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S eG RUUECHIUIREERS MANUAL MCDONNELL DOUGLAS’ 86.2.3 Columns with Distributed Axial Loads Table B6.2.3-1 shows four different cases of columns with axial distributed load. Both the distributed load and the end load may be compressive, or either one a tensile load while the other is compressive. However, in all cases it is the critical combination of the two loads that represents the conditions for elastic buckling. Values of the buckling loads are presented in graphical form in Figure B6.2.3-1. The results are exact within the limitations of the ordinary elastic theory of column buckling. For the four different end conditions shown, the loading consists of a uniformly distributed axial force q per unit length of the column and a concentrated force P at the upper end of the column. Both end loads are shown as compressive (positive). Either one may become tensile (negative). The columns are assumed to have constant flexural rigidity EI in the plane of buckling, and the loads are assumed to remain vertical during buckling. Two special cases are noted from Figure B6.2.3-1: (1) if q = 0 the column buckles at @ load P_, = P, where P, is the buckling load, and (2) if P = 0, then buckling occurs because of the distributed axial force only, its value being given by qf... If q® is larger than this critical value, the axial force, P, is then negative (tension). If q& is negative, then P exceeds the Euler load. Values for P, and the ratio of (q2)cr/Pe are given in Table B6.2.3-1. Table B6.2.3-1 Column End Conditions all 4 + wasce | 2asre | zone | snare vor | a0 | 2000 1290 Revised Aug. 1982 86-26 sTRUCTURES MANUAL pac om, MCDONNELL DOUGLAS’ a 72 ge —| Pe “1 - “2 4) Figure B6.2.3-1 Critical Buckling Loads Revised Aug. 1982 86-27 sTRUCTURES MANUAL With the data presented in Figure B6,2.3-1 and Table 86.2.3-1, the critical combinations of concentrated force P and distributed axial Toad q can be found. As an example: Given a hinged-hinged column (Table 86.2.3-1; Case #1) where E = 10 x 106 psi, I = 4.0 in.4 and L = 34 inches. A uniform dis- tributed load is applied of q = 5000 pounds per inch along the column Tength. Find the maximum load P that can be carried at the top of the column before buckling occurs. From Table B6.2.3-1 2 2 6) EL, a (10x 10)4 . 341,509 tbs. e 32 34 The ratio Figure 86.2.3-1 is entered with this value and ratio of axial force to critical load is determined as Thus, the column can carry an axial load of P = 0.75 (341,509) = 256,132 Ibs., in addition to the uniformly distributed load q. If the applied axial stress, P/A, is above the material propor- tional limit, the calculation should be rerun using the tangent modulus that corresponds to the applied stress for determining the critical load, Pe. The procedure is then iterative. Revised Aug. 1982 86-28 sTRUCTURES MANUAL MCDONNELL DOUGLAS B6.3.0 Supplementary Information 86.3.1 _Inelas ic Effects The equations for bending instability and twisting instability are applicable for the elastic range. If stress is above the material proportional limit, then modulus of elasticity used in the equations must be reduced by a plasticity factor. For bending instability, tangent modulus is generally accepted as a conservative approximation to inelastic behavior, The plasticity factor is ngs E/E (86-15) The appropriate plasticity factor for torsional instability is not so well defined. Tests on cruciform sections suggest that the ratio of secant modulus-to-clastic modulus may be appropriate. However, if a spring restraint is applied, the modulus may take on a different value. A conservative plasticity factor used for plate type problems is - V2 nye (E,/E) (B6-16) This factor should be used for preliminary torsional instability calculations unless test data can substantiate the usage of a less conservative plasticity factor. When using the interaction formulas for bending and twisting, plasticity corrections should be made on the combined stress and not on the individual stresses. The exact plasticity factor is not known for the combined case. Tangent modulus gives conservative results and for this reason should be used for preliminary sizing. A conventional method for handling plastic corrections is by use of the "A" scale. Any instability equation can be separated into two portions. One involves material properties and the other involves geometry. For example the Euler-Engesser equation (B6-1) can be written as F, 2 B " Scale = p- =— Er tne* (86-17) Ina similar manner, for the twisting instability equation, 86-2, "AY scale = Fy/(E E)!/2, These material properties can be obtained directly from stress-strain-modulus curves, given in Mil-Hnbk-5C. Figures B6.3.1-1 and -2 show typical stress-strain-modulus curves for 7075-16 plate and 7075-T6 extrusion. Revised Aug. 1982 86-29 STRUCTURES MANUAL Revised Aug. 1982 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS’ | 86-30

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