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A quote from George Braque said that “Art is a wound turned into light.” Most of the time
art is created and inspired by the intense pain and suffering of an individual. It can be a method
for us to survive the misfortunes that we experience in our lives.

Art can ease and heal the pain and suffering that we are experiencing, why? Because of
art, we can truly express all the emotions that we feel and use it as a motivation to create an
artwork that symbolizes what we feel and the thoughts that we have. We can even convey the
experiences that we currently have to the audience of our work, and be able to feel that we have
people who can sympathize with us and understand what we want to convey through our art.
Creating art can also relieve the stress that we are experiencing during the hard times of our
life. It can be a temporary escape for us from the reality or it can also be a weapon for us to
bravely accept the reality that is right in front of us.

Pain can lead us to greatness and the best version of ourselves, these adversities can
be a great motivator for us to create something that is beyond our expectations. These
misfortunes in our lives might be very unpleasant for us, but I believe that we can still somehow
find beauty in these pain and sufferings. Art can give us hope and can even heal and turn our
wounds into something unimaginably beautiful.

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