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Annex 4.1.A: FORM 2.1.

A - Area 1 Evaluation Tool

Quarters 3 and 4 Self Learning Modules

Learning Area : _______________________________________ Grade Level : ___________

Title: ________________________________________________
1. Examine carefully the compacted SLM (SLM for Quarter 3 is separate from Quarter 4) for compliance to standards indicated in the six (6)
Factors listed in Form 2.1.C or the Indicators in Rating the Criterion Items for Content.
2. Briefly describe in column 2 any deficiency or error found in each criterion item.
3. Cite the quarter, lesson number, the specific page, paragraph, and line number where it is found in column 3. Give your recommendations to
address this deficiency or error in the appropriate column.
4. Indicate the number or percentage of error or deficiency found in column 5.
5. Write your rating for each criterion item in column 6 (where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest). If the SLM does not get a rating of 5 in Factor
1, Item 1, the submitted SLM is considered Failed despite having higher ratings in the other factors. If the criterion item is Not Applicable,
write NA.
6. Get the total score for each factor by adding all the ratings given in each criterion item under each factor.
7. To compute for the weighted rating for each for factor, use the following formula:
Total Garnered Score
× Assigned Weight for the Factor
Perfect Score

8. Add all the computed weighted ratings for each factor to get the overall rating for this area of evaluation.
9. To PASS in this area of evaluation, the set of SLMs shall garner 100% total overall rating. Total overall rating of 60% to 99% is categorized as

Speciic Part of the Page No./Percentage

Description of Rating
Standards / Criterion Items (Lesson, Page, Paragraph, Recommendation of
Error/Deficiency Found
Line Number) Error/Deficiency
Factor I. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) 40%
Note: Use Form 2.1.B or the Matrix in Determining Pecentage of Compliance of SLMs to MELCs
1. The SLM covered the targeted Most 5
Essential Learning Competencies
(MELCs) intended for the quarter.
2. The SLM sufficiently developed the 5
targeted Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCs) intended for the
Note: Perfect Score is 10. If the SLM does not get a rating of 5 in item 1, the submitted SLM shall be Total 10
considered as failed.
Factor II. Instructional Design and Organization (20%)
1. SLM has learning objectives that are 5
anchored on the MELCs.
2. SLM uses a variety (at least 3) of self- 5
directed techniques, learning tasks, and
formative assessments.
3. SLM has content that is logically 5
developed and organized , i.e.,
lessons/activities are arranged from
simple to complex, from observable to
4. SLM contains essential instructional 5
design elements that contribute to the
achievement of learning objectives.
5. SLM allows for review, comparison, and 5
integration with previous lessons (if
6. SLM uses various motivational strategies 4
(i.e., advance organizers, puzzles,
games) to hook the target user’s interest
and engagement.
7. SLM uses process questions and 4
activities which require different levels of
cognitive domain to achieve desired
learning outcomes.
8. SLM has written and performance tasks 5
that are differentiated based on target
user’s multiple intelligences, learning
styles, and readiness levels.
9. SLM develops 21st century skills and 5
higher order cognition (i.e., critical
thinking, creativity, learning by doing,
problem solving).
10. SLM integrates desirable values and 5
Note: Perfect Score is 50 Total 48

Factor III. Instructional Quality of Text and Visuals (20%)

1. All contents in the SLM are accurate. 5
2. The SLM is free from any social content 5
3. The SLM has free from factual errors. 5
4. The SLM is free from computational N/A
errors (if applicable).
Note: Perfect Score is 20 Total 15

Factor IV. Assessment (10%)

1. The SLM provides sufficient 5
assessment activities that will help the
learner track his/her progress and
mastery of the target competencies.
Note: There should at least 3
assessment activities in a module.
2. SLM has assessments that are aligned 5
with the specific objectives and contents
(i.e., lesson / topic).
3. The SLM provides variety of 5
assessment types.
Note: There should at least 3
assessment types in a module.
4. The SLM contains assessments that 4
have clear demonstrations / examples,
instructions, and/or rubrics to serve as
guide on how these will be used.
5. The SLM has assessment activities that 4
ensure active engagement of the
6. The SLM has answer keys that 5
provide exact answers for objective-
type assessments and discussion
points for non-objective types.
7. The SLM has pre- and post- 5
assessment items that are constructed
Note: Perfect Score is 35 Total 33

Factor V. Readability (5%)

1. Vocabulary used in the SLM is 5
appropriate to the target user’s level of
comprehension and experience.
2. Length and structures of sentences in Fragmented ideas Tuklasin page 2 revise 4
the SLM are suited to the
comprehension level of the target
3. Paragraph structures in the SLM facilitate 5
smooth flow of ideas and concepts.
4. Topics and ideas presented from one 5
lesson to the next are coherent and
integrated with each other.
5.Instructions, discussion points, questions, Instruction and items Isaisip item page 10 revise 4
and activities are clear to the target are not tallied Tuklasin page 2
Note: Perfect Score is 25 Total 23

Factor VI. Referencing and Source Citation (5%)

1. The copyrighted texts and visuals are 5
accurately cited on the page where
they are presented (i.e., primary
and/or orginal sources are cited)
containing the following:
✔ Title of the work
✔ Name of creator
✔ Title of source
✔ Title of source where the work is
included, and/or publication details
2. The references are properly cited in 5
the Reference List containing the
✔ Name of creator
✔ Title of source
✔ Publication details; publisher,
location of publisher, date of
publication, etc.
Note: Perfect Score is 10 Total 10

Total Overall Weighted

Rating: _96.52_____
Summary of Weighted Rating per Factor
Actual Perfect Assigned Weighted
Score Raw Score Weight of Factor Rating
Factor 1: ___10__ divided by (Perfect score) x 40 = ____40____
PASSED (100% Weighted Rating)
Factor 2: ___48___ divided by (Perfect score) x 20 = ____19.20____
Factor 3: ___15___ divided by (Perfect score) x 20 = ____18.29____ CONDITIONALLY PASSED
Factor 4: ___33___ divided by (Perfect score) x 10 = ____9.43____ ///
(60% to 99% Weighted Rating)
Factor 5: ___23___ divided by (Perfect score) x 5 = ____4.6____ ?
Factor 6: ___10___ divided by (Perfect score) x 5 = ____5____
FAILED (less than 100%
MELCs coverage or 59% and
below Weighted Rating)
NOTE: Adjust the perfect score of the Factor if there is a Criterion Item indicated as Not Applicable (NA).
I certify that this evaluation report and the recommendation(s) in the summary report are my own and have been made without any undue influence
from others.

Evaluator(s): _______________________________ _______________________________________

Signature(s): ______________________________ _______________________________________
Date accomplished: __________________________

Annex 4.1.B: FORM 2.1.B- Area 1 Evaluation Tool

Matrix in Determining Percentage of Compliance of Self Learning Modules to Most Essential Learning Competencies

Learning Area: ________________________________________________ 4
Grade Level: __________________________ 4
Quarter: ______________________

Using the given list of MELCs for the quarter in each learning area, list down the code of each MELC in the first column. Determine if each MELC is Sufficiently
Developed (SD), Insufficiently Developed (ID), or Not Developed at all (ND) by encoding “1” in the appropriate column. Indicate the lesson number, line and page
number in the appropriate columns where the MELC has been developed, or where it can be developed. Include a brief description of findings and your
recommendations on how to address the findings.
No. Most Essential Learning SD ID ND Part of the Module with Description of Findings Recommendations
Competencies (Indicate Insufficient Development
MELC Code No.)
Lesson No. Line and Page











Total Number of MELCs Covered: ___________

Percentage of MELCs Covered: ____________
Total Number of MELCs Sufficiently Developed: _____________
Percentage of MELCs Sufficiently Developed (SD): ___________

Note: Use these formulas to compute the following:

Total Number of MELCs Covered = LCs Sufficiently Developed (SD) + LCs Insufficiently Developed (ID)
Percentage of MELCs Covered = Total No. of MELCs Covered x 100%
Total No. of MELCs
Percentage of MELCs Sufficiently Developed = _ Total No. of MELCs Sufficiently Developed x 100%
Total No. of MELCs covered

Annex 4.1.C: FORM 2.1.C- Area 1 Evaluation Tool

Indicators in Rating the Criterion Items for Content

Standards / Criterion Items 4 3 2 1

Factor I. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) 40%

(Note: Use the Matrix in Determining Pecentage of Compliance of SLMs to MELCs)
3. The SLM covered the targeted 100% of the targeted 91 to 99% of the 81 to 90% of the 71 to 80% of the equal or less than
Most Essential Learning MELCs are covered. targeted MELCs are targeted MELCs targeted MELCs 70% of the
Competencies (MELCs) intended covered. are covered. are covered. targeted MELCs
for the quarter. are covered.

4. The SLM sufficiently developed the 100% of the targeted 91 to 99% of the 81 to 90% of the 71 to 80% of the equal or less than
targeted Most Essential Learning MELCs are targeted MELCs are targeted MELCs targeted MELCs 70% of the
Competencies (MELCs) intended sufficiently sufficiently are sufficiently are sufficiently targeted MELCs
for the quarter. developed. developed. developed. developed. are sufficiently
Perfect Score is 10. If the SLM does
not get a rating of 5 in item 1, the
submitted SLM shall be considered
as failed.
Factor II. Instructional Design and Organization (20%)
1. SLM has learning objectives that are 91 to 100% of all 81 to 90% of all 71 to 80% of all 61 to 70% of all 60% or less of all
anchored on the MELCs. lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have
learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
anchored on the anchored on the anchored on the anchored on the anchored on the
2. SLM uses a variety (at least 3) of 91 to 100% of all 81 to 90% of all 71 to 80% of all 61 to 70% of all 60% or less of all
self-directed techniques, learning lessons use at least 3 lessons use at least lessons use at least lessons use at least lessons use at
tasks, and formative assessments. varieties of self- 3 varieties of self- 3 varieties of self- 3 varieties of self- least 3 varieties of
directed techniques, directed techniques, directed directed self-directed
learning tasks, and learning tasks, and techniques, techniques, techniques,
formative formative learning tasks, and learning tasks, and learning tasks, and
assessments. assessments. formative formative formative
assessments. assessments. assessments.
3. SLM has content that is logically 91 to 100% of all 81 to 90% of all 71 to 80% of all 61 to 70% of all 60% or less of all
developed and organized , i.e., lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have
lessons/activities are arranged from contents which are contents which are contents which are contents which are contents which are
simple to complex, from observable logically developed logically developed logically developed logically developed logically developed
to abstract. and organized. and organized. and organized. and organized. and organized.
4. SLM contains essential instructional 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
design elements that contribute to lessons contain lessons contain lessons contain lessons contain lessons contain
the achievement of learning essential instructional essential essential essential essential
objectives. elements that instructional instructional instructional instructional
contribute to the elements that elements that elements that elements that
achievement of contribute to the contribute to the contribute to the contribute to the
learning objectives. achievement of achievement of achievement of achievement of
learning objectives. learning objectives. learning objectives. learning objectives.
5. SLM allows for review, comparison, 91-100% of lessons 81-90% of modules 71-80% of modules 61-70% of modules 60% or less of
and integration with previous lessons allow for review, allow for review, allow for review, allow for review, modules allow for
(if applicable). comparison, and comparison, and comparison, and comparison, and review,
integration with integration with integration with integration with comparison, and
previous lessons. previous lessons. previous lessons. previous lessons. integration with
previous lessons.
6. SLM uses various motivational 91%-100% of all 81%-90% of all 71%-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
strategies (i.e., advance organizers, lessons use various lessons use various lessons use various lessons use various lessons use
puzzles, games) to hook the target motivational motivational motivational motivational various
user’s interest and engagement. strategies that hook strategies that hook strategies that hook strategies that hook motivational
the target user’s the target user’s the target user’s the target user’s strategies that
interest and interest and interest and interest and hook the target
engagement. engagement. engagement. engagement. user’s interest and

7. SLM uses process questions and 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
activities which require different lessons used process lessons used lessons used lessons used lessons used
levels of cognitive domain to achieve questions and process questions process questions process questions process questions
desired learning outcomes. activities which and activities which and activities which and activities which and activities which
require different require different require different require different require different
levels of cognitive levels of cognitive levels of cognitive levels of cognitive levels of cognitive
domain. domain. domain. domain. domain.

8. SLM has written and performance 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
tasks that are differentiated based lessons have written lessons have written lessons have lessons have lessons have
on target user’s multiple and performance and performance written and written and written and
intelligences, learning styles, and tasks which are tasks which are performance tasks performance tasks performance tasks
readiness levels. differentiated. differentiated. which are which are which are
differentiated. differentiated. differentiated.
9. SLM develops 21st century skills 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
and higher order cognition (i.e., lessons develop 21st lessons develop lessons develop lessons develop lessons develop
critical thinking, creativity, learning century skills and 21st century skills 21st century skills 21st century skills 21st century skills
by doing, problem solving). higher order and higher order and higher order and higher order and higher order
cognition. cognition. cognition. cognition. cognition.
10. SLM integrates desirable values 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
and traits. lessons integrate lessons integrate lessons integrate lessons integrate lessons integrate
desirable values and desirable values and desirable values desirable values desirable values
traits. traits. and traits.. and traits. and traits.
Note: Perfect Score is 50
Factor III. Instructional Quality of Text and Visuals (20%)
5. All contents in the SLM are All contents are 1 content is 2 contents are 3 contents are 4 or more contents
accurate. accurate. inaccurate. inaccurate. inaccurate. are inaccurate.
6. The SLM is free from any social No violation from 1 violation from 2 violations from 3 violations from 4 or more
content violations. social content is seen social content is social content are social content are violations from
in the SLM. seen in the SLM. seen in the SLM. seen in the SLM. social content are
seen in the SLM.
7. The SLM has free from factual No factual errors are 1 factual error is 2 factual errors are 3 factual errors are 4 or more factual
errors. found in the SLM. found in the SLM. found in the SLM. found in the SLM. errors are found in
the SLM.
8. The SLM is free from There are no 1 computational 2 computational 3 computational 4 or more
computational errors (if applicable). computational errors error is found in the errors are found in errors are found in computational
in the SLM. SLM. the SLM. the SLM. errors are found in
the SLM.
Note: Perfect Score is 20
Factor IV. Assessment (10%)
8. The SLM provides sufficient 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
assessment activities that will help lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have
the learner track his/her progress sufficient assessment sufficient sufficient sufficient sufficient
and mastery of the target activities to track the assessment assessment assessment assessment
competencies. learner’s progress. activities to track the activities to track activities to track activities to track
Note: There should at least 3 learner’s progress. the learner’s the learner’s the learner’s
assessment activities in a module. progress. progress. progress.
9. SLM has assessments that are 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
aligned with the specific objectives lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have
and contents (i.e., lesson / topic). assessments that are assessments that assessments that assessments that assessments that
aligned with the are aligned with the are aligned with the are aligned with the are aligned with
objectives and objectives and objectives and objectives and the objectives and
content. content. content. content. content.
10. The SLM provides variety of 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
assessment types. lessons provide a lessons provide a lessons provide a lessons provide a lessons provide a
Note: There should at least 3 variety of variety of variety of variety of variety of
assessment types in a module. assessment types. assessment types. assessment types. assessment types. assessment types.
11. The SLM contains assessments 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
that have clear demonstrations / lessons contain lessons contain lessons contain lessons contain lessons contain
examples, instructions, and/or assessments that assessments that assessments that assessments that assessments that
rubrics to serve as guide on how have clear have clear have clear have clear have clear
these will be used. demonstrations/ demonstrations/ demonstrations/ demonstrations/ demonstrations/
examples, examples, examples, examples, examples,
instructions, and/or instructions, and/or instructions, and/or instructions, and/or instructions, and/or
rubrics to serve as rubrics to serve as rubrics to serve as rubrics to serve as rubrics to serve as
guide on how the guide on how the guide on how the guide on how the guide on how the
outputs are graded. outputs are graded outputs are graded. outputs are graded. outputs are
12. The SLM has assessment activities 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
that ensure active engagement of lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have
the learners. assessment activities assessment assessment assessment assessment
that ensure active activities that ensure activities that activities that activities that
engagement of the active engagement ensure active ensure active ensure active
learners. of the learners. engagement of the engagement of the engagement of the
learners. learners. learners.
13. The SLM has answer keys that 91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
provide exact answers for lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have lessons have
objective-type assessments and answer keys for answer keys for answer keys for answer keys for answer keys for
discussion points for non- objective and non- objective and non- objective and non- objective and non- objective and non-
objective types. objective type objective type objective type objective type objective type
assessments. assessments. assessments. assessments. assessments.
91-100% of all 81-90% of all 71-80% of all 61-70% of all 60% or less of all
14. The SLM has pre- and post- lessons have pre- lessons have pre- lessons have pre- lessons have pre- lessons have pre-
assessment items that are and post- and post- and post- and post- and post-
constructed differently. assessment items assessment items assessment items assessment items assessment items
that are constructed that are constructed that are that are that are
differently. differently. constructed constructed constructed
differently. differently. differently.
Note: Perfect Score is 35

Factor V. Readability (5%)

1. Vocabulary used in the SLM is All words/terms used 1 to 5 words/terms 6 to 10 words/terms 11 to 15 16 or more
appropriate to the target user’s level of are appropriate to the used are not used are not words/terms used words/terms used
comprehension and experience. target user’s level of appropriate to the appropriate to the are not appropriate are not appropriate
comprehension and target user’s level of target user’s level to the target user’s to the target user’s
experience. comprehension and of comprehension level of level of
experience. and experience. comprehension and comprehension
experience. and experience.
2. Length and structures of sentences All sentences have 1 to 5 sentences 6 to 10 sentences 11 to 15 sentences More than 16
in the SLM are suited to the length and structure have length and have length and have lengths and sentences have
comprehension level of the target suited to the structure which are structures which structure which are length and
users, comprehension level not suited to the are not suited to not suited to the structure which are
of the target users. comprehension level the comprehension comprehension not suited to the
of the target users. level of the target level of the target comprehension
users. users. level of the target
3. Paragraph structures in the SLM All paragraphs have 1 to 5 paragraphs 6 to 10 paragraphs 11 to 15 16 or more
facilitate smooth flow of ideas and structure which have structure which have structure paragraphs have paragraphs have
concepts. facilitate smooth flow do not facilitate which do not structure which do structure which do
of ideas and smooth flow of ideas facilitate smooth not facilitate not facilitate
concepts. and concepts. flow of ideas and smooth flow of smooth flow of
concepts. ideas and ideas and
concepts. concepts.
4. Topics and ideas presented from All topics and ideas 1 to 5 topics and 6 to 10 topics and 11 to 15 topics and 16 or more topics
one lesson to the next are coherent presented are ideas are incoherent ideas are ideas are and ideas are
and integrated with each other. coherent and and not integrated incoherent and not incoherent and not incoherent and not
integrated with each with others. integrated with integrated with integrated with
other. others. others. others.
5.Instructions, discussion points, All instructions, 1 to 5 instructions, 6 to 10 instructions, 11 to 15 16 or more
questions, and activities are clear to discussion points, discussion points, discussion points, instructions, instructions,
the target users. questions, activities questions, activities questions, activities discussion points, discussion points,
and exercises are and exercises are and exercises are questions, activities questions,
clear to the target not clear to the not clear to the and exercises are activities and
users. target users. target users. not clear to the exercises are not
target users. clear to the target
Note: Perfect Score is 25

Factor VI. Referencing and Source Citation (5%)

1.The copyrighted texts and visuals All copyrighted texts/ 1 to 5 texts or 6 to 10 texts or 11 to 15 texts or 16 or more texts or
are accurately cited on the page & visuals are visuals are not visuals are not visuals are not visuals are not
where they are presented (i.e., accurately cited accurately cited. accurately cited. accurately cited. accurately cited.
primary and/or orginal sources are
cited) containing the following:
✔ Title of the work
✔ Name of creator
✔ Title of source
✔ Title of source where the work
is included, and/or publication
2.The references are properly cited in All references are 1 to 5 references are 6 to 10 references 11 to 15 references 16 or more
the Reference List containing the properly cited. not properly cited. are not properly are not properly references are not
following: cited. cited.. properly cited.
✔ Name of creator
✔ Title of source
✔ Publication details: publisher,
location of publisher, date of
publication, etc.
Note: Perfect Score is 10

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