Saif Powertech Ltd. Financial Statements For 2019-20

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[SAIF|PowerTeC] SAIF POWERTEC LIMITED Consolidated Statement of Financial Position ‘as at 30 June 2020 Paria on Amount in Taka [At 30 Tune 2030, TT [A 30 Tune 2019 Assets: ‘Comolidnicd ‘The Company Consolidated The Company [Non-current assets Propeny, plant and equipment 4. Rape] [asa] aemeTe] [aa Capital works peogzest s | stenzerare| | sasozsroat] | aaniaosses| | dowza.sss Investment i subsidiary companies ‘ - ‘1231.00 - 12s00.000| wana waso2ss2 TNS ——_—OSNTAWLAM Current assets Inventories rr ‘Accounts and others receivable issivm.260| | aessss.oss| | Advances, deposits and prepayments aesaness6s| | 2saserems| | agowzz2.m:| | r4aq740165| Fed deposit receipe (FDR) 410202035 ‘iaze.033] | 361997767 ‘01997767 Cash and cash equivalents 203508101 suoars22s] |_ssa221 5. 27348295, Somes Boas Saeco Ese “Tota assets aquity and Liabiides: Share capital 12 [Sanasiam] [—samassao0] [saisssre0] [sass 70 Share premium | ormaisise sreaisest] | v6713.0s Srep13 084 Revaluation reserve “ 2059.22 2095,2 2055122 2059.22 “Amount tobe distributed as dividend & 0305380, 4052530 ; - Retained earings 1s s0n8s5.157, susoseso] |_isas2.06¢] |__uoatass 630 Sessa07,115——S45908,246—$08,764,O0——5.3685258, 588 Non-controlling interest 46126336 iss - SrIsAs4@ Sasson Ba, Long term losn from banks and NBFIs i -SSeRuADN Is 506 2854768 Deferred tx Habilty| " e968 femeny 12509989, Current Liabitities Carat portion of ong elon 12927022701 anna anna Shor te foun B teosias —igasseass «mama aamamaor Share money eine a0 wana uaa anne Accounts yale ror ssu% ses gar ‘nist Profit (Cash Dividend) po Mssste basssie —_sgpass 0338 sccrnd expt, > iovesizeit strove tase Share money deposit (SPPTL) Sen : Obligation to Couac espn saisisy tastes anasta Workers pot patton Welle find Btn yoann uum iar “ota sbretle equ and ais Neva persar oa each » Cen] Actas persist revnionet Taka each 31 [135] ew] “The annexed nots form an integral part of the Sistement of Financial Position Ni SHhana Cu, Ad “Chairman Managing Director Director Jal Officer SIGNED IN TERMS OF OUR ANNEXED REPORT OF EVEN DATE. (co, a Stobiysaia Ahmed HEA, CC Dated: Dhaka Pater 10 Novernber 2020 Asha dain & Co, ‘Chartered Accountants Annual Report 2020 | 57 SAIF POWERTEC LIMITED (SIRT NTT Handlin Saran Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 2020 Pn Nae ‘Amount in Taka Tat Tuly 2079 to 30 Tune 2020 | |__ Ist uly 2078 to 30 June 2019 Consolidated The Company Consolidated The Company Revenue Sales (net) ms ——-3athS62002——«ATSHR6OL = 6RN.I98 BSS. 395 Cost of sales 7 __agmg7426) __@oisomasy __ 1984701 109 Gross prot TDK GHA) LA07AOI.MS —1.9S47HS 09S 1926,644292 General and administrative expenses ws __esenoiy (asm, (sr972.013) Profit from operations 1.275,039.89 1,271,636929 147813025. 1454,800,688 Other income 33296768 auoa44 0936616 720911 Finance expenses 2 _qsizee2s __oumasasn _iamson __ cas Net proft before WPPF SH0,710816 72087002 697,703,390 Workers profit paticipstion/ Welfare fund 25748,134) asneKi%a) 2223900) 22232990 Net profit ater WEPF SIs82352——S14960,682——«GHTIOIROIZ.——664479.800 Icom tax expenses yo __ aang (e707 __ argon) __as19950 Net profit ater tax saa S227 OD, 2938 RADA Profit atibuable to ordinary sharcholders Total Non contalling interest (20% and 35%) 1394217 : soso Twas2.c44] [__saeanzoi0] [__s10,aa9os] [__waasoaa Basic Earnings per share 2 ia Diluted Earnings per share Appropriation of subsidiary company’s net profit: Saif Powertec Limited (parent company) - 80° Non-controlling interest (minority interest) -20% Saif Powertec Limited (parent company) = 65% Non-controlling interest (1 jority interest) -35% Cs Cs) Ces] waReTST 12301 900, 22108189 3015475 (6508526) oan 503406) 600) 10,009,732) The annexed notes form an integral part ofthe Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. Qu. Managing Director nrsutfana ‘Chalrmat Dated: Dhaka 10 November 2020 Ad Director SIGNE! Annual Report 2020 | 58 ee “7 (ChletFinanclal Omicer Lompany Seeretary :D IN TERMS OF OUR ANNEXED REPORT OF EVEN DATE (deo, a’ sumed HCA, CEC Parte ‘Ash! Uddin & Co, Chartered Accounts ISAIFjPoweRTEC] SAIF POWERTEC LIMITED PETE EET io] Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 2020 Amounts Taka “Ant be ‘Stare | Stare Revalation Now Contota - wie ‘ota Parte capt | promi | MBteBated | Orie inerett atc 401 Jay 2018 agracasin T6308 = fepseia2 auigssms asst» santaseso ese of ors Stare aaT2980 . . = GMT : - (Cosh Divider paid . . . = (a8ss¢s) - (148858085) ethene ft year - - : = siassiget : stosssee Sr of roo try (SPL) - : : : - a9 Stare ol of sary (SPPIL) : : : : 2 snsars Balance a 30 June 2017 Saisie | Tae = pi | 1asaeaaet Ese Balance at 1 July 2019 aaisamimo stats 084 = maassima asta sassy sasnams75 Neto th ear * : eMaetsaeat Seeiseone eu Bone Set wwosz0mn0 - - = aangnan - : Oe thea - : : = (aesis3s1 -aasnasy Ati oe dited x den orsse0 ‘os0905390) - : Sef poh stay (SPH) : : : : = 005) seg SS of poh of etry (SPPIL) - : : : : 2108189 2100399 Balance a 30 June 2020 ioe eres ee eee sease | ——enene] siege wegftewe A Af EE ‘Dated: Dhaka 10 Novernber 2020 Annual Report 2020 | 59 SAIF POWERTEC LIMITED ETRE Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 2020 ‘Amount in Taka an acne] Lema UR as Cantos tom open wis Catgal oombyrs tomer essay —__asmmuny quran _ assay cutyenosts nap Ttocamehaepeaans” hahaa” tesa ne nr iesey —rmitesmy —“aoracos, “tans Scteahprovied prin te) ig3igni emg —Taw-mgas anos Cutan mesmestorataee cn casas) quia) aay iamsm cee clooney) gammaesyy —esaraaen Paani : : cnn ‘Fixed deposit receipt (FDR) (48,244,266) (48,244.26) 123,239,503 123,239,503 Nvutentniesig vite Tiaenson aun Leno mesma couh tos on ns tite aeons leseun —assane amano ames ‘Short term loan re-paid (1,619,107,571) (619,107,571) (1,617,044,074) (1,617,044,074) ere caowzm eats Gorman Nene mane ’ ue , See cata : Se gona cunduiet ea uss essay ima) aia cee ae ‘ren Sunwste nasa tingntenie a tiem __cmavey time cme en panty Sani ase) imi —pynmaig” legen Gear Teeter chron : . . . Auctunatneutontechnaascait) isms asain sane axe Sots onus “anus iataae ta ane samo] (Ciaran) (CGeaae) (Cues wrgwtiena = QY,. hal ge 5 Annual Report 2020 | 60

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