without prior written permission from the publisher.

British Library Cataloquing Publication Data

in a catalogue record for
this book is available from the British Library.

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