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Swoosh · 9.

° ano Evaluation tests

English Diagnostic Test

School: _______________________________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________Class: ______ No.: ______
Date: _____/ ____/ ____ Mark: ________
Enc. Educação: _________________________ Teacher: ________________________

A. Which notice (A-G) says the same as sentences 1- 5? Write the correct
letter in the corresponding box. Not all the letters are necessary.

1. You cannot let your dog run freely here.

2. Buses will not go past this place.
3. Check you have all your belongings before leaving.
4. There will be some changes when summer starts.
5. Bus 35 will not run at the weekend.

B. Identify the word for each description.

1. People who like watching football often go to this place. __ __ A __ __ __ __

2. People who like swimming in the sea usually go here. __ E __ __ __
3. You will need to take this with you if you go camping. __ E __ __
4. If you enjoy taking photos, you will need this. __ A __ __ __ __
5. This is a classic musical instrument with a keyboard. __ __ A __ __
Swoosh · 9.° ano Evaluation tests

C. Read these sentences and choose the best word for each space.

1. Mary decided to ___________ her bedroom a summer clean.

(a) give (b) have (c) get
2. First Mary ___________ all her clothes away in the cupboard.
(a) put (b) cleaned (c) took
3. She ___________ all her old dolls and games to a charity sale.
(a) brought (b) got (c) took
4. She tidied ___________ her books and magazines.
(a) out (b) up (c) down
5. She put some fresh flowers ___________ the table.
(a) in (b) on (c) between
6. She put new ___________ on the bed.
(a) curtains (b) carpets (c) blankets

D. Complete the emails below with ONE word in each space.

Hi Julie, Hi Rachel,
Remember I stayed (1) ___________ your house I’m glad to tell you
last week (2) ___________ Thursday night. I think (8) ___________ I’ve found your
I left my mobile phone (3) ___________ your mobile phone. It was in the
bedroom. It (4) ___________ be on the bedside bathroom under a towel. I will
table next (5) ___________ the bed. Please, (6) (9) ___________ it to school
___________ you look for it? (7)___________ you tomorrow. Don’t worry. I really
find it, can you bring it to school? enjoyed having you over last
Thanks so much. week.
Rachel I’m (10) ___________ forward to
seeing you again.
Big hug,

E. Write a very short message, between 35–45 words.

You’ve just bought something new for your bedroom. Write an email to your friend
Richard. In your email, you should:
• describe what you bought
• explain why you need it
• say where you are going to put it or what you are going to do with it

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