Ming Shi-Lu - Melaka

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29 Oct 1403 The eunuch Yin Qing was sent to take an Imperial proclamation for the instruction of the

he various countries of Melaka and Cochin and to confer upon the kings of
these countries "spangled-gold" silk gauze drapes and parasols together with patterned fine silks and coloured silks as appropriate.

03 Oct 1405
The envoys sent by Zai-nu-li A-bi-ding, the native ruler of the country of Samudera, Bai-li-mi-su-la, the native ruler of the country of Melaka and Sha-mi-di, the native
ruler of the country of Calicut, followed the Imperial envoy Yin Qing and came to Court to offer tribute. It was Imperially commanded that these native rulers all be
enfeoffed as kings of their countries, that they be provided with seals and patents and that variegated silks and clothing be conferred upon them.

16 Feb 1409 The envoy A-bu-la Jia-xin and others who had been sent by Bai-li-mi-su-la, the king of the country of Melaka , came to Court and offered tribute of local products.
Paper money and patterned fine silks were conferred upon them. Further, the Ministry of Rites was ordered to confer variegated silks upon the king.

04 Aug 1411 As Bai-li-mi-su-la, the king of the country of Melaka, was coming to Court , the eunuch Hai Shou as well as Huang Shang, a director in the Ministry of Rites, were sent
to banquet him in reward.

14 Aug 1411 Bai-li-mi-su-la, the king of the country of Melaka, leading his wife, children and attendant ministers, a total of over 540 persons, came to Court . Previously, on being
advised of the king's impending arrival, the Emperor had been concerned as he knew that, without qualms, the king had left his homeland and travelled far across
the seas.

17 Aug 1411 A banquet was conferred upon Bai-li-mi-su-la, the king of the country of Melaka, his consort Ba-er-mi-su-li and others in the Interpreters Institute.

20 Aug 1411 A gold and jade belt, ceremonial insignia and a horse with saddle were conferred upon Bai-li-mi-su-la, the king of the country of Melak a. Headwear and robes were
conferred upon the king's consort

02 Oct 1411
As Bai-li-mi-su-la, the king of the country of Melaka, was taking his leave of the Court , he was banqueted at Feng-tian Gate. The king's consort and attendant officials
were banqueted separately. Imperial orders of encouragement were conferred upon the king as follows: "You, king, travelled tens of thousands of li across the ocean
to the capital, confidently and without anxiety, as your loyalty and sincerity assured you of the protection of the spirits. I have been glad to meet with you, king, and
feel that you should stay. However, your people are longing for you and it is appropriate that you return to soothe them. The weather is getting colder and the winds
are suited for sailing South. It is the right time. You should eat well on your journey and look after yourself, so as to reflect my feelings of concern for you. Now I am
conferring upon you, king, a gold and jade belt, ceremonial insignia, two "saddled horses", 100 liang of gold, 500 liang of silver, 400,000 guan of paper money, 2,600
guan of copper cash, 300 bolts of embroidered fine silks and silk gauzes, 1,000 bolts of thin silks, two [bolts?] of "mixed gold" (渾金) patterned fine silks, and two
long-sleeved "kneeling gowns" interwoven with gold thread. These are for your receipt." In addition, headwear and a set of robes, 200 liang of silver, 5,000 guan of
paper money and 60 bolts of brocaded fine silks, silk gauzes and thin silks as well as four suits of clothing made from patterned fine silks and silk gauzes interwoven
with gold threads were conferred upon the king's consort. Headwear and belts were conferred upon the king's sons and nephews. Silver, paper money, copper cash
and variegated silks, as appropriate, were conferred upon his accompanying ministers. As the envoys from Calicut and other countries were also taking their leave,
they too were all banqueted and farewelled. It was also ordered that they be given patterned fine silks interwoven with gold thread, clothing embroidered in gold,
"gold-spangled" drapes, parasols and other goods to confer upon the kings of their countries.

27 Jul 1412 Xi-li Sa-ma-la-zha-ya (Alt: Xi-li Sa-ma-lan-zha-ya) , who had been sent with others by his uncle Bai-li-mi-su-la, the king of the country of Melaka , offered tribute of
local products.
~ Sri Maharaja? Sri Sembilan-jaya?

20 Oct 1412 Xi-li Sa-ma-lan-zha-ya, the nephew of Bai-li-mi-su-la, the king of the country of Melaka, and the others, took their leave.

05 Oct 1414 Mu-wo Sa-yu-di-er Sha (Alt: Mu-gan Sa-yu(gan)-di-er Sha) , the son of the king of the country of Melaka , came to Court and memorialized that his father Bai-li-mi-su-
la had died. It was Imperially commanded that Mu-wo Sa-yu-di-er Sha (Alt: As above) should inherit his father's title as king. Additionally, gold, silver, brocaded fine
silks, silk gauzes, headwear and a belt, together with a suit of clothing made from silk interwoven with gold thread were conferred upon him.
Megat Iskander Shah??
03 Sep 1418 Sa-li-wang-la-zha, who had been sent by his younger brother Mu-gan Sa-yu-er Sha (Alt: Mu-gan Sa-gan-di-er Sha), the king of the country of Melaka;
Seri Wak Raja..? Adinda Sultan Melaka?
Suriwong Raja?

23 Sep 1419 The kings of 17 countries, including Yi-si-han-da-er Sha, the king of the country of Melaka
Issue with
An envoy was sent with instructions for San-lai Bo-mo-la-zha-di-lai, the king of the country of Siam , as follows: "I reverently took on the Mandate of Heaven and I
rule the Chinese and the yi. In my rule, I embody Heaven and Earth's love and concern for the welfare of all things and look on all equally, without distinguishing
between one and the other. You, king, have been able to respect Heaven and serve the superior and have fulfilled your tribute duties. I have been greatly pleased by
this for a long time. Recently, Yi-si-han-da-er Sha, the king of the country of Melaka inherited the throne . He has been able to to carry on his father's will and has
personally brought his wife and children to the Court to offer tribute. This loyalty in serving the superior is no different from yours. However, I have learned that,
without reason, you have intended to send troops against him. With the dangerous weapons troops carry, when two sides meet in combat, it is inevitable that there
will be great injuries on both sides. Thus, those who are fond of using troops do not have virtuous hearts. The king of the country of Melaka has already become part
of the within, and he is a minister of the Court. If he has committed an offence, you should report details to the Court. You must not rashly send troops on this
account. If you do so, is this not the same as having no Court? Such actions will certainly not be your wishes. Perhaps it is your ministers using your name in
despatching troops to pursue private quarrels. You should consider such matters deeply and not allow yourself to be deceived. If you develop good relations with
neighbouring countries and do not engage in mutual aggression, the prosperity which will result will be limitless. King, you should bear this in mind!"

ALKISAH, maka tersebut perkataan raja benua Siam. daripada zaman dahulukala, negeri
Siam itu Syahru 'n Nuwi namanya disebut orang. Syahadan segala raja-raja di bawah angin
ini, semuanya takluk kepadanya; Bubunnya nama rajanya. Setelah didengar oleh benua Siam
bahawa Melaka negeri besar, tiada takluk ke Siam, maka Paduka Bubunnya pun menyuruhlah
ke Melaka hendak minta surat sembah. Maka Sultan Muzaffar Syah tiada mahu menyembah
ke benua Siam. Maka raja benua Siam pun terlalu marah, serta menyuruh berlengkap akan
menyerang Melaka; Awi Cakri nama panglimanya membawa rakyat terlalu banyak, tiada
terpemanai lagi. Maka dipersembahkan orang ke bawah duli Sultan Muzaffar Syah, bahawa
raja benua Siam menyuruhkan hulubalangnya, Awi Cakri namanya, mcmbawa rakyat terlalu
banyak tiada terpemanai, berjalan darat serta terus ke hulu Pahang.
Maka setelah baginda mendengar khabar itu, maka baginda menyuruh
menghlmpunkan segala rakyat di teluk rantau mudik ke Melaka. Maka berkampunglah
sekaliannya ke Melaka; maka Tun Perak mudik ke Melaka orang Kelang dengan segala anak
bininya sekali.

19 Oct 1420 The envoy Duan-gu Ma-la-shi-di, who had been sent by Mu-gan Sa-gan-di-er Sha , the king of the country of Melaka

20 Apr 1424 Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe , the king of the country of Melaka, leading his consort and chieftains, came to the Court and offered tribute of local products. The reason for this
journey was that his father had died and he had newly inherited the throne.

30 Apr 1424 Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe, the king of the country of Melaka, departed on his return home . A banquet was conferred upon him at Xuan-wu Gate. In addition, 100 liang of
gold, 500 liang of silver, 32,270 ding of paper money, six lengths of brocade, 58 biao-li of variegated silks, 22 bolts each of silk gauze (sha) and silk gauze (luo), 46
bolts of damask, 536 bolts of thin silks, 392 bolts of cotton cloth, one suit of clothing made from silk gauze interwoven with gold threads, and 13 (Alt: 18) suits of
clothing made from plain silk gauze were conferred upon him. Twelve suits of women's clothing made from plain silk gauze and 17 suits of women's clothing made
from thin silks were conferred upon the king's consort.

18 Jun 1426 The envoy Ba-mu, who had been sent by Zai-nu-li A-bi-ding, the king of the country of Samudera; Yi-si-ma, who had been sent by Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe , the king of the
country of Melaka;
Yi-si-ma = Ismail

20 Mar 1431 The chieftain Wu-bao-chi-na and others from the country of Melaka, arrived at the Court. They advised that the king of their country wanted to personally come to
Issue with Court and offer tribute, but that he had been obstructed by the king of the country of Siam. They also said that Siam had long wanted to invade their country and
that their country wanted to memorialize but had had no one who could write the memorial. At this time, the king had ordered that these three ministers secretly
SIAM that their country wanted to memorialize but had had no one who could write the memorial. At this time, the king had ordered that these three ministers secretly
attach themselves to a Samuderan tribute ship and come to Court. They requested that the Court send people to instruct the king of Siam to no longer oppress or
mistreat their country and that thereby they would be unendingly grateful for the Court's grace. The Emperor ordered the Auxiliary Ministry of Rites to confer
rewards upon Wu-bao-chi-na and the others and to send them back to their country with the ships of the eunuch director Zheng He. Zheng He was ordered to take
Imperial orders of instruction for the king of the country of Siam as follows:

"I rule all under Heaven and look on all equally. You have been able to respect the Court and have repeatedly sent envoys to come to Court
and offer tribute. I am pleased with your service. However, recently, it has been heard that the king of the country of Melaka wanted to
personally come to Court, but was obstructed by you. In my opinion, this certainly cannot have been your will, king. Rather, it must have
been some of your attendants, who are unable to think deeply about things, who have obstructed avenues and started strife with
neighbouring states. How can such actions be a way to long maintain prosperity? You, king should respect my orders, develop good
relations with your neighbours, examine and instruct your subordinates and not act recklessly or aggressively. Then it will be seen that you
are able to respect Heaven and serve the superior, protect the country and the people's peace and maintain good relations with
neighbouring states. This will accord with my will of looking on all equally."

28 Nov 1433
Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe, the king of the country of Melaka, leading his family to the Court, arrived in Nan-jing . The Xiang-cheng Earl Li Long advised of their arrival. As the
weather was cold, the Emperor ordered Long to have them rest in Nan-jing, to treat them with great liberality and have them wait until the warmth of the spring
before coming to Court. In addition, persons were sent to take Imperial orders of praise for the king, and to confer upon the king, his consort, the chieftains and the
attendants suits of clothing made from patterned fine silks, brocades, cotton cloth, boots and socks, padded jackets and other goods for their use.

26 May 1434 Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe, the king of the country of Melaka, his brother La-dian Ba-la (Raden..?)and the chieftain Wen-dan came to Court and offered tribute of horses and
local products.

04 Jun 1434 A banquet was conferred upon Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe , the king of the country of Melaka, and others.

Gold and silver, variegated silks, damasks, embroidery, silk gauzes, thin silks, cotton cloth and suits of clothing made from silk interwoven with gold thread, as
appropriate, were conferred upon Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe, the king of the country of Melaka, his younger brother La-dian Ba-la , the chieftain Wen-dan and others, a total
of 228 persons. Further, headwear and a belt were conferred upon the king of the country. As they were about to depart on their return home, Imperial orders of
encouragement and instruction were conferred upon them and the Ministry of Works was ordered to repair their ocean-going ships. Earlier, during the Yong-le
reign (1403-24), the king's father had brought the whole country to Court (舉國來朝) . At this time, this king had been further able to carry out the tribute duties of
a minister. The Emperor was very pleased with his great loyalty and thus treated him with great munificence
King's Father

28 Apr 1435 Imperial orders of instruction were sent to Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe, king of the country of Melak a, as follows: "In the previous reign, you, king, personally came to Court to
offer tribute and thus we already know of your sincerity. I have inherited rule of the empire and in all matters large and small, I am following the patterns established
by my ancestors. I have now ordered the Guang-dong Regional Military Commission and the provincial administration commission to arrange grain supplies and to
supply you with a large eight-oared ship (大八橹船) to send you back to your country. At the same time, together with you, the envoys from Calicut, Cambodia and
so on, a total of 11 countries, will also be sent back to their own countries. You, king, should show sympathy to the envoys and send them back to their respective
countries, so that they are not out of place. This will accord with my will to show kindness to those from the distance.

5 May 1445 The envoy Mo-zhe-na and others from the country of Melaka memorialized requesting that an Imperial letter of protection for the country (護國勅書), as well as
"mang" dragon robes and a parasol be conferred upon Xi-li Ba-mi-xi-wa-er Diu-ba-sha , the king of the country, so that he could rely on Heaven's majesty and accord
with the wishes of the people of the country. They also said that the king of the country wished to personally come to Court and that he wanted to bring many
people and a great amount of goods. Thus, they requested that a large ship be conferred upon them to facilitate the journey to and fro. The Emperor ordered that
the relevant office manufacture a ship and provide it to them.
Sri Parameswara Dewa Shah??
30 May 1455 The chieftain Ma-na-hong and others who had been sent by Su-lu-tan Wu-da-fo-na Sha , the king of the country of Melaka,

23 Jun 1456 Previously, the chief envoy Nai Ai, the deputy envoy and others from the country of Melaka were coming to Court to offer tribute.

07 Jul 1459 The envoys Ya-lie Ge-fo-ying and others who had been separately sent by the country of Sri Lanka and by Su-dan Mang-su Sha , the son of the king of the country of

13 Sep 1459
The Supervising Secretary Chen Jia-you was sent as chief envoy and the Messenger Peng Sheng was sent as deputy envoy to take credentials of enfeoffment with
which to enfeoff Su-dan Mang-su Sha, the son of the deceased king of the country of Melaka . Imperial orders of instruction were conferred upon the king. The
orders read: "Your forbears have for generations reverently guarded your feudatory state (藩邦). Rule passed to your father but not long after he inherited the
position, he suddenly passed away. When the news of his demise reached me from afar, it truly saddened my heart. You are the legitimate heir and you have been
able to send an envoy to present tribute of local products and to request orders from the Court. In view of your worthiness, it is appropriate that you inherit rule of
the country. I am thus especially sending envoys with a proclamation enfeoffing you as king of the country of Melaka, and to confer upon you variegated silks in
reward for your earnest sentiments. You are to remain diligent in fulfilling your duties as a minister, increasingly accord with the Will of Heaven, act with the respect
of an official guarding a feudatory and do not be remiss in ensuring a soothing and peaceful administration. In this way, you will be carrying forward the sentiments
of your forebears and will enjoy peace and prosperity. Respect this!" Jia-you and so on were further ordered to carry out official sacrifices for Su-lu-tan Wo-da-fo-na
Sha, the [deceased] king of the country , and to promulgate a proclamation informing the people of the country.

9 Jun 1475 The chief envoy Duan Ma-mi, the deputy envoy and others who had been sent by the country of Melaka, presented a gold-leaf memorial as well as elephants,
horses, cassowaries, white parrots, gold coins, leopards and other products. A banquet as well as suits of clothing and biao-li of variegated silks were conferred upon
them. They were also given variegated silks, silk gauzes and brocades to confer, on their return, upon the king of their country, the king's consort and the king's son,
as appropriate. Further, they were ordered to take Imperial orders of instruction for the king of the country Su-dan Mang-su Sha . The orders read: "Recently, the
Court sent a supervising secretary and other officials to Champa, but they were blown by the wind to your country. You, king, sent people to provide them with food
and thereby you truly demonstrated your sincere sentiments. Now, as your envoy is returning, I am especially conferring upon you, king, two biao-li of variegated
silks as a reward. These are for your receipt."

23 Aug 1481
Lin Rong, a supervising secretary in the Office of Scrutiny for Rites, was sent as chief envoy and Huang Qian-heng, a Messenger in the Messenger Office, was sent as
deputy envoy to proceed and enfeoff Ma-ha-mu Sha, the son of Su-dan Man-su Sha*, the deceased king of the country of Melaka, as the king of the country.

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