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Guillermo Ríos Magdaleno 5ºD

09/21/2020 English V
Summary Writing Test Assessment Event

Overnight Texting Linked to Health Risks in Teenagers

Teenagers' habits are changing. Using their phone late at night before going to sleep
is something totally normal these days. The main factor affecting the users is the
accessibility people have to social media. Researchers at the JFK Medical Center in
New Jersey, studied health issues, including sleep difficulties, caused by the use of
any mobile phone before going to sleep.

The importance of a quality sleep will determine your efficiency during the day, but
late night messages are making this process almost impossible. Who wouldn't wake
up to the sound of a new message received? The recommended time for a teenager
to sleep is between 9 and 9.5 hours and when the body doesn’t receive the needed
amount the problems arrive.

Late-night use of electronics are affecting teenagres health and the impact is
atrocious; such as mental health illnesses, sleep disorders, mood swings, ADHD
disorder and many more. A research made by Dr. Mike says that the ‘’after lights’’
habits are affecting more girls than boys, since they tend to spend 2.2 times more
time texting.

This is causing a great decrease in their sleeping time, causing them to be more
likely psychologically distressed, a study conducted by Professor Nicholas at the
University of Sydney. He concluded that the use of melatonin may aid. Technology is
something crucial for our communication and to stay connected, we just need to
control our usage. Our health depends on it.

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