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An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

Kyung Tae Kim, Byung Jun Lee, Jae Hyun Choi, Bo Yle Jung, and Hee Yong Youn
School of Information and Communication Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
{ktkim, Bjlee}, {boyle, pondera7},


Wireless sensor network consisting of a large
number of small sensors is effective for gathering
various data in a variety of environments. Since each
sensor operates on battery, energy efficient data
transfer is indispensable to maximize the lifetime of the
network. In this paper we propose a new data transfer
protocol employed in large-scale wireless sensor
network. Here only one designated cluster-head sends
the data received from other cluster-heads to the base
station during one round of communication. Also, we
adopt a method that replaces weak cluster-head using
a proxy node. Comparison with the existing schemes
such as LEACH and PEACH through computer
simulation reveals that the proposed scheme
significantly improves the network lifetime for
practical operational conditions.

1. Introduction

With recent advancements and developments in
micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) technologies,
low-cost low-power wireless micro sensor nodes have
become popular. A sensor node has one or more
sensors, a general purpose processor of limited
computing power and memory, and a radio transceiver
operating on battery. By deploying sensor nodes to
compose a sensor network, one can remotely collect
information on the behavior, condition, and position of
the entities in the target area [1-5]. A sensor network
consists of a large number of tiny autonomous sensor
nodes. The basic components of a sensor node are
sensing unit, processing unit, radio unit, and power unit.
The data collected by the sensor nodes are sent to the
base station (BS) through wireless communication. The
base station summarizes the collected data and presents
them to the user or sends them to the remote host.
Distinguished from traditional wireless networks,
sensor networks are characterized by severe power,
computation, and memory constraints. One of the most
restrictive factors regarding the lifetime of wireless
sensor network (WSN) is limited energy resource of
the deployed sensor nodes. Because the sensor nodes
carry limited and generally irreplaceable power sources,
the protocols designed for WSN must seriously take the
issue of energy into consideration. Cluster-based
routing protocol is the routing protocol proposed for
the WSN to minimize the consumption of the energy of
the sensors [6, 7, 13-15].
In Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
(LEACH) [8], the communication protocols and their
energy efficiencies in homogenous networks are
studied. LEACH is a cluster-based protocol adopting
the policy of randomized rotation of the cluster-heads
to evenly distribute the energy load among the sensor
nodes in the network. With adaptive clustering and
randomized cluster-head selection, energy was shown
to be evenly dissipated among the nodes. Together with
local data fusion, LEACH achieves a factor of 7~8
improvements in network lifetime comparing with
direct communication, MTE (Minimum Transmission
Energy) scheme [9], and static clustering scheme. In
LEACH data transfer occurs in each round of
communication, where every node has a packet to send
to the BS located far.
Proxy-Enabled Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
(PEACH) [10] employs the same approach as LEACH
but proposes an additional scheme for extending the
lifetime of the sensor network. In PEACH a proxy node
is selected which can assume the role of cluster-head in
place of weak cluster-head during one round of
communication. It is based on the consensus of healthy
nodes for the detection and manipulation of failure in
any cluster-head. In LEACH and PEACH, the cluster-
based scheme avoids long range communication, data
fusion saves energy by compressing the data, and
rotation of cluster-heads allows even depletion of the
energy. This effectively prolongs the lifetime of every
node. The authors of [11] propose a protocol called
This research was supported by a grant (07High Tech A01) from
High tech Urban Development Program funded by Ministry of Land,
Transportation and Maritime Affairs of Korean government. This
research was supported by the Post-BK21 Project. Corresponding
author: Hee Yong Youn
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
978-0-7695-3823-5/09 $26.00 2009 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSE.2009.164
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
978-0-7695-3823-5/09 $26.00 2009 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSE.2009.164
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
978-0-7695-3823-5/09 $26.00 2009 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSE.2009.164
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
978-0-7695-3823-5/09 $26.00 2009 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSE.2009.164
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
978-0-7695-3823-5/09 $26.00 2009 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSE.2009.164
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
978-0-7695-3823-5/09 $26.00 2009 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSE.2009.164
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
978-0-7695-3823-5/09 $26.00 2009 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSE.2009.164
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
978-0-7695-3823-5/09 $26.00 2009 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSE.2009.164
Energy-Driven Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
(EDACH), which can further increase the lifetime of
sensor network. This is achieved by forming different
number of clusters in each region of the network
according to the relative distance to the BS. The
EDACH is based on the partitioning of the network for
assigning different probability of cluster-head to each
node. The EDACH employs the simulation-based fault
injection method for performance evaluation, which
assumes that errors occur according to the
predetermined distribution. Computer simulation
revealed that EDACH extends the lifetime of LEACH
up to about 50% in practical operational environment.
In this paper we propose a new data transfer
protocol for large-scale wireless sensor networks. The
key idea of the proposed scheme is that only one
designated cluster-head, which is called as the main
cluster-head, sends the combined data to the BS. The
main cluster-head is designated in each round of
communication according to the distance to the BS.
The proposed approach can significantly reduce energy
consumption of cluster-heads and increase the lifetime
of the sensor network compared to the earlier schemes
where all the cluster-heads send the data to the BS.
Also, we employ a method that replaces weak cluster-
head using a cluster-head of larger energy. The
proposed scheme allows considerable improvement in
the stability of the system and reduces the overhead of
re-clustering caused by the failure of cluster-head.
Comparison with the existing schemes through
computer simulation reveals that the proposed
approach extends the network lifetime for about 20% to
30% in practical operational condition compared to the
earlier schemes.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents a review of the related work
published in the literature. Section 3 presents the
proposed protocol, and Section 4 evaluates its
performance by computer simulation. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper and outlines future research

2. Preliminaries

We here focus on a single-hop sensor network
architecture as in LEACH and PEACH. There exist
three kinds of nodes in the WSN; sensor nodes, cluster-
head nodes, and base station. The sensor nodes
constitute the lower-tier of the network. Figure 1 shows
the hierarchical structure of the cluster-based scheme.
Note here that the clusters are not necessarily the same
size and shape. Each node can adjust the area of
coverage with its transmission power control. Among
them some nodes also need to relay the data to the BS.
The BS is fixed and located far from the sensors. It has
a strong power supply, and therefore there is no energy
constraint. In this paper we concentrate on conserving
the energy required for the communication between the
sensor nodes and BS.

Base station
Sensor node

Figure 1. The structure of hierarchical wireless sensor
2.1. The Energy Model of a Sensor

We use the same radio model as [8, 10, 12], which
is the first order radio model. In this model, a radio
dissipates 50nJ/bit (E
) to run the transmitter or
receiver circuitry and 100pJ/bit/m

) for the
transmitter amplifier. The radios have power control to
expend minimum energy required to reach the intended
recipients. The radio can be turned off to avoid
receiving unintended transmissions. The energy
consumption model is described as follows.
When a node transmits k-bit data to another node
with distance d, the energy it consumes is
( ) ( ) ( ) E k,d = E k +E k,d
Tx Tx-amp Tx-elec

( ) = + E k,d E k k d
Tx elec

When a node receives k-bit data, the energy it
consumes is
( ) ( ) E k = E k
Rx Rx-elec

( ) = E k E k
Rx elec

Here E
is the circuit energy cost for transmitting or
receiving one bit data and

is the amplifier
coefficient, and d
energy loss model is used for
representing channel attenuation. For simplicity of
calculation, we assume that the transmission range of
each node is same on one condition that the
transmission range should cover all the neighbors in the
133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133
network. Also, we assume that all data packets are
same size. For fair comparison, we use the same
constant coefficients adopted in LEACH and PEACH.

2.2. Problem Statement

In LEACH and PEACH, all the cluster-heads
directly communicate with the BS. When the BS is
located far from a cluster-head, large amount of energy
of the cluster-head will be consumed. Therefore, the
farther a cluster-head is from the BS, the quicker it
exhausts the energy than the nearby ones. Imbalance of
energy consumption among them increases as the
distances of the cluster-headers to the BS get more
diverse [16]. The battery power of some nodes will be
drained more quickly than the others which in turn
shortens the overall network lifetime. All nodes in the
WSN are equally important, and there must not be the
nodes consuming more energy than other nodes. Also,
when a cluster-head does not have enough energy for
transmitting the aggregated data to the BS, a fault
occurs. The data sent by the failed sensor node will be
lost. Also, if a cluster-head fails, the wireless sensor
network needs re-clustering. It, however, requires
bootstrap and setup initialization. This process causes a
significant waste of energy and time, and also
decreases the reliability of the system.
The proposed protocol is based on two important
key ideas. Firstly, a cluster-head of the smallest
distance to the BS is selected among the cluster-heads
in each round of communication for balanced energy
consumption, which is called main cluster-head. After
the selection of a main cluster-head, the cluster-heads
transmit data to it and then the main cluster-head
transmits the aggregated data to the BS. The possible
problem with a cluster-head is that it may not have
enough energy to assume the duty of cluster-head since
it is selected randomly. If a cluster encounters a
problematic cluster-head, then a proxy node is selected
to operate in place of the original cluster-head. By
doing this, energy consumption of the nodes can be
balanced, and consequently the lifetime of the network
can be increased. The proposed protocol based on
these two ideas allows considerable improvement in the
network lifetime by reducing the overhead of re-
clustering in addition to raised reliability.

3. The Proposed Scheme

In this section we introduce the proposed protocol.
It consists of two phases: set-up phase and data
collection and transmission phase. The set-up phase is
composed by cluster-head selection step, main cluster-
head selection step, cluster formation step, and proxy-
node decision and scheduling step. In the set-up phase
the nodes form clusters, and then determine the main
cluster-head and proxy node. The operation of this
phase is depicted in Figure 2, and the detailed
operation is described below. During the data
collection and transmission phase senor nodes collect
data which are transmitted to the base station via the
corresponding cluster-heads and main cluster-head.

Cluster-head nodes
Non Cluster-head nodes
Selection of main
Advertisement of
cluster-head &
cluster-head token
Selection of
Advertisement of
Scheduling list
&Proxy-node list
Acknowledgement of cluster-head &
main cluster-head
Acknowledgement of TDMA
scheduling list
& Proxy-node list

Figure 2. The operation flow of set-up phase in one
round of communication.
3.1. The Set-up Phase

3.1.1. The Cluster-head Selection Step

In the set-up phase a fixed portion of sensors
stochastically select themselves as cluster-heads as
described in [8, 10]. [8] have analyzed the cluster-head
population problem in wireless sensor network. They
show that 5% cluster-heads can achieve good
performance in homogeneous network with various
parameter settings. We adopt the results and randomly
select 5% of the nodes as cluster-heads in the cluster-
head selection step. In order to select the cluster-heads
each node determines a random number between 0 and
1. If the number is smaller than a threshold, the node
becomes a cluster-head for the current round. The
threshold of node n, T(n), is set as follows:

( ) ,
1 ( mod )
= e

T n n G
P r

( ) 0 , = e T n n G (4)

with P as the probability of being a cluster-head, r as
the number of the current round, and G as the set of
nodes that have not been a cluster-head in the last 1/P
rounds. This algorithm ensures that every node
becomes a cluster-head exactly once within 1/P rounds.
Each node electing itself as a cluster-head for the
134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134
current round broadcasts an advertisement message to
other nodes. For the transmission of advertisement
message, the cluster-heads use the CSMA/CA MAC
protocol and consume same transmission energy. The
non-cluster-head nodes must keep their receivers on
during this step of set-up phase to hear the
advertisements from the cluster-heads.

3.1.2. The Main Cluster-head Selection Step

After the cluster-head selection step is over, the
main cluster-head selection step is started to select a
cluster-head communicating with the BS. The main
cluster-head is the one with the smallest distance to the
BS among the cluster-heads. If any two cluster-heads
have the same distance to the BS, the one with the
larger remaining energy is selected.
The selected main cluster-head broadcasts an
advertisement message. When other cluster-heads
receive the advertisement message, they send an
acknowledgement packet to the main cluster-head.
Then the main cluster-head forms the paths to the
cluster-heads for that round.

3.1.3. The Cluster Formation Step

After the transmission of advertisement message by
the cluster-heads, the non-cluster-head nodes receive
them and compare the signal strengths of the messages.
On receiving an advertisement, the sensor nodes within
the radio signal range form a cluster. The way that a
sensor node decides to induce a meeting is similar to
the probabilistic decision algorithm for cluster-head
candidacy in LEACH. After each node decides which
cluster it belongs to, it informs the cluster-head that it
will be a member of that cluster. Each node transmits
this message to the cluster-head using the CSMA MAC
protocol. In the acknowledgement packet, the node's
position (NP) and remaining energy (RE) level are
included. During this step, all cluster-heads must keep
their receivers on. Figure 3 shows the operation of
cluster-head selection and main cluster-head (MCH)

( b )
( a )

( c ) ( d )

Figure 3. Cluster formation (a) Five cluster-heads are
elected. (b) The MCH elected among five cluster-heads.
(c) Advertisement message broadcasted from the MCH
to others. (d) After receiving the acknowledgement
packets, the paths are set.
3.1.4. The Proxy Node Decision and Schedule
Creation Step

A proxy node is selected using the NP and RE value
of the received response messages. A proxy node is
selected if the RE of cluster-head is smaller than the
threshold. The cluster-head elects a node as a proxy
node which has the smallest NP and largest RE among
the member nodes of the cluster.
Each cluster-head receives the messages from the
nodes that would like to be included in the cluster.
Based on the number of nodes in the cluster, the
cluster-head creates a TDMA schedule telling when
each node can transmit the data. The TDMA schedule
may differ between the clusters since it depends on the
number of member nodes in the cluster. To accomplish
the TDMA transmission, all nodes must be perfectly
synchronized in time. The schedule and identification
of the proxy node are broadcast to the nodes in the

3.2. The Data Collection and Transmission

After the set-up phase is over, the data collection and
transmission phase begins. Every node collects data,
and sends the packet to the cluster-head in its allocated
transmission time. Based on the strength of the
received cluster-head advertisement signal and the
assumption of symmetrical radio channel, the
transmission can use a minimum amount of energy.
The radios of other nodes are turned off until their
allocated transmission time to save the energy. Each
cluster-head keeps its receiver on to collect data from
the member nodes and continuously updates the energy
table in the schedule list based on the data in the
135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135
received packets. When the data from all member
nodes have been received, the cluster-heads aggregate
the received data. The data fusion can be a simple
averaging or complex data processing. After data
fusion, the cluster-heads send the information of the
cluster to the main cluster-head. When the data from all
cluster-heads have been received, the main cluster-head
applies data fusion to the received data. After this, it
sends the data to the BS.
These operations of data transmission based on the
hierarchical structure of cluster-heads will allow fair
distribution of energy consumption, and thus extend the
lifetime of the sensor network compared to the earlier
schemes. As the cluster-heads need to receive many
packets and consume large power for long range
transmission, they are the nodes whose energy is
depleted quickly. Therefore, a cluster-head can cause a
failure due to energy deficiency. If a failure occurs at a
cluster-head, the network has to be re-clustered and a
new schedule needs to be transmitted to the sensors.
This will reduce the network lifetime. In order to
extend the lifetime of the network, faulty or weak
cluster-head is proposed to be replaced by a proxy
node and the decision is made using a threshold value.
Calculation of the Threshold Value. The threshold,
ETH, plays a very important role in the data transmission
phase since it is used as a measure for deciding if the
current cluster-head is incapable. When the energy of a
cluster-head drops below the threshold, the
replacement process with a proxy node begins. We
assume that all sensors are identical and produce data
at the same rate. For deciding ETH, we use the
following functions:
= k nm
CH elec amp CH
E E k k d c = + (6)
E =

with k as the total length of the received message in the
cluster-head assuming there are n member nodes in the
cluster and each message is m-bit long, and d
as the
distance between the cluster-head and BS. E
is the
energy consumed as the cluster-head transmits the
aggregated data to the BS. The energy consumed by a
cluster-head as it sends the aggregated message is
obtained by Equation (6). With Equation (7) average
energy consumption per cluster-head is calculated
assuming there are s clusters. Since ETH changes over
time, the threshold is calculated in every data collection
and transmission phase.
When the energy level of a cluster-head falls below
the threshold, it is replaced by a proxy node. Selection
of proxy node was described in Section 3.1.4. After a
cluster-head is replaced by a proxy node, the proxy
node broadcasts the indicator advertisement message
(IAM) to the member nodes of the cluster. The member
nodes receiving the IAM send a confirmation message
to the proxy node, which includes the ID of the
member node. After the message exchange is over, the
member nodes resume data transmission. The proposed
approach can reduce the error which may occur when
the cluster-heads of low energy transmit data to the
main cluster-head. It will also evenly distribute the
energy consumption among the nodes in the network,
and as a result increase lifetime of the entire sensor
network. Also, it can raise the system reliability by
reducing energy consumption and the waste of time
required for boot-strapping and set-up initialization
involved in re-clustering.

4. Performance Evaluation

We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
protocol along with LEACH and PEACH through
computer simulation. The probability for a node to be
selected as a cluster-head is decided using the model
presented in Section 3.1. We adopt the same MAC
protocol as in LEACH.

Figure 4. The network topology after the set-up phase.
For the simulation we consider a sensor network of
100 nodes randomly arranged in a 50 50 region. The
base station is located at (80, 95). We use two models
of initial residual energy of sensor nodes; uniform at
0.5J and random between 0.25J and 0.5J. We set E

to 50 nJ/bit and

to 100 pJ/bit/m
in the energy
model of a sensor. The size of sensor data is 2000 bits,
and the advertisement message is 64-bit long. In the
136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136
simulation the result of 100,000 runs are averaged.
Figure 4 shows an example of sensor network after the
set-up phase.
Figure 5 shows the threshold value obtained as time
moves. When E
is large, a proxy node is more likely
elected to take over the role of the cluster-head so that
the cluster-head can reserve energy for later use. In this
sense proxy node helps the cluster-head has a longer

Figure 5. The threshold values obtained as time
We investigate energy efficiency of the proposed
protocol by comparing the total amount of energy
consumption of cluster-heads of the three protocols.
The amount of energy consumption of all cluster-heads
in each round is shown in Figure 6. Observe that the
energy consumed by the cluster-heads per round with
the proposed protocol is always smaller than LEACH
and PEACH. Because the cluster-heads send the data
directly to the base station with the earlier protocols,
the energy consumption will be much larger than the
proposed protocol. In the proposed protocol the
cluster-heads transmit the data to the main cluster-head,
and thus a considerable amount of energy can be saved.

Figure 6. Comparison of the total energy consumed
by the cluster-heads in each round.
Table 1 lists the lifetime of the sensor network in
terms of the round a node begins to die and the round
all the nodes become to die for the three schemes
compared. Notice that the proposed scheme
consistently allows longer lifetime than the others.
Especially, it outperforms them more significantly
when the initial energy is relatively high. We ran the
simulator with different energy thresholds, and
obtained similar results.
Table 1. The network lifetimes with different initial
energy of the sensors.
The round a
node begins to
The round all
the nodes are
Direct 64 121
LEACH 278 456
PEACH 336 551
Proposed 383 627
Direct 115 234
LEACH 534 849
PEACH 623 987
Proposed 772 1106

The improvement offered by the proposed protocol
over Direct Communication, LEACH and PEACH can
be clearly seen in Figure 7, which shows the number of
sensors alive as the round proceeds with 0.25 J/node
initially. With LEACH and PEACH, the cluster-heads
directly communicate with the BS. When the base
station is located far from the cluster-heads, large
amount of energy is consumed. Therefore, the farther a
cluster-head is from the BS, the quicker it exhausts the
energy than the nearby ones. This causes imbalance in
the energy consumption between the nodes. Also, every
sensor has the same chance to become a cluster-head in
those protocols. A sensor node with insufficient
residual energy occasionally becomes a cluster-head,
even though there is a sensor node of richer battery
power nearby. When a cluster-head of insufficient
energy transmits data to the BS, it may cause an
incorrect data delivery. It exhausts its energy, stops
operating, and disrupts the gathering of sensor data in
its cluster. On the other hand, the proposed protocol
lets the cluster-heads transmit data to the main cluster-
head which is much closer than to the BS. Also, if a
cluster encounters a problematic cluster-head, then a
proxy node is selected to operate in replace of the
original cluster-head. As a result, the proposed protocol
improves the network lifetime (both the time when the
first node dies and the time when all the nodes die)
137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137
over LEACH and PEACH. Also, the proposed protocol
allows considerable improvement in the network
lifetime by reducing the overhead of re-clustering and
raises the reliability of the system.

Figure 7. Comparison of the number of live sensors
as the round proceeds.
Another important aspect of the proposed protocol
is illustrated in Figure 8, which shows the total number
of messages received by the base station.

Figure 8. Comparison of amount of data received by
the BS.
Observe that the proposed protocol delivers
significantly more messages than the other protocols as
about 38% and 12% more than LEACH and PEACH,
respectively. Using balanced clustering approach, the
proposed protocol distributes the load evenly among
the cluster heads. In the case of LEACH and PEACH
some cluster-heads can be overloaded while others
serve only a handful of nodes. By employing the
hierarchical cluster-head structure and proxy cluster-
head approach, the proposed scheme could achieve
such improvement.

5. Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper we have proposed a new data delivery
protocol in large scale wireless sensor networks for
solving the problem of unbalance of energy
consumption between the nodes. It is an improvement
of the cluster-based sensor networks such as LEACH
and PEACH. The key idea of the proposed scheme is
that only one designated cluster-head, which is defined
as the main cluster-head, sends the combined data to
the BS. It can significantly reduce energy consumption
and increase the lifetime of the sensor network. Also,
we employ a method that replaces the low energy
cluster-head using a proxy node. Computer simulation
results showed that the proposed approach allows much
longer lifetime of wireless sensor network than the
existing schemes. The proposed approach will be more
important when the wireless sensor network is
deployed in large area and the base station is far from
the network.
The future work will focus on the comparison of the
proposed approach with others such as simulated
annealing and taboos search. A formal methodology
will also be developed in order to determine the
parameters used in the proposed approach in a more
systematic way which allow an optimal outcome for the
given condition. The proposed scheme is based on the
one-hop cluster. It will be extended for energy-efficient
data dissemination in multi-hop clusters.


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