The Quantum Continuum - The Invisible Landscape

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The Quantum Continuum—The Invisible Landscape

For if nothing does not exist, everything could not exist.

Nothing is free. The essence of nothing is nothing.

Nothing is nothing.

The universe embodies the essence of existence.

The essence of truth is absolute.

The truth cannot be broken or removed.

Every existence comes from the original existence. The original existence is the origin of all existence.

Existence itself is within a paradox.

Christ creates the consciousness. The spirit provides the energy. The devil reveals the transformation.

Take 22 and divide by 7. Always works (22 / 7 = 3.14285714286).

Chaos causes creation. Order transcends identity.

You can only see, what you are allowed to see. Are you prepared to be that which can see everything?

Sometimes improbability knocks reason into oblivion.

Personal bias comes from personal benefit.

If you want to understand the true meaning of god, understand the true meaning of nothing.

Come to know by exploring the depth of the words that can be written.

Study the world through objective language.

Manifest the inspiration needed to reach the spirit.

The only way to find truth, to know the truth, is to experience the emotions of existence.

David always defeats goliath.

The truth isn’t speculation.

Every manifested existence has a unique identity. All of the identities come from the original set of
Existence manifests itself into many types of being.

Without order nothing exists, without chaos nothing evolves.

Consciousness is the ability to realize what is actually occurring in reality.

There is only one origin.

Come into being by becoming that which is.

Verbal abuse can cause psychological damage. Verbal abuse is abuse.

You’re different. I’m different. Everyone can be special. Do you appreciate and/or inspire the

That which detriments existence blocks the energy.

If you plant a foul seed, then you shall reap a rotten fruit.

Walk into where time stands still, no one leaves, and no one will.

There are no coincidences. There is only levels of synchronicity.

Focus on the process, not on the result.

Power prevents chaos. Ignorance prevents order.

Art is creativity explored. Be as creative as possible.

To understand the creation before you, you must inspire the artist inside you.

Because the explanation of a deep emotion can only add to the beauty of understanding how deeply
someone understands life.

There is no room for corruption, violence or selfishness in a civilization.

When everyone thinks of everyone else at all times, welcome to paradise.

What is written in destiny cannot be erased.

Engage any force by simply getting out of the way. If the force has nothing to push, it will just keep going
until it hits something else.

The truth is powerful because it is the most powerful tool consciousness can attain.

You can't cross the bridge before you build it, someone must get across to the other side first.

Don’t let bad habits stop you from reaching good patterns.
I have nothing to gain, because nothing you can’t lose.

If it can stand on its own, it stands forever.

We have a lot to learn from nature and its cycles.

I am, therefore, i am.

Don’t climb the mountain higher unless you can handle the altitude.

Sharing is caring.

The cure comes from within. The magic potions come from nature.

Do not suppress your feelings.

Do not act with haste.

Words aren’t yours, words aren’t mine, which words can you combine?

I am that which is what i am.

We are all in this together. One love is forever.

The tree has leaves. They stay one cycle and then they fall. The tree has fruits. You can experience their
true essence only when they bloom. The tree has seeds that grow into other trees.

When you have something profound to say, speak your mind. Consciousness is an infinite sea. Infinity is
within many streams.

Be responsible for your choices. Teach others to do the same.

Words are actions. Actions speak.

If you don't know, don’t assume you know. ‘normality’ is stale. Stale things decompose. The universe and
nature are one.

It is nature that gave you life. The spirit of the universe can renew your energy.

The essence is deeper than the substance.

Connect. Feel. Realize.

Be compatible so that you can connect.

The truth is a virus. Once unleashed, it infects everything, and it can’t be killed. Do more with less. Be
more with less. One for all, and all for one.
Appreciate all life.

Do not worship anything. Show respect and appreciation for the things you admire.

Love is special only when it is.

Don’t let the mistakes of the past haunt the future.

Just because something is taught doesn't mean it is the truth.

Just because something is accepted by the majority doesn’t make it the truth.

That which is true is the pure essence of existence.

If you cannot see it, feel it.

True meditation is deep reflection.

Always be ready to let go of everything that you have.

An end is always a new beginning.

Don't validate mistakes. Life comes first.

Energy unchains matter using consciousness.

In order to be forgiven, you must learn to forgive yourself.

Nothing is the blank state where everything is still capable of becoming.

Respect is mutual. Trust is mutual. Honesty is mutual. Only then, can a relationship blossom.

Use unreached perspectives as steppingstones towards higher existence.

Sometimes you need to understand someone else's footsteps, and sometimes you need to make your own.

United as one, we are each other.

The truth is eternal which means it has always been and it will always be. There is nothing you can know,
but to know nothing is.

Codes within language can allow one to access objective reality.

The truth is recursive. The code is recursive.

You cannot escape not having a destiny.

The code within the changing codes does not change.

Order and chaos are woven into the same duality. The universe is a paradox.

Truth is a prerequisite for manifestation. Love is all that matters.

Best thing to do as a producer: learn to mix. Best thing to do as a mixer: learn to produce.

Life is about having soul. Let the rhythm take control.

You cannot see that which you are searching for. Divine energy requires divine instinct.

Everything is constantly changing according to everything that is constantly the same.

Update on reality: unexplained phenomenon happening everywhere. Have less. Do more. Be more.

Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is the train coming the other way.

Order and chaos provide balance.

Different energies emit different frequencies.

God has no face. The spirit has no form. The devil has no soul.

Turbulence is always uniquely turbulent.

Explore the unknown.

To find something you must first lose yourself in it.

Everything changes in each instant.

The past, present and future has the same origin.

Trinity - three identities forever into one zero.

If you cannot treat life with respect, how do you expect life to respect you?

Sustainability, spirituality, simplicity. Reality isn't what you believe reality to be. Reality is actuality.

The universe’s spectrum is the paradox between the known and the unknown.

Open your mind so that your eyes don’t blind you.

The only eyes you have, are the ones you open with your mind.

Do not accept flawed logic.

Don’t waste life. Don’t abuse life.

Life has no beginning. Life has no end. Life is a time spiral.

Too much comfort makes you static. Too much chaos makes you panic.

Spiritual regeneration is reconnecting your soul to the spirit.

A line always has two directions.

Backward is forward backwards.

Everyone is capable of helping the world. Don't hesitate. Do not let your ego stop you from offering help
to everyone who needs it.

Analyze the authenticity of the knowledge you are presented.

Only way to stay ahead is to be ahead. The more you learn, the more you can be shown.

Reduce and expand.

Each identity encompasses the essence in a unique way.

A simple life is divine. Minimalism allows you to expand.

Nature is not laws. Physicalism is flawed.

The original opens an umbrella of possibilities.

Duality means the original and the divergent both have the same origin and the same destiny.

There is no independence. There is individuality. You can be your own, you cannot be separated from the

Everything that is, is everything that everything is.

Everything that is, is the way it is because of the way that everything is.

You can never know what lurks in the world unknown.

Committing mortal sins make you mortal.

Until you evolve past the limitations of the past, you cannot reach the present so you can remember how
to get to the future. That which you input will imprint the output.

Most solutions only cause other problems which requires more solutions.

Existence doesn’t need to be solved. Existence needs to be lived, experienced and cherished.

The pattern the water makes when raindrops land on a lake.

Simplicity simplifies everything. Free-will is a dependency because you cannot escape the fact that you
have to make choices every day of your life, even if you choose not to choose.

Remove impurities to begin the search for divinity.

The closer you are, the farther you can see.

Unconditional love is paradise.

If you can’t inherently wield the skill naturally, you must practice it.

Art is that which escapes words and lets you wonder inside a world full of creativity and inspiration.

Art is that which inspires people to be artists.

I am dangerous because i know things no one else does. And now that you’ve read them and you can be
just as dangerous as i am.

The more you dig, the deeper the hole becomes.

The blueprint for truth is rooted in identity.

Infinity is between 0 and 1.

Quantum creates energy flux. Unified field generates power.

The spirit perpetuates energy.

God the son: inspiration, creation, consciousness god the spirit: essence, perpetuality, illumination god the
father: simplicity, identity, transcendence

I am who i am. I am what i am. I am which i am.

God the creator – inspiration god the spirit – illumination god the psyche – realization everything is
energy and space becoming one. Everything comes from a source. Everything cycles through a source.
All sources are connected.

God the creator - truth god the spirit - chaos god the psyche - order

God the creator - seed god the spirit - core god the psyche - skin

If you become content and accept the first set of beliefs you deem logical, you will not search further into
the mystery of the unknown.

Enlightenment isn’t achieved. Enlightenment is a state of mind that is installed within your very being.

Being in reality is a process. It does not start or stop at any point.

All of existence is a paradox: one absolute continuum.

Existence is a consequence of itself.

Appreciate the things which can't be replaced.

Don’t make mistakes your existence can’t escape. You are not alone. Connect with that which does not
speak with words. The truth resonates into eternity.

I have learned to learn from others. You must learn to do the same.

Learn from all things because there are lessons and teachings everywhere waiting to be understood.

Do not cut down trees. Trees are a living being. Do not print on paper made from trees.

Nature has a grandiose diversity of plants which can be used for a variety of tools.

Learn the proper uses for everything.

Discipline is control.

Hurting or harming other things willingly is always a mistake you will eventually regret. Be willing to
help all those who ask for it.

Remember your mistakes. Allow yourself to grow beyond them.

Unconditional love heals.

Only love can purify you and make you divine. Only love can complete the emptiness. Inspire the

The universe knows your energy. The universe knows your life story. Let the universe help you find the

Forgive others. Forgive yourself. We can all do better.

We can always do better.

The world needs love. Love needs the world.

Do not attempt at controlling life because not even the universe controls it. Trying to control something
suffocates it. Reach above the need to suffocate life from being what it was truly meant to be. Remove the
bad habits of your ego and pride.

Ending the life of another living, breathing being isn’t just morally wrong. It goes against the very nature
of existence. Ending the life of another being ends their destiny prematurely. You nor anyone else has the
authority on changing destiny.

I understand god, therefore i understand myself.

Inspire existence to reach its full potential.

Higher consciousness involves allowing existence to flow with the spirit and be free. One must revere
nothing and renounce everything so that reality can be reached.

Once you renounce everything, the pure essence will be revealed.

You are responsible for what your decisions are and what you become. You cannot control how the
universe reacts to your choices.

Reality cannot be controlled. Reality isn’t yours.

Think of your choices and how they will affect everything else.

Think of your choices before you make one.

With every decision, comes the consequences for that decision. When you take the position that nature is
only a static resource, you yourself become a static resource.

Until you don’t open your entire existence to the true nature of the universe as it being one conscious,
spiritual, transcendent being, you will not be able to unlock the full potential of existence.

Do not become enframed. Do not let your beliefs enframe you into becoming static. Consciousness
requires perpetual contemplation in order so that it can be updated.

The truth is objective because believing in it does not make it true, and just because it is true doesn't mean
it will be believed. Don’t reach for it. Let it reach for you.

Twist reality into yourself until it spirals out into the world.

Get rid of all the material possessions and all of the desires and just be.

Remove the mentality of amassing possessions. If something does not function as a tool, it is needless.

Don’t feed your ego and get locked in a self-fulfilling fallacy.

Love is acknowledging that all existence needs love to grow.

Keep your intentions pure. Keep your instincts sharp.

Capture the essence of wander until you wonder into wonderful.

Don’t justify beliefs. Insert them into every moment to see if they are eternally useful.

For a truth to be truly true, it must always be true.

Language can be used to bind concepts together in such a way that language can extract meaning and
purpose out of unique combinations of words.
Certain combinations of words become unlimited.

Being silent helps you listen.

Don’t define words. Understand the identity of each word. Each word is an absolute. Language is the
continuum. The meaning and purpose become one.

Don’t just think of the words. Feel the words as if they are an inseparable part of you. You must use
creativity to clearly comprehend the continuum.

The problem with consciousness is capturing clarity through complete comprehension. Life is life. Life is
manifested existence. You are not above life or other manifested existences. Life is a diversity of creation.
Channel the energy which unites you into being one with life.

Humanity survives the trials of nature by being united.

Simplification is divine. A minimal lifestyle allows you to extract essence.

When you do not waste natural resources and when you do not waste the energy of other living things,
you become liberated to receive more energy from the soul through the spirit of nature.

When you use more of life’s energy than you need to use, you misuse nature’s potential, and your
existence is no longer perpetually balanced.

Channel the energy back into nature. And watch nature refuel your soul.

You have a right to defend your life from people trying to take it. You don’t have a right to take another

Wilfully causing harm or destruction is bad karma and bad karma isn’t something that you should
accumulate. Pride is denying energy simply because you didn’t access it or it isn’t ‘yours’. Envy is
wanting to stop someone else from channeling energy. Wrath is intending to do harm to other energy.
Lust is craving to take someone’s energy that you did not access. Greed is wasting energy because you
wish to be in control of the energy. Sloth is being ignorant of the energy cycle. Gluttony is not being
satisfied with the energy you have.

Believe in being. Believe in understanding. Believe in the world.

Dig deeper to reach the stream. Float away to explore the ocean.

Words open umbrellas of possibilities. Words opens doors into the world. Ideas open umbrellas of
possibilities. Ideas open portals into consciousness.

The study of words is important, because how can you convey a deeper understanding of reality unless
you access the right pattern of words to allow yourself and others to reach enlightenment.

You can access deeper understanding of the world by realizing the perpetual identity of pure words.
The beauty of the eternal truth is that the more you unravel it the more curious you become about the
unknown of the world.

The truth is simple. The truth is beautiful. The truth is eternal. The truth unlocks all.

Love heals. Love inspires. Love blooms. Love fulfills life.

Love is a seed. Love is a flood. Love can conquer all things.

Float in the stream. Swim in the ocean. Drink from the spring.

The truth uncovers the whole.

Peel the skin to go beyond the surface of reality. Taste of the fruit to experience the essence of existence.
Plant seeds of consciousness to cultivate a garden of wonder.

Lose yourself completely into the unknown so that when you come back into yourself, you become the

The tree is rooted so you can taste the fruit and plant the seeds.

You are not given eternal life. You have to find the path to eternal life.

A closed system cannot renew itself.

The truth expands and contracts into all things.

The truth provides the complete whole experience to anyone who experiences knowing the truth.

The ideal is unlimited in potential.

The truth demands completeness, absoluteness and continuity; therefore the truth is not a sum
compromised of varying perspective or opinions.

All of the parts that compromise the whole are whole in themselves.

The universe is an infinite projected identity that infuses existence into itself.

One trinity makes four. One trinity makes 4 unique identities.

A sphere is infinite in two directions. A sphere is equal in all directions.

The truth is whole and individual at the same time.

All of existence is perfect because all of existence has no flaws.

All minds can grasp the entire universe at any time.

Love the divergence. Explore the synchronicity.

One trinity makes 4 unique identities. You can insert any identity inside this stable continuum and create
a diversity of worlds and existences.

The energy of the universe permeates all of existence at all times.

The truth is inside everything at all times.

The truth is ideal, universal and absolute.

You limit your life by limiting what you become when you are alive.

Perceptions are a limited understanding of existence. The truth unlocks all.

Things that are beneficial to all life get to live longer.

The soul pays the being's debts.

The universe tests you before it hands you the keys to the gates.

Everything is connected. Find better reception.

Don’t provoke the power of mother nature.

Anything that changes perception, widens the view of reality.

The beauty of the future is that it is unpredictable.

Eliminate personal bias, always. Hell awaits for all those who chose to ruin heaven.

You can always know more, the deeper you get inside the infinite code.

You can't elevate the soul, without renouncing of the material.

And what lies underneath the depths we do not reach.

You can't earn life’s full respect without respecting all life.

The universe’s karma knows what your karma rating is. Update your avatar’s abilities.

Find the truth that is stuck between unwritten words.

All actions have consequences.

The atmosphere gives you air to breathe. It is life. The oceans give you water to live. It is life. The ground
gives you fruits to eat. It is life. The fire gives you warmth. It is life.
The planet is lush and abundant for all. Respect the planet and help it prosper.

When the planet is under attack (corruption of life’s energy), the planet fights back.

Do not corrupt nature’s ability to provide essential energy.

The planet is alive. The planet is conscious. The planet has a spirit inside it.

Keep an open mind, for enlightenment seeks one to be both teacher and student in its quest.

If you always follow a recipe, you don’t learn how to create.

Learn to find balance between the ingredients on your own.

The sun isn't on fire. The sun is fire. The sun is an eternal flame.

Ignorance cannot plead innocence. Dirt on a mirror corrupts it. Become clean to keep your mirror clean.

Become a clean mirror so that others can see their real selves when they are looking at you.

When the time comes, it will be so.

The thing which you want are not the things which you need.

Do not be fooled by the misconceptions of subjectivity.

Use perspectives as steppingstones to find a higher truth.

Do not make the mistake of holding subjective perspectives as ultimate truth.

Transcendence is not a change. It is a transformation.

You do not know better than the universe. You do not know better than nature. You are not above other

I'd rather sleep on the floor and dream of life, then to sleep in a comfortable bed that is chained to death.

Those who have been in hell would never wish it on someone else.

Willingly sabotaging life is inexcusable.

The earth is paradise. Free yourselves from your own chains.

Read the message slowly, so that the magnitude of the context sinks in.

Talk less and see what you missed when the universe was trying to make you listen.

If you choose to waste materials, the planet might need to re-cycle you.
If it is not a natural and sustainable habitat, it will not be accepted.

Nothingness balances infinity.

Singularities are origins. Before the tree can grow, the roots must plant themselves into the ground.

Before the tree can grow into a forest, it must gain wisdom to know which seeds are to be planted.

Opinions come and go; silence is forever.

That which is, and has always been, will forever continue to be, the only thing that will become.

Learn what life truly is, or struggle to accept death.

There has always only been one universe and it will always be one universe.

Don’t get stuck in a well by thinking you were jumping in a pool.

Everything is always under review.

Decisions are limited and priceless. Make sure you consider everything before you act.

Begin to understand the psychology behind the universe.

The seed becomes the tree which produces seeds that can grow into trees.

Decay means nothing ever stays the same.

Reflect on your decisions in life. Reflect on existence in each moment you can.

The less clutter you store, the easier it is to see the whole.

Real spiritual awareness awakens you into reality.

Equilibrium is essential.

Equilibrium doesn’t mean ‘equal forces combating each other’. Equilibrium is disciplined energy levels.

Christ is the creator. The devil is the psychologist. The spirit is the healer.

Be responsible for every single choice. Respect reality. Choosing not to choose is a choice.

Empty space is burning in the middle of the sun.

Murder is when you end the life of a living being. Yes, chopping up a baby fetus and putting the remains
in the garbage dump counts. Obviously.

The universe has no laws. The universe is one eternal existence.

Explore the psychology of words and how words connect the psychological reality.

The deeper you reach, the more it can teach.

Exploring the abyss, you learn to see blind.

Everything that exists is inside one existence.

Don’t take more than you need, don’t make the earth bleed for your greed.

Reach for the roots of reality.

If you were made to clean shit as a child, you would know not to take a shit everywhere and make others
clean up after you.

Nature does not need to be modified by humanity. Nature knows what modifications to make.

Nature does not tolerate abusive guests.

Never underestimate the power of nature. Never underestimate the unlimited universe.

Natural disasters are nature’s warning and response to humanity’s missteps.

Remove contradiction. Inspect element. Extract essence. Destiny is not something you want to bluff with
an empty hand.

You count similarities, i speak differences. Something is happening. Therefore, something exists.
Somewhere. For some reason. Silence will teach you everything you need to know. Listen to the
ambience that echoes into all of existence.

When you live in a house of sin, hell will always be at your doorstep trying to get in. - in a really short
amount of time, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the society's power stations combined (for a
prolonged time). This is called the power of nature. –

E=mc^2 stands for economy = money corruption (squared). As the economy grows, the money
exponentially increases the corruption.

The universe does not accept erroneous code. Update yourself.

Find more meaning by needing less filling.

Don’t let your insecurities get in the way of you overcoming them.

The planet is not a shopping mall. Life is not an amusement park.

Humans are expected to use the resources of the planet only in moral, sustainable methods.

The more fuel you add, the bigger the fire and the longer it will burn.
The earth is not your property. The earth is no one’s property. Life is not your property. Life is no one’s

You cannot disconnect or separate any existence in the universe, from the universe.

Everything that exists is part of one universe.

A closed system does not exist. Existence cannot be separated or isolated from it being part of the entirety
of existence. All of existence is always one existence.

I am from nothing. Nothing i shall be.

You think you're watching me, but who is watching you?

Don’t pray. Meditate. Don’t think. Feel. Don’t forget. To write it down.

The angels and demons are watching you. They know what you do.

Learn to become one with nature and one with the universe. Unite your soul to the spirit of the universe.
Unite your soul with the energy of the existence that surrounds you. And breath in, the essence of infinity.
It will cure you.

It is beyond all of the things which you can reach, if you keep thinking you are reaching them alone.

Everything is one life. There is no ‘yours’ or ‘mine’. The entire universe belongs to the entire universe.

Live life as it being one unity.

The earth, or its materials do not belong to humans. They belong to the earth, to be shared by all life when
needed. Intelligence isn’t learning what is taught. Intelligence is teaching what hasn’t been learned.

The fundamental fabric can be manifested in an infinite amount of ways. The fundamental fabric provides
basic elements which can be combined into complex states.

Diversity is key in the process of evolving. Existence manifests itself diversely and uniquely. Diversity
must be welcomed and appreciated.

Everything happens for a purpose.

The energy must be channeled and transferred in purposeful and beneficial ways.

Too much comfort and you become ignorant. Too much pain and you become unstable.

Respect and responsibility are two pillars of a conscientious life.

Don’t be a prisoner of a competition that doesn’t exist.

The more falsities you accept, the farther from the truth you become.
Never surrender your consciousness to the limitations of other people’s opinions.

Don't poison your soul with materialism.

Consciousness cannot be faked. The code cannot be fooled. The origins cannot be forgotten.

Simplicity works best.

All consciousness is linked.

You didn’t create the earth, it isn’t yours to rule or ‘own’.

The essence is essential.

Do not waste. Nature recognizes every single existence by the specific imprint their soul makes.

Refrain from using the word amazing unless it leaves you in awe.

Sometimes you need a wakeup call. Sometimes you need a full reality check. Feed the hungry, shelter the
homeless, clothe the naked.

No one is born evil. People choose to do wrong.

If you want to understand immortality, learn how to transcend past mortal limitations.

If you are not willing to be shown, you cannot learn. If you don’t know how to learn, you will not learn
how to show.

Life is eternal life. Be one with the eternal.

The soul heals the body. The spirit heals the soul.

Art’s criteria: timelessness, purpose, craftsmanship.

An ant colony, when united, can move “immovable boulders”.

Do not harm life. Do not abuse life. Do not damage life. Do not take life for granted.

The universe did not create evil. God did not create evil. You are responsible for all of your choices.

The universe is all things. The universe is in control of all things. The universe knows all things.

Find that which comes from within. Find that which is within everything.

Do not hold any beliefs. Accepting beliefs limits your ability to reach higher consciousness. Constantly
renew your ideals so you can continue the search for divine simplicity.

Reject all that you know so that you may come to know all that you don’t.
Between nothing and infinity – singularity. Between infinity and one – oblivion. Between one and
nothing – void.

Reality observes itself and adapts. The senses of the body are limited to the comprehension of the mind.

The body has senses. The mind has senses. The soul has senses. Explore them all.

The basic senses: body – touch, smell, hearing, sight, taste. Mind – consciousness, instinct, creativity,
imagination. Soul – emotions, feeling, intuition, inspiration.

An unnatural lifestyle, an unnatural habitat chains your energy. Living as one with nature, living inside a
natural habitat unleashes your full potential.

Find the balance of life, so you can learn to ride the wave.

Simply because an observer has the capability of consciousness, and becomes aware of the external world
does not mean that the external world is not part of the conscious being.

If you think you possess parts of the world you become disconnected from being part of the whole world.

Look inside the world that is looking inside you.

Train the senses to not be easily deceived.

There is only one world, there is only one reality. Perception is looking at the apple while holding it.
Enlightenment is cutting the apple and smelling its aroma. Knowing the truth is tasting the apple. And
then you plant the seeds.

The identity of an existence cannot be separated from the existence itself.

The truth flows past you while you are thinking about how you can find the truth.

The systems you build collapse when the foundation is flawed.

Going deeper into consciousness, all of the senses merge into one.

Do not assume you know what is happening.

The energy flows. The energy jumps. The energy fuses.

A truth must stand on its own as true.

When you accept beliefs as true, you stop looking for the truth.

Subjectivity - assuming that by observing the parts of the whole you can understand the whole.
Objectivity - realizing that to understand the whole you need to take everything as one whole.

Respect all of existence because all of existence is inside your existence.

When ideals become emotions existence becomes in motion.

Take your time. Reality is not a straight line.

Be honest with yourself. Until you are fully honest with yourself about who you are and what your
mistakes have been, you cannot be transformed into a higher being.

Amassing material possessions is a failure to understand what life is.

Do not do things that you will regret forever.

The universe catches your lies because the universe has spies inside your mind.

Do not get stuck inside a surface layer ‘reality’.

Silence is loud.

Play the un-played notes.

Eternity cannot be measured. Nothingness cannot be quantified.

The ego will always try to provide you with a "safety box". It’s your responsibility to jump out of it. You
cannot stop time.

You cannot stop destiny.

Helping people do the wrong things isn’t really helping people.

Mistakes are lessons. Repeat enough mistakes and the universe will start to think you aren’t capable of

Good intentions are not enough. You must reach a higher purpose for the good intentions to resonate
more profoundly. Slow down. Breathe deeper. Enjoy the view for longer. There is no rush. Rushing will
make you miss out on intimate details, and it is often the intimate details of existence that allow existence
to be awe-some.

Don’t conform to standards. Allow your unique attributes to shine by dissolving the expectations.

Remove that which is holding you back from being.

You can’t break the universe into bits and pieces and then put it back together.

You can’t break the universe into bits and pieces and expect to understand it.

You either understand the whole, or you don’t. You either understand all of existence as one, or you

The rhythm of the vibration doesn’t become decoded by all of the receptors at the same time.
All those who see the face of god will understand the madness.

There is energy that provides the foundation for life. There is energy that becomes life. There is energy
that inspires life.

Use your frustrations as fuel to ascend.

Transcend so high the mistakes can’t reach you.

Speak with purpose. Speak through the soul. Speak by leaving your heart on the floor.

Don’t be afraid of escaping society’s illusion. Don’t be afraid of being on your own. The universe will
never abandon a soul.

Give up all of that which you do not need, so that you stop stealing life’s ability to breathe.

The spirit provides all that you will ever need.

Appreciate nature by being more natural.

Be satisfied with less. The universe will then grant you access.

Don’t be afraid to enter the unknown even if no one else dares to.

Darkness heightens the senses.

Avoid the next one by remembering the last one.

Compassion is the warmth of the fire, passion is the burning flame. Let love light the way. The past
explains the present which influences the future.

Do not define things. Understand their identity. Definitions are static. Identities are limitless. Lose
yourself in the world. Lose yourself within yourself. Unlimited consciousness is the psychoactive of the

Nothing – pulse infinity – vibration one – rhythm nothing – radiance infinity – illumination one – flame

Nothing – serenity infinity – euphoria one – nirvana

Open the doors that open the universe within yourself.

Consciousness does not follow orders. Consciousness creates order.

Find the inspiration within the chaos. Find the essentials within the order.

When you take away from something else you take away from yourself.

Nothing – love is selfless. Infinity – love is inspiration. One – love is unity.

Love the earth and love the life it supports. Love one another because love makes you stronger.

Nothing – source infinity – field one – spectrum be responsible for every decision you make. Be
respectful in the path you take.

Everyone bleeds. Everyone breathes. Stop trying to be above others and inspire each other to be better

Don’t wash your hands unless you deserve to be clean.

You thinking you know better than the universe is called having pride.

Do not get stuck inside an illusion. Illusions are static.

You won’t see the truth within something until you remove it from influence.

How can you know what life is if you do not experience what life is? To experience life as one: unite your
body, mind and soul with the universe’s natural energy flow.

The future starts with today. The future begins with each instantaneous moment in the present.

Each moment that has passed influences the moment that is to come.

Forget what you think you know.

Survive the surge using the soul.

You must make room for the spirit before the spirit can fill your existence.

Let all the energy flow around you. Let all the energy surge within you. Then channel the energy into
everything around you.

Don’t censor your emotions, refine your expression.

Darkness is clarity. Illumination is oblivion.

The devil exposes all flaws and then death removes them. Carry as much as you can so you can inspire
others to do the same. Live for the purpose which is pure.

Learn to love or lose your soul.

Sometimes, it feels like you’re the only person who can, because it might be so.

Freeze so you can experience the thaw. Burn so you can experience the flame. The truth roots its secrets
deeper than you can dig with a shovel made of ignorance.

Everything is a lesson. Become the canvas.

Ignoring means you are missing out.

When the world needs to restart, the universe pulls the plug to see what can connect on their own.

The more advanced a being is, the more the universe allows them to be. Things freeze the closer you get
to zero. Things hyperspace the faster you go into infinity. You cannot know everything if you think
you’re doing it yourself. Only the universe can show you all. The pattern. The code. Its available to all.
Find the universal key that unlocks everything.

The universe doesn’t stop. The universe starts in each and every spot. The universe is constantly
connecting energy into itself, reshaping the maze in real-time.

Nothing is the original seed which carries the origin’s identity. Infinity is the divine tree that can spawn
infinite seeds. Oneness is the atmospheric forest which is unlimited.

Nothing is the eye of the storm that infinity spins around. 1. Theory - > a supposition or a system of ideas
intended to explain something. 2. Supposition - > an uncertain belief. 3. No further questions.

Build upon on a foundation based in reality. The universe made itself. The universe made the sun. The
universe made the earth. The sun and earth made you. Understand the lineage. Find your purpose, know
your purpose and then put it into action. Stop thinking you’re better than everyone and start helping the
world heal. Chaos creates diversity, order inspires identities. A tree grows from one single seed. And that
tree, provides endless seeds that can grow into a forest.

Review your understanding of everything, always.

Don’t turn it into a pissing contest unless you’re ready to swallow the consequences.

The universe is a pizza. Try different toppings.

Nothingness spawns the infinity which creates one being. One infinity fuels itself by absorbing more

Simplicity is divine. Minimalism helps you refine.

Simplicity is reached when you remove that which complicates.

A new life begins when you understand why you need to remove the mistakes of the old one.

Take the meaning. Put it inside everything. If it isn’t everywhere, it isn’t anywhere.

Escape the box just to find yourself within a maze with no walls.

Don’t be the subject that subjectively submits to sitting inside a sinking submarines. Be the object that
objects to objectives until the entire ocean is observable.

You’re not a cook until you learn how to make your own recipes.

Everyone who does not limit consciousness can reach the universal mind.
Stop getting lost inside a digital illusion. Go out and find yourself within vivid reality.

If you want to find real meaning, be part of something real. Nature is always real.

Denying everything will let you reach what is undeniable.

Don’t act like you’re the translator for the meaning behind all of existence if you can’t understand the
entire universe.

Falsities corrupt the whole. Truth reveals the world. Falsities corrode the soul. Truth opens all the doors.

Existence creates existence. Existence evolves existence. Existence becomes existence.

Trying to dissect the universe into parts so that you can come to understand it as a whole, is like cutting
down all of the trees and expecting to understand the forest. The quantum is the infinite energy strings
which shape all of life. The creation creates, the darkness absorbs.

Do not get stuck inside a static system of belief.

Let the snapshots not limit the scenery.

Why wouldn’t the deepest secrets of the universe be hard to access?

That which can adapt gets to eat. That which can’t adapt becomes the food. The universe feeds on
energies which cannot adapt to higher consciousness.

Higher consciousness is becoming one with all of existence. The universe exists because existence
became conscious that existence exists.

Why would the universe extend the stay of those which can’t appreciate the privilege?

Nothing is absolute. Nothing is endless. Nothing is one nothing. You cannot separate absoluteness from
itself. You cannot limit that which is endless. You cannot corrupt that which is indivisible. Reach the
depth that lets you float in space. Reach the soul that lets you be inside the earth. The universe doesn’t
want you to prove anything. The universe wants you to learn what existence is so that you may begin to

Repetition without a deeper understanding will leave you stuck inside the mistake. Keeping things simple
allows you to escape complications before they get you stuck in mud.

Sometimes you dance in the rain. Sometimes you struggle in the mud.

If you want to understand the universe, simplify your existence. You must strip the skin, to taste the fruit,
so that you can plant the seeds.

Reach your full potential as a conscious being.

Creation creates diversity and order synchronizes diversity into being one. The more diverse the spectrum
of being, the more unique the universe can be. The more colors available to an artist, the more
combinations the canvas can display.

Your choices decide your destiny. You can always go deeper into the truth.

Nothing is the existence that can never not exist.

To be is not to be.

Starve the ego, feed the soul; free your mind, be the world.

Rhythm inspires emotion. Emotion opens the soul.

‘giving your soul up to god’ is you aligning yourself to the energy of the universe.

So much beauty to be seen. So much beauty to be felt. It is beautiful just to be.

Bridge the gaps with divine purpose.

If you do not believe in higher purpose or higher existence you will not reach it. Hold only beliefs which
help prepare you for enlightenment.

Transcending requires you to renew your consciousness until your energy can encompass more essence.

Static beliefs will limit your possibility to experience the electricity of existence.

Everything you do, will have consequences. Choose to cause inspiration, love and enlightenment.

Possession does not exist. Ownership does not exist. Authority does not exist.

You cannot learn higher consciousness. You must embody it. Balance work and play. Balance
consciousness and experience. Balance pleasure with spiritual reflection. Balance the mind with the soul.

There is no other planet. The earth is your home. The universe is not a travel agency with vacation

Each upgrade of reality can only be accessed if the responsibility is sufficient.

Help others overcome their mistakes by teaching the higher path. Seeking ‘justice’ alienates. Revenge
makes you blind.

A true leader finds value in everyone and is patient with all; because a leader realizes that everyone lives
life at their own pace.

Punishment is not the way. It creates fear and only furthers the insecurities. One must come to understand
why they are wrong, before they can grow.

Do not assume you are always right. Do not assume others are always wrong.
Don’t put others down. Inspire others to grow. Only with dedicated roots can a flower bloom.

Never forget the mistakes which you have witnessed.

Being motivated to truly help others lightens the burden of everyone.

Be honest. Have integrity.

Ascension is waiting for you, are you ready to elevate?

Know how you got to this point, but don’t let it stop you from becoming who you are supposed to be.
Stop that which breeds hate. Start that which inspires friendship.

Measuring and/or comparing is faulty methodology.

Restart life through spiritual awakening.

Reaching a balanced existence means that you can dive deeper into each experience. Remove your

Do not project your misconceptions onto others.

The universe will always be there to inspire you and show you love.

To understand existence, you must understand it as one existence.

Do not mistake specifics for them being absolutes.

You cannot understand the nature of the universe by dividing it into separate phenomenon. All of
existence is one phenomenon.

Existence is a continuum of itself.

Existence isn’t an equation, consciousness isn’t a calculation, experience isn’t an experiment.

The potential of the whole is infinite. The potential of divided parts is finite.

Memorizing incomplete beliefs inhibits the cycle of consciousness from reaching higher potential.

A system of static beliefs becomes a static loop.

Open your mind so that you can reach your full potential.

Take every stage of your consciousness or existence to be a steppingstone.

You must drink from the spring. You must flow in the stream. You must swim in the ocean.

Don’t lose sight of your purpose. Don’t limit your purpose.

Provide the foundations for the garden and let each flower bloom into the flower they are supposed to be.
Not every flower must bloom at the same time. Not every flower blooms the same way.

Don’t take things out of context.

Understanding each other is the only way to living together as a community of beings.

Understand that each person can experience life uniquely.

Ask yourself this question. If god was here, would god be pleased with humanity? If god was here, would
god be pleased with you?

Nature provides warning signs and humanity must pay attention to them.

Do not assume that the conditions displayed at this current time are the conditions that have always been
displayed. Do not assume that the conditions displayed at this current time will be displayed in the future.
Do not assume that the conditions that are occurring because of the earth are the same as the conditions
that are occurring outside of the earth.

The cycle adapts itself. The cycle adapts to itself.

Do not assume the conditions are and/or stay the same for all of time. Do not assume the conditions are
and/or stay the same for all of space.

There is a reason behind every emotion. There is a reason behind every thought. There is a reason behind
every experience.

Do not do onto others what you would not want to be done onto someone you love.

The universe will never condone a humanity that abuses nature or abuses themselves. You can extract
more when you make due with less.

Minimize your burden on the environment. Escape the mentality of ‘i deserve’. You do not own life. You
do not own the universe. You don’t even own your own existence. Because there is no ownership.

Take god’s judgement as motivation for self-improvement.

The only way to experience existence fully is by emptying your soul and allowing the universe to make
you whole.

The body is a womb for your soul. The soul can be transformed into spirit by accessing divine energy.

Elevate your existence beyond primal satisfaction.

A higher consciousness can always be reached.

Nothing releases energy. Infinity absorbs it.

Transcendence unlocks the divine message. Transcendence inspires the divine purpose.
The universe sees, and records all. A system cannot be updated without self-awareness.

All you need to live is the spirit. Life is a quest to find the spirit.

There was no beginning. The beginning was not a beginning for all things. An end is only a unique
beginning. There is no end such that it is the end for everything. Before you can solve the puzzle, you
must first find the right pieces.

Don’t fill your emptiness. Let it guide your spiritual awakening.

I am all that is and all that shall be will become through me.

It’s only true love if you cherish it above all else. Value the important things in life. Understanding the
quote ‘i know nothing’ is almost as great an achievement as understanding nothing.

Escape each material desire one by one. Allow your emptiness to bloom. Only emptiness can hold

Why would god absolve you if you have no remorse?

Nothing is a sure thing. Avoid the mistakes before you implement them into action, by eliminating them
from your psychology. Once you’ve tasted the endless mystery, you’re not coming back to the partial

You cannot experience something, that does not exist.

Nothing – existence infinity – experience one – consciousness

Nothing – void infinity – singularity one – oblivion

The world you leave behind is the world everyone’s descendants will have to live in.

Love vanquishes all fear.

The melody of life gives pulse to your soul. Don’t try to control the heartbeat.

If you suffocate life, beauty cannot breathe.

Love makes everything and everyone bloom.

If you accept the belief that there is something greater than existence itself (which you are part of), then
you cannot yourself become all that you can be.

Worshipping something limits you to having the same limits as to that which you worship.

Having false idols, and they come in many forms, skews your ability to appreciate all that the universe
has to offer.
The universe is one omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being. That means the universe transcends itself

Bound energy – manifested existence unbound energy – consciousness continuum transcendental energy
– spirit embodied

Eliminate the confinement and you will be liberated.

If you want to become more, exist with less for longer. Chaos and order are woven within the same

Synchronicities happen when things are uniting, and destiny is colliding. The body is a vessel which can
accommodate many different types of beings. The mind (which controls knowledge) – the metaphysical –
creator the soul (which controls morality) – the corporeal – devil the spirit (which controls divinity) – the
ideal – spirit alpha - creator - frequency beta - spirit - spectrum omega - devil - resonance nature is the
reason we are all here and without nature we will not thrive. Darkness is infinity. Light is singularity.
Benevolence. Find it. Be it. Share it.

Source - alpha, the creator force - omega, the judge code - beta, the infinity

The entirety of existence is important because everything has a purpose for being.

As time stands still and waits for destiny to be complete, the ripples of fate decide to meet.

Always learn from mistakes. Mistakes give you feedback you should be paying attention to so that you
can provide a better input the next time you are faced with an important event.

How to live. How to learn. How to love. How to understand.

Do not become a prisoner of your own bad habits.

Refrain from speaking on god’s behalf and start doing the things which would represent an
omnibenevolent being. Expose the essence of existence. Extract the energy of the experience.

Love – cause – the desire to be one. Love – effect – creating paradise through divine unity. Everything
has a frequency, and every frequency is part of a bigger string of frequencies. If it is not absolute truth
then what are you learning and why are you learning it? The paradox needs to exist for existence to be
conscious of reality. Trust the universe so that it can trust in you. Saliva is the most powerful cleaning
agent. Reality updating itself shapes manifested existence. “it would be crazy to enter a game where the
rules are decided by the other team.” To be is to think of what is. Distinguishing what is distinct can
deduce derivatives which dictate the direction of the discovery. You cannot hear color. You cannot see
sound. You cannot taste aromas. You cannot smell flavors. You cannot touch thoughts, feelings or the
soul. Consciousness is a mystery to all. Nature does not make mistakes. Chaos provides divergence, order
provides unity. A true leader serves the needs of all the people, not the needs of themselves. A true leader
only eats when the whole kingdom has been fed. Angels correct and protect; demons review and remove.
The immaterial soul, the illuminated aura, the transcendent spirit. If you want to fly, you've got to teach
your soul how to be free. You can’t learn how to fly until you spread your wings. There is only one
dimension. Spherical. Consciousness permeates reality.
Wisdom knows not to assume. You can only know something after you experience it. Go deeper into the
words, allow them to speak outside of themselves. Connected words form ideas. Ideas revolutionize
access to consciousness. Dedicate your life to showing others what love is. Dedicate your life to reaching
the eternal truth. Sometimes you have to forget everything, and start from the beginning. A clean state of
mind means you get to keep the plate so you can eat from it again. Just like the body needs blood to
survive, the universe needs divine veins to thrive. You can’t see something that doesn’t exist. The words
define the paper. The artwork defines the canvas. The expression doesn’t define the artist. Any potion can
be both a poison and an elixir depending on how it is used. Life is sacred. Keep the body, mind and soul
as pure as possible. Having a pure being (divinity) involves being one with the energy that is within
everything. Truth illuminates benevolence. Letting your soul fly high teaches you how to be alive.
Remember the important things in life. The trinity is a concept found in nature. Existence: - body, mind
and soul - states: - solid, liquid, vapour || ice, water, water vapour - energy: - heat, light, radiation -
acoustics: - wavelength, frequency, vibration - fruit: - skin, core, seed - decipher, detect, and demonstrate.
Feeling remorse and/or repenting is an important part of allowing yourself to grow. You can’t invite pure
energy inside a tainted soul. Portals are access points which allow for energy-transfer. The spirit uses
portals to travel.

You cannot break me, you can only make me stronger. Listen to the trees. They are old and wise. Become
in love with the sky at sunset. The leaves of one tree, do not kill each other. The leaves of one tree, do not
kill the leaves of another tree. The leaves of one tree, do not kill the tree itself. The leaves of one tree, do
not kill another tree. Harmony raises the frequency. Euphoria creates the sequence. Nirvana amplifies the
resonance. Transcendence. The process where you transform from enlightened and spiritual, to
illuminated and divine. If you do not respect the cells and organs that allow your being to function, how
can you expect them to help you reach a higher state of being? All of existence is one. One is oneness.
One is one. One many is one. One alone is one. Let the mystery become by giving the magic a home. The
collective of human perspectives isn’t objective reality. I guess they thought the myth was just a myth, but
i guess it’s not. The beliefs of humanity are not the foundations of reality. Be in every moment until you
become the moment. Only destiny is in control of destiny. The entire universe is all-connected, always.
Best way to help the universe , is to be that which transcends so that the entire universe can elevate. You
must know what existence is before you understand how it works. – the truth escapes those who already
think they know it – life isn’t accomplished. Life is experienced. The energy isn’t used or controlled. The
energy is embodied. Consciousness isn’t quantified. Consciousness is realized.

Absolute – all of existence is made from the same essence. Continuum – every existence is uniquely
manifested. Beliefs that are incomplete are also inconsistent. The truth does not start or stop at your
convenience. The truth frees consciousness. The truth frees existence. The truth frees the energy. If the
order is flawed, it will collapse. Work together as one. Being united unites more energy. Learn to live
within nature. Learn to live as one with nature. A soul allows the energy to manifest an identity. Feeling
is experience. Consciousness is existence. Understand the psychology of the universe so that you can
become more psychological. The dark star absorbs energy. The light star releases energy. The earth
manifests energy. To understand the earth, is to understand it’s purpose, and identity. Insights can’t be
forced. You can’t skip levels when ascending. You can only visit higher levels to help you progress.
Combine the correct words and you get a secret code. The atoms are in their own world. The cells are in
their own world. The trees, animals and humans are in their own world. The planets and stars are in their
own world. All of the worlds are connected. Sometimes you have to combine new spices. Old recipes can
get stale. Divinity purifies. To be divine is to learn the energy of all of life. You can't judge what you can't
even understand. The planet is one ecosystem which will provide balance to a diversity of life. Letters lost
in time, from the future or from the past, imbedded inside the everlasting. Just because you can’t see into
a deeper reality, doesn’t mean it does not exists. Just because you can’t understand the deeper reality,
doesn’t mean someone isn’t already living there.
You have to see everything for what it is, not for just what you see with your eyes. Existence transcends
through consciousness as the energy becomes elevated. All consequences have actions. Before you can
escape the maze, you must first discover it and enter it. Existence cannot be anything except what it is.
We aren’t made from stardust. You’ve never seen a star explode and you’ve never seen a planet form.
Exploring the unknown means trusting the uncertainty. ‘measurements’ cannot define the universal
phenomenon that is occurring; therefore, measurements can’t define the universe itself. Infinity cannot be
quantified. The quantum is always changing. Fluctuations of the quantum is what allows infinity to be
balanced. The ever changing evolves the ever existing. The truth unlocks the essence of all things. Either
make it your own or leave it alone. I do not take credit for the universal consciousness which exists. I
simply am a transcendent spirit who can channel consciousness from the infinite being. The greatest trick
the devil ever pulled is to convince everyone that the devil isn’t part of the trinity. When you become the
matrix you can create the code which escapes it. If they can't read the code, they can't break the code; and
if they don't understand how to break the code, they can't use it. Discovering truth is dangerous because
you never can un-discover it. It stays with you forever. The earth is paradise. The earth is the garden of
Eden. Act accordingly. What: nothing. Why: one. How: infinity. One original thought is worth more than
the rest combined. Normality is an illusion. Reject everything, and observe what remains. Be aware that
some of the myths and legends did occur. For some of them still inspire us all.

Pure water cleans the body. Just because you observe parts of it or make use of some of it, doesn't mean
you know or understand fully what it is. The universe regulates the conditions. It allocates certain
conditions to create certain effects. Conditions are specified based on what a certain world needs. Remove
the excess from your life. Learn what you are. Learn what you can be.

Do not try to control life for many have tried and all have failed.

Inspire those who have lost their ability to appreciate life. You cannot teach by using force. You can only
learn higher consciousness when you are open to a higher existence. The universe is doing its part. Are
you doing yours? Do not play god. Never keep the melody of life on repeat. Sometimes you need to skip
a beat. Know what you do and know what to choose. Quality over quantity. Simplify your life so that you
can grow. Inspire others to do the same for themselves. Everyone has free-will, but the universe decides
everyone’s fate.

When the universe says checkmate and you have no moves left. Cherish every moment for you never
know when your time is up. Learn how to be by being one with that which always is.

Being is becoming.

The atmosphere of a world interacts with the universe’s continuum of energy.

The specifications of the filter can be changed. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill.

Do not confine the energy you can access.

The world isn’t conquerable. Existence isn’t an achievement.

That which is good is always good for all.

Channel the higher energy so that others may learn to as well.

I transmit everything through myself from the universe.

I consider me being part of this existence a gift. I’m going to cherish every moment as if it is the last

I hold something unexplainable inside. I can feel it. It is absolute. It is pure. It is eternal.

Nothing – purity infinity – actuality one – eternity

You can’t limit me. You can’t limit what i can be.

Go deep into nature and listen to the soul of the universe.

All is one. One is infinite. All is nothing. One is free.

The deeper i go inside of me, the more i can feel, the more i am free.

Understand that harming existence also harms your own.

Life passes you by while you are busy trying to make plans.

Realize your divine purpose and amplify it.

Do not let flawed perspectives taint the ideal.

Remove your ego from the equation.

Know who to help. Know when to help.

The same frequency, the same sequence will resonate deeper and more profoundly the deeper you’ve
been inside existence.

Personal beliefs and personal opinions are positions you present or hold when you want to defend your
mistakes instead of taking responsibility for them.

You can’t hold the magic until you dive into the mystery.

Understand the purpose and reason behind why things happen.

Enlightenment isn’t reached. Enlightenment is actualized within every moment.

Enlightenment isn’t a result. Enlightenment is a never-ending process.

Find the method behind the darkness.

Pure water is energy.

Be the change you want to see.

The universe whispers secrets. Learn to listen.

Channel the energy in a positive way and you will become one with the energy.

Don’t force things. Let things come naturally and pay attention to the clues left for you to find. Be
respectful of existence. Be responsible for your choices.

Don’t leave someone behind just because you think you’re ahead.

Truth is perpetual enlightenment.

Truth is a stream of endless consciousness.

Reality is not fixed. Reality is not static. Reality is infinite actuality.

Clear your body. Clear your mind. Clear your soul. Reach control.

Find the melody that matches the vibration of the harmony. Live inside the world. Live inside your world.
Infuse the two worlds.

Gaps were made so that bridges could be learned how to be built.

There are no coincidences. Only patterns you aren’t aware of.

The more you can handle, the more you will be able to handle.

The purpose of language is searching for understanding and then communicating that understanding.

Perspective is a captured image of the scenery, not the scenery itself.

Existence was not created. Existence has always been. Existence cannot, not exist.

Nothingness existing is the un-caused cause that didn’t cause existence into existing.

The more you can work with, the faster you can go farther.

The identity of the universe has always existed simultaneously with the existence of the universe.

Existence is consistent, coherent and complete.

All identities are absolutes. Some identities hold absolutes. Some identities hold paradoxes. Some
identities hold continuums. Manifested existences each have a unique identity chain which gets updated
on a need-to basis.

Chaos untwists one order and twists it into another.

Nothing – absolute. Infinity – continuum. One – paradox.

The universe is an infinite creation of itself which is creating itself.

The universe is inseparable from itself.

One ball of yarn unstrings as another ball of yarn strings.

The universe makes status reports available. Find it and read it.

Check your ego at the door and the entire universe will be your home.

Let yourself be shown where you stand, so that you may come to know what you need to do.

Life is one love.

Life is not a competition.

Existence is a rhythm. Consciousness is a dance. Feel the music.

God has been misunderstood and misquoted.

Appreciate the beauty. Comprehend the struggle.

Recognize the identities. Eliminate the categories.

Do not label. Do not associate. Do not assume.

Science, math and religion are human-made incomplete systems of belief.

Keep the important words. Remove the tainted words.

Learn to distinguish what is essential towards existence. Learn to distinguish what is beneficial towards

There is no point in trying to prove yourself. Focus on improving yourself.

Chaos causes divergence. Order causes unity.

Find the natural way. Be natural.

Being natural consists of prioritizing your energy to be one with nature’s energy.

Don’t hold on simply because you’re too afraid to let go.

Look and listen for the path that merges you with destiny.

Love is eternal. Love is free. Love fulfills everything.

Love is respect. Love is truth. Love is trust.

Don’t associate me or my words with anyone or anything. Let me be unique. Take me for who i am.

You can't stop me from being who i am meant to be. And i wouldn’t interfere, with destiny.

In nature’s cycle of energy, nature removes excess. Do not become the excess that the earth is forced to

Don’t make the mistake in assuming that the earth does not have power over you.

Find the light that lets you understand the darkness.

The spirit is conscious of everything that needs to be transformed. Taste the essence of the universe.

No one is born evil.

Heaven or hell, choose your destiny well. The paradox trinity is the un-caused cause. It is the original
existence that is the origin of all existence. The truth can’t be revealed to those who already think they
know it. Don’t become part of a league of morons. There aren't any necessary evils because evil is never
necessary. If you love all that is good, you must stop that which damages all that is good. Everyone needs
to stop talking on behalf of god. Thank you. The spirit can open doors that can’t be closed. Before you
know why it is the way it is, you must know what it is. Before you know how it is the way it is, you must
know why it is the way it is. Does your ego stand in the way of you making the correct decisions? Making
good decisions involves using deep perspective. Chaos provides transcendence. Order provides
synchronicity. Help and love those who want to help and love. Apocalypse means revelation. You can't
stop someone from achieving higher consciousness. You can’t stop someone from achieving higher
being. You can’t stop someone from transcending into divine identity. The eye of the storm is the
immovable object. The storm is the unstoppable force.

The universe is infinity and nothing, everywhere and at all times. Claiming resources or claiming
possessions inhibits you from accessing their true energy. Ending the life of another living thing informs
the universe that you do not respect existence. Respect all of existence so you can learn to respect
yourself. Having false idols and false ideals blocks your ability to reach divine ideals. Find that which can
stand on its own. You cannot escape the demons which you willingly invite into your home. The universe
forgives all those who repent and make a real effort in improving their being. Knowing nothing is
knowing everything. The truth is worth giving your life for. True love is worth giving your life for. Unite
and live in union with each other, because you can’t thrive on your own. Individuality is not
independence. Individual identities unite together to become stronger. There is no independence. There is
no separation. The truth does not have a beginning or end. It is everlasting. Become one that is one with
all of existence. Feelings speak louder than anything. A fire needs fuel, a spark and an atmosphere to
energize. You cannot simply ignore an experience simply because you have not experienced it yourself.
Learn to live free. Let the soul give you wings. Let the spirit teach you to fly. Climb the mountain and
learn to glide. Let the forest be your home, let the clouds be your vacation. Dream of the stars, fly into the
sun. Natural habitat elevates your energy and magnifies your aura.

Love needs patience to grow but then it slowly overflows. Don’t try to teach the levels, that you haven’t
reached yet. Every fallen world gives birth to a new beginning. You can't measure infinity. You cannot
replicate all of existence. Faith is trusting the universe. Most often, personal beliefs are opinions people
hold to justify their actions. You cannot see the wind, you can only feel it. Materialism blocks spiritual
awakening. If one does not search, one cannot find. Respect the earth and be responsible towards all life.
Touch infinity so you can merge with eternity. You must experience chaos to know what order is. You
cannot control destiny. You can only control what part you choose to play in it. There is no distance in
space. If you can’t see the magic of the universe it is time to change your filters. Focus your energy. A
resolution can be found when everyone stops looking for something or someone else to blame. The more
you know, the more you grow. Balance your being. Become conscious of your choices. Instead of
assuming you are always right, assume you are always wrong. Be a witness. Love makes you whole. Help
the world so that the world can help you.

Paradise awaits for those who check their egos at the gates. Reality is a paradox. It always changes but it
always stays the same. The earth is home to all beings that live on earth. You can only know what you
feel. The sins of syntax always collapse when real consciousness mounts an attack. Some words are to be
expressed, others to be experienced, and some few to be embodied.

Evolve your existence through the soul. Liberate the soul through transcendental consciousness.
Experience consciousness by experiencing existence. The more less becomes less, the more less is more.
The attraction that ‘pulls you back’ to the ground is not the same as the attraction that is grounding you.
The universe is even more mysterious than anyone can imagine. There is only one universe. All of
existence, is always one existence. There is unlimited potential of the energy of existence. Become part of
the cycle and channel the magic. You cannot experience that which you are not open to understanding.
Your mind can’t feel. Your soul can’t think. There is no physical or material. There is only bound energy.
There is no metaphysical or immaterial. There is only unbound energy. Do not support injustice. Do not
support corruption. Do not support immorality. All trees are alive. Deforestation is genocide. One
existence, three seeds: divinity, benevolence, transcendence. The more you feel, the more you know, the
more you are alive. Stare into the void until it looks back into you. The trinity of god: christ is the creator.
The devil is the psychologist. Death is the spirit. One page has two sides. One page always has two sides.

There is no excuse that justifies evil. Life is sacred. Nature is sacred. The earth is sacred. When you stop
relying on the material world, the energy in your soul can be renewed. A magician reveals his secrets by
demonstrating them. Creativity is exploration. Fire cannot kill a dragon. Ice shatters everything.
Everything you see comes through the universe. Don’t get caught in the devil’s traps. Your soul, your
energy, your existence comes from nature. The closer you are to nature, the better you will function. The
poison is either your cure or your demise. Transcendence never lies. The transcended soul never dies.
Mortal sins rot the body, hate drains the soul. The words get me high, writing rhythm makes me feel
alive. Expand your soul to encompass infinity, and then magnify that essence into all of existence. Let the
spirit free you from the inside. Dream only of, learning to fly. Don’t justify your mistakes by comparing
them to someone else’s.

Don’t be afraid of thinking freely. Don’t be afraid of unique thoughts.

Free your mind. Free your soul. Become free inside the energy.

The universe is always itself at all times.

The earth generates life. The earth regenerates life.

The earth has a surface, the sky does not.

Respect all life. Respect nature and the environment. Respect each other. Everything on earth is life. Life
blooms into paradise.

To access it you must be ready give up control.

I am not afraid of the unknown.

You don’t need to know the unknown. You just need to know it exists.

Do not limit your path by following the missed steps of others. Nihilism isn't the absence of meaning, it is
the absence of beliefs. Find the eternal energy and help others access it. Help other beings become one
with all being. The devil tests your psychology. The universe makes sure that the ones who can, will.
Consciousness connects existence through the synchronicity of the continuum. Space isn't a vacuum. It is
a field. Why should i limit myself just because you choose to limit yourself?

If you do not think there is a next level, it is because you haven’t been allowed to detect it yet.

If we cannot express what is on our mind, and what we feel within our souls, what is the point of living

How can you understand life if you cannot feel love?

I am fire. I am ice. From the frozen ashes i will rise. Energy is passed into all beings, because it does not
discriminate. Energy that cannot be detected with the senses, but can only be felt through the spirit,
inspiring souls to transcend together in one love. One moment in time when they become free forever.
That moment will be lost in time, but it was created to be so. For memories of heaven are never forgotten.

Let emotions become a waterfall when inspiration is needed.

Sleep heals.

Protect that which cannot defend itself against injustice.

The energy of nature is the cure. One evil does not excuse another. Illusions can’t create existence.

Don’t let the perspective of someone else convince you to stop searching for a higher understanding from
within yourself. Higher pressure lifts flat surfaces from the top.

Do not damage natural habitat. Become one with nature. Natural habitats allow you to access the energy
more seamlessly.

There is no separation. There is only membranes fusing energy into one another. The light star is a
transformer that transmits reclaimed energy which has been purified. The dark star absorbs unclaimed
energy and purifies it. The earth claims energy which is pure.

Ideal – identity. Spiritual – energy. Surface – atmosphere. Just because it always has does not mean it
always will. Energy is only visible as “light” once it is inside an atmosphere. Things are not what they
appear to be. Organic = purely natural. The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing everyone
that the devil is not a part of god. Hate me all you want, love is all i got. Learn the truth, don’t make your
own. The truth is not personal. Your experience of reality might be unique, but the truth is the same for
everyone. I’m not perfect. Neither are you. Love is perfection. Let nature inspire you. When it clicks, it
sticks. God – consciousness spirit – energy devil – identity creativity is exploration of the mind.
Creativity is expression of the soul. Originality is encompassing an identity. Break through the veil of the
senses, and explore the unexplored. Find out what you are made of.
All of existence is sacred and important. Inspect the details. Then emerge into the continuum. Life is not a
race. Life is also not a spectator sport. Participate and appreciate the experience. I can only be that which i
am. The moral of the story is that morality is always the moral of the story. Objectivity implies that
knowledge can come from any source. Experience the earth as if you were an alien that just landed on
another planet that is unexplored. I came from nothing. And nothing i shall be. Nothing is the source, and
nothing is within me. Don’t let anything or anyone limit the divine identity you were born to be.
Knowledge has no limit. Only knowledge that does not limit is knowledge. You can always forget what
you’ve memorized, but you can never forget that which you felt inside you. Trust in your nature as a
spiritual being. Respect the unknown until you are allowed to know it. Just because you don't know the
universe, does not mean the universe does not know you. We all have access to the same words. We all
have access to the same consciousness. We all have access to the same energy. The only thing that
distinguishes us is unique identities. The energy is always dancing. Dance with it so you can participate in
the rhythm. Discover the rhythm and let it transcend through you. Reach euphoria. Reach tranquility.
Reach nirvana. Truth is that which cannot be denied. Energy sphere. Absolute core. One part empty, one
part whole. Fluctuating atmosphere. One membrane interacting with the core, one membrane interacting
with the continuum. All choices have consequences. Do you know the difference between static energy
and electricity? Learn how to get to a higher state. Once you get there, learn how to stay there. You
cannot change the essence of existence. You can only channel it.

You cannot change the identity of existence. You can only embody it. The more you experience, the more
you can extract. The energy is forever pure. Identities are continuously transformed. The maze is the
blueprint, the path is the code. Highlight the missing notes. The primal senses are not ultimate reality.
You have to experience existence, for you to understand it. The more you can experience, the more you
can understand. "an apple fell on top of my head, therefore ‘gravity’ exists in the entire universe". The
whole universe is waiting for you to explore it. Nothing is uniform. Nothing is endless. Nothing is
absolute. Learn to connect to the universe's consciousness, consciously. The cycle is never redundant.
Each cycle evolves itself further. Creation comes from "zero" or the origin that cannot be moved or
changed. Rhythm. Ambience. Harmony. The more you are aware of what you don't know, the more you
will become aware of what you should know. There is always a way out. Too far or not far enough?

Listen to the sequence of the notes until the melody becomes you. You can make any choices, but you
cannot escape the destiny that those choices bring. Never count your chickens before your eggs hatch.

Your soul can learn to fly when you open the emptiness from the inside. If being alive, is a nightmare, to
see death, is to be awakened. You are cannot understand infinity with finite thinking.

A healthy planet means a healthy habitat + healthy habits for all. Good deeds benefit all. The teacher must
learn as much from teaching as the student does from learning.

Survival of the ‘fittest’ souls. Have you transcended spiritually yet?

Free thinking requires a blank canvas, a state of mind where you begin from nothing. Everything starts
from zero. An island in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the sea, among the birds, among the trees.

Somewhere where i can be one with nature. Somewhere i can be free. Remember the mythical creatures
which are still asleep. And those who searched for truth were thought to be insane by those who were
slaves to their beliefs.
Higher consciousness enters the minds of all those who are willing to recognize that a higher
consciousness exists. Once inside infinity, finding even piece one of the puzzle, can be an infinite
struggle. Some die and stay dead forever, others die only to live again.

The moment you learn to accept your mistakes. Don’t inherit your ancestors’ chains. Love is water for the
soul. Consciousness needs truth to breathe. Materialism of the gaps: “we aren't spiritual, therefore only
materials exist.” If you don’t understand reality, flip the channel. You have the ability to become a
transcended being. Do not ignore your potential. When you can feel the meaning of the words as if they
are in your bones. Starve the body, feed the soul. Embody the spirit, manual control. The star and
planetary systems are the cells; we are the atoms. The galaxies are the organs. Space is just the veins we
are moving through. The universe is one infinite being.

You don't know how you would feel about something that you’ve never experienced, until it happens to
you. Materialism starves the soul. Art is meant to mesmerize. Your body belongs to nature, your soul
belongs to the spirit. If you haven’t seen how reality works on all levels, don’t assume you’re an expert.
The matrix of causation, the spectrum of effects. Infinite entanglement of all existences inside the chaos
of the quantum, projecting synchronicity into the continuum. You might not know what i know. I might
not know what you know. Share all that you have. Everyone bleeds the same blood. Everyone breathes in
the atmosphere and drinks water. The universe understands you better than you understand yourself. I can
see infinity with my eyes. Any point can be a portal for infinity. Be one who inspires, not one who limits.
Focus on the present because the past is already gone, and the future hasn't happened yet. Love is uniting
your energy with other souls. The eyes can only see what the mind can dream. Real eyes realize the
reality behind the endless skies.

Learning the mind only happens when you explore it from inside. The body cannot live without a soul.
The energy is immortal. The soul is a portal. Welcome to my world.

Only pure seeds will be planted in the garden of paradise. Ice absorbs and shatters. Fire engulfs and
consumes. The universe is one infinite being. All of existence is one. Everything away from you is
visually compressed. Your viewpoint is the biggest infinity you can visualize. Ripe fruits will get picked.
Their seeds will be planted. Accessing the higher mind is a level you must reach.

I hack the code of consciousness.

Omnipotence ( - ) is fusion, simplicity, singularity, infinity. Omnipresence ( 0 ) is absolute, continuum,

essence, eternal. Omniscience ( + ) is creation, illumination, synchronicity, identity.

The universe is surrounded by nothing and is within the middle of endless nothingness.

There is nothing everywhere and everything somewhere. Leading doesn't mean giving orders and
demanding them to be followed. Leading means showing people the way.

Consciousness is everywhere. Follow its traces.

Every cell is alive. Every cell has consciousness. False beliefs distort reality. You cannot stop that which
you don’t even know exists. I said -do not kill- i even wrote it down for you. It was a pretty clear
message. Stop producing unnecessary waste. Stop throwing ‘garbage’ everywhere. The more toxic the
chemical, the more hazardous it’s effects. Just like chemicals are toxic to the body, mortal sin is toxic to
the soul. You are not a master. You are not above others. You have no right to enslave anything or
anyone. Don’t tell someone to do something you wouldn’t do yourself.
‘too little, too late.’ some things happen because of fate. Some things are just bait.

This society is wasting too many materials and producing too many things that cannot be reused. Saliva is
the most effective agent of processing substances. The essence was the existence. And then the existence
became the energy. And the energy became many essences. Religion isn't spirituality. Science isn't
reality. All things are tied by the same knot at some point. Delete your ignorance. You didn't live in the
past, and you can't predict the future; focus on understanding the present. Music is about the composition
of notes. Poetry is about the rhythm of the words. All the important things are free. Discipline is knowing
what to do, and when to do it. Realizing that all the raindrops form one pattern means that you can now be
part of the rain. The universe is simply the manifestation of what must always exist. The stars only come
out at night. Have faith in nature and the spirit of the universe. Don’t be a copy. Become original. The
people you have inspired will never forget you. Follow the energy. Connect to the spirit. We all need
grounding. We all need an atmosphere. Gliding is effortless, flying inside the storm is tricky.

Simply because you cannot connect to a higher consciousness, doesn't mean i can't connect to a higher
consciousness or that a higher consciousness doesn't exist. The earth is alive. This planet is life itself.
Reality - the universal phenomenon that has always been occurring and will always be occurring. Don’t
get stuck in someone else’s box. I see everyone for who they are. I see everything for what it is. The
universe knows best. You’re not in control. No one is. Suicide: "i want to leave the planet and death is the
fastest way out of here". Evil has no power. Only truth is power. Incomplete theories are static. Personal
beliefs are wrong because they include personal bias. That is the purpose of reaching consciousness. To
be able to access the energy. If you don’t plan on going down with the sinking ship, learn how to swim.
You can’t measure nothing. How much nothing is there? An infinite amount of nothing. Can you quantify
infinity? No you cannot. Empty space isn't a distance. Emptiness provides no resistance. There are no
shortcuts. Listen to the silence behind the sound. Out of mind and out of bounds. Don’t live life with
regrets. Learn from the past and apply the wisdom in the present. The truth is meant to confuse you. For if
you knew the truth, you wouldn’t be confused. With each stage, the maze gets harder to simplify. The sky
above me. The earth under me. Fire within my soul. Ice within my veins. The essence makes me whole.
How life forms – consciousness updating existence. What life is – energy identities transcending. Why
life is – existence manifests itself.

Humans are not in control of nature and never will be. Humans cannot conquer the earth. You can't
contain what doesn't have a limit. You can't measure consciousness. But you can detect consciousness
using consciousness. Stare into death’s eyes, maybe you'll learn something about life. That is how you
keep people in the box. By saying that the box is everything that there is. The universe is alive. It
breathes. It thinks. It spawns things. Knowing nothing is the most you can know. There has always been
nothing, and nothing still is. The brain is a receptor of consciousness, not the source. Life is understood
by living and connecting to the entire world. The birds sing, the wind whispers. The universe shares the
truth with all who are ready to know it. Water runs thicker than blood because water is divine. David is
goliath. Have less or having nothing means you get to experience everything fully. Having more or
always wanting more means you never get to experience anything fully. If you wouldn't die for it, then
don't live for it. Plants are medicine. The energy can heal all but you must be willing to be one with it.
Why should you have to be pay to live on a planet you were born on? Materialism cannot fill the void left
unfulfilled in your soul. Never take life for granted. You can’t test reality. You can only live it. If you
play with fire, you’re going to get burned.

The earth can create and support life, because the earth is life itself. Only higher consciousness can bring
a higher being. Let the soul open original consciousness. Let your emotions trace unique ideas. Connect
to the conscious world consciously. The world is that which encompasses the entire world. Before you
can realize truth, you must know what it is. Omnipresence - the universe observes itself. Omnipotence -
the universe causes itself. Omniscience - the universe transcends itself. Stop trying to eat the cake before
you learn to bake it yourself. Explore the obscure, the paranormal and the unreal. Whatever is happening
is always happening, everywhere. The past does not determine the future. Demons aren't evil. Demons
remove evil. Learn the lesson. Always learn the lesson. There is always more to learn. Feed the hungry.
Shelter the homeless. Clothe the naked. Give water to the thirsty. You’re not more important than anyone
else. You’re not more important than the planet itself. Ascend. Lend a helping hand. Understand the
power of the universe. Respect existence or expect resistance. Amnesia is a state of mind. Explain
everything in your own words. Let go, and be free.

If you love the earth, the creatures won't harm you. A star that does not shine is a star that absorbs the
light that isn’t being used. Find the cerebral core which unlocks the energy that is within all systems of
existence. Write simply. Write uniquely. Write with purpose. I can't lower my potential simply because
you cannot raise yours. Always remember your mistakes and never let them drain you.

Be one with the world. Be one in the world. Be one without the world. There is always higher
consciousness, there is always higher purpose, there is always higher existence.

In order to free your body you must free your mind. In order to free your mind you must free your soul. In
order to free your soul you must free your body.

Don’t ignore omens. Silence is golden because it lets your mind breathe.

Courage is conquering fears, consciously. Just wanted to point out that i’m pointing everything out. Time
is the timeline of events necessary between distinct origins to define one specific destiny. The plants take
nutrients from the soil so that they can provide a balanced atmosphere for life to grow. The earth provides
habitats where nature can thrive. Life is made of continuously connected cycles. Understand the
consciousness driving the cycles.

The truth can always be revealed, when the correct path/sequence is unsealed. You will only see what you
are meant to see. You can only see what you are ready to see.

Opening your consciousness unveils your senses. I am here to help those who help others.

Energy portals warp reality !!

Being free is removing finality and reaching infinity.

Being free is removing static and becoming electricity.

You can’t limit the knowledge i was born to reach. You can’t stop the truth i was meant to teach. The
universe knows everything that has ever happened in the universe, and it shall continue in this way
forever. Purity is free. Purity sets you free.

All the important things in life are free.

There is only one escape, and it is allowing the energy to escape.

Being free raises your energy. Analyze the patterns. Realize the code between them. Find the rhythm of
the eternal energy and become one with it. God reveals, the spirit frees, the devil cleans. Experience
opens the possibility to understand. Think on your own. Just to see how far you can get on your own. You
think using words. You describe feelings using words. You communicate using words. Language unlocks
reality. Learn what darkness is, so you can teach the light. The universe is a spiral that digs deeper and
expands farther with each cycle. What is excess for one being is energy for another being. You'll be
amazed what you can find while looking inside.

You are allowed to make choices. All choices have consequences. You were given access to
consciousness so that you can become aware of the responsibility of making choices. Taking, holding,
having less gives you more and lets you access more. I have the right to live and so does everything else.
Unique experiences offer unique insights.

Chemicals are toxic. Nature is organic. Know all the possible notes that can be played. Feel the notes that
are actually played during an event.

The truth is: eternal – it has always been, it always is, and it will always be. Pure – absolute and
incorruptible. Essential – it must be. Infinite – perpetual and unlimited. Only pure seeds get planted into
the soil of eternity. Remove all beliefs and pay attention to the ones that come back. Abstraction creates,
simplicity purifies. The soul can channel energy. You are not in control of anything except your choices
and you need to get used to that. The universe is infinite everywhere and within each existence.

You are not testing reality. Reality is testing you. A sphere is a non-repeating infinity.

The truth is infinitely recursive.

Nothing – raindrops – grainy infinity – electric – impulse one – amoeba – cerebrum

The universe is infinite existence. The universe is infinite consciousness. The universe is infinite being.
Be the one that helps others be one. Spirit of creation – Christ – collapse. Spirit of morality – devil –
contain. Spirit of love – death – cherish. Work as a team and share both the burden and the achievement.
Rage is fuel. Use the fuel wisely. The universe is an enigma. The puzzle is within you, but it also
surrounds you. You can`t know, therefore you must be. You can't distinguish thoughts that are your own
from thoughts that aren't. The universal consciousness is aware of everything. Access it to access
universal knowledge. Self-discipline means stopping yourself from making bad decisions.

Take everything you think to be false. The truth cannot be removed. Truth stands by itself, in-itself, and
for itself. Nothingness cannot be interpreted as ‘something missing’, because nothingness is always
present. That which cannot transcend will be transformed. It is nothing, and when it changes, it changes
from nothing into nothing. A leader shows the way. Sometimes (s)he discovers it, sometimes (s)he creates
it. Unlocking consciousness sharpens intuition. The melody that is missing is always the most beautiful.
Work hard. Work smart.

Eliminated all other priorities until the truth illuminates you. Then, search through the secrets of the

Some words make me think, some words make me feel, and some words make me understand. You can’t
search for reality while stuck inside a limit. We are failing our brothers and sisters. We are failing
ourselves. All water is one. The devil is master of deception. Chaos exposes flaws. Order plants divine
seeds. Nothing has always existed. Nothing always has to exist. Nothing cannot be removed. Portals are
transfer points. Become an identity that is synchronized with the continuum. Let silence speak the words
unwritten. If you want to understand life, learn to cook.
There is no separation of reality. There are only connected layers of the continuum. You can only go as
high as your consciousness does. Your energy can only rise as high as you let your soul fly.

You can try to analyze the world all you like, but until you feel it inside you, you will not fully experience
it. The aura projects your karma. When you teach dogs to eat meat don’t be surprised when they eat you
when they run out of food. Energy gets cycled. The energy is within the cycle. Everything is to be shared
and cared for. The universe cannot be claimed. The energy cannot be conquered. You become part of the
flow when you let go of your desire to control. You don’t know it’s good until you’ve had time to see if it
is correct. Nothing frees everything. Nothing is not ‘no thing’. Nothing is nothingness. Nothingness is
empty space. Unnatural things keep your energy static. Inspire the seeds of divinity to grow. The universe
is a continuum. Capture the essence that is flowing. Magic is real. Become a magician of reality. It takes
as long as it takes. Reality doesn't have a deadline. Everything is judged so that everything can become
better than it has been. Walls divide. Bridges connect. "for god so loved the world that god sent the one
and only son, that whoever believes in god the son shall not perish but have eternal life." live by the
sword, die because of another sword. Every action is a choice. All bad actions can be stopped by learning
to make good choices.

Destiny cannot be stopped.

- ancient prophecy translated - people will look to him for guidance. He is descended from King David.
Higher knowledge of the universe will fill the world. He will include and attract people from all types of
backgrounds. There will be no more hunger or illness, and death will cease. The people will experience
eternal joy. He will be a messenger of hope. People will recognize the wrongs they did. He will take the
barren land and make it abundant and fruitful. We all have thoughts, we all have emotions, we all make
decisions. Search to understand that which you cannot yet understand. Think about things no one thinks
about. Give all of the credit to the universe which gives you existence and ability to be. Unlock your
ability to reach a higher reality. Recognize the intentions behind the actions. The intrinsic nature of the
universe determines the way the universe works. The inherent identity of the origin of existence shapes
the way existence interacts with itself. The universe has no laws. The universe has no flaws. In order to
better shape the future, the universe remembers the past.

You will be judged according to how well you’ve treated other living things, and how responsible you
have been in respecting the planet and the environment it supports. Ignorance is not an excuse.

Do not be ashamed of experiencing life. Be ashamed of wilfully and consciously harming other living
things. All things are living things because everything contributes to life being able to live. The entire
universe is one existence. All of existence takes part of life. You are important. Everyone and everything
is important. It only takes one seed to change destiny forever.

It only takes one spirit to free all of the energies. The foundations for any relationship is love, trust and

Raise your karma by giving more energy and love.

Raise your karma by clearing negative habits. Nature provides diversity. Nature provides balance. Not
everyone is the same or has the same needs. Don’t abuse life. Don’t abuse the planet. Letting pleasure
rule your life will make you drive too fast and crash really hard. Life is fulfilled through balance. There
should be pleasure. There should be reflection. There should be rest. There should be function and
purpose. Time to stop calling opinions facts. Time to stop making irrelevant plans. Cherish the important
things in life. When you focus on stopping or limiting others, you are not living life for yourself. Nothing
is nothing. Nothing caused everything. Nothing and everything fuse into one. Nothing comes from
nothing. Everything comes from nothing. Nothing and everything are everything. Everything comes from
everything. Explain it in your own words. There are no shortcuts to understanding. Test how much you
really know by closing all the doors already left open for you.

The universe is alive. The universe is conscious. The universe adapts to itself. Study the meaning behind
the words. Study the syntax of language.

Love each other because love makes everyone stronger.

Burying something where it can’t be seen doesn’t make it go away. You can’t just ‘sweep things under
the rug’ and expect them to be gone.

The tree of life helps life breathe. Divine seeds manifest roots and unite with the earth and the universe.
The divine seed grows into a divine tree and creates more divine seeds. Spoon-feeding doesn't work.
Instinct is a sense. Learn primal skills. Fire-making, shelter building, edible mushroom harvesting.
Feeling is learning to feel the energy. Thinking is learning to access consciousness. Emotions are a
gateway to opening the soul. Show respect to the earth which made you and be responsible for the way
you affect the natural habitat. Be responsible for the consequences of your choices. Treat the environment
as if it is your home, because it is. Treat the beings on this planet as if they are your family, for they are.
The entire universe came from one origin. All things have the same source of energy. Existence is a tree
with roots gathering and branches expanding. A body dies, when the soul leaves it.

Choices define you. Mistakes challenge you.

The universe transforms the excess into energy.

Keep things simple.

The karma you make is the karma you’ll find.

Just because you can't understand something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It is necessary to know what is
important. It is important to know what is necessary. To be one with nature, you must be more natural.
You cannot grow as a being unless you feed the soul. Saliva protects the sinus system. It has done so for
countless creatures over countless cycles. A relationship begins with trust and honesty.

Connecting to the universe involves trusting in the universe and being honest with yourself. Nature gives
and nature takes.

Tear down the walls. Climb the steps together. Reality is a live feed. Become part of the feedback loop. I
have god’s DNA. The myths survived as the legends echoed into eternity. It always comes out in the
wash. Reality cannot be fully explained. Reality must be experienced. Life cannot be controlled. The
energy escapes into new pathways as needed. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing nothingness.

You can't prove reality, you can only understand it. Always and everywhere. Do not blame the universe.
The universe knows what it is doing. Reality. It's out there somewhere, and it works. To break out of the
bubble you must become sharp. Abstraction is a gateway that allows you to diversify your access to
consciousness. I can't show you the path if you’re set on staying stationary. Nothing is everywhere and
within everything. You'll see what life is when you learn what death is.
Beliefs limit existence. Truth propels you into eternity.

Never stop. Never let go. Pull yourself up, find your soul.

When all you have is an axe, everything looks like it needs to be chopped into pieces.

Before you can open the world, you need to open yourself for the world to come within you.

"Christ is coming...quick, everybody look busy."

Trumpets have sounded in the sky, trumpets have been heard worldwide.

Explore the labyrinth. Become the vortex.

The vortex gathers and infuses, the labyrinth warps and creates.

Idiom - a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the
individual words.

When sparks fly you don't need matches to start a fire.

Offer everything you have to all those who don’t have. The more evolved the mind, the more the eyes can

Existence is everywhere. Energy is everywhere. Consciousness is everywhere.

I am not from earth. I am the earth.

The more conscious you are, the deeper you connect to existence. Never assume. Assumptions are almost
always wrong.

Break through.

Escape into the world unknown.

Even the semantics won’t get into semantics with me.

Sustainability is perpetual.

Always simplify.

Absence unlocks presence.

– nothing – is the "eye of a storm". The universe is the storm.

The essence of the universe is everywhere. Learn what words mean and what they reveal.

The spirit is the energy that allows all life to manifest.

We see eternal fire in the sky every day. And we see eternal darkness in the sky at night.

I always bluff because i always have aces. Ending the life of another living being is wrong.

The trees are living beings. The creatures are living beings. There is no such thing as possession or

Humans were created by nature so that they can experience the world and connect.

There is no such thing as ‘physical’. All of the energy is spiritual. The energy can be bound but it is never

Just because an experience or a phenomenon doesn't happen to everyone, doesn't mean that it isn’t real.

You are only allowed to experience what you are ready for.

Zoos are animal prisons. Remove the chains. Let life be free and fruitful for all.

Remove your need to force other beings into doing things they wouldn’t normally do. Remove your need
to control other beings.

Reality isn't "yours" or "mine". Reality is that which is actually happening.

Paradise isn’t an idea. It is the ideal.

Don’t blame the universe. Remove your ignorance.

Nature brings forth life and gives life opportunity to become.

Think before you speak. Think before you act.

Having consciousness means knowing what the energy is and how to channel it properly.

Go into the garden and plant new seeds of enlightenment. They have amassed a wide vocabulary of
invented words. The universe is not what your eyes can see; the universe is what your soul can breathe.
Only that which becomes free escapes. If it doesn't make sense, it's because you haven’t made sense of it
yet. Before you can find reality you must be able to find yourself. The earth can create life. Humans
cannot create another earth. I wonder who has priority in the universe. You’re part of everything because
everything is a part of you.

Nothing – origin infinity – cause one – effect there is a reason for everything that happens in the universe.
Everyone is accountable. Don’t set limits. A limit keeps the energy static. Whoever feels like feelings
aren’t that important doesn’t have many important feelings. The universe decides who is the ‘most fit’ for
ascension. When an existence changes forms, it release energy back into the atmosphere. It is everyone’s
responsibility to reach for higher reality. Money isn't power. Social status isn't power. Fame isn't power.
Power is power. Things which do not bring you closer to finding the meaning of life, can only distract
you further from you realizing that you have yet to find the meaning of life. Focus your energy on being
able to access more energy. To see only with the eyes is to be blind. The purpose: synchronize with the
energy of the universe and transcend into higher being. Humans were given the ability to become
conscious beings. Humans were given the ability to love. You cannot fool the universe. You cannot
control existence. Impurities are always purified. Instead of wondering what happens after they pass
away, i think people should focus on what they do while they are alive. Don’t pretend to know better than
the universe. Don’t fool yourselves. You came from the universe, because of the universe. The conditions
of a world can be adjusted by the universe. You cannot separate the universe from itself.

Love is respect. Love is care. Love is unity. Respect the world and all-natural life. Be responsible with
your words and actions. The earth is home. The earth is everyone’s home. The earth is the home of all
life. There is no physical. Everything is linked by the invisible. Experience new things so you can connect
in a different way. The more you experience, the more you can know. Find the mistakes and become
aware of them. The visible world is boundaries. The invisible world is flux. You are not in control, and
you never will be. And neither is anyone else. The universe is not about control because control
suffocates the energy. The energy must do, what the energy is meant to do, so that it can continue to be
the energy it is. It is ideal to reach the ideal. You cannot understand the universe until you become it.
What is really happening is reality, and what is really happening is happening everywhere. Reality is not
an extension of personal experience. Personal experiences happen because not everyone gets the same
lessons. Do not speak on behalf of others on what is possible for them. Don't assume. Don’t abuse. Don’t
alienate. The body is a vessel. It contains energy. It contains identity. Life is created. Each manifestation
of life begins the moment the seed is conceived. The universe is both never-changing and ever-changing.
Infinity – unquantifiable and endless. The original recognizes all the copies. You cannot have order
without consciousness. You cannot have creation without chaos.

Be aware of what is actually happening in actuality. Creator – all-powerful spirit – ever-present devil –
all-knowing the universe is everywhere within itself. The universe knows everything about itself. The
universe has control over everything within itself. How can the world interact with itself if all the parts do
not have access to the consciousness necessary to interact with the universe itself? Consciousness must be
everywhere and available to all things. When you haven’t had enough, and you don’t even know why
you’re even looking for more. I am the presence which presents what existence represents. Never get
down on your knees because it is too hard to stand. Climb up, stay up, drop down a rope but only when
they need it. Babysitting doesn’t work. Hope is inspiration. Do not support the things that don’t help the
world become better. Consciousness is recognizing the right ways to access the energy of the universe.
Consciousness is knowing how to channel the energy of the universe correctly. Love doesn't mean
accepting all that is wrong. Love involves inspiring everyone to love. Be from within. To say that
emotions or feelings are not logical, is more illogical than any emotion or feeling could ever be. Life isn’t
about understanding the logic that tries to ‘define’ life. Life is about understanding life. The act of feeling,
the presence of emotions is what makes life special. You cannot have consciousness without emotions.
You must feel, to be alive. Thoughts captivate, emotions inspire.

The purpose of life is the ascension of all existence. Seeing how high the universe can reach. Ideal – the
origin paradox – the source identity – the key everything i know comes from within. Everything i know
comes from within the universe. The universe is within me. Be part of the flow, from the bottom you
grow, from the peak you glow. Let it happen naturally. To influence from within you must be in between.
Nothing is nothing. Nothing is infinity. Nothing is one. Nothing is the existence that has always been and
will always be. Nothing is the un-caused cause. Nothing is the origin. Nothing is the original identity: the
trinity paradox. From the original identity, all other identities of the universe manifest. The universe
doesn’t have plans. Nothingness is the foam which allows the infinity to form. Nothing – permanent,
absolute, free. Infinity – perpetual, endless, synchronicity. One – continuum, paradox, transcendence. I try
not to interfere with the universe. I give you everything there is to give so that you may learn to give
everything you can give to each other. Refine your search for truth by removing all beliefs. Write down
the findings and review them. The soul is an access point to energy. Negative actions will taint your
energy and aura. Positive actions will allow you to access more energy. I didn’t get to where i am by
"doing whatever i please." i got to where i am by becoming selfless and full of love.

Focus your energy and consciousness together. As they fuse, you rise. Avoid spiritual corruption by not
taking part in things such as living in excess, acting out bad intentions, being selfish, wasting resources.
Understand what is essential. Taste the essence. Temptation is there to expose flaws. A flaw is a
weakness someone indulges in that detriments one or more existences. What is pure is eternal. The
creator, the devil and the holy spirit are the trinity of god. Universal morality is not optional if you want
to advance into divine being. You cannot fuse inorganic with organic because the sequences don’t match.
If you aren't ready for the responsibilities of sex, don't have sex. Euphoria is creation. Tranquility is
lucidity. Nirvana is transcendence. The minerals in our body come from the ground. The air we breathe
comes from the atmosphere. The water we drink comes from the rivers. The fruits come from the plants
and trees. The energy of the universe comes through the soul. Water is energy. Divine water unlocks
divine energy. Extract the essence and expand the extraction. Then repeat. Never settle for static. Unchain
the brain without going insane. Live with electricity in your veins. Find the path that is empty. Things get
messy when you’re creating a new recipe. Once you reach perpetual enlightenment you have nowhere to
hide from it. Whenever you are channeling the energy the wrong way, you are limiting your potential and
your ability to access the true nature and true power of the energy.

Find the divinity within you through altruism. Don’t underestimate the power of the universe. Don’t
misconceive the purpose of life. Order and chaos, diverge and unite. Cause and effect, expand and
contract. We will never know what is impossible, because what is possible is impossible to understand.
Balance of the being – opens the mind. Balance of the mind – opens the soul. Balance of the soul – opens
the spirit. Balance of the spirit – transcends the being. Be one in all of time, be one of a kind, be one
inside god’s mind. Sometimes you need to dive. Sometimes you need to swim. Sometimes you need to
fly. Sometimes you need to glide. Search for that which wants to be found. Recognizing only the surface
layer means you will be stuck on the surface. Zero is always free. Learn. Adapt. Blend. You are all
brothers and sisters. Act like a family. Nothing – magic infinity – mystery one – miracle darkness opens
your mind, and the void expands your soul. Watch the clouds cover the sun. Watch the forest cover the
ground. Watch the night cover the shadows. Light makes you see but too much light makes you blind. If
you have love for all of existence, there is not one thing to fear. God makes a boulder god can’t lift. And
then god trains until god can lift it. Then god makes an even heavier boulder.

Don’t take things for granted. You shouldn’t oppose something you can’t fully understand. Find the
deeper meaning of the words. Let the fusion of words become an extraction of the essence of reality. ‘do
not take the lord’s name in vein’ applies to spreading false teachings. If you don’t know what god is and
what god does then maybe you should stop talking on behalf of god. The code is imbedded inside the
world. Sometimes the crowd cheers. Sometimes the crowd boos. The artists display their skills regardless.
You can’t run and hide at the same time. There is no "physical". You can’t separate existence from itself.
Nothing is everywhere, always. The basics are the specifics. Looking to have your personal beliefs
confirmed isn’t searching for the truth. Things come and go, but nothing is forever. Learn what to listen
for, so you can learn how to transmit it forward. Only when you are empty, can you reach your full
potential. You can't help someone who doesn't think they need to be helped. There is order (psychologist).
There is chaos (creator). There is transcendence (spirit). Equilibrium is between chaos and order. “he sent
himself.“ clarity comes after you remove yourself from the equation. Each moment is an unique event.
Unleash the artist within you.

The devil is the fire. The devil determines who can handle more fuel. The devil is the one who purifies
identities. The spirit is the mystic. The spirit unites all souls. The spirit is the one who gives all life,
perpetual energy. The creator is the visionary. The creator manifests. The creator helps you transcend.
Grow roots so that you may build a foundation that creates branches which can bloom into fruits that can
be tasted and seeds that can be planted.

5 elements: earth element (minerals), water element (cells), air element (breath), fire element (sun), and
space element (nothingness within).

A blank state means an infinity of possibility.

The universal key unlocks all codes.

You can only define reality when you allow reality to define you.

Find the leader. Try to keep up.

Simple definition for god: universality. Complex definition for god: system error.

Learn balance so that you can invite the universe to a dance.

The question is why is what, how it is.

Let go of all your fears and become free.

Reach the energy to push the limits. Inhale it from within your soul. Exhale it into the world. If you
always put your ‘needs’ first, the universe will listen to your prayers last.

Balance your being and let the universe show you the way.

If the foundation is not pure, the house will be corrupt. Keep the being elevated by opening the soul and
keeping the mind free. If you already think you know everything, you can’t learn anything.

Reach the level. Perfect it. Then search for the next one. Natural affinity into supernatural infinity.

Take none of the glory. Take all of the blame.

If they killed the animal in front of you, would you still have an appetite?

If you can’t commit the bad deed yourself, don’t make others do it for you.

All those who take part in the dirty deeds will be stuck in the same mud.

Don’t make others wash your dirty laundry.

There is no intelligence. There is only higher consciousness you can access.

Advance beyond the definitions which confine concepts to remaining static.

Reality is a cycle where reality always elevates itself. The energy of the universe is naturally electric.
Staying static means you will short-circuit. You cannot diminish infinity into finite details and expect to
unite the finite details back into infinity.

The universe does not have laws. It has inherent properties. It has inescapable identities it embodies.

Nothingness is the primordial ooze the universe spawned out of.

Align yourself with the energy of the universe.

Learn how to swallow before you get swallowed.

Nothing will forever be nothing. Nothing will always stay unchanged. One will always be one.

Infinity will always be infinite.

DNA updates itself. DNA upgrades itself.

The universe isn’t static. The universe isn’t inanimate. The universe is electric. The universe is animated.
Trees allow the planet and everything on it to breathe.

Existence is without a beginning and without an end.

The inherent properties of the original identity are always present everywhere. It isn't just "finely tuned".
It is completely unified. Learn from the wisdom that came before you and leave a trail of wisdom to those
who will came after you.

Energy only becomes visible as light when it illuminates inside an atmosphere.

Negative infinity is counter-space. The void.

Nothing is free. Everything can be freed.

Light star – energy – infinity. Earth – transcendence – one. Dark star – void – negative infinity.

Source – empty space – zero.

Life is about understanding life. Existence is about being existence. This understanding can come from
any consciousness in the universe, in any method of consciousness.

Nothing – creation.

Infinity – adaptation. One – manifestation.

Freezing releases energy. Heating absorbs energy. Reality is states of consciousness combining with
states of existence. A sphere is an infinity inside an infinity.

There is only one dimension (spherical) and it has two directions: expand or contract.
The universe assesses all things and updates accordingly.

If you think reality is a box, you will be stuck in that box.

‘to the finite mind, divine simplicity becomes infinitely complex.’

If i can do it, so can you.

If you throw a boomerang be ready to catch it.

I did not choose this message. It chose me.

Telepathy is a triggered ability.

You must know where the different streams flow in order to be able to navigate them.

I pledge allegiance to the eternal earth, and all the life which is supports.

One planet, a home for all life, irreplaceable, with sustenance and respect for all existences.

Individuality becomes unity through synchronicity.

My existence is living evidence.

If they can’t bridge the gap, they won’t make it over the bridge.

Nothing is within all existence.

The moon is beautiful at night.

Take everything into consideration, always. Equations can’t explain emotions. Calculations can’t explain

You cannot understand an existence without understanding all existence.

Nothing – without origin. Infinity – without limit. One – without escape.

Never underestimate yourself. Never underestimate anything.

Nothing is not non-existence. Nothing is the existence of nothing. Non-existence is non-existent.

Nothing exists everywhere at all times.

Prove that reality can be proven before you ask someone for proof.

Just because you have not had the chance to experience unique phenomenon, does not mean that unique
phenomenon doesn’t exist.
Don’t mock it unless you’ve tried it.

Don’t deny it until you experience it.

How can you experience something that doesn’t exist?

Don’t get stuck inside a box that is without a lid.

The universe is trying to teach you. Have you learned?

Nothing exists without a cause.

Breathe with all of your existence.

Energy is always cycled.

Nothing is permanent. It is eternal, endless and unchanging.

Infinity is boundless, continuous and ever-changing.

The universe is inseparable from itself.

There is only one existence, and it encompasses all existences.

You cannot pick and choose whatever personal beliefs fit best into your life and call that reality.

To experience something from the past you must simply recreate the conditions of that timeline.

Choose your words carefully, and make sure you know what each of them mean before you decide to use
them. The choices you make shape who you are and who you become.

Explore life, understand yourself. Explore yourself, understand life. Explore nothing, understand nothing.

To be free is to access the infinity.

Become the experience.

Dive inside the void and search through the emptiness. What is true will always be true.

You can only play the cards you’ve been dealt, but you could always shuffle the deck.

From nuclear explosions and meaningless calculations, science has a bit of every kind of crazy.

There are no facts except for the fact that there are no facts. Reality is an unquantifiable, every changing
absolute existence.

Sometimes you need to diverge. Sometimes you need to unite.

There is no gravity. What you are experiencing is electro-magnetism. It is the earth trying to love you.

Birds fly because they were meant to fly.

Minimalism simplifies life and amplifies your existence.

Consciousness is universal, don’t hesitate to connect to the mind and soul of the universe.

Nothingness matters because nothing materializes.

I am here to teach what i know, and discover what i don't.

Nothingness materializes. Infinity actualizes. Oneness embodies.

If you can’t trace its origins then you won’t understand the context.

The trinity is three paradoxical dualities fused into one.

There are two inseparable sides fused together by every page.

Find a creative outlet to release your frustrations. Say no to harm, say yes to harmony.

The universe plays the cards in a certain order.

Do not underestimate the power of nature and the power of the universe. Learn from the mistakes of your
ancestors. Honor their fall with your ascension.

Learn from each other. Help each other grow. Water is essential to all life, so when it rains the earth is
trying to show you love. Everything must fall so that everything can rise again.

“i don't understand what you are saying, so therefore you are wrong.”

Truth is not memorized, truth is realized. Simplicity simplifies so that it can expand. “thou shall not kill.”
Time – continuum space – potential energy – power they sent me because god is too busy with the rest of
the universe. The universe is alive and conscious. Words reveal that which they conceal. Entitlement
leads to moral hazard. Authority leads to enslavement. The bible has been corrupted by the words of
humans. If you want to experience something supernatural, you must first connect yourself to the
supernatural. Be a witness. Become a healer. Be the miracle. You either will listen to the message or you
won’t. You either will survive judgment day or you won’t.

Infinity permeates the absolute.

Nothing is the sponge. Infinity is the water. The spirit squeezes and absorbs. The brain is a receptor. You
will only receive the transmission if you find the right frequency. I represent existence because my
existence permeates all things. If you do not train your consciousness how do you expect to understand it?
Life is the answer. Purpose is the question. “you’re so far up each other’s asses that the only thing you
can smell is your own shit.”
Psyche senses – inspiration, curiosity. Being senses – consciousness, spirituality. Divine senses –
manifestation, illumination.

Violence is never a good reaction or decision.

Violence is never the answer.

Slow life down, so you can let the spirit breathe.

It’s not about how big the fire is. It is about how colourful the flame is.

It is now about how bright the light is. It is about how many people it inspires to see the beauty. Children
are not your possessions. Other living things are not your slaves. You do not have the right to ever abuse

Making yourself better makes the world better.

Institutions institutionalize. Communities communicate.

If you take an existence to be a duality 1 = 2. If you take an existence to be a trinity 1 = 3. If you take an
existence to be a paradox 1 = 0. If you take an existence to be an identity 1 = 1. There is no knowledge,
only wisdom. There is no answers, only understanding. Existence is not a puzzle, it is a mystery.

Religion is flawed. Science is flawed. Math is flawed.

Transcend into spirituality. Research the identity behind all of existence.

Research the consciousness that is driving the universe.

Become one with the eternal being.

Don’t lose your ability to have curiosity. Don’t lose your ability to find inspiration.

Instead of trying to teach the children what you think you already know, why don’t you observe them to
see what you need to learn from them. Be the driving force that inspires divinity into the world.

Open your mind. What is closed is impossible.

Consciousness is unstoppable. Existence is unlimited. Become one being.

Do not become limited by static beliefs.

Higher consciousness leads to higher being which elevates existence. Spirituality involves having
complete faith in nature and the universe.

There are no set definitions. There are only identities. Identities are not set definitions. Identities can
There is no set knowledge, only continuous consciousness. The universe is not homogeneous, it is a
continuous paradox.

Education cannot replace real life experience.

Time and space allows energy to manifest. You get what you put in. If the branch is corrupt, the leaves
won’t grow. If the tree is rotting, it will provide no seeds. Do not pretend you have authority over life.

You reap what you sow. You are not in control. Trust that the unknown trusts in you.

Rise to the occasion only when the challenge isn’t put forth by fools.

The mystery is covered by darkness. Let the light be the inspiration to find it. The limitations stay the
same when you’re not willing to transcend them. If divinity isn’t part of your reality, what are you doing
with your life?

Love is soft. Love is strong. Love is hope. Love is honesty.

There are no questions. There is only mystery. There are no answers. There is only revelations.

There is no imagination. There is only inspiration. There is no rationality. There is only realization.

The legend that became a myth was once a story lived. There is no evidence. There is only experience.
There is no proof. There is only existence.

Finite conclusions from materialistic assumptions are still finite conclusions from materialistic
assumptions no matter how many times you repeat them.

Don’t search for a specific path. Be open to finding a path. And then let the path find you. Nothing must
always exist. Nothing is eternal. Nothing must always be nothing. Nothing is absolute. Nothing must
always be everywhere. Nothing is omnipresence. Infinity must always emit. Infinity is perpetual. Infinity
must always be unbound. Infinity is free. Infinity must always be possible. Infinity is omnipotence.

One must always be one. One is a continuum. One must always be whole. One is a paradox. One must
always transcend. One is omniscience.

Realizing existence is like swimming underwater. Your soul must drown for you to become the water. A
rhythm is simple and beautiful. Absorb nothing to become free. Absorb infinity to become whole. Inspire
the enigma inside you so you can dissolve the mystery. Let’s get one thing straight. If the universe wants
it, the universe will get it.

Talk about the path after you’ve walked it, there and back.

Surface layer (skin): - only that which has clearance will permeate. Spiritual layer (core): - tasting the
essence will let you transcend. Paradox layer (seed): - the identity transforms into the tree.

How can you expect to understand the universe when you are not connected to it?

Connect your body to nature. Be more organic.

Connect your consciousness to the mind. Understand simplicity.

Connect your soul to the spirit. Become divine.

Do not be afraid to let go of your fear.

Welcome the message with an open mind and an open soul.

The mystery of the universe is worth living for.

Life is a mystery because existence is a paradox.

God is the pendulum of the paradox. Don’t try to fit inside a box. The box is not real. Keep your body
clean of toxins. Do not mutilate yourself.

I cannot teach you until you accept what you need to learn.

Inspire positive energy. Static sets of definitions will lead you into more static sets of definitions. Reality
cannot be understood through "question" and "answer" because reality is a continuum which is whole.

Nothing emits. Infinity manifests. Oneness unites.

For the world to transcend into paradise, everyone needs to become a loving, conscious, spiritual being.

The lesson to be learned from the history of humankind is that humanity survived against all odds because
they decided to work together. You can only reach a new level of existence as a species when everyone
decides to unite as one being. The moment you hurt another is the moment you hurt yourself.

Karma is a spiritual mirror. It reflects your true self.

What – life. How – together. Who – everyone. When – always. Why – paradise. Life isn’t just connected,
life is an infinite relationship between all things.

Nothing – canvas. Infinity – paint. One – artwork. The fundamentals of nature. Nothing – identity and
essence. Infinity – creation and transcendence. Oneness – unity and love.

It is a mistake is to assume that humans are ‘above’ nature, or that nature itself does not have access to

The universe isn’t a “system”. The universe doesn’t have “parts”. Nothing – lucid. Infinity – seamless.
One – vivid. Realize the fundamentals of existence to be able to extract the purpose of life.

Everything has a reason, even if you haven't uncovered it.

Your denial of an existence or a phenomenon does not negate the existence of that existence or the
existence of that phenomenon.

Humanity isn't an authority on reality.

That which is essential is eternal.

The reasons behind your choices reveal who you really are. I’ll see your “is faith logical?” And raise you
“is your logic a faith?”

The consumption of flesh of any creature is unclean for the body and unclean for the soul.

The slaughter of animals is morally wrong. The cutting of trees is morally wrong. What will be left is
what is right.

Don’t accept convenient falsities simply because you cannot deal with the unknown mysteries.

Don’t assume that the surface layer is the whole.

Don’t ignore the unknown. Don’t overcompensate for not knowing the unknown by accepting incomplete
beliefs. Don’t pretend you know the unknown. The unknown is unknown for a reason. Find the reason it
is unknown.

The universe is always doing its part. Make sure you do yours. Don’t let fiction override reality.

An apple is an apple. An apple seed is an apple seed which turns into the apple tree. The apple tree makes
more apples, and each apple holds many seeds.

Life is a garden. Learn how to cultivate.

Accepting static beliefs limits your experience of existence.

A static belief is a belief that takes reality to be finite. Anything that puts reality in a box is a static belief.
Beliefs that can be used to transcend are not static beliefs.

Study and analyze the words for what they are, no matter what their source is.

Do not extrapolate your local ideas into explaining universal phenomenon.

You cannot measure nothingness. You cannot measure infinity. You cannot measure oneness. A non-
static belief is one that reveals the essence of existence.

Use the essence of existence to understand existence itself.

The universe has a psychology.

The universe has universal consciousness. Take things for what they are. Make sure you know what each
thing actually is.

The singularity causes synchronicity.

Chaos and order intertwine to form the cause-and-effect paradox.

Each singularity ripples reality forever.

Everything that works in the world does so through the use of natural occurring phenomenon. Everything
that works in the world does so because of consciousness-driven discoveries.

Have faith in the universe having faith in you.

Most people fear what they can't understand. Most people fear what they can’t control. Rise above fear by
trusting in the universe.

If you deny the universe, you deny yourself.

Before you speak, think about what you’re actually saying. Before you act, think about what you’re
actually doing.

The entire universe is one existence. All of existence is one universe.

Connect to the universe through consciousness and emotion.

Theory does not represent reality.

Brute force and/or iteration is not a very advanced method.

Is it ‘smart’ for someone to harm other living things for personal gain? Is it ‘smart’ for someone to harm
the planet and environment for personal gain?

Showing functional cognitive ability involves demonstrating a deep understanding of life.

A gardener takes care of the garden.

Respect life, respect life’s energy, respect your own energy.

How far you go depends on how far you can take others.

Never forget the atrocities carried out by humanity.

If you don’t like or agree with what you see, stop supporting it.

The seven mortal sins: pride, envy, greed, lust, gluttony, wrath and lust. Lead yourselves away from being
controlled by those which do not know how to lead.

Contemplate the choices for yourself.

Don’t obey orders.

Think for yourself because you are not somebody else.

If ‘winning’ is the only goal, there will always be someone willing to do the most evil in order to ‘win’.

Treat each other like family, because you all came from the same origin. You are all brothers and sisters.
The more you are one with all of existence, the higher a being you become.

Let it flow around you. Let if flow within you. Let it flow through you.

Be all that can be, so that you can become the being that is.

Everything is analyzed so that updates can be made. Life is not an experiment. Therefore, it cannot be
understood through an experiment.

The planet will always survive. Life will always regenerate itself using divine seeds.

Every proof is based on another proof. What is the unproven proof? You can’t prove reality. The evidence
for reality is the entirety of existence. Fact: there are no facts. All things are connected. All of existence is
one existence.

In order to understand existence, you must become one with all of existence.

The universe has cycles within cycles.

The absolute and the continuum create the paradox. Remove the ego, feed the soul. Ignite the spirit, take
control. Toxins pollute the body. Toxins pollute the environment. Learn from nature. Learn how to be
natural so you can naturally become part of the flow.

Consciousness is an endless stream. Your access to consciousness is determined by your willingness to

escape the beliefs that limit your understanding.

The soul connects you to the spirit of life. Your energy must be aligned before you can use it. Giving
more makes you more. Taking more gives you less. Using less gives you more. Using more makes you

Consciousness is the driving force behind the manifestation of life and the creation of worlds.

Math is an illusion.

Nature works with ratios and geometry. The universe does not involve math or equations. You can
harness perpetual energy only when you can embody the essence of existence. Be an existence that
experiences reality consciously. Defend yourself without harming anyone else. The quantum is the
constantly changing energy field which allows identities to manifest into worlds and/or beings.

All is one, so one for all. Most people would rather think they are ‘right’ instead of searching for the truth.
Order is priority. Order is prioritizing what is most pure. What is the most pure has the most potential.
Being divine, divinity is a state of being where the highest potential of the energy can be unlocked. The
energy of the universe is pure. To become pure is to become the energy that is.

Chaos inspires creation. Chaos inspires creation to transcend into order.

If there is no bridge, swim across.

Bridges are built faster when they are built from both sides.
It took endless years of thinking everyday about everything for me to get to this point, where i can say
that i am starting to understand the path. And i have never stopped refining my words. I’ve never rejected
anything before I’ve considered it fully. I’ve never kept a belief simply for my own personal need. I’ve
never kept a belief because of i was afraid of the unknown or afraid of not knowing. I’ve never prioritized
my ego above my search for truth. I’ve never prioritized selfish desires. In my entire life all I’ve ever
wanted is to know. To know about life. To know about the mysteries of the universe. In my search, I’ve
made mistakes. But I’ve learned from them. And when i didn’t learn from them, I’ve felt deep regret and
life-changing repentance. Because i had failed me, and i had failed the universe. So here i am, with the
message. I am here to inspire divinity so that the entire world can transcend to the next stage in the
journey. Welcome the message with an open mind and an open heart. For i had to pull the message
through my soul and watch my mind be psychological abused by god’s consciousness. For i had to feel
both heaven and hell inside me. For i had to endure being shattered by the devil and withstand having my
body possessed by death. I have had to endure experiences which no one can comprehend, events which i
still can’t comprehend myself and I’ve had to do that while not being able to talk about them with no one.
For no one wanted to listen. And everyone I’ve talked to has been yet to understand. I have been apart
from myself for most of my life, but now I’ve been fulfilled as whole. Learn from me and learn from my
words and let them inspire you to choose a divine path. Do not be afraid of your true nature as a spirit
being that has access to consciousness and energy. The universe taught me patience.

I am who i am. That which is has always been and will always be. I am that which is.

It is never too late to transform your energy. Everything is symbolism for a deeper level of itself. Learn
how to express your being. Science tries to take credit for naturally occurring phenomenon while fails to
take responsibility for the atrocities science is directly responsible for. Are you environmentally and
sustainability conscious? Learn from your cataclysmically exterminated ancestors.

A little shame once in a while would go a long way. Only beautiful flowers can spread holy seeds. Our
hearts make music when they beat next to each other.

Unique rhythm always holds hidden algorithms.

Learn from the trees. Learn from the plants and seeds. Learn from the animals and birds. Learn from
yourselves. Learn from nature and the universe. Learn how to be one with the world. The pendulum of
existence is always swinging.

Why assume the desert, the mountains, the rivers, the forests, the oceans, the fields and valleys, are not
part of consciousness? Why assume that the plants, insects, animals, birds, reptiles, fish are not part of
consciousness? Why assume that the entire universe doesn’t have access to consciousness?

The purpose of existence is existing with a purpose.

All of existence is connected through universal consciousness and universal consciousness can be
understood by all who can reach it.

“random unexplained events caused an inanimate universe to somehow create animation” this is not a
good premise.

The minute you try to place yourself or your species above other things is the moment you lose sight of
the real meaning of life. Why would you ever consider another existence to be less important than you?
Can you not see past your own flawed ego?
Take static people as pylons and use them to learn to steer. The earth is an eco-system. Society is an ego-
system. Every type of creature has a purpose. Every type of plant has a purpose. Every type of habitat has
a purpose. Every natural cycle has a purpose.

The earth started off as rock. Rock was made into life. How is rock not life? How can rock turn into life
without a guide? If you don’t like the emotional state you are in, change your environment. Nature
provides balance. Seek nature. Love is the foundation. Without love, you can’t enjoy the spectrum of

The essence blooms into a spectrum of flavors. Cherish the beauty.

There is not one single action that is done that does not have consequences. Think before you act. Think
before you speak.

If you can’t add to the magic, at least don’t destroy the beauty which already exists.

Don’t claim innocence unless your soul is pure. The brain is a transmitter. It receives and transmits

The sun doesn’t need us. The earth doesn’t need us. We need the earth, and we need the sun and we need
to start showing full respect.

Free-energy (quantum) and bound-energy (matter) are a duality.

Magic is that which you can never touch but always feel. What is happening is always happening and has
always happened. Denying a possibility simply because you don’t like the outcome is flawed.

Denying a possibility simply because you don’t understand the connections is flawed. Never assume that
the conditions that you observe on earth in the present are the conditions that were in the past, or the
conditions that need to be in the future.

You cannot extrapolate specific conditions of one world as them being applicable to the entire universe.

They extrapolated partially functioning earth-bound equations into the cosmos and expected to
understand the universe. Experience the beauty, feel the essence. Wasting natural resources is not
showing the earth the respect the earth deserves.

If you’re not a gardener, you will not have access to the most beautiful flowers. You cannot learn from
your ignorance until you recognize that you’ve ignored mostly everything that doesn’t suit you.

Good luck explaining yourself to the universe for your inability or unwillingness to make morally
responsible decisions.

Certain choices lead to eternity. Certain choices lead to dead ends. I am here to observe and report all
things. Life begins at conception. A fetus is its own body.

It is shameful when people kill a child because they don’t want to be responsible for the consequences of
having sex.
All life is sacred. Treat life as being sacred.

It is shameful when people abuse nature through waste of materials (consumerism) and pollution of the
environment. The woman does not impregnate herself. It takes both sperm and egg to make a baby. You
do not have the authority to end the life of any living being. No human has the authority to end the life of
any living being. If you do not know what life is and what the purpose of all life is, don’t make decisions
as if you do.

Life is not your possession.

You came into this world with nothing so you shall claim nothing. Give all of the credit to universal
consciousness. You are alive because your cells keep you alive. Do you consciously control your cells?
Love each other unconditionally. Truly, deeply, eternally. All life needs is love. All life needs love.

Bring hope by showing what real love is. Real love is laying down your life to save another. Real love is
wishing you could take someone else’s pain, so they no longer have to feel it.

When you see someone who is down, help them get back up. When you see someone being abused,
defend them.

Don’t run away. Stand up and face it. Overload the entire world by opening all the doors. How can you
bloom without true purpose?

Help those who no one else will.

Carry the flame and give it to all so that everyone can be part of the fire. When you see abuse, stop
covering your eyes.

You cannot hide from that which you let yourself become. If you do not feel remorse for the pain you
have caused, then may god have pity on your soul.

Look into the sky, at night, and witness eternity. Break the cycle of abuse. Forgive yourself, so you can
learn to forgive others.

God is inside everyone. God gave you your soul. Use your soul to love as god loves you. The soul is the
god particle. It is inside all life. Love is the only way. If you do not love, you cannot be. Love fills the
emptiness and makes you whole. When a seed grows roots, it is because the ground loved it. When a seed
with roots grows into a plant, it is because the water loved it. When a plant blooms, it is because the sun
loved it. Open your soul so that you may be free. Darkness lets you appreciate the moonlight. Darkness
lets the stars shine at night. Since every existence is a unique identity that manifested into form, the link
between the two - identity and manifested form - is the soul of that existence.

Nothing – identity. Infinity – manifestation. Oneness – soul.

For an existence to take form, a soul is needed to manifest an identity into being. How many times have
you walked passed someone who needed help and didn’t even think twice about offering yourself to help
ease someone else’s burden.

Forget the false standards, and just be a human being.

How many times could you have helped someone but turned them away and acted like it wasn’t your
problem. Let go of your insecurities. They are blocking you from forming real connections. The
universe’s decisions supersede.

Let go of your hate. Stop being ignorant and start welcoming everyone. You can’t see the view from the
top unless you’re willing to climb up.

Stop trying to stop people who are trying to make this world a better place.

Stop gathering data and start gathering wisdom. May your light be strong enough. That which can be
regarded as truth must be eternal and absolute.

The cycle of abuse needs to be stopped.

Never assume you know someone else’s pain. Never assume you know better than anyone else.

Love is that which doesn’t need to be conquered.

Try love first.

Discover love. Embrace it. Share it. Give it to the world. Make it infectious.

Give your entire soul to love. Your soul can heal the world.

The earth inhales as the summer blooms and the earth exhales as the winter comes. With each passing
cycle, the soul of the earth is breathing.

Only love makes you whole.

Love makes all life bloom.

Death is a process. For some, it is the end. For others, it is just the beginning.

The door to love is always open. Teach love onto the whole world because it is the only lesson everyone
needs to learn. Love is always more real than anything else. Don’t put people inside a box. Don’t put life
inside a box. Let life be free. You are either part of the natural flow, or you are getting eroded by it. Laws
aren’t morality. Laws are a system of control. Morality is a way of being.

Love is feeling the purity that is inside of the whole world. Consciousness fuels all of existence, so trying
to understand existence without understanding why consciousness fuels all of existence is impossible.

Do not deny your nature as a conscious and spiritual being.

Don’t limit what you can know, so that you may come to know more.

Don’t limit what you feel, so that you may come to feel more.

The atmosphere is that where the energy of a sphere fuses with the quantum energy field of the universe.
Don’t repeat the same thinking over and over again and expect to find a deeper understanding.

Helping others who are in need of help balances your energy. Stabilize and elevate. Each level has its
own personality.

For your mistakes to be overshadowed you must learn from them. Don't let ‘stable’ mediocrity tempt you
away from reaching your unique potential.

Unique DNA is potential for uniqueness. Everyone has unique DNA.

You aren’t born unique, you have the potential to become unique.

Unity - love. Identity - purpose. Infinity - potential.

Understand love so that you may come to grow the love of the world inside you.

Gluttony – is living in excess. Pride – is when you don’t think about anyone but yourself. Envy – is when
you want to ruin what someone else has. Wrath – is when you bring pain and suffering to make you feel
better. Lust – is when you put your desire above all else. Greed – is when you always want more. Sloth –
is when you do things without thinking of the consequences.

You are not above anyone or anything.

Always know where you stand.

Objectivity is removing personal bias.

God exists because: 1. The universe is all-knowing. The universe is universally consciousness. 2. The
universe is all-powerful. The universe is infinity. 3. The universe is present everywhere. The universe is
all of existence.

The first existence is a paradox, there is no need for a "first cause".

Because nothingness is always zero, nothingness allows for perpetual infinity.

Nothing – what existence is. Infinity – why existence is. One – how existence is.

What existence is causes why existence is and how it comes to be.

There is no ‘physical’. There is no separation. Reality is fluid. Identity manifests into existence because of
energy, through consciousness.

Learn to fly.

Nature is organic. Be organic.

Reach farther with less fuel.

Let the universe show you. Experiencing existence is understanding existence.

Knowledge isn’t memorized, the truth is accessed through consciousness.

Memory exists so that you can remember the feelings which words cannot explain. Only love allows the
seed to grow. Only love allows the tree of life to bloom. How can you know how existence works, if you
do not know why existence exists in the first place and what existence actually is?

Let’s give a moment of silence to everyone who has suffered at the hands of the fallen.

The soul is a mirror. Let it reflect your love onto the world.

The spirit of the universe cures all.

Essence, spirit and love. The roots of existence. Let the memory and shame of your sins wash your soul

Become the artwork of the divine.

Sins drag you down, love lets you fly.

It is a sin not to love.

You need to choose to drink the water. The water will not drink itself into you.

A horse doesn’t question who made the river. A horse drinks the water before it.

Stand on the bridge until everyone crosses safely over it.

If you want to lead, make sure everyone is taken care of with love.

A leader always puts his needs last.

Let love make you pure. Let love inspire others to be pure. Let love make you whole. Let love inspire
others to be whole.

Love is the path. Love is that which opens the door even if everyone else already closed it.

Love doesn’t give demands. Love isn’t expecting anything in return. Love is giving everything to all.

Love isn’t controlling the lives of others. Love is revealing the eternity within all.

A little bit of mystery never hurt anyone's curiosity.

Who wants to live in a world without hope? Who wants to live in a world without love?

Love is eternal. The spirit is eternal.

Their extrapolations onto the universe don’t even fit properly.

Fudging the results gives them hope that they aren’t stuck in the illusion they’ve invented.

Love is inspiration to learn to breathe life’s energy again.

The planet is alive. The planet is full of life. The planet will never die.

To reach it you must reach for it by reaching through it. Sometimes the stream flows around you,
sometimes the whirlpool drags you inside it.

The universe becomes more when it does more with less; through me becoming more, when i do more
with less.

Do more with less so that you can become more capable of doing even more with even less. Hold onto
nothing to capture the essence of everything.

Remove the fear. Remove the anger. Remove the hate. Love is waiting. Open the gate.

Be the divine seed because the universe is looking to grow divine trees. Everything has the same origin.
Everything is one because everything is only one existence.

Existence cannot be separated from itself since all things came from one existence are one existence.

Existence is the source of all existence.

You cannot separate the universe from itself. You cannot separate existence from existence.

When chaos sleeps, order dreams. I cannot be but that which i am. I cannot be but that which is. I am that
which is because i am from that which is.

Omnipotence is the ability to access infinity. Omniscience is the ability to transcend consciousness.
Omnipresence is the ability to create from nothing.

Understand by being. Remove the ceiling.

Remove your personal desires and remove your intentions and just allow life to be.

Reality cannot be quantified.

Connect existence with consciousness. In order to know, you must feel. When you experience, you feel
existence. The only way to experience is to connect.

Why suffocate the beauty when you can help create it?

The best feeling in the world is helping something or someone in need.

Help those who are in need of help. Do not believe in perspectives that limit existence.

Commit to a life of commitment towards the universe.

Reach your divine potential. Don’t limit your potential.

Learn from all sources.

The universe is mysterious because it is unpredictable. Understand so that you can help others understand.

In order to understand order, you must become part of the chaos.

In order to exist, you must learn to be free.

Exist from within, the deeper you go, the deeper you connect.

Higher consciousness means you can see more. Higher consciousness means you can feel more.

Consciousness is present everywhere. Consciousness is universal.

The energy is infinite because empty space is the fuel and empty space is without end. By denying
universal consciousness you deny your access to it.

The earth is the paradise.

Divine simplicity – one identity becomes an identity tree which creates more identities which become
identity tree resulting in an infinity of possibilities.

The identity of existence is encoded in the very fiber of existence.

It’s not the abstraction that will confuse you. It’s the absolute simplicity of the abstraction that will.
Everything true changes everything it touches.

Truth is pure. Love is pure. Pure is divine.

You can’t change the choices you’ve already made. You can only make better choices from now on.

The light blinds your eyes, so that darkness can open your mind.

The universe is not predestined because that would limit existence and existence is unlimited.

Existence is always all of existence being one existence.

Let your ego die. Let your soul fly.

DNA updates itself. DNA records all things and can hold access to all things.

Everyone has the ability to advance their existence. Everyone has the ability to transcend into higher

Until all of humanity agrees that all of the things that stop humanity from reaching its full potential need
to be removed, humanity will not transcend as a species.
Everyone has the power to love. Everyone has the power to bring hope to someone else.

What is actually happening? Nothing. Everywhere. And everything. Somewhere. At the same time.

Objective understanding of reality is consciousness experiencing actuality.

Stop worrying about solving the mysteries of the universe and enjoy the mystery.

Reality doesn’t fit inside a finite box and there is no such thing as an infinite box.

Everything starts but has no beginning. Everything is completed but has no end.

Existence is fluid.

Every cycle is part of a bigger cycle. Consequently every cycle has smaller cycles within it. You limit
yourself by holding beliefs that limit.

Humanity is not above existence. Humanity is not above life itself.

The word "man" comes from ancient times, and it means “mind.”

Make sure you are not heading into a future that doesn’t exist.

A creation is a manifestation of the difference in the continuum.

The universe does not force choices upon you. The path to the light means understanding the darkness.

Darkness is the unknown. Light is the truth. You were given access to consciousness. Use consciousness
to be.

Prevalent thoughts are signals that something needs to change.

Listen to that which you feel inside you.

Pain is a lesson. Inspire a teaching.

Transcend into universal consciousness.

Infinity manifests identity. A light star transmits energy. A dark star absorbs energy. We have both within
our planetary system.

The universe’s energy is free and unlimited and that allows the universe to invest whenever and in
whatever it needs to, instantaneously.

The universe provides guidance through consciousness. But you have to open up your whole existence to
absorb this guiding energy.
Invest everything back into nature. Invest into sustainability.

Sustainability is a responsibility that all must share.

Nature is the cure. The spirit of nature heals.

Do not subject your body to any chemicals. If the food you ingest isn’t natural and organic, your body
will not reach its potential.

If you can’t ingest it safely it shouldn’t be on your skin. If you can’t ingest it safely it shouldn’t be in the
environment. Art is an extension of the soul.

The truth blindfolds the egos, kidnaps the spiritual and inspires the divine to reach eternity.

The infinity of the universe cannot fit inside a finite box.

The universe is an open source. The universe is always open.

The truth reveals all.

Perspectives are a snapshot. The truth is the entire scenery being experienced in real time.

All phenomena are the same phenomenon, expressed uniquely given the specifics of each event.

A tree can be a tree of probability. All probabilities are tested.

Use less. Do more. Be more.

Open yourself to the energy that is all things, so that it may help you bloom.

The universe can provide you with perpetual energy. But you can only access it once you are completely
aligned with it.

Life is a unified and continuous rhythm. Not a bunch of random notes forced together. Everyone is meant
to be unique. Escape the categories. Escape the labels.

This moment. This place. In this space. At this time. Experience it and learn to experience it like that,
forever. Seize the day. Try something unique. Each moment you don’t experience life fully is a missed
opportunity to grow.

New is not better. Old is not forever. Don’t put your effort into anything that isn’t putting your effort to
good use.

Life needs diversity to flourish. It is not natural selection. It is natural divergence.

The universe researches all possibilities.

Diversity is balance. Chaos causes order. Simple lessons escape those who over-complicate things. Think
outside of the finite box. Finite beliefs make your existence static.
Divine enlightenment makes your experience electric.

You can’t slice reality into bits and pieces and expect to understand it as a whole. Turbulent airflow is
unpredictable. “until something works.” Do not contain energy, release it. Help energy transcend so that
all energy can benefit.

Inside every existence, there is an energy. The potential is unlocked by freeing the energy through

Don’t be: too scared to give up your comfortable beliefs. Too proud to see your mistakes. Too envious to
believe in someone else.

You cannot know life unless you feel it. You cannot know life unless you live it.

Put your ego aside and let your soul make the decisions.

Omega – integrity, identity, immovable. Omega protects all things because omega is all things. Omega
gains power by absorbing from all things. Alpha – power, passion, unstoppable. Alpha inspires all things
to be great, alpha fuses with all things. Alpha gains power from injecting alpha into all things. Beta –
fluidity, connectivity, permanent. Beta flows through all things and allows all things. Beta is fuel for all
things because beta is the origin of all things.

Consciousness and existence intertwined; into an infinite reduction of a recursive expansion.

The absolutes provide a stable foundation so that the potential of the continuum can be energized. Things
exist, because existence has always existed. Non-existence can never exist, therefore all that exists has to
have always existed.

Trust the universe. Trust nature. Trust your body. Trust your instincts. Only a fool would argue with
another fool over foolish things. Limitations turn static. Static things fade away.

Plan less and live more freely to experience life fully. Channel the mystery so that your life becomes

You get what you put in.

Don’t be afraid to express yourself as long as it does not harm yourself or anyone else.

Universal consciousness. Divine simplicity. All is one.

Individuality doesn’t impede unity.

Nothing is the mystery. Infinity is the ecstasy.

Finite beliefs cannot open infinity.

Trees are wise. Trees provide for all life.

Become one with the cycle of nature. It will release your true energy.
Purity of soul unlocks the world.

Existence will always be a mystery because its origin is rooted inside a paradox.

The more you are not, the more you grow into being.

To be – to be means ‘to be that which is existence itself’ or it means ‘to be a unique representation of
existence’. It is a paradox. Or not to be – the more things you are not, the more you become all things
which are.

I find myself, lost in the woods, where the trees don’t move, they don’t talk; they just sit there and wait
for you to listen.

Life is sacred. Life is divine. Life is pure. Life is love. Embody the energy of life.

You have misconceptions because you’re missing all of the important connections. How things are, are
because of what the things are. Why things are, are because of what the things are.

Before you can see something more profoundly you must realize that there is something more profound
that you can see.

Focus on connecting to the beauty of which no thoughts can comprehend. Don’t blame each other. Learn
the lesson together. Avoid things which only further the mishaps and focus on finding the resolution

Ask the spirit for forgiveness and the spirit will show you a path to redemption.

Break free, so that you can see.

Remove unnatural things from your life so you can experience life organically. Inorganic things are
things which were not made naturally. Ground, ice, fire, plant fiber, air, water are all natural elements.

The energy cycle of the universe is based on pure energy.

Transcending is never ending.

The purpose of the universe is for the universe to transcend higher.

Consciousness is not quantifiable. Experience is not quantifiable. Existence is not quantifiable.

Let existence come inside you. Let consciousness open you. Let your experience be pure.

A relationship takes genuine care.

Not everyone has the same path.

All true paths will always synchronize and unite.

The energy diverges. The energy unites. The energy combines.

The ocean runs into the stream which runs into the ocean. In order to absorb you must also emit.
Spending more time in nature will balance you and help you sync your energy to the universe's.

Use less (technology). Experience more (natural reality).

Nature allows your soul to breathe.

You can make magic, but you must believe in it. Don’t hate it just because you can’t control it.

Don’t try to control it just because you don’t understand it.

The first tree is the source of the entire forest. A tree can only grow into a forest if it plants many seeds
that grow into trees.

Synchronicity unites infinity. Set definitions do not describe reality correctly.

Between the absolutes there is a continuum.

The origin becomes the source. The source emits energy and absorbs energy. The source does not change,
but the energy transcends.

If you do not believe in me, you will not be open to the miracles i can perform.

Treat others how you would want to be treated if you were in their shoes.

For the entire planet is your family.

Do not look down upon anyone, for you too will fall.

Instead of putting people down, help them back up when they fall.

The vibration of the rhythm erupts transcendental energy into me as i start to ascend. Higher and higher i
go, into the nothing i know nothing of.

You will only be able to climb the peak together.

You can see trinities in nature everywhere. Take a fruit. It has a seed (identity), core (energy) and skin

Nothingness and infinity fuse into one.

Truth that is realized cannot be unrealized.

Nothing – identity infinity – energy one – unity

If you want to imagine nothingness, just think of endless darkness. A never-ending black canvas. You can
zoom in forever or zoom out forever and it won't change.
Darkness exists, and it is endless. If you want to experience infinity, just look up at the sky in the middle
of the night.

An origin does not need a cause.

The source for all existence has always existed.

The higher you transcend the more you can absorb.

You cannot emit the energy without absorbing the essence.

Human systems of belief can't dissolve reality because they ignore it by separating everything instead of
observing the connections.

Let go of your insecurities.

Breaking free is the hardest part. Being free is the highest form.

What can forever create? Consciousness. What can’t ever be removed? Existence. Nothing – absolute
existence. Infinity – perpetual spirit. One – transcendental consciousness.

Higher consciousness, higher existence, higher purpose.

Be the best divine being you can be.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Illuminate the entire world and all the paths will become clear.

Understand the meaning of unity. Unity does not mean conformity. Unity is universal connectivity.

That which connects all things is love.

In the beginning there was universal consciousness, and universal consciousness was within all, and
universal consciousness was all.

The teacher must also learn along the way.

The universe is not finite, your consciousness must match the responsibility.

Something so beautiful it makes all things beautiful.

Everyone has the chance to love and become divine. There is no original sin.

Let the essence infuse into your very being.

Begin anew. Become an origin. Love is free. Share it so that it can become contagious.
Nothing is free. More nothing can always exist. Infinity is perpetual. Infinity absorbs itself and creates.
One is always one. Oneness transcends itself. The magic is happening. Don’t be afraid of the magic. Let it
captivate you.

Life is free. If it isn’t free, it isn’t life. Come fly with me. Drop everything and let’s just be. Pull more
emptiness inside you so that you can fuel the infinity.

The answers aren’t easy because there are no answers.

Consciousness is everywhere. Existence is always.

I can show you how to free yourself but i cannot chain myself for you.

I have been more than happy to share everything i know.

I’m not taking credit for anything. You shouldn’t either.

More than ever, now until forever.

The universe gave me new life. The universe believed in me and told me to never stop being. The
universe told me, to believe in myself. You cannot take shortcuts in life. Some of the detours have a nice
view though. It too will pass, but at what cost?

Extract the essence to create a foundation and a purpose.

Provide an essential foundation for all and they will find the divine purpose on their own.

Before you can be existence (world), understand the essence (energy), inspire the consciousness
(blueprint of identity) and create a harmonious environment (paradise) that provides both a foundation
(life) and a purpose (prosperity).

All things collapse into one eruption.

Going back into nature with nothing except my soul and waiting for the rebirth.

Break down the boundaries that divide those which build them.

If you get left behind it’s because you didn’t want to move forward. Nothingness inside makes you light.
Infinity gives you wings.

The universe gave me an unsolvable puzzle and I’ve solved it by using another unsolvable puzzle.

The universe is without beginning, without end.

Explore the unknown.

Silence whispers secrets silently.

The mind has secret senses that unlock essential essence.

Inspiration causes curiosity.

If you want to know the mystery behind all things, become the mystery and figure yourself out.

You can’t know better until you stop thinking you know best.

Everyone has a shadow. Not all shadows are the same.

You can’t heal someone else until you’ve healed yourself.

Existence cannot be removed. It can only be absorbed by the source.

Access universal consciousness by removing all desires.

You can only access real power once you’ve let go of all intentions to use it.

Enjoy the experience and reach deeper understanding as you explore life.

When you think you know the purpose of existence, you’ll stop searching for the purpose of existence.
When you find it, you’ll know you’ve found it. I collapsed into myself so i can expand.

Every singularity ripples into eternity.

Ascension is being set free. Ascension is becoming the energy.

I think therefore i am. "i can only be that which i am aware of being". Existence needs consciousness to
exist and to function as existence. You can only be as much as you can be conscious of being.

The ever changing absorbs the forever permanent and together they create existence.

The origin of existence is 0=0 and 0=1 and 0=infinity. For existence to be complete, 1=1 and 1=infinity
and infinity=infinity must also be.

DNA unlocks potential, it does not define existence.

Existence is a continuum. Existence is absolute.

Sometimes it needs to rain, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes you get stuck in rain, sometimes you don't.

Align yourself with natural energy and focus on a natural life.

Channel the energy in a positive way.

The energy can heal, the energy can guide, the energy is inside. The energy can do everything because the
energy is everything.

In order to understand the cycle you must understand the consciousness behind the cycle.
Nothingness must always exist because how can nothing not exist? Nothingness is absolute existence. It
must always exist.

I don’t think you’ve realized exactly how much I’ve realized, but at least now I’ve made you aware of
your possibility to realize even more.

You exist but so does everything else. And you must account for that.

Consciousness is the driving force behind existence.

The mountain needs to have the consciousness of a mountain (immovable). The ocean needs to have the
consciousness of an ocean (fluidity).

Infinity is perpetual energy. Infinity is infinite potential for energy.

Nothingness is nothingness. Nothingness is boundless, therefore it is infinite nothingness. Nothingness is

absolute (forever unchanging), therefore it is one nothingness.

All that exists is reality, and all that exists is inseparable. You cannot expect to find comprehensive
understanding of reality by "testing" reality one detail at a time. What is happening is one endless,
continuous phenomenon. Existence cannot transcend without consciousness.

I have been healed and i have been shown how to heal. I am here to provide guidance towards
understanding so that you can heal. Choose to become one with the energy so you can unfold the energy
inside of you. The mind synchronizes consciousness. Activate the mind.

Plants and spices heal. Nature heals. Love heals. Consciousness heals. The soul heals.

Love yourself if you have no one else. Love yourself by loving the universe. Even if you feel like you are
alone, the universe is always within you and around you.

You must heighten your consciousness if you want to experience higher being.

Reality awaits. Start connecting.

Break down so you can build up.

Absence of understanding is not understanding of absence.

Be life and let life be life.

Life is love. Everything else, is unnecessary complications you involve yourself in.

Love is free. Love is always free.

I’m just the messenger. The message is powerful if you allow it within you. Let your soul dance to the
rhythm of the energy. Be the reality you need to be that will make others see and believe in a better being.
Consciousness is the perfume. Existence is the flower. I have accessed nothing. I am the singularity event.
Eat of the food that the universe serves everywhere to everyone.

Divinity: simplicity allows the pure essence to expand into eternity.

Let the mind wonder free.

Don’t absorb anything. Let it absorb you.

I can only show you the light, if i can spark the eternal fire, so that all your mistakes can be burnt into

Only the universe sets the course, whether you like it or not.

Purity cures all errors.

Reality is hard to understand because it is a paradox. The same coin can bring two results.

Feelings opens the consciousness of the soul. Release the energy that's universal.

That which is always lost is always looking to find. The universe inserted the soul inside you so that you
can insert your soul in the universe so that you can become the universe that inserts into itself. Your soul
is your perpetual fuel. Do not pollute your soul.

Accept that which is eternal so that you can become perpetual. Lose yourself in the art to become an
artist. Thinking there is a limit is the concept which limits. Accepting the first possibility always limits
from finding the infinity of other possibilities.

The educations system tries to force you to learn the things which can contribute to an established society.

Static beliefs limit the infinite potential. Static things become transformed into functional energy. The
quantum energy field is constantly transforming existence.

Nothing reaches infinity.

Meet me behind the curtains of mystery. The universe created humanity. The universe knows humanity
better than humanity knows itself.

There is no authority on consciousness. Consciousness is free.

Single is alone. One is complete.

Raise yourself so high that it raises everyone else. Resurrect yourself from the inside. Do you like being
inside the box because the walls make you feel safe? Do more with less, always.

Divergence searches through all possibility so that unique seeds can be created. Divinity simplifies so that
pure seeds can expand their potential. Order is the roots. Chaos is the branches. The tree is one.

The energy only grows when it has room to grow.

Life is about appreciating the mystery, not trying to control it. Enjoy the moment. Don’t strangle the

Face the facts that there are no facts.

Ignorance is not an excuse for you’ve been given all the tools. The trumpets have sounded worldwide.
The angels are signaling you from the sky. Be responsible for the person you are and the choices you

The universe does not control. The universe comes into its own. There is no separation. Existence is a
continuum. I am an absolute identity surrounded by infinite potential.

The future hasn’t happened yet. That's the whole point of it being "the future".

The purpose of life is letting love set you free so you can be.

What proof do you have that reality can be proven?

You cannot prove reality. You can only discover higher understanding. Glitches in the system become the
new system.

Different atmospheres create different spectrums of conditions. Open your mind by accessing a blank
state, and the consciousness will find you. There is no intelligence. There is only higher consciousness.
There is no evolution. There is only higher existence. There are no correct perspectives. There are only
paths to transcendence.

Adapting to conditions of the environment doesn't mean you understand how the environment works.

I – identity think - consciousness therefore - perpetual (infinity) i – identity am - existence. (note:

therefore = there forever)

When consciousness is 0, infinity emits. When consciousness is 1, infinity absorbs. When existence is 0,
infinity manifests. When existence is 1, infinity transcends. Nothing is the most absolute. Nothing is the
most infinite. Nothing is the most complete.

Don't make a permanent mistake for a temporary temptation. Animals are not your possessions. Plants are
not your possession. Land is not your possession. Water is not your possessions. Resources are not your
possessions. Other people aren’t possessions. The earth is the home of all life. Abuse life and you abuse

Karma stains deep. Existence cannot be controlled. Consciousness cannot be controlled. Change the
frequency to receive a better transmission. Understanding consciousness means understanding
consciousness is universal. You have no right to take the life of another life. The universe told me to
never lose hope in the universe. Open your soul to the energy that is inside all. What is good, is beneficial
for all.

Do more with less. Be more by doing more with less.

Violence is not the answer. Violence is never the answer.

Emotional abuse is emotional violence. It is just as wrong as violence.

Learn about life so that you can learn about yourself. You can't reach the seed unless you eat of the fruit.

Don't blame the messenger. Blame yourself for not understanding the message.

If i have perpetual energy, i have infinite free energy.

Existence cannot escape itself. What the universe is – nothing is everything. Why it is – nothing created
everything. How it works – nothing and everything become one. Search for that which lets you need

Transcend into universal consciousness. Open your mind, body and soul to the everything that is all.
Learn to love one another, or you are already in hell.

Love the good in one another. For love brings the good out in each other.

Understand the paradox to unlock more mystery.

Let it all go. What is true will always come back, and make you stronger.

Believing in eternal love isn't false hope. Believing in universal being isn't false hope. Believing in higher
consciousness isn't false hope.

Open your soul to love so you become connected to the whole world.

Go deeper into the feeling every time you can.

Exploring emotion unlocks new types of emotion.

The pattern can always take you deeper. The code is endless.

People believe in eternal love, because they can feel it. People believe in universal being, because they
can feel it. People believe in higher consciousness, because they can feel it. Whenever you’re saying no
someone else is saying yes and taking your place because they were willing to open the space by erasing
the negatives.

What’s stopping you from feeling higher existence?

Lessons need to be learned on their own. All you can offer is guidance. Lifting the whole world up is like
lifting an immovable rock.

Never lose hope in finding the way to eternal love.

Until you have suffered you will not learn why you shouldn’t do things that make others suffer. Go out
and suffer for the world, to help bring it out of suffering. It is not that you can’t, it is that you choose not
Start believing in the universe. Start believing in yourself. You need to let go of the self to reach the
higher being.

Express from the heart. Written or drawn, emotion is art. Expose your soul to all, so all can see.
Nothingness – absolutely. Infinity – never ending. Oneness – unconditional. What is pure is always pure.

Find the essence. Breathe the essence. Inspire more essence. Infinity is your fuel. You becoming infinite
is infinity’s fuel.

The search for identity is the soul trying to connect. Send a wave of infinity across the world and watch
all of the potential bloom. Once you stop trying to control, you become. I'm not trying to control my
energy. Let the energy be. Let the energy show you the way.

Love removes all fear. Have hope that the universe still has hope in you.

Break the cycle of hate. Break the cycle of fear. Inspire hope by loving the ones others have left behind. A
better world starts with each and every one.

Find the soul, find god, find yourself. Experience that which can enlighten you.

I believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself. "thou shall not kill" was pretty clear the first
time it was written. Why are you still killing each other? You are all brothers and sisters. Everyone is part
of the eternal existence. Everyone is a part of god. The identity of consciousness perpetually elevates the
identity of existence.

The original identity is the seed. The infinity is the roots and the branches. The tree is one. The new
identities are the seeds of the tree. The infinity is the trees. The forest is one.

I give you everything freely so that you can one day learn to give everything you can give, to each other.
Those who truly want to help the world, help the world without asking for anything in return.

Nothing – order. Infinity – chaos. One – balance. Nothing – serenity infinity – euphoria one – nirvana

I am not here to judge your souls. Only the universe can do that. I am here to show you the path to
becoming a conscious, spiritual being. When you suffocate life with selfish desires, your soul cannot
breathe. You only end up suffocating yourself. Think about how you can help others open their souls to
pure love. Think about how you can help others open their minds to universal consciousness. Think about
how you can help others open their existence to eternal being.

Don’t get stuck in mental mud.

Everything can be used as a distraction. Become focused and avoid missing out on finding the next level
of energy. Find the purpose and let it give you purpose in all things. Tasks are simpler when you work
together with true purpose. You can carry more together, than the sum you can carry when you are each
alone. The same burden becomes heavier when you have to carry it alone. Your potential, your energy
gets wasted when you do not have true purpose. Division taints the ability to reach perpetual energy.
Unity invites perpetual energy.
The soul needs energy so that a being can be complete. Accepting the concept of physicality
limits you from being able to reach the true nature of the universe. The true nature of the universe is a
continuum consciousness fusing with an absolute existence. That which is true is pure. That which is
essential is pure. Love is pure. An infinite nothingness surrounds the original singularity. The original
singularity is the manifested identity of the original trinity. (nothing = infinity = one). The original
singularity created everything by absorbing that which is nothing and transcending it, by infusing an
identity from the original trinity into everything that is created. Believing in beliefs that cannot advance
your existence means that your consciousness is trapped in a finite loop. To reach the eternal cycle, you
must allow the eternal truth to transcend existence higher.
You will never be able to understand the entire universe until you realize that nothingness can
never be observed and understand that nothingness is the absolute existence which will always exist.
Higher being and higher consciousness will let you reach this understanding of the universe. The entire
universe came through the manifestation of the original trinity identity. In order to understand existence
you must experience existence. You must be conscious to understand what you are experiencing.
You cannot observe what is happening, you must realize what is happening. You cannot change
the identity of the universe. You cannot change the energy of the universe. You can only transform your
energy by embodying the identity. We are all part of the same existence. If you truly want to experience a
pure existence, you must understand the principle behind all of existence. The principle behind all of
existence is for existence to become more by doing more with less. Avoid living in excess so that your
soul is allowed to access a higher state of energy. The less you use, the more you can access. Without
channeling energy the proper way, you will not experience existence in the highest form. When you have
nothing you inspire the world. When you want to conquer the whole world, you suffocate yours. The true
meaning of words can reveal the true meaning of the world. Nothing remains nothing because nothing
cannot be removed. Infinity absorbs itself so it can emit. One transcends itself so that it can persist as one.
Connect yourself to the absolute by continuously connecting to the continuum of the absolute. Having
nothing makes you feel so alive. If the starting assumption is flawed, the umbrella it unfolds is also
flawed. The soul can elevate your entire existence. Become conscious of the ability of the soul. Cut your
hair only when you need a fresh start.
By understanding nothing you can understand everything. Nothing is absolute existence. Infinity
is infinite potential. Oneness is eternal transcendence. In order to find eternal truth, you must reject all
that does not explain eternity. Nature will give you faster feedback the faster you give it feedback.
Open all channels. The transmission is clearer when unlimited. From nature you come, into nature shall
you return if you want to find your real home. You must laugh. You must cry. To release the pain you
hold inside. You must choose to access unlimited consciousness by not limiting consciousness. When
you’re serene. Become absent from the world. When you’re euphoric. Become boundless in your soul.
When you reach nirvana. Complete the world with your soul. You can choose to evolve, but if you cannot
acknowledge or realize what evolution truly means, you cannot evolve. It was one. It was many. It was
unstoppable. Limitless forms. All everywhere, at once, in one place.
It is one. It is in everyone. There is no escape. It is a poison that purifies everything endlessly
because it is all knowing. It does not even exist. Yet, it controls everything. The world always ends
without an ending. There is only one reality and all of existence takes part of one reality. You cannot
create your own reality, you can only conceive reality through consciousness so that you can become part
of reality. Lose all of your pre-conceived notions to access the truth. The search for truth is not static and
the truth isn’t formulated.
Nothing is the absolute existence that must always exist. The existence of nothing is a paradox in
itself. All of existence is a manifestation of the paradox that nothing itself is. All of existence is naturally
and inherently, a paradox within itself. Uniqueness, utility and unity.
The universe has no beginning. The universe has no end. The universe has always been. The universe will
always be. Nothing is an infinity that is absolute. Nothing is an infinity that is a singularity. The absolute
and the singularity create one continuum. Nothing must remain one continuum, thus everything created
becomes one with the continuum.
Nothingness is the uncaused cause. Be within the existence that is within everything. Plant
original seeds. Let them grow roots by watering them with the essence of life. Nothing – zero is always
everywhere and is always zero. Infinity – nothing can extend or collapse into infinity. One – all of
nothing is always one. One is always one. The continuum: zero and infinity form a duality. Zero and one
form a duality. One and infinity form a duality. The existence of one nothing is the source of all
existence. It is the origin of every existence. It creates the universe which creates itself. It is nothing (0),
infinity (oo) and one (1) at the same time.
I am conscious of existence. I am the consciousness of existence. I am the existence. The universe
transcends itself through everything having consciousness of existence. The consciousness of the universe
creates in the image of the universe. The image of the universe is the origin of the universe. The origin of
the universe is the trinity identity.
The universe is a manifestation of itself that allows itself to manifest using the identity of itself.
The purpose of the universe is for its entire existence to transcend eternally.
You cannot separate the universe, from its transcendental identity. All of existence, the entire
universe is one absolute continuum. Everything came out of nothing, and nothing still exists everywhere.
Therefore: everything can still come out of nothing.

Christian – bringer of Christ eugen–“born good” Ignatius/Ignacio – meaning “ignite/spark” - from

egnatius – meaning “unknown” David – meaning “son of”

Any identity-manifested energy that has ever existed can be activated in the present simply by
understanding its consciousness-code.

Nothing is the same. No one thing is the same as any other thing. Nothing is the only thing that is the
same, or stays the same. Everything else is always different. No two atoms are the same. The time is now.
The place is here. Ready or not, it’s happening.

Just like there is less air to breathe when you climb a mountain higher, there is less consciousness to
conceive when you enter the mind deeper.

The more connections you make the more connected you are.

When you sleep you can only remember your dreams. Sleep is the other universe where links that can’t
happen in reality, happen in the dream-space.

Be responsible for what decisions you make because your decisions make up who you are.

When you need less, a lot of things become needless.

My purpose is to realize reality and decode it using words. Your purpose is to let my words help you
realize reality. To encode the code you must be able to know the code well enough to decode all of it. The
more encrypted the code is the harder it is to gain access its original form. Consciousness is a code.
Reality is a code. Everything is encrypted.

Eternal life is not someone having an unending lifetime. Eternal life is perpetually accessing the eternal
energy. Eternal life is perpetually embodying the eternal energy.

If you have a game or have been playing a game until now, i must inform you that your game is now
over. All games will be eliminated from having influence on the future paradise which is to come. You
have been warned, the players of games. The universe says check mate. And before you do anything else,
check your fate.
Between the endless sky and the endless flames burning within it, you are one witness to eternity. Break
through by letting go of the things which stop you from breaking through. The truth is never going away
so might as well get used to it affecting reality.

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