Chemical Composition and in Vitro Gas Production of Fermented Cassava Pulp With Different Types of Supplements

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Chemical composition and in vitro gas production

of fermented cassava pulp with different types of

Ruangyote Pilajun & Metha Wanapat

To cite this article: Ruangyote Pilajun & Metha Wanapat (2018) Chemical composition and in vitro
gas production of fermented cassava pulp with different types of supplements, Journal of Applied
Animal Research, 46:1, 81-86, DOI: 10.1080/09712119.2016.1261029

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VOL. 46, NO. 1, 81–86

Chemical composition and in vitro gas production of fermented cassava pulp with
different types of supplements
Ruangyote Pilajun and Metha Wanapatb
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ubon Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand; bTropical Feed Resources Research
and Development Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand


The effect of different additives on chemical composition, in vitro gas production and dry matter (DM) Received 12 January 2016
disappearance of cassava pulp was investigated. The experiment used the completely randomized Accepted 9 November 2016
design with 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments with control. The control treatment was
cassava pulp fermentation without any supplementation. Factor A was a type of microbes including Cassava pulp; effective
yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) or a mixture of microbes (effective microorganisms (EM)), factor B was microorganisms; exogenous
supplementation of molasses and urea (MU), and factor C was supplementation of a mixture of enzyme; in vitro
exogenous enzyme. It was found that the interaction between factors A and C was significant for crude fermentation; Saccharomyces
Downloaded by [] at 00:43 13 November 2017

protein (CP), non-protein nitrogen and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) contents. MU cerevisiae
supplementation increased the CP content of fermented cassava pulp; however, EM and MU addition
resulted in a significantly lower NSC and higher neutral detergent fibre fractions than the control. The
supplementation showed higher gas production when compared with un-supplemented group,
particularly when MU were added. However, DM disappearance was not affected by type of microbe,
urea–molasses addition or exogenous enzyme supplement. Thus, the nutritive value of fermented
cassava pulp with yeast and EM was improved by MU supplementation but not by exogenous enzyme

1. Introduction fermentation (a combination of fungi and bacteria) with

additional biodegradation of anti-nutritional components.
Recently, the price of animal feedstuffs has dramatically
Nutrient components of fermented cassava pulp were further
increased, although several industrial by-products have been
increased by supplementation with other substances. The
found as substitutes. Cassava pulp has widespread use in the
addition of molasses and urea (MU) increases CP though
nutrition of many livestock species, such as swine, rabbit,
reduces fibre in yeast-fermented cassava pulp (Khampa et al.
poultry and ruminants. Based on the literature review, cassava
2010). Alternatively, enzymatic treatments, such as cellulase/
pulp comprises 15.8–23.4% dry matter (DM) with 1.2–2.8%
pectinase hydrolysis (Sriroth et al. 2000) and alpha-amylase/cel-
crude protein (CP), 55.0–74.4% nitrogen-free extract, 0.1–2.4%
lulose (Dissaro 2000), can disrupt the fibrous structure of pulp,
fat, 17.9–24.0% crude fibre and 1.7–2.8% ash, on DM basis (Yim-
allowing more starch granules to be fermented by microorgan-
mongkol 2009). This industrial by-product is a source of non-
isms during the fermentation process. In addition, the fermen-
forage fibre which has the potential to improve the productivity
tation of cassava pulp not only changes nutrient composition
and health of dairy and beef cattle as well as to control feed
but also results in preservation of the fermented products,
costs (Bradford & Mullins 2012). This was confirmed by
detoxification of anti-nutritional factors, improvement in the
Bekamp (2011) who surveyed dairy farmers in Muaklek district,
array of aromas, flavours and textures, and reduced time of
Saraburi Province of Thailand, and found wide use of cassava
degradation (Steinkraus 1995; Aro et al. 2008; Gurbuz 2009).
pulp as a feed supplement.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect
Value-added cassava waste products, including ethanol,
of different additives on chemical composition, in vitro gas pro-
organic acid, bio gas and high fructose syrup, are obtained
duction and DM disappearance of cassava pulp.
from enzyme utilization followed by microbial fermentation.
An improved nutrient composition of cassava pulp by fermen-
tation with microorganisms has been reported (Aro et al. 2. Materials and methods
2008; Khampa et al. 2009). The protein content of cassava
2.1. Experimental design and treatment
pulp was increased from 1.2–2.8% of DM to 12.1% DM by fer-
mentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Khampa et al. 2009). The experiment was conducted under the control and advice of
However, Aro et al. (2008) found that the CP content of the Office of Experimental Field and Central Laboratory, Faculty
cassava pulp was increased nearly 7% by microbial of Agriculture, Ubon Ratchathani University, Warinchamrap,

CONTACT Ruangyote Pilajun Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ubon Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani
34190, Thailand
© 2016 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distri-
bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand. The experiment followed the com- rumen fluid was collected. The rumen fluid was obtained
pletely randomized design with 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement from each animal via rumen fistula, before morning feeding.
of treatments with control. The control treatment involved The rumen fluid was filtered through four layers of cheesecloth
cassava pulp fermentation without any supplementation. into pre-warmed thermo flasks. A strict anaerobic condition was
Factor A was a type of microorganisms including yeast (Sacchar- maintained during rumen fluid collection according to the
omyces cerevisiae) or a mixture of microbes (effective microor- method of Menke et al. (1979). Artificial saliva was prepared
ganisms (EM), KYUSEI Co., Ltd., Thailand), factor B was according to Menke and Steingass (1988; Gürbüz 2007). The
supplementation of MU, and factor C was supplementation of artificial saliva and rumen fluid were mixed at a 2:1 ratio to
a mixture of exogenous enzyme (Asia Star Animal Health Co., produce a rumen inoculation mixture. Three bottles containing
Ltd., Thailand) containing beta-glucanase, xylanase, cellulase, only rumen inoculation mixture were used as blank. Mean gas
amylase, pectinase, mannanase and phytase. Therefore, nine production of the blank samples was subtracted from each
treatments were T1, control (fermented with no supplemen- measurement to give the net gas production. The 100 ml
tation); T2, fermented with yeast (Yeast); T3, fermented with glass tubes with 200 mg of fermented cassava pulp sample
EM (EM); T4, fermented with yeast, molasses and urea (Yeast were pre-warmed in a water bath at 39°C before filling with
+ MU); T5, fermented with EM, molasses and urea (EM + MU); 60 mL of rumen inoculation mixture. Thirty minutes after the
T6, fermented with yeast and enzyme (Yeast + Enz); T7, fermen- start of incubation, the tube was gently mixed and then
ted with EM and enzyme (EM + Enz), T8, fermented with yeast, mixed three times every three hours. The volume of gas pro-
molasses and urea, and enzyme (Yeast + MU + Enz); and T9, fer- duction was recorded on 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30,
mented with EM, molasses and urea, and enzyme (EM + MU + 36, 48, 60 and 72 h of incubation. Cumulative gas production
Downloaded by [] at 00:43 13 November 2017

Enz). Three replicates were performed for all treatments. data were fitted to the model of Ørskov and McDonald (1979)
as follows:
2.2. Fermentation of cassava pulp y = a + b(1 − e−ct ),
Cassava pulp was collected from an industrial factory for where ‘y’ is the gas produced at time ‘t’; ‘a’ is the gas pro-
cassava manufacture (Eiamsiri Co., Ltd., Thailand) located in duction from the immediately soluble fraction; ‘b’ is the gas pro-
Nayia District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Fresh cassava pulp duction from the insoluble fraction; ‘c’ is the gas production rate
samples were taken and immediately frozen (–20°C) prior ensil- constant for the insoluble fraction (b); and ‘t’ is incubation time;
ing. Cassava pulp samples were well mixed with 0.5 kg/tonne of and P(a + b) is the potential extent of gas production. At 24 h
exogenous enzyme for 12 h before fermentation with microbes. post inoculation, a set of samples were taken to determine in
Fermentation of cassava pulp with microorganisms (yeast or vitro digestibility according to Van Soest and Robertson (1985).
EM) was conducted according to the method of Khampa et al.
(2009). The rates of yeast, EM, urea and molasses addition
were 0.33 g, 25 ml, 3.3 kg and 4.2 kg per 100 kg of dry 2.4. Statistical analysis
cassava pulp, respectively. Samples of fermented cassava pulp All data were subjected to analysis of variance according the
were collected on day 21 of incubation. Fresh and fermented general linear model of SAS (2006). Orthogonal contrast was
cassava pulps were analysed for DM (Method #930.15), ash used to investigate the effect of supplementations while the fol-
(Method #923.03) and CP contents (Method #976.06) by the lowing model was used for factorial comparison: Yij = µ + Ai + Bj
proximate analysis procedure (AOAC 1995). Fibre contents + Ck + ABij + ACik + BCjk + ABCijk + ɛijkl. Differences among mean
were determined (neutral detergent fibre, aNDFom; and acid were tested by Tukey’s test with p < .05 was accepted as repre-
detergent fibre, ADFom) using the detergent analysis method senting statistically significant differences.
(Van Soest et al. 1991). Non-protein nitrogen (NPN) in fermen-
ted cassava pulp was measured according to the method of
Awolumate (1983). In addition, non-structural carbohydrate 3. Results
(NSC) was calculated by: OM – aNDFom – CP, as assumed that
3.1. Chemical composition
ether extract fraction was less than 2.4% DM (Yimmongkol
2009). Untreated cassava pulp contained 175, 981, 45, 2.3, 579, 357
and 123 g/kg of DM, OM, CP, NPN, NSC, aNDFom and
ADFom, respectively, which was comparable with the control.
2.3. Gas production technique
The supplementation treatments (T2–T9) had a lower DM pro-
Two male, Thai-native × Brahman crossbred beef cattle (350 ± portion but were higher in CP and aNDFom contents when
40 kg body weight(BW)) were used as rumen fluid donors. compared with the control (T1) (P < .05), particularly when MU
The animals were individually penned, clean fresh water and were added. Although the interaction between type of
mineral blocks were offered as free choice. The animals were microbe (A) and enzyme supplementation (C) was statistically
fed with rice straw as a roughage on ad libitum basis and con- significant (p < .05) for CP, NPN and NSC contents, fermented
centrate (14% CP, 2.5 Mcal/ kg of ME, consisting of: 70% cassava cassava pulp with yeast or EM and enzyme added were not sig-
chip, 7% rice bran meal, 7% coconut meal, 10% palm kernel nificantly different (p > .05) (Table 1). Fermentation of cassava
meal, 1% sulphur, 2% urea, 1% mineral premix and 1% salt) pulp with yeast and molasses with urea (Yeast + MU), with
was fed at 0.5% BW in two equal portions, at 7.00 am and at yeast or EM plus molasses with urea and enzyme (Yeast + MU
4.00 pm. The animals were given the diets for 7 days before + Enz and EM + MU + Enz) had a higher CP percentage than

Table 1. Chemical composition of fermented cassava pulp (g/kg DM).

T1 Control 183 976 48b 3.2b 611a 318b 102
b b ab
T2 Yeast 162 977 50 2.4 537 389ab 131
T3 EM 168 976 78b 14b 480abc 418ab 140
a ab abc ab
T4 Yeast + MU 160 974 133 67 392 448 165
a a c a
T5 EM + MU 146 976 178 106 281 517 156
T6 Yeast + Enz 160 975 77b 2.4b 490abc 407ab 134
T7 EM + Enz 160 977 58b 8.2b 521ab 398ab 139
a a bc ab
T8 Yeast + MU + Enz 150 973 169 102 338 466 169
a a ab ab
T9 EM + MU + Enz 146 973 167 98 448 358 120
SEM 3.40 0.84 10.6 17.2 15.4 15.6 16.2
Control vs. supplements
Control 183a 976 48b 3.0b 611 318b 102
Supplements 156b 975 117a 50a 436 426a 130
Type of microbe (A)
Yeast 158 975 107 43 439 428 150
EM 155 976 120 57 433 424 139
MU supplement (B)
Un-supplement 163a 976 66b 6.3b 507a 404 136
Supplement 150b 974 162a 93a 365b 448 153
Enzyme supplement (C)
Un-supplement 159 976 110 47 423 444 148
Supplement 154 975 118 53 449 407 141
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Interaction between factors

A×B ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
A×C ns ns * * * ns ns
B×C ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
A×B×C ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Control, un-supplement; yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; EM, effective microorganisms; MU, molasses and urea supplement; Enz, a mixture of enzymes; Control vs. sup-
plements, T1 vs. T2–T9; DM, dry matter; OM, organic matter; CP, crude protein; NPN, non-protein nitrogen; NSC, calculated non-structural carbohydrate; NDF, neutral
detergent fibre; ADF, acid detergent fibre; SEM, standard error of the mean.
*p < .05; ns, not statistically significant.
Values differ at a significance level of (p < .05).

other treatments (p < .05). Besides, cassava pulp fermented with processed root DW being solid waste depending on starch pro-
EM and MU had significantly lower NSC but higher aNDFom cessing technology (Thai Tapioca Starch Association, TTSA).
fractions than the control (p < .05). Therefore, percentage nutritive value of cassava pulp could
vary. The increase in CP content of fermented cassava pulp
could be due to supplementation of 3.3% DM of urea. This
3.2. In vitro fermentation
agrees with Khampa et al. (2009) who found that urea sup-
Kinetics of in vitro gas production and DM disappearance of fer- plementation caused an increase in CP content of yeast-fermen-
mented cassava pulp are given in Table 2. The interaction ted cassava pulp from 2.4% to 14.1% DM. Moreover,
between MU supplementation (B) and enzyme supplemen- Thongkratok et al. (2010) showed that the protein content of
tation (C) on gas produced from soluble fraction (a) and rate microorganism-fermented cassava pulp was increased from
of gas production (c) was found to be statistically significant 2.6% to 21.2% DM by adding urea at 1.25% fresh basis. Urea
(p < .05). The supplementation resulted in higher gas pro- is composed of 46.0% of nitrogen; consequently, the addition
duction kinetics including a, c and potential of gas production of 3.3% urea must result in 9.5% CP content of fermented
(P) when compared with un-supplemented group (p < .05) par- cassava pulp. Crude protein content in fermented cassava
ticularly when MU were added (p < .05). In addition, gas pro- pulp in the present study was found to consist of totally NPN
duced from soluble fraction (a) was increased by in contrast to the results of Thongkratok et al. (2010) who
supplementation with MU (T4, T5) or with enzyme (T6, T7) but have reported that the CP content of cassava pulp contained
not with the combinations of these additives (T8, T9). Dry mostly amino acids. This might be due to the difference in fer-
matter disappearance was not affected by type of microbe, mentation procedure particularly the type of microorganism
MU addition or exogenous enzyme supplementation (p > .05). that was used in the present study. However, the common
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacks polysaccharide-degrading
enzymes and needs genetic engineering to allow the
4. Discussion
expression of the enzymes required for the utilization of
Cassava pulp with a CP content of 1.6–5.3% DM was reported by starch (Lin et al. 1998). An increase in the proportion of fibre
Djuma’ali et al. (2011) which was comparable to 45 g/kg DM in fermented cassava pulp is caused by the decrease in NSC
found in this study. This may be due to the variety of cassava, proportion by microbial degradation or enzymatic digestion
rate of fertilizer application and other crop management in supplementation groups. The by-products of anaerobic fer-
factors, as well as starch extraction methodology of each mentation by yeast are ethanol and CO2, while other anaerobic
factory. Fakir et al. (2012) found significantly different CP con- microbes produce volatile fatty acids and gases such as CO2 and
tents between various cassava genotypes (1.81–4.53% DM). CH4 (Lodolo et al. 2008). However, Aro et al. (2008) reviewed
Production of cassava starch results in 10–25% of the original chemical composition of through microbial inoculation and

Table 2. Kinetic of gas production and DM disappearance (g/kg DM) of fermented cultivation (Robertson et al. 2006). McDonald et al. (1991)
cassava pulp. revealed that WSC is a limiting factor in producing good-
Kinetic of gas production DM quality fermented products to serves as a carbon source for
Treatment a b c P disappearance microorganisms. Molasses and exogenous enzyme addition
T1 Control 2.0b 80.1 0.043cde 82.1 741 were used as WSC providing techniques for cassava pulp fer-
T2 Yeast 2.5ab 91.8 0.038e 94.3 820
T3 EM 2.2b 91.8 0.040de 94.1 800 mentation in this present study.
T4 Yeast + MU 4.9ab 99.2 0.053ab 104.2 769 The increase in gas produced from soluble fraction (a), rate
T5 EM + MU 5.2ab 95.1 0.056a 100.3 810 of gas production (c) and potential of gas production (P)
T6 Yeast + Enz 5.4ab 88.0 0.046bcd 93.4 774
T7 EM + Enz 6.7a 89.3 0.043cde 96.0 759 could result from MU addition. Sugar cane molasses (a rich
T8 Yeats + MU + Enz 4.2ab 94.3 0.050abc 98.5 767 source of sucrose) and urea (a nitrogen source) are totally
T9 EM + MU + Enz 1.7b 107.2 0.054a 108.9 792 soluble and degraded in the rumen by microorganisms. Paeng-
SEM 0.4 2.4 0.0015 2.4 16.0
Control vs. koum and Bunnakit (2012) reported that the mean gas pro-
supplements duction was significantly higher in mixture of cassava pulp
Control 2.0b 80.1 0.04b 82.1b 741 and urea than in control. On the other hand, it has been
Supplements 4.1a 94.6 0.05a 98.7a 784
Type of microbe (A) shown that feeding fermented cassava pulp improves rumen
Yeast 4.2 93.3 0.047 97.6 785 fermentation. Bacterial and fungal zoospore populations in
EM 4.0 95.9 0.048 99.8 782 the rumen of crossbred Native cattle increased when fed with
MU supplement (B)
Un-supplement 4.2 90.2 0.042b 94.4 780 yeast-fermented cassava pulp (Khampa et al. 2011). Ammonia
Supplement 4.0 99.0 0.053a 103.0 788 concentration in the rumen which is a nitrogen source for
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Enzyme supplement (C) microbes increased with urea addition. However, excess
Un-supplement 3.7 94.5 0.047 98.2 803
Supplement 4.5 94.7 0.048 99.2 773 ammonia in the rumen would probably be lost in manure and
Interaction between contribute to nitrogen pollution (Kebreab et al. 2001). In this
factors study, yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and EM gave compar-
A×B ns ns ns ns ns
A×C ns ns ns ns ns able result for characteristic of fermented cassava pulp.
B×C * ns * ns ns However, several groups of microbe in EM, such as filamentous
A×B×C ns ns ns ns ns fungi, fermenting microorganisms and lactic acid bacteria,
Control, un-supplement; yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; EM, effective microor- could have a great effect on the fermentation process. Aro
ganisms; MU, molasses and urea supplement; Enz, a mixture of enzymes;
Control vs. supplements, T1 vs. T2–T9; a, the gas production from the soluble (2008) reported that chemical composition of fermented
fraction; b, the gas production from the degradable fraction; c, the gas pro- cassava pulp fluctuated when different types of microorganism
duction rate; P, the potential extent of gas production; DM, dry matter; SEM, were applied. Moreover, the quality of grass silage, such as pH,
standard error of the mean.
*p < .05; ns, not statistically significant. DM loss and acid composition varied when different species or
Values differ at a significance level of (p < .05). strains of microbes were inoculated (Cai et al. 1998). In addition,
one of the most useful measurements of silage quality is its pH
value which was not measured in the present study. Optimizing
found that proportion of fibre of fermented cassava pulp was pH (3.5–4.2) of silage could reduce nutritional losses particularly
decreased while NSC proportion could be increased. Therefore, due to volatilizing of short-chain fatty acids (King 2009).
the decrease in rapidly degradable carbohydrate during fer- In terms of enzyme supplementation, the high yield of
mentation of cassava pulp through microbial inoculation glucose indicates the potential use of enzymatic-hydrother-
could be expected. mally treated cassava pulp has been reported by Djuma’ali
The present study was not to investigate fermentation et al. (2011). Sriroth et al. (2000) also have reported that enzy-
quality and end-products of fermented cassava pulp; matic treatment of cassava pulp increases the susceptibility of
however, improving of colour and odour by molasses addition starch molecules to alpha-amylase hydrolysis thereby increases
and increasing of fermentation pH by urea supplementation the amount of reducing sugar for further fermentation by
were found in our pilot study. Maneerat et al. (2015) stated microorganisms. The lack of enzyme effects in this study
that greater dietary intake in fattening steer received rice could be due to the differences in the fermenting condition.
straw with molasses when compared with other agro-industrial Beauchemin et al. (2002) reviewed that temperature, pH, ionic
by-products could be due to the better palatability. Urea strength, substrate concentration and substrate type are the
addition increased pH and digestibility (Demirel et al. 2003) as factors that affect the activity of an enzyme. A temperature of
well as efficiency of microbial net protein synthesis of corn approximately 60°C and a pH between 4 and 5 are the
silage (Hildebrand et al. 2011) in in vitro trials. However, lower optimal conditions for most commercial enzymes (Coughlan
pH with increasing lactic acid concentration and lower 1985). The present study found that DM disappearance did
ammonia content caused by molasses addition to silages also not differ between control (T1) and supplementation groups
has been reported (Lima et al. 2010; Álvareza et al. 2015). Fer- (T2–T9) which agreed with Kaewwongsa et al. (2011) who
mentation quality of silage especially pH influenced dietary revealed that DM and organic matter disappearance of fermen-
intake of ruminant by affecting microbial fermentation in the ted cassava pulp did not differ between levels of yeast sup-
rumen (Charmley 2001). Reducing sugar, water-soluble carbo- plementation. However, gas production increased without an
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(Kosugi et al. 2009; Ouephanit et al. 2011) and was increased of VFAs. Therefore, exploration of the amount and proportions
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