Midterm Activity 4 Synthesis Rossallynemargaux

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Enrichment Learning Activity

Name: ROSS, ALLYNE MARGAUX C. Date: 04/13/2022

Year and Section: BSE ENG 3B Instructor: PROFESSOR CAGARA

Module #: 1, 2 AND 3 Topic: SYNTHESIS

Directions: In line with the first encoding of grades, wrap up the first three weeks by writing a maximum of
3 - page synthesis of the first three topics. The synthesis essay must include the complexity of knowledge you
have gained from the discussion by relating individual and overarching ideas to come up with an essential
understanding. You may also incorporate personal thoughts and experiences to support the challenges and
aspirations that these topics have given you.

1. HIGHLIGHT USING YELLOW the WORDS, PHRASES or SENTENCES that you think need to be
2. Synthesize the three topics. That is, do not make a separate essay for topics 1, 2 and 3.
3. You may have a minimum of 2 pages of synthesis essay but should not exceed to 3 pages.
4. At the end of your synthesis essay, please write NOTHING FOLLOWS
5. References and in-text citations are encouraged for information that supplements what has been
contextualized in the class discussion.
6. DO NOT submit in portable document format (PDF). You submit in WORD FILE.
7. Follow strictly the technicalities.
8. This synthesis essay also serves as attendance for APRIL 12, 2022.
9. Submit synthesis essay not later than 8:30 PM TONIGHT

Other technicalities

 This template must be used for your output (A4 SIZE).

 Use Calibri, 12 font size
 File name should be in this format: MIDTERM_ACTIVITY 4 SYNTHESIS_
 Submit your work to this google form
BSE 3A: https://forms.gle/xhkW1MvxJ5Arw59P7 (closed)
BSE 3B: https://forms.gle/GmmifrbKnhnetiz26

SY2021-2022 2ND Term Homework

Enrichment Learning Activity

Three weeks had passed since the start of this new semester and within those three long weeks, three
topics in this subject have been discussed and shared successfully. All through out, I have learned
tremendously helpful things to understand the language and literature better; indeed, there’s always room
for experience, a big one. It started with the first topic for Module 1 – Literature as Significant Human
Experience. Here, we have learned how to deeply connect literature to our own set of experiences in life, how
we can relate to it as it is something that helps us comprehend history, aesthetic, morals, culture, etc., and
how we can learn about ourselves using literature itself. With Module 2 – Literature in K-12 Curriculum, we
absorbed how we can be a good English teacher in terms of defining and interpreting types of literature for us
to develop critical contents, relevant learning competencies aligned with the K-12 Curriculum Guide, and
appropriate teaching of literature to help and Filipino students develop a holistic 21 st century skills. By third
topic, we have discussed Module 3 – Teaching Literature: An Overview, we specifically focused on values of
literature and stages of its value.

To be clearer, let me share my learnings one by one. With Module 1, a quotation of “Literature”, a
poem by Horacio de la Costa that is included in the Powertpoint presentation of our dear professor explained
literature well –

“You ask me what it is. It is the thunder

Of singing centuries; the fallen gleam
From minds immortal that with breathless wonder
Strode woodpaths, faery – foliaged, of the Dream;
As ancient as the stars, and yet as young
As this dawn’s rose, or thrill of bells just rung”

This poem above literally defined Literary Qualities; universality, artistry, intellectual value,
suggestiveness, spiritual value, permanence, style. Literature for everyone regardless of culture, race, sex and
time. Literature that’s aesthetically appealing and screams beauty. Literature that stimulates thinking to form
different opinions and thoughts. Literature that suggests or influences another to provoke understanding
between the lines. Literature that gives moral lessons for motivation and life inspiration. Literature that is
timeless; until end of time. And a literature that lets an author express oneself using his/her own style. Aside
from the aforementioned poem above, there’s still another one from Thomas de Quincy who quoted –

SY2021-2022 2ND Term Homework

Enrichment Learning Activity

“There is first the literature of KNOWLEDGE, and secondly, the literature of POWER. The function of the first is
to teach; the function of the second is to move.”

Literature as we all initially know should nurture our wisdom, enhance our language vocabulary,
communication and comprehension skills. But little did we know, literature is a one great weapon to influence
or convince – move people.
Module 2 taught us with technicalities on how to make literature a concept of learning. It specifically
taught us the types of literature – its elements, genres, and major components. We also learned how we can
accurately identify meaningful and relevant reading selections to target specific learning competencies, and
how we can align the development of communicative competence to the K-12 English Curriculum Guide.
Module 3 – Teaching Literature: An Overview is teaching us how we can give enough credit and value to
literature. Often times, students get bored in reading. It rarely became a habit since then of Filipino people.
Even schools are requiring and pushing learners to read and read and read nonstop, it still is being rejected by
without even identifying its values. Maybe we just have to reconsider choosing student-centered approach
literature more?
All in all, it’s been a three-worthwhile-week to learn all of these things about literature. It empowered
wisdom enhancement and value adding knowledge about how we can perform better in teaching and how
we can relate more to literature endlessly.


SY2021-2022 2ND Term Homework

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