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1. How does your gender affect your level of acceptability of the given social
 My gender could affect my level of acceptability if it is related to what I am
experiencing as a female. If they made an action to insult my gender and if they
are against to what my gender’s capabilities, it could affect how I accept these
social groups.
2. How do you as a student with different background, view members with different
social groups?
 As a student and an individual who has a different background from these social
groups. I view them equally, I always try to understand them first before I judge
and see them differently. I always try to put myself on their situation and research
how they differ from me and from the other people around us. But in most
situations, I don’t let my own background affect how I respect and accept other
3. Choose 2-3 mentioned social groups that you belong, or you want to be part of.
What are your perspectives about those groups?
 I belong to the K-POP fanatics, School Club organization and Computer Games
player. First, we can always observe discrimination from these three social
groups. If you are a KPOP Fan you are discriminated just by being a fan of
different KPOP groups and by being a fan of their music. Members of school club
organizations are also discriminated, people often smart shame them and
sometimes discriminate the agenda that these organizations have.
4. Why are some prejudices acceptable and some are not?
 Some prejudices are not acceptable if they are downgrading and insulting
individuals, culture, race, and organizations. They can’t be accepted if they are
showing disrespect and if they are judging people without any factual evidence or
valid reason.

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