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g7to Version History:

3.04.32 - Minor bug fixes.
3.04.31 - Fixed a problem which caused 3.04.30 to crash on reading
certain files.
3.04.30 - Fixed a problem which incorrectly set the date on waypoints sent
to LEI units.
3.04.29 - Changed the -i g45g (get PVT) command as follows:

-i g45g -- works as before, i.e. until X or x is

on the keyboard

-i g45gn -- where 'n' is a decimal number will cause

to acquire and print 'n' PVT packets.
3.04.28 - Added date.time value to tracks points in Ozi .plt files.
3.04.27 - Minor fix in icon numbers for the Garmin 12 series GPS.
3.04.26 - Released source code.
3.04.25 - Added the ability to read 'version 1' .txt files that
are written in DMS, DMM, DDD or UTM mode. The program
only writes DMM or UTM mode, however.

3.04.24 - More GPS II+ version 3.03 icon fixes.

3.04.23 - GPS II+ version 3.03 icon fixes.
3.04.22 - 12CX icon fixes.
3.04.21 - 12CX proximity waypoint download fixes.
3.04.20 - More 12CX waypoint download fixes.
3.04.19 - End of route wasn't being output to text files when the command
-o output.txt was used.
3.04.18 - More 12CX waypoint upload bug fixes.
3.04.17 - Added command line option -! which will cause the output
waypoints name length to be truncated to 6 chars and the
format in the text file to be

W NAMEXX N44 .... which is the same as the Gardown format.

Added at user request.

3.04.16 - Added .txt files to the '-o' option.
g7to(w) -i xxx -o file.txt will cause the output to go to the
file file.txt rather than the display.
3.04.15 - Added a '-0' option which if scanned on the command line will
cause all times output to .txt files to be Garmin 'zero' time,
i.e. Sun Dec 31 00:00:00 1989. This will facilitate using a
program to check for differences between files.
3.04.14 - Proximity waypoints caused a GPF in g7tow. g7to was ok. Fixed
3.04.13 - Added 12CX code. Color symbols not fully supported yet.
3.04.12 - .wtt output incorrect. Fixed.
3.04.11 - more Minor mod for SP routes
3.04.10 - Minor mod for SP routes
3.04.09 - Fixed a bug introduced in .08 that caused SA icons to be set to
the default icon if the text element was Name;desc

3.04.08 - Modified SA routines to be more in line with G7ToWin.
Documentation will come later.

3.04.07 - Fixed a bug with -q operation.

3.04.06 - All unrecognized lines in a g7to text file are now
treated as comment lines.

Added command line option -k. This command line option

will cause TRACKS in .SA4 or .SA5 or .SA6 files to cycle
colors with each new segment. It does not have an effect
on any other color output.

-8 added to a the command line when downloading tracks to

an SA3 file will place the time on the track point.

g7to(w) -i <trk inputs> -8 -o fname.sa3

3.04.05 - Fixed a sign error in the longitude portion of GPL files.

3.04.04 - Fixed a track upload problem which occurred when the number of
tracks was larger than 750 and the output was to a Garmin GPS.

3.04.03 - Fixed an offset problem when loading LEI routes with the
waypoints offset. Some problems with the GPS III Pilot routes
still exist.

Fixed a problem when the output was to a LEI unit and any
command parameter other than '-o lwr' was used.

3.04.02 - Added GPS III Pilot route upload.
Corrected a problem in reading Navigate .clg files. This error
was introduced in version 3.02.22.
3.04.01 - Fixed a problem downloading Protocol Version 1.0 displays. This
bug was introduced in version 3.03.09.

3.04.00 - g7to.doc is now a WinWord document. The original g7to.doc has
been renamed g7to.txt. In the future g7to.doc will be the
official file and g7to.txt will be removed.

Fixed a bug in reading proximity waypoints from the Garmin units.

Increasing the length of the waypoint name field to 15 characters

has removed the need for the -k command line option which copied
the comment in the waypoint record to the waypoint name field.
This option has been removed.

Changed the comma separated values output to remove the double

quote marks from the elements.

Changed the datum selection parmeter from -U to -Y. -U is now

used to signal output should be UTM.

Added UTM output. This removed the need for having *80* records
output so this function was removed. Control Point records are
no longer output.

Added UTM input.

UTM I/O can only be used with g7to 'text' files and with
.csv files. g7to text files are created by re-directing
the output to a file.

g7to -i g45w -o garmin.csv -u

Will output the data in the .csv file in UTM.

g7to -i g45w -u >garmin.txt

will output the Garmin waypoints to the file garmin.txt in

the UTM format.

The -u parameter may be used it the -y <datum> parameter

to create UTM output in other supported datums:

g7to -i g45w -o garmin.csv -u -y nad27_conus

will create the garmin.csv file with UTM values in the NAD-27
CONUS datum.

Input text files may have the co-ordinants in either UTM or

Lat/Long; however, the format is fixed:

#Wed Dec 16 08:12:36 1998 GMT

D WGS-84
! -t cblack -t wt -t sn
N New Track Start
T N44 30.4296 W123 34.7715 Mon Dec 14 22:46:41 1998
T N44 30.4468 W123 34.7477 Mon Dec 14 22:46:41 1998
! -w coblue -w ctblue -w sovs -w stvs -w ane
I N44 30.8899 W123 33.6013 ; 18;
I N44 30.8899 W123 33.5866 ; 18;
R 03
W 003 N44 30.0000 W123 30.0000 Sun Aug 16 21:16:15 1998 TEST POINT
; 18;2;0
W 126TRN N44 25.2782 W122 00.1112 Sun Aug 16 21:16:15 1998 HWY 20-126
; 18;2;0
W 1ST-B N44 33.9769 W123 16.0457 Sun Aug 16 21:16:15 1998 FIRST BAPTIST
; 10;2;0
E 03

#Wed Dec 16 08:11:34 1998 GMT

D WGS-84
! -t cblack -t wt -t sn
N New Track Start
T 10T 453934.7 4928367.8 Mon Dec 14 22:46:41 1998
T 10T 453966.5 4928399.5 Mon Dec 14 22:46:41 1998
! -w coblue -w ctblue -w sovs -w stvs -w ane
I 10T 455490.8 4929209.2 ; 18;
I 10T 455510.3 4929209.1 ; 18;
R 03
W 003 10T 460251.1 4927530.7 Sun Aug 16 21:16:15 1998 TEST POINT
; 18;2;0
W 126TRN 10T 579457.2 4919152.2 Sun Aug 16 21:16:15 1998 HWY 20-126
; 18;2;0
W 1ST-B 10T 478764.2 4934806.4 Sun Aug 16 21:16:15 1998 FIRST BAPTIST
; 10;2;0
E 03

#Wed Dec 16 08:22:21 1998 GMT

D nad27_conus
! -t cblack -t wt -t sn
N New Track Start
T 10T 454028.6 4928172.4 Mon Dec 14 22:46:41 1998
T 10T 454060.4 4928204.1 Mon Dec 14 22:46:41 1998
! -w coblue -w ctblue -w sovs -w stvs -w ane
I 10T 455584.7 4929013.8 ; 18;
I 10T 455604.2 4929013.7 ; 18;
R 03
W 003 10T 460345.0 4927335.3 Sun Aug 16 21:16:15 1998 TEST POINT
; 18;2;0
W 126TRN 10T 579550.8 4918956.8 Sun Aug 16 21:16:15 1998 HWY 20-126
; 18;2;0
W 1ST-B 10T 478858.0 4934611.0 Sun Aug 16 21:16:15 1998 FIRST BAPTIST
; 10;2;0
E 03

Removed the Proj output record. g7to has datum conversion and
Proj was output to facilitate datum conversion exterior to the

3.03.12 - Existed as a beta, only. Never officially released.
3.03.11 - Fixed a bug which caused new track information to be lost when
output is a .csv file.

Added input of .csv file.

g7to(w) -i file.csv -o file.sa6

will read the .csv file 'file.csv' and output the data therein
into the SA6 file 'file.sa6'.

The only .csv data input which will work is .csv data written in
the .csv format that g7to outputs.

3.03.10 - Increased the number of waypoints allowed in input files to
65500 for g7tow.exe. The number of waypoints allowed in g7to.exe
remains at 750.

Fixed a problem when using the -c Lat -c Long input to center a

.SA file. This bug was in g7tow only.

Modified -q parameter as follows:

-q 0 - all items written

-q 1 - comment not written on regular waypoints
-q 2 - comment not written on route waypoints
-q 4 - the symbol display parameter not written
-q 8 - route name is not written on first route point
added-----> -q 16 - (nn:nn) is not written on the text of route points
in .SAfiles.

The parameter values can be summed to turn off more than

one option. For example -q 9 (the sum of 8 + 1) would
turn off the writing of comments on regular waypoints
and turn off writing the route name on the first route

-q 31 will turn off all options and leave only the waypoint
name displayed in routes in SAfiles.

3.03.09 - Fixed a memory allocation problem which could result in a
program crash when downloading EE2 display with g7to(w).

3.03.08 - Fixed a problem when displaying the Lowrance GlobalMap Sport name

Fixed a program 'crash' that could happen when uploading

tracks to an LEI protocol version 1 unit, i.e. the
GlobalMap Sport, with g7tow.

Fixed a 'disappearing' plot trail on upload to protocol

1.0 units.

3.03.07 - Fixed a problem in downloading LEI waypoints caused by the
addition of the -i lwrs command

3.03.06 - Improved the searching for g7datums.txt.

Added a 's' suffix to the '-o lwr' command. If a 's#' is

appended, i.e. 'g7to -i inputs -o lwrs21' then the
waypoints would be sent to the LEI unit starting at
waypoint 21. The first 20 waypoints in the LEI unit
would not be overwritten.

Added 's' suffix to '-i lwr' command. 'g7to -i lwrs4,8'

will download waypoints 4 through 8 from the LEI unit.

3.03.05 - When the source/destination is a Garmin GPS 12, 12XL or
GPS II+ (those with 16 icons) and the destination/source
is an Ozi file the command line option -1 should be
specified. This will invoke a special conversion. If
this parameter is not used then g7to assumes that a
Garmin unit with 48 icons is the source/destination of
the transfer between the Garmin<->Ozi file.

3.03.04 - The addition of a few more routines caused the size of
the static data area to pass 64k bytes. This required
switching from the Large model to the Huge model for the
MSDOS version (g7to). The .EXE is therefore about 50k
larger than it was previous to the switch to the Huge
model. The program will also execute a bit slower than

Added support for Street Atlas 6 files (.SA6). SA6

supports 'Vias' in addition to 'Stops' in routes. This
additional type caused an addition to the waypoint format
in text files. The field immediately following the icon
display style is now a 1 if the point is a 'Via' in a SA6
route, 0 otherwise.

Fixed problem in uploading tracks to Protocol 1.0 units.

The last track point was not uploaded.

Fixed problem download routes from Street Pilot. Only

two routes would be downloaded.

Added output so a single track can be sent to either

track 1 or track 2 of the LEI unit.

Modified g7to -hd output to print the Garmin Symbol Table

conversion information. It may be better for most people
to execute 'g7to -hd | more'.

Added the ability to output Datums other than WGS-84 to

text files. All input except text files is assumed to be
WGS-84. All output is assumed to be WGS-84 except data
files (*.txt) which can have a different datum. The
allowed datum set is in the new file g7datums.txt. This
file must reside somewhere in the path specified by the
environment variable PATH. If the file isn't found or if
the conversion data isn't found in the file then g7to(w)
will search it's internal tables. If the proper
conversion data isn't found then an error message is
printed and WGS-84 is assumed

The new command line parameter, -U, is assigned the

datum. For example, to output the contents in the GPS
unit as NAD 27 mean (also known as NAD 27 CONUS) the
command line is:

g7to -i g45w -U North_America_1927_mean

All characters between the start of the line and the first
comma are significant, but the case is not significant. The
following two lines are interpreted as the same:

g7to -i g45w -U North_America_1927_mean

g7to -i g45w -U nORTH_aMERICA_1927_MEAN

The file g7datums.txt is a standard text file. The first few

lines describe the format of the file. If new datums are added,
please send the additions to so they can be added
to the main program file.

The command 'g7to -U 1' will print out the internal data
conversion table.

The datum conversion also applies when the output is a .csv file.
in this case the first line is "Datum:","datum name". Waypoints,
tracks and icons are output to the .csv file.

Added a new command line parameter, -x. This parameter

is used when reading Ozi files which were created for LEI
units. If the -x parameter is not used and waypoints
created in Ozi for LEI units are read their symbols are
translated into GIII symbols. On uploading to the LEI
units they will be incorrect.

Modified routes so that the SA 'Start' and 'Finish' points are

part of the route and are no longer the same as the first point
and last point in the route. Each point is now unique.

The -1 flag has been removed. The default is assumed and there
is no reason to ever set it on the command line.

3.03.03 - Added read and write of OziExplorer track (plot) files. These
files are output by Ozi using the file save track to file command
and have a .PLT suffix.

Added read and write of OziExplorer waypoint files, *.wpt. g7to

differs from Ozi in that g7to always writes waypoints with their
full name.

Added read and write of OziExplorer Route files .rte.

Added read and write of OziExplorer Event files .evt,

(Lowrance/Eagle Icons).

The above additions required the removal of the reading of the

GDM 3.1 files. These files aren't necessary anymore as the
program itself will communicate with the LEI units.

The above also made it redundant to have the program read and
write the Garmin Export file types created by Ozi. This ability
has been removed, i.e. *.otr and *.owp files are no longer

Fixed a route download problem when GPS is the Street Pilot.

Fixed a route upload problem when GPS is a Lowrance/Eagle with

Protocol 2.0.

3.03.02 - When reading/writing OZI waypoint files the Ozi symbol was
ignored. It no longer is. However, if a comment with a ;
in it is in the Ozi Exported Garmin waypoint text file the
symbol value in the comment will override the value in the
Ozi symbol field. For instance if the following line segment
is read from an Ozi Garmin exported waypoint file

........ THIS COMMENT;18,A,N

the symbol assigned to the record will be the Garmin symbol

18, not the Ozi symbol represented by 'A'.

If the following line segment is read:

........ THIS COMMENT,j,N

the Ozi symbol 'j' will be used. This translates into the
Garmin symbol 163 which is the SWIMMING icon.

Waypoints with names >6 chars were read inproperly in some

instances. Fixed

3.03.01 - During some operations, i.e. waypoint upload/download
pressing an 'x' or 'X' on the keyboard will cause the
program to immediately abort. Pressing a 'y' or a 'Y'
will cause the program to exit the current routine.

! command line parsing did not ignore 'white space' on the

line. Fixed. '-w som' is the same as '-w som' now.

.bmp files from GM100 and EEII are now rotated to the
vertical. This should work for other L/E units which
support downloading the display, but -- no guarantees.

Corrected date error in upload of Lowrance/Eagle waypoints.

3.03.00 - When the input/output unit is a Lowrance/Eagle, the
program will first try the baud rate entered on the
command line or the default. If those fail the program
will search the following common baud rates for the
proper one:

1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 57600, 115200.

Added baud rate change to command line parameters.

g7to -6 baud

Added support for Lowrance units using LSI 100 version 1.1
Note: in this release waypoints, icons, routes and tracks
are completely supported for upload and download.

The command to access Lowrance units is:

g7to -6 baud -i lwrw for waypoints

g7to -6 baud -i lwri for icons
g7to -6 baud -i lwrr for routes
g7to -6 baud -i lwr1 for track 1
g7to -6 baud -i lwr2 for track 2

g7to -6 baud -7 -o file.bmp

will download the Lowrance display to the Windows

bitmap file 'file.bmp'. The image will need to be
rotated left 90 degrees for some units. The
GlobalMap Sport does not need rotation, the GlobalMap
100 does.

As with the Garmin units the commands may be

concatonated, i.e.:

g7to -6 baud -i lwrwir12

If icons are sent to a SA file, the icon is sent as if it

were a waypoint named 'Icon'. It will also have the
comment and display type parameters suppressed.

Changed length of waypoint name from 6 chars to 15 chars

in the TXT files. This version will read the older
files, but it will only write the new file.

The baud rate for Lowrance GPS units defaults to 115200.

Use the -6 command to change it if you're not using

Changed the -w dxxx command. Changed the 12XL command to:

-w d2xxxxx to set the default 12XL/II+ icon

Added the following to change the default Lowrance Icon:

-w dLxxxxx to set the default Lowrance/Eagle Icon

Changed the way Icons were converted from<->to the

Garmin internal format for the 12's, 12XL's and II+ GPS

Note: Concerning Lowrance Routes and Waypoints....

The Lowrance units store waypoints in 'slots'. The

same waypoint may be stored in each slot and you will
have 'n' waypoints each the same. The Garmin units do
not allow multiple identical waypoints.

When waypoints are sent to the Lowrance units they are

sent to an assigned slot. Slots that are not updated
remain the same as before the upload. g7to by default
sorts all waypoints by name and sends those waypoints
first. The program then marks all of the rest of the
waypoints inactive by sending inactive waypoints to
each slot. A command line parameter, -l, has been
provided which will cause g7to to send only the active
waypoints, the others will not be marked inactive. The
will remain as before. For instance, if 20 waypoints
are sent to a unit that can hold 50 waypoints and the
'-l' parameter is specified on the command line, the
first 20 in the unit will be overwritten and the last
30 will unchanged.

Route number 'n' will show up in the Lowrance as route

number n+1. The text files start numbering routes at
'0' and the Lowrance starts numbering them at '1'.

Lowrance route number '1' will be treated as any other

route '0' for SA output.

Added command line option '-k' to have the waypoint

comment copied to the waypoint name for text file
output only.

3.02.24 - Fixed bugs in reading waypoints from a non-StreetPilot
source and sending them to a SP.

Fixed a long standing bug that only showed up when

sending routes and waypoints to a .SA4 file. The
waypoints were 'skipped'. This bug was introduced in
version 3.02.15.

Fixed bug that caused some .SA3 files to hang on input.

Modified default icon command line parameter. The -w D

command has changed. It is now

-w dGxxxxx to set the default Garmin icon

-w dSxxxxx to set the default SA4/5 icon
-w dLxxxxx to set the default 12XL/II+ icon

On program startup the defaults are:

Garmin Icon = 18, a waypoint dot

SA4/5 object = 46, a 46 which is a square. The -hd

parameter will list all SA4/5 object numbers.

12XL/II+ default icon number is 0, also a square.

When converting from a 12XL/II+ or from a SA4/5 object number

to the internal (Garmin icon) number the default Garmin icon
is returned if a match is not found.

When converting from the Garmin icon number to 12XL/II+ icon

number the default 12XL/II+ number is returned if a match is
not found.

When converting from the Garmin icon number to the SA4/5 object
number the default SA4/5 object is returned when a match is not

One additional Garmin<->SA 'default' can be set. The

parameter -w xaa,bb will set the 2nd default Garmin
symbol to the value of aa and the 2nd SA default object
to the value bb. Whenever a SA5 symbol is read, if it is
the 2nd default symbol, it is converted to the internal
Garmin symbol aa. For example:

g7to -i file.txt -o file.sa5 -w x18,12

will cause all of the squares (Garmin 18) in the file to

be converted to circles (12) in the SA file. The command

g7to -i file.sa5 -w x18,12

will cause all of the circles in the file file.sa5 to be converted

to squares (18) in the file file.txt.

Added support for the GPS III's new icon (in version 2.06) which
is the 'mine' symbol.

Fixed -r 0wn and -r wn parameters. They failed if the input was

the GPS

3.02.23 - Fixed bugs in reading a single line input file

Street Pilot waypoint upload now works.

Continuation lines added to the text file to allow

support of Street Pilot records. See g7to.doc for more
information as to the text file format.

Removed read of the Waypoint record format supported

prior to version 3.01.01. 'Wpn...' and 'Ppn...' record
no longer read.

Changed the value of the icon symbol to reflect the

Garmin symbols. The SA5 object code is no longer the

To convert existing files from the 'old' format, use a

version of g7to prior to 3.02.23 to convert the file to
an SA5 file and then use 3.02.23 or greater to convert
back to the original file type. This change was made
because the Garmin symbols are more numerous than the SA5
symbols and using the SA object code wasn't adequate.
The Garmin symbols are mapped to the SA object code. See
g7to.doc for details of the mapping.
3.02.22 - Fixed bugs in route upload code. Added Street Pilot
screen dump to a .bmp file.

Fixed waypoint upload and download code for Street Pilot.

The Street Pilot in it's current form does not allow
proper uploading of waypoints, however, upload/download
of routes and tracks and the download of waypoints work.
This is supposed to be fixed before it's release.

The program now attempts to ID an input file type if the

extension is .TXT or is not given. The only input types
checked for are Ozi waypoint and track exported files,
Fugawi waypoint exported files, original .TXT files
(which still should have the .TXT extension) and Almanac
output files.

With this release comes a Windows Console version of

g7to. Windows Console programs do not utilize the
Windows Graphical User Interface and they are usually
intended to run from a MSDOS command prompt window.

g7tow.exe performs exactly the same functions as g7to.exe

with one exception, data comm stats are not collected.

g7tow.exe requres windows, either Windows NT or Windows

9x. g7tow.exe will not run uner Windows 3.1.
3.02.21 - Added -jx option where x is 0,1,2 or 3 and affects regular
waypoint output on g7to text files:

0 - all items written

1 - comment not written on regular waypoints
2 - the symbol display information not written
3 - Comment & symbol display information not written

Added read and write of waypoints and tracks exported

from OziExplorer. The format supported is the 'WP,D' and
'Trackpoint,D' format only. File.otr signifies a track
file and File.owp signifies a waypoint file.

g7to -i wayp.txt -o wayp.owp

will output the g7to text file 'wayp.txt' as the

OziExplorer Garmin import file 'wayp.owp'. OziExplorer
uses the .txt suffix, so be sure to rename the file as
necessary after writing by either g7to or OziExplorer.

Clarified Link Protocol Errors that may happen on startup.

-w dxxx now works as documented.

Changed g7to to read and write Fugawi .trk files. The

.trk files now contain the new track start info. They
are binary. The .ftr format (a text file) is no longer
used because it does not contain new track start info.

Updated for released Garmin Protocol Doc--only minor changes.

Fixed route name bug introduced in version 3.02.15.

3.02.20 - g7to didn't print track points to the .g64 file, they went
to the display. They now go to the file as they should.
3.02.19 - If an output file has a .bmp extension and the connected
gps is a GPS III then g7to will attempt to download the
GPS III display into the designated file.
g7to -o testit.bmp

The bitmap is created in the horizontal format, i.e. the

width is 160 pixels, the height is 100 pixels and the
color depth is 16.
3.02.18 - Modified SA5 code to handle a route waypoint name mis-read.
3.02.17 - Added an abort command. If, while downloading from the
GPS, you wish to abort the current download simply press
'x' or 'X' and the current GPS read will immediately

Cleaned up some un-necessary function calls.

3.02.16 - Fixed bug in decode of Protocol Array - code wouldn't work in
all cases.
3.02.15 - Total rewrite of Garmin protocol code.

The format of the Lowrance .low file keeps changing, so I

removed all code to read/write Lowrance files. The Lowrance
protocol is published, so I may write a version of g7to that
can read/write data directly from the Lowrance/Eagle units.

-z !file_name will cause the protocol dump file to be printed

using decimal. -z file_name still causes the file dump to be
in hex.

Added a Comma Separated Values (file.csv) format for

output. See g7to.doc for info.

Swapped Short Tower (was National Capitol, now Mountain)

and Scenic Area (was Mountain, now National Capitol) in
GIII<->SA5 table. The symbol for the short tower looks
more like a mountain than the camera symbol :-)

Added 'g7to -i g45j' and 'g7to -i g45g' input options.

The -i g45g command will start the GPS sending PVT data
approximately once a second. Typing an 'X' or an 'x'
will cause the data flow to stop and g7to will exit.
Each data element is separated by a comma. The data
values are:

alt -- altitude above WGS 84 ellipsoid (meters)

epe -- estimated position error, 2 sigma (meters)
eph -- epe, but horizontal only (meters)
epv -- epe, but vertical only (meters)
fix -- type of position fix:
unusable = 0 failed integrity check
invalid = 1 invalid or unavailable
2D = 2 two dimensional
3D = 3 three dimensional
2D_diff = 4 two dimensional differential
3D_diff = 5 three dimensional differential

tow -- time of week (seconds)--The number of seconds

into the current week
latitude -- N is positive and S is negative in degrees
longitude -- E is positive and W is negative. in degrees
east -- velocity east (meters/second)
north -- velocity north (meters/second)
up -- velocity up (meters/second)
msl_hght -- height of WGS 84 ellipsoid above MSL (meters)
leap_scnds -- difference between GPS and UTC (seconds)
wn_days -- week number days--the number of days since
Jan 1st, 1990 to the beginning of the current

NOTE: The 12XL version 3.53 supports the PVT data, and I assume the
units will also. GPS III units apparently do not support the
data, at least through 2.05.
3.02.14 - Fixed bug with Fugawi track file (.ftr) i/o.
G7TO now tries using GPS III when a new model ID is found.

For GPS III units with software version 2.05 or greater

two more Icons have been added. They are Airport and
Hotel. This addition has caused a change in the
definitions of the Text number used by g7to for storage
of the icon in text files. See g7to.doc for details.

If your III version is less than 2.05 the original

definitions will be used.

I no longer have a III < 2.05, so I cannot test the original

3.02.13 - Internal cosmetic changes only. Not released.
3.02.12 - The GPS III Version 2.04 changed the ID string. This caused
g7to to lock up--fixed. The ID string for the III version 2.04
contains the version of the Map Data. This information is also
displayed on a 'g7to -i g45d' command.
3.02.11 - Added check and exit if UART isn't found at the COM port. This
is not needed for WinNT, the WinNT subsystem will catch the

getopt now has more complete option checking. All fields

must be introduced by a valid leadin. i.e.

g7to -i g45r -a kk

will properly give an error. In previous versions the

error was ignored.
3.02.10 - Checks for environment variable 'OS'. If it exists and equals
'Windows_NT' a delay is added between transmitted
characters. It appears that the DOS box in WinNT can't
handle a high transmission rate. If the CPU is much over
166mHz then G7TO starts to fail.
3.02.09 - Added '-3' and '-4' flags for standard COM3 and
COM4 ports. Moved '-3' flag to '-5' for 'different'
style COM ports.

COM1 = 0x3f8 IRQ 4

COM2 = 0x2f8 IRQ 3
COM3 = 0x3e8 IRQ 4
COM4 = 0x2e8 IRQ 3
3.02.08 - Slightly modified checksum/NAK procedures to more closely
reflect the protocol.
3.02.07 - Fixed route formatting problem. Added lines on route 0
when uploaded from a GPS III to a .sa5 file. The lines
on route 0 are not drawn when the output is to a sa4
file. sa5 does not draw the lines for the route but sa4
does. The default is to draw lines.

-r0ly - turns on line drawing in sa5 output

-r0ln - turns off line drawing in sa5 output
3.02.06 - Fixed formatting bug in 'Txxxxx of xxxxx' in upload of
tracks. Changed .sa5 output turn off all 'Points of
3.02.05 - Fixed bug in reading of Fugawi waypoint file.
Modified WTT output to insert a new track record if the
comment on the waypoint is "NEW"

Fixed a problem with illegal values in SA files.

Begin adding SA5 support.

G7TO no longer supports Precision Mapping waypoint and track


Added support for Street Atlas .gpl (track log) files.

3.02.04 - Fixed bug in text records with a zero length waypoint comment.
Fixed problem when uploading the 'Deer' symbol from a II+ or
12XL with the destination a SA4 file. SA4 would lock up when
reading the file.
3.02.03 - Added a default icon. When translating from a '16 icon'
machine, i.e. a II+ or 12XL 3.02 or greater or from a
'45 icon' machine, currently only the III, you can chose
which SA4 object to use for the 'default' in the machine.

The command line parameter is '-w Dxxx' where xxx is the

SA4 object number. See the table in G7TO.DOC.

The default icon for the 16 icon machines is a small

square. If you execute a '-w d12' on the g7to command
line when uploading waypoint from a II+ or 12XL with
icons, then this small square will be translated into a
circle in the SA4 map.

For the III, the default icon is a Waypoint. If you

execute '-w d44' on the command line when transferring
waypoints from the III then all 'Waypoint' icons will be
transferred as Restaurants.
3.02.02 - Changed serial port timeout routines.
Almanac upload re-enabled. The command

g7to -i xxx

where xxx is a file containing almanac data (see g7to.doc

for the format of this file) will immediately send the
data to the gps. It must not be used with other file
processing on the command line.

Removed the ability to use the '-w Ixx' param from command

The SA object must be defined in the .txt file. See G7TO.DOC

The number following the first ';' on a waypoint line now
represents the SA object, not the III object. To modify your
current .txt files, upload them to the III using version 3.02.01
of g7to and then download them to .txt using 3.02.02.

Fixed variable mismatch in .low output. This error

caused g7to version 3.02.01 to crash on an intermittent
basis if .low files were chosen as an output file.

Added icon type and icon style to the comment field in the
output of Fugawi waypoint files. If the waypoint comment and
the ;icon type;icon style are 20 characters or less then
Fugawi will not truncate these two values. Fugawi truncates
the length of the comment field to 20 characters.
3.02.01 - Internal housekeeping changes.
3.02.00 - Added support for GPS III. This required a change in the text
files. The fields which priviously were 'a'-'p' and 'n','s','c'
are now numeric. The III allows 20 characters in the waypoint
comment field, so the position of the first ';' in the text file
is now floating. It's position depends upon the length of the
comment field. This change also means that some lines will be
longer than 80 characters.

The old ';a;n' style format is converted to the new on input.

See G7TO.DOC for the details.

The 12XL version 3.51 has apparently changed the
Proximity command (or it has a bug). This release
therefore does not support Proximity Upload/Download on
the 12XL Version 3.51.
The 'send voltage' command is apparently not implemented
on the III, or the protocol has changed. That command is
not implemented in this version of g7to when talking to the
3.01.10 - 3.01.099 --- Skipped
3.01.09 - Fixed bug in -q processing.
3.01.08 - Added new output suffix .WTT. When this suffix is chosen as
part of the output file name g7to will output the currently
loaded waypoints as a single track. This code was added to
allow tracks to be defined via waypoints in fugawi.

Added two new input/output suffix definitions:

The suffix FWP, i.e. fname.fwp, will read/write the file

as if it is a waypoint file exported from fugawi.

The suffix FTR, i.e., will read/write the file

as if it is a track file to be read by fugawi.

NOTE: fugawi as of version 2.115 still does not save

track files in a manner that preserves the new
track start, stops. In other words, the entire
list of tracks are saved as if they are one long
track. This is the same way Precision Mapping 3.0
handles tracks and in my estimation is bogus.

Modified -q parameter as follows:

-q 0 - all items written

-q 1 - comment not written on regular waypoints
-q 2 - comment not written on route waypoints
-q 4 - the symbol display parameter not written
-q 8 - route name is not written on first route point

The parameter values can be summed to turn off more than

one option. For example -q 9 (the sum of 8 + 1) would
turn off the writing of comments on regular waypoints
and turn off writing the route name on the first route

g7to failed to communicate properly in a NT 4.0 MSDOS

window when executed on fast processor, i.e. a 200 mHz
MMX. This has been fixed.

The command line option -g has been added. If -g is

encountered anywhere on the command line then Lat/Long
grids will not be displayed when .sa output files are
loaded into SA.
3.01.07 - Added code which causes g7to to use a temporary file for tracks
when the value of the -f argument is 0. For example:

g7to -i large_file_with_lots_of_track_points -o filex.sa4 -f 0

will cause a temporary file to be used in track processing.

3.01.06 - Fixed icon/Proximity error in 12XL Ver 3.02 communications
Added -f parameter to allow up to 32767 track points. The
default is 4096. Each track point allocated takes up
approximately 90 bytes of RAM.
3.01.05 - Fixed icon error introduced in 3.01.04
Fixed 12XL ver 3.02 icon error
3.01.04 - Changed output format of distance summation. Minor cleanup
in distance calculations and text input. In previous versions
a single "N" was not accepted as a new track designator. It now
is accepted as such.
Fixed small bug in 'name' handling when input is a SA4 mapnote.
If the mappoint contains 'placerville;1234567890123;a;n'
the waypoint created is:

W PLACER xxxxxxxx VILLE 1234567890;a;n

3.01.03 - Internal housekeeping. Functionality not changed.
Modified 'g7to -ho' output for II+ backlight intensity.
Fixed E/W bug in uploading tracks.
3.01.02 - Squashed bug in -u output. Modified Error output.
Added some debugging out for looking at Garmin protocol.
If '-z fname' is specified on the command line all
exchanges with the Garmin will be output to file fname
in hex-ascii format.
Changed to Sinnott formula for distance. Earth radius=6367.5 km
Fixed bug in distance routine. The first segment wasn't being
included in the calculation.
Fixed bug in Proximity distance location in output text file.
3.01.01 - Squashed bug in sort routine. Changed text record format

WpnHWY-34 N44 33.8269 W123 14.1090 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 HWY 34 - PEORIA
PpnHWY-34 N44 33.8269 W123 14.1090 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 HWY 34 - PEORIA dist

W HWY-34 N44 33.8269 W123 14.1090 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 HWY 34 - PEORIA ;p;n
P HWY-34 N44 33.8269 W123 14.1090 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 HWY 34 -
PEORIA ;p;n;dist

The first ';' comes at character position 77 i.e. the

77th character in the line. The others are free format,
i.e. '; n; p;dist' is ok as long as the first ';' is at
position 77

'p' is Icon character (a-p) and 'n' is icon display format.

'dist' is proximity distance in meters.

Files in the original text format are still readable, but

only the new format is output by the program.
3.01 - Icon handling for II+ is now complete.
3.00.08 - 3.00.99 Skipped.
3.00.07 - Changed the way route lines are drawn. Routes are one
line for each route. Previously, there was a line
segment drawn for each two points in the route. Squashed
small bug in -q option.
3.00.06 - Fixed an error message.
Added -q4 option to suppress symbol display style in SA files
Added -q5 option to suppress route name in first route point
of SA file
Backlight problem fixed.
3.00.05 - cleanup in print of waypoints from sources that do not
support icons, i.e. 'old' (pre 3.00.04) .sa4 files
Squashed a small bug with default icons being sent to
II+. Modified some error messages and added one.
3.00.04 - Added a field to the SA text to represent the display properties
for II+ icons.

For waypoints, the format is name;desc;symboldisplay

For route waypoints:

(rr:pp)name;desc;symboldisplay;route name for the first point.
(rr:pp)name;desc;symboldisplay for other than the first point.

where symbol display is 'n' for name+symbol, 's' for symbol alone
and 'c' for symbol+route comment
3.00.03 - Added display properties for symbols. 'n' - name &
symbol 's' - Symbol only, 'c' - Symbol with comment.
Output to SA strips this display data and 'n' is the
default. Text files preserve the display status.
3.00.02 - Added symbols for II+ output of waypoints to/from an
SA3/4 file. See g7to.doc for details. Added ability to
change backlight level on II+;
3.00.01 - Support for GPS II+ Waypoint symbols (icons) added. See
G7TO.DOC. Fixed bug with tracks (E/W switching). Fixed
bug with tracks not ending properly when sent to GPS
3.00 - Total rewrite of user interface. The merge function is
gone. Multiple files can be read on input and all data
that is read can be output to one or several files. The
original -6 -p and -8 commandline options have been
replaced by file output using ?.g64, ?.prj and ?.x80.

-i g45 command line enhancement. The parameters

following the 'g45' may be entered at the same time, i.e.
'-i g45wx' will cause the Garmin to send waypoints and

Support for Garmin units other than the 12XL is in the

code but has not been tested.

Most command line parameters have been changed or are

removed. See g7to.doc for the complete list of the
current command line parameters.

Current command line synopsis:

-1 Sets COM port to 1

-2 Sets COM port to 2
-3 allows setting com port parameters

-a Text mode output

-b turn on all sa output drawing objects

-c Sets lat/long of center of sa file

-d sum distances

-e no command lines on text output

-h various help output

-i input files

-m set magnitude of sa file

-n no names on track point output to sa3 files

-o output files

-p set sa circle parameters (prox waypoint)

-qx- (x=1-5) some comments stripped from waypoints.

See g7to.doc

-r set sa route parameters

-s don't sort waypoints and don't remove non unique waypoints

-t set sa track line parameters

-u lowrance 'L' waypoints

-v print async stats

-w set sa waypoint object/text parameters

Default is ON for the following:

-ry = turn on route line drawing for routes 1-19

-rn = turn off route line drawing for routes 1-19

-rwy = turn on route waypoints for routes 1-19

-rwn = turn off route waypoints for routes 1-19

-r0y = turn on route 0 to sa4

-r0n = turn off route 0 to sa4

-r0wy = turn on route 0 waypoints

-r0wn = turn off route 0 waypoints

-r0wy or -ry must be used for routes to be output to sa3 files

-by turns on all sa outputs

i.e. -by is a synonym for -wy -ty -ry -r0y -py -r0wy -rwy

-bn turns off all sa outputs

i.e. -bn is a synonym for -wn -tn -rn -r0n -pn -r0wn -rwn

-r cxx = set route line color

-r txx = set route line thickness
-r sxx = set route line style
These options take effect for the entire output, i.e. it is not
possible to turn on output for some waypoints or some tracks, only
for all of the objects.


Route 0 on the Garmin becomes route 20 when sent to a .low

file and route 20 read from a .low file becomes route 0 when
sent to the g45. If a route 20 is entered by hand into a text
file and the text file sent to the Garmin the route 20 is
changed to route 0.

When output is .low file, the order of the data in the input
file is no longer rigid.

Any of the valid output locations (G45, .sa3, .prj, .sa4,

.low, .clg, .g64, .x80) can be written to from any valid input


Routes : 20
Route Points : 99
Waypoints : 1500
TrackPoints : 1500
Proximity Pts: 20

NOTE: These are *program* maximums, not all receivers will be

capable of storing the maximum data entries.
2.09-2.99 Skipped these version numbers.

2.08 - Fixed a bug in 2.07 that caused any output name for
.sa3, .sa4 or .low files to be rejected if the fourth
letter of the file name was 'c' or 'C'.

Added option -f (or -F) to cause the waypoints to be

sorted and waypoints where the name, latitude and
longitude are duplicated to be removed.

Modified -w option to require an argument, i.e:

g7to -i mm.txt -o mm.sa4 -wx where x is 1,2 or 3.

Added the ability to read the SA4 route and print it

to a text file as route 0. Intermediate stop points
named "Stop" are renamed 'Sx' where x is the xth point
in the route. 'x' is 5 characters wide, and filled
with leading 0's.

Added the ability to read route 0 from a text file and

output it to a SA4 route.

Added the ability to read and write lowrance data

files from WSII. Suffix for WSII files is .low At
this time only waypoints, routes and icons are
supported. The format for the text file is not too
flexible. *ALL* waypoints that may be used in a route
*MUST* be defined before the route. I.E.

W FIRST N44 33.9901 W123 16.0701 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 FIRST BAPTIST
W HWY-34 N44 33.8269 W123 14.1090 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 HWY 34 - PEORIA
R 01 TEST1
W FIRST N44 33.9901 W123 16.0701 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 FIRST BAPTIST
W HWY-34 N44 33.8269 W123 14.1090 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 HWY 34 - PEORIA
E 01
is ok, while

W FIRST N44 33.9901 W123 16.0701 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 FIRST BAPTIST
W HWY-34 N44 33.8269 W123 14.1090 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 HWY 34 - PEORIA
R 01 TEST3
W FIRST N44 33.9901 W123 16.0701 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 FIRST BAPTIST
W HWY-34 N44 33.8269 W123 14.1090 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 HWY 34 - PEORIA
W 7MILE- N44 25.5196 W123 01.1333 Wed May 28 17:44:04 1997 7MILE-LINN WEST
E 01
is not correct. The '7MILE' waypoint was not defined
in the text file before used in a route. This is a
limitation of the way the program is currently

Icon information MUST come after all routes are

defined and have the following format in the text

I N44 12.3456 W123 22.6543 Rail Road

I N45 25.6543 W123 15.6544 Animal Tracks

If file.txt contains the following line:

W ALSBAY N44 25.8961 W124 04.2498 Wed May 28 16:44:04 1997 ALSEA BAY BRIDGE

The following command:

g7to -i file.txt -o file.low

will create the file 'file.low' and insert the

waypoint from the txt file in it. The file 'file.low'
will contain only waypoint data from file 'file.txt'.
All other items (routes, tracks, icons) will be blank.
The waypoint name will not be taken from the field
after the 'W' as it will for Garmin receivers, it will
be taken from the comment field, i.e. all after the
date string. In the above case, the name of the
waypoint will be 'ALSEA BAY BRIDGE'. This program
will truncate it at the 20th character. Note, when
uploaded to a Global Map Sport only characters 1-12
are used in the name.

If file.low is then read by the following command:

g7to -u -i file.low

this line is output:

L ALSEA-BAY N44 25.8961 W124 04.2498 Thu May 29 15:57:42 1997 ALSEA BAY BRIDGE
The length of the 'name' field is increased to 10 in
the 'L' record (it's 6 in the 'W' record). This
'name' field is made up of the first 10 characters of
the Lowrance waypoint name. The Lowrance waypoint
name now resides in the comment area. Even though the
'name' field isn't used by the program, the data file
can be sorted on the name.

The .low files have been tested with the Global Map
Sport. Other Lowrance/Eagle units which utilize WSII
may work, but I have no way to test them. The files
are ok for use with WSII version 1.1 only -- other
versions of WSII have NOT been tested.
2.07 - Added the ability to read voltages from the Garmin
Added the ability to turn the Garmin backlight on or off
Added the ability to control the contrast on the 12XL

Added support for routes 1-19 for SA3 and SA4 files.
The route point is added to the SA file as a symbol with
a 'name' having the following format:

For the first point in the route:


and for points 2-19


rr is the 2 digit route number

pp is the 2 digit point numeber in route rr

Waypoints should be represented in the SA file with

the waypoint name separated from the waypoint comment
by a semicolon:


This format is the same as that used in Waypoint+.

2.06a - Added the ability to read lines, areas and circles
from a SA4 file. Lines and areas are considered
Garmin tracks. Circles are considered proximity
waypoints. These elements may be output to a text
file, but not directly to the Garmin units by G7TO.
However, the text file can be uploaded to the Garmin
units by G7TO. Proximity waypoints, lines and areas
in a text file can be output to an sa4 file.

I decided not to allow direct transfer to the Garmin

units because the very fine program Waypoint+ already
does this, but it does not run under DOS, and, I have
a Hewlett Packard palmtop that does not run windows.
G7TO allows me to 'read' the SA4 file to a text file
which can be uploaded to the G12XL by G7TO.

Fixed bug in output alignment of the text associated

with symbols.

This version was not released to the public.

2.06 - Added some minor support for SA4 files
2.05 - Navigate.exe waypoint names are now converted to
Garmin format by first removing all ' ' and '#'
characters. Earlier versions of g7to replaced these
characters with a '-'. If the resulting name is
longer than 6 characters, the program takes the first
3 and the last 3 characters of the name. This allows
default waypoints in the shareware version of
Navigate.exe to be unique.
2.04 - Fixed a Garmin 64 formatting bug.
2.03 - The rs232 port on a 100/200LX was not turned off at the end
of data collection. It is now.

- Fixed waypoint name length problem when input is proj

2.02 - Added ability to convert routes between Paul Mouland's
navigate.exe (routes.clg) and text and/or the G45.

- Misc tidying up. Informs GPS 45 of number of records that

will be sent during an upload.
2.01 - Fixed problem with Garmin Protocol...end of frame was not
decoded properly in all cases.

- Routes had an 'E XX' record in all output formats, not just
text. Output of 'E XX' record only in TEXT mode now

- Fixed bug in reading MapNotes on .SA3->txt conversion

- now uploads Almanac data. The Almanac file format is now

the same as that found at: On download
from the GPS45 a week# will be -1 if the satellite isn't
healthy. This function assumes that the satellites are in
order in the file. Missing sats are ok, but the ID number
must be correct.
2.0 - Now uploads/downloads Waypoints, Tracks, Routes and other
items directly from/to the GPS45. It has not been tested
on other Garmin Units.

- Sums track distances using a simple formula.

- Expanded object attribute capability on conversion to/from

SA3 files.

- Works properly on HP 100LX/HP 200LX palmtop units,

i.e. turns on COM1 as wire, disables light sleep,
transfers data, turns off COM1, enables light sleep.
- Supports standard COM1/COM2 ports or you can define your
own IRQ and IO address.
1.41 - fixed round off error
1.4 - added optional magnitude, latitude and longitude parameters
to be used for the center of the output .sa3 file

- changed os to -o in two places in DOC file.

- fixed broken .sa3 -> g64 format. The time was expressed in
4 digits rather than the expected 2 digits (1996 vs 96)
1.3 - fixed time related bugs

- fixed MapNote,Symbol,Text problem in merge/output

- cleaned up source code and doc file

1.2 - added -m option to merge 2 sa3 format files into a
third sa3 file

- changed reference to garmin7 to gardown7

1.1 - Changed compile model from Large to Small

- Added ability to set object type, size and color when

output is a .SA3 file

- Added ability to set text size, color and alignment when

output is a .SA3 file

- Fixed code which allowed a waypoint with an interior

' ' (space), i.e. 'MY PNT'. The space is changed to a '-',
i.e. 'MY-PNT'.

- More descriptive error output for improper option input

1.0 As released

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