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Diego Saldaña Luna 5D

Overnight Texting Linked to Health Risks in Teenagers

Many teenagers spend their time using their mobiles even after bedtime.This is
why teenagers have some health problems.

Researchers recently did a study of the activities that a teenager did when he
was supposed to sleep and more than the third quarter of the participants
studied presented that they had chronic problems to sleep.

Researchers discovered that devices stimulate the brain and this causes
alteration in the sleep.Some presented in this study a very high percentage of
texts written at night.The use of devices at night cause serious different
disorders.Parents were concerned about this.

Another study found that 8-year-old boys also have this problem but girls
present it more.The numbers of the messages is worryingly.This is causing that
instead of normal sleep they only have an average of 5 hours of sleep.

A study on the other side of the world found that little sleep can make children
stress easier, but Dr. Glozier has different therapies to treat this.Richard
Gallagher agrees that the use of devices is dangerous and that parents should
watch their children at night with their device since many do not even know
what they are doing in it.

All researchers agree that excessive use of these devices are still unknown and
need more research.To prevent this problem from researchers recommend that
parents talk with their children about this since their health depends on them.

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