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Statistics and Probability Project

Problem # 1

A spinner has 4 equal sectors colored yellow, blue, green, and red. What is the
probability of landing on red or blue after spinning this spinner?


P(red)= 4

P(blue)= 4

P(red or blue)= P(red)+P(blue)

1 1


Answer: The probability of landing on red or blue after spinning the spinner is 4 .

Problem # 1
A glass jar contains 1 red, 3 green, 2 blue, and 4 yellow marbles. If a single marble
is chosen at random from the jar, what is the probability that it is yellow or green?


P(yellow)= 10

P(green)= 10

P(yellow or green) = P(yellow)+P(green)

4 3
= 10 + 10

= 10

Answer: The probability that it is yellow or green is 10 , if a single marble is
chosen at random from the jar

Problem # 2
A die is rolled twice. Find the probability of getting an even number in the first
throw and a number greater than 4 in the second throw.



Let event A: get an even number Let event B: get a number greater than 4

A= {2,4,6} B= {5,6}
3 2
P(A)= 6 P(B)= 6

1 1
=2 =3

Events A and B are independent, hence;

P (A and B) = P(A) ∙ P(B)

1 1
= 2·3


Answer: The probability of getting an even number in the first throw and a number
greater than 4 in the second throw is 6 .

Problem # 2
A card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards and then replaced and a second card is
drawn. Find the probability of getting a "King" and then a "Queen of hearts".

P(King)= P(A)
= 52

= 13

P(Queen of hearts) = P(B)

= 52

Events A and B are independent, hence;

P (A and B) = P(A)∙ P(B)

1 1
= 13 ∙ 52

= 676 1
Answer: the probability of getting a "King" and then a "Queen of hearts" is 676 .

Sports Fest Draft Plan

Event Coordinator Ms. Nicole Agbulos

Logistic/Secretariat List of players- Mrs. Renielle Barles
Certificate-Mr. Xenon Caballero
Scores sheet per event- Ms. Levy Dela Gente
Program Committee Head: Mrs. Kia Esmile
(Opening and Awarding/Closing Cermonies) Members: Ms. Eloisa Famanila
Mr. Kyle Guzman
Mr. Kian Hill
Mrs. Shekinah Luna
Officiating Officials Head: Ms. Xia Manalo
Members: Ms. Kassandra Nurielle
Mr. Drake Ohanto
Marketing and Design Mr. Bryle Pamintuan
Food Committee Mrs. Leni Robson
Medical Team and First Aid Head: Mr. Kiko Sevilla
Members: Ms. Kaichi Triqu
Mrs. Hanna Vicente
Journal Entries

May 6, 2022

“If you’re not developing yourself to achieve your dream, then you’re just a

-Brendon Burchard

In my personal journal this morning is about the career I want to pursue.

Toxicologist doctor is the career that I chose, because I feel as though this job
could strengthen me mentally. I don't think I'd be able to handle attending crime
scenes that involve children so I can only picture myself becoming mentally
detached from reality. Hypothetically if I were to become a Toxicologist as a
career, it would be mentally straining yes. Looking back at it makes me feel as
though it'd be a great challenge to take on, and in the end very satisfying.

As adolescent, realizing the importance of personal development in making a

career decision is something I should work on, why? Because I have to be very
particular in choosing a career I want to be in the future to be able to cope up
whatever challenges this future career might give. This is one reason why I attend
school, to perfectly prepare me. And if I am knowledgeable enough to handle it,
maybe I am ready to choose a decision that will pave way toward a bright future
for me.

Becoming a toxicologist is a hard feature to accomplish since schooling is tough

and takes a long time to receive your master’s degree, but it is also hard to find a
job since it's not a very common job. It is a tough job to obtain but once received is
worth it in the long run.

The most important skill that I may be able learn is to be able to stomach
grueling situations. For example, some labs are gross and the pictures on some
slide shows are stomach churning, but throughout experience I may be able to
build a certain amount of tolerance to pictures and such. Obviously this skill is
needed if you are to be a Toxicologist, since their main focus in their career is
dealing with bodily fluids/organs from the deceased. Their job is gross, yet
probably the most important job of all when it comes to a possible homicide.
Journal Entries

May 5, 2022

“Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for doing it.”

– Katharine Whitehorn

Today felt like the longest day of my life. Well, I knew it would be because of a
sudden realization about a path that I would take when I graduate. Staring at our
ceiling made me wonder on what career I will take, upon thinking a couple of
times I chose to be a crime scene investigator because I find this job very
interesting personally. Being a crime scene investigator is the one who is at the
scene, collecting evidence on the spot. Without the crime scene investigator, who
will be the one who collects evidence? Or who takes measured out detailed notes?
Without them, there is no scene.

Typically the growth of being a crime scene investigator isn't something that is
expanding. In order to be employed, or to seek employment, you must move to
high-crime cities. For example, Grafton does not have as much crime versus
Milwaukee. A crime scene investigator would have a higher chance of being
successful in Milwaukee versus Grafton.

As adolescent, the journey in the different stages of personal development is

not easy. My realization of the importance of personal development in making
career decisions is that, it may serve as my guide now that I am entering in another
phase of my life. It helps me to set goals and expectations of myself wherein I
should never settle and never cease to better myself.

Personal development leads me to the most important skill I should learn is to

be able to take accurate measured notes. This is what you always should look back
for every lab. This way you never forget the beginning - you never forget what you
are originally working with. Crime scene investigators are typically the backbone
of a scene. So the skill that I should have if I were to become one is to be able to
take great detailed notes. Notes help me remember every little detail, what's
important and what can be ruled out, etc.

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