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Antonio Rezek Chartouni

Paraphrase Test

Electronic media nowadays have become very accessible which has led teenagers
to send electronic messages and texts long after they are supposed to go to sleep,
this led to some research one of these in the medical center in Edison New Jersey,
recently studied the activities of teenagers, they studied 40 teenagers boys and girls
with an average age of 14 years.

After that study they managed to conclude that boys and girls send between 34
messages per night and just over 3,400 messages at night per month and each
teenager wakes up once a night to see messages, women tend to stay awake to
send or write messages while men just play video games.

The worrying thing about all this is that these habits generate hyperactivity in boys
and girls. It is suggested to the parents of these children to give a talk about the
consequences of using the telephone in this way. The most worrying thing about
these things is that teenagers are no longer getting their sleep and are getting just
over five hours on average. Related to this in Australia a doctor made a study that
showed that for every less hour of sleep, we deteriorate 14% more psychologically.

These people with disorder are given therapies and put on melatonin hormones.
Scientists advise parents to talk to their children about the consequences of using
phones at night, and to set some rules.

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