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Transmission electron microscopy study of copper–carbon nanocomposite

Article  in  Materials Science and Technology · June 2006

DOI: 10.1179/174328406X84058


9 49

5 authors, including:

Patricia Almeida Carvalho Jose Brito Correia

SINTEF, Oslo, Norway Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia


Rui Vilar
Technical University of Lisbon


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Transmission electron microscopy study of
copper–carbon nanocomposite
P. A. Carvalho*1, I. Fonseca1, M. T. Marques2, J. B. Correia2 and R. Vilar1
A Cu210C nanocomposite has been synthesised by high energy milling of elemental powders,
followed by annealing at 873 K. Phase identification and microstructure characterisation have
been carried out with transmission electron microscopy. Copper grain size ranged from 10 to
120 nm for the as milled material and from 10 to 150 nm after annealing. No graphite reflections
could be detected by electron diffraction in either the as milled or annealed samples.
Nevertheless, both conditions contain clusters of carbon of ,10 nm, which could be of benefit
for sliding wear applications. The lattice parameter measured after milling is compatible with a
carbon solubility in the copper matrix ,0.1 at.-%. The synthesised material showed excellent
structural stability at 873 K, which is proposed to be dependent on solute drag effects resulting
from boundary segregation. In fact, no grain boundary pinning by nanoparticles has been
detected while a decrease in lattice parameter occurred during annealing.
Keywords: Transmission electron microscopy, Mechanical alloying, Copper, Carbon, Nanocomposite

Introduction measured microhardness of the as milled material,

265 HV, remained nearly constant with the heat
Thermal stability of fine grained and nanostructured treatment. In fact, although the hardness level attained
copper is low even at moderate temperatures. For with the as milled Cu210C system does not represent
instance, the 50% recrystallisation temperature of 98% a significant benefit over pure as milled Cu (260 HV)
cold rolled 99.999% pure Cu is 360 K.1 The presence of (Ref. 5), the thermal stability of the composite is
elements with limited solubility is expected to increase remarkable and points to either grain boundary pinning
the thermal stability of ultrafine grained materials or solute drag contributions.
through a solute drag effect resulting from segregation Raman spectroscopy revealed the presence of C2C
to grain boundaries.2 Additionally, low solubility bonds in the Cu2C milled mixtures (Fig. 1), indicating
elements tend to produce second phase particles, which that carbon tends to form clusters inside the Cu matrix.
contribute to delayed coarsening by grain boundary However, even though SEM observations confirmed
pinning. As the equilibrium solid solubility of carbon in that the mechanically alloyed powders had an extremely
copper is virtually zero,3 mechanical alloying (MA) in fine structure, the presence of carbon clusters could not
the Cu2C system seems interesting in that respect. be clearly evidenced. The presence of clusters in the as
Preliminary characterisation of a Cu210C nanocom- milled material with 10 at.-%C is a controversial issue
posite produced by MA has been carried out by X-ray because other works based on the lack of graphite
diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, scanning reflections in XRD patterns and a systematic albeit
electron microscopy (SEM) and microhardness tests as modest lattice parameter increase (0.002% per at.-%C),
reported by Marques et al.4 Regarding the as milled claim that metastable Cu2C solid solutions with
material, the indexed reflections correspond to Cu and concentrations up to 25 at.-% can be formed.6–8 On
Cu2O at an early stage of milling, and to Cu alone
the other hand, the presence of carbon clusters in the Cu
following 10 h of milling.4 After annealing at 873 K for
matrix represents an extremely interesting asset for
1 h, again only copper reflections could be found.
sliding wear applications.
Average grain sizes determined with Scherrer equation
The metastable solubility of C in Cu has attracted
were 23 nm for the as milled condition (10 h) and 28 nm
much attention owing to fundamental aspects of the
for the annealed case. A lattice parameter expansion of
atomic structure, as well as owing to the interesting
0.03% has been determined after 10 h of milling. The
properties displayed by this elemental combination and
to its troublesome blending and bonding.6––20
Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Instituto Superior Técnico, Formation of metastable Cu2C solid solutions with
Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Av. Rovisco Pais, 10492001 non-equilibrium compositions arising from processing
Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Nacional de Engenharia, Tecnologia e Inovação, Departamento
has been investigated by techniques, such as MA,6–8
de Materiais e Tecnologias de Produção Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, radio frequency magnetron sputter (RFMS) codeposi-
16492038 Lisboa, Portugal tion of copper and carbon9 and ion implantation of
*Corresponding author, email carbon into a copper substrate.10 In the case of materials

ß 2006 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 17 May 2005; accepted 22 August 2005
DOI 10.1179/174328406X84058 Materials Science and Technology 2006 VOL 22 NO 6 673
Carvalho et al. Transmission electron microscopy study of Cu–C nanocomposite

to characterise structural defects and deformation struc-

tures present. Furthermore, the absence of crystalline
carbon reflections in XRD patterns required corrobora-
tion by the higher spatial resolution and sensitivity
allowed by electron diffraction. In addition, peaks
corresponding to C2C bonds in the Raman spectra
(Fig. 1) suggested the presence of carbon clusters,
raising the question on whether the remarkable thermal
stability resulted from grain boundary pinning by
carbon particles. Both the presence of carbon clusters
and a preference for occupying positions near or at grain
boundaries demanded verification.
1 Raman spectra of Cu–10C powders milled for 36 ks
and annealed at 873 K as well as spectrum of syn- Experimental procedure
thetic graphite used as elemental powder4 The nanocomposite has been prepared by mechanically
alloying 10 at.-% synthetic graphite with copper in a
prepared via MA, either with attrition milling or with Retsch PM400 planetary ball mill operated at 400 rpm.4
planetary milling,7,8 indirect evidence supporting the The container was filled with argon to prevent oxida-
formation of solid solutions is given by the absence of tion. The material has been milled for 10 h and annealed
graphite reflections in X-ray diffractograms for long at 873 K for 1 h in a tubular furnace under an argon
milling time up to an estimated saturation value of atmosphere. Both conditions, as milled and annealed,
,25 at.-%C and by a proportional increase in the lattice have been characterised by TEM using a Hitachi H-8100
parameter of copper with carbon content. Lattice instrument with a point resolution of 0.27 nm at 200 kV.
parameter expansion has also been reported for RFMS Powder samples produced by the milling operation (and
codeposited films, where transmission electron micro- subsequent annealing) were embedded in an epoxy resin
scopy (TEM) has revealed no evidence of carbon based using 3 mm disc moulds, followed by grinding to
phases.9 In contrast, the presence of amorphous carbon 100 mm thickness, double side dimpling to 20 mm and
and nanometre sized graphite particles (in the range of ion milling to electron transparency with a Gatan duo
125 nm) in ion implanted films10 has been inferred from mill, operating at an accelerating voltage of 4 kV with
TEM observations and Raman spectra. Nevertheless, in an incident angle of 14u until a small opening was
this situation the self-annealing effect of the method obtained, after which an incident angle of 12u was used
should be taken into account in its ability to originate to obtain larger electron transparent areas. Powder
metastable solid solutions. The ion implanted structure electron diffraction patterns were indexed using cards
has been clearly identified as a nanoscale composite10 number 04–0836, 26–1079 and 05–0667 of the
with a potential for reduced friction applications International Centre for Diffraction Data.
provided by the lubricating properties of carbon.
On a larger microscale, Cu2C powder compacts are
commercially available for sliding electrical contact Results and discussion
applications (such as carbon brushes for automobile The as milled and annealed materials exhibited similar
starter motors11), which require low friction and wear features. In fact, grain sizes determined by dark field
rate in addition to high electrical conductivity. Further- imaging were comparable, ranging from 10 to 120 nm
more, it has been shown that carbon fibres in a Cu for the as milled condition and from 10 to 150 nm for
matrix can provide stiffness and prevent ductile frac- the annealed case, with estimated averages around 70–
ture,12 while the combination presents interesting 80 nm. This indicates that the microstructure is stable at
electrical properties and potential to reduce sliding the annealing temperature, in agreement with the results
friction. However, wetting of carbon particles/fibres by previously reported by Marques et al.4 Regions of
Cu is extraordinarily poor,13,14 and as a result interfacial elongated grains were frequent in the as milled condition
bonding is extremely weak.15 To overcome this obstacle, as well as in the annealed condition (Fig. 2), owing to
strategies, such as impregnation with other metals, the intense localised deformation imposed. In both
matrix alloying, carbon coating and resin binding, have conditions, copper grains often presented concave and
to be used.11,15,21 Nevertheless, an SEM study has irregular surfaces and showed a mottled contrast
shown that after heat treatment for 1 h at 1373 K, the characteristic of a high degree of elastic deformation.
Cumatrix/Cfibre interface becomes ill defined, presenting a Moreover, grain boundaries were generally ill defined
minute layer of an apparent Cu2C interstitial solid and displayed a diffuse contrast. This type of behaviour
solution (,50 nm) (Ref. 14). Based on these observa- has also been observed in other systems produced by
tions, extensive theoretical work has been carried out on intense straining.22–25 The present results indicate that
the Cu2C bonding character, on the atomic structure the Cu2C nanocomposite is in a high energy non-
and stability of Cu2C solid solutions, and on diffusivity equilibrium state even after annealing.
of C in Cu.17–20 Twins could be observed within copper grains in both
According to the authors’ best knowledge, nanos- the as milled and annealed materials (Fig. 3). These
tructured copper–carbon composites produced by mechan- defects and any existent subgrains have contributed to
ical alloying have not been investigated by TEM before. the apparently lower average grain size determined with
Therefore, the purpose of the present research was to use XRD by Marques et al.4 (20–30 nm). The present results
this technique to evaluate the grain size and phase on the Cu2C system further support recent reports on
morphology of the Cu210C nanocomposite, as well as the importance of twinning as a deformation mechanism

674 Materials Science and Technology 2006 VOL 22 NO 6

Carvalho et al. Transmission electron microscopy study of Cu–C nanocomposite

a as milled material; b annealed material

2 Bright field images presenting elongated copper grains

in fcc nanostructured materials that on a larger scale Furthermore, published results on ball milled graphite
tend to deform by other mechanisms.26–31 In fact, show that amorphisation is induced by MA.33 Some
although on a larger scale copper does not deform by weak rings in the electron diffraction patterns could be
twinning, twins are typical deformation structures in indexed to Cu2O: a 111 Cu2O ring was present in
milled material owing to the few independent slip patterns of the as milled material (10 h) and 110, 111
systems available for general deformation in each and 220 Cu2O rings could be observed in the annealed
nanocrystallite.32 Twins present in the annealed condi- material patterns (see magnified insets in Fig. 4). It
tion do not seem to have resulted from recrystallisation, should be noticed that extreme care was put in ensuring
but rather appear to be remnants of the deformation a non-oxidising atmosphere during milling and heat
process, because similar configurations were observed in treatment. In fact, the presence of Cu2O in the starting
the as milled material and an increase in twinning level powder mixture has been detected by XRD,4 reflecting
has not been detected. an initial surface oxidation of the copper powder used.
Electron diffraction patterns obtained from regions of At early milling stages, Cu2O could still be discerned in
,3 mm2 in as milled and annealed samples are shown in X-ray diffractograms but has not been found after 10 h
Fig. 4. The large number of spots arranged in rings of milling or after subsequent annealing. This implies
confirms the presence of high angle grain boundaries, that Cu2O crystallites have suffered severe fragmenta-
and is in agreement with a random crystallographic tion and/or amorphisation (or even have been partly
orientation, i.e. there is no evidence for crystallographic reduced by carbon) during MA, rendering this phase
texture in the nanostructure. The reflections present undetectable by XRD. Electron diffraction was however
correspond essentially to Cu crystallites; no graphite able to show the presence of crystalline Cu2O in the
reflections have been detected, indicating that any nanostructured material. Moreover, the fact that more
carbon clusters present are in an amorphous state. and better defined rings could be found after annealing
This result is consistent with the extensive broadening suggests that some of the Cu2O phase present in the
of the C2C peaks in Raman spectra4 (Fig. 1). as milled material was in an amorphous state and

a in as milled condition; b after annealing

3 Bright field images showing twinned copper grains

Materials Science and Technology 2006 VOL 22 NO 6 675

Carvalho et al. Transmission electron microscopy study of Cu–C nanocomposite

4 Electron diffraction patterns of a as milled and b

annealed materials obtained from area of 3 mm2: con-
trast was enhanced in magnified insets to turn visible
weak Cu2O rings; no graphite reflections have been
found; expected position of highest intensity graphite
peak is indicated

underwent a process of crystallisation during the heat

The presence of Cu2O in the nanostructure has been
confirmed by dark field imaging. Figure 5 shows an
image of the annealed material obtained using an
aperture enclosing only Cu2O reflections. Indeed, even
though the weak intensity of the reflections prevents
high contrast, it is possible to identify severely frag-
mented Cu2O particles with sizes below 25 nm.
Careful inspection revealed that in bright field
imaging under strongly diffracting conditions, thin
Cu crystallites at the specimen edge exhibit internal

6 Bright field images of strongly diffracting Cu grains

situated at edge of a as milled, b and c annealed spe-
cimens: dispersion of low mass particles below 10 nm
is indicated

dispersions of low mass contrast regions (Fig. 6). These

structures with sizes below 10 nm tend to be distributed
within Cu grains, showing no preference for occupying
positions near grain boundaries and present similar
features in both the as milled and the annealed
materials. A comparison of the finer scaled low mass
regions with the specimen edge contour indicates that a
localised higher rate of material removal during sample
5 Dark field image revealing presence of Cu2O nanoparti- preparation is not likely to be in the origin of the low
cles and corresponding diffraction pattern where mass structures. In fact, this type of contrast has not
reflections used are circled been reported in mechanically alloyed pure Cu after ion

676 Materials Science and Technology 2006 VOL 22 NO 6

Carvalho et al. Transmission electron microscopy study of Cu–C nanocomposite

milling,32 while it has been observed in C implanted Cu contradiction with the fact that the twinning level is
films.10 The dispersions of low mass regions correspond generally enhanced by lower stacking fault energy and
therefore to carbon agglomerates responsible for the that for a given metal the stacking fault energy decreases
C2C peaks in Raman spectra (Fig. 1). As no graphite with the addition of solutes.38 However, the discrepancy
reflections have been found in the electron diffraction may be related to the mechanism responsible for
patterns the carbon clusters are proposed to be generating deformation twins in nanostructured fcc
amorphous. materials, which involves the emission of single
Inclusion of C clusters in Cu grains can result from Schockley partial dislocations from grain boundaries
cold welding processes occurring at the many deforma- with trailing stacking faults behind them.27 If the
tion events that produce convolutions and Cu subgrain dislocation emission process is hindered by carbon
recombinations. This type of behaviour is common in atoms present at the grain boundary structure, a lower
oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloys produced by twin density may result. It is worth noticing that a lower
MA and a review on how second phase non-soluble density has been reported for annealing twins in RFMS
particles can form dispersions in ductile grains can be codeposited Cu216C (at.-%) films as compared with
found in Ref. 34. Analogous dispersions of amorphous pure Cu films.9
carbon clusters in both the as milled and annealed
materials (Fig. 6) are in agreement with the fact that no Conclusions
evidence for particle coarsening and/or reversion to a
‘crystalline’ state could be detected in the C2C Raman Similar copper grain sizes have been obtained under
peaks, which have remained essentially unchanged upon both conditions, ranging from 10 to 120 nm for the as
annealing (Fig. 1). milled material and from 10 to 150 nm after annealing.
The presence of amorphous carbon clusters explains The occurrence of twinning partly justifies the
the apparently modest increase in lattice parameter lower grain sizes determined by XRD (20230 nm).
reported by several authors in mechanically alloyed Deformation structures present indicate that the Cu2C
Cu2C systems.4–8 In effect, the variation in lattice nanocomposite is in a high energy non-equilibrium state
parameter obtained from the Cu210C (at.-%) mixture even after annealing. Cu and Cu2O phases have been
after milling for 36 ks (DaCu50.00011 nm) (Ref. 4) identified by electron diffraction in the as milled and
corresponds to an expansion of ,0.03%, which are annealed samples but no graphite reflections could be
two orders of magnitude lower than the one expected for detected. Nevertheless, both conditions exhibit a disper-
a true interstitial Cu210C (at.-%) solid solution.4 On a sion of amorphous carbon clusters of ,10 nm expecting
first approximation, admitting an expansion behaviour to be of benefit for sliding wear applications. No grain
similar to that observed for Fe based austenite,35 a boundary pinning by nanoparticles has been detected
and the high structural stability at 873 K is proposed to
solubility of ,0.1 at.-%C can be roughly estimated from
be dependent on solute drag effects.
the measured variation. Therefore, both the complete
solubility proposed for RFMS codeposited films with
16 at.-%C (with a lattice expansion of only ,0.15%) Acknowledgement
(Ref. 9), and a maximum solubility value of 25 at.-%C The authors acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e
in mechanically alloyed Cu2C mixtures (with a lattice a Tecnologia, project POCTI/CTM/40892/2001, for
expansion of only 0.08%) (Ref. 7) seems excessive. financial support.
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