Black Friday Reading Activity Module 05 Unit 05

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Class Group activity

Module 05
Group members:

 After reading the text answer the following questions about Black Friday:
1. Who has a negative opinion about Black Friday? 
Chris, a student 
      2. Who enjoys it? 
Andy, a retired salesman
2. Who dislikes it, but always goes?
       Jen, a nurse
Read the second paragraph and find:
1. Three phrases which introduce opinions. doesn't worry me too much. people shout at each other and there are
even fights! But as far as I'm concerned, it's part of the event. if you don't like it,
don't come

  b. so I suppose im part of the problem

  c. I'd forgotten it was Black Friday, I can't believe how many people are here.

2. Three adjectives which express opinions.

a. Obviously, you can find some amazing discounts, he said , but if you ask me,
the best thing is the experience itself.

b. From my point of view, it's an awful idea as it encourages people to be

materialistic and spend money on items they can't afford.
c. Every year, I say I'm not going to come, but here I am again

Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false
1. For Andy, the most important thing about Black Friday is the low prices. false
For Andy, the most important thing is the experience.
2. Andy thinks it’s normal for shoppers to behave badly on Black Friday. true_
3. Jen thinks that some people lose control on Black Friday. true_
4. Jen doesn’t mind if shoppers are aggressive on Black Friday. false
Jen is annoyed that shoppers are pushy on Black Friday. true
5. Chris thinks people save money to buy things they need on Black Friday. false_
Chris believes that people save money to buy things they don't need on Black Friday.
6. Chris believes that stores offer fantastic special offers on Black Friday. true_ 

Complete the sentences with even or just. Scan the text and check.

1.  Stores offer huge discounts and special offers for JUST one day.

2.  This year was EVEN more successful than last year.

3.  I got JUST what I wanted.

4.  People yell at each other, and there are EVEN fights!

5.  It seems to me they JUST go crazy when they see a bargain.

6.  I’m not EVEN sure if the bargains are actually real. 

In 75 words answer. Do you think big shopping events like Black Friday are a good
idea? Why / Why not?
 Black Friday shopping days are a good idea because the prices of products, be it
clothes, shoes, artifacts, among others, have great discounts, usually on those days
people take advantage of buying something that they had pending.
On the side that it would not be a good idea is in the agglomeration that exists in the
premises, sometimes too many people in the same place buying and this is

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