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Statement of the Problem

This study is to identify the effectiveness Barangay Peacekeeping Officer in

reducing Criminality in Orani, Bataan. It specifically aims to answer the following

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Educational Attainment;

1.4 Length of Service; and

1.5 Years of Residency?

2. How do the respondents assess the effectiveness of barangay peacekeeping

officers in reducing criminality in Orani, Bataan in terms?
2.1 Manpower;

2.2 Equipment; and

2.3 Operational Procedures?

3. What measures may be proposed to enhance effectiveness of barangay

peacekeeping officers in reducing criminality in Orani, Bataan?
Effectiveness of Barangay Peacekeeping Officers in Reducing Criminality
in Orani, Bataan.
As part of partial fulfillment in our course, Bachelor of Science in Criminology, We
would like to ask for your help to answer this questionnaire.
This study seeks to determine the effectiveness of barangay peacekeeping officers in
reducing criminality in Orani, Bataan.

Rest assured that your answers will be treated with confidentiality and please put a
check (√) mark on the space that corresponds to your answer using the scale below.

Part 1: Demographical Profile.

Direction: Please put a check (/) on the space provided.

Age: 18-21





41 years old and above

Sex: Male


Educational Attainment: High school Graduate

College level

College Graduate

With unit in Masteral

Masteral’s Degree

With units in Doctoral

Doctoral Degree


Years of service: 1-5




21 years and above

Years of residency: 1-5




21 years and above

Part II: Effectiveness of Barangay Peacekeeping Officers in reducing

Criminality in Orani, Bataan.

Direction: Please put a check (/) on space provided on your chosen answer base on the
scale provided below
5 – Highly Effective
4 – Effective
3– Moderately Effective
2 – Less Effective
1– Not Effective

A. Manpower Resources

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. Sufficient numbers of barangay tanods are

assigned per shift.

2. Barangay tanods conduct regular patrolling

specially at night.

3. Barangay officials should have a positive

attitude towards the people in the
barangay, their area of


4. Barangay officials coordinate with the

police authorities especially in conducting
first respondents and crime prevention.
5. Barangay officials are well aware of the
rights of the citizens arrested.
B. Equipment

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. Barangay hall has a peace and order desk

for the complainants.

2. Barangay is provided with communications

equipment such as two-way radio.

3. Barangay peace and security officers are

provided with truncheon, flash lights,
whistle and other equipment for crime

4. Barangay is provided with patrol vehicles

for patrolling purposes.

5. Barangay hall has its own landline for

convenient communication.

C. Operational Procedures
Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. Strict implementation of barangay

ordinance in order to keep peace and order
in the barangay.

2. Quick response of barangay peace officers

for citizen’s call.
3. Conducting proper maintenance of the
equipments use for the implementation of
barangay ordinance.

4. Barangay peace officers should have time to

visit the certain areas in barangay to be able
to know if there is a problem and take action
for that.
5. The barangay should increase the number of
peacekeeping officers that patrolling
especially at night.

PART III. Proposed recommendation to enhance the Effectiveness of

Barangay Peacekeeping Officers in the reducing criminality in Orani,Bataan.
Direction: Please put a check (/) on space provided on your chosen
answer base on the scale provided below
5 – Highly Recommended
4 – Recommended
3 – Moderate Recommended
2 – Less Recommended
1 – Not Recommended
Proposed Recommendations

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1.Barangay should conduct regular seminar

regarding crime prevention and peace and order

2.Local government should allot more budgets for

the barangay peacekeeping team.

3.The barangay peace officers must be properly

trained in their scope of responsibilities.

4. The barangay should place CCTV CAMERA on

areas where crimes are usually committed.

5.The barangay should increase the number of

their sophisticated equipments that they use in
preventing crime.

6.The local government should persuade the

people in their barangay to become a volunteer as
a BPSO (Barangay Peace and Security Officer).

7.Barangay peacekeeping officers should conduct

patrolling specially at night.

8.Barangay peace officers must be aware of the

places in their barangay where crimes are usually

9.Barangay should provide a communication

system to monitor the peace and order situation of
the area.

10.Barangay officials must increase the

honorarium to attract others to serve as barangay
peace officers.

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