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The phy&CB[fa &.

showing f'u&lrnenfi6f .

rn w o WOKS
Cammenis by J. F. Rutherford
Author of
end other books ?
Xuwm o m
*m&m m e y:5
Pu&z+?hmv i!
hternnstional Bible &data '3&twl&n
m8tch Tower Bible and Tract &&y
Br* New York, TJ*S, k
h f h FmmW, &idhe?, C b Tom, E @ ~ @ I
zui%*ur& & fll UWr e o o n ~
i PREl%cE
BEQVBIB makes known hip, purposes te his o h
F' &en1 meat- * h* o m due time. I n obedhce
to hFst will his belove&Son eame to eeasth and s e e r 4
death. God raised Jesus up out of death and exal.ted
him to the high& place in the n p i v e 2 ~ .CClpthed with
all poww and authority and made the Ex&u*e QB.
ces of J&ov& J m knew that by aad through h .hjdl
kingdom Satas and his orgembation would be da
strayed, pchickednea wiped out, and the wod &j
name of hipr Father m a l d be completely vindicated.
Donbfilem he was allgious to p r m d to the omogle-
tion of. that g10riow work; but J&ovah said to hjm,
Wait my due t k e to make the enemy t h r f ~ t -
@woL Jm kaew $+t he was to ha% asaoeiated pchith
him &r fi$,fhhd meatma taken firs a m o n p m@
w9ad wnSertute Cod$ ' d e d clervw$'.
. Wheh on earth, Jesua esnphasised above all other
@go the impoi%anceof the kingdom of God Be
told his faithful followdpa,that he would go swag a&
prepare a plaoe for them and Petnrn and remite
them Jb heaven Cod gave Jesus Christ The Reveh-
tion, aad he sent his angels and cawed John to mite
The Revel&ion in aign language. Uo man thep un-
derstood it, but .the expmmd of a d was that
his servmts should undemtmd it in his due time,
The Bedation would &ow his wrvmts the th-
that nus st shortly come to p a , 8&d those hewing and
obe@n@the message of tha$ Revelation weald be
greatly blmed.
All who lave Cod, hi bebved @on,an& h k king.
,; dom,.have been eager to underatand The Wvelatiqa.
~tudent#have prayerfully and earn&ly tb
meaaiq thereof. Prior to 1950 there never was a v

satInfaoto~explanation of The Wevelation pnblbhed,
the manifest reason being that it w@s not Cod's due
time for his servatrta to have an undemtaading there-
of. The Scriptures were written chiefly for t71e aid,
encomagemeat and comfort of the faithful on earth
at the end of the world Therefore it is to be expected
that the feet mwbera of Christ would be given an
mderatanding? of The Ravelatien while in the flesh.
The Miptaral md supporting evidence is now 1
dkar tohb people that f%&t Jeans m e to his tom-
pb in, lg18 and began to take mnnt wfth hirr serv-
a&% and that those whom he fowa fait&% He ep-
pio& and made ru part of "The Sewant". These
&e d&gnated the %Want,to whom has been m-
&wed the teetimomy of Jesus Christ. S i €hat time
the Lord haa given to hie people the lrey to the w-
derstanding of The Revelation. I$ now seems clear BOOK ONE
that it is Ood'a due time fop his serv& to under-
atand that great prophwy so 10%clothed in mystery.
d blmed time is therefore at hand for those who
rssd and underatand and obey.
With profound patitude to Glod Light ia anb-
Wed, 8ettb.q out the text of The h e l a t i o n and a

brief statement of the faota showing fulfilment of
that great prophecy. For cenvellience it is issued in
Books One nndTwo. No oradit ia due and none should
be given to any man for what appears h&&. The
Revelation ia God'e, given to hi beloved %n for the
bendt of hi servant8 and sent to them by the an&&
of the Lord. Those who delight t o feed npoa the tWJ
wfll read it with profit and joyfully p w it pn %
o%ers that they too may be bl-cd Bhd join i
sbng of praiae to Jehovah's name.

J EHOVAH God ia light. He is the fountain of
light and life. IIe made the heavcns and the
earth and gave the spirit of life to all of them
that move and breathe. He made the mountah,
weighed them in hin balances, and aet them forth I
eternal monnments to his own majesty and for the
wonder and admiration of his earthly areaturea that
love him. E e made the sun to light the earth by dey,
and the moon and the stars to illuminate it at night.
Each morning, and forever, he causes his beams of
light to be lifted above the mountain peab and lo
spread their m m acmes the heavens, baspeaking hia
unlimited power and i h i t e glory. There ia no audi-
ble sound to disturb the awesome and profound si.
lence that accompanies the dawning of his day. The
beasts of the field and the birds of the air hold their
peace, and even the winda are quiet.
Unseen ia the Almighty Creator; yet he is manifest
by his worlrs. The space curtained by the outspread
heavens of light is is tent. Since we cannot see the
wind, how much lase can human eyea behold him who
walks upon ita wings; yet we know that he ia present.
His clouds, like majestic chariota, ride above the
mountaim, reflecting his radiant splendor. The in-
spired words of the sweet singer are breathed in st
leme and deep devotion to the Most High: "Bless

Jehovah, 0 my soul! Jehovah my Gd, thou art ex- leimf. Ks understanding muat be due to the light
ceeding great, majesty and state hast .thou put on: from 3ehowh shining upon the Head of the temple
wrapping thysdf in light aa a mh*, &retching out alas and for the bene5t of those who love bim Bad
the heavens as a tent-curtain: who layeth in the his appearing at the temple.
waters the beams of hi4 upper-chambers, who maketh "flevelation" literally means "unveiling". It i%
the clouds his c h ~ i o t who
, walk@!+on the wing8 of the weovering of things that have been fuWled b~%
the wind."-Ps. 104: 1-8, RothwIcm. Whtch have not been underrrtood according to t6e
La& ago the E m e l God sent hie beloved Son in- S&ptureB; also the uncovering of thinga in c o r n @f
to this world of darknw and he was the Light of the fmMheat the meaning of which ia now dawning upon
world His lifeblood was poured out that men mighll the obedient children of God; and also at least a
see the light and live and that bia Father's 'W partid IIII~V- of thinga which am immediately
might be glorifted. He was raised fpom the dp3 and to be M l e d and understood by the grace of &a.
bmught life and immortality to light. Jehovah gave (Isa. % t o ) J e h b d wmmithd to his glorified Son
his word that hi beloved Son would again come in Uhriit gem18 ehthe WeSage which in due t k e must be
power and glory, and set up his kingdom, aDd af? had0 knom w* his ServBILt alasa. Jeaas sen4 b3E
ford all men the opportunity see the light rwld to fajWul angel or depdtp a$d aaused hia m t &J&
be restored and to live on eart ; that then the namq
the yord of Jehovah &odd be vindicated. Tbet
tb write down the m-ge in &de or sgmbole. The
l&e wmea to underatand the rneaaege, and the Lord
time is at haad. Christ is placed upon his throne, and by hie deputy makea the memage u n d e r s t d b l e to
he then oomea to his temple in the brightness of hi8 thaee whom Jebh %-tea.
glory with hi# wuntenance a h i i g aa the m,for he The servant bud apoatle John waa a wry aged m h
$ the Sun of righteomness. Hig slhining shall n m q when he m t e that book of ny&bol~.He wae the k t
be dimmed. In due time the light shall i I l W a t e 4 survivor of all those who m e under ixupimtioa He
the living, and the earth ahdl be filled with th? wed the word5 "berpr wEtnwW"twtiPy" , and '"*ti+
knowledge of the glory of Jehovah as the watera cay@ - mohy" mbre than any 6i~herNew Teatam9mt writm.
the great deep. Blessed are the wise who come to .thi$ TO bbeas 'witnw w'aa his chief theme and work. John
dsy. If they continue wise they shall maerstand by the Lord's grsoe foreahadwed or represented the
repiea L faithful remnmt who have tmied or remainea unto
BmmTIoN the coming of the Lord 3 e m UWt to his temple.
Upon such Cod has besto@d hi extraordinary "gFm
The lest book of the Bible is called and memy': whioh the name John d w e s . Vhen he
is a part of the Word of God and is prophe note, John w& in b d h m e n t on $hb Isle wl PPrltM
be expected that some of aod beaaw he had tastilied to God's Wbrd. The re3mnant
on the essth would be favored ie now in banishment by being os8racieed :orl all
la L I G H T w. I W. 1 EMVEILATION 18
others of earth becausa of their m e r v i n g devotion The faot of 5mt importance in the Revelation,
to God and the giving of testimony to his name. John now set before all of the spirit-begotten ones on earth,
was "in the spirit on the Lord's day" when he re is the great and impressive truth that Jehovah's
ceived the measage to write. "Thk is the day which Chief Ofleer, The Princa and rightful Ruler of the
the Lord hath made," and the remnant are on the earth, Christ Jesus, h now present at the temple>&
earth and rejoicing in the spirit because the spirit of God doing judgment work in hia Father% name. T b
the Lord has been poured out upon all flefln devoted mighty King and Judge ia pietured aa filled with the
to him. The remnant now "sea visions"; that is ta 'new joy of the kingdom' and baa invited the a p
say, are @en an undembm&g of things not hereto- proved ones to enter into hie joy. Eiii Hisimmaenlate
fore understood. A speaial blessing is the portion of white hair and his glorioua gannenta, appearing in
the mmnant deciphering the code signs of the book the derrcription, suggest hia exaltation and that he
of Ibevelation; also those who love righteousness, and comes in the power and glory of hia Father. (Matt,
hear &ad obey what they understand, will be blessed. 16: 27) His eyes are ablaze with righteous judieM
Those who 'hate instruetion and caat the Word of the deereea, whiah out in eveny direction and without
Lord behind them', who take away from God's Word p m W t y . Be is aocompanied by hie " ~ V B P &ma1;
of Revelation or who add thereto by adding the signs or myriada of angels, whom he has deputi5ed to wq
su& as the pyramid of Gizeh, will not nnderstand. into execution hie orders. (Matt. 26: 31) And <they
"None of the wicked shall 11nder&md."-Ps. 50: 178 that be wise [and faithful servanta] and turn many
Dan. 12:10; Rev. 22: 19. to righteomees' are pietured aa hi^ eandleetieke, or
J The time for the ful5lment ef the prophecy of lamp&anda, to whom ia given the privilege of hold-
Revelation seem to be fmm about 1879 forward until ing forth the light of the Word of Ood and to whom
the ldngdom h in foll m y . It was about that date are committed the kingdom intereats on the earth,
that the aecond presence of the Lord began to be ob- Dan. 12:8; Matt. 13:43.
J served, and that and other trutha began to appear in The servant class, reprmnted by John, by misen
The Watch Tower, whieh since then until now hae of the glorious vision ia greatly awed and humbled
been the means of comm~catingtruth to those who and is prostrate in submission before the great Jeho-
love the Lord. All those who love God supremely be- vah God. The Lord strengthem and encourages this
lieve that The Watch Tower was started and has been class and aayx to them in substance: 'Go and pablish
maintained by his power and grace. The time 2 ~ the r these thinga that you ma, and tell the people what is
understanding of the prophecy of Revelation ma%$
necessarily be after the coming of the Lord to hSs*tb- about to oome to paas,' To economize spaee the Bible
ole. Those who do understand its meaning will 8 w t l i o text is not here aet out. We urge you to carefullr read
great and blessed privilege of being witnems ohaptera one to three? inalusive, of the book of Ewe
Lord and to hie name and purp~pw. lation before proceeding further.
sr L 'lO Z ' F ESP*a m. 1 B~VBLATZQN I&
'l-mw w ' eations af the wm.3~of tlie Judge if they rep-
QI1 with the
~GhpterstRO and thrm Q ZdbV%la6imM sented periods of time covering the entire chumh,
@%WALX U W '%fob tie WJ r n $ i ~ ~ .whi&
p h ~ ~ &+om Peatee& to the kingdoloV The men conpqs.
apia&&sia'l* * s g e . la :e aa 8 ~* m mW#
Mli& t h in BQinorwent out of ariat~nimlong hefore
plrhfah W* Sti4 WW& is ,JoW T%M+)ig, '@b bhe c om w of $he Lord to judgment. A h &I$.
,w .a&& Wf; d,
fie. ,&m
* ,@@a.*&a&*] aeaod till MW the greater number of the profw
&wehw or aon$regstions have existed and h m
'%pow ~TA 4mm Jesds C w ~IW& away Law before the Lord comes to his tenpIe
w&;&&iw .w@@?t:w&$$&,l& .a- for judgment. History showa that the p d d
k:W(BblB.. '
. . ..
. , ,
akuroh of Christ never oleaned up or ridded itself of
the uasatisfacfnry conditions mentioned, but thsk
r l w g b * e & hi&maam, p,wimlhHp 8IBt paff mabi t t n w W o r y condiciona were found even in &a
&iat~&a W g ' W Wzwera w e t , e i e h in John's dip tpPe ahumh d e n the liord came to his temple.
Wtai.B&en grW11~a.We ,Itxi&of PStma i e about TKe wbaaing ira: "Behold, I 0ome qai&ly.'V th*
WZ%%y nilm O.E&e ecbst bf f &p d e . The fLamb ahuMh~llfes w@e$ationa repeiva bm&C &om the
,.i&&+, i M u "llraggg", m d d d well refn%en% 1pi&mgB8at.w t b m tllrngh John, then 4hep g am
€h&.&m&es at ULa time 'when &rkuw covers thb all Ire ia ddgnee at the eama tlme and et tbssrne
W%B W m. &&W %h iead at whi& 45aw of $be e x T s b aof
~ ethe remnant whom John rep-
f$n(h W Bgya to his p w e c "my li@t @ come, and wanted. Furthermore, if the Lord uncomra the
the~gltirycrf tk8 i# riaen am theeb"-Iaa. 60 :1. meaning of these mwagea to the ahurohw or con$w-
J ~o are e mwbw ef mi~gilt~~ $&$ t&+ (,Lsev& @tiens aRw coming to hiB temple, md aftor poliribg.
eIwr6hesV could Po# &ex- %@ 4W@.l@&:&vs& I* %b out lio rpiri$ whakwer "the seyen ohurohost' r p
ehurahes aovering s period of th~ .&a &e &&@ea ant must be contempormmw with the life of J&4
anto (th8 PreeQBnt.In tho msw8@es Jesas &vgg maim- vah'e maat elam d w h g '"the af his igreptww
ing to Ephesus, Pergamm, T h y a h and S;uults-.W tion" fer tke 5ml b d e whfah d lde#my Satan%
unless they dean np and imprevs their conditm&9 oq&tion. Jesas said that the wheat and the tar@
will ceme upon them and judge The $- would be permitted to grow together until the end of
of the Lord must begin when he comes to his m&

Wle world, at whioh time he v o d d come for judgment
f?r jjndgment, and not prior w d fqr mparatina: one from the other. There would
ohnr%h&' or wngregations ment'
?&or existed at the same timo, hem bees M r w n for the message of Revelation to
fsLoory oonditionir deaoribed a tile w@@i.imwhbh s went out of mbteace em%
the seaea emgegatiom in Baia MitlW riee b&re the eaZl of the world, and therefom thew
would be the use of tamhg W-parti d o s n s t - t o b e ~ ~ w ~ w h y t h ~ s e
16 L I a H T RR. 3 I -3 BEVELATION

were Intended for the churoh o w that long period Xinor above mentioned. The Revelation manifestly v
of time. is intended for the spirit-begotten onea on earth at
If John pietunemc the eervant clam at the end of the the second coming of the Lord. Some of these would
world (and there aeema to be no doubt about that then meet with the approval of the Lord, while othm
fact), then it follow that "the m e n chnrches" or in the oongregations would be lesa approved or whol-
congregations do not embrace a period of time during ly dieapproved. Let chapters two and three of Iteve
the middle or datg ages or the time prior to the ' m d - lation, then, be aarefully studied with the thought in
ing of the h e m m e r bdore the Lord'9 face to pre. mind that the meseagea thereh contained apply epe.
paw the way bdore himf.-Md. 8 :1. ai&ally from approximately 1879 until the kingdom
T h e were more than seven congregations or of Ood is in ful3 sway.
ahmchea in BsIa Minor at the time John wrote Reve The church at Ephesus is first a d d r d , and the
Istion. Seven is a symbolio number meaning complete- '
angel thereof doubtlw is one of the deputies assigned
nem in matters pert&ining to spiritual things, and by the Lord to convey the message to the aervant
tharePore "seven churches" would represent all the elas#. "Epheeua," from the Greek, means "per-
congregations M u g at the same time and in which mitted". Being the capital citJr of the province of
the conditions desctribed doubtleas &ed in fact. The &me above mentioned it may well repreeent condi-
irresistible conclusion therefore ia tbat "the men tions Bxisting in the church horn the beginniag of the
ehuMhea" piewe aspects or states of a 5 h h or con. semnd coming of the Lord mtil the corning to hia tern.
ditions exMing at one and the same time in a11 the ple, d applying particularly to the leaders or elders
congregatiom ernbraeed within the measage given in of the church. Paul warned the elders of l3phesua and
the divine record Elvery spirit-begotten one is emphasized the importance of their being ensnmplea
marked by these conditions which have exkitd among to the flock. From 1879 until 'the pouring out of the
the ohildwn of Ood within that period of time during spirit upan all fleah' the elders occupied the peculiar
which 'the way waa being prepared for the coming position of service to the Lord in the congregation@.
of God's Messenger to the temple', and by that Some were faithful,. and othem less faithful. Thwe
which follow&when he does come to the temple. Thie leaders would inolude those desoribed as pilgrims,
period of time would begin with the beginnisg of the who distributed traata, gave public lectures, in-
manifeatation of the second presenoc of the Lord, snd structed the olaasea, and traveled from plaee to placa,
end when the Lord is at hia temple. Therefore the enduring long and wearying journep, poor lodgings,
message to "the seven churchce" applies from 1879 ill-prepared food, and many other inoonveniences. To
and thereafter. These wretched oonditions or Btstes of these the message says: "I know thy works, and thy
&airs among the spirit-begotten onea have besn snnh labour, and thy patience, and how thou c a w not bear
aa were illustrated by conditions actually ei&@g them which are evil." These doubtleas were the a p
among the churches in the %man proviace of proved onea among& the leadew. 'The evil onea' de
hs L I Q ~ T &m. 8
~ r i b mthose who say they are servants of God but
wbo am found to be liars.
Among the organizers of the Watch Tower BibIe and
Tract Society there were some who were wholly de-
voted to the Lord and aontinued faithful unto death
end were examples of those who met the approval of
tha Lord. It war the privilege and duty of the origi.

of theae cooled quickly, and upon the death of tb8

Tract $oeiety, but when lbl4 passed the zeal of # W e
presrident of the Society and editor of The Watch T W -
er others ceased to identify t l ~ e m l v awitb the 'Ba-
ciety d they 'left their first love'. A8 the Apoatb
Paul had previously aaid: "They receivea not thPl
love of the tntth." They no longer loved Ood's or-
nal ongaz&w of the S$ociet~nand prdden0 thereof % gmization, but, being selfish, began to try to disrupt
i&e % 1;YLd in the preaching of the gospel in his the Society and to abtah followers for themselves.
time. E e and thhee who stood fa&hfuUs with him, They having a love of prominence and desire for A
oime i~& oontaot with those who claimed to be preach- soft job, and being unable to obtain either, their zed
gra @f tbetmth and sowe of whom awepted the truth qniakly eooled off. Prior to 1914 they expremed them.
~d went about preaohinw it and yet & m a r & were a e h s aa falflllig the commandment of Jesua ib
&om tp be liars. Blatthew 24: 14 in preaching the gospel of the kiW
The faithful ones aould not bear the evil onea The dola, but after 1916 they had no peal therefor and fib
known faota fully support this conclusion. The pred- intereat ther64n. The wathhg 04 the Lord wm: "B
dent of the Soeiety, upon whom the responsibility
rested foa tbe managmmt thereof, tried these pro-
pent, and do the fir& works; or else f Vdu. r~moV6
thy candlestick out of hi place."
i ~ O n ads and found them unfaithful, The 'trying One of the lnst articles written and published b?
of them' would be h t h g &em m r d i n g t o the Word
the original editor of f i e Watek Tower was a q ~ i a l
sf Ctod The f a i W ones patiently h e the trials that. warning to the elders and leadors. Prom that artid0
resnlted, for the salre of the Lord's name, and ear- is quoted the following:
~lmtlJ.prassed on with the w o k committed to them. In "It eauaea real grief to write that much of the di&.
that period of time the name of Jasus wan * m
e culty and danger to the ohnMh seem to lie at th8
more than the name of Jehovah Therefore says the:
measage: 'For my name's sake hast thou labored.' door of the dders and deacons--no% all, thsnk God,
but apparently a emall minority of them, judgid%
To W e among the leaders who were lw plea@. from the queriea which come to the OBCBfrom tinib
to the Lerd the m q e is: "I have somewh& a&w$
thee, because thou hast left thy i?rst love." Som v&
to time from the bewildered sheep. . .. The tme, l o d
servanta in the church should be all the more appt*
them set their hearts on going to heaven in I914 rrg& ciated by the L o d ' ~people in proportion as theP
this failing, they were disappointed and the test+.*
too great for them. Prior to that time they had b@&
realize the difference between true elders and , . ,.
laboring in the congregations under the those who are untrue."-5 Nvv. 1, 1916, p. SH.
Thie is proof as to the Lord's manner of diFeatin6
and in ~wwywith , the ,Wet& Ule publieation of Ma truth a%the appropriate time.
28 L I a x T wea BBVEILATION 21
Within less than a year of the publication of the fore misted with the kingdom. The warning of the Lord
going them was a great falling away amongst the is that "if any man shall €ake away from the worda
elders. of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his
The "candlesti&" mentioned manifestly means the part from the tree of life, and out of the holy cityu.
opportunity for service to the Lord. The candlestidm (Rev. 22: 19, R.V.) It represents everlasting Iife by
(or lamp9tends) were not attaahed one to another, meana of the unfailing sustenance whioh the Lord
but were removable. Thin ia agreeable to the parable provides for his own. Divine *om is likened unto
of the "tnlenta", which represent opportunities of a tree of life. (Prov. 3: 13-18) Jehovah is the fonn.
servioe, and which were taken away from the laee tain of life, and even the lMtOOOimmortal ones will
faithful when the Lord oame to his temple and were depend upon him that they may not "be hurt of the
delivered to the faithful. (Matt. 25: 28) When the second death". Hence the tree of life may w d l refer
test aame upon the church in 1917 and 1918 many of to the privilege which the church will enjoy in be.
those who had been leaders in the church dropped holding the beauty and glory of Jehovah and inquir-
out and they were no longer permitted by the Lord ing cmtinuoualg iil hi$ temple.-Pa. 27 :4.
to hold forth their h p - s t a n d or candlestick; that
is to say, their opportunity for service came to an SMXRNA
end. "The seven candlesticks" manifestly refers to
all opportunities of service having to do with the Tlm name "Smyma" is the stme as "myrrh". It
kingdom interests on aarth. has a strong and agreeable smell, but a bitter taste.
Then the faithful amongst the leaders were told: It was an ingredient of thc holy anointing oil and w a
"Thou hatest the deeda of the Nicolaitanes, which I also wed as a plewmt perfume. (Pa. 45: 7,s; Esther
also hate." The word "Niwlaitanea" hss the thought 2 :12) The next message is addressed to the oongreg&
of "boss", or one who lords it over God's people and tion of Smym. (Rev. 2: 8-11) The Smyma chnrch
asea them for a selfish purpose. Both the clergy in the clemly represented the faithful anointed ones who
nominal chnrehas and the elders in the congregations are approved and anointed by the Lord 8fter comiag
of the Lord who pursue such a course would be in- to hb temple. This is supported by the fact that no
cluded herein. word of reprimand or reproof is a d d r e d to auoh
Then the message ia addressed not merely to the in the message brought by the angel. The Lord did
elders but to all in the congregation, to wit, "He th@ not once warn these of his corning to his temple to
hath an ear [to hear], let him hear what the spiait judge them. These, therefore, mwt be the ones that L
[the spirit of Jehovah wing Jesw as his mouthpieo@lJ go to m&e up the "faithful and wise aervant" alm
saith unto the churchas." Those who would heed
warning and overcome were told, "To [you] will) ?
give to eat of the tree of life." The "tree of lifeu,@
whom the Lord calla bleasea. (Matt. 24: 45-47) Wen
the Lord comes to his temple to take aowunt with his
servant he says to those whom he h d s faithful: "I
z3 L I a HT Bw.
know thy worka, and tribalatioq and pbveq, (but ten literal days, but symbolicdb meana the complete
thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them npaq of all the time of their earthly edshnce daring
whieh my they are Jewa, and are not, but are ,f&o whi& they &all d e r tribulation at the hands 02
synagogue of S a m . Fear none of h e thin@ which Batan. '!Phmugh much tribalation ahall ye enter the
ahou shalt ~Ufper: behold, the dwil &all east mme of k i q d m . '-Aata 14;22.
you ibto prigon, that ye may bv tried; a& ye balk Then bow the further words of enaonr-mt
haye triW%ioa ten darn: be thou foitBEol ur&e pahioh the Lond urres b addressing $ m ~ a '':'Jresd
death, a ~ &asb.I will give thee a c m m of We." (Rev. t b g a saith the &st and tho last, whhh was deadi
?!, :sj 4QJ. %em end* the co~tFadlotionbf Binnets and is dive." This refem to life after death, which
&a n0- kave wnthued to servo the Lord was spoken of in oonj~utaotionwith the OW wo& @
ataidea tribulation, which has been to t h e ari evf- the approved ones, and is of speoial enconragema
b e e of the Tiord's appmval, and they have rejoieed because it indicates that such would be forever with
th& They know that they are coudtd the off- %-= if t4q mibue faithful to the end Bs a
~ c o ~ ofg the s world and are despised by ungodly fwthr and 5nal meouragment to them the mesage
men, but the Lord eays to them: 'Ye are not poor, 8s is: "BQ &emMWnl nnte death, d I will give the^
yo t h i i , but ye are rich in God's favor,' because it the owmn of We.." (VR 10, R.V.) That meam $hd
is a privilege to auffer with Christ.-PhjL 1:29.
The Lord Cemmenda them for their faithful devo-
%n to him: Then he tells them that there are those
who claim to be J o m (of Judah, giving p d e to Je-
hevah) snd sre not; dearly meaaing, t h w who claim
t& be f612owcm 09 Christ But who & &B %me timer
&peakevil against God's organizntidn &nd the &&hod
I very pimmle of life and also provee th& immom
taliw and glory with Chriet Jeaaa. It means the cmn.
plote T&WY over death, beeanae "he that overoo~~~&
ahell not be hurt of the second death". (Vs. 11)Thip
clearly showa that the teat upon the faithful dl be
the greatest and will be suah as will bring Jehovah%
approval to those who remain fdWu1, and ia ei%
bf carrying on his work and attempt to do injury manee W &me will never deviate from %h&
8gainsC those who are faithfully trying to canp on votion to Elma All of the -ant bow wh81ly dwobed
God's work The Lord dealarea these .we redly Bk to the Lord and who have the evidence of the Lord'n
Usn's agents. gpproval may be sure that continuing heneeforth
Then for tho enwuragement and w d o r t of faithful upto death they shall have the blessed privi-

who continue faithful the Lord says: 'Do not f@ lege of receiving that whioh is promised to S m m
ahy of these things. The Devil shall oast &me of
into prison that yo may be tried and ye shall
&ibulatibn ten days; became the faithful #em#&
S m e man who is Wlus tried and endurea faiW1y t
&c shall rweive the erown of life which t
te .4
mast hrrw experiencree W a r to t h w had hath p& to thm ,that love him
Mmtor.' The "ten days" mentioned wuld J~.%il% 8 ,
, # A 1 .-td.a~,r
PEEGAB08 plaoe where Satan has maintained hia chief ofgce on
A m a a g e is directed to the charch in Pergamoa , earth. The Sooiety was incorporated in the United
(Rev. 2: 12-17) It refere to the conditions in the Statas and Britain, and nowhere elm The oppasition
church d i g at a time certain from the aeeond by Satan and hi4 religious agencies hse been grsst
presence of the Lord until the soming of the judg- in those countries, yet there were m e who 'hdd fast
ment of the "Pergamos'beam a citadel, or the Lord'a name and did not deny the faith'. Bests-
fortrees, an devatiun or towor. It was about 2879 ration of the truth 'once delivered to the apdes'
that the publlcatiw of The WahA !Cower began, and took plam in theae countries within that t i e . Thm
a few gea~ethereafter the Watoh Tower B&le snd who erne to a knowledge of the truth did not
T W slooiety wed organised, both of whioh have con- to be followers of any man, but held fast to the name
tiaaed to WE day to prdaim the m- of the of Christ. They did not organize a denomination, and
Lordk kingdom. In the yeam that have followed the they refused to take the name like unto any other de-
Watch Tower Bible and Tr& Society has afforded nomina..ion, and they withdrew from all the religioua
a fortreas or citadel into which those who love right- ~Fganizationsof the essth.
eousnesrc might flee from the hypocritical religions of Aa a further means of identi5cation the divine me-
J the world. In that time it has bean the only organiza- ord ia: "Eiven in those daye wherein Antigaa was my
.tion on earth that has been diligent in holding forth faithful martyr, who was slain among yon, where 9&
the truth of Ood'a Word.Within it have been some tan dwellcth." The name "Antipas" means "against
faithful and some less faithful and some traitors. The all"; and therefore the name applies to thase spirit-
conditions represenad by the church in Pergamos begotten one8 who took a 5rm stand against all of
aeam to synchronize in time with the Elijah work of Satan's organbation and on the side of the Lord. The
the o h d . Now read the Scriptural z-ewrd and see work of the church in that period of time was fore-
how well the known facts %tthe pmpheey. shadowed by Elijah and was ful5lled in miniature by
He whose wordn cut sharper than a two-edged John the Baptist and also foreshadowed by John the
sword warns of his early aoming for judgment, The Baptist. In 1018 the experience which came upon the
Dhglotb reads: "I know where thou dwell&, where Society was like unto the beheading of John the Bap
the throne of the adversary ie; and yet thou Stalp tist, rind there ended the Elijah work. The prophecy
retaineat my name." Prior to 1918 the chureh hgd and facte therefore looate the time and place, showing
not been brought into "the secret place of the that the application is during the period of the E-li-
High", and hence in reality was dwelling wher jah work in particular.
tan has his plaoe of administration. During tY!@. Not all forming the Society were faithful, and sad
riod of time the truth ww published chiefIy iiL"@& ia indicated by the words of the prophecy, to wi%:
English-speaking countries of Britain and h e & & "But I have a few things against thee, bemuse thou
which in fact form one earthly empire and a haet there them that hold the doctrine of &bum,
who taught M a e to cast a etumblingblock before the
ahildren of Israel, to eat things swrifid unto idole,
"ran greedily &w the m r of Balaam for or]**.
@ude 11) Thom who have been long in present truth
and to commit fomieation," (Vs. 14) This eonditiog are well aoquainted with the fads supporting the
obtained shortly psior to the time the Refiner came @ above.
the temple and mt in judgment to purge "the soag This period of time must shortly precede the tine
of Levi". i of the Lord's earning to the temple for judgment, b e
The e~~ @ aftikw?mh~g w?and have h ewe the werding b: "Repent; or else I will come
devoted @J @ms@ unta their chweh erg* =to thee quickly, and will fight against them with
tien 84% W.%r%$hfor " h eka Clid Fbkm, Mre sword of my mouth." (Va. 16) Upon taking ae.
t k , o s ~ s r t a ~ b l w k kt P
~kMiaIJ1~-~ want with his servants the Lord pronounaed adverm
rd &&o p&J@wa a d o w an t&$% pbeionMj jadgnent agsinet thorn who repented not, and he
sit&tbe Devil$ @~ga&4CbtiOU. The same i d a t i d gathaed them out or separated them from his true
di@m ex&@ in a mwure within the ranks of thf, Ipebple. With the end of the Elijah wurk of the church
Society d w h g the period of the EIlijah work. &e a number wefe gatha~edout and became bp.
is the Soeietp wonld spare the clergy, even making ponenta of God%organieation on the earth and iddnoi.
excum for them and pursuing a course of compm fie3 t b u W v b & Mth the " e a &rvBnt" &.-Matt.
miae with them and other membera of the Devil's or- 26: 26-28; 13: 41; a4:48, 49.
gank@on, m d muse othm to stumble by repreaentr The message is d d r d tb all of the ebu~ohon
ing to them hbst the clergy were doing a good work Barth at that h e , to wit: "He that b t h an ear, let
and should ?+dealt with gently. Some of these prom- him hear #ha$ the spirit [of ofdl sslith Who the
bent onq inthe heociety were anxious to gain the ap, ehnrehes." The eonditiona described arb disple*
p ~ v aofl men, qmially W u e n U men, and to have to the Lord at all timeB and with all p m m , aad ap.
the approval of men in the chnmh, lRhiah ia another ply to all who 5 d themaelves in such cadition. Thm
way of using the Word of God ae did Balsam, fw doncerning the faithful ones 1Kh$ stbod fhdy md
hire. "Balae" means "one who lieke, or faps", a d w316 were e & d bvw htR, the 33liaha p h t l of the
piaturea those who 'lick the hand' of inAnehti$ @@ W e h the Lord bays: O'To him that ovcrcometh will
&or approval rather than to be true and faithfui ,@ I give to eat of the hidden mabnzt, end will give him
I &he Lord. They take a compromising course, ~athmy. a white atone, and in the stone a new name writteh,
1 than t&ing a bold stand for the Lord, and thns && which no man khoweth mving he that rmiveth it."
I a stmnblin@bloekbefore others of God's people. 1 (Vs.17) Manna wan a divine providon for the 8 8 ~ -
, , The reoord furthermore say#: 'Thou hast ;tlso & a -nee of life. 'When Jww ww on earth he was tke
;that hold the doetrine of the Nicolaitana, which Y&$ll X m a oi B r e d that came down heaven. (John
H hate.' Thia lgeane that amongat the o o m p m ~ 6 :51) Now he ia the divine Bread of Lie, and, b e i i
,were t40m who lorap3 it over God'! heri* and divine, in therefore hidden from human eyes. B&e
J the dwription, "the hidden manna." He is the di- brought over into the Blisha period of the church, re-
vinely provided One upon wkich the remnant now joice to proclaim the King and his kiugdom.
feed while in the wilderness condition, and this One THYATmA
h hidden from h e who do not love Glod. This fact
he now reveals to his rsmaant by hia apirit and by his Tbe Son of God warm of swift and certain judg-
Father's lightnings. " ~literally"means "What
ment coming upon thm in the church in Thyatira,
. & it$" Many who claim to be follmra of Christ do that is to say, upon thw in the condition represented
not m d e m d the meat and drink now being en- by Thyatira, and which is disple~singto the Lord.
joyed by tbe remnmt and they ask: 'What & it thaf (Rev. 2: 18-29) The weight of authority is, "Thya-
ie now publiehed by the Bwiew1' 1% ie only kge rem- tira" menu "daughter"; and thii is eupported by
nant who aee present truth and rejoice in it. They the words of verse twenty. The work of spreading the
are feeding upon this feaet prepared for them in the truth continued to increye during the period pie
presence of the enemy. Thie explains why many who tared by the Prophet Elfjah, and this increase was
claim to be followers of tho Lord do not see present foretold in the words "the last [is] more than the
truth. ftrst". In that period of time, however, there devd-
In addition to the hidden manna the Lord sap: 'I ' oped a condition that was displeasing to the Lad)
will give you a white stone.' The word stone, aa here a female influma waa there operating psmimrlarly
wed, ia from the Greelr d m&e; "eI&ion" or toward the elders or leaders of the church and tend-
"privilege to vote". (Ada 26: 10, Diag.) The Lord ing to draw husbands and brothers away from the
gives hia vote for the approved ones, and this seema true earvice of God, tending aJao to cause them to
to comapond with the Lord's wnf&g the namea take a compromising position with Srrtan's org&
of such approved onea before his angala (Luke12: 8) tion. Hence the Lord says: "But I have this again&
This may also identify suoh a one aa an approved thee, Because thou lettest alone the woman Jmbel,
member of the Lord's organiestioa And theappmved who c a b h& a pmpheteae; and she teaches and
one reoeivea a new name, thoe indicat'ing a codden- seduces my servante, to fornicate, and to eat idol-
tial relationship with the Lord whiah no man can ie- mri#.cea."-Vs, 20, Diaglott.
fringe upon or even know. 'The Lord knows t b m Jezebel, the wife of King Abab of Israel, improper-
who are his'; and here his promise is to eat&&& a ly influenced her husband. She & made prominent-in '
elose and aonfidentid relationship between t h e ape the Scripture8 in conneation with EN&. (1 Hi,
proved ones and himself, and all the opposition tb& 16: 31; 19: 1-3) Such strongly mggeste that Thy&
might be brought against them could not in any !w@ tira pictures a condition existing in the ohurch dw.
infringe upon their good name with the Lord. A & ing the Blijah period thereof. It was in that perigd
name with him is to be deaired above all rich-. 'EIYWh of time particularly that women attempted to mala
are really in the joy of the Lord. These f a i m o&& thermeelvee prominent and influential in the e h m h
and ivem ~c~
ao to do bp Iloiiib bf th'e leadbm.
One of the original incorp[IWWm f the Wax& TOW.
er Biblc and Traat Society ww a woman, the wife of
the president thereof, '&&she fnsisted on editing T b
twe &ylwh ezercised mt iuihwe over men who
were leadme or elders, c d g them to empr&
with Sam's organi~ationand to deobne or refuse to
take a bold and uneqwivocsl stand for the Lad and

Watoh Z'o'olcrsr a d , ,MagP&irt& led o&ei worn= to his kindom btcroetrr on the earth. W o w o h , by
take a *ongAal ~ , a ! & & i v 0 W Xi&d'# wo*kk QIp mngfully exorcising thek Miuenao, indac4 Iwdwfi
Scriptural stakmletlt, '**t Warn J&$ wlifijli or euem to refwe to 'hold the Head' and to be-
ealleth hem&f:a'~pheeae,'dM y refera to berady asd to go contrary to God's amwagme@, Th&9
dB idmm,h the ol&&.es&iaed &er!:lehi& w&s@BWRYB~ ty* pwion or iniluence wtraneow to the
e ampromhrmt thwh. Word of Ond. Even to this day the same infiuenoe
iJermk'h authorits for thK#tat(~rnmt. dP traW1 W& 8ttempte to interfere with the Lord'u work. The oon-
5 mahmrmt love the Lord more b a n he loves his d f b @tion wnrr egpeoiolly marked, however, duripg the
a r ~any ,othe~,meatwe, &hemi& he is not worthy of Glijab period of the ahuroh. In that time c h t wcrg
tlhe %~o?Id'#f m r . (Luln, 14:26; Matt. 1@:27-293' at~ieed ,by bsmaq, and women in the okurch pre.
%ea female Mu-, whether it be that o* wlfg pare4 lwons, sennow 07 disaourm for the eklw
#metheart, laother, or sister, causes a man to aeviatB wd directed therp w b $ to sag: Ambitiow women iq
ham faithfntnwa 5nd wholehe&rtbd eeI?iide to tHb the &ur& e h M tb& basbands or Borne of the
2md,.'Ohstbfitl.knm hot.onlp 38 m a g ' b u t will lead ti, wwkm brethren to earry out their own wishes with
d&timtEodL.%'kgfroid likens stich unto the won@ wfenenoe to tihe organization or condnet of the eqolb
.iaPaenee~pxmisled by Jeeebel over the king which led ah. Women in the chureh rmrtcd to flattery of lead-
0 a . h:&sEhtOtiW t4 his,'JWBoriptUre maid not 9x8 and elders in ordw that they might influcnoe
kave mferdnwtb '8i%byt6n, b ~ & w n w @w.Whether this wae done knowingly or dolier-
@eve&e. Devil'# ot.ganin;ation ah$ te FYip~%%~t ately would m&e no difference, but it d o ~ s&w
but it d m refer to an improper mndition & Satan's attempt to dkwpt the Loml's cwg&tion,
tke true ehnrch, and exsrcised by womett, a d that which the k r 4 forthew esd -4oretdd. 'Phe Lord
wrongfully, which is illnsttated by bvbel. Hnted ous that the woman has her plaee in the
There ark and always have been good wmien &>'the &urch, but her plaae is not to teaah man nor attempt
& m h performing duties which t h Ldrd ~ as#i@8& 'tb @ hiluenoe man in hia rightful perfowmw of duty
them There have baen and are 0th- who aOtempt tB i a eervant of the Itord. Women in the ? h h have
do that which they W not rilithoriaed to do. m e &A@ induced the& hnsbands or others to compromise con.
women sbwe snr Mtnwa8 to the Lord. The othdd @ wrning God's work in order that they might graHp
tempt to dictate to the men what they ahonld do. ,: ': m e s e b h d+e or ambition. The true r& ia tha?$
I t is a faat weU known by any that prim @& the Lord phaw s man in a pasition to
fiord's eomkg to I& tam* e & d s wo&i .ik&d he ?Wtp l w the k d wd deriat~.tELBr&m
one jot or tittle by being influenced therein by ap.
other, and particularly by a female. Paul wmmended
the faithful service of the women in the church, b d
) wming of the Lord. I& understanding hnd
only after the Lord comes to hie temple for judgment.
warned against their improper wum. Now it can be men that men who are leadera have
The Lord announced that 'this work of iniquiw' bean the ones especially who have eornpromld with.
the Devilla organization and who are therefore tw
should not prospes, bnt that, Gaming ju&raent, he onea that have committed 'fomic~tion'as mentioned.
would pronounce mob as "deadworb". (He&9:-24)
"Lo, I aast he? iW a bed." (VB.a,Both.) W e ftesh The question may be asked, How are the women, par-
of JembleS waa m m e d by daga Hat prototype is ticularly in the church, tempted by the Devil? The
& a bed &ah she W i and dl those into m e r is that they have been used in a specid way to
&baletion that yield to her inilmwe gad who do not seduce the servants of the church by the wrongful
repent. 'Phi# tribulation #eem#to have befallen tho88 exercise of their influence, thus causing the serf-
who have been wrongfully influenced by women, and ants or leaders to be guilty of illicit relationehip with
they are not ainging aloud the praisea of Jehovah, but the Devil's orgaaization and to compromise there*
are crying in aormw. "Behold, my ~~ervants shall sing for their own sustenance. A woman who would influ-
for joy of henrt, but ye shall cry for orr row of heart, enee her husband to eerve some part of the D@d8a
and shall howl for vexation of spirit."-Isa. 65: 14. organization ia o* Wt she &gat Wogx &%
sp wmfort tn the way of home or h i e thing6 WouId be
The minted ones today see that there are tho88 wrongfully inducing her husband. Where the Lord
who have been drawn away from the Lord and hie fumiehea m opportunity for the husband to m e
service by female influenee exercised in variow ways, him, the wife should see to it, if she ia devoted to the .
and those who have folbwed this wrongful course
have reaahed the end of their mvi& and their worka Lord, that she in no manner &an& in the way of
are dead. In this wmection the Lord asid: "And all nervioe, but, on the contrary, should cooperate 3n
the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth every way possible, bemuse the greatest .privillege
the reins and hearts; and I will give unto every one that om be givento amanirr toserve W a n d &
of you according to your worka." (Vs.23) We all
know that the Lord J e m is the Head of the ahnmh, Then tho Lord speak# of those who have not yielded
ond the w m e of action that he marked out m a be to the improper influence but who have 8tedfsstIy
followed, and he lmows the motive that induces the maintained their integrity with the Lord, and say&:
action of eaoh one. These words further prove 5 b t ; "I will put upon you none other burden. But
"all the churches'' muet be in existenoe at $U4 8-0 which ye have already, hold fast till I oome." (
time when the meseage applies, and therefm the 24,25) The promise of the Lord is that the "
meesage to the church could not and does ah$,Wer workers would be separated fmm hia app
when he would appear at his temple for
a long epoch of time, but applies only at tW.sWond
Until then they were told to hold fast the
a4 L I Q ~ T m. a I W.8 EBVBLAl'ION 35
and miniatry committed to them, always eonten* BhBD18
for the faith first delivered to the saints. Then he The glorious Prince who is Med with Jehovah's
adds words of enoouragemt to the faithful: "And spirit, and who holds under his c o m a all the holy
he that overeometh, m d kwp0th my worh unto the angel#, addrease?~a meesage to the Bardia ohm&.
end, to him will I give power over the nations : and (&v. 3 3: 1-6) One authority gives the m88nEng of the
he shall rnle tBern with a red of iron; a8 the vweh word Sardis aa "prince of joy" or "song of joy".
of a potter &all they be b k e m shivem: wen Be I Sardis was the anaient capital of Lydio, the residence
received 9%my $a*er.'?--Va 36, 27. of the royal and rich famed Crcasua. The residents
K&& bid works "rmto the end" must 3nean to were in iltrepute among other nations for their vo-
the end *hi& eomea a* 'this gosfpprl of t8$ki&om luptuow habita of living. From 1879 to 1918 markd
baa been preached to all the world ss a Ww'. S m the period of the Elijah work of the & m h . That wm
ing that the ehsroh is now in the time in which the rdso a period of time for the amwing of the greatest
members t h w f have a glimp~eof the immediate fu- .$aclca@stmen of the world. Moncy-making and
ture, may not th-e words of Yeaus indicate that the the lava 09 monep errpeuay markeik that period. Dur.
overcoming remnant will be permitted to see Satan's ing that m e 'the M - w a a pmaahed m e e r n a
organization dashed to pi- and during tbat time theginsaomsnd t h e ~ & ~ was5nE-Erelnidsf
a e ~
and even t h e have some work on the earth to of the money-mad mah. Donileas many who came to
the glory of the m e of Jehovah t J&owh aeema to a knowledge of the tnrth were &ectcd thereby and
be addressing the same overcoming otm who are were 'drowned in the sea'. (1 Tim. 6 : 9; Rov. 20: 13).
members of Zion when he says through his prophet: In that period of time many heard the truth a d
"h aqd tfu* 0 daughter of Zion: for I will greatly rejoioed for a time and sang forth their joy
mdze thine horn iron, and I will d e ~y boo* to the Lord. Then the desire for material wealth a d
b r w , and thou shalt beat in pieces many people and the essa that it brings was permitted to cool the seal
I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their of a number in the truth and cause their hand t0
aubstanee unto the Lord of the whole earth."- slaak and their tongues to remain silent,
me. 4: 18. The time 8,pproaehed for the Lord to appear at
The overcomers are then told that they &all have temple for judgment and those in the church W-
a position of honor with the "morning star", evi-
dently meaning Christ in glorg. (VS. 28,28; .*. ittg the condition described concerning Sardia an
addressed: "I h o w thy w o r k that thou haat a name
22: 16) And now for the ancoaragement of au@e
faithful remnant of the church on earth the LO$$ fc-
veals these trntha to them. Such today jo&i%t
up the voice and sing unto Jehoveh the new BW$$
i that thou livest, and art dead." Otherwise etated, thy
had some worh but without red faith. A fa~th
without works ia dead; and works without fdfh
prompted by love are ako of no value.--Jw. 8: 26.
86 L I O H T REV. 8 t

Paul teIb t h m who give special credit and honor nervice" (Rom.12: I), which is not outward smcti-
to men thst they are csmslly minded (Ran. 8: 6;
L monionsneae or shining amongst men, they were about
1Cor. 8 :8,4) I n the period of time mentioned many to die, and they must awaken to their priviIege8. The
claimed to believe the truth and accepted it as "the Lord continues: 'Remember therefore how thoa hast
beat religion yet". They especidy liked the social rewived and heard; and hold fast, and change thy
features of being with the "tmth people". They at- course of action.' 'Be sorry for the action that p
tended mestings and aonvention~;e p p t m d pious and have been taking, and become active,' would be the
sanctimo*; o b ~ e to
d be developing a tweet and
1 real meaning. "For godly sorrow worketh repentance
b e a u W &araoWr; w d be aeen at p r o d e n t gath- to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of
cringe, lbving U ~nhrtuinthe favor& speakers at the world worketh death." (2 Cor. 7 :10) Failing to
dbh&%and oootrpglng s prominent place at the pub- heed this warning such would receive the grace of
God (that is, "the ministry of reconciliation") in

c rmm8ingu; distbbateff some tracts;made some con- T&, (2 002. 5 :18-6:3) Then the Lord tcUs themthst
ributiom to the h a s l needed; made somewhat of a I
play of their material wealth, whiah was aupposed &oUl$ fail to watch he would come to his t&e
unobserved by Urem and they would be enmared by
o give them a better standing than 'the oommon
herd'; and they loved to aot as satellites of the most 1: that to whieh thdr II&~~CBS, hpld. (Luke 2T!
That #one in this, condition wodd awoiken s n d W
prominent amongst the elders and leaders. When any
sarvioe wae tp be performed thet ~equiredone to be themeelves is clearly indicated by the faatthat the
in the limelight they aoaght auch with eagemeae. But Lord givea them warning, that they may have the op-
when the brunt of the *ht was to be borne they were portunity thas to do.
not there. They were not wiILing to tell tlie truth out Amongst them were those in a somewhat BimiIsr
p l + y concerning Satan's organhtioa, f e they aonditiog to whom he saye: "Thou haet a few name8
mlght offend aome or make themselves appear ridic- even in Sardia wbich have not detiled their g m b ;
ulous. The kingdom waa not to them the real living is- and they shall walk with me in white: for they am
me. That such a condition haa existed in the e h d worthy." (Vs. 4) Such keep t h d v w WOW
during the past 5fty yeam no one familiar with &e from the world by refusing to be identiiled with the
faota haa the slightest doubt. Therefore the Lord said world and hating even their own fleshly wdme58es.
through the Messenger: "For I have not found thy (Jna1:27; Jude23) Clearly the promise is that thm
works fully performed."-Vs. 2, Diag. who would reform and devote themae1ves to the Lord
Theae thus described hold to the fundigamtd he would cause to be identifled with him, and
truths, but suoh faith could not survive withoa aa- should walk with hi in white', which vould
t i e , Therefore the Lord says to them: "Be w&&- that they would walk worthy of their vocation
ful, and strongthen the thinga which remain, th& are
ready to die." Failing to perform their "r-ble receive his approval.-Eph. 4: 1.
Then they are told that the overeomem &dl be
clothed in white raiment and their name &dl not be
blottad out of the book of life. (Va. 5) BIanifeetly the sscoid pr&encc of W i a t until now &ere have
this means thnt they would receive the Lord's ap- been some amongst the consecrated who have put
proval nnd that he would register them among his forth their best endeavor6 to serve (rod as his wit-
approved onea. He also says: "I will confw his name neaw. h e , some started in thii way asd became
before my Father, and before his angels," which I "weary in well-doing" and fell by the way, yet there
would b0 further evidenae of his approval and his ac- are those who have nll along borne the brunt of the
knowledgement before hi angeb and before Jehovah %ht and delighted to do the work that has been com-
that they are membem of his honsehold Therefore lot
all of the 'Sardis company' who have the 8pirii of
Jehovah hear and take heed.. (Luke 12: 8) The Lord
is at his temple and even today there may be some
I mitted to them. They have not sought the approval of
men in the church or outside of it. They have been
targets for many who have claimed to be followers of
Christ and who in fact have busied thmelvos with
in thki condition who might be f d l y recovered to the the D e a ' s work of injuring the fnithful workera.
Lord. They have worked, not only in season, but out of
seaaan to themselves, always ready and anxious to do
PHILADELPHIA with their might what th& hands have found to do,
thnt the nnme of the Lord might be magnified. The
Jehovah's beloved Son and great E g h Priest, ad- language of Jesus shows that their efforts have been
d r d g the &arch in Philadaphla, is d d b e d as pleasing to him when he saya: "I know thy wor!aJ'
'the holy and true One, and he that hath tine key of (Vs. 8) This is equivalent to saying: 'You hnve been
David', and is clothed with dl power nnd authority faithful according to your endowments.' He takes
to establish the kingdom. (Itav. 8: 7-13) When he be- note of them that they have followed in his fooiskpa
g i n ~to exercise his m y d authority, nothing csn stop and have not shunned to declare the truth, and that
him; and when he ahuta out Satan and hie organ& they have had and have manifeeted his spi15t of love.
tion, never again can it be brought into existem%- Then he tells them that they have kept hia Word
Pa. 110 :26. and have not denied his name; that there is service
"Philadelphia" means "brotherly love", and &ere to do; thnt they have a little strength to do it and
fore means the love of Chriat whioh holds together that he lias set before them nn open door and no mas
the brethren in Chriat and is the moving oaum $or can shut it. Tho door here mentioned is not an entry-
their unselilah devotion to and aervice unto Jehovah. way into heaven, nor into the kingdom, but manifest-
(2 Cor. 6: 1419) Thoae having such lwe joyfully ly means an opportunity to do some worlc in attend-
perform the ministry of reconciliation committea un- ing to the kingdom interests here on the earth. The
to them by Jehovah. time clcarly seoma to be shortly before the Lord ap-
penrs at his templo for judgment, became he my8:
40 L I B B T Rm. 8 my. 8 REIVBLATION 4l

"Behold, I come quickly; hold that fast waieh thou thee an open door, and no man can shut it." Regard-
hnst, that no man take thy crown." The Itis af the less of all opposition that Satan and hie agents put
orown or opportunity to be crowned would take place forth, that door muat remain open and the serviee of
at judgment. The judgment at the temple wonld be witnaasing to the name of Jehovah will go on to the
adverse, and the kingdom inter& would therefore end. It would be well for those who oppose the w v -
be removed from the unfaitkfd and given RI ththe ice work to take notice that the work of the Lord wiU
faithful. The Lord, by the parable of the "tden.tS7', go forward and that their opposition cannot hinder it.
showed that when he would judge his h o r n at the Those who really love God have the privilege of do&
coming $0 hin tample them would ba found a olw that work and may be sure thereof so long as faithful.
that had been faithfully dewted to to hlmd &at such Let the faithful ones therefore take courage and r e
would be espwidly blwed by him. (Matt. 24:46) At
that hearing he would say to the faithful: "Thou
haat been faithful over a few things, I will make thee
I joice.
Burely before the coming of the Lord to hie temple
the% were manv in the conaremtions of the chareh
ruler over many things."-Anatt, 25 :21. who elaimed to be ~erviag6%-and giving praim t o
He further showed that at that judgment, $@me hi name end to the name of hi+ beloved Son, a d
would lose their opportunity for any further service who therefore olaiined to be' Jew&, The word 8W m
unto the Lord; hence their opportuuiQ-fer the mown Judean means 'giving prnise to Bod'. The L e d
of We would ba g9m (Matt, B5:28) Tharre who knew that their pretensions were false, that they did
held fast what they had until the coming of the Lord not really love God and his Christ; they were sW;
to his temple, and who then received the a p p d of and therefore the Lord cslls them "liars". They were
the Lord, and who there and ltfter that i h e contin- in the churoh, but are not described as those of Phil-
aed to serve faithfully throngh tribnbtion and, adelphia They are previously described herein.
being maligned and ill-treatad, yet joyfnlly went on While those described as of Philadelphia weie
doing the will of Bod, and who thns continue nnto faithfullytryingto do W's work others who &m&
death, shall receive the crown of life. (Rev. 2: 10) to be weorated to the Lord consorted with the em
But it is manifest that no one could hope 6a reoeive my to cause their brethren d e r i n g , bodily pain, in-
the crown of life who would turn back or who justice, and even imprisonment. It waa in 1917 that
or refuses to avail himself of the opportunity of serp- a great trial eame upon the church, but by the grace
ing the Lord as it comw. of God some of the persecuted ones remained true and
"Philadelphia" dworibes that condition ~f &Be stedfastly held their integrity. In the light of theab
in the ehuroh who are determined that nothi% '&all well-laown fwts note the words of J m : "Beha@
separate them from the love of God which is
J e w our Lord'. (Rom. 8: 86-39)Coming to 1-
&,$$& I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, w%&
say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie: behold, I
gle the Lord aaid to such: "Behold, I have mt.Wwe will make them to eome and worship before thy fest,
4!2 L I G H T Iln. 8

"In y m patience posse& ye your so&." "He that


and to know that I have loved thee." (Vs. 9) The shall endure nuto the end, the same shall be saved."
Lord will make known his love wncenaing those who
remain faithful and true to his name. Even the hypo- "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of
witea shall see this before the end. good cheer, I have overcome the world." (Luke 21:
About the time of the coming of the Lord to hie 19; Matt. 24 :13; John 16:83) "If we d e r , we shall
tomple there came upon '*all the world" an hour of also reign with him." (2 Tim. 2: 12) In the "hour of
groat tempta$ion or putt% to the t&, and many fell temptation" the Lord poured out his ~piritupon his
away &om God and his truth. B h . cast out of heav- people and madothoml& -era and brought them
en &tan hnrriea to prepare for the hal battle at the into the secret place of hie organization, giving the
earth. Every means known to him is broxght into promidie that those that abide there shall be safe.
action to turn the people away from Jehovah Uod. "For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliv.
The denominational church completely falls away. eranee, aa the Lord hath said."-Joel2: 32.
& n y who had left the churches and had been The Lord's lightnings t b h at his temple and he
brough* to a knowledge of the truth became blind ao illdmtes those of the temple class, disolosing to
that they could not see thst Satan haa an organiea. them the open door that amnot be ahut, and they jop
tion. They have ridiculed everything said ~~~
Satan's organization, have opposed the L d ' a work,
fully enter and serve him with gladnw of he&. Be
keeps hb own in Zion now by giving them the oppor-
and haw mmed away and gone baak info f i e world. tunity of declaring the name of Jehovah and his Fig-
Only a IWIUULU~of thwe fir&enlightened bythetmth dom Cod puts his message in the mouth of such and
haw mined linn, and to this lit% oompany the sends them forth aa his witnemes to sing his praisan
Lord commits "the Wtimony of Jevma ~hrht9'.- All the profeased ones in so-called Christendom have
Rev. 12:17. allied themselves with the Devil's organization in this
When the Lord came to his temple he found these hour of great temptation. But the remnant done
had patienay tried to serve him. The promise t o those stand 5rm and true. Not by their a ~ v nstrength do
who had remained hand stedfaat is: 'I will keep they Staad, but by his gram They continue fd&ul
thee from the hour of temptation, because thou hast in devotion to him.
kept the word of my patience.' (Vs. 10) Patience As tho hour draws near for the Lord to appear at
means c o ~ c and y stedfastnw in the p&manoa Via temple he says to those who love him supremely:
of duty amidst persmution and opposition, the one 'If you overcome I will make you a pillar in the tem-
thus performing rejoicing in the faot that he knows ple of my Cod and you shall go no more out; and I will
he ia doing the will of Uod; and he therefore rejoices write upon you the name of my God, and the name
even in tribulation. Jewsl was patient in his d'evotion of his organization, the new name of Jerusalem whioh
and service and he left an example for his &I oometh down out of heaven from Uod, and I wiIl
lowera. (Beb. 12 :2, 3) Eis word to them ww 8 write upon you my new name.' (Rev. 3: 12) T h w
who are constrained by the love of C W , and are who would receive God's approval must follow his ex-
awefore wholly devoted to. Qod and his aerPice, and ample. Other scriptures show that just about the time
thus continue unto tho @dJ-W be forever blessea. the Lord coma to his temple Qod'e covenant people
All of the church haping the h& ear are called were drowsy and were not living up to their privi-
upon to hem what the.@% of Qod through O w leges aa the witnessen of the Lord and therefore
now speaks to his people, and t h w who do hem he waa angry with them. (Isa. 12: 1) The& being
obey shall be. piven tbe llame of the .?@Wmd& aroused, and their lips cleaned by the oasl of fire, Zs
pTieath.@:~aILfl.h~&ever in Jd~ovah'sblwed or- another proof that the fault waa with them relative
g&~9n, . , . to the witnass work.-Isa. 6 :5-8.
. . LhODICEA There appears a conversation between Jehovah and
his Chie,t Bxecative and the inquiry is made: 'Who
he way befpge ~ehovahhaa been prep& and the &all be sent as the witnesses?' The sealous and faith-
Lord Jeqa has oome to his temple for judgment when ful .ones of the church respond to the invitation of
Qe message to the Laodicean church a~t.pliw.(Eev. the Lo?d asd aay: "Here am I; send me"; apd the
8 :14-22) That the first work of the Lord wo@d Lord seade them forth aa hia wita&~&(Iea 6:Bj-%
43: 10-12) At the m e t h e there Bre &ma W&
covenant, and in the church, who are yawning b d
drowsy and atretching themaelves and have a desire
for further slumber and ease. To such the Lord by
hie angels says: "I know thy works, that thou art
neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot."
-Rev. 8 :15.
says: "If any man hear [obey] my voice, and .open The time of the Lord's corning to his temple when
the door, I will come in to him,and will sup with him, he began to take 800011nt with h t ~8emmtg8W whom
and he with me." (Vs. 20) Thia language @h~*>@t he had aommittd tlre kingdom interests, is pictured
he at tho temple, or the house of the wr&',.j;.;,' hy the parable of the talents. Shortly following that
Jews ia demribed in this message aa " t h % . r f ' h time there was a second outpouring of tho holy spirit
and true witness"; and now he hns e ~ r n e . ~ ~ ~ ~ e upon God'a covenant people regardless of sex or pre-
those in the covenmt with him to the view condition of service, as had been foretold by the
being witnes~esof Jehovah, and he c Prophet Joel and by Peter the apostle. (Joel 2: 28-301
approved ones his testimony which God htq Acts 2: 16-21) Then the vigorous, active, alert an&
and these are commieaioned to go fqrth as pictured aa "young men", began to "see Viaim':
neaeea, Jesw is the H a d of the witness d+w&.-g$,all that is to say, to have a clearer understanding of the
46 L I G H T Rnv. 8

truth. They became zealous and active in obedience I The work of the oharch foreshadowed by the
Prophet Elisha began shortly aft= the coming of the
to the oommandments of the he At the same time Lord to his temple. That has been and is a vigorous,
thore was another elass in the ehumh, piatored as earnest, zealous campaign carried on by Cod's faith-
'old men dreaming dream', h u s e being languid ful people as witnwes to the name and purpose of
and inaotive, with littIe or no zeal for the Lord. They Jehovah. To do this work it ia n w a q to aee and
were dreaming of the good and easy time they would to expose Satan's organization, and to see and appre-
have when traken to h~llven,and were BP-I npon oiate God'e organization and magnify Jehovah's
the spiritual food received years prior thereto. They name. The zealous or "hot" ones do this, and they
have not had a olear vision of the truth since the continue wch work with joy. Zeal means heat; and
op- of the temple as the zealous ones of the Lord the zealous, earnest ones are therefore dosoribed as
have. (Rev. 11:19) These dreamera have claimed to being hot, while the others are lukewarm. It is a well- J
do some work, but have not been doing it wording known fmt! however, that sinoe the coming of the
to the way God commanded They have never seon Lord to hie temple in 1918 there have been a good-
and appreoiated the clear didistion between Satan's sized number in tbe church who have attendd con-
organieation and God's organisation, and hen06 re- ventions and meetings but who have not been acrtve,
fuse to aay anything concerning Satan's org&tion and many who have in %ub~Ww said this: 'All the
and neglact to be zealous witneasas faF the h d . light upon God's Word was published prior to 1917;
!&@it work wmM Of meditntiQa, atteat%g 80m8 we have that truth and will continue to feed and
elaea stadia and ag&~ going over mattem that the meditate upon it; the Lord appointed one man as hie
Lord gave the ohmoh yeam ago, and in doing what "faithful and wise servant", and even though he has
they Bay is the development oe the gzaw and Mts psssed from the earth he is still doing Cod's work on
of the apirit and a beautiful character. They do no6 the earth and is in charge of his ohurch, and aince we
underatand or realiee that the fruit of the spirit ia are of God's favored ones and have t h m things we
love, which meam an unatinted devotion to Cod and enjoy great riohea of feeding and meditating upon
activity in hia service accordingly. They fail to aee what he m t e before 1916; we have doveloped meet
that the fruit of the spirit can be manifesteddy by and beautiful characters; we have a past record for
joyfully doing the will of God in obsdience to hi41 zeal for the Lord and we rely upon our riches gained,
oommandments. (Matt. 7: 20, 21; 1J y h 5: 33 They and therefore we have need of nothing but will
have not denied the Lord, therefore have @& become upon our laurels and wait to be taken into glorg.
entirely oold. Because Jesus loves those in the cove- There is no reason why we ahould bring reproaeh u$,
nant by sacrifice he rebukes them and waw -&1- on ourselves by going from house to house; by teUlne;
warm ones of the necesity of n change of -8e of the people of the organization of Satan and that d
action by becoming earnest and zealous in %emmice God. We are really better than others. Let thexi do
of the Lord.-Vs. 19.
48 L I B H T Em. 3
it.' As God foretold, meh would say: "I am holier do not understand what the joy of the Lord ia and
than thou" (Isa. 65: 5) The above fairly well de- they have no appreciation of the hegdom. Thinging
scribes the condition that e d e d in the church par- they are rieh, they are in fact poor, beesuse they do
ticularly after 1917, and in a more marked degree not h o w the value of true riehes which they do not
from and after 1913. Henae the massage that tho possess. No one in this day can be rieh in the Lord
Lord sends to those is: "Beaause thou sayest, I am who tries to avoid the reproach of Ohrii. 'The re-
rich, and inerewed with goods, and have need of proach of Christ is greater riches than all the trea-
not-, and knoweat not that thou art wretded, and sure8 of the world.' (Heb. 11:26) "A good name
miserablet and poor, and blind, and naked."-Vs. 17. [with Jehovah] is rather to be ehosen than peat
Be* blind became of their lukewamegs and riches [of the world], and loving favour [with God]
lack of real love for God they cannot see the fdill- rather than silver and gold." (Prov. 22 : 1) A good
ment of God's prophecy and the unfolding of bis name with the Lord, and his favor, can be had only
purposes and have no vision of the future. (2 Pet. & doing his expressed will, and those who love him
1 :2-9, R.V.) They are doscribed as nalred. God's law will do so. (Matt. 24: 13; 1 John 5: 3; John 14:
prohibited nakedness. The garments worn idenk%ed 21-23) Those who suffer privation, tribulation, pov-
the wearer as a servant of God if he did hold that erty and reproach that they d&t be witnesserr ta the
place. (Ex. 20: 26; 28 :42,43) "Where there & no name of Cod and his kingdom are r i d , as J a u s told
vision, the people are w d e nah-$."5 (Prov. ZQ:18, the congregation of Smyrna.-Rev. 2: 9.
mafginj Not having an under&&g of present "Laodicea" desoribas a condition in the church of
truth they expose thamelves as n a k d before the a number who desire to avoid the reproach that fa&
Lard an& those who have his spirit. 33vidently Jesus upon the faithful witnesses of the Lord. Not doing
referred to the indifference of their sesvioe at the the Lord's will according to his commandment they
time he comes to his temple when he said: "Behold, are in bad repute with him and have not a good name,
I come as a thief; blessed ia he that watcheth, and and for this reason they are poor and blind and
keepeth his garments, lest he walk nalred, and they wretohed m d miserable m d naked.
see his shame." (Rev. 16: 15) The approved ones The lukewarm ones who claim to have received all v'
who have on the garments of salvation are also under . the truth prior to 1917 fail to disoern the two great
the rabe of righteousness, having on the wedding gar'- organizations of Satan on one side and Jehovah on
ments, and thw identify themselves with the Lord ; the other. They have followed the course of speaking
and his service. They enter into the joy of tlte Lord easy concerning the clergy and other portions of the
and participate gladly in the service. - Devil's organization. They especially a ~ o i dsaying
How different the lukewarm! They aFe metehed anything against oppresei~cBig Business and mili-
and derable, hence very uncomfofiabl$ and un- tarism and other parts of the Devil's organization
happy; because they have no joy in the. b@tdthey that oppress the people. They prefer to take the
course of least rasietance, that they may not receive
any reproach but rather have the approval of the fest by joyful obedience in keepiq or doing the com-
peoples of the world God foreahadowed this condi- mandments of God. "The commandment of the Lord
tion in his record concerning Bphraim, who mixcd is pure, enlightening the eyes." (Ps.19: 8) "Open
himself with the Devil's organization and of whom it thou mine eyes, that I may behold wolidmus thinga
is written: "Ephraim is joined to idols." Then out of thy law. " (Ps. 119:18) Those who get the eyw
Bphraim ip likened unto a cake half baked or under- open see visions, even as the prophet foretold. That
done, and who s a p : "I am become rich."-Hog. 4: is to say, they discern the truth now due to be under-
17: 7 : 8: 12: 8. stood. (Joel 2: 28, 29) "Thine eyes shall see the King
he h r d is long-suffering with these, but he gives in his beauty." (Isa 33: 17) Such, with the eyes open,
fair warning and s a g to them: 'Because you are see that the kingdom haa oome. They see that "the
neither hot nor cold, I will spue [literally, vomit] Stone", which is God's anointed King, has beoome
you out of my mouth [na a detestable thing] .'-Vs. 18. the corner, and which Stone others have rejected;
The Lord givea counsel to theae, evidently for the and they rejoice to say: "This is the Lord's doing;
purpose and benefit of awakening aome of the luke- it is marvellous in our eyes. Thia is the day which the
warm ones that they might repent and become d- Lord hath made; we will rejoioe and be glad in it."
om and get in line for the kingdom. He tella such that (Ps. 118 :23, 24) The faithfnl ones of Laodicea Jenua
the way for them to become rich is to go and buy of permits to share in his meal of joy. The time has come
him gold tried in the fire, and white raiment that they to vindicate hi8 Father's name and he invitea those
might be attired, and obtain ointment and anoint the who really love him, and who have proven it, to enter
eyes that they might see. (Vs. 18) Thus he shows into his joy. The kingdom service is now meat and
them that the true riches in Christ come to those who
actually go through the fiery trials and receive the
/ drink to such faithful ones:
Those who refm or fail to heed the warning given
reproaches resulting from faithful service unto God. to them must of necessity be cast away or apued out,
The reproaches that fell upon God and upon Christ and then they beoome member8 of the "evil eervmtlj
Jesus must of necaasity faU upon all those who re. class.
ceive the Lord's approval. (Rom. 16: 3) "When he The great hour of temptation is now upon the
hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold."Job world and Jesw enconragea those who are with him
23 :10. by saying: 'I overcame the world: be ye of good
"White raiment" identifiesthe wearer as one of the courage now. To the faithful overcomers I will grmt
Lord's approved ones, and this he buys by faithful de. to sit with me in my throne, even as I am set down
votion to the Lord and his service. The "apeaalve", with [or by] my Father in his throne.' Jehovah
eye ointment, evidently means the epirit of the Lord, placed his beloved Son upon his throne in 1914. (Pa
which is an unse&h devotion to God made pani- I 2: 6) Now those in the temple, and who continue
faithful and dcvotod to the Lord God and on his side
L I G H T Itpp. 8

to the end of the way, ahall share with Christ JW

his throne. Let all those who have made a cov~nsnt
with the Lord hear the Spirit of Jehovah s p e w to
, <'3 His Tem~le
them by his anointed Khg. It will be the earnest, (R-ION, o ~ u m m a4 m 6)
mealow ones who lose Qod supremely that d l joy.
fnlly respond te his wmmdm8nts, aontinue faith-
fally in his semi@ even unto death, and be permitted
to sit with the fiord in his throne.
Summhg up Bhaptanr one to thee of Jhvehtion:
J EHOVAH the Supreme One, the King of eterni-
ty, begun to be appreciated by the church after
the combg of the Lord to his temple. The faith-
ful ones then began to see that the period of time of
We see Jewe Christ, the Chief OLticer of Jehovah 'preparing the way before Jehovah' dates from 1879
God, sending a mew@ fmm Jehovah, m d by his to 1918; that the Lord came to his temple in 1918,
angel, to those who have made a c o v W t to do the after ornting Satan out of heaven, and from and aft@
will of Qod; that the mesasge is conveyed in h d ' a that t h e tiLl Armageadon is "the day of his prepma-
own good way during the period of time when the tion'? (Nah, 2 : '8) Beetwe he reigns through hia be-
way is being prepared before the Lord, and before loved, "the h e m of life," Jehovah is tea.@ @
"the Mewenger of the covenant" comes to his,tem- kingdom. C?hapter four of Bevelation gives a pi&&
ple; that the mssssge in sent by his an&&, d that of Jehovah at hia temple. Ohapter 5ve pictures his
the angels ara not men, but "the holy aq$& of lilod" gloriow representative. The Bible record should here
mder the commandment and dimtion of Christ Je- be carefully read. Thc pictures revealed are m b h e
ws, and aze therefow his an& who m m p a n y him and thrilling. The facts which have actually come to
rn his i s u e of &paties when be aomes to his temple - waaa since 1914 are fitting- to the fulfilment of thia
f ~ judgment;
r that the message ie gent to J o b , the prophecy.
servant of God, representing the servmt. &as on The fbithfnl servant class is the remnant and $3
earth during the period of time of 'preparina; the represented in the faith£ul John. He Icokad~nd,"be-
way before the Lord'; and that the message could hold, a door was 0~Enedin heaven." and he hears an
not be uz~derstooduntil the Lord hsll come to his tem- invitation to "come up hither". (VE.1) This indi-
ple and the temple is open (Rev. 11:19); and thst cates that the time has come to have a clearer vision
thereafter, and while some of the ohurch are yet on of spiritual things. The door is the way of e n t r w
eartht the mesaage must be understood and published into or discernment of spiritual things due to be un-
(Rev. 1:l l ) , and that those who hear and obey shalt derstood. Those responding to the invitation are pw-
be greatly blessed with increased light from Jehovah, mitted to entex heavenly realms and to receive @+
behold hia increasing beauty, and continue to d c h most glorious heavenly eight, that is to say, to dim&
out the great riches of wisdom and knowhdg~in hia Jehovnh the great King of eternity. The opening cvf
temple. 68
54 L I O H T REV. 4
BaP.4 E
m TmCPLa 66
the door synohronkes with the outpouring of the holy
spirit upon dl flesh, because it is written that Ood also &scribes the throne over dl of the divine or-
hath revealed these things to us by his spirit, even ganiz&ion. (Eeek. 1: 26) It is the throne of Jehovah
the deep t h i i of God, and which he hm prepared the Most High.
for them that love him. (1Cor. 2: 9,10) These thinga The One upon the throne is not pictnred as being
are not seen by natural eyes, of wurse, but are dis- like a son of man, but is pictured as like the mo&
cerned by those who have the spirit of the Lord God. precious gem atone, glorious in reflwtion of light,
transparently pure and inaexible in righteousnw. It
John, representing the remnant, heam a voice like is God's house, and he js the glory thereof and is that
a tmpet talking to him. A trumpet-toned voice was which would first be seen. His organization is d e J
very appropriate because great things were about to
come to paw. The King Eternal was to be &ow11 to scribed es "having the gIory of Uod: nnd her light
his faithful onoe more clearly than before and they wes IikG unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper
were to say more concerning his kingdom prepara- stone, clear as crystal". Then to John appears "a
tion. Events of greatest importance were about to raintrow round about tho throne", which, llccording
take place, heme the Sounding of tho trumpet. "For to Cfod's everlasting mvenant with Noah, represents
the Lord most high is terrible; he is a great King the mnctity of life and pietures Jehavah's life Be
over all the earth. Ood is gone up with a &out, the cause he "only hath immortality, d w m g in the
Lord with the mum3 of a trumpet."-Pa. 47: 2, 5; light whieh no man ean approach unto': (1Tim.
see also 1 Ki. 1 : 34; 1 Thw. 4:16.
6: 16) From that glorions light there descGnds rain
It was the voice of the Lord Jesus, Jehovah's great of bl-8: "As the appearance of the bow that is
Announcer or Word. The remnant, piotured by John, in the eloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance
is then told: "I will show thee what must occur after of the brightness mund about. This w a the appear-
thoee things." (Vs.1, D i ~ g . )Immediately spiritual ance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord." (Ezek.
things began to be revealed and to appear to the rem- 1 : 28) The beauty and glory of the eternal King be.
nant. The door to the temple of Ood being opened to gan to dawn upon those of the remnant only after
them, they begin to have Visions of glorious things. the temple in heaven waa opened to their vision. No
One may well imagine that he is being invited to look man had anything to do with opening this temple nor
into the mwt gorgwus and glorioua temple that wuld with giving to God's creatures a viaion thereof. It
&. He beholda a throne set in heaven and One who all came by the grace of Cod through Christ Jesus his
beloved One.
sita upon the throne. "The Lord hath prepared his
throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over The vision discloses twenty-four mats or thrones
all." (Pa. 103:19) "The Lord is in his holy temple, round about The Throne. Upon these twenty-four
the Lord's throne is in heaven: his eyoe behold, his lesser thronea were seated a like nnmber of elders
eyelick try, the childm of mon." (Ps. 11: 4) Ezekiel who were elothd in white raiment, a d they had
cram of gold upon their heads. The number being
REV. 4

twice that of the "apoetka of the Lamb" suggwta ing the King Eternal, the snggestion ia that Gtod
that these not only r e p r w t e d the twelve apu6tles gives to his temple class a eomplete vision of his pur-
but piotnred all the faithful who were made members p w a as his written Word sets it forth. "The seven
of the body of Christ. These are heavenly elders, and spirits" picture God's complete unlimited and in-
if not a0 in age they are eldera of dl heavenly crea- fallible power; and his "lightnings" disclm the
tures beoauae being membm of the body of Chlist. dark pheea of the enemy organization and.light up
The number mentioned would represent those who the dark sayings of hie Word, that his fnithful onea
died faithful and who have been resafiected to glory may see.
and also thwe on the earth who omtinme fait-, Continuing the marvelow description it 'ia w r i t t g
who me under the robe of righteopwm and in the that s sea of glnas ns olenr as crystal was before the
aeoret place of the Moet High, and who are +en of throne. The laver of the tabernnolo service was made '

as being "joyful in glory" when the Lord is at his of mirrora. In Solomon's temple the larger laver wasl
templa (Ps. 149: 5) It ia those that are faithkul at W e d !:fa,:mol%m soa". (1 Ki. 7 :23) The thing' p e ~ .
the appeclring of the Chkf Shepherd that "receive taidag 'to Qod's Vgoal people foreshadowed grq>:
a WOW of glory that fadeth not, away". (1Pet, 5 :4; heavenly things. (Heb. 9: 1.9.) wae $9
Rev. 3: 21) "Thou settest a crown of pure gold on his prim& t o w&in. ($4 :6) t$!!pkjgz-ma
head" (Pa.2113) Nomancrrntakethetbsafthe God ia pure." (Pmv. 30: 5) The gl&y, irystsl ap-
faithful mumant. OhlJr the Loid eoaM da (Bev. pearanoe of the sea before the throne pidurea the
8: 11) Being "alothed in white raiment" iden- purity of the Word of God and how clear he, in h&
eaoh as being mem- of the gloriow o r g a b t i o n own due time, will make it appear to his faithful
of Jahovab. The Faithful sod (hath raised up togeth- ramnant of the priestly order.
er, and made them to sit together in heavenly p b s The "seven lamps of ibe" shining. upon the sea
in Chriat Jesue'.-Eph. 2: 6. ahowa that only those 'cleansed by the waghing of the
The record then says that "out of the throne pro- water 0-1the Word' .are pleasiag to .Jeh@c ( E h .
ceeded lightnings and thundering and vokes". Glod 5: 26) These having received and fed upon his Word,
alone can make lightnings and thunders, and this is and devoting themselves wholly to him, are holy.
further proof that it is Ood'a throne here described. 'Without holiness [pure, unadulterated devotion to
(Job 38:35; 40:9; Jer. 10:13; Zech. 1 O : l ; Pa 18: Oodl no man ean eee the Lord.'-Heb. 12: 14.
13) The voices that proceed from the them are "Four beasts" or living ereatures (living ones,
definitely ofieial messages beoaase they come from the Diaglott) are shown in the midat of and round about,.
seat of all authority. The "seven lampa of h''.born- the thmne. Theso. are separate from Jehovabb::
ing before the throne picture the divine ligY*t given peraon, and therefore would not picture his inhe%&
by the spirit of Jehovah for the beneat of t h e m a n t qualities or attributee. Jssus ia "in the midst OY?@
of &d. Be "aeven" symbolizes wmpletenw mwrn- throne'' with the Father and nlso in the midgt.of tM
wiadom and swiftness in action. "Swifter than the

living ones. (Rev. 5 : 6) He is the first of Cod's or- eagles of the heaven." (Lam. 4: 19) "They fly away,
ganization, and dl other eresturea therein operate as an eugle towurd heaven." (Prov. 23: 5) "Wisdom
around hia throne. The four living ereat-, or liv- ia too high for a fooL" (Prov. 24: 7) The eagle flim
ing ones, therefore reprwent the fonrgquwenes8 or high. Wisdom is never dimmed by age. "Thy yonth
completeness of God's organization. These are "fall is renewed l i the eagle's," (Fa.108: 5) Every pan,
of eyes before and behind", &ohowing that thoso of of God's organization is swift t o obey command.
Cod's organization we ever on the dert beholdin,! ments, and they are guided by divine wisdom.
his hand that they may do hi will, hence are @ded The four living cmturwl hod each six wings. One
by divine wisdom,-Pa. 128 : 1-8. of the prophets givea a picture of Jehovah in his
The description of the four living creatnres, that throne for judgment by and through his beloved Son
-ia -- God's
, of - .- o r ~ ~ t i o follows.
n, The first is "like the Judge and gives a l i i description of the seraphim
a lion", denotGg conruge and royd j&ice. (Pa. 89: attending. (bu.6: 1-3)The three p& of win@ had
14) "Thou satest in the throne judging right." (Pa. by each woald suggest that the powasor can fly and
5 : 4) Justice holds the place of flrst importance. This pmvide pMtection at the same time, therefore that
wss foreshadowed by God through his prophet. the creatures of God'a organization move swiftly
(2 Sam. 17: 10; 1 Ki. 7:29-36) The s w n d living without hindrunce in the performanee of Jahovah's
creature resembled a "steer" (Diceg.) or ox. In Sol- purpoaea and at the same time full protection is pro.
omon's temple the "sea" re8ted upon twelve oxen. vided for the members of the orgmization which are
The 'ox' denotes power and strength. The symbol on the earth. The proteation, of eourse, is provided
J seems to say: 'Almighty pow= and strength mpports by invisible members of the organization. These crea.
the divine organization, and God will accomplish hiis tura never rest, showing thut the organization of Ja
purposes by and through his organization.' hovuh is dways alert and on the mwe. The q e l s
The third living one or creature had the face of a continuously behold the face of Jehovab. (Matt.18:
m,which depicts love as the motive. "God is love," 10) Nor do tho= of the organieation kaep ailenoe lest
and man ia described as being made in the image of they ahonld distnrb the peace of some of Satan's or-
God. The man Christ Jem said, "He that hath seen ganization. (]is& 62: 6, 7) Continuonsly they sing
me hath seen the Father," beoaase he was perfect in praises to the name of the eternal King, saying:
love. Every action in God'a orgenieation is ~mmpted "Holy, holy, holy, Lord Uod W h t y , which was,
by love. Nothing else could be in harmony with him
or pleasing to him. It therefore show that thoae who
ure privileged to have any part in his organization
L and ia, and i s to come." They announce the four
namea of the great Creaoll Thia *on begun to be
had by the remnant only after their being admitted
must be pmmpted wholly by unad5he88. to the temple. Isuinh'~prophecy also shows that the
The fourth living creature or beast waa "like a fly- time when a w e of God's creatures on earth bagin to
ing eagle", which depicts far-sightcdnw, exalted
Eav. 6 HI8 TBKPLEl 61
have the vision and take up the ahout of holinw nuto BEDEEMEB AND KtNB
Jehovah ia in the b y of preparations for the great Chapter flve of Revelation now here considered is
battle. It is the time when the Lord's judgment is at a vision dP the Redeemer and King in the temple b
the temple.
- Then "he that is holy, let him be holy ginning the unfolding of God's purposea to his faith-
still". ful ones. Thcse begin the Elkha work, to advertise
John announces that when "the living ex eat^^^': the King and his kingdom, to sing the praises of Je-
that is, God's aative organization, begin to sing the hovah and. h% enthroned King, which song is later
song of glory and honor to Jehovah, the twentg-four taken up by others and continues until it lills the
eldem, repwenting tho88 of the 144,000, including whole earth. Rcsd chapter flve carefully.
the remnant on earth, "fall down before him that
mt on the throne, .. . and east their erowm before
the throne," thereby reverently acknowledging the
The viaion shows Jchovah seated upon his throne,
and at his right hand a book written within and on
the back thoreof and sealed completely, which is rep-
svpremacy of Jehovah and that all authority, includ- resented by the seven seals. It was aftor 1918 that
ing that of every member of the organization, cornea those devoted to the Lord began to realize that the
from Jehovah. "There is no power but of Goq" and propheoiea, and particularly Revelation, must yet be
"tho hond of Christ is God" (Rom. 13: 1; 1 Cor. oorrectly understood; that althongh there had been
11:3); thus showing that every one of the orga* many honest efforts to unravel the mysteries thereof,
tion joyfully recognfasa and wilkgly obew Jeb* these dorta had not succeeded, manifestly because it
vah's method of earrying out hia purpose. Tho faith- wm not the Lord's due time. The faithful began to
ful sing: '(Thou art worthy, 0 Jehovah." Not that see that no prophecy of God is of private interpret.-
them could add anything to the glory and honor of tion.-2 Pet. 1:20.
Jehovah, but thereby they Y . 1 d g e that dl pow- The "right hand" of Jehovah mast make it under-
er and authority and honor and goodness pmceed standable in God's own due time. It had been writ-
from Jchovnh. (Eph. 3: 9) Then they say: 'For thou ten: "Shut up the wordsl, and seal the book, even to
haat created all things by reason of thy will.' (Roth.) the time of the end"; thereby meaning that the
What a stupendous insult and farce ia the evolution prophecies could not be understood prior to God's
doctrino which the clergy teach! It is from the Devil due time.-Dan. 12:4, 9.
and ia proof that its teachers are the Devil's repre- Whiie Jehovah is seated upon hie throne one of hi8
sentatives. Those of Uod's orgmkation are thrilled mighty angels appears and with a loud voice in-
with the glory and beauty revealed from his temple, quires: "Who is worthy to open the book, and to
and delight to continuously sing the pmisea of the loose the seals theroof l" (Vs. 2) It is not at all nea-
essary to understand that the angel here mentioned
Most High. The vision of the temple further diswlbes is some human agency, or even what had previously
the glory of Jehovah, been written in tAe law. Surely the holy angel8 of
82 L I Q E T BEV. 5

Jehovah God, who are under the command of Chriit those having to do with it were reitmined of liberty
Jasus and accompany him at his temple as his depu- and opportunity of 80rPice. Many wondered and
tics, are clothed with power .to put questions in the asked, "What now9" There were some who were ac-
minds of those who are devoted to God. I t is not nee- tually and i d l y weeping. There was a period of time
wary for w to h o w jnst how this ia done, but there in whieh the church waa atunncd and waiting. Then
csnnot be any question about the power of the depn- the Lord disclosed to his people that hie church on
ties of the Lord. Even men aan auggwt thoughts to earth had been doing a work which he had caused to
other men by conditions or C~W-BBS. Surely be foreshadowed by theprophet Elijah; thatthiswork
deputies of the Lord have mneh more power. 618ny m a now done and must be followed bv another. whieh
of the churoh, partiaularly those pietnced in the con- was pictured by his Prophet Elisha. kaithfal ones
dition of Lacdicea, looked for the seventh meweager, the Lord's organization diicerned thia. They saw the
believing him to be a man, to interpret prophecy, par- going of Elijah and the mantle fall upon E l i and
tieularly tho propheay of Ezekiel and Revelation; so they pwed the truth on to others for their en-
and when thia did not materialize, many of them clouragement and in substance said to eaeh othw:
said: 'No one can make the meaning e l m , because 'Weep not, there is much yet to be done. Do not be
the Lord had given all hie truth to hia people prior sorrowful, for the joy of the Lord is your atreng&'
to 1917.' Then a number thereof became &ended at -Neh. 8: 10. (See Watch Tower, 1924, page 104.)
the Lord's way of doing his wok and they fdaway. On September 1, 1919, a oonvention of the Lor&
The divine rewrd showa that no one in heaven or people opened at Cedar Point, Ohio. It was at that
earth was able to open the little book at the right convention that the distinction between the Elijeh
hand of Jehovah until the due time. This ia p m f that and the Elisha work of the church waa seen and an-
"the book" in the vision did not and does not mean nounced. It was at a convention at the same place in v
literally the printed Bible, but that it does mean 1922 when the picture of the "Lion of the tribe of
God's purposes which he does not permit any one to S u b [God's anointed King]" was unveiled and
loolr into until hie own due time. Some of thesa things when a multitude of his followers shouted for joy in
must wait until God's Mmenger came to the temple, response to the announced slogan: "Advertise the
and then the lightnings of Jehovah alone dkm1oaad King and the Kingdom." John heard the angel aag:
them. "Weep not, behold: the Lion of the tribe of Jada,
Aa he beheld this tableau, John sags, "I wept mu&, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book"
because no man was found worthy to open gad to The Lord directs the course of his people and brings
read the book." John here pictured a d ' s wple on about conditions that induce them to take a certain
earth. When the World War ceased, God's +y action. Surely the aqgela of the Lord were preseilt 8t /
organization seemed to be about done* so far CM iits that convention and, although invisible to all hurnm
work on sarth was concerned. It was dirrruptea a?&? eye#, had the power to direat the course of the con.
vention that it might enmy out the pnrpose of Jeho- were seven sealrr to be bmlcen one after another show
vah. Later the attention of W ' s people (Watch the gradual unfolding of the purphsea of Jehovoh to
!Power, Oet. 1, 1923, page 298) wss called to the fa& his temple class as set forth in his Word. Christ Je-
that the "oil" p e s s e d by the "virgins" is a -01 ws is the Just One, and therefore d e d the Lion of
of joy and gladnw. The weeping of the Lord's de the tribe of Juda. He L the chief one giving praise
voted people had wwe& and they began to rejoice to Jehovah's name, therefore of Judah. He is "the
becanse Qod had &own them hie fawr and W Zhere Root of David" b w w e he makes the royal family
was much yet to 80to hi# n&meashonor anrt glow. grow into the kingdom and he ia the inheritor of the
In W% due time shd by hie graoe attention was "everlasting covenant . . . , even the sure mercies of
called to the fact tht The Nation or Engdom ia David". (Isa. 55 :8; 11 : 10) The breaking of the sev-
born; that t h e had bean war in heaven and Satan en seals entails upon the one so doing the carrying
had been eaet oat; that the Lord had committed to out of that which is exposed to view. Christ the King
hia people a witnesa; that the Lord had wme to his is doing this by eausing a great witnesa to be given in
temple for judgment; that the robe of righteownes the earth to the name of Jehovah God. To Christ has
ia provided for hia people and ia evidenoe that @od been oommitted the work of this t&ony, and he in
has thlcon out a people for his name and app~V5d turn has committed a part thereof to the remnant and
them, and that now a great witness must be gjva to they are privileged to join him in thia glorious work,
I/ &OWforth his praiaek ~ h Lo~a w
g ww ~ ~ t c h Christ J~EUE is the central One of Jehovah's or-
ganization, being 'far above principalities and pow-
Tower to announce these truths. Donf&&*he naed
his invisible deputia to have much to do with it. llhis ers'. (Eph. 1: 21) He is the Head over all others.
is not whst some m y regard as spiriWn, by any John therefore doeoribea him as "a Lamb, aa it had
meam; but it doaa mean that God in his own good been slain", and standing "in the midst of the throne
way can direct hi8 people without any audible oom- and of the four beasts". Thw Christ Jesus is identi-
munioation with them. Those who have seen 8nd ap- fled and described es the One whose shed blood has
preciated these great truths fiom the Lord have redeemed mankind m d by whose preaioas blood alone
rejoiced, while thorn who have not discerned the &t- salvation comes to the human race. He is in the
ference between the Elijah and miaha wo& oF&e throne of God, that ia to say, the One having the chief
church, and the other blwed tnzth revealed in am- authority from Jehovah; and in the midst of the four
neotion therewith, continue to complain, and nthg beasts, which meam he is the Chief One in W'Sot-
have entirely gone into outer darknw. The f @ i ganbation. He appears as "having aeven horns and
weep not, but rejoice. , ? t ~ seven eyes", which symbolizes that he has the fa.eut$p
I t is the Lord Jesus Christ, "the Lion of of disaerning perfectly the will of God as thh in ra
of Juda," who opens the seals, that is to corded in the scroll or boolr, and is clothed with sal
whom God reveda his purposes. The power and authority to exwute the divine wi&
66 L I G H T Bm. 6 W.
Jasue Chrkt "onme and took the book out of the ia proof that the twenty-four elders represented the
right hand of him that sat upon the throne". Thua number of all the royal priesthood mder the Hoad,
he receive8 from Jehovah and at the hand of Jehovah Christ Jkus, including the one8 who 'preach thia gos-
hi8 portfolio which sets forth the further work now pel of the kingdom'. Furthermore, it iR dated that V
to be done. Qod seats or installs Christ Jesus upon the 144,000 stand by the sea of g h with Christ Je-
his throne in Zion and sends him forth to begin ao- BUB, harping upon their harps. (See Revelation 15:
Jtion. (pa. 2:6; 110:2) ~t waa in 1914 that arist 2, 8.) This pioture includes the remnant on earth en-
Jesus took his pawer and went forth at Jehovah's gaged in singing the new song to the praise of Jeho-
wmmand and fought with Satan and ousted him vah God
from heaven. He had overcome in that fight. Ee The twenty-four elders are described as having
comes t o his temple, or the howe of God, as the High golden viala or bowls full of incense, "which are the
./ Prieet forever after the order of Melchjzedek and he
prayers of saints." In the tabernacle and temple
must receive the Urim and Thummim and d i m the service of Iarael a golden censer burned in the Most
judgment of Jehovah that he may execute it. His Holy, and was carried there by the high priest on the
portfolio thus discloses to him Cod's work that must day of atonement. (Heb. 9:3, 4) This further 8up-
be done. Then he begim the opening of the seals, db ports the wnalusion that the twenty-four elders are
closing God's will concerning the work to be done on members of the body of the great High ghi& of the
earth. T h i ~ma& the inauguration of the Elisha order of Melohized&, and that in the pioture they
work of the churah. Then he sends hi faithful ones aymbolioally represent all the body membem; and the
forth with the command to 'preach thia gospel of the prayers being "the prayers of saints" ia further
kingdom to all the world as a witnw before the fiaal proof that the twenty-four alders are the 144,000
end'.-Matt. 24: 14. faithful saints constituting the body of the High
The divine record then piotnrtx the four bessts and Priest. This also showa that prayer is an eaeential
the four and twenty elders falling down bafcre the part of the life of the faithful. No one can hope to
Lamb, every one of them having a harp and a golden get on in hie faithfnl service to the Lord without fre-
vessel of meet odor& Thus is pictured every part of quent prayer. This being "the last day", it is the
God'a organization, including the faithful one8 on time to "continue in prayer, and watch in the eame".
earth, being joyfully subject to and submiwive to the (CoL 4: 2) The remnant will not be able to stand
Lord Jesus Christ ns God's Chief Exmtive Obieer. without prayer and watchfulness. (Eph. 6: 13-18)
"Fear Ood. Honour the king. " (1Pet. 2 : 17) Aa- The Lord hears the prayer of the righteous, and the
cording to the gender in the Greek, eaoh one of the prayer of the upright is his delight. (1 Pet. 3:12;
twenty-four elders possesses a harp. In the temple Prov. 15:8, 29) "Let my prayer be set forth before
service the harp was used in accordance w& the thee as incenee." XPs. 141:2) They pray for viatow.
commandment of the Lord. (2 Chron, 29:25) IFhia -Pa. 118 : 25.
"And they sung a new song," Thus isr pictured I "Amen". And the members of hia royal house fan
that no longer ia this a time of weeping, but the time down before Jehovah and worship him for ever and
has oome to sing the new song to the honor and glory ever. They are obedient to his orders, and in tho 8~
of Jehovah and hia gloriops w g . The new song in to come are the reeipienta of the exw2ling riches of
effect says: 'A new epo& haa begun; the kingdom is his grace through Christ Jesus, the Head of his or-
here and the tried and ~reeiousStone, Christ J m ,

ganization, and the Chief 088cer of Jehovah.
haa beon laid in Zion ma w d e the ohief Stone of-the
corner.' "A pie@stone, a preoiow cola@ s'tpl& a
8ure found*6ioLw (Isa. 28 :16) He is a tried, predow,
and wc+wmdation, and the Head of God's orga.niza-
tion, and every member themof sings his prr&isea and
tbe praises of Jehovah. All these (represented by the
twenty-four elders) say: 'Thou art worthy to reeeive
thirs portfolio and to open the se& and to reveal the
truth; thou hast redeemed us by thy blood and made
us unto our God kings and priests.' Thns the Lord
Jesw is identified as the Redeemer and Sf4vi01, Hiah
hi* wd.m g , and $ b ~ . h c n t ~ f o w
,:&!a a$,m.&-
MM:of& $54. ma.
Then $<@.marIra b;th& join id @iong of
$i! ' d mnny an& xound
,;&gar& .$ha'voiea
&ci&th~thp& aml h e be& am$.&&&. [Clod's
organization, inoluding W ' s b o ~ emeinlW1: and
the n u d e r of them was ten thousand timd €enthou.
wqd, and ~~ousanda of thousnnds.',' Thus is shown
the entire organisation of Jehovah God giving,pr@@
to the Lamb which has reeeived the richea a d porn
and glory at the hands of Jehovah as his r d $ & ,
faithfulness. The sngeLs mentioned must be .th@
m*ad of angela who act as the retinue of &@@+$g
to the Lord Jesufl and who are at the gene& .@qp
bly. The song thus begun eontinuea until e v + ; v
ture that has breath and lives praisas God. (Ps.1l&8),
The living ones of Qod'a entire organh,ati~,+&~

The King
(B%V6UaON, 68 )

J EHOVAH spalu, through his prophet: "I have

installed my king on Zion my holy mountain, let
him tell my decree!" (Pa2: 6, 230th.) The peri-
od of waiting ended with 1914 and there Jehovh
installed hia King upon his throne and dire& him
to begin action. (Ps. 110:1, 2) Chapter sig of Reve-
lation is a tableau in which Christ Jews is the chief
actor. When on earth Jesus gave his great pmpheey
concerning his second coming and the end of the
world. (Matt., %th chap.) Chapter six of ReveIrttion
parall& that prwhecy. Rend .the Bible record now.
It is Wkt J m a who open8 the seven 8ealq t h w
proving that no maa can open the prophecies; but
God permita his men to un&ratand the pmpheciea
after the seals ape opened. at I t m not wen follow
that a man wodd a d e m a n d the propbmiee as soon
ae the seals are open. Zt ean now be men that the
eventa pictured in the first five seals wem fulfilled
from 1914 to 1918,but the meaning thereof rnan could
not understand until after the coming of the Lord to
hi temple, in 1918. Prior thereto the o h m h had been
applying the prophecy of Matthew twenty-form to the
even@that came to pasa from 1874 to 1914.Not until
after 1918 was it underatwd by the church that these
eventa apply after 1914; and hence the seals were not
open to or discerned by the John class, that is to say,
the remnmit, until after 1918, and, in fact, verg little
until after 1W32.

I EmILmv

' be&

invited him to "come and see".

. . The
John saJis the Lord opened one of the seals and he
heard a thunderow annonnoem~rltand om of the
four --.
vitation, "Come and see," came through one of the

four living creature#, thus showing that Jehovah's in-

vitation to his own to come and reaeive an under-
standing of hia Word comes through his organization,
of which Christ Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Juda,
ia tho 'chief. God has not chosen manv warn and I.
mean8 of disolosing his truths to his peoile. ~e does
l 3Z! so through his organization, and with thunderous
tones as of a lion Ood's announcer bids those of the
, temple to behold what is comjng to pas& and with
eagernw they wait and inquire.
The 5rst seal discloses the glorified Christ Jesas
B aeated upon a white horse, equipped for way and p
Erl ing forth "aonquering, and to conquer". The S&p-
5 turea w e the home 8a a m b o l for war activities.
(Gen. 47: 17; Elx. 14: 9) "The horse is prepared
again& the day of battle." (Pmv. 21: 31; Jer. 8:6;
Hab. 3: 8) The whitencsa of the home picture8 truth,
meeknega and righteousness. Of Jesns & was written:
"And in thy majesty ride proapcroudy becawe 02
truth and meelmase and righteousnega; and thy righe
hand ahall tsaah thee terrible things."-Ps. 45:4;
see rrlso Rev. 19:ll.
The period of waiting for the Lord Jesus had come
to an end and Jehovah sent forth his King and
Judgq and he goes into action. The Watoh Towee of
March 1, 1025, commenting on Revelation twelve, and
the issue of September 15, 1926, commenting an
Pbalm 110, called attention to the beginning of the
kingdom and the action of the King. The mightp h e
on tho whits horse wore a crown,denoting hi8 aul
74 L I G H T 33% 8 EW. 6 J='! glW@ 75
ity and that he 'whose right it is to mley had wma told would come to paas at the eed of the world.
(See E a e l 21:27.) The King is present War b e (Matt. 24:7, 8) The World War involved &-isten-
tween Christ and S a m was fought following; 1914, dom, so called, alm& axclnsively and claimed a ter-
to 1918, and S a m and his hosts were defeatd and rible toll and drenched the earth with hnraan blood
enat out of heaven. Tbne Ohrkt Jegas eonqnered, and unrighteonaly ahed.
he goas on to conquer at Armageddon.
w o r n WAB
The ~ o n aesl d b opened and the w a d living With the opening of the third seal (Pa. 5) the M
b w rme unto an ax, the crwtllre mg&~ly dain la benst says, "Come and see." The third beast or living
tbe detviae b-y the Israelites, i n ~ t Jobn e ~ to "come ereatureWhada face as a man'', and thereforedenotes
and see". The John clam look and, behold, a weat love and invites attention of Qod's people to what is
bloody sacrifice of human creatures took plaoe bet coming to pass. The mesaage of the picture speaking
tween 1914 and 1018, and that aacrifl~ewc68 not a* say: 'See how aamanly, unloving, extremely
csptable unto God even though the clergy teld the seliesh and inhuman is that, whioh is now going an!
people that the fallen ones were a part of $he vi&. It is a woeful and mournful sight.' Looktrm, a4hn
0118 atonement. The red horse appeaps, and t9 the m e
states that he aaw a black horm with the rider c a v -
riding thereon was given the power !to '*rake peaee ing "a pair of balancee". That was the prdteercc, or the he,a d thctt %p dx4uId.W one aq- oomrnercid element of the Devil'a organization, with
0 t h ~ " . It is Satan's o r g e t i o n , pd&&rIy the false scales or balances, manipulating the p r i m of
food by the connivance and oonaent of the politieim
h o i a l Ynww i , w l i w mi3 !a.d&&esl el* and the clergy of so-called "Christendom". A "bd-
ments, oollsorting W e e r to psaee the
earth, which they did That o m m d 4Mm 1914 to woe", in the Scriptnrea, s y m b o h sosreity or any-
,1918,and in that great and terrible slaughter the thing but a good measure N e d and shaken dowe
hypomitical clergy yielded quickly to Satan, and a s (Luke 6:88) "Moqwer he said anto me, Sari of
eepted their blood money fmm the W slheat, man, behold, I will break the s t a of b r e d Jern-
and joined hands with the politiekm f;o ealem; and they shall eat bread by weight, and
the @re; and they ahall drii water by measure, and
people to enter the World War, using t& chnrah
e a c e a as places of recruiting. The i?o~.riptionlaw with astonishment." (Ezek.4:16) "Are there yet
followed, aompelling men to idll one a n d r , m d np. *e treasures of wickedaess in the house ~f the
on the law-boards that enforced it were dmgy- wicked, and the #cant measure that is a b W 1 e t
men, and the b l e d of the innoeenta is 9 6 upn Sh& I oount them pure with the wicked
their skirts. (Jer. 2: 34) The "great (FETs,4) m d with the bag of deceitful xeighW8"
pioturee the great World tPaF which --&4 fore 10, U. -.
76 L I G H T hw. 6 gaw. 8 THEl mN'Q 77
There was no real scarcity of food duripg the The heavy hand of the profiteers and their associatea
World War, in Amerioa m particular, and yet many in the Devil's organization continues to press down
were denied a proper portion. The ruling faetom and upon the common people more ten years after the war
their age& had plentyf but the common people were than wen during the war.
made to d e r while the hetraae&& men of mmmeme
reaped great proflts from fruits upon which they had PWTILENCBl
bestowed not one o w e of labor. The fourth seal is opened and the John clam is in-
Then John wya: "And I heard a voice in the mimidst. vited by the fourth living creature, likened unto an
of the four bmta." That must have been the voim of eagle, to "come and see". A scene is disclosed that
the pset from Jem when he foretold the famines er would attract bids that would feed upon carrion or
food-ahortagea that would come at and during the elain carcrnes. Such waa the condition resulting from
World War and foretold the methods of d d m g at the folly orlack of wisdom of the so-caUed"eiviLized"
that time. Only Jesus is dascribed aa 'in the midst of nations of the world. And this folly waa foreseen by
the four living creatures', thw &owing that it was a few far-sighted men of tho world who gave warning
his voice that spoke saying, "A measure of wheat for of what that terrible war would bring. The far-
a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; sighted ones in and out of the truth could see this.
and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine." The "A pale horse" appem with its rider, which literdy
wages for a day's labor was a penny (Ma*. 32: 2) m e w a horse of pallid hue OP sickness, representing
"A meamre'' (Greek, ohosnis) repmmt.ed the pesti1enc.e and death; and the name of the rider ia
amount of corn for a day's fwd, hence a day's food ' Death. Thns was pictured the deathdealing agencies
for a day's labor indiwted that +&e profiteers would that came with and immediately followed the World
get all exeept what was barely necessary to feed "the War, to wit, plagues, diseaae and pestilence, which
common herd" EO that they could &ht. The oil and Jesua foretold. It is authoritatively reported that
wine dealers must have their &are of the spoils, millions more people died from the peatilenee of "the
hence the price of such must be kept in proportion flu" than were killed in the four ye& of the Wo*ld
to the bread. War. Millions went into premature graves. The uU-
Rnssia stopped the use of intoxicating liquors dm- '. dertakera had a big bushw.
ing the war. The United States permitted the t r d c - The name of the rider was Death and he waa given
to go on, and stopped it at the end of the war by the power over "a fourth part of the earth", which mad-
Highteenth Amendment. Bat neither the fozdgn fastly means to the four corners of the earth. Thia
dealers nor the bootlegger6 have been hurt by %hat power waa to kill with the sword and hung@ and
law, and in the government of the United Stabs one .' with the beasts of the earth. The sword pio'tnrm the
of its high officials is engaged in extensive nwaufac- division amongst the people and the death tbat R-
tare of intoxicating liquor, by permission, of co,qrme sulted from revolution, ae well as ware 6 c h folloved

-x - a. . :4F-. --:
the World War.I t is written: "I came not to send a part of hie enorifice. Sueh is Cod%approved altar.
peace, but a sword, ...To set a man at variance
agajnst hi# father." (Matt. 10:84, 36) The World
"We have an altar whereof they have no right to eat
which mrve the tabormade." (Heb. 13: 10) Those
War was followed by great famine in many p w of faithful ones wore buried with Christ in death, and
the earth, while pestilence, particularly the flu, therefore died in a hallowed place. "Soula of them"
spread to every quartez of the earth, and millions r e p r m t a the value of their life-blood poured out and
did. which waa pictured in the tabernade service by the
Power to Bin by "the b e d s of the earth" seems pouring of blood at the baae of the altar. Although
alearly to d m to the beaatly governmen% composing aotudly dead thoy livcd to God, and in God'e eati-
sat an'^ visibb organization with its visible rulers mation, because their right to live persisted. (Luke
having power to oppreas; and they did oppress the ZD: 88) They died aa f a i W witnesses of God, there
common people, cansing many to fl11 untimely graves. fore slain for the testimony of God whiah they held.
God had caused his prophet to write foretelling these As-the blood of Abel cried out from the ground, so
conditions and saying: "Ye scornful men, that rule tha blood of the faithful ones arias out againat them
thii people... . Beeaase ye have said, We have made that dwell on the earth aa Satan'a represontativea.
The ery is: "HOWlong, 0 Lnrrd, holy and true, dost
a covenant .with death, and with hell are we at agrea-
ment; when the overflowing scourge shall pass thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that
through, it shall not come unto ns : for we have made dwell on tho earth!" Otherwise stated: 'How long
lies om re&& and unddd fakehood have we hid our- will you be long-Mering toward those who have de-
dv.88." &(,I 58: 14, 15) Jesus told his di#aiples that famed your holy name?' God ha4 promised to avenge
thew things would aome to pasa at "thd end of the the blood of hi faithful witn-, and in his due time
world", and they did. hewill do ao. (2 Ki. 9:7;Matt. 23:35;Luke 18:7, 8;
1 Thesa. 4: 4-6; Deut. 32:43) The living snints
FAlTHFUL MARTYRS thought Cod would avenge the blood of hia faithful
The opening of the Wth seal discloses the faithful rnaztyrs or witnesses promptly with the coming of
witneaees or martyrs of the Lord. (Rev. 6: 9-11) 1914; but that time mme and pwed and they saw
Fkom I:enteeost forward aome witnaw for the Lord that Cod's wrath did not begin until after that date
J d i d in faith and faithfd unto Cod. In June, 1927,
The Watch Tower published the proof from the Scrin-
tures that those who thus died-faithful were ade&
and that their blood would be fully avenged 'in the
battle of Armageddon.
The crry mentioned indicates the dose proximity of
in death until the coming of the Lord to his tempie the time when Jehovah would come forth out of his
in 1918. John beheld these under the altar, meaning place to punish the enemy organization, when the
that those faithful ones had died under God$ socri- wwih would “disclose her blood". (18s. 2f3:21)
flcial arrangement in Chrisd and were muatel in aa "When he maketh inquisition for blood, he ram-
80 L I G H T Brv. 6 REV.6 T m gING 81
bereth them: he forgetteth not the cry of the hum- follow that they would be understood in ohronolwgi-
ble." (Ps. 9: 12) The cry is therefore not one of cal order. The events coming to pass in fulfilment of
fault-finding or impatience, but calls attention to the one part of the prophecy may take place at the samc
forbearance and longdering of Jehovah. It might time as the events fnlfllling another part of the
also be properly said that "their brethren" would propheoy. The seala being opened merely picture dif-
make such inquiry when 1914 p d and the ehureh ferent parts of the prophecy in coarse of fd5Jment
had not been gloritld. Then the viaion discloses (Vs. and fulaled. When the sixth seal waa opened there
11)that these martyrs or faithfnl witnesses are given wns a great earthquake. That oocurred after the Lord
white robea, whioh would show that these have re- cnme to his temple. The word earthquake does not
wived God's approval and have the right to live, alwags mean a great dest~ctiveexplosion. The word
therefore they are represented as crying out; but earthquake here used is from the Ureek shes, and
God's will is that they ahonld sleep on and rest for literally means ahoclr, agitation, commotion or shak-
a little season. That little season ended with the c6m- ing. The same word is translated "tempest" in Mat-
ing of the Lord to his temple, because that mar& the thew 8: 24. Accompanying and following the World
time when the saints, those who had died as faithful War haa been a time of great agitation, commotion
witnesses for the Lord, should be rewarded- [Rev. and shaking. This waa foretold by J w as a time ~f
11:18) The record is: 'Until their fellowaervanta
shall be killed [sacrificially].'
"distress . with perplexity; the sea and the wave8
roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for
Jeaw told his dieaiplas that at the end of the world looking after those things which are coming on the
hla faithful onea would be delivered up m d afeieted earth". (Luke 21: 25, 26) The nations of the earth
and that 'they shall kill you, snd you shall be hated have been terribly shaken; the maps of Europe today
of all nation8 for my name's aake'. (Matt. 24: 9) He do not appear aa they did prior to the World War,
anid furthermore: 'In that dny wherein Antipae my and there has bcen a great change in oonditions gei~-
faithful martyr was slain among you.' (Rev. 2: 13) erally.
It wae in 1918 that the Elijah work, represented as At the same time the sun is darkened and the moon
Antipaa and pictured by Eliiah, was 'killed' and is colored like blood. "The am''meam the kingdom
,.ep&ed, and it was then that the remmeetiin of the truth, aa dincloscd in Ood's due time, and this hsa
sleeping sainte took place. Therefore they mnst wait become aa tlaclr as a death mask to representativas
until tho aoming of the Lord to his temple, which of Satan on earth which have claimed to be &a's
marked the end of the Elijah work. representatives. The eoclesiaetioal element of Satan's
organization in particular have cast aside the Word
THEWTEQUAEE of Uod concerning the kingdom and have adopterl rl,
It doee not follow that the seals are o p e in or- Devilaade substitute. At the same time the am
der aa to time, as named in the scripture, w does it mandment of the Lord 'preach Ehis gospel o$ the
> - -
-s< -
'.'Y '
82 L I G H T Em, 6
kingdom' bedm to be obeyed and carried out, and "And the stars of heaven fell onto the earth." &
thow, who love God and his kingdom proceed to this tan was onst out of heaven, he nnd his "stars" or
work, and hh truth to them becomes sevenfold angels with him, at the end of the world; which fact
brighter and the indignation of the Lord is apressed wast made known to the remnant after the Lord came
sgaipst the enemy. (Isrr. 80:26) The mesage of the to his temple. (Bev. 12: 9) This falling of the stars
kingdom contains n o w of comfort for the mlem took place about the time of the bgginniag of the
of this wioked world. W's law, spnboked by the great shaking of the earthly or visible part of Satan's
moon, to them irc detestable. They think that for them organhation; and now these wicked stara are con-
to w e p t God's Eing and to be subject to him and his 5ning their operations with the Devil to the earth,
eommpdments is a loathsome thing, and w loath- even a~ the Lord foretold. (Rev. 12: 12) At the same
some to all the d i g faotors of the world that it is time tho clergymen of the ehurch denominatiom,
as wngealcd blood found upon a dead carcass. olaiming to be repremutative of the Lord, have fall-
T h ~ yhear the worda of God's vengeance, sa ex- en entirely away. Also many of the leaders formerly
pressed in this day, and they attempt to hide them- of the real church, who had been in present trutht
selvas from hearing it by rushing into the supposed fell away and want baak into the enrth, or Satan's or-
plaee of wurity in the governments. Those ''kings of ganization, 'hiding themselves in the rocks.'
the earth", the great men, and the rieh, end the chief "The day of the Lord" is here and tho time of his
captdw, and the mighty profiteers, and t h w who wrath is come, and the nations shnll not be able to
are joined to them, attempt to hide themselves in the stand, and none will stand who do not randor thcm-
govementa of the world by calling upon t b e for selvcs in obedience to the great Jehovah and hi King
protection. It in a time of darkntxa, and the clergy- and Judge. His mighty ofYicial representative, Christ
men, inatead of turning to Ood's Word, o d l upon the the King, is now carrying out and exwuting the
president of the nation as the ehief executive &cer righteous orders of Johovah. Xfilliona of the common
and say to him: 'We are ready to follow your lead people who are of honest heart and of good wiU, see-
and obey your commandments. Let UR know what you ing the standard of the Lord lifted up, will go to it
want UR to do, that we might be saved in this day of and will survive God's wrath and receive blessings
-math.' Although the remnant of the Lord, who are and live on.
obeying his oommmdmenta and giving testimony by
radio mwage, by miEo1~8of printed books, and by
other means, point the mlem to the gates of the king-
dom, and to the highway that God is cansing to be
east up for mankind, they shun it and seek probtion
in Satau'a organization alone. I

CHAFTYTER IV God does not take such adion by secret methods.

When Armageddon is fought due notice thereof will
His Preparation have been brought to the attention of the enemy and
of the people and of the prominent ones of the ene-
(FmELArnON, O E P l m 7)
my'% organization. Jehovah graciously permits tbwe
on the earth forming a part of the elect servant class

J EHOVAH stopped the World War. Jesus had

prophesied that he would do so for the sake of
his ele& The eleet servant of Jehovah is made
up of Ch.dst Jasus the Head and 144,000 approved
to give such notice. They must be prepared for their
work and must do it in God's way.
ones, and the delight of Jehovah is in his servant.
(Isa. 42: 1) Before Jesus came to earth God foretold
by one of his prophets that he would gather his peo-
ple together and complete the servant before Arm5
# John, representing the remnmt which forms a part
o the servant elm, "saw four angels standing on
the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds
geddon is fought. (Ps. 50: 5) J e m prophesied in of the earth." 'Wind' is a symbol of violent power
corroboration thereof. At this time the seventh chap- and force working destmtion. "Winds of the earth"
ter of Revelation should be carefully read. means the violent forces of Satan and hi organiza.
tion in operation in the earth, where his operations
Satan got into violent action in 1914, and when he are confined after his being ousted from heaven. (Rev.
waa eaat out of heaven he was so angered against 12: 12) "Four" is the symbol of the entire forces of
God's organization, and particularly the remnant on his organization in destructive operation. These "four
earth, that he would have completely wrecked every- winds': continuing and with the velocity attained in
thing in connection with the human race, God's due 1918, would have wreclced everything on earth and
time for Armageddon had not arrived, and he stopped would have interfered with the work of God's eleet
the World War. Not that God needed time to pre- in serving the notioe. God caused the wind to sudden-
pare, but he would not permit the climax until his ly subside. This he did by sending a host of his angels
due time. No tangible reason appeared for the eessa- to carry out his will.
tion of the World War in 1918, but God had a rea- "Four angels standing on the four corners of the
son. B e would gather together his covenant pwple, earth" means all the angels required to restrain the
and anoint the approved ones and send them forth operations of the enemy in any and every part of the
aa his witnesses to serve notice on the organization of earth. Those angels are not human creatures or hu-
Satan of his purpose to dwtroy that wicked organi- man agencies, but are "the holy angels'> of God in.
zation aad to fuUy establish his kingdom of right- visihle to man and who accompany and act as tbe
eousnm on the earth. deputies of Christ Jeaus when he comq for j a d e
84 meat. (Ddatt. 25: 31) The heavenly power to restrain

. -
m. 7 ma P ~ B B B ~ I O X 87
Satan's forcaa not only ie wed now, but is specifically their foreheads nnd sent forth to do the work Glod has
mentioned ae ased on another occasion: "But the commieaioned them to do.
prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and "The earth'' is the symbol for the peuplea organ-
twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the ohief ized into forms of government ruled by visible crea-
princes, came to help ma; and I remained there with turea and under the supervision of an invisible over-
the king8 of Persia'.' (Dan. 10: 13) The vieion there lord. It is Satan's oBcial visible organieation. 'Prees
fore diseloaee a host of heavenly ereaturea eontmIling grow up out of the earth, and here picture the promi-
c e w forces from every quarter of the earth. nent men of Satan's organizntion who are cruel, am.
tere and haughty, and who rise up and draw nourish-
ANOTHER IUYGEL ment or sustenance from the people. They are likened
unto a green bay trce. (Pa. 37: 86) They are exactly
John then ''mw another angel ascending from the the opposite of the "trees of ~igliteousnm", whioh
neast, having the seal of the living God". (Vss. 2, 3) are the planting of Jehovah. (Isa 61 :3) Hence, be-
That mighty angel is the Lord Jpsus, the chief and cause they are Satan's trees, they are mnrked to be
great executive offlcer of Jehovah The vision shown "hurt" in God's due time.
him coming from the direction of the rising wn, from The sea covers four-fifths of the earth, and there
the orb of light, which is Jehovah. "The Lord &d fore must repment the mamea of the human race
is a sun and shield." (Pa.84: 11) "da the lIh.tni% that are alienated from God and that give nourish-
wmeth out of the esat, and shineth even unto the ment to and bear up the eommeroe of the world. The
we&, so ahnll BLso the coming of the Son of mnn be." Devil's organization ridea upon "thG sea" and op-
(Matt. 24 :27) The angels of God had stopped the prmea thc people. Theae trees, forming the live agen-
violencs of war. Then appeared Jehovah's chief om- cies of Satan's organization, must be destroyed in
cer to issue orders or the aommand to "the four an- God's due time. Satan, in his wicked and violent de-
gels", meaning those gnardina; every part of the termination to turn ell crestion against God, would
earth. have pushed the world on to the destruction of all
Thwe angels were commissioned to "hurt the earth the governments of earth, including the prominent
and the sea". Mnnifestly this commission has refer- people therein and even the maasas. Satnu's chief
enoe to tlle great and hel battle. The mighty officer purpoee is to dastMy God's kingdom. Had he ao con-
of Jehovnh orders the angels thus w~omissionedto tinued, the gathering of the saints and the witness
"hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the treee, work would have been greatly hindered, if not pre-
till we have senled the servants of our God in their vented. Jehovah therefore cut the day of trouble
foreheads". (VB. 3) The primary purpose of the ap- short for his elect's aake. When the elect has been
parent delay of Amngeddon is m u n o e d to be that gathered, then the four angels will let loose the winds
the gervant elm might be completed and &ad in of violenae that will completely &troy Satan's or-
88 L I ~ H ' P REV. ? REP. 7 HIS P~PSZATION 89
ganization. Violent forces which Satan has raised np them. It is these faithful ones that are brought into
will then be to its own hurt. "For they have sown .
the "everlasting covenant . . , even the sure mercies
the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind."- of David" and receive the outpouring ar rtnointing
Hos. 8: 7. of the holy spirit in the last days. (Joel 2: 28, 29;
"The seal of th8 living God," in the possession of Eph. 1:13) Such is the anointing of the holy spirit
the angel oomh~gfrom the orb of the sun, must have for the service of God.
to do with the covenant of f d. Circnmeision was The holy angcls of the Lord, thus commissioned to
made a sign or w b o l or seal of the covenant between turn loose the winds that will bring hurt upon 8a-
God and Abraham. (Gen. 17: 10; Rom. 4:11) The tan's organianisation, do so in God% due time, AE the
seal in the foreheads of the servants of God would be Wdianites fought among themselves and were par-
a sign or eymbol of righteousness and their approval sued by Gideon, so in due time the Devil's represen-
by Jehovah in their relationship to the eovenant by tatives will fight one another and will be purmed by
saorifice. All of the twelve tribes of Israel were in the the army of the Lord to the destruction of the enemy,
covenant of God by the sacrSce of the paschal lamb. Bat this mnst wai? until the servant elass is com.
Likewise all of the spirit-begothn, or spiritual Israel- pleted and sealed. The total number sealed is 144,000
ites, from which the elect servant is to be take& are and must of necmity include those who died in M t h
in the aovenant with Jehovah by the sacrifice of the and waited for the resmrection. God's sign of ap-
antitypical Lamb of Cod. The 144,OM) are faithful to proval upon them is shown by his awakening them
the covenant and therefore reeeive the seal of ap- out of death, vhich the Scriptures clearly indigate
proval. TO the faithful remnant f d gives a better too11 place in 1918.
appreciation of that aovenant, m d os a sign of their The remnant on earth received the robe of right-
approval by him God brings them under the robe of eousnesa and the place in the temple and were given
righteousnew, gives them the garments of salvation a better appreciation of the kingdom, and their loving
and the wedding garments, and thus ident'ies them zeal therefor i s prwf pf their s e d i g . All are "~piri+
with his officialorganization. It is ~ u c hthat ha com- ual Israelites" because they are God% chosen nation
missions to do his work in attending to the kingdom and their right t o live is as spirit creatures. The fact
interests on earth, The forehead is the prominent that one is an Israelite after the flesh would p ~ f i t
place to be seen by all. It is noted that Babylon's nothing. (John 6: 63) Nor would the fact that one is
name is written on the woman's forehead. in the eovenant by sacrifice make him eligible. He
The faithful remnant class is prominently marked must be in the covenant for the lcingdom and be
in the forehead that all may h o w and mark a, differ- wholly devoted to the Lord and then receive the
ence in them from those of the world. They are dili- Lord's approva4 symbolized by the seal.
gent in giving the witness to the name of Jehovah and Of the natural Israelites there were twelve tribes.
in oaring for the kingdom interest8 eommitted to There are twelve divisions or tribes o-f the spirftual
Israelites mentioned in chtlpter of Revelation. organieation and who d e r deatmction. "Dan shall
Judah is the firat named, and appropriately 80, b e be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that
oause Jesus Christ, the Head of tho servnnt elma, is biteth the horse heels, ao that hi rider shall fall back-
of the tribe of Judah. ( 1 Chron. 5: 2) The name ward." (Gen. 49:17) The tribe of Levi mentioned in
means "praise", and Christ Jesus lea& the praising the book of Revelation undoubtedly t a k s the place
of Jehovah's name, and all his brethmn join in the of the tribe of Dan.
praise of the Father. Christ Jesus leads the iight The tribe of Ephraim is not mentioned in the Reve-
againat the,endmy, asd the sweet singers of praise we lation account, that tribe evidently being included
in the van with him because they are called, chosen under the tribe of Jweph because after separating
and faithful. (Rev. 17: 14) "Who shall go np for us the tribe of Mnnaeseh there would be only the tribe
again& tho Canaanites first, to &ht against theml of Ephraim left for Jweph. Ephraim ~ e e m sto repre-
And the Lord said, Judah sha11 go up: behold, I have sent that olam that is neither cold nor hot but is
delivered the land into his hnnd."--Judg. 1:1, 2. 'spued out of the Lord's mouth'. These were in the
Twelve tribes are mentioned, and of each tribe covenant by sacrifice but did not receive the Lord's
12,000 are selected and sealed. This proves that the anointing. The headship ia taken from Ephraim and
Lord has no preference amongst the tribes so far as givm to the patriarch Joseph.
numbers are eoneerned. There is e v m m and bwuti- When Ood selected Israel he gave his word: "Ye
ful proportion in the divine arraugemmt of the glori- shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy
fled Christ. Qod sGts the members in the body word- nation." (Ex. 19: 6 ) Natural Israel failed and did
ing to hia pleasure. (1Cor. 12: 18) 811 the twelve not receive that which wan promised to the faithful,
tribes of natural I d were in the covensnt of Ood but those who are taken into the covenant by saori-
confirmed at Mount Bd. All the people begotten of floe, and into the covenant for the kingdom (Luke
the spirit are in the covenant by mrifiee, but not all 22: 28-30), and who maintain their integrity and
will receive the approval of Ood; and this is shown faithfulness, do receive the blmings promised
in Qod's dealing with natural Israel. "What then? Israel hath not obtained that whicb
h v i wa# not regularly considered one of the twelve he aeelreth for; but the election hath obtained it, and
tribes of Israel, but was a wrt of thirteenth t&e by 1 the rest were blinded." (Rom. 11:7) The 144,000
r w o n of the splitting of the tribe of Joseph into the members of the body of Christ are thus in the maem-
tribos of Ephraim and Mnnmeh. (Nnm. 1:10) Dan bly shown ns selected and anointed, or sealed.
is not mentioned in the Revelation acoount of the I
twelve tribes that were sealed. He seems, to p & t u ~ ~ GREAT MULTITUDlil
that group of p e r m who have made a @ovenant After the #enling of the members of the body af
with the Lord but who have turned again& their Christ the vision which John had changeg and he be-
" o m mother's son" and attempted to h i n k M ' s holds a "great orowd" of creatures. (Itex 7: 9,
Diag.) These are not limited to the Imaelites, but are
of all nations. This proves that the "great multitude"
or "great crowd" ia not made up of those who were
once anointed as members of the body of Christ and
then lost their anointing. There is no Scriptural au-

tion on the Lord's side do they so do. They have been

chiefly in the riao on houses., *~ a v i their
n e s s ~for the Lord. Only when forced to take a posi-
n ~ remeets and
horn& to thi prison keepers, th;; clergy, A d thcir
allies, "the principal of the floek." But when the
time mmea for them to take their stand for Satan or
thority for saying that any one can lose his anointing
of the holy ~piritand then fall bnck into the great for God they stand on the side of Jehovah, and they
multitude clm. All of that g r e ~ company
t were be- must pass through much tribulation. They have not
gotten of the holy spirit and were called, but did not been willing to bear the reproaches that come from
respond to the call and hencc were not chosen. How- being faithful and eealous representatives of the
ever, they tenaciously hold to the truth that there is Lord. (Rom. 16:3) The palm branches in their hands
one God, and that the blood of Jesus Christ is the therefore denote that now the time has come when
ransom price for man, and for this the Lord loves the7 do aaknowledge and hail Christ as Jehovah's
them. King and the rightful Ruler of the world; as it was
Thii scripture does not warrant the conolasion that when Jesus was in the flesh, "much people that were
the great multitude is developed after the gloriflca come to tho feast, when they heard that Jesus wns
tion of the church, but seems clearly to mean that coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trw, and
after the 144,000 are d e d the Lord turns his atten- went forth to meet him,and cried, Hosanna1 Blesaed
tion to the "great crowd" that has not prior thereto is the King of Israel that comcth in the name of the
taken a positive stand on the side of Jehovah. "There- Lord." (John 12: 12, 13) The palm branohes are
fore have I lifted up mine hand against them, saith therefore a symbol of their joining themselves as the
the Lord God, and they shall bear their iniquiw." eervanta to the Lord's organization.
(Eeek 44: 12) They were never brought into the The identifloation of the great multitude has cansed
covenant for the kingdom and anointed for the king- much wmment by the Lord's people. k o m the lab-
dom; therefore thoy stnnd "before the throne'' and guage of verses thirteen and fourteen it would appear
beforo Christ. They are made the servants of the that aome of God's people aee in the faces of others
great High Priest, just as the Levit08were given over of their brethren the queetion: "What about the
to Aaron to serve. (Nnm. 3: 6, 9) Their "white great wmpany?" And then they propounded that
robes" beapealc thcir approval only for the position same question to their brethren merely that the mat-
to which they are now aasigned as servants of the ter might be diicuwed or considered. This is shown
great High Priest. by the fact that one of the elders propounds the ques-
The palm branches could not denote martyrdom, tion to John. Many Berean clmes have d i a e m d at
bowuse tho@ who make up thia great ormd fail to length the meaning of the scriptures concerning the
respond to the invitation to become the xealona wit- great multitude and have asked many questiong eon-
94 L I G H T W. 7
J owning tho same. In Cod's due time he ha4 sent forth
information on the mhject through The Watch Tow.
er. Only recently the Scriptural proof was thw
tennnce and feel that their &-abaaemen and their
sweet and beautiful oharaeter will get them saved.
Botb in the d~nominational"prhm" and outside
thereof there are those who have side-steaoed am

brought forth, fully supported by the faets well
known, showing that the grent multitude is describes participation in any work that would br& the r s
aa "the prisoners", and aa "the islands", and as "the pmaeh of Christ upon them. I t seems nec- for
solitary plncen", and wss foreshadowed by Sammn. the Lord to preserve them unto the "great tribuln-
Much of the prophew of Psalm flfty and W h m y - tion" of Armageddon in order that they might be
eighth chnpter are now seen to apply to the great mul-
tiOnde oIw. Undoubtedly there are many other scrip
# put to tho mprcme tat,.
In the typo the mnpe goat wm led forth by a hnndy
man into the wilderness. In 1918 and 1919 thc clergy
tnrae likewise applying. When one of the elders of
members of the Lord's orgnnization propounds the led their flocks into the wilderness by openly adopt-
question, reference to these soriptures is now made to ing and endorsing the L e n w of Nations as a substi-
identify the peat multitude. The answer t o the ques- tute for God's kingdom. But the time must come
tion ia: 'These come up out of great tribulation.' when every one who will get life iaa a spirit creature
This could hardly be said to mean that the grent must take his stand agninst that makeshift of the
multitude eonld not be loaated until Armageddon. Devil. That time will come either before or with
The fncta are that nocording to their own te8thonies Armageddon; and then it will be that the claas fore-
shadowed by Samson, and who have been blindly led

they have had mneh tribulation ever since they aame
to a knowledge of the truth. Their black ties and long amongst the hypooritas, will pull down the structure
black mta, sad and sanctimonious and pians f a w , on their own heads and die rather than deny the
and the hanging of their heads m e bulrushes (18s. Lord. That will bring their 6nal tribulation, andJ
58: 5), and similar thinga, seem to say: 'We have their approval will be given by the Lord because t h q
much tribulation and are therefore in great distress nre holding fast to their faith in the blood of Okist,
and we ahall be so glad t o go to heaven.' and because they have come to a realization that they
The faithful little flock rejoioe in tribulation and must depend upon Ood's provision for salvation
count it the greatest privilege to d e r with Christ, through Chriet J m and oone other.
and to bear the repronches thnt came upon him b Now they are eryhg: "Help as, 0 God of our sal-
eanee of his faithfulnew. (Itom. 5: 8; Phil. 1:28,29; wtion, for the glory of thy name; and deliver ns,
001. 1: 'E4) But not so with the grent mnlthde. At- and purge nway our sins, for thy name's sake." (Ps.
tend a gathering of Christian people today and there 79: 9) They will come to know thttt Jehovnh is the
w i l l be founds few who are rejoicing in the Lard ,and Savior and there is none other besides him. (Isa
are anxioas to be his w i t n e w and bear whatever re- 43: 11) Thus John saw the great multitude atan-
pro& nttmde, while many 0th- are of ead wun- with palms in their hands and crying out: '!Salv%
96 L I G H T EaW. 7 Ilw. 7 HU3 F%EPAEATION 97
tion to our God [Jehovd~] which sitteth upon the of refuge, and for a eovert from stom and from
throne, and unto the Larpb." rain."&a. 4: 6.
They have learned that what they thought waa Then they w i l l not mind the heat of permtion.
character development and sanetimonions appearance The Lamb of God shall feed them and give unto them
is of no saving value, but that the blood of Jeans refreshiin~drink. Thev have alwam been somewhat
Christ is God's proviaion for salvation for man. Thoy of a tearhl compnny, ;hioh has been due to the fact
are now in tribulation, but the "great tribulation" that they have rebelled against the Word of Uod and
will wind up their earthly career. In that great trib- fed upon something else. (Ps. 107: 11; Is& 58: 5)
ulation dl who receive God's approval, pictured by When they learn that the kingdom class is complete J
the white robes, will conteas his great name before and they are not in it there will doubtlese be muoh
men even though it cast them their lives. All the holy more weeping, chidy because they have not been
angels at that great gathering will rejoice and aay pleasing to God, whom they will come to love m-
"Amc~." and worship God. pramely. The privilege of serving Jehovah acceptably
The great multitude, not being of the twelve tribes through Chriet and aa the servants of Chriet will
that are sealed, and being counted as Gentilea, could cause their tears to dry up, and their joy will then
not serve as priests. Aa the Levites were given to the b~ evwastinp.
priesthood to serve, so the great multitude will be the
servants in the temple and before the throne. (Vss.
15-17; Nnm. 8: 9, 7) Jehovah, the great King of
eternity, will "dwell among them", or "spread his
tabernacle over them" (A.R.V.); which means that
they will be under the protection of the Lord &d.
For a long whiie these prisoners have sufpered for the
want of convenient food. The Lord is now beginning
to Bend them fwd, and when they have a full supply
they will hunger no more.-%. 16; Ps. 146 :7; Isa.
41 :17,18.
"Neither ahdl the sun light on them, nor any
heat." This swms to refer to the persecutions they
receive from the enemy when taking a positive stand
for Jehovah, and then the Lord spreads his tabernacle
over them. "And there shdl be a tabernacle for a
shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place
signed to any duty or work, and who performs such,
is a deputy or m-ger of the Lord, and the word
His Organization
"angel" properly appliea to mch. The word "angel"
is also appropriately applied to Christ Jeclus, the
(REVDXLATIOX, cE&Pm%a8 m 0)
weat deputy of Jehovah. The context must and will

J EH0VA.H keeps his pnrpom secret until due

time to reveal them. "He revealeth the deep and
secret things" in due time. (Dan. 2 :22) "Surely
15 onable us to determine to whom the word applies. The
body members of ChrUt on earth, canposing the
remnant, and therefore forming a part of the eleat
the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his aervnnt, appear in the capacity of ambassadors or an-
secret unto hi servants the prophets."-Amos 3: 7. gels by rreasn of acting under the direction of the
The pnrpovea of Jehovah are stated in his Word Head, Christ Jews, in performing his work Thcre-
by his prophots, but no one can understand them un- fore the words "heaven" and "angela" at times
til God by his power opens the seals. Chapter six of properly apply to the earthly division of Clod's organ-
Revelation deals with the opening of the six seala. ization. At thb point carefully read ehapters eight and
Chapter eight ha# to do with the seventh seal. Ap- nine of &velation, with which we are now dealing.
parently the sevonth seal could not be opened until "Silonce in heaven" immediately followed the
the sounding of the seventh angel, as it is written: opening of the seventh seaL The "silence" must refer
"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, to that part of the organization of the Lord on earth,
when he shall bogin to sound, the mystery of God God'a people, who were inactive for a short period of
shohld be finjshed, as he hath declared to his servants t i e from 1918 to 1919. This corresponds to the time
the prophets." (Rev. 10:7) The "mystery of Cod" of waiting which marh the division point betwoen
is not the same as the mystery of Christ. The latter the ending of the Elijah and the beginning of the
has to do with Jesus and his body members. The mys- Elisha work of the church. (2 Ki. 2: 13) Then John
tery of God is concerning Jehovah's organization and saw "seven angels which stood before God" and to
that organization tvhich opposas
-- God and which tho whom were given "seven trampete". Manifestly thaw
Lord will destroy. are spirit creatures clothed with authority to perfonn
d The chief oflcer of Jehovah's organization is Christ oerbin duties in the divine organization and desig-
Jerms. In his oraanization are mvriads of angels in- nated as "seven" because representing all of seven
visible to humG eyes. &so therein are the fkthful distinet proclamations to be given, the number seven
body members ! o Christ now resurrected and tho being the divine symbolic number of perfection or
anointed remnant now on earth. Since it is God's or- completeneae. A "trumpet" would imply a publio
ganization, the word "heaven" properly applies to proclamation. "Therefore when thou do& thine alm,
any part thereof. Any member of the o r g e a t i o n w
58 do in the spa~;ogus-andin the str&ts,that
do not sound a tnunnet before thee. as the hvworites
have glory of men. Verily I say unto yon, They ham much incense to offer with the prayers of the snints,
their reward. " (Matk 6 :2) I t seema certain that the or those making up the remnant, whieh ahom that
time must follow the coming of the Lord to his tem- the angel serving at the altar is different from the
plc.--1 Thess. 4 :16; 1 Oor. 15:52; Matt. !&4: 31. h t s . This offering of the incense with the prayers
In God's typical organization the EOunding of the was necessary while preparing the servant for service.
trumpet denoted a time of joy (Lev. 23: 24; 2 Chron. The Lord had come to his temple to cleanse "the
15 : 12-14); slso thc approach of the king (2 E.11: sons of Levi" and thns bring forth the remnant.
12-14; 2 Chron. 23 :13; Ps. 47: 6; 98: 6) ; also battle (Mal. 3: 1-3) It is a time for prayer and oleansing
(Num.31:1-6); alnro war and victory (Num.10: 9; that acceptable service might be performed. (Ps. 51:
2 Chron. 13: 1216; Joel 2: 1).Therefore the sonnd- 2-13) This is dono that God's displeasure might be
ing of the seven trumpets would denote a time of woe turned away and that acceptable service might fol-
to the enemy organization; and to God's organization low. (Isa. 12: 1-5) It is the "day of the Lord" and
a time of hailing the approsahine; of the King of the the enemy ia made known to the remnant, and the
organieation: and a time of joy to the remnant on remnant pray for proteetion and greater opportuni-
earth, an well an those in heaven; and a time of battle ties of service. (Eph. 6: 12-19) The remnant also
and of victory. Thus the time of the falfllment of thia pray for prosperity and vietory (Ps. 118:24, 25) ;
prophecy ia located, and must begin, after Ood plaoea and for peace amongst their members, that they may
his King upon his throne. work to the Lord's glory (Ps. 122: 6-8); and for an
"Another angel came and Btood at the altar."(Rev. open door of service (Col. 4: 3); and that thcy may
8: 8-5) The divine record show that the altar was not enter into temptation (Natt. 26: 41). "Tho end
golden and had Gre on it, whioh prove8 that it was of all things is at hand," and the remnnnt pray that
Ood's provision for cl&g and preparing his the message of truth may now have a free course.-
m a n t a that their service might be acceptable. It 1Pet. 4: 7; 2 Theas. 3 :1.
eomponds exactly with the altar of fire described There is a Uerencebetweenthe prayers and the in-
in tho prophecy of Isaiah (6: 6-8), when the Lord ap- m e . It is the remnant on earth that pray, and with
pear~at his temple, and from whieli altar live wnls their prayers the invisible angels send up a meet odor-
of flre are taken to cleanse the lips of the remnant or iferous evidence of the burning eeal of the remnant,
servant claas. The angel standing at the altar mani- whieh is pleasing to God, and he hears the prayera
festly is the one in charge of the angelic company to and sends the remnant forth for service. (Isn.12: 1-6)
which is assigned the duty of directing and gathering The angel takes the censer containing the fire, whieh
and cleming the remnant of the servant elass. Hold- has been takon from the altar, and casts the coda of
ing the golden censer by the handle in his hand &om fire into the earth, thereby symbolically saying that
that his position waa of divine appointment to earry all those now on earth who will be pleasing to Ood
out divine wmmands. This angel ia provided with shall be cleansed that they might render an accept-
102 L I Q H T W.8 mV.8 HIB OI~C~ANIZATION ioa
able service, and they are sent forth to the wrviw. humbly adrnowledge the divine providenee and re-
While trials and tribulation attend the faithfnl serv- joice and give all glory and honor to Jehovah God.
ice, the fire do@ not represent such trials, but do- His faithful ones are instruments in his hand, and to
represent the cleansing of the remnant on earth that him alone is all glow and honor due.
the servicewhich is about to followmight be acceptable The following quotation from The Watch Tmsr,
to Ood. This is conclusively proven by Ieaiah's proph- November 1, 1922,is appropriate:
ecy, which corroborates the vision in Revelation. "Prophecy can he bettor understood when fulfilled.
Isaiah, representing God's people, disaerns the Often Cfod eauees his people to enact the hl5lment of
Lord in his temple and the angels about, and cries, a prophecy without their knowing it at the time, and
"Woe is me"; evidently became of silence or inac- later he reveals lo them the interpretation. +4a above
tivity in service. Thon the mwscngcr of the Lord stated, in 1918 t l ~ etemple clam this side the vail was
takes a coal of fire and cleanses Isaiah's lips and God in mtraint of both liberty of parson and liberty of
sends hi, representing the faithful remnant, forth action in the proclamation of the message. Until 1919
to service. This is the picture shown in the sixth chap- there wa&a praotioal ~ilenceof the Lord's people, as
ter of Isaiah. far as proalnimii his mwage was concerned. In that
Ieaiah the twelfth chapter sows the remnant clam year there mombled in oonvention a t Uedar Point,
cleansed and going forth to joyful service unto the Ohio, a large number of representative followers of
Lord. Revelation 8: 8-5 shows a like preparation of the Lord. Suddenly they awoke to their privileges.
the earthly members of the servant clasa for serPioe. Then they flung away their feara. Then they came to
The faithful willing ones go forth to service and serve a knowledge of the fact that the Elijah work had
and fulfil prophecy witl~outknowing they nro so do. ended, and that now the work pictured by Eliaha
ing. Later the Lord reveals to them for what purpose mnst begin.
he has been using them. Tho work that follows, and "When Isaiah saw the.lGng he h e w that an im-
which is porfomed by the faithful remnant c l m thua Dure cr&atureaould m%live in his a m n e e . Eenwb.5
prepared, was foreshadowed by the prophet Elisha. b y : 'Woe is me l for I am undo11e; h n s e I am a man
of unclean lip& ... for mine eyes have seen the King,
the Lord of hoats.' E~identlyhis uncleanness or in-
"Voices" symbolically represent intelligible mes- iquity had something to do with the words of his
~ s g e sof
truth. The period of "denoe" ended when mouth. He recognizes that he ought to be found praia-
Ood's people, in tho autumn swan of 1919, began ing sod as the seraphim were; or that he had failed
delivering the message of truth foroshdowed by to speak the message that he should weak. Hiis ped-
Elisha. No one of God's people presumptuody as- tent cry leads to his purgation. The seraph then with
sumed to f&U prophecy, but after such have been a burning ooal cleanses hia lip. Then he is no longer
used by the Lord in fulfilment of hb prophew they den6 but ready t o sem."
104 L I G H T Bmv. 8 REV.8 HIS OB~AiiSUTION 105

"Thunder" representa the voice of Go& (Job 40: printing machines and aorta were made to print and
9; Ps. 29:3; 18: 6, 7, 13) "At thy rebuke they fled; publish the message of God'a truth entirely independ-
at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away." (Pa. ently of worldly institutions. Although the Lord was
104:7) Lightning precedes thunder; and it is God's in his temple putting the consecrated to the test, they
lightning. "His lightnings enlightened [exposed] the did not understand it. Being devoted to the Lord they
world: the earth saw, and trembled." (Ps. 97 :4) "In have wanted to be faithful to him. Doubtlesa the an-
thy light shall we see light." (Ps. 56:9) Because of gels, acting aa the deputies or servants of Christ, had
the flashes of light or lightning from Jehovah his mes- much to do with the preparatory work that was being
sage of rebuke js sent forth. The Golden Age maga- carried on at the time in getting ready for a more
zine began ita publieation in 1919, and within a short Btrenuous witnw that was to follow. The remnant
time thereafter Number twenty-seven, which cox- was being prepared and the inanimate machines were
tained the Lord's rebuke to those of Satan's organi- being prepared "and the seven angels which had the
ati ion, was publied. It exposed the members of the @even trumpets prepared themselves to sound". These
Devil's organization, and particularly the hypoerit- invisible members of God's organization encamped
ical clergy. Other measages or "voicea" followed
quickly, such as, Tallciag with the Dsad, i i i % l l hNow
Living Will Never Die, and many world-wide lee-
1 round about the visible onas and protected them and
donblla directed the oourse of the latter in the5
aotions and preparations for carrying on the Lord's
/ tnres. All thia was "the Lord's doing", and he gave work.-Ps. 34 :7.
his people on earth aome part therein.
"And there [was] an earthquake." The symbolic TBE SOUNDING
meaning of "an earthquake" is agitation, shock or
eommotion. It doas not mean a revolution, but rather
a commotion and agitation amongst the ruling faators
11 Sioe the Scriptures are written for the encourage.
ment and comfort of GodC conmrated people, upon
whom the end of the world has wme (Rom. 15:4;
of Satan's visible organization. The witnm work of 1 Cor. 10:11); and since Revelation is prophecy, and
God's people that shortly followed the World War God is the interpreter of prophecy (2 Pet. 1:20,21);
caused much agitation amongst the clergy and the it is to be expected that God, by and through his
zation. .
principal ones of their flock forming Satan's organi-

The short period of "silence in heaven" undoubted-

deputies, or angels, and particularly his ohief one,
Christ J m , would muse his people to perform cer-
tain things that would be in fulfilment of prophecy,
ly ended in 1919, and from that time until 1922 the
Lord's devoted people on earth were doing a prepara- and aftemarb show those consecrated ones the ap-
tory work in making strenuow efforts to strengthen plication thereof for their own encouragement and
the organization. Besides doing what they could in giv- comfort. Such is an act of love on God's part; and
ing a public witness, they purchased and iastalled God is love.
The q e l a proceeded with the s o m of ~ the "The International Biblo Students fn convention
trumpets. The facts seem to clearly ahow tbat it was assembled deem it a duty and privilege to send thh
in 1922 that the 5r6t angel began to sound his trum- to the nations of enrth.
pet and God's conaeorated people were given a part "A8 a body of Chriatiane consecrated to obey and
therein; and now after eight yeag have elnpsed the follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we nre o p
Lord aeem pleased to ahow his people how they had posed to engaging in war, revolution, anarchy, or
aome part in the W m e n t of his prophecp because violence in any form; and we sn, opposed to fraud
they wew his devoted and willing instruments. Hin and deccption being practiced upon the people by the
name be praisedl All honor and glory be given to misrepresentation of the Word of God or other&&.
him 1 We carnasUy desire peace, prosperity and the ble85.
On Sunday, September 10, 1922, more 10,000 ing of the people with life, liberty and happiness; and
of God's people were assembled at Cedar Point, Ohio. we hold that the only meam by which this c a n be ac-
A resolution was offered, mpportedby oral argament, complinhed ia by and through the reign of Christ.
and una,nimoudy adopted. That resolution ww a proc- "In the light of the Word of God, and part3cularly
lamation declaring that Jehovah is Cad and Chi& ig of ful5lled prophecy, we submit the following as n
Eing and that his kingdom has come. It was n chal- true statement of the faata relating to prwent wadi-
lenge to tho rulera of the visible part of SaW's or- tions :
ganization to prove that man has wisdom to rule the "1. That the rulera of earth have frequently
earth, or else admit the truth of God's Word that 1 boasted that the World War was fought to make the
world safe for democracy, which claim has proven to
peace, prosperity, life and happines etln eome only
through J&ovah by and through Christ. Incidentally I be a deluaion and a snare;
"2. That the international conferences at Paris,
it i a mentioned that a Magnavox waa used to amplify
the voice of the spenker and all present in that vsst
I Wnshington, Genoa and The Hague, participated in-
audience heard. Visible human creatures had to do by the financiers and atatemen and approved by the
with that mesaage, yet, in fact, it was a memage of denominational clergy of the world, held for the pnr-
the Lord sent through hia invisible angels, became pose, 0s announcod, of establishing peace on earth,
without a doubt thsse are clothed with authority to have failed to bring forth the desired result;
d i the couwe of earthly membem of God's organ& "8. That dl of the nations of earth are now in dir,
trem and perplexity, as the Lord foretold they would
I be at thie time, and that the ontire soci;l and politi-
a d structure is threatened with aomplete diisolution;
and the leading statesmen and rulers of the earth, bp.
"(Adopbe6 by the Intornational %We Bt&sa6s &.
sociQtion in Convefltien at Cedw Point, Okio, 6sn- ing aware of this fact and of their inability to estab
d*yy, BeptentBsr 10,1922) liih peace and prosperity, are frmtically d i n g upon
Fa?. 8 HIEl OBaANlZATION 109
the denominational churches to save the world from "4. That Satan, long the god of this world, hns d e
disaster; ceived the ststmen, financiers and the clergy, by in-
"4. That it is the desire of all the nations and peo- ducing them to believe that by international agragrce-
ples of earth that they might dwell in peace and en- ment or other combined efforts they can bring tho d e
joy life, liberty and happiness; sire of all nations;
"6. That the people are being misled by those who "5. That all of the world's preaent organization
are attempting to bring about thie desire through in- eonatitutes the visible part of Satan's empire or or-
ternational coderenoes and agreements in the form ganization, nnd that Satan's empire mnst now fall
of the Lengue of' Nations and like compacts. before the forward march of the King of glory;
"We therefore call upon the nations of earth, their "6. That all international conferences and 811
rulers and leaders, and upon all the clergymen of all agreemen@ or treaties resulting thorefrom, including
the denominational churches of earth, their followers the Leagne of Nations compact and all like compncts,
and allies, big business and big politicians, to bring must fail, becaw Qod has decreed it t h ;
forth their proof in justifloation of the position taken " I . That dl effort8 of the denominational church
by them that they can establish peace and pmsperity organizations, their clergy, their leaders and their
on earth and bring happiness to the people; and their allies, to save and reeetabliah the order of things in
failing in this, we call upon them to give ear to the the earth and to bring peace and prosperity must of
testimony that we &er as witneema for the Lord, and n e c d t y fail, bemuse they do not constitute any part
then let them say wh~theror not our testimony is of the lrmgdom of Messiah;
true. "8. That on the contrary, during the World War
"Relying upon the Word of Ood and hie provi- the clergy of these varioua c h m h denominations were
dential dealings with mankind through Chriat Jesus, disloyal to the Lord Jesus Christ in this, that they
we as his witnesses hold and testify as follows, to wit: mngfully united with big business and big politi-
"1. That the World War came in 1914 and was ciana to M e r the World War; they preaehed men
followed by great famines, pestilences and revolu- into the trenches and falscly and blasphemowly told
tiom in various oarts of the earth exactlv a4 foretold them that their death upon the battlefield wodd be
by the Lord; counted as a part of the vicarious atonement of Je
"2. That 1914 marked the legal ending of the old sw Christ;
world and there Christ the rightful Eing took unto "9. That they furtber repudiated the Lord and
himself his power as king; his kingdom and showed their disloyalty by volun-
"3. That the Lord Jesus Chridlt is now preent, in. tarily unitiig themselves with Satan's organization
visible, and proceeding with the work of a- and boldly announcing to the world that tho League
tablishing his kingdom, for which kin'gdom he taught of Nations is the political expression of God's king-
his followers to pray; dom on earth, whiah announcement so made by them
110 L I G H T Rsv. 8
w k in utter disregard of the words of Jesns and the "Therefore we bring to t b peoples of earth God's
measage of good tidings contained in the Bible, hia
apostles. Word of truth, and we publish to them hia mwnge
"10. We further hold and testify that this is the of peace and everlasting salvation, to wit, that the
day of God's vengeance against Satan's empire via- Eing of glory, the Deliverer of man, is invisibly pres-
ible and invisible; ent and has begun hi reign; that the old world, un-
"11. That the reestablishment of the old world or der the control of Satan, has ended and soon will
order is an imposaib'ity; that the time is here for the be broken in pieces, to make way for the everlasting
establishment of the kingdom of God through Christ: kingdom of righteousness now being sot up, and that
Jews; and that all the powers and organizations that millions of people now living on enrth, if obedient
do not willingly submit to the rightww reign of the to the laws of that righteous kingdom, will continue
Lord will be destroyed; to live and never die; and we c d upon all nations,
"12. That if the politicians would f a i W l y rcp- peoples, kindreds and tongues who love righteousnem
resent the people, and big business would cesae ex- and hate iniquity to recognize and freely aclmml-
ploiting the people, and the clergy would tell the peo- edge that Jehovah is the oniy true God and that hi
ple the truth eonwning God's arrangement and the beloved Son Christ J m ia King of king8 and Lord
people would cease from strife, the kingdam of Mes- of lords."
siah would be established by him without further It is stated (Itev. 8: 7) thst the iimt trumpet was
trouble or distress; but failing thw to do, greater followed by "hail and fire mingled with blood" being
trouble must shortly follow; "cast upon the earth". The ~ymbolsused are deoply
"13. That for this reason there is now impending signifioant. Hail is a phenomenon, "a sign and a won-
and about to fnll upon the natione of earth, according der" that glorif3es the Lord and fnlflls hie will. (Ps.
to the words of Christ Jesus, a great time of 'tribula- 148: 7, 8; Ex. 9: 29; Ezek 38: 21, 22) It is cold,
tion such as was not since the beginning of the world hard, and destructive to lies and liars. It ia such as
to this time, no, nor ever shall be' again, and it is is reaerved for the time of trouble, and it mites. (Isa.
this impending trouble that the ruler8 and mighty 28 :Mi'; Hng. 2: 17; Job 38: 22, 23) "Hail" c a m
men of eaxth see coming. unconsecrated men to blaspheme. (Rev. 16 :21) "Fie"
e x p r m God's indignation, and is destructive, nnd
"But we hold and declare that Messiah's kkgdom devours before God's army. (Ps. 60: 3; 97: 3; 79: 6;
is the complete panaces for all the ilh of humnnkind Joel 2 :3; Luke 12: 49) "Blood" poured out in sym-
and will bring pea@ on earth and good will to men, bolie of death, and pollutes and befouls thoso coming
the desire of d l nations; that those who yield them- in oontact with it. These symbols in figurative phrsse
mlves willingly to hie righteous reign now began will describe the &wta of the "pmclamatibn" upon those
be bleased with l&ng peace, life, liberty and end1888 of Satan's organizatioa
T h e "produmation" charged that the nations of
earth had been bofonled and polluted with the b l d
fi blows upon it. (Isa. 40: 6, 7) "Green grass" would
represent the peoples' hop@ centered in the an-
of men unrighteously shed and that the clergy who nounced 8chemes and plan8 of the ruling class. Such
hypocritically clnim to be W ' s representatives are are burned up, nnd today the people have no hope
largely responsible therefor. The clergy and their in the schemas of men.
allies, the resolution aharged, resorted to lies, fraud The forty-five million copies of that message of
and deceit to mislead and exploit the people and to truth went a good way toward showing the people
misrepresent God and hie kingdom. Them were hard that they cannot hope for any blessings from the
trutha, and destructive of liea. The public press gave devil'^ organization, represented on earth by s&b
wide note of tho resolution. OctoSer 31, 1922, masked men. With the earth charred, and the trees and the
the. beginning of a world-wide distribution of the green grass burned, it is a desolate outIwk for the
resolution and argument in support thereof in many Devil's earthly. organization, and this is held up be-
languages, and upward of forty-live million copies fore the peoplo. The clergy warned their flocka not to
were put in tho hands of the rulcrs and of the people, read the "proclamation" and the accompanying lit-
The visible part of Sntan'a organization on earth re* erature, but their warning went unheeded.--See
ceived it; and the effect the Lord described in the Watch l'otver, 1925, page 83.
sgmbols that follow. Then followed the sounding of the second angel, A
"The third part of the earth ww burnt up." convention of God's people aasembled at Loa m l e s
(R.V.) The peoples of earth may be properly plisced on the 26th day of Augwt, 1923, and adopted and
in three divisions, to wit: (1)the agricultural group; sent forth a resolution entitled "A Warning". The
(2) the artisam, mechanics, seafaring men and other resolution was directed against those who falsely
laborem, nud (3) the financial, religions and political claim to represent God and Christ and who had
group; tho last forming the ruling class. The pro* built up a mighty organization in the earth which
lamation was a challenge to the latter to bring forth they likened unto the kingdom of Cod, and which
their witnesses and prove their position, or admit is symbolized by "a grcat mountain". The resolution
they are l i m ; and their failing to do so plaees them warncd the people against these false t d e m and
in a position of disrepute and proves their counsel urged thom to desert the unholy orghation. And
without value, and therefore they must admit it.
"The third part of the trees was burnt up." now, seven years later, it seema clear that the spirit
"Trees" represont the selftsh, exalted and ruling of the Lord, oporating by his invisible angels, dirated
group of living oreaturea that draw sustenance from his people on earth to take this action and that such
the people and cast their shadows upon the earth. was the beginning of the sounding of the second an-
"All green grass was burnt up." "The people is gel. (Itev. 8: 8) Millions of that resolution, together
grabia" and withereth, when the qSrit of the Lord with the supporting argument given in a public dis-
course entitled "All Nations Marching to Armaged- "RESOLUTION
don", were freely distributed amongst the peoples of "We, the International Bible Students h generd
earth, and the servant class of Jehovah did the work. convention wembled, again declare our abaolute
The resolution was not the "trumpot", but it was fnith in and alleairanae to Jehovrah God our Father
the tangible manifwtation of God'fi action by and and to his belovk Son, Christ Jews, oar Bedeemer
through the member8 of his orgeniestion. The effect and King, and our absolute eoniidenee in the Bible
thereof is indicated by the symbolic language used in ss God" inspired Word of truth given 60 man for his
vorse nine: guidance and instruction in righteousurn.
"And the third part of the creatures which were "As followers of our Lord who are diligently 8triv-
in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of ing to be liia true and faithful witnwes, we deem it
tho shipa were destroyed." igymbolioally "the sea" our privilege and duty lo call the attention of all
represents the peoplw of Christendom, so called, ae peace- and order-loving peoples of all the nationa to
a whole, which nourish, bear up and support tho eom- the deplorable conditions now existing in the world
morcial and governing fadow. (Ps. 65: 7) The peo- and to point them to Magsiah's kingdom as the only
ples of C11l'isbdom claim to represent God and remedy for national and individual ills.
Christ on earth, and taken ss a wholo they may be "We hold and deolare that Jesus Christ organized
put in three separate divisions, to wit : (1)The agnos- his ohurch in purity to represent him upen earth ;that
tio and unbeliever; (2) fundamentalists; and (8) eelflsh and ambitions men, loving earthly honor and
modernists. Of the third division are those who re- glory more than the approval of God, have brought
pudiate the blood of Wi; and to them his blood in false doctriuos destructive of faith in God and his
has beaome lifeless or dead. At that time the "mom- Word; and that as a result there now exist in the
tain" of Satan, hi orgsnization called Christendom, variona denominational ohurchea two general classas,
was "on &e" with the modernist and fnndamental- towit:
ist controversies, in which the politioians and finan- " F ~ TThose
: who pretend to be Christilms, W
ciers took part; and more pnrtioulnrly "on fire" do not believe in the Bible ae Glod's w i r e d Word of
with God's indignation; and his organization on earth truth, who repudiate the doctrines of the fall of man
emphaticoJly exprmsed the will of God concerning and his redemption through the blood of Josm ChrM,
such hypoeriticnl organization of Chriaten$om, which which class is made up of apostate clergymen and
for a long time had deceived the people. By this res- . 'the principal of their floeh', who are worldly men
olution the ieaue was put squarely up to the people, of strong financial and political influenee, which clm
who were called upon to decide whether or not they exeraipces the controlling iniiumce and power in tbe

would withdraw from the unrighteous system and denominational organizatiow; and
take their stand on the Bide of the Lord. "SEOOND:That great multitude of peoples who
I claim to be Uhristians Elnll who hold and believe the
116 L I Q E T IOEv. 8 REV. 8 HIB O ~ ~ I ? O N 117
fundamental doctrines of Ch&ianity, namely: That o m and orphans, and thereby increased the m m w
the Bible ia the Word of God written under impirk and suffering of mankind.-Rom. 13:9; Matt. 26:52;
tion of the holy apirit; that the Lord Jasas came into Eeb. 12:14; ad.6:lo; Luke 3:14,
the world to redeem man from sin and death; that he "(4) They have with selfish design invaded the
gave his life a ransom for mmanldnd; that he was schools, colleges, seminaries and universities with
raised from the dead and mended into heaven and their God-dishonoring doctrines of higher criticism
w i l l come again and set up his kingdom, aci he prom- and evolution, have led the peopl~into g r w error
ised. and dwtroyed the faith of multitudes in the inspired
"The dase first above mentioned are lovera of self, Word of God.-Jcr. 12: 10, 12; 83 :13, 14; 5 :25-30;
covetow, boasters, unthsnkfnl, unholy, flexfierce, de- 8: 11; 9:8, 9.
spisers of t h w who strive to be good, heady, high- " (5) They have apnmed the true t e a a h i i of Je
minded, having a form of godlimean but denying the rms and the apostles, have mattered the floclc of God,
power thereof, and who slander, misrepresent and have produced a famine in the land for the hearing
persecute tho88 who faithfully try to represent our of the Word of the Lord, and have cawed the hungry
Lord. (2Tim. 3:1-5;Matt. 24: 9; Mark 13: 9) While and thirsty to starve for spiritual food.-Amm 8:11;
alaiming to be representatives of our Lord, they mis- Ps. 107:4, 5; Ezak. 34:4-6.
" (6) They have hated the light and the bearera of
represent him in this,to wit:
the light (Matt. 6: 14), refwd to give meat to the
" (1) They have forsaken the Word of God, denied hungry and drinlc to the h t y Christian, turned
the fall of man and denied the Lord Jasns, by whose away the stranger, failed to minister to the sick, per-
blood man must be redeemed,-Jude 4. secuted and caused to be imprisoned honest and
" (2) They have used the name of Christian nnd faithful Christians, resorted to deeds of violence
the Chriiian religion as a cloak to hide their un- against peaceable and order-loving Chrietians, and
righteousnw and to enable them to deceive the peo- 'on their skirts is found the blood of the soda of
ple, and have conuuitted spiritual fornication by unit- poor innocents'.-Jer. 2:34; Matt. 25:42, 43.
ing church with political and flnancial power.-Jer. " (7) They have wilfully repudiated and rejected i/
2 :21-24; Rev. 18: 3. the teachings of Jesus and the apostles concerning the
"(3) While pasing as the representatives of the Lord's second coming and the eatabhhment of God's
Prince of Peace, they have prepared war, openly ad- kingdom on earth for the blessing of the people, and
vised, encouragad, and advocated the same, and by have substituted therefor a man-made, Satan-directed
appealing to the patriotism of the people have in- Leaye of Nations which they hail as the savior of
duced them to engage in war; they have wrongfully mankind and as 'the politieal expression of God's
preached the men into the trenches, caused them to kingdom on earth', thus blaspheming his name and
fight and die, have filled the land with a host of wid- cause. They have taken c o d together against the
Lord and his lringdom, which counsel Jehovah de- "We, therefore, in the spirit of love sound the
clares shall not stand.-Ps. 2: 1-12; Isa. 8 : 9, 10. warning to all such peaee and order-loving and Cod-
"Furthermore, we hoId and declare that of those fearing ones who are rmociated with the denomina-
described in the seoond class there is a multitude of bional churches, and poiut them to the faet that they
the peace- and order-loving ones in the denomina-
tional churches, both Catholic and Protestant, who
have held and yet hold to their faith, who have been
I can have no part in nor fellowship with that class of
pretending Christians who repudiate the Word of
God and dony the Lord Jesus Christ and his king.
kind and considerate with and respected the faith of dom; and we call upon them t o heed tlie Word of God
their M1m regardless of creed or denomination, and separate themselves from the unolean tliing
have fed the hungry and given drink to the thirsty, ( 2 Cor. 6: 17), to withdraw themselves from the un-
have taken in the stranger, clothed the niakcd, dsited righteous ocdcsiaatical systems designated ity the
the sick and ministered to those wrongfully im- Lord as 'Babylon', and to 'come out from her, last

prisoned, all in the name of our Lord; that these have they be partaliem of her sins and receive of her
hope in the lringdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and pIagues' (Rev. 1% : 4) ; and
its attendant blessings; and that for suoh the Lord "We appeal to a11 such to recognize Jesus Christ
has dcclarcd ins love.-Matt. 25 : 3440. as King of ltings and Lord of lords, and that his king.
"We point to the fact that God through his Word dom now at hsnd is the hope and salvation of the peo-
has declared his vengeance against all unrighteous- ples; and that they individually and collectively d e
ness, and particularly against the present evil order elare thmsclves on the side of the Lord and in sym-
[Is&. 34: 1-4, 8) ; that the Lord Jesus is now invisibly pathy with his cause, and he ready to receive lhe
present judging tho nations of earth; that the end of bleesings of God's kingdom which he has prepared
the world has come and the dashing to pieces of Sa- for them from the foundation of the world."
t a n k organization will follow next (Matt. 24: 7-14); Attmtion i~ especially called to the last two para-
that all who willingly ally themselves with Satan and graphs of the resolution, which are a warnirq to all
hi organization shall suffer terrible punishment; that
those espousing the righteous eause of the Lord and
serving him shall pass through the trouble and re-
I God-fearing people to withdraw from the unrighteous
organization and an appeal t o identify themselves
with the Lord.
A "ship" symbillieally represents the cornmweial
ceive boundless blessings (Zeph. 2: 2, 3; Zeeh. 13: 8,
9; Ps. 41: 1, 2) ; that the line of demarcation between dement using the religious and political factors for
the two elasses of Christendom is clearly drawn, and selfish purposes in carrying on their trafIie. (IJrov.
that the time has come for the separation of those who 31: 14) Modernist "sbips" were busying themselves
importing so-called spiritual food from sources other
prefer evil from those who love rightwusness and dc- than the Word of God, which is Satan's sehelne to
sire the Lord's kingdom. - turn the peoplc away from God. Those who had o n e
120 L I Q l I T Wv. 8
reoeived the light of revealed truth concerning Christ "We beli~vethat every anointed child of God is
aa the Ztedeemer, and then repudiated God's Word an ambasdador for Christ and is duty-bound to give
and his Son, and used the name of Chriat for eommer. a faithful and true witness on behalf of his kingdom.
cial purposes, became as blood and died, and their op- As ambmadors for Ohriit, and without &g
portunity for the kingdom ended. This cannot mean any self-righteousness, we believe and hold that God
that the third part of the people died, but the "third has commissioned us to 'proclaim the day of ven-
part of the ereaturea which were in the sea, and had geanee of our God and to comfort all that mourn'.-
life", that is to say, had raoeivedenough of trnththat ha. 61 :2.
they might obtain life through Christ. Repudiating "We bcliove and hold that it is God's due time for
thie, such favor to them ended. Sincethe great procla- his displeaeure to be expressed against wicked systems
mation of the message concerning God's kingdom that have blinded the people to the truth and thereby
throughout the earth during the peat I%@ years there deprived them of peace and hope; and to the end that
is no exeuse for anyone to pose as a preacher of God's the people might h o w the truth and receive some
Word and at the same time to misrepresent him and comfort for future bleasinga we present this indict-
his means of salvation; and God's indignation is ex- ment, based upon the Word of Ood, and point to the
pressed against all such. divine provision aa the remedy for man'e oomplete
relief :
"We present and charge that Satan formed a con-
spiracy for tho purpose of keeping the peoples in ig-
Again God pqt it in the mind of his people, by his norance of God's provision for blagsing them with
angel, to a d and to carry out hie purposes. In July, life, liberty and happiness; and that others, to wit,
1924, at an international oasembly of Ood's people at unfaithful preachers, conscienceless profiteers, and
Columbus, Ohio, a resolution designated "Indict unffirupulous politicians, have entered into said con-
ment" was adopted, and which, together with the spiracy, either willingly or unwillingly;
supporting discourse, "Civilieation Doomed," was "That unfaithful preachers have formed themselves
later printed and widely distributed amongst the peo- into ecclesiastical system, consisting of councils, s p
ples of earth and was hortly therenfter followed by ods, presbyteries, sssociations, etc., and have desig-
a world-wide series of discourses by many speakers. nated themaelvca therein as popes, cardinah, bishops,
doctom of divinity, pastors, shepherds, reverends,
"INDICTMENT eto., and elected themaelves to suoh offlces, which ag-
"We, the International Bible Students, in cbnven- gregation is herein designated as 'the olergy'; and
tion assembled, declare our unqualified allegiance to that these have willingly mnde commercial giants a d
Chrkt, who is now present and setting up his king- professional politicians the principal ones of their
dom, and to that kingdom. flo&
''We present and charge that the o l q y have and indkputable proof that the old world has ended
gielded to the temptations prwented to them by S a and that his kingdom is at hand, they have scoffed
tan and, contrary to Uad's Word, have joined in said at and rejwted the testimony, permuted, arrested
conspiracy, and in furtherance thereof have com- and c a d the imprisonment of witnemea for the
mitted the overt acts as follows, to wit: Lord.
" (1) That they have need their sairitual aowers. “mCTBINEB
enjoyod by r e m i of their position, t o grati& the&
own s c l f i desim by feecling and exalting themselves "We further present and charge that the clergy as
and lailing and refwing to feed or teach the people a e l m have constituted themselves the fountain of
@d'$Word of truth; dootrinw which, in the furthernnce of said w p i r -
" (2) That loving the glory of this world, and de-
acy, thcy have sent forth to the people, claiming suoh
siring to shine before men and have the approval of doctrines to be the teachings of God's Word, well
men (Luke 4 :8 ; Jas. 4 :4 ; 1 John 2 1 15) they have knowing the same to be untrue] in this, to wit:
clothed themselves in gaudy apparel, decked thm. (1) That they falsely cl&imto be the divinely ap- J
aelvw with jewels, and have m e d a fopm of ~fodli- pointed suecessors to the inspired apostlw of Jesus
nossr whilc denying Qod'a Word and the power there- Christ; whereas the Soriptures cl~&sXyshow that
there are no successors to tho Lord's apostles;
of; "(2) That they alaim the sole right to interpret
" (8) That they have failed and reLused to preach the Scriptures, and that therefore they alone know
to the people the message of M&ah7s lringdom and
to point them to the evidences relating to his gecond what the people should believe; and by this m e w
coming; and being unwilling to await the Lord's due they have kept the people in ignorance of the Bible;
time to set up his kingdom, and W i g ambitiow to and now in this time of increased knowledge and
appear wise and great, they have, tagether with their much reading, when the people might read and un-
coconspirators, claimed the ability to set up God's derstand, these solf-constituted 'successors to the
kingdom on earth without God, and have endorsed apostles' discourage the people from reading the Bi-
the League of Nations and declared it to be 'the po. ble and Bible literature, deny the inspiration of tho
litied expression of God's kingdom on earth', thereby Scriptures, teach evolution, and by them means turn
breaking their iregiance to the Lord Jesns Christ the minds of the people away from God and his Word
and declaring their allegiance to the Devil, the god of truth;
of evil; and to this end they have advwted a d sane. "(8) That they have taught and teach the divine
tifled war, turned their church BdiAces into m r u i t w right of kings to rule the peoplw, claiming such rule
stations, acted na recruiting doera for foray, and to be the kingdom of God on earth; they hold that
preaehed men into the trenches, there to d e e r and $h0y a d the prinoipal of their floclra are commie-
die; and when the Lord presented to them thv clear moned of Qod to direct the policy and coarse of the
nations, and that if the people do not mbmjssively in a world war, quickly followed by famine, pesti-
concur in such poliaies then the people are unpatri- lence, revolutions, the return of God'e favor to the
otic or disloyal; Jews, d.i8treae and perplexity of the nations; and that
J "(4) That they are the authors of the unreason- during mch time the God of heaven would set up his
sble,nnd falee doctrine of the trinity, by which they kingdom, whieh will stand forever (Dan.2 :44) ; that
elaim and teach that Jehovah, Jesus, and the holy ignoring arnd refusing to consider them plain truths
spirit are three persons in one, whieh fallacy they ad- and evidences, they have willingly gone on in dark-
mit cannot be understood nor explnined; that this nwa, together with their allies, profiteers and poli-
false doctrine has blinded the people to the true mean- ticians, in an attempt to set up a world power for the
ing of the great ransom sacrifice of Jesus W i t , purpose of ruling and keeping the people in wbjw
tlrrongh which men can be saved; tion; all of which is contrary to the Word of God and
"(5) That they teach and have taught the fabe against his dignity and good name.
dodrinc of human immortality; that is to say, that "The doctrines taught by the clergy, and their
dl men are created immortal souls, which cannot die; course of action herein stated are admitted; and up-
which doctrine they well know to be false, for it is on the undisputed facts and upon the law of God's
based exclusively upon the statement of Satan, which Word they stand mnfeawdly guilty before God and
statement Jesus declares to be a great lie (Cten. 3: in the eyes of the world upon every charge in this in-
1-6;John 8 :44) ; dictment.
"(6) That they preaah and tea& the doctrine of "Upon the authority of the propheoy of God's
eternal torment; that is to say, that the penalty for Word now being ful6lled, we deolare that this is the
sin is conscious torment in hell, eternal in duration; day of God's wrath upon Christendom; and that he
whereas they lmow that the Bible teaches that the stand# in the midst of the mighty and controlling
wages of sin is death; that hell is the state of death factors of the world, to wit, the olergy and the prin-
or the tomb; that the dead are unconsoions until the cipal of their ftocks, to judge and to exprw hia rig&
mmmection, and that the ransom sacrifice is provided eous indignation again& them and their unrighteous
that all in due time may have an opportunity to b e @ems and doctrines.
lieve and obey the Lord and live, while the wilfully

"We further declare that the only hope for the
wicked are to be punishod with an everlasting de- peace and happiness of the peoplas of earth is Mw-
struction; siah's kingdom,
- - his followers
. for which Jesus taught
"(7) That they deny the right of the Lord to e 5 to pray.
tabliih his kingdom on earth, well knowing that Je- "Therefore we oall upon the peoplas and nations
sus taught that ha would come again at the end of of earth to witnm that the ataternents here made are
the world, and that the fact of that time would be true; and in order that the people might, in this time
made hown by the nations of Chriskndom engaging of perplexity and distress, have hope and comfort,
we urge upon them t h p r a i d and diligent a t u ~ torohlight of civilization. (2 Cor. 11: 14) His purpose
of the Bible, that they might learn therefrom that was to deceive the people, but (tod aent his angel and
Gbd through Christ and hi kingdom has a complete caused the annonncment to be made that Satan'a
and adequate p r o d b n for the blming of mankind 'civilization is doomed'. This was done in the "In-
upon earth with peace and prosperity, liberty, happi- dictment" and in the world-wide witnese that fol-
noss and eternal life, and thet his kingdom ia at lowed and by the Wribution of upward of fifty mil-
hand." lion copioa of the resolution. It was about that time
Thna in his own due time God fulfilled hie proph- that God revealed to his people that there had been
eay by m d through his organization, and his faithful a went war in heaven and thut Satan was aast out
people on earth had a small part therein, even though of heaven, which t r u t b were later published in The
without their knowledge at the time that it was a Pul- Watch Tower under the caption of "The Birth of
9lment of prophecy. It wsa at that same convention The Nation". (Z 1925, page 67) The exact time of
that the proof brought forth cxmelusivdy showed that Satan's falliig from heaven is not stated, but mani-
Satan is not b o d , but is actively endeavoring to featly it was between 1914 and 1918, and was after-
turn all creation away from Gbd. The "Indictment" wasds revealed to Oad's people.
charged that the faithlese clergy, the profiteer8 and "The star," Satan, fell upon the "third part of
the politicians were in a conspiracy with Satan to the rivm, and upon the fountaim of waters", which
keep the people in ignorance of Qod'a Word and his evidently refere to the professional ruling group
Idagdorn, Gbd's conseerated people at that eonvention as distinguished from the agrieulturd and artisan
and following it began to snaounw what the angel of group. The ruling group is made up of tliose who at-
the Lord had m d e d by his trumpet: tempt to tell the people how the world shall be op-
"And the third angel sounded, and there fell a erated, and who claim to be divinely assigncd to the
great star from heaven, burning sa it were a lamp, work of conducting earth's affairs. Thcy are the
snd it fell upon the third part of the rivers, snd np- "fountains of waters" who have ignored Jehovsh a~
on the fountains of watom; and the name of the star "the fountain of living waters". They have hewn out
ia called Tvormwood: and the third part of the waters water holes of their own, whioh hold no truth. (Jer.
bccame wormwood; and many men died of the waters, 2: 13) They have attempted to dictate to the people
because they were made bitter."-Rev. 8: 1%11. concerning their every affair of life, and Satan has
The "great star" falling from heaven as a burn- complete charge of all such.-Rev. 12:12.
ing lamp was Satan. "I beheld Satan as lightning The name of this star is called "Wormwood",
fall from heaven." (Luke 10: 18) Ee wea one of bhe which means bitter. Being mat out of heaven Satan
great stars before Jehovah Ood. (Job 98:7) Being is in the "gall of bitternw". (Acts 8: 25) He has
a& out of heaven, and seeing civiliiation in great dis- tried to make the liva of God's people bitter and to
taws, he pmtmded to become a lightbearer and the turn all people to bitterness against Jehwah sod. He
R ~ v8. HIS OIl(tANI5ATION 129
is bitter against Jehovoh and againat the 'seed of The sounding of these trumpets exposes Satan'a
promiae' and is making the existence of the people I organization and disclosw God's organieation and
bitter.-Gen. 8 :15; Rev. 12 :17. somc of the work being done prepurntory to the great
"And the third part of the waters became worm- and finalc o ~ c t .
wood.'' The many policies and theories that have
been brought forth by the ruling factors and tried FOUILTH TRUMPET
out on the people have eventuated in bitterness to
the people and to the chagrin of the authors of such Jehovah continuing to direct the movement of his
schemes. They are the ones "who turn judgment to organization, the fourth angcl of the Lord sounds his
wormwood, and leave off righteoasnem in the earth". trumpet: "And the fourth angel aounded, and the
/ A m 5 :7; 6 : 12) This ruling group, 5 d partieu- third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part
Iarly the fraudulent, religiom profitears, are a wicked of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the
arowd, having turned away from the light which they third part of them was darkencd, and the day shone
onae had. "A righteous man falling down before the not for a third part of it, and the night likewise."
wicked is as a troubled fountain [bitter waters], and (Rev. 8: 12) The third part of the group aomposed
8 corrupt spring." (Prov. 25: 26) "And many men
of Big Businem, and symbolized by the golden sun of
died of the waters, because they were made bitter." prosperity; the so-called ~tatesmen or law-making
The policiw adopted and carried on since the World element, symbolized by thc moon; and the fraudulent
War by the ruling gmup have prolonged and in- clergy, symbolized by the stars, claimed to be the
creased human WfEwkg, musing great wastsge and light of the world, and thcy have falsoly used the
a tremendous loas of human life. At the same time
eome of the spirit-begotten ones, being deceived and
5lled with bitternem of the Devil, have aho died. The
I slogan: "Make the world safe for democracy." They
hold forth themselves and their schemes aa the saviors
of men. Their glory must be broken.
ruling group since the World Wnr have held over two God directed his angel, the fourth, to sound, and
hundred conferences, all of which have failed, much directed his people on earth, ae members of his or-
to their chagrin. The Lord is giving these governing ganization, to take up the message aounded and
fnctora, and partienlaxly the false clergy and the r
herald it on. In Auguat, 1925, at a general eonvention
principal of their flock, a dose of their own medicine. of God's people assombled at Indianapolis, a resolu-
To each other they say: "Why do we crit sUl? assem- tion "Mwage of Bope" was unanimously adopted
ble yourselves, and let ns enter into the defenced I
which, together with the supporting discourse, "A
cities, and let w be silent there; for the Lord our God
hath put us to silence, and given'us water of gall to
drink, because we have sinned against the Lord."-
1 Standard for the People,1pwas herdded by word of
mouth and by radio and by the printed copiea to mil-
Jer. 8 :14. lions of people throughout the earth.
180 L I G H T WY* 8 &. 8' HIS ORQbMZATION 131
''MBSSAG'E OF HOPN deny hie Word and hiis p u r w e of redemption and
"To All Peoples of Qood Will: offer blind force as a remedy for man's undone con-
"The International Bible Students in general con- dition. Fundamentalists, while professing to believe
vention aeaembled send greetings: the Bible, by their eouraa of action deny the same.
"When in the course of human affairs the nations They teach false and God-dishonoring doetrines and
have reached a condition of extremity it is due time together with Catholics and Modernists are allied
that the peoples give consideration to the inducing with the political and commercial powers of the world
cuusa, to the proffered remedies and to the true in hlaaphemously. claiming the abiity to establish
remedy. We humbly invite consideration of this mes God's kingdom on earth. All of these have combined,
sage to the end that the peoples might 6nd comla- under Satan their superlord, to push God into a wr-
tion therein and hope for their future welfare. ner and to dishonor his name.
"For centuries man hae been the victim of oppras- "The r d t s are that the peoples are smarting un-
mon, war, famine, sickness, sorrow and death. At all der the oppressive weight of oommercial profiteers
times he has desired peace, prosperity, health, life, and their allies, have loat faith in their political lead-
liberty and happineas. era nnd no longer have respect for the religionists
"World powers, science am3 philosophy, eommem who have misled them. Being guided by thefalse light
and religion, have each in turn offered their respec- of such an ungodly and unholy alliance, the peoplca
tive remedics for man's relief. I n the name and under have fallen into darkness. They are like logt Bheep
the gnise of democracy, these combine in offering soattored upon the mountain topa without a shepherd
their joint and several powers to meet the require- and are without food and shelter and are made the
me& of man. Together they claim to be the sunlight prey of wild beasts.
of the world, holding forth all the light that shines "Tha causes
. for this deplorable condition are that
to enlighten and guide the human race. man by reason of originai sin fell from perfeation:
"Intrigue, duplicity and trickery are fieely re- and that Satan the enmny of God and all r i g h t e ~ w
sorted to by the political and commercial powera; n w is the invisible ruler or god of this evil world
scienco and philosophy are marked by vanity and and by his various agencies hss turned the minds of
seE-dcieney; while the religionists, both Catholio many peoples away from God and from his truth.
and Protestant, are eonspiouous by their arroganoe, "The greatest crisis of the ages is impendig and
self-conwit, impiety and ungodliness. Therefore it is about to fall, because the old world has ended and
apparent that the remedies offered by any and sll of Satan's lease of power is done. Knowing this, and
these aforementioned elements arc vain, impotent and that his time is short, the Devil is trying to over-
powerless to sntisfy man's desire. whelm the peoples with a great flood of false and de- .
"Catholicism claims and assumes that which justly ceptive dootrines and to turn their minh completely
belongs cxcluaively to God. Noodornists denz h d , away from Jehovah. The time has come for God to
make for himself a name in the eartb and fop the "God's kingdom for which the peoples have long
peoples to h o w the truth concerning the divine pur- prayed is at hand. It alone can and will egtahlish and
pose, which is the only means of salvation for the stabiliie the world so that it cannot be moved. Its en-
world. sign of righteousness is the standard now lifted up
"Therefore, in the name and in the spirit of the for the pwple. Christ Jesus, as glorified King and
Lord, the standard of God's truth and righteousness great executive ofaoer of Jehovah God, has become
is here lifted up against the enemy and for the bem- the rightful ruler of the world. Let the pwplw re-
flt of the peoples, which standard is, to wit: ceive, believe and obey him and his laws of righteom-
"That Jehovah is the only true God, the &I& neas. All who ao do are certain to receive the bl-
- - . the author and 6nisher of hi
Hiuh, the Almiuhtv. of pence, prosperity, health, life, liberty and eternal
purpose for the salvation of man, and is the r e happiness.
warder of all that diligently seek and obey him;that "Dated Inddonapolis, Bug. 29, 1925."
the Bible is his revealed Word of truth; that his be- That message expoeed the intrigue, duplicity and
loved Son Christ Jesus is the Redeemer and Deliverer trickery of the ruling group. When it fell upon their
of manlrind and, true to his promise, has come to rule earn it cast a gloom on the brightnem of their light.
and bless the peoples; that the present turmoil, dis- Their father and leader Satan, and his schemes, and
trem and perplexity of the nations is in fulfilment of their own schemee, were exposed to the gaze of the
propheoy, proving that Satan's empire must fall people, which dimmed the brilliancy of the enemy's
m n and that the Lord of righteonmeis is taking organization. The message pointed out that the cause
p@swsion; that the Lord Jesus is now establjshing of the distress and d e r i n g among the peoples of
his righteous government and will sweep away Sa- earth is due to Satan and his sel5h agenciw. In
tan's Btronghold of lies, l a d the peoples into the true striking contrast it held forth a d ' s standard for the
light and judge the world in rightmumeas and the people, pointing them to the divine Btandard as the
peoples with hi truth; and that his kingdom of right- only hope of salvation and telling them that Cod's
eousness is the only remedy for the ills of humankind. kingdom and his m i n t e d King has come and is
marching majestically on to the complete deatruetion
"We confidently appeal to the peoples to rally to of Satan's organization. It was a maasage of gloom to
the divine standard of truth thus lifted up and there- the enemy organization. It was a message of hope and
by learn the way that leads to life and happiness. We joy to thoae who have faith in God. It wag a part of
call upon all the peoples of good will of every nation, God's ever-inoreasing light to those who love him.
kiidred and tongue, to disaard the errors invented by - --- -- --,the -light
"Mnr~nvnr. --- of- the moon shall be as the
the enemy Satan and for many years taught by man, light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be
and to receive and believe the divine purpose for sal- sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that *
vation as set forth in tho Scriptures. the Lord bindeth up the breach of hie people, and
hedeth the &&e of their w d . " (18s. 30: 26) On when Jehavah's forces nhall completely triumph. This
the 31et of October, 1925, began a world-wide distri- fumightednesa of God's people is illustrated by the
bution of %his resolution and it8 supporting argu- eagle. God's devoted people, therefore, with eagle-
ment, and millions of wpies in many langoages were vision, have gone forward with the work in proelaim-
put in the hands of the people; and this had the effect jng the vengeance of God against Satan's organiza-
of darkening the sahemes of the worldly orgepiza- tion, which is a "woe" to those composing the or-
tiom. &ation. The elear implication from this statement
muat be that the "voices of the trumpet of the three
John (the servant clnss) then bchcld, and heard an angels'' yet to sound would Bnnounee God's ven-
"angel" wing in the midst of heaven A nmnber of geance upon Satan's organization and assign the rea-
versiom render this word "eagle" instead of "an- son therefor,
gel". (Diag., Roth., A.R.V.) The eagle is far-visioned.
(Job 39: 29) It symbolizes the servant8 of the Lord
who are privilegd to have some far vision of what a-. THE JWILEE
At this point will be of intereat to read an article
the Lord b about to do. It was believed that Jehovah appearing in the Watch Tower of February 15, 1925,
had provided the radio to proclaim hi mess* of under the caption, "The Year of Jubilee." It is an
tmth. Amidst muoh tribulation, which was to be ex. example of how Uud pennib his people to have part
peeted, the radio station WBBR was built and put in in the f a l m e n t of his prophecy and then later tells
operation, and at leaat five other radio atatiom were them about it. Without previona knowledge or design
then broadcwthg the truth. The resolution known on tho part of any one connected with The Watch
aa the " M e ~ ~ a gof
e Hope", and the aeeompmying Tower, the time for the Columbw (Ohio) eonvention
discourse, "A Standard for the Peoplq" was broad- was flxed for July, 1924. Exactly ten years, to the
east throughout America wid Canada on radio st* day, from the beginning of the World War the me&
. tiom, as well a4 in other forms mentioned sage "Civilination Doomed" wae delivered in mpport
The viaion says that the eagle b heard to say: of the *'Indictment", which time marked the last
"Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the w l h , by typical jubilee; and, &owing that the antitypid
reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three jubilee must begin in 1925, the mwage mnounced
angels, whi~hax$ yet to soundl" It was in that same the doom of Satan's organization and that the time
had come when the people should go free. The y m J
4 A
year that God's people saw clearly that the battle of
Armae;eddon would be the battle of God against S a 1925 marked the due time for the great jubilee, and
tan, and not a meI6e between contending forcas of the announcement was made in due course. But the
mankind. (Bee Watch Tower, January 1, 1925.) It world rulers failed to heed God's message and to
was seen that there remained much work to be done "proclaim libert~throughout all the land". (Lev.
to give the witnw before the great and tel~ibleday 25: 10) On the contrary, the oppression of the people
186 L I O I I T Bw,S
wntinued with increasing power. The wodd ruling We want to believe, we must believe, and we do be-
alass had promised the people that the world would be lieve that the Lord direota the wnme of his people
made safe for demwracy, whioh was equivalent to a who are wholly devoted to him. (Pa. 32: 8; 48: 14;
promise that they should be free; but "they turned, 78: 24; Iaa. 68: 11) A convention of a d ' s devoted
and caused the servants and the handmaids [the class people aasemblcd in London, England, in May, 1926.
really doing the laborious work], whom they had let A dimourae entitled "The Servant and Service'',
go free [aa promised], to return, and brought them baaed upon Isaiah's prophecy in chapter forb-nine,
into subjection... . Therefore thus saith the Lord, Ye
have not hearkened unto me, in proelaiming liberty,
disolmd for the Arat time to God's aasembled people
the true meaning of "The Servant". A rwolution
every one to hi brother, and every man to his ncigh- entitled "A Testimony to the Rulera of the World"
bow: bohold me! proclaiming to you a liberty, d e waa than introduced. It was supported by a public
dareth Jehovah; unto [I] the sword; unto [ Z ] the addreaa delivered at Royal Albert Hall entitled "Why
pestilence; and unto [a] the famine. .. .And their
dead bodies shall become food for the b i d of the
World Powers Are Tottering". The morning follow-
ing the adoption of thin resolution, ''The Testimony,"
heavens, and for the beasts of the earth. [And. the] and the delivery of the supporting argument, a daily
king ... with his prinoes will I give into the hand of
their enemies, and into the hand of them who are
paper of London published a full report of both, and
more than a million copies were put in the hands of
seeking their life." (Jer. 34: 11,17, 20, 21) (See also the people that day, and later upward of m y million
Rotherham.) This prophecy accords with the 1igur5 copies were published in many languages and d b
tive or aymbolic portrayal of the ninth chapter of tributed thronghont the world. At the same conven-
Revelation concerning the "two woes", which is now tion the Deliver~lcebook waa released international-
here considered. Please read Revelation the ninth ly. The Lord's people began to see and appreciate,
ohapter. aa they had not previously, the two opposing organi-
TEE BTAU zationa and the privilege that Qod's anointed ones
Jehovah's greatest "star" is Jesus the beloved have in W i g hi witnesses and servaata
"There shall wme a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre
ahall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the eomers of "A TESTIMONY
Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth. Out of "To THE R u m OF TEE WORLD:
Jacob ehall oome he that shall have dominion, and "The International Bible Students in general con-
shall destroy him that remaineth of the city." (Num. vention assembled declare their unqualified allegiance
24: 17, 19) This prophecy must have a complete ful- and devotion to the Almighty God, and believing it
sent in God's due time. The "fifth angel" was now to be their privilege and duty so to do, in obedience
due to sound and it marks the fulilhent of tho to the wmmandments of God, send this tcatimonv to
prophecy. the governing powers of the world, to wit:
188 L I d H l Fav. 9
BSW. P HIS O I Z Q ~ T I O N lap

"FIRST. That it ia of paramount impo4ance that right Or Wrong. But now the time hse oarme when Glod
all reoognize that Jehovah, the Creator of h e a m and will intedere in behalf of the peoples.
earth, is the true and Almighty Glod besidea whom "THIRD. That Christ Jesus, by his faithfulness
there ia none other; that hie purpose for man is set unto death, became the Redeemer and Deliverer of
forth in the Bible, which is his Word of truth, and mankind; that when on earth he taught that the time
that Christ Jesus ia the Bxecutor of Jehovah's pur- for the deliverance of the people would begin when
pose; that it is now apparent to all that the nations the evil world under the rulership of Satan &all end,
of the world are in dire distress and perplexity, and and that he, Christ Jesne, would return and set up
great trouble miore terrible than any heretofore ex- Glod's kingdom of righteousness that the peoplerr
perienced is now threatened; that the efforts of the might know and follow the right way; and for this
rrileru to establish a desirable govesnment or world reason he taught hia followers to pray, 'Thy king-
power have failed; and, now be it known unto you, dom come. Thy will be done on earth as in heaven';
that the outworking of God's purpose concerning that in the meantime world powers have been or-
man, and that alone, can and will stabilize the world, ganieed and carried on for the purpose of m l i and
and bring lasting peaoe, prosperity and happinem to controlling the peoples, and them world powers are
tho peoplea, and that the time has come for W e who d-ated in the Scripturw under the m b o l ‘beast'
are exercising governing power over the peoples to for the evident r e m n that they are the result of the
recognize theae great truth combiied efforts of the commercial, political and ec-
"SECOND. That the reason for the prevailing eleaiastical leaders of men and are influenced and
condition of perplexity and distress is beeawe m m dominated by Satan, the gad of this world, and have
disobeyed the true God and yielded to the wick& in- been, and are, military, h a d , muel and oppressive,
fluenco of Satan, the false god; that Lucifer, origi- and manifest the spirit of Satan, their invisible ruler,
nally the rightful overlord of man, became of his dii or god; and now the repeated cries of oppressed hu-
loyalty to God became Satan the Devil, the instigator manity have reached unto the Qod of heaven, who
of all evil, and the advemary of God, and the arch w i l l hear and deliver them.
enemy of man; that the evil one alienated man from "FOURTH. That divine prophecy now fulfilled,
the true God, and caused him to sin, by resson of and in the course of fulfilment, beam testimony to
whiah man lost his perfect home and his right to toe the fact that Satan's lease of power is done, and that
and happiness; that aince then man hm organized the old world has ended, and that the time is at hand
governments and world powera in an attempt to when Christ Jesus, the executive offieer of Jeh~vah
govern himself, but in so doing ha^ ignored the. Word and the rightful King of earth, will onrrt Satan the
of God and submitted to the control of Satan the evil one and begin hia righteous government9 whlch
Devil; that until now God has not interfered with shall establish W'e will on &h; that beginning
Satan to tho end that man might be free to choose with 1914 divine prophccy in the c o r n of fuliihent

gave testimony that the end of the evil world had be- prophet concerning the federation, saying, 'Associate
gun in this, to wit, the World War, famine, pesti- yourselves, 0 ye people, and ye shall be broken in
lence, earthquakes, revolutions, the return of the Jews pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries; gird
to Palestine, and later follo~vedby general distress yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take
and perplexity of the nations of the world; that this counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak
testimony of the fulfilment of the divine prophecy the word, and it shall not stand. '-Isa. 8: 9, 10.
having been plainly given to the governing powers of "SIXTH. That by reason of the blinding influence
the world, there is placed upon the sl~ouldersof the of Satan the minds of the rulers and the ruled are
rulers a responsibility that cannot be avoided. turned away from the true God, and the evil forces
"FIFTII. That although Jehovah God furnished are gathering the wholc world unto the great battle
conclusive proof that the evil world had ended and of the Lord God Almighty; that there is now impend-
that the time for the reign of his beloved Son had ing a time of troublc such as the world has ncvor
come, yet this testimony was ignored and pushed known, during which conflict Satan's powerful or-
aside by those who should have known better; and ganization shall fall never to rise a.gain, and there
contrary to the Word of God the commercial, political shall be such a demonstration of divine power that
and ecclesiastical rulers attempted to stabilize the all the nations will lcarn that Jehovah is God and
world and keep the peoples under control by adopt- that Christ Jcsus is IGng of kings and Lord of lords.
ing that malashift which is called the League of Na- "SEVENTR. That the great tribulation will re-
tions and which was wrongfully and hlaspl~cmo~xdy veal to the people thc kingdom of God, which king-
hailed as the political expression of God's kinqdom dom shall rest upon the shoulder of his beloved Son
on earth; that the real author and father of the the Prince of Peace, and of the peace of that kingdom
League of Nations compact is Satan the Devil, the
god of this world, which was put forward by him as
his last desperate effort to deceive the peoples, turn
them away from thc true God, and hold them under
his own wicked control; that now after seven ycars
of laborious effort on the part of the proponents of
I there shall be no cnd: it will bring the heart's desire
of all peoples of good will, and in that kingdom the
blind ignorance with which the people have long been
afflicted will be forever removed and with the knowl-
edge of and obedience to God there shall come to the
people everlasting peace, prosperity, health, lifc, lib-
that compact to establish peacc and prosperity, i t is erty and happiness; and that the kingdom will be the
practically conceded that the League of Nations is a complete fulfilment of the prophetic song of thc an-
complete failure and that its utter collapse is a mat- gels, 'Peace on earth, good will toward men.'
ter of o111y a brief space of time; that even now mhile "Therefore we earnestly bear before you this testi-
its advocates are striving to re-assemble their forces mony: That Jehovah is The Cod, and that he has in-
to maintain that disintegrating and unholy alliance, stalled Christ his Son, as TILEKing of the earth, and
the peoples are hearing the solemn warning of God's bids you to give Idl obcdicnce to earth's rightful
142 L I O I I T ~aov. B HI8 0RQA.NIZATIQN Y.48
King. Do so and use your infiuence to turn the minds would have the key to let himaelf out of that pit. The
of the people to THE: TRUE GOD, that disaster may I divine record is that Jesua will open the bottomlm
not befall you.-Pa. 2: 2-12.'' pit at the end of the thousand years to let Satan out
Concerning the vision John says: "I saw a star for a short season; and Jesua opens that pit or abyas
fall f m heaven unto the earth: and to him was for the sleeping saints to come out in due time. When
given the key of the bottomless pit [abyss]." The Jesas was on the earth he, and none other, had re-
proper identification of thia atar will be the key to wived authoriw over the a b p or pit. (Luke 8 :30-33,
the underatanding of the prophecy. Undoubtedly that Diag.) These scripturea identify Jesas as the Star,
star is Clrist Jeans: "The Lord himself shall descend beyond any queation.
[come down] from heaven . with the voice of the
arehangel, and with the trump of Uod." (1 Thess.
The record is that when this mighty Star came
down from heaven he opened the bottomless pit or
4: 16) The Diaglott renders this text:"A Star hav- abyaa and "there arose a amoke out of the pit". The
ing fallen from the hcaven to the earth." Rotherham moke ascending aa from a great furnace is a precur-
renders it: "A star out of heaven fallen unto the sor of destruction coming from that source which
earth." The fall, as stated in this text, doex not de- is controlled only by Jehovah and hia Christ. It there-
note something bad. Rather the thought is that tho fore symbolically pictures dastruction. Likewise the
atar has come down from heaven to earth. Coming 'unruly tongue aet on fire' is one of dastruetion, as
from his exalted position to earth is beat represented the Soripturm describe. 4 Jaa. 3 : 6) The "whirlwind':
by the word "fall" or "descend", and the Azcthor- whioh Ezekiel aaw, was a aymbol of the same thing.
ieed Veraiolc nscs the word "descend". The thought (Bzek. 1:4) AE further proof that the "smoke" is a
might be well expressed that thia mighty Star here symbol of coming destruction God's prophet wmte:
and now condescended, descended or came down to "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an
give attention to things pertaining to the earth. oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wicked-
The words of Revelation 9: 1, "to him was given ly, .ehall be atubble: and the day that cometh Bhsll
the key of the bottomless pit [or abyas]," definitely burn them up, aaith the Lord of hoeta, that it &all
identify the Star as Christ Jesus. (Rev. 1:18; 20: 1) leave them neither root nor branch." (Nal 4: 1)
No one but Christ Jesus ia given the key to the bot- "And the sun and the air were darkened by reason of
tomlass pit, or abyss; hence the Stm mentioned must the mnoko of the pit." (Rev. 9: 2) Symbolically this
be the Lord J c m Christ himself. At his d&h he s a p 'the time haa come to proclaim the vengeance of
went into the abyss, or "pit", but God brought him Jehovah God againat the enemy's organization'.
up therefrom; and having gained thia victory over The resolution adopted at London, above mentioned
death ho would be the one properly entru4ted with aa "A Testimony to the Rulers of the World", and
the key thereto. (Ps. 16: 10; Acts 3: 15) The gtss the supporting meaaage, was the preaching of the
mentioned could not be Satan; because if mo, then he Word of God concerning his vengeance, and giving

the reason for the impending fall of the world pow- began to take notice that something undesirable was
ers. This was not the messa$e of man or men, but the approaching. The "moke" and tbat which came out
message of t he Lord's Word which God through his of it worried the Devil's agents.
angels, without a doubt, directed should be spoken.
J We must therefore conclude that the angel of the LOCUST9
Lord dire& the movements of Cod's organization in John describes "locusts" coming out of the smoke
obedience to the command coming from "the higher upon the earth and that there was given to them pow-
powers", Jehovah and Chriat. The message contained er or authority 'as scorpions have'. (Vs. 3 ) These lo-
in the Debivsranoe book, released at the hesame time, custs could not symbolize Satan's servants, but they
was a more detailed description of Satan's organiza- do symbolically represent the servants of Jehovah
tion and God's organization preparing for battle. God. The proof of the correetnesa of this statement
T h w messages especially make mention that the is submitted. Verse eleven of this same ninth ehapter
name of Jehovah is exalted and expose the wiclrednes of Revelation says concerning the locusts : "And they
of the enemy organization. These great truths of J e had a king over them, which is the angel of the bot-
hovah therefore caused "the brightness of the firma- tornleas pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is
ment" of Satan to be darkened. Abaddon, but in the G~eektongue hath his name
Isaiah, giving a description of the Lord in his tem- i Apollyon." This shows that the locusts symbolize an
ple, says: "And the posts of the door moved at the organized band or company going forth under their
voice of him tbat cried, and the house wm filled with . supreme commander, and ather scriptures identify
smoke." (Isa. 6: 4) Thus the glory of the Lord ap- Jesus Chrkt as that King and Commander and the
peared, f i l l i i his temple. The proolamation of this Head of the elect servant of God. The "locusts" there
messwe of truth began to put Satan and his cohorts fore must represent the remnant. The remnant "hon-
in the shade. The army of the Lord is now being or the King".-1 Pet. 2: 17.
mustered, and concerning that army, and what ac- The word "Abaddon" is derived from the Hebrew
companies it from the Lord, hi Word says: "The term abad, and is applied to Jehovah, who iri the One
earth shall quake before them; theheavens shall trem- . that is "able to save and to destroy". Jehovah de-
ble : the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars stroys them that hate him. (Deut. 7: 10) Many Serip-
shall withdraw their shining; and the Lord shall utter ture %ex%apply this Hebrew word to Jehovah rela-
his voiee before his army; for his camp is very great: tive to destruction. For example : "I will destroy thee,
for he is strong that exeauteth his word: for the day 0 covering cherub." (Ezek. 28: 16) "Shall I not in
of the Lord is great and very terrible; and who can that day [day of the Lord], saith the Lord, even de-
abide i t ? And I will shew wonders in the heavens and stroy [Hebrew, abad] the wise men out of Edom, and
in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke." understanding ont of the mount of Esau [Satan's or-
(Joel 2 : 10, 11, 30) Even the Devil's organization ganization] ?') (Obad. 8) To the same effect it is writ-
146 L I a n T mv. B aSv. 0 S I B OIcaANIZATION 147
ten: "And it shall come to paas in that day, 4 t h the and therefore proves that the same refera to t h e m -
Lord, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst nant on earth, who "keep the commandments of God
of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots."-Mic. 5: 10. and have the testimony of Jesus Christ". These are
The Greek word Apollyon, which the Revelator up- the willing volunteers in the day of the Lord's power.
plies here, mesna "destroying one", and is applied (Pa. 110: 3) John snys: "And the shapes of the lo-
many timtw in the Scriptures to Jehovah, who is euata were like unto horses prepared nuto battle."
called the destroying One. (Matt. 10: 28; 21: 41; , (Vs. 7) Thia further identiflea them as the same ones
Jude 5) If there could be snp doubt abont this, James who form the Lord's army as deaoribed by the Proph-
settle8 it when he write#: "There is one lawgiver, who et Joel.--Joel 2.
ia able to nave and to destroy [Greek, apollynil: who The home is symbolically wed in the Scriptures to
art t h ~ nthat judgest nnother9" (Jas. 4:12) The represent warfare. "The horse rueheth into the bat-
overwhelming Scriptural authority, in both the Old tle." (Jer. 8: 6) God's remnant now on the earth
and the New Testment, applies these titles to Jeho- have taken the offensive. Fearlessly they volunteer
vah. Christ Jesus bcir- the chief executive officer of and move forward to battle under their Leader and
Jehovah, to whom is committed all power in heaven Commander. (PB. 110: 3) Jehovah's description of
and earth, and being authorized to act as Jehovnh's the horse follows: "Hast thou given the home
officer to destroy, the titles Abaddon and Apollyon etrengtht hast thou clothed his neck with thunder$
therefore properly apply to him. (Nnm. 24: 17-19; Canst thou mnke him afraid as a grasshopper! the
Mark 1:24; Luke 4: 34) The only mamnable conclu- glory of hia nostrils is terrible. He pnweth in the vnl-
sion, therefore, is that Jesw, the glorified King armed ley, and mjoiceth in his strength: he goeth on to meet
for war and having the key to the bottomlarr pit, is the armed men. He mocketh at fear, and is not af-
J the "king" over the "locnsta". Thia definitely identi- frighted; neither turneth he back from the sword."
fltw the "locusts" as members of God's organization. (Job 39: 19-22) Such ia a good description of.those
The day of God's vengeance against the enemy. or- who fearlessly follow the Lord J m whithersoever
gnnization having come, it is appropriate that Jeho- he leads.
vah assume tho role of Destroyer, that is, Abaddon, or 'And the locnsta had golden crowns, and their
Apollyon ("for our Ctod is a c m m n i ~ gfire"), fwes were aa the faces of men.' (Vs. 7) Thii shows
which title particularly applies at the time the king- that W ' s militant remnant is clothed with divine
dom is boing announced. (Heb. 12: 29) His beloved authority to do kingdom work, which is the crowning
Son, then, the King, bears the same title, and the title work of all work now to be done, and 'their faces like
has a special application in the "day of %heLord", men' symbolize that they are benevolent, loving and
which day began in 1914 and continues &ereafter. kind, and the motive is pure. They reflect God's
The description of the "locusts" shows that they imry~cbecause they represent him. They are not
form a pnrt of God's army, the fighting o~ganiaatioon, "bald" locusts, such as the Israelites were permitted
. .
to eat. (Lev. 11:22) They have not 'cut off their of flro that devoureth the stubble, aa a strong pwple
hair' for mourning, but they are joyful in the Lord ' set in battle array. " J o e l 2: 6.
and are in the liken- of the Lord Jesus, in this,that When God's children learn that there is a remnant
they have hair. (Rev. 1:14) The Merenee is, they of spirit-begotten ones on earth to whom the Lord haa
have "hair as the hair of women", which qmbclizea wmmitted the testimony of Jesus Christ (Rev. 112:
that they are in mbjection to their Head Christ Je l l ) , and that they are the witnesses of Jehovah sent
w.-1 Cor. 11:15. forth to declare his vengeance, it is easy for t h m to
"And their teeth were as the teeth of lions," show- see that the desoription concerning the ' ' 1 ~ ex- "
ing that they are prepared to eat "strong meat" and actly fits the remnant. It shows that this symbolically
are not babes. They are wholly devoted to the Lord represents that division of the Lord's nrmy which is
God (1Cor. 3: 1-3; Heb. 5: 14; Joel 1:6) And they on earth and which delights to keep the command-
had "breastplates of iron", therefore unbreakable, ments of God. About this there cannot be the slighteat
because they have on "the breastplate of faith and doqbt.
love", "the brenstplate of righteousness," and are Further descrribing thia militnnt army of "locwtsw
"strong in the Lord and in the power of his might". the Revelator says: "And they have tail8 B e soor-
(1 Thess. 5: 8; aph. 6:12-17) "For he put on right- pions, and Btings; and in their tails woa their pdwer
eousnesa aa a breastplate. " (&a. 59 :17) They know to injure men five months," (Vs. 10, Dbg.) God h
that they are right and on Jehovah's aide and they hi own interpreter. He saya: "The prophet . he is ..
fear neither man nor devil. They are the e h t i n g the tail." (h. 9 :15) If the prophct teaches lies, then \/
contingent of the Lord's people, joyfully following he is a lying prophet; and if he teaches the truth he
their Head and Leader. is a true prophet. God's people under Christ J w
"And the sound of their wings waa as the sound of are teachers and leaders. (Is& 55: 4) The prophecy
chariots of mnny horses running to battle." (Vs. 9) or message which they deliver is from the Lord. This
When the Lord's remnant are in action they make exposea Satan and his organization and his agenta who
a sounding noise which frightens the enemy. Their teaahlies ;therefore the measage which the locustsleave
ohief business is to make a joyful noise to the glory behind stings, and has power to hurt. I t is the message
of the Lord. This is another proof that they are of of God's vengeance. It is the prophecy, "the tail.,"
Qod's organization. By the use of the radio and the that doas the hurting. No phpieal force is to be used, '/
millions of boob they make a great noise; so it is - but the "locusta" (God's remnant) use their mouthti
thought by those who are frightened. One real Chrb , to preach and leave behind the prophecy in printed
tian can put to fight a thoaennd ecelesiastioal frauds. form, and the mcaaage does the hurting.
"One thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one. " (Iaa. The London proclamation or resolution and the a a
30: 17) "Like the noise of chariots on the tops of ;- oompanying argument set forth that Satan is the god
mountaha shall they leap, like the no& of a flme of this world; that tho British empire is the wt of
150 L I G H T Rgv. 9

his beastly organization; that the League of Nations

is the child of Satan, and its mother is the beastly
governments of earth; that God had set his beloved
Son upon his throne as earth's rightful King and
soon SatanJ@organization must go down, and there-
fore the tottering and impending fall of the world
powers. These statements were clearly proven from
the Scriptures, or prophecy of God's Word. The wide
publication of this m e w e stung the British imperi-
alists advoeating the League of Nations, and all the
big men in Satan's organization were stung and hurt
by the prophecy. When more than B t y million copies
were put in the hands of the people the stinging eon-
tinued, and their torment increased "as the torment
of a scorpion, when he striketh a man". Those stung
cried out in woe and in bitter indignation The Brit-
ish press and the olergymen in bitter t e r n denounced
those who had to do with the declaration of this sting-
ing prophecy. The American olergy and press joined
in denouncing the message and the messengers.
This wss the first "woe", and the fact that it is
called a "woe" shows that it must be inflicted by
God's organization upon Satan's organization; and
t h b is further proof that the locusts represent the
Lord's army. "Woe to the inhabiters [ruling factors]
of the earth, by reason of the other voices of the
trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound I"
-Eev. 8 : 13.
The angels of the Lord were instruments used by
him directing his people on earth to give out the mw-
sage above mentioned at London, and this was the
&st "woe"; and two more "woes" must follow.
(Rev. 9 :12) This proves that the two remaining trum-
pets must be woes upon the same organization, which
i a the enemy of God, and that these woes mmt be in-
Ected by Oodk organization. Ood keeps an accurate
account of the tormenting measage and he ahws no
quarter to the enemy. His measage is a torment to the
enemy because they cannot get away from it.
The command given to the lwuata (army of the
Lord) waa that they should not hurt the grnas* nor
any green thing, nor any tree, but hurt only those
men which have not the scal in their foreheads; and
they were not to kill, but to torment. (Rev. 9: 4, 5)
The locnsts God sent upon Egypt ate up every green
thing. (Ex. 10:IS-15) The army of the Lord is dif-
ferent. Pietmd by the "locusts", they do not come
to feed therpselves upon the fruits of the labors of
othera. If these locnats repregented the Devil's agmts
they would devour everything they could lay hold
upon, and particularly those who are sealed by the
Lord in their foreheads. (Rav. 12: 17) It ia only
God's organization that can hart the f e c l i i of and
torment the Devil's servants. God makes it clear in
this prophecy that none of his sealed servants &an
be hurt by the loousts, and this is another proof that
the locusts represent the army of the Lord.
A poisonoas wound by a scorpion often p;N,ves fa-
tal,but these loenats with the power of scorpions were
not sent to kill, but thcy were sent to torment the
devil'^ agents for a fixed period of time. The torment
began in 1926 and in still going o n Concerning the
Devil's visible organization that take counsel against
God and hi anointed he says: "Then will he speak
h t o them in his anger, and in his wrath confound
them." (Ps.2: 5, Roth.) Many instancres of the my-
ing out of their torment might be hore given if waee
LOCUSTS DELWDBINQ TEN TBSTWONP Pages 148,149 permitted, but a few are given to prove the faat.
154 L I C t H T Esv. 0
The British and American clergy, through the pub- pecially howled because of what took place. The "eve
1.k press and from their pulpits, set up a dreadful months" of torment mentioned in the Itevelation evi-
howl following the expos6 of the League of Nations dently means the entire period of time until the other
and other parts of Satan's organization. Big Busi- woes have ended, beoause five is a divine number and
ness, working under cover with politiaians and the here marks a flxed period of time without designating
clergy, proceeded to monopolize the radio in the lands how long.
of Britain and did practically the same thing in The public proas of London devoted much space to
America, although the radio belongs to the Lord. At an arraignment of those who had had to do with the
a hearing before the Federal &do Commission at pawing of the resolutiou and its distribution. It is
Washington, D. C., Big Business was there with a l l stated that in the period of torment men "shall de-
of ita power, W e d and supported by politiciam and sire to die", or "seek death, and shall not fhd it".
the clergy. The Federal Council of Churches of Amer- (Vs. 6) The Lord's army is commanded not to kill,
ion put one of its clergymen on the witnw stand to therefore the torment must continue; and while the
support the elaim of Big Business. That clergyman agents of Satan have tried to escapc the 'pest' of the
wan subjected to a eroae-examination undei*which he continuous proclamation of the truth of God's proph-
sutPered terrible torment and doubtless wished he ecy, they have been unable to do so. "Death" sym-
might escape by sinking through the floor. He made bolizes a way of escape; but they were unable to find
himself and the organization for which he stan& ap- it. They must take their medicine as God has decreed,
pear ridiculous in the eyes of all present. because "it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at
Another agent of Big Bnsiness took the stand in an thine hand to drink, then shalt thou [the locusts,
effort to show the importance of a monopoly. With Uod'a representatives] say mito them, Thus saith the
great boasting words he told of the attainments of Lord of hosts, Ye shall certainly drink". (Jer. 25:
Satan's organization in the radio business, On croruc 28) They tried for a time to be dead (indifferent) to
examination he was not only made very uncomfort- the strong truths brought by the army of locusts; but
able but was taunted and tormented to the point that thst would not work, and then they began to howl
his own action at the time led to a further torment at beoause of their torment.
the hands of his fellow servants of Satan that lasted The British press and the New York Tgrnes and
many months. By his indiscretion he opened the way other like papers vented their spleen by repeated as-
for the next "woe" to bc broadcast by radio and to saults upon the poople of God. On September 12,1926,
be forcibly inflicted upon Satan's organization, and and within five montbs after the pansing of the " R w
this brought tormont to h e l l and many others of olution" at London, the London ij'unday Exprsss de.
Satan's organization. They fought among themselvea voted two columns to a denunciation of the "Testi-
and cursed each other and many others because of mony" to the world powem and the address suppcrt-
their torment. The public press and the clergy w ing it. By so doing it gavo a further wide advertise.
156 L I G H T &w. 9 I mv. 0 BIB OBaANT4ATION 157
m a t to the truth. Shortly thereafter the New York national system. Before all the spirit-begotten ones
T i m , the New Yorlc S w , and the New York H s M the opportunity ww set to become God's witnwes or
supported the British press in an attack upon God's measengem, otherwise spoken of as hi^ nngels. The v
people. These papers had entered into a contra& to "great crowd" that remnined in the denominntional
advertise a public assembly of Bible Students to be
held at Madison Square Garden, New York city, nnd
then repudiated their contract and said unkind things
about the Lord's people. (See Watch Tower, Dee. 1,
1926.) The torment of these members of Satan's or-
ganization is due wholly to the messnge of truth,
I qatems have not taken a bold stand on the side of the
Lord. They have bwn held in restraint, which makes
them prisoners in the denominntiom, beeam of their
fear to take a stand against the denominatiom nnd
to publicly and boldly doclare the Lord's m w q e .
When the time comes and such are released and do

which .&in@.Although knowing it is the truth, they trike their stand on the side of the Lord, although
repent not, but continue to blaspheme God. The army they will not be among the anointed witness clam, yet
of the Lord, under its King, continues to sjng out by their lives they will benr testimony thnt they are
the messnge of truth to the glory of God. Jehovah's children and will receive approvd by him,
which is represented by their 'robes washed and made
'LOOBE TW BOUND oms1 white in the blood of Chrint'. They being God's be-
gotten ohildren and bound in the prison and held by
"And the sixth angel aounded" and the commnnd the prison keepera, God will loose them and use them
was given: "Loose the four angela which are bound in his own due time for his purposes.
in [at] the great river Euphrates." (See Itevelation The ancient city of Babylon wns the greatest city
9: 13-21.) To d h i t e l y identify the "bound" ones ever built upon the river Euphrates. By the commerce
will aid to underatand this prophecy. From and pin% carried on that river the city was supported and
1875 particularly there have been many people who maintained. It had suspended gates that swung out
have desired to serve God and who have consecrated over the river, and these furnished a m e w of mili-
themaelves to do so. Almost nll of them nnited them- tary protection and defonse. The commercid and
selves with some church denomination. Aa Christ con-
tinued to prepare the way before Jehovah, prior to
coming to his temple, a goodly number of these peo-
I political element ruled the city, but did so through
the p o w and influence of the religionists "Baby-
lon" is one of the names the Soriptures give to the
ple sepnrnted themselves from the denominations and Devil's organization, and particularly when the re-
were drawn together for the study of God% Word, ligion of Satan is in the saddle and controls. (See
and for his service; and it is from this latter dass
that the "remnant" is taken and anointed of the
book Prophecy, pagw 126-144.) "Babylon" is ~
mother of Satan's organization which gives birth to
spirit of Jehovah to do his work. The greater number and nourishw Satan's seed. "Organized Chistian-
of the wnaeerated, however, remained in the denomi- ity," so salled, is a part of Satan's organization, sinoe
L I Q H T Fa% 0 Esv. Q HI8 OBBAXWATION 159
he has gotten control thereof; and it is supported by nations before him; and I will 1- the loine of
k i n g s , to open before him the two leaved gates; and
the people, pictured by the great river Euphrates.
In ancient Babylon the men of influenoe were the the gates shall not be shut. I have raised him up in
religionists and cxereised power by and with the aid righteousness, and I will direct all hie ways: he shall
of the commercial and political allies. Today the build my oity, and he shall let go my oaptives, not for
clergy of so-cnlled organized Christianity exercise price nor reward, saith the Lord of hosts. '-Ian, 45 :
their power of control by and through the conuner- 1, 13.
cid giants, who control Big Business, and the politi- By this prophccy Jehovah picturw Christ his be-
eians, who make and enforce the laws and carry on loved, the groat antitypical Cyrus, acting as his chief
the governments. All the clementa of Satan's or- officer, swinging back the two leaved gates of Babylon
g h a t i o n , and particularly the clergy part thereof, that the imprisoned ones might be loosed In thia
oppose the message of truth concerning God's kingdom work the Lord usw his angek invisible to men and
and perseoute those, who proclaim it. They induce 8180 mambers of his organFeation on the earth. With-
their allies, Big Business and the political element, to cut a doubt the 'prisoners held at the Euphrates' are
persecute God's anointed. Had it not been for their those who compose the "great multitude" olw; and
evil influence so exercised today there would be mil- since they are mentioned aa "fonr", it would symbol-
lions of people praising God nnd hailing Christ as ize those who are in every quarter of the earth and
earth's rightful King, and doubtless Armagddon in dl the prisons. In his own due time the Lord re-
would be unnecessary. It is the evil influence of these vealed to hie people who they are that compose the
r u l w in Babylon that holds tho prisoners in re. prisoners, and it was made known to them through
straint, which prisoners me timid, have agreed to the column8 of The Wafoh Tower (November 15,
serve Uod but me fearful to take a positive atand 1926). These "prisoners", when loosed and brought
Note that at the sound of the sixth angel a voice is into the organization as servants of The Christ, are
hoard from among the four horns of the golden altar. properly designated "angele", because they will be
(Rev. 9: 13, Roth.) It must therefore be a voice of servants of the Lord. (Rev. 7: 9, 15) The Lord having
one of Jehovah's organization, to wit, Christ Jesus, come to his temple and built up Zion, the due time
the groat Priest of the Most High, who giaes it, be- had arrived for God to 'hear the cries of the prison-
muse it aomes from all parts of the altar, the place ers'. "When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall
of swrificc, and Christ is the one great saorifiee for appear in his glory. He will regard the prayer of the
all. The command given is: "Loose the four angels destitute, and not despise their prayor. This shall be
which are bound at tho great river Euphrates." mittan for the generation to come; and the people
(R.V.) In this connection mark another prophecy which shnll be created shall praise the Lord. For he
from Jehovah: "Thna saith the Lord to his anointed, hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary;
to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to wbdue om heaven did the Lord behold the earth; to hear

. ... .A
the groaning of the prisoner, to loose those that are The Lord sent hi^ nngel to dirwt this meeaage, and
appointed to death; to dedare the name of the Lord caused it to be given, and ased his w i t n m on earth
in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem." (I%. 102: in connection therewith, and it waa heard by mil-
16-21)"Jerusalem" is a Bymhol of Qod's orgaaim lions; and then later more than fifty million printed
tion, and includes the "great multitude". "Zion" copies were put in the hands of the people; which
particularly diatina;aishes the members of the body message follows:
of Christ from the other spirit-begotten ones.
The Lord sent his angel to sound the sixth -pet, "Tho International Bible Students in general wn-
and at the anme time the command is given to loose vention assembled send greetings:
the bound ones; and such mwnge must of necessity "A8 Christians and witnwes to the name of Je-
be a "woo" to Satan's organization that rula the
arch. The Lord caused his people to assemble in gen- hov& God we deem it our privilege and dnty to call
your attention to the following vital facts:
eral convention at Toronto, Canada, in July, 1927. "FIRST: That God made of one blood all peoples
The Lord had so arranged conditions that the bmad- and nations of men to dwell on the earth, and granted
casting combine was put in n position that i@radio to dl peoples equal rights. There is therefore no jast
facilities muat be wed to the glory of the Lord. Un- cause or excuse for one nation to mnke war n g W
wittingly Satan's agents fell into the Lord's trap, another nation.
and this increased the torment for Satan's orgmim- "SECOND: That the foremoat nation6 of the enrth
tion. Before a visible audience of 15,000 people, and
within the hearing of an unseen audience of millions, I claim to be Christian nations and, taken collectively,
they constitute lChrktmdomv or 'organized C k r b
an addrcsa entitled "Freedom for the People" was
delivered at this Toronto assembly, and the resolution
entitled "To the Peoples of Christendom" was read,
and the visible and invisible audience by vote adopted
I tianity', ao called; that the men ahielly responsible
for the elWm that these are Ohriatian nations are the
clergymen of the variow religions denominations who
e& themwlvea by the name of Chriit but who in fact
the resolution. Fifty-three radio stations were lidxed have denied him; that their purpose of claiming that
together, extending from the A t h t i c to the Paoife these nations are Christian ia to induce the people3
coast, and these, together with short-wave broadonst- to beliew that said nations, although military and
ing apparatus, heralded the truth through the United cmel, are the representatives of God and his W ion
States and Canada and to the lands acrm the sea. earth; that such claim is fraudulent and false nnd has
The spirit and substance of that message was: "Loose turned the minds of millions of honest people away
those who are bound in Satan's orgnnkation and let from the true God and from his Christ; that the in-
them go free."
vieible ruler of the nations of 'Christendom', or 'or-
m- ' I
a62 L I G H T m.9

ganized Christianity' so called, is Satan the Devil, other, d t i n g iin great m m w and d e r i n g , multi-
who hw fathered the scheme of forming 'organized tudea of broken hearb snd milliona of untimely
Christianity ' to deceive the people and to keep them gravw, that 'organized Christianity' hm turned a
in subjection to himself and his agencies. de& ear to the petitions and entreaties of the people
"That the massea of the peoples of the nations are for relief, and now the criea of the oppressed people
entitled to self-government exercised by the people hsve entered into the eam of Jehovah &d, and his
for the general welfare of all; but instead of enjoying time ia at hand to give the peoplca deliverance and
such rights a mall minority rules; thnt the money freedom.
power of the world has been concentrated into the "FOURTH: That Jehovah is the only true &d,
hand8 of a few men called high haneiers, and these the Friend and Benefactor of the ueonles. He has
in tarn have corrupted the men who make and exe- now set his beloved Son C h h t ~esrm-u~in his throne .
cute the lam of the nations, and the faithlw clergy and bids all the peoplca of earth to hear and to obey
have voluntarily joined forces with the high finan- him who is earth's rightful King.
ciers and professional politicians and that said un- "FIFTH: That the kings and rulm of the earth,
holy alliance constitutes the governing powers that to wit, tho@ constituting the said unholy allianc@,
rule the peoplos; that the mwea of the peoples, act- have been duly notifled that God has set hk Ehg
ing under a misapprehension of the true facts, have upon his throne and that hi kingdom irr at hand; but
borne up, carried, supported and maintained 'organ- they rduee to understand or to take heed, and they
ized Christianity'; and that without the support of walk on in darkness. Therefore God has decreed and
the common people the unholy alliance constituting deelnred that there shall come upon the world a time
'orgnuid Chrietianitf could not long exipt. of tribulation such as never was known and that dnr-
"THIBD: That for centuries the privilc,-a en- ing that trouble 'Christendom' or 'organized Chris-
joyed by men have been wholly unequal and unfair. tianity', so called, and all of Satan's orgunkbtion
The multitudea have produced the wenlth of the shall be destroyed; and that Christ Jewa, the right-
world, but have been unjastly deprived of the fruits eoue K i i , will assume complete authority and con-
of their labors. That the lenders of 'Christendom', trol and will bless tho peoplea of earth.
instend of tcaching the children of men the doctrines "SIXTH: That it must be now apparent to all
of Christ, whom they claim to follow, teach them to thoughtful people that relief, comfort and blwinge
murder thcir fellow creatures; and thnt now the RO mwh dcaired by them can never come from ths
rulers are amalgamating the common people with the unrighteoas #@em of 'Christendom' or ‘organizes
military, in order to make all the peoplas a part of Christianity', and that there is no reason to give
and subject to their great war machine; that by un- further support to that hypoeritieal and o p p r d v e
just lam the common people, contrary to their own system. In this hour of perplexity Jehwah G)od hidti
wishca, have been compelled to go to war against w h the pcoplea to ahandon and forever forsske ' Chtbk%.
L I C H T REV. 9
dom' or 'organized Christianity' and to turn com-
pletely away from it, because it is the Devil's or- continue until God's fixed time to finish it, when that
ganization, and to give it no support whatsoever; and class of prisoners, pictured by Samson, shall pull
that the peoples give their heart's devotion and al- down the structure on tl~eiro m heads; and at the
legiance wholly to Jcliovah God and to his King and same time God will complete the downfall of the gov-
kingdom and receive full freedom and the blessings erning element, which is pictured as 'slaying' them.
God has in store for them. (See Judges 16: 29, 30.) The work of declaring the
"SEVENTH: For four thousand years the cher- message for the release of the prisoners, and to the
ished desire of Jews has been God's Messianic king- glory of God, still goes on; and it is done by and
dom. For nineteen centuries that kingdom has been through many radio stations broadcasting the truth,
the hope of real aristians. It is now at hand. True which message goes into the "prison houses" regard-
to his promise God by and through the reign of less of the effort of the clergy, or 'prison keepers', to
Christ will lift the burdens of the peoples, free them prevent it.
from war, fraud and oppression, from siclmess, suf- The service workers of the Lord followed up this
fering and death and give to them a righteous gov- barrage with the message of the kingdom in printed
ernment and the blessin@ of everlasting peace, pros- form. Thc facts show that a t the beginning of 1930
perity, life, and happiness." more than seventy-seven million volumes of books, in
Here again the Lord through his angel directed his thirty languages, containing this message of the king-
people on earth in his service to have a part in his dom have been put in the hands of the people. This
work; and all the glory and honor is due to Jehovah's part of the work is assigned to members of God's or-
name. God had foretold that the bound ones would ganization on the earth, and they continue to joyful-
be crying out: "Bring my soul out of prison, that I ly sing forth his praises while the mighty forces of
may praise thy name [be thy 'angel' or messenger to Jehovah march on to complete the downfall of Sa-
serve thee]." (Ps. 142: 7) "The Lord looseth the tan's organization in due time.
prisoners." (Ps. 146: 7) Jehovah anoints his faithful The number of the "army of tho horsemen" is
servant class to 'preach the good news, the opening given as two hundred million. (Vs. 16) The "bound"
of the prisons to them that arc bound'. "That thou ones could not be of this army that make the direct
mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth." (Isa. 61: 1; attack upon the outside of Babylon's walls, because
42: 7; 49: 9) His servants on earth began that work they are inside. The army must therefore be conSned
in July, 1927, and it still goes on to the glory of God. to those whom God has anointed for that purpose.
The record is, "The four angels were loosed, which "And the armies which were in heaven followed him
were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and
and a year, for to slay the third part of men." (Vs. clean. " (Rev. 19 : 14) These armies donhtless include
15) This seems to say that the 'loosing' work shall the myriads of angels, as well as a little company of
people on earth. "EIis camp is very great: for he is
166 L I G H T Ztev. # REP. 0 HI8 O M ~ A T I O N 167
etrong that executeth hie word." (Joel 2: 11) Ood's mouths and in their tails, which are like the tail of
army is wall equipped and is fearlei%. (Job 39: 19-25) a serpent. (Vss. 18, 19) Jahovah hos put his message
This two hundred million of the Lord's army sound in the mouth of hie people and has made them hin
the m a g e of woe to the "inhabiters" or rulers un- witnesses while he does hi great work. (ha. 51: 16)
der Satan. The anointed on earth should be en- These preach his Word and aing his prsises, and thie
couraged. Let them rejoice and say: 'They that be message issues from their mouths. The "tail" is the
with ua are more than they that be with the enemy.' prophetic message which they doliver. God has n o t v
-2 Ki.6 :16. authorized the wielced to speak his Word, but has
The vision diaclo~~esthat the horses and ridem have commissioned hisl anointed ones to deliver his mwsage
breastplates of fire, jacinth, and brkwtone, and the of truth and lapeak his word of vengeance against the
horses had heads like lions, and out of their mouths enemy organization. (Ps. 50: 16, 17) These aervsnts
iaaued fire and brimstone. (Vs. 17) Such a flew, snl- of the Lord speak the message by their mouths, and
phuroua breastplate would be a terrifying sight for leava the prophetie message, as the "tail", behind,
the enemy to behold. In symbolic languee the Lord which the people read; and therefore they assault the
says : "The day of vengeanoe is in mine heart. " (Isa. enemy organbation "both coming and going". The
63 :4) Such also is the heart attitude of the Lord's publio witness message that went forth from Toronto
army, pictured by the fiery breastplate, and that fiery waa spoken by word of mouth and broad& over
zeal for Jehovah is pietured as covering the most vital my-three radio stations. Without a doubt a great
organ, to wit, the heart, and it W e a the enemy number of mouths (loud-speakers of meiving sets)
but speak8 victory to Qod'e anointed.-PhiL 1:28. took the message from the ether and heralded it to
"The Lion of the tribe of Juda," Chist Jssns, millions of listening people. The immediate response
leads the army of the Lord, and the members of his by wire and letters from every part of the e o ~ ~ ~ . t r
body are appropriately described as 'having heads proves thia fact to be correct. Then followed the
like liona'. (Vs.17) This is a very appropriate d e world-wide distribution of the measage in printed
%ription of the cavalry division of the army of the form. This message from the mouth and "tsilJ' has
Lord, which is strong in the Lord and in the power dung the enemy organization, and atill stings. By the
of his might. "What is stronger than a lion?" Like three destructive agencies, 'fire, arnoke and brim-
those who followed David, they are "men .. . fit for stone,' many were killcd; that is to say, their M u -
the battle, ... whose faces were lilte the faces of ence and power to dewive the people was rendered
nil. The message of the Lord, following in printed
lions". (1 Chron. 12:8) The Lord's people are of the
Davidic class. "The wicked flee when no man pur- form in the Freedom booklet, went both to the gov-
sueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." "The erning powers and to the people. I t was sot man's
king's wrath is as the roaring of a lion." (Pmv. 10: m q e , but God's measage taken from his Word,
12) The power of these soldiers of the Lord is in their and t e h of his deatruotion of the unrightaow
168 L I G H T REV. S Em. 9 HIS OEf.3ANI5ATION 169
tems. "The breath of the Lord, Like a stream of brim- it sets itself up as the one to determine what shall be
stone, doth kindle it. For Tophet [which % the valley given to the people in religiow matters.
of Hinnom] is ordained of old; yea, for the king The Lord sent forth his invisible angels to sound
[worIdly ruling powers] it is prepared : he hath made the trumpet and direct the message, and he caused
it deep, and large; the pile thereof iS fire and much hi visible servants on earth to join in the worlr. By
wood. "-Isa. 30 :33. their mouths they have spoken the message; and they
This work the Lord does when he comes to his tem- have left behiid "the tail", which is the prophetic
ple for judgment: "The Lord % in his holy temple, message, and thii has cawed the Devil's representa-
the Lord's throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his tives to squirm and writhe under the torment. Mani-
eyelids try, the children of men. Upon the wicked he festly this is what the prophet saw when he wrote:
shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible "He that sitteth i n the heavens shall laugh: the Lord
tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup." (Ps.
11:4 6) That memage, spoken by word of mouth,
and then thrust into the hands of millions of people,
and left behind for them to chew on, left a smarting
sensation like the sting of a serpent. God had said:
"Behold, I wiU send serpents, ... which will not be
eharmed, and they shall bite you, saith the Lord"
(Jer. 8: 17), and this prophecy was fuliilled.
The public press, whioh is the tool and mouthpiece
of the ruling powers, immediately thereafter sent up
a ery or howl, aa a result of the sting. The Toronto
press the next day urged the legal department of the
government to take immediate steps to deport the
public speaker of the occasion who read the resolu-
tion, and then vigorously denouneed the message that
was delivered. The New Pork Timas broke its silence,
and for once screeched and howled against the truth
and delivered the cries of the olergy. The National
Broadoastiig Company, another mouthpiece of the
unholy alliance, joined in the howl and denunciation,
and ever thereafter has refused to have its radio fa-
cilities again used in broadcasting the mesage of
God's Word of truth. In an effort to offaet the truth
170 L I G H T REV. 9

shall have them in derision. " (Ps. 2 : 4) God's people

laugh with him. CHAPTER VI
The message showed the close alliance between the
clergy, Big Business, and the politicians. Thereafter Transition
many of the clergy went out of the business and went (REVELATION,
CnaPmRs 10 AND 11)
into commercial pursuits. Their preaching business
was killed.

"And the rest of the men which were not killed,
repented not." (Vs. 20) aten of the world of all
divisions thereof still insist on a government without
J EHOVAH raised his beloved Son out of death,
took him to heaven, and made him his chief
officer forever. Although clothed with all power
and authority to act, he must await Jehovah's due
Cod and without Christ. Even though the truth is time for him to act in taking possession of the world
pointed out to them that God has set his King upon and ousting the enemy Satan. The time for the be-
his throne, and the time has come to establish his ginning of that period of transition Jehovah definitely
kingdom, and that this is the panacea for the ills of fixed: "The declaration of Jehovah to my Lord
humankind, they still persist in their wicked course [Christ] "; thus begins the Prophet David, who fore-
of oppressing mauliind, and insist on ruling them. shadowed Jesus, and then adds that Jehovah said to
They refuse to welcome earth's rightful King. They his beloved Son: "Sit thou at my right hand, until
continue to bow down to Satan and his doctrines con- I make thy foes thy footstool." When the due time

cerning man's origin and his destiny. They worship came to end the waiting period, and therefore to
material things rather than the Creator. The influ- begin the transfer of possession, Jehovah through his
ence of Satan still induces many of them to hate prophet says to Christ: "Thy sceptre of strength will
(which is murder) the Lord's people and to persecute Jehovah extend out of Zion, tread thou down in the
them. Many who profess to be Christians still eon- midst of thy foes."-Ps. 110: 1,2, 220th.
tinue their illicit relationship with tlie unrigliteor~s The period of waiting ended in 1914 and there be-
things of this world. They have a preference for tlie gan the transfer period. No longer will Jehovah per-
doctrine of devils rather than for the Word of God. mit Satan to go on nnhimdered and unrestrained in
Under the pretense of a sanctimonious religion they his rulership of the world. The kingdom or rulership
endorse and carry on a wicked system of laws which of the world must come into the possession of earth's
are unrighteously enforced. They rob and lrill their rightful King. (Ezek. 21: 27; Rev. 11: 15) The due
fellow men. They rob God of that to which he is just- time having come, Jehovah addressed a sweet message
ly entitled, by drawing away the people from him to his beloved One and said: "Beautiful, beautiful!
and to the side of Satan. Jehovah continues to move thou art, beyond the sons of men! a gracious charm
his organization into position for further positive hath been set on thy lips; therefore hath God blessed
I: thee to the ages. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, 0

hem! in thy maje&y and thy state; t d the bow, from hewen to earth was much better underatocd
smceed, ride onl for the sake of truth and the hu- after the sixth trumpet had sounded. In proof of
miliation of righteollsnes, and thy right hand w i l l this, see W ~ t c hTower, February 1and 15, 1928.
teach thee fearful things. Thine a m nre sharp-- "Clothed with a cloud" the mighty angel comes
peoples under thee fall:- in the heart of the foas down from heaven. In symbol this menns four sep-
of the idng. Thy throne, 0 Ood, is to the ages and arate and distinct things, to wit: (1) Invisibility. v'
beyond, a weptre of equity is the Eceptre of thy king- The coming of the Lord is unseen by human eyes
dom; thou ha& loved righteousness, and hated law- because he is spirit. "And the Lord [Jehovah] oame
leaan-: therefore hnth God, thy h d , anointed thee down in a cloud, and spoke unto him [Moses] " (Num.
with the oil of gladness
- above thy. partner&"-Pa.
. 11:26); "and the Lord oame d o m in the pillar of
45: 27, Both. the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle"
Christ Jesus, the great executive o5cer of Je- (Num. 12: 5) ; (2) it denotes hie presence with favor
h o d , now t u n a his attention to things pertaining to hia faithful servants: "In the light of the king's
to earth and to the one who had for long misruled it. eoantenanoe is life; and his favour is as a cloud of
Thus he m e down from heaven to earth. (1 Thw. the latter rain" (Pmv. 16: 16); "thou shalt bring
4: 16) He began a war in heaven and cast the enemy down .. . the heat in a dry place; even the heat
out and into the earth, and proceeded to carry out with the shadow of a cloud" (Iaa. 25: 5) ; (3) it
his Father'a purposes. Jehovah foretold this by his denotes his presence with woo to hie enemies: "And
prophets, including the book of Revelation, and in I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the
due time he reveals the understanding thereof to his north, a grent cloud, and a 6re infolding itself"
people. Chapters ten and eleven of Revelation have (Ezek. 1:4) ;and (4) it denotes the glorioue preaenca
to do with tho transfer of the posaeasion of the king- of Johovah attending him: "Then the glory of the
dom of this world fmm Satan to Christ, and inciden-
tally to the p h g from one state to another of the
Lord [Jehovah] ... stood over the threshold of the
house [temple] ; and the house wna 5lled with the
work done and to be done on earth by the faithful cloud, and the court was full of the brightness of
people of God. Chapters ten and eleven of Revela- the Lord'a glory." (Eeek. 10: 4) The same meaning
tion should here be onrefully read; and bleased is he of the word cloud would be applied to the Son, who
who understands. is now the expm image of the Father, and the
"And I saw another mighty angel come down from brightnew of his glory.-Heb. 1:3.
heaven, clothed with a aloud: and a rainbow waa A "rainbow" waa about the head of the mighty
upon hie head, and hia face was as it were the sun, angel, and thus shows he is Jehovah's representative,
and his feet aa pillars of jire." (Pa. 1) The mi$hty since the rainbow is aka shown es ~ I I C ~ I ' C ~Jeho-
angel here mentioned is Michael, the Anointed, Ood'e vah'a throne. (Rev. 4: 3; Eeek. 1:28) ~vidently
beloved Son. The coming of Jehovah's Christ down

t Cjhriat Jews has "the everlasting covenant" and

must take to aaaount the &era of the world who make it lmown in due time. The fact thnt the book
have unrighteously shed muoh human blood i n viola- was open signitles that the time hae come to make
tion of the covenant. "My bow in the cloud, and it known to his people the purposes of a d .
&dl he for a token of a covenant between me and The mighty angel, Christ Jesus, sets one foot upon
the earth." (Qen. 9 :13) The sipif3cance of the rain-
bow na a symbl of the evorlaating covennnt was bet-
ter understood &er the sixth trwnpet had sounded
1 "the .nJJ nnd the other upon (Ithe earth"; that is
to my, upon "the sea", the people that @upportand
bear up Satan's orgnnization ; and upon "the earth",
and before the soventh had sounded. See Watch the ruling powers of Satan's visible organiEation.
Tower, Dee. 16, 1927. Therefore the time approaches for 'woe in the earth
Further describing the "mighf~angel" it is writ- and in the sea' becam of these "pillars of &.".
ten: "His fnee was as it were the sun, snd his feet '
(Rev.12: 12, A. It. V.) In symbolic language Christ
as pillars of fire." Thus Christ Jerms is identifted as Jesus is shown tnking charge of the &airs that had
the Sun of righteousness. (Mal. 4: 2) On an oeca- bean aommitted to his hand by his Father. Now he
&on he was transcgured before his faithful diseiplw would %topthe World War, and did atop it, that the
and "his faoe did shine as the mu". (Matt. 17: 2) people of Cod might be gathered together and do the
The sun rules when the day comes. (Pa. 136 :8 ; Jer. witness work before the h a 1 end. In h e , this swrm
31: 35) Ohrist J m , tho great ~ n nand light of the to correspond to the sealing of the saints. (Rev.
world, has come. 7 :2,3) 'Crying out with the voiae like a lion' agm-
'His fiery feet' symbolically says: 'He must tread
down and deatroy the enemies and mnke them his
f o o W L ' (Pa. 110: 1 ) It is the feet of Jems that
1 bolically says: 'It ia the time for justice and judg-
nent, and judgment must hegin at the house of God.'
( 1 Pet. 4: 17) Having assumed his place as King,
bruise Satan. (Rom. 16: 20) Jehovah put dl thin@ and hnving ousted Satan from heaven, Uhrist Jaus

under his feet. (Ps. 8: 6 ; 1 Cor. 15: 25-27) All thin@ comes to his temple for judgment. "The Lord will
are put under his feet.-Eeb. 2: 8. roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Jemnlem ;
A 'little book open and held in his hand' symboli- and the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn, and
cally apeaka of the revelation of a d ' s purposes in the top of Camel shall wither." (Amos 1:2) "The
the band of his beloved Son, with power and author- Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and uttcr his voice
ity to reveal them. (Deut. 31 :26 ; Pa. 40 :7) This from Jerusalem; and the heavens nnd the earth shall
is further a conclusive proof that the truth is not the shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his pcoplc, and
product of any man, and it is wrong to g h any mnn the strength of thc ahildren of 1arael."-Joel 8: 16.
6 t for the revelation of the truth. The truth and "When he had cried, seven thundors uttered their
the revelation thereof belongs to Jehovah, and he voices." (Rev. 10: 3) The thund?rs represented the
osss his High Prifst, C W Jcws, to open it and to I voice or message of Jehovah rebuking the enemies
176 L I Q H T Bmo. 10 lo TBANBITION 177
and expressing his indignation. (Ps. 104: 7) The
thundem mund, for the temple is open-Rev. 11 :19.
Looking now to the faat8 well known, which seem
to clearly fit the ful5lment of this prophecg, it is
found that early in 1918 the enemy beheaded the
"John the Baptist" witness work Elijah had done
i and the pmfessional politiciana are partdl of mch
wicked organhation. The oopy for that Nmber
twenty-seven of The Golden Age was written ohidy
bdrind prison walls. The massage of God now "thuu-
dered" against all parts of Satan's wicked organiza-
a work and had prophesied, whieh propheey John the "I was about to write: and I heard a voice from
Baptist fuUZled in mininture; and when the Lord's heaven saying unto me, Seal up thoee things whieh
people were atoppcd in their witness work in 1918 the seven thundera uttered, and write them not."
those faithful onea engaged in that work wlledively (Rev. 10:4) It was expeeted by God's faithful wit-
ful.6lle.3 the picture of John the Baptist b e i i b e nesses that Number twenty-seven of The Goolden Age
headed in a more complete way. It seem certain that would be quickly followed by much more testimony in
it wan about this time that the "thunder&" were ut- the way of denunciation of Satan's organieation, but
tered. These thundera represented the indignation of this expectation wan not at all realized. The Lord,
Jehovah against such things as the persecution of through the colnmns of The Watch Tower (January
his people and the stopping of his work by the im-
prisonment of many who were serving him; also rep- - 1, 1921), revealed to his people the true symbolic
meaning of the term "beast", as used in the Scrip-
resented his indignation exprwsed against the pro- tures, showing the same to apply to the vimble pa.rt
fessed people of Christendom who adopted a League of Satan's organization, the ruling factors of which
of Nations in plaw of the kingdom of God, and also are Big Business, pliticiana and the clergy. Th%
agsiant the atrocities committed by the Devil's or- wvas an expression from Jehovah's Word of his indig-
ganization against God's pwple. It was after 1919 nation against the unholy alliance that would make
that Glod's people lcarned that Satan's organization void The Kingdom; hence morc was expected quickly
iooludea Big Businem and professional politieians, as to follow in like manner. But the time was at hand
well as the religious frauds. The wrath of W muat to gather the saints together and seal them and then
be exprassed against all of these three factors of sand them forth to give notice and to witness to the
Satan's organization. "Seven thunders" therefore name of Jehovah. Seemingly Jehovah would teaeh
symbolicallp repment the expression of Cod's right- his people that while it is important to dealare the
eous indignation against all parta of Satan's organi- day of hie vengeanoc there must Anrt be some pre-
zation. There had been muoh truth publisked against, paratory work done in behalf of the witnesses and
the religious wing of the Devil's organisation, par- for the preaddhing of the kingdom message; h w e
tieulazly in the latter part of 1917 and the early part "a yoiae from heaven saying unto me [the serva~lt
of 1918. Then later Number twenw-seven of The dam pictured by John], Seal up thme things which
Colden Age brought forth the proof that Big m e w the seven thundem urnred, and writ0 them net".
178 L I G H T m.10 TEANBIZIFON 179
The Lord by his duly constituted offieem was di- ever, ... that there should be time M longer.'' (Rev.
recting his servants aa to what should be done. In- 10: 5,B) That was a solemn declaration thut the
stead of further denunciation of Satan's org& time of trnnaition had arrived and no longer should
tion immediately following there wae issued the book there be any waiting. This text is mdered by other
entitled Ths H w p of Gbd, which contains the plain translators in this wise, that "time shall be no longer
and simple statement of some of the beauties of God's [delayed]" (Diag.) ; "delay no longer shall there
revealed purposes, setting forth how he is redeeming, be" (Roth.) ; "there shall be delay no longer."
saving, and w i l l b l w the people through his kingdom. (A.R.V.) It meant a great turning point or transL
I t may be here noted that The Harp of Ood contains tion period. The mighty angel could not have made
not one criticism of the enemy's visible organixation, that declaration prior to 1914, because it was there
This was not premeditated by any creature, but was that the 'poriod of waiting at the right hand of the
doubtless the result of the Lord's direction, given Father' ended.-Hcb. 10: 12,18.
through the duly constituted deputies or aug& in- It semns that the declaration refers more particu-
visible to man. The seal on the seven thunders seem larly to 1918, when the Lord came to his temple, 80
to have been lifted at the close of 1922, when God's far as Ood'a people are ooncernod. The "adminirtra-
servest class waa sent forth to declare the day of hia tion of the fulnw of the appointed times", as Paul
vengeance and epeci5cnlly to advertise the King and puts it, had now oome. (Eph. 1:10, Dicag..) The time
hie kingdom. This unloosening of the seals is clearly h d come for the Ruler, who had east Satan out of
referred to when the Revelator writes: "Sen1 not heaven, to come forth from Bethlehem to mske the
the sayings of the prophecy of this book, for the time enemy his footstool. "Therefore will he give them
is at hand." (%v. 22: 10) The time had come for up, until the time that she which trnvailcth hath
Ocd's people to begin to have a clearer vision of his brought forth ; then the remnant of his brethren shall
pnrposcs nnd to carry out the work that he had com- return unto the children of Isracl." (1ILic. 5 :3) There
mitted to them. mwt be no tarrying now. "For the viaion is yet for
an appointed time, but at the end it shnll ape&, and
not lie :though it tarry [seem to delay], wait for it ;
Tho events of Revelution do not ocom in chmnolop because it will aurely wme, it will not tarry." (IIab.
ical order and we are not to expect to iind a f f l - 2 : 8 ) In 1914 the Lord's pcople expected many
ment taking place in chronological ordar. The vision thinffa that did not seem to wme to p m , some of
now t u r n back a few yeam and shows events that which began come to pass in 1918 nnd which they
came to pass after that whioh is portrayed in the four mw thoreaftor.
preceding vemw. "And the angel which I saw stand The time had now come for the sleeping saints,
upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand who were 'resting for a little seoson', to be r a i d
to heaven, and swam by him that livcth for ever and
# (%v. 6: 1 1 ) ; the time to "finish the work, and eut
180 L I G H T BIPP. 10 l&v. 10 TBANSITION 181
it short in righteousness". (Rom. 9 :28) The time had the inhabitants of the earth and vindicate his name?
come for the fnElment of the worda of the prophecy: What ia the organization that opposes him, and of
"I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far what does it consist? Is Satan and hie organization
off, and my salvation &all not tarry [delay] ; and I responsible for the sufferin@ and cralsmities of men
will place sslvation in Zion for Israel my glory." and the alienation of men from &dl All these thinga
(Isa. 46 :18) Sinae the Scriptures are written specif- God had long ago foretold or snnounced by his proph-
ically for the bendt of (rod's people, this time eta; but the time must wme for them to be under-
seems to apply more particnlerly to the coming of stood by his faithful people on the earth, because it
the Lord to his temple, the selection of his remnant, is for their benetit that such Scripturea were written.
and the raveding to them thereafter the purposes of -Ram. 15:4 ; 1 Cor. 10 :11.
Jehovah. This also would mark the time for the pre- By his prophet he said: "Surely the Lord (rod will J
paratory work immediately preceding the beginning do nothing, but he revealeth his soeret [mystorg.]
of the great witneas work. unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3: 7) There-
Then the record is concerning "the mysteqy vf God" fore the statement of Revelation 10:7 seems to say
being W h e d : "But in the dam of the voice of the that following the sounding of the seven angels &d
seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the would cause his servants to have an understanding
mystery of God ahould be .finished, as he hath de- of the prophecies which have heretofore been secret.
clared to his servants the prophets." (Vs. 7) "The Those who compose the remnant of the servant class
mystery of C%rist" pertains to the selection of the have received a great enlightenment in the past few
'seed of promise' without regard to whether they be years and now have an understanding of many proph-
Jewa or Gentiles, and shows the gathering of the body ecies that have heretofore not been understood. This
members with Christ as the Head. (Eph. 3 :4 6 ; is due to the fact that the Lord ia in his temple and
Gal. 8: 27-29) There mms to be a clear distinction the flashes of light from his temple illuminate his
between the "mystery of Christ" and the "mystery people.
of God", which should be hished during the sound- The seventh verse begins with the conjunction
ing of the seventh angeL There are a number of quee- "but", which indicates a transition point has been
tions relating to Jehovah which were a mystery to reached; and it seems clearly to be a transition f ~ m
Qcd's people and which have been cleared up since the Elijah to the Elisha work of tho church. Before
the coming of the Lord to his temple. Who is God! this latter witness work is done the remnant must
What is the ~ e a n o of e the names by which he be gathered together and purged, that they may be
reveals himself P Is (rod responsible for ull the aor. witnesses to the name of Jehovah. It ia written:
rows and woes of earth, including the calamitiesl Has "God at the first did visit the [nations] to take out
he an organization, and what is it? What is meant of them a pcoplo for his name." (Aots 15 :14) This
by his wming forth out of hb plrwe to punish a l i people Ood bPings into his organization and makea
L I G H T ILW. i0
msnifest the remnant, the gathering of which rem- a voiae from heaven, and says to God's people:
nant began with the coming of the Lord to his temple Gather youraelvea unto me, ye my men of loving-
in 1918; therefore from the time 02 the coming of Idndneas, who have solemnised my covenant over
the Lord to his temple the vision shonld no longer sacri8.ce." (Pa. 60 :5, Roth.) The time had come for
tnrry: "There shonld be time no longer." From the remnant class to receive the portfolio of service
henceforth God would gradually reveal to his people which is outlined in the volume of the "little book".
the understanding of the hidden thinga of his Word. They muat now take this book and eat it, and thereby
"[Jehovah] maketh lightainga for the rain, and learn God's purposes concerning them. These must
bringeth forth the wind out of his trear3urie.a9'4er. now orgnnize for service. By hi prophet God had
10: 18, R. 77. add: "Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious
His lightnings illuminate his Word and mnke known house: open thy mouth, and ent that I give thee.
to his servant class his purposes that have been hid- .. . Eat that thou flndest: eat this roll, and go speak
den, and also revenl the hypocrisy and duplicity of unto tl18 home of Israel [all spirit-begotten onos].
Satan's wicked organization. Having laid the "pre- 90 I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that
dous oorner Stone" as the Head and ehief Stone of roll." (Ezek. 2: 8-8: 2) This is undoubtedly addressed
the temple, he muses his light to shine thereupon and to God's faithful people on earth. The Lord Jegus
to illuminate those of the temple class. (&h. 3: 9) hocked at the door and those composing the servant
This he does from and &r the coming of the Lord clam opened and aaked for service and it was given
to hi temple in 1918. to them. (Matt. 7: 7; %v. 8: 20) The "little book"
The viaion disclosea Christ Jews, the mighty angel held in the hand of the angel, being the same as the
with the 'little book open in his hand', and John "roll" doscribed by the Prophet Ezekiel, is or can-
(picturing the servant class) henrd the voice from tains the purposes of Jehovah, which have long been
heaven saying: "Go and tnke the little book which is a secret or mystery, which mystery is now "finished"
open in the hand of the angel." The "little book'' and ia to be made lmown to hi faithful people. The
manifestly is the revelation of God's will and pur- 'eating' of that little book or roll is the revelntion of
poses concerning hi people. John the servant class his hidden purposes to them, making known to the
are shown going to the anml and aaking for the book, faithful ones what God requires them to do.
which is delivered to them nnd they are told to "eat John (the scrvnnt elnss) ate the little book as com-
it". The eating would 8ignify the building up of the manded and 'it was sweet ns honey in the mouth, but
mind by acquiring a howledge of God's purpose, bitter in the belly '. (Rev. 10: 9,10 ; Ezek. 3 :5-71
and the performanee of the privileges of service that The servant class wcre hungry for more spiritual
would come to them by virtue of receiving that knowl- food, and every bit of the food received was sweet
edge. The Head of God's dect servant clclass, Ohrist and is meet to them. "To the hungry soul every bit-
Jesus, now wedm for Jehwah, and therefore it was ter thing is sweet." (Prov. 27: 7) The bitterneas has
purgative properties. Coming to hia temple the Lord had been doing and is doing by and through his
enlightened the remnant by feeding them upon agencies, and this caused them to be righteonsly in-
the Word of truth, and thb was meet to them. But, dignant. "I eat not in the wsmbly of the mookern,
as the newlator foretold, it becomes bitter to the nor rejoiced; I sat done, because of thy hand: for
belly. It fills the servant e h with bitter indignation thou hast Wed me with indignatioa1'Jer. 15: 17.
against Satan's organization. (Jer. 15: 17) The faith- The bitter indignation, however, did not at all take
ful servant clam, by eating the little book or roll, away the sweetness and the joy of serving the Lord.
receive heavenly wisdom, which is sweet to them: This knowledge and d d o m disclosed to the servant
"My son, eat thou honey, beaause it ia good; and the alas3 their privilege of going forth as God's witnesw.
honeyaomb, which is meet to thy taste: so shall the Doing so in obedience to the Lord's eommmdmenta
knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou has brought bitter trials upon them; but in such trib-
h& found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy ulation they rejoice, becam mch is an evidence or
expectation shall not be cut off."-hv. 24:13, 14. proof of God's approval. (Rorn. 5:3-5)Them rejoiae
J Thus it is shown that the eating of this book brings to have a part in the vindioation of Jehovah's name
knowledge and henvenly wisdom. Properly received, nuder any and all conditione that the Lord ia pleased
this knowledge has a purgative or purifying effeet. to have come to p w .
The Lord Jesus site in judgment at his temple to F M 1918
-. ~ to the f d of 1919 the servant das3 Was
" - -

purge or "purify the sons of Levi", to the end that in exile, and therefore in silence. This was symbolized
these approved might offer an aeeeptable sacrifice unto by John on the isle of Pntmos. The servant clsas mnst
God. (MaL 3:2, 3) No longer would these faithful be releaaed from mch exile in order to carry out the
ones make their belly their god. (Phil. 8: 19; Rorn. commandments prophesied by Jesus concerning the
16:18) Seeing their privilega they become wholly preaching of this gospel of the kingdom (Matt.
and completely devoted to God and to his service, 24: 14); heme John the servant dess is told: "Thou
and the prophet has put the worda in their mouths: mwt prophesy again before [again&, Roth.] many
"How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweet- peoplas, and nations, and tongues, and kings." The
er than honey to my mouth!" (Pa. 119:103) "Thy indieputable fsats &ow that from and after 1919
words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word marks the beginning and carrying forward of the
was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: Elkha work of the servant olaas. Until 1922 the or-
for I am called by thy name, 0 Lord God of hosts." ganization of the workers was progregsing and the
J e r . 16: 16. work was going forward. In 1922 the Lord's people
The lcnowledge and heaveply wisdom received from were permitted to have an understanding of Isaiah's
feeding on God's revealed purposes disclose to the prophecy wherein the Lord ia discerned in his temple,
faithful onea that they were commissioned to go forth and then it was clearly aeen by them that them must
aa W ' s witnwes. They enme to know what Satan be s great witnw work concerning the kingdom. In
186 L I O H T gw. 11 Em. 11 TBANBITION 187
that picture Isainh zeprwents the Lord's servant class, nesses were hindered in their work and stopped, and
and eonceining the witnets work that is to be done a speci5e pnrt of the witness work finished ; how these
he asks the question: "How longt" And he is an- w i t n m aftarwnrds revived and carried on the work,
swered: "Untii the cities be wasted without inhahi- and how more witness- were gathered into the com-
taut, and the houses without man, and the land be pany; and discloses the opening of the temple of God
utterly desolate." (Isa. 6: 11) The Prophet h i a h md the sounding of the seventh trumpet announcing
himsell did not live to see the destruction of the city "the third woe".
of Jemsalem; therefore these prophetic words must The vision recorded in the eleventh chapt0r of
apply to God's servant c l w whom Isaiah pictured, Revelation begim by disclosing John, who represented
and this proves that the servant must continue and the servant elass on earth, reeeiping a measuring
the witness to the name of Jehovah mast go on until "reed like unto a rod" and receiving the direction
Armageddon, when the name of Jehovah shall be com- from the angel to "rise, nnd mensure the temple of
' pletely vindicated. This should not only enwurnge, God, and the altnr, and them thnt wonship therein".
but thrill the aervant class of the Lord to go faith- The word "reed" is from the .Greek kalamos, which
fully on with the work until the Lord's due time to Is a divine unit for meawment. (Eeek 40: 85;
finish it. Rev. 21: 15,16) Kalamos wns one of the ingredients
THE WITNEBS of the holy nnointing oil and ia undemtood to ~ym-
Jehwnh by his prophet foretold concerning a faith- boliie the knowledge the nnointed received from God's
ful remnant claw among the eonaecrnted followers of Word. The reed's being "like unto a rod" symbalieed
Christ Jeaus, which olaas was foreshadowed by a rem- that the mea~wementshould be made according to
nant of natural Israel. I t is the remnant of spiritnnl the standarh of God's kingdom and the approved
ones must measure up thereto. (Ps. 110: 2) Be Is
Israel to whom is committed the testimony of Jeaua
Christ and which class becomes the witnesses for Je- first to measure the temple. God's people constitute
hovah on the earth in the last days. This class mast his temple; henm judgment or measurement must
paas thmngh certain events, also foretold, to deter* begin at the house of Qod. (2 Cor. 6: 16 ; 1Pet. 4: 17)
mine their qualification to be Jehovah's witnmes. The Lord often causes his people to perfom certain
Otherwise stated, there must be an examination of the duties and pnsa through certnin wentrc and nfter-
wnseerated ones and from these the remnant elasa wards discloses to them the meadvly thereof. Such
be selected. &oras an opportunity for the child of God to show
his willingrim to obey and follow whithersoever the
The eleventh chapter of Revelation should now Lord leads.
and hem be d u l l y read, nn it is considered in the It was in 1922 that the people of God first hnd am
following paragraphs. It deals with the qualifications understanding thnt the Lord had come to his tanple
of the faithful witnw c l w ; ahow how these wit- in 1918. The Lord Jnsus, the great Judge, is the One
Btv. 11 TBANBITION 189
188 L I ( t H T
who judges the people of God; but it is noted that
Rm. 11

John was directed to do the measuring, thus augge8t-

1 The hutruetion is not to mewre the court out-
side the temple but to lo1mwt [it] outsidepJ (Both.),
because it symbolieea t h m who merely profass to be
ing that after the Lord had come to his temple for OodJs children but who are not. These are known
judgment the John clans, or the faithful ones of the by their fruit.* If they were devoted to the Lord
Lord's servants, must come to a proper n n d e d - they would bring forth fruits of the kingdom; that is
ing of what constitute#the quaMeati~111for member- to say, they would show a devotion to and service for
ship in the kingdom. They mu& m m r e themaelvea the kingdom. The meamring must be done among

by the divine standard and thus themelves learn the those who are comecrated and who claim t o be in
q ~ c a t i o n required.
s present truth. The onea that measure up to the di-
&amring ('the altar" symbolizes that the remnant vine standard are evidently the onea who are taken
c l w come t o an appreciation of the fact that they into the tomple and made a part of the servant class
are not sacrificing priesta who are doing anything to and who form "the holy city" which is Ctod'a govern-
add to Chriat Jews' sskrifioe. Christ J m is the ment. (Rev. 21: 2) Those who merely pretend to be
great sacrificing Priest, and his sacrifice wos sufIicient followers of the Lord are represented
- as in the court
once for all for the atonement of sias. The remnant, and are left out.
that is to say, the approved servmt elaas on earth, Then it ia stated: "And the holy city shall they
mast offer an acceptable sacrifice before the Lord and tread under foot forty sad two months." The word
must come to know that such is merely rendering
unto the Lord their "reasonable service", and that
"thev" mu& of n@2W&V~+D- D- ~toYt h who ~ OPPOSe
God6 lcingdom and who treat it and its reprebttl-
their mriflee, which is acceptable to him, ie their tives with contempt, It was in 1914 that Christ Jesua
devotion and praiw and service rendered unto the macc placed upon his throne, and it was there that the
Lord. The purging or measuring which discloses the nations of the earth began t o manifest a contempt
qualification of the servant claas takes place when the for the new govement of Chrkt,and thns symboli-
Lord comes to his ten~ple,that they may offer an eaUy to tread it down. The date of the beginning of
offering in righteonsness unto the Lord. 'They that
worship' in the temple would be measured, that is
to say, those that worship the Lord in ~piritand in
I the treading down is therefore Gxed in 1914,bwause
the treading down must begin ahortly after the Lord
takes his power and begins his reign.
truth; and these are they that when approved are The "forty and two months" of the treading down
permitted to stand in tho holy place. (Ps. 24: 3-5) equals 1260 days, and this period is identical with the
Those who thus measure themselves by the standard 1260 days that the "two witnesses" prophesy in sack-
divinely given learn of their privileges of servioe and cloth. The treading down of the "holy city" and
delight to have a part therein. The remaant, there- the prophasyin$ of the two witnewas in sadicloth
fore, is made manifest, and one may determine for being identioal as t o time, the events aoming to pass
himself whether or not he is of the remnant,
within that period of time apply to both. This proves holy spirit. Olive oil was the liquid ingredient of the
that the time mentioned at this point is properly priestly holy anointing oil. (Ex. 30: 24) Oil is also
counted as forty-two months of thirty days each, or a symbol of joy. The wise virgins had oil in their
1260 days. The faets diselose that the time is literal, v w I s and had joy in doing the will of Cod. (Matt,
and not symbolio. Most of the numbers in Revelation 25: 4) That the two olive trees symbolized thosefaith-
are Literal; and this is especially proven by the num- f d onea on wrth who had grown up in Christ J m s ,
ber of the members of the elect dass, as set forth in and who had delighted to serve Cod, is further sup-
the sevcnth chapter of Revelation. The Dicsglott reu- ported by the following texts:
daring of the text is: "And I will endow my two wit- "But I am like a green olive tree in the home of
nesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hun- Cod: I trust in the mercy of Cod for ever and ever,
dred and sixty days, clothed in sa&cloth." The iden- I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it:
titleation of the two witnesses and the treading d o m and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy
ts Important, and the interpretation thereof is dis- saints." ((P. 52: 8, 9) (See also Romans 11:17-24.)
closed by the facts that came to pass and are well These witnea8e.9 are also identified as "two eandle-
known. sticks", which symbolically means that they are light-
In verse ten of the same chapter these same two bearers and approved hy Jehovah and hold forth his
w?~nmsesarc called "two prophets", and this furnish- Word in the earth. Jesus said of John the Baptist:
es a key to their identitleation. Elijah and John the "He was a burning and a shining light." (John
Baptist were both prophets and foreshadowed a work 5: 35) Of and eonoerning his faithful followers, f o r e
to be done by the faithful saints on earth, and there shadowed by John the Baptist, he said: "Ye are the
fore such fdrthful saints are properly called "-two .
light of the world. , . Let your light so shine before
witncases". Jesus mid: "It is also written in your men." (Matt. 5: 14-16) God gave the Prophet Zech-
law, that the testimony of two men is true." (John ariah a vision which illuminates this point and
8: 17) The fact that two men were used to forwhadow further idcntifiea the "two witnesses". "And the
the witness work of the saints, or faithful servant angel [of the Lord] talked with me; .. . and said
class, Droves that their work is true and was divinely nnta me, flliat seest thou? And I saiid, I have looked,
foreordained. and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon
For the manifcst purpo~eof further identifying the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven
t h w p a witnwcs'it is written: "These are the two plpes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top
olive trees, and the two e a n d l ~ t i c l rstanding
~ before themof; and two olive trcw by it, one upon the right
the Ged of the earth." (Vs. 4) Those who were faith- side of the bowl, and the other upon the left mde
fully dsvoted to Jehovah Cod prior to the earning of . .
thereof. And I . said unto him, What be thlsse
the Lord to his tgmple, and who mere doing the Lord's two olive hnnohes, which through the two golden
service, doubtless had received the anointing of the p i p s empty the goldm oil out of themselves? And
Clrist J-,
who stand before
Uod and hold forth
his light of truth.
he answered me and said, Elijah was taken away in a fierg
I4nowest thou not what those chariot; John the Baptist was be-
be? And I mid, No, my lord. headed; thus foreshadowing condi-
Then said he, Those are the tions that wonld mark the end of the Elijah work
two anointed ones [margin, They were of the ggfent "cloud of wibesscs", and of
sons of oil] that stand by the John it was said that 'he was a witnegs and bore wit-
Lord of the whole earth."- ness of the Light'. (Heb. 12: 1;John 1:7, 8,15) See-
Zeeh. 4 :1-3, 12-14. ing that those two witnesses foroshadowed a witness
Elijah, one of the anointed work to be done, and which wes done by Uod'e faith-
oxoahets of God, foreshadowed 4d light-beams up to a certain point
&eAwork of aod'a faithfd of time, let the facts now be con-
ones on earth: "Arr the Lord 41
God . liveth, before whom I I sidered showing a M-
merit of the prophecy.
stand," said Elijah. (1 Ki.
17: 1) Both Elijah and. John
the Baptist stood before the Lord as his witnesses;
John in the special capacity of the forernnner of
Oh&. John theBaptist fulfilled the Elijah picture in
mi1611ture and further foreshadowed a work to be done
AGa, Y
by the church on oarth. Therefore the two prophets
atand for or represent the "two witnecare8': mentioned
by the Revelator; namely, the faithful followers of
194 L I G H T REV. 11 Em. 11 !CEAN8Il'ION 196
8 8 times, and therefore the end of the world, and when
"Sackcloth" ie a symbol of reproach and mourn- the children of GIod expected to be taken to heaven,
kgwhen applied to Glod's people: "For the zeal of The Watch Twer came forth with a lengthy article
ihine h o w hath eaten me up ;and the reproaches of entitled " M a h g Ready for the Reign of Righteous-
them that reproached thee are fallen upon ma When nesa". (See Wadoh Tower, November 1, 1914, pages
I wept, and k t e n e d my soul with fasting, thet was 823331.) What is there said is well illustrated by
to my reproach. I made sackcloth ako my garment; putting on sackcloth in an effort to comfort the mourn-
and I beoame a proverb to them." (Pa. 69:9-11) ing ones. A few excerpts are taken from that article
Isaiah repmmted God's anointed people on earth to show its tmor and to show the real attitude of the
and he prophesied in sackcloth. (ha. 20: 2) The
Watch Tower, and ita companion publications of the I EIlijah-John-the-Baptist class. These quotations are
not for eritiaism, of course, but to show how the Lord
Bociety, for forty years emphasked the fact thst 1914 foreknew and foretold what was to come to pass, and
would witnw the establishment of God's kingdom how he doubtless o a d his angels to direct the prep-
and the complete glorification of the church. During aration of w e t l y what ww published. Egcerpte
that period of forty years God's people on earth were from that article in T h Watch TOWWfollow:
carrying on a witnew work, which work was fore- "It may be that many of the Lord's pwple were
shadowed by Elijah and John the Baptist. All of expecting more than they should have looked for to
the Lord's people loolred forward to 1914 with joyful occur with the opening of the J~wishyear 1915 [end
expectation. When that time came and pmed there
was much disappointment, chagrin and mourning,
of 19141.. .. The human mind seem to have a nat-
ural tendency, and one with which we ahodd have
and the Lord's people were greatly in reproach. They
J were ridiculed by the clergy and their allies in par-
ticular, and pointed to with mrn, because they had
1. sympathy, to expect matters to enlminate more rap-
idlr. f a l h e n t s to come more suddenly, than they

ever do come."
said so much about 1914, and what would come to The article then sets forth at length the Sdtptural
pass, and their 'prophecies' had not been fulf3lIed. proof, and the m d e m d i n g thereof, reviewing the
One wearing sackcloth usually puts it on himeelf.
God's people on earth, after the reproach that came
. of the world from 606 B.C.down to October,
1914. The artiele then continues :
upon them fo1Iowing 1914,put sackcloth upon them- i "Studying Clod's Word, we have measured the
selves as an evidence of mourning. (Lam. 2 :10) This 2520 years, the seven symbolic times, from that year
ia proven by what appeared in The WaVatch Tower. 606 B.C. and have found that it reached down to
October, 1914, as nearly as we were able to reekon.
During the period of ita publication Ths Watch
Tower has been the mouthpieoe of God's children on . .. Many of as concluded that as far as we could
see, October of this year [I9141 would show the end
earth. Immediately following the end of the Ctentile
of the Gentile lease of power ;for when ()ctober Mmrea
- ..
196 LIffHT E5v. ii
2 I

r +---
- -
BAN SITE^ ' igi -
we are getting down to the end of the Jewinh year,. .. "Nothing could induae us to part with that knowl-
"Have the Gentile times ended or not? Some per- edge of God and hie plan in which we rejoice today.
haps may be inclined to say, 'No; they have not All the world over, that which makes the Lord'a peo-
ended.' Others would say, 'When the Gentile times ple appear happy ia not special beauty on the out-
shall have ended, we would expect that the Gentiles dside, but the light on the inside, the light of the
would he entirely ousted from all power and control, I knowledge of the glory of God, the light of the knowl-
and that Christ's kingdom would be e&tbli&e& Were edge of the divine truth in our he& This light
there not a great many things that we expected would shining through thee earthen vassels is heart-cheering
take p h when the Gentile times would end(' We and comforting."
find that some have one idea end others another. "But we cannot be far fmm our change; and we
Some think that jut the next hour after midnight advise that all the Lord's people live day by day just
would see a great change everywhere-evil blotted as though this was the last day on this aide of the
out in sixty minutes or in sixty seconds. . .. We do veil, and that tonight or tomorrow would usher UE
not think that any would have been justified in so
thinking. . Has the kingdom begun in any sense of
into the glorious things beyond the veil. Living in
this way will surely be at least a good experience for
the word9 We so believe. We think that the light us, bringing blapaings and ripening of character.
now going forth is under the direation of the Captain What a blessed way to live!--every day in anticipa-
of our Salvation. We think that the present distress tion of seeing our Redeemer and sharing in his won-
amongwt the nation8 is merely the beginning of this
time of troubla " I derful work 1 The things connected with this present
time seem less and less important to us, on account
"Some one may ask, Siiee the fd&neht of the of whiah our namw are cast out as evil by those who
various time prophecies demoastrates that W's meth- are living for all they can get out of the pwent life.
ods of operating are slow, may it not be that the
!&&om will not be ushered in for fl~e,ten or even I' "What may be done to our mortal bodies? None
have the power to injure UE as new mat-
waiting for or change, whieh will come to some m
twenty-five years! Our reply is, we are not a prophet;
we merely believe that we have come to the place one way and to some in another. God be praisedl
where the Gentile times have ended. If the Lord has His will be donel Our Master had a cup at the oon-
five years more for us here, we shall be very glad to clnsion of his experiences, and it was an especially
bitter one, his suffering as an evil-doer and as a blas-
be on this side of the veil; and we feel aure that all phemer being especially severe. Under the Jewish
the Lord's t d y consearated children also will be glad law, blasphemy of God's name was really one of the
ts be on this side if it is the Lord's d l . If the Lord most grievous crimes, and was aspeeidly p d s h e d b.7
has even one more year for us as good as the past ignominious death. JRSUSmas not the blasphemer,
year has been, what more could we ask? but the seribes and Pharisees were the blasphemm.
- -- J -.
196 L I G H T R5v. 11 m. 11 TEANSI$ION 199:
Yet J B W ~wae to die aa the blasphemer, while those nesa in this hnmiliated condition) 1260 days, or forty-
who were really doing the blaspheming were the onea two months, during which period of time they should
who put hi to death l be d~spisedor trodden down, treated widh eontempt
"We should not wonder if in the divine arrange by tho88 who hate God's kingdom, particnlarly by the
ment God might have some mch bitter cup for the clergy and the principal of thoir flocb. (Rev. 11 :2,3)
feetmembers of the body of Christ. Why should we From and after the beginning of the World War in
think sol For various reasons. We have so mu& 1914 the Bible Students, which we use here synony-
favor from God that it would seem that we would monsly with the term 'God's people', were "hated of
deseme to have severer testing0 and a fuller and more all nations", juet aa Jesus foretold. (Matt. 94: 9)
bitter cup than othera have had. Furthermore, tke Thoy were thus trodden down, despised or treated
Scripturea seem to imply that it wiIl he ao. with contempt.
"Elijah was a type of the church, and we remem- Forty-two montha of thirty days each, or 1260 days,
ber that at his departure he went in a chariot of fire; which is equivalent to three and one-half years solar
and we believe that this symbolically represents the time, b e g b h g the f h t week in Novembe~,to Fm&
time of trouble on tho churoh when the time of our November 7,1914,would end on the 7th day of m y ,
departure shall come. Then, again, John the Baptist 1918. Now note that the %velation w u n t fays:
wae a semi-type, the semi-antitype of Blijuh. John's
experiences were very bitter. .. . So we should be
well prepared for whatever cup of bitter experiences
"And when they &all have fibished their testimony,
the bead .. . ahall overcome them, and kill them."
(Rev. 11:7) Exaetly forty-two months after the
and ignomin~pthe Lord may have for us." publication of the aforementioned "sackcloth" article
The foregoing excerpts from the article mentioned in The Watch Tower, to wit, on the 7th day of May,
show that the Lord's people then were in humiliation, 1918, all the ofilcors of the Watch Tower Bible and
represented by "sackcloth", because of the reproach- Traot Society, and who were then the publishers of
es heaped upon them and the bitter experiences Tke Watch Touer, were "mmome", in this, that
through which they were paasing and expected to pass. they were meat4 under warrant oharghg a viola-
tion of the espionage law and trading with the enemy,
THE TIME and their wmk doppd. They were "overcome" by
The article published in the November 1 i m e of stopping the work that day, and on the 20th day of
The Watch Tower would be in the hands of its readers June thereafter these same officers of the Society were
by the end of the flret week or about the seventh day sentenced to eighty years' imprisonment d, sjw-
of November, 1914. It shows the Elijnh class in a& boliedly speaking, the work of the Society wae killed.
cloth. However, the Hlijah dam, God's people, eon- The "beast", and its 'overooming' and 'killing' of
tinned to bear witness to the name of the Lord ae them, will be mom fully identified further on in this
best they cvuld. "They B h ~ l lpmphes-y" (bear wit- boolr. The point here &&d, and whiah the
200 L I G H T REV. 11

facfa prove, is that God's people for a period of Lord mdst be resisted, and in this manner killed.
forty-two months did prophesy or give testimony in an The cler# did everything within their power to in-
attitude of mourning and under reproach and until jure m d hinder the witness work during that period
they were overcome by the enemy organization The of time, and constantly ridiculed and reproached
organization designated "the Society" stands for all God's people because they had said that 1914 would
of God's people working harmoniously together ta the mark the glorification of the church and this had not
glory of God; and therefore the arrest and imprison- come to pass. Then "fke proceedeth out of [the]
ment of the oBcers directing the work would stand mouth" of God's witnesses, in this, that their quota-
for, and does representatively stand for, all of God's tions from Cod's Word told the clergy what would
people on earth in a like condition. come upon them and how the Lord would devour
The treading down of "the holy city" (meaning them.-Matt. 18 : 6.
those on earth who represented God's kingdom) by Some samples of such fiery messages from the
the opposers thereof covered a period of forty-two Lord's Word are here cited. The Sodety published
months, during which identical period of forty-two at that time a paper known as the Bible Students

months God's faithful witnesses, represented by the ZXonthQ and issued Nnmber ninety-nine of that paper,
two prophets Elijah and John the Baptist, gave testi- containing the artide, "The Fall of Babylon," whioh
mony until they were 'overcome' at the end of that was widely cirdulated. It pointed out God's expressed
period of time and the work effectively stopped. determination to destroy the opposers of the kingdom.
On January 5, 1918, a resolution was adopted at the
EFFECT OF THE TESTIMONY annual convention of the Society, which resolution
Referring to the testimony of these "two witnesses", was sent by special messengers to the president of

that is to say, all of God's faitbful children pictured the United States, to the secretary of war, and to the
by the prophets Elijah and John the Baptist, it is provost marshal of the United States a m y , calling
written: "And if any man will hurt them, fire pro- attention to God's will concerning the forcing of men
ceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their ene- into bloodshed and what should follow.
mies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this Note that the Revelatian does not say that physical
manner be killed." (Vs. 5) This statement of the violence shall be used, but that the Lord's people shall
Revelator applies to the 1260 days while the wit- use truths destructive to the enemy, and these were
nesses were testifying and before they were overcome used. It was the 'calling down of fire' upon the heads
and killed. "Hurt them" does not refer to the wit- of the rulers of the nations. This conclusion is further
ness class as individuals, but to the witness work. supported by the fact that Elijah, who foreshadowed
Cod's witnesses consider not themselvee. Their im- the witness work at this time, called down fire from
portance is only as instruments of the Lord. Anyone h k e n upon the enemies of &d. (2 Ki. 1: 1 0 , l l )
attmpting to injure or hurt the witness work of the God had foretold by his prophets that thk is the mau-
202 L I G H T FW. 11 BJv. 5 1 TBANBITION 208
ner in which the ind.ignation of thc Lord should be In hia due time G W stopped the war 'for the sake
expremed by hia people: "Wherefore thns ssith the of his elect'. The witneasas of W "have power over
Lord God of hosts, Because ye speak this word, be- waters to turn them to blood". Shed blood is lifeless
hold, I will make my words in thy mouth fire, and blood. The truth of God's Word told by God's faithful
this people wood, and it shall devour them." (Jer. people during the war, concerning the war and the
5: 14) "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; dergy and their part therein, was a lifeless potion
and like a hammer thnt breaketh the rock in pieces t " to those repreaentativca of Satan's orgaaieation, and
J e r . 28 :29. therefore their table became unto them a mare and a
A8 further proof that "my two witnwca" means trap. (Pa. 69: 22-26) The messnge of tmth delivered
the ohuroh of God on earth doing a work foreshadowed during that forty-two-month period by Gd's people,
by mlijah nnd John the Baptist, it is written: "These and particularly during the latter part thereof1 did
have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the
days of their prophecy: rind have power over waters
to turn them to blood, and to mite the earth with
- "smite the earth [or visible part of Satan's orgaaiea-
tion] with dl plagues". The faithful Elijah work
continued, and the vitnwes continued to pour the

all plagues, as often w they will." (Vs. 6) The appli- truth upon Satan's rank6 until the witnem work was
cation of this is made by Jesus hi-E against Satan's 'overcome' and brought forth to be 'killed'.
organization when he says: "In the days of Blias,
when the heaven was shut up three years and p i x
monthq when great famine was throughout all the
I TlirnlE PMYBn
&er the ElijahJohn-the-Bapcst witness work
land. . .. And all they in the synagogue ... were filled
with wrath." (Luke 4: 25-28) The stopping of the
had been finished, at the end of the forty-two-month
period, God permitted "the be& thnt wendeth out
promulgation of the truth is likened unto the taking of the bottomleaa pit [to] make war against them"
away of min, which is refmhing. During the World and "ovemome them". (Vs. 7) The Diaglott and
War God's faithful ones refused to pray that Cod Rother71.m render this word "beaat" &a "the wild
would bless any of the wnrring nations na instruments be&". It is a symbol of Satan's rule of force, vio-
of destruction. The clergy prayed for such blassings lence and oppression exercised by his visible orgaaha-
to result to their respeotive eo~~ntriea during the tion h o r n as the leaders of the principal nations of
World War. The president of the United Statea, act- the world. During the war this rule of violence was
ing with them, asked all the clergy to unite in prayer aspwially m d e manifeat in its espionage, its denial
for peaae to be brought about by the war. The faith- of the freedom of thought and speeoh, its dragooning
ful followers of Christ Jesus refased to join in this for military serviae, ite bloodthirsty and conscience-
prayer aa requepted. Had they prayed for the war less urging of men into war; and like crud things.
to stop, God might have heard them; but it was not This "benat" waa coming out of the "pit" when it
his will they should do so. began to compel men to b e d each other's blood. A
L I G H T m.11 IWv. 11 TRANSITION 205
more complete explanation of this wild be& coming the shedding of innocent blood. Just as the word8 of
out of the pit will be had in ~ubaequentchapters of John the B a p t . rebuked and string Hemd and his
this book, particularly in dealsng with chapters thir- wicked wife for their unholy alliance, just so the
teen and seventeen of Revelation. SuBce here to eay words of truth stung the chief ones in Satan's or-
that the United Statea formed a part of that "wild ganization.
beast", not.withstanding it claims to be the land of John the BapW suffered death by behending, thus
the free and the home of the brave. foreshadowing the witnw work, represented by him,
On June 15, 1917, the United States enacted the as coming to a Wre end. Elijah was taken awap amidst
conscription and espionage lam. Those acts were a fiery trouble, and foreshadowed that the Elijah
modeled after the laws of the British Empire. Prior work must cease amidst a fiery trouble, and which
to the World War Britain and America stood alone did cease, according to the facts, on the seventh day
as nations relying upon voluntary military service, of May, 1918, with the arrest of the active servants
but immediately upon entering the World War Amer- of Jehovah's organization and the disruption of all
ica adopted the conscription law. relationlrhip batween the headquarters and the ofaces
"Beast" is a symbol of Satan's organization; and
the "wild beaet", of which the United States and
Britain form a part, made war on the people of God.
/ in foreign w11ntries. "Even in thoae days wherein
Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was s l h among
you, where Satan dwelleth." (Rev. 2: 13) "Antipas"
In Canada and the United States this was begun by meana "against all", and God's faithful witnesses
putting a ban on the literature published and distrib- were wholly ngsinst Satan's organination
uted by ,the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
Then began the persecution of the faithful witnanses DWD BODIEB
and repeated attempts to compel them to purchnae <'And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of
war bonds and war stamps to further the war ma- the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and
chinery. Thia persecution reached a climax by the Egypt, where also our Lord was oruci5ed." (VS. 8)
unjust enforcement of the espionago (spying on Our Lord Jesus was oru*fied in the world, or the
others) law. That lnw, enacted upon the pretext and Devil's organization, and his witnsee work was like-
claim of safeguarding the interests of the people, was wise 'overwme and killed' in the same place. These
miansad by the olergy and their allics as a club to small bodies of people forming the witnesses for the
fight againat the dissemination of Ood's Word of Lord on earth were now silent as death. Their work
truth. The truth then due to be given to the people, seemed to be eompletaly done. As mute evidences of
and which was being given to r n d ~ i n dby Jehovah's the injustice, fraud, lying and cruelty practiced
faithful servant class on earth, rebuked and etung against them, and aa proof of the violation of liberty
the clergy, Big Business, and the politicians, because of apeech, and, above all, as evidence of the defame-
of their pholy alliance and of their partnemhip in tion of God's word and me,the witnm work of the
206 L I G H T Imv. ll
faithful followera of UhrM lay dead in the streets; Those aats of m e l t 7 to Qod's people and Wts to
not lying in atate, but in the streets and in disgrace Jehovah have not been done in a corner, but openly
and expoaed to the gaze of the mockers, and consid- before all the natione of the earth. The common people
ered "UI the 5lth of the world, and the ofbcouring will bear witneas to the fact that during the war the
of all things". (1Cor. 4: 13) "Their carcasses were Bible Students were only telling the people why the
as dung in the mi& of the &streets."-Isa 5: 25, War had come, that Satan's world had ended, and
margin. Qod's kingdom waa at hand, and that these were the
They were not given an honorable burial, but wero evidences of the approaching blessings, and that their
left exposed in the city (of Satan, wbkh i s called gwd work was ruthlessly stopped by the agents of
Sodom and Egypt, where Christ Jesus wss ernaiiied). Satan's organhntion.
The faithful witness work, which Ood had caused to The clergy seized upon the war as a pretext to
be given to the world at its then greatest crisis and stop the witness work concerning God's Word beoaw
need, was made a stench in the nostrils of all the they had contempt for God's kingdom. The Devil
onlookers. The clergy and their allies, from their had completely gotten control of them and their allies
pulpit8 and through the public press, made this and they were bent upon doing every$hing poasible
stench as detestable as possible. They pointed to those in opposition to the kingdom of the Lord, whioh they
who had h e n giving testimony to God's Word and now trod down under foot. To be sure, Jehovah fore.
their work as worse than the worst enemies of the knew and foretold thw: "And ye ahall be hated of all
land. It was in the broadway of socalled Christen- nations for my name's sake." (Matt. 24: 9) Jews
dom, and which the Lord has named Sodom, that this furthermore said that this shall be used against them
witness work lay. In that *eked organization where. as a witness.-Matt. 10 :18 ; Mark 13 : 9.
in was 'fulnem of bread and pride, a b n n h e of idle- The "three days and an half" that their dead bodies
ness' and cruelty, God's witness work had been killed lay in the streets does not seem to be either literal
and exposed as a detestable thing. In that organiza- or m b o l i a time, but merely a time d c i e n t to cause
tion on earth, which is anti-God and anti-Christ, an- a dead body to putrefy. In thia we are reminded that
w&en Laearus &ed and Jesus came to the grave and
der the control and rulerahip of Satan, whose ministers
claim to be Christian, the real witness work was killed directed the atone to be taken away, "Martha ...
and the people turned away from the true God. The eaith unto him,Lord, by this time ho stinltcth, for he
clergy wero chicfly mponsible for this condition. hath been dead four days." (John 11 :17-39)The em-
They will be the principal ones to s S e r in the oom- balmed body of Lazarua stank in four days. An un-
plete downfall of Satan's organization; and this is ernbalmed body exposed three days in the open streets
indicated by the names Sodom and Egypt, which would b~comea t e d c stench and canso the people
auggeet the manner of the destruction of Satan's or- to turn away their heads. That is exactly what the
ganization, clergy and the Dwil deaired to accomplish, to wit>

to make the common people look upon Cod's wib that had tonnented them were, in their opinion, done
nesaes as the most detestable things. for and their work ended. No human power or in-
In a short time after June 20, when the work wlw fluence could again revive the witness work of the
completely killed, the public press and the preachers Bible Students, and the clergy had no thought that
had many things to say abont the Bible Students dod would give a helping hand. Therefore they
which made them like a stench in the nostrils of the masoned that 'this peatiferom crowd is dead and they
pmplc. They said in substance: 'The =ble Students rn done for forever'. That was the cause of their
are done for forever.' One paper had this to my: exultation, and they felicitated one another and swag-
"The flnia of Tits Yislzsd Myaterg has been given." , gered about, rejoicing in what they had accomplished.
This stench, symbolized by the putrefying bdiea, Many consecrated young men wcre held in the
wonld fnrnish the unmistakable evidence as to the . army camps and were severely abused and brutally
deadnem of the Elijah-John-the-Baptist work. Ex- ' punished be08w they declined to disobey God and
posing to shame would cause such putrefaction aa kill their fellow man. The clergy made no protest
would raise a great stench and make it a detestable winst such inhuman treatment M a t e d by the gov.
thing, and mch is symbolized as a thing that stinks.- ermnent oflaem, but, on the contrary, exulted over
Ex. 6 :21, margin; see also 1Sam. 13: 4; Ps. 38: 5, 22. it. In m&ny placea throughout the country dergy-
No honorable burial waa allowed the bodie8 sym- men incited and encouraged mobs to do violence to
bolized by God's "two witnesses". The United Statea, Bible Students. A great array of testimony giving the
contrary to the wirit of the fundamental law of the - name8 of them persecutors and their atrocious deeds
land, refused to allow the officers of the Society bail . is set forth in Number twenty-seven of the Golden
pending an appeal of their case, but b p t them in Age magazine. No clergyman raised his voice in favor
prison and thne increased their ignominy and c a d of religious freedom or the right to speak truly the
thcir brethren on the outaide to be shunned These Word of God. They had completely made themselves
also were exposed to ridicule and made to appear 'a organization. It was a holiday for
detestable in the eyes of the peoplo. The ruling pow- Satan on earth and they exchanged
ers did not bury John the Baptist, but "when his because they had been inatmental
disciples heard of it, they came and took up his the death of God's "two witnwe8".
corpse, and laid it in a tomb". (Mark6: 29) Thus of those who had to do with d&ro$ng this
ended the Elijah-John-the-Baptiat work, and the work of the Lord were even decorated by the
enemy, to wit, Satan's agcncies on earth who de- r their valiant deeds. This the Lord foretold
spised the kingdom, had brought a b u t that condition. s prophet: "In mine adverdty they rejoiced,
And so the clergy and their allies, as indicated in and gathered thendvea tqether; yea, the emitem
verse ten, rejoiced over them and made merry and [margin,A.R.V.] gatheredthemselvestogether against
fclioitated one another because them two propheta me, ... they did tear me, and ceased not: with

- -
hypooritiml moekem in f a t s , they gnashed upon me
a t h their teeth."-PR 35: 15,16. 1' witneming bo the name of Jehovah. (1IIi. 19: 16)
There ia a aompany claiming to be followers of Christ,
and yet who claim that since 1918 the Lord has had
an entirely difperent o h of people to represent him,
God's apirit is not inactive for long toward his and that none of the faithful ones have been engaged
servants. He would not permit his work to 'lie dead' in his service. The Scriptural proof set forth above
beyond the time it served his purposes. Therefore oompletely nnlliiies their claim and ahom that, since
it is written: ''And after three days and an half the L
Elkha was anointed to take Elijah'a place, the Lord
apirit of life from God entered into them, and they d himsell raised up the same company of men to do his
stood upon their feet." (Va 11) Manifestly tbis work, and that the organiention is God's and is one
refem to another short period of time snflicient to and the same organization. God rrtised up the same
let the clergy and their allies put the Bible Studenta body, therefore proving that the same pernous who
out of t b i r minds. The exoitement of the w e and flnished the Elijah work began the Elisha work of
their many duties in getting young men into the the church. I t was God who revivad the witnesses, as
trenches to be killed drew the attention of the dergy atated in Revelation 11:11.
away from these faithful witnesses of God, who When Herod honrd of Jesus' mirades he thought
they auppased were done forever. But all that time that John the Baptist had been raised from the dead,
the faithful ones outside of prison walls, as well as and doubtlea wan much alarmed. (Matt. 14: 1,2)
those inside, were seeking some way to witness to the The assembling of God's people at Cedar Point, Ohio,
name of the Lord. Shortly after the incarceration of 1 in September, 1919, and the sudden reviving of the
the Society's Maers M ' s witnesses, or rather hi8 Lord's work, atruck fear into the clergymen and the5
witness work, "stood upon their feet," not wddenly, d i e s and mused them to tremble; hence it is written:
but gradually. "Great fear fell apon them which saw them." (VK
On March 26, 1919, the prison doors were opened, 11) It wna a fear-inspiring amprise to the clergymen
by the Lord's grace, and in September of that same and to their supporters. "For, lo, the gings [ruling
year thousands of Bible Students assembled in con- factors] were assembled, they pnssed by together.
vention at Cedar Point, Ohio, at which time these They saw it, and so they marvelled; they were
faithful ones saw for the first time that the Elijah troubled, and hastod away. Fear took hold upon them
work was done and that there was another pent work there, and pain, as of a woman in travaiL"-Ps.
to be done, which was foreshadowed by the Prophet 48: 2-6,12,13,
Elisha, and therefore the ehurch must do this work. Doubtlem the clergymen aaw that they were in for
It was then clearly seen that Elisha wsa anointed in a "trimming" before tho people when they behold the
the place and stead of Elijah to finish the work of Bible Students boldly coming forth and declaring
the mesaage of God's kingdom and notifying the pw-
212 L I G H T lW. 11 Em. 11 TBANSITION 213
ple to come and hear them tell why the clww had 0 Jerusalem, the holy eity : for henceforth there ahall
stopped the witness work of the Lord's people of no more m e into thee the uncircumcised and the
the year before. Instead of hiding the fact that their nnclean." (Isa. 52: 2,l) "drise, shine; for thy light
officers had been imprisoned, aa the dergy expected ia come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
them to do, the Bible Students placed full-page ad- For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and
vertisementa in the papers throughout the country gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise
&g attention to the fact that they had been sen- upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."-
tenced to eighty years in p r h n for telling the truth Isa. 60 :1,2.
and would now explain to the people why. Great 'Ascending up to heaven in a cloud' pictures the
crowds floeked to hear, and did hear, and the witness fact that God's newants, rising out of the dust, were
work wna quiakly revived. lifted up to heavenly privileges of service, attended
At the Cedar Point convention in 1919, and in by the glory of God, and given a part in his heavenly.
The Watch Tower, m y scriptures were produced kingdom work to witness concerning the kingdom of
mpporting the conclusion that the Elijah work ended heaven.
in the fiery trouble of 1918 and that now the Elisha "And their enemies beheld them," that is to say,
work of the church must begin. It was a voice from beheld the faithful servants of the Lord, the Bible
heaven, because it was Jehovah's voice. "And they Students, with greater zeal and enthusiasm thnn over
[Cfod's faithful witnesses] heard a great voice from before and now forging forward in a great witness
heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they movement to the glory of Jehovnh God. From 1919
ascended up to heaven in a eloud ; and their enemies on the work of orgoniention amongst the Lord's peo-
beheld them." (Vs.12) Here was the invitation from ple progreaaed orderly and rapidly.
the Lord to hie people to "gather yourselves anto me
-ye my men of lovingkindness, who have mlemnised
my covenant over sacrifice". (Ps. 50 :5, 220th.) The
Lord wna gathering unto himself those who had been Then the Bevelator tells of "a great earthquake"
cast out. (Ps. 147: 2) Satan had been cast out of that came in the same season. This was an agitation,
heaven, where there was no rwm for him nny more, a ah&g of Babylon, or Satan's organization, so ae
and the Lord was now gathering his witnesses to to hake out therefrom those who loved God and who
himself to become a part of the new heavens and to were pictured formerly by the Israelites in Bnbylon
do his kingdom witness work. who engerly desired to go up to Jerusalem nnd re-
"Shake thyself from the dust; ariae, and mt down, build the temple of the h r d . The Lord 'atirred up
0 Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, the nest' where these consecrated people were located.
0 captive daughter of Zion. Awake, awnke: put on (Deut. 32 :11;Pa 11:4-7 ; Pa. 50 :4,5) God mvived
thy strength, 0 Pion; put on thy beautiful garments, the witnas work in 1919, and the shaking followed
'ad L I G H T 33m. 11
in that aame season, as it is written: "And the same
hour waa there a great earthquake, and the tenth part
of the city fell, and in the earthquske were slam of
men seven thousand: and the remnant were afkighte3,
and gave glory to the God of heaven. "-%v.
The original word here rendered "hour" is also
rendered "time", "season." God's pomr eausee
11 :13.
the Lord. Their namea were then expunged from the

eccleaiastieal records and they were dropped from the

rolls and counted as 'dead' by the clergymen. In faet,
the faithful ones did become dead with Christ from
that time forward and their lives were hid in the
Anointed One by Jehovah.-Col. 9:3, Diag.
They were translated from the powers 01darknw
earthquakes. The shaking or commotion which his (Babylon) into the kingdom of Clod's dear Son. (Col
operations cawed then ahook out from Babylon many 1:13) The transition work continued. These faith-
who lwed him. Truly, then, these fell away from ful onea are further identifled as "seven thousand"
m d were lost to Babylon. Those who fled from Baby- slain; which is supported by God's word to Elijah,
lon after the beginning of the witnesa work in 1919, saying: 'Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel
and who devoted themelvea wholly to the Lord ever which have not bowed the knee unto Baal or kissed
afterwards, formed a part of the remnant to do a d ' s him' 1 9 1 8 That eompany of seven thousand
work in the earth. go to make up the remnant of the Lord, accordmg
I t is important to note here that Clod speaks of those to the impired words of Paul. He quotes the words
who returned from ancient Babylon as a "tenth". of the Lord above set forth, and then adds: "Even so
Jehovah by his prophet foreshadowed the great wit- then at this present time slao there is a remnant a&
n w work to be done after the coming of the Lord cording to the election of grace." (Ram. 11 :4,5) There
to his temple. The evidence shows that this witneae appears to be no other reaaon for Jehovah's making
work began after 1919, and concerning it the Lord mention of the number "seven thousand" to Elijah
says: " [Until] the lord have removed men far away, than to have the remnant thus clearly pietured and
and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the to help us un-and by mentioning the aame thing
land. But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall re-
turn,and shall be eaten; as a teil tree, and as an oak, I in Revelation.
By far the greater number of Clod's resnnant who
whose substance is in them when they cast their leavea, are servants of the Lord, and doing his witness work
so the holv seed ~haUbe the wbstanm thereof."- today, are those who have left Babylon and come into
~rra.6 :i2,i3. present truth ainee 1919. At an international con-
Be it noted that the "temth" in this text is called vention held in Germany in 1925 a poll of the great
"the holy seed", showing t b t it is God's m m t audienee was taken and the reault showed that more
class. These were cut ofe from Babylon and were slain than half of those present came into the truth since
atla became dead to Babvlon as a result of the Lord's 1922, and nearly all of them since 1919. A similar
shahing. They withdrewWfmm the ecclasiastid church poll was aftemards taken at other conventions, prov-
systems and took, their Btaad Wp:on the side of ing the same general fact. The remnant not only for-
sook Babylon, but in 1926 exposed her and denounced ment of radio ministers by the National Broadcasting
her in the language of the Scriptures, and then threw Company, snd the radioensting of talks by those of
away from themelves all Babylonish customs, such high-aonnding names. These Babyonish system,
as dress, names of holidays, sanotimoniousneas, and forming a part of Satan's organization, in no wise
like things, so that today nothing a b u t the remnant repented and turned to God, even though they saw
can be called Babylonish. (Isa. 14: 22) In Britain Qod's favor upon hie people; and for this reason
the Lord's pcople were more given to eeclesia8ticism, Babylon ia marked for complete destruction See
but when they saw their proper position they quickly Revelation eighteenth chapter. Had they repented
forsook evcryth'ig pertahing to Babylo&& cnstom. there would have been no ma1 reason for "the third
The long ooats, black ties, sanctimonious fnees, hang- woe", which must follow.
ing heads 'like a bulrush', ceascd amongst the gath- The withdrawal from Babylon of the "tenth part
erings of the Lord's people. Instead, those coming of the city", meaning a goodly number thereof, which
togcthcr were joyful in the Lord m d their fnces shone number is mentioned as seven thouaand souls, and
with joy to havve a part in his witnem work which became a part of God's organization, must have
"And the remnant were affrighted," that is to say, been a masting, stinging woe to Satan's organization,
thosc remaining in the chumh systems were affrighted. partioularly the ecclesiastical element thereof. Not
The remnant here does not refer to Ood's anointed only were the r& and nnmbors of the ecclesiastical
peoplc. The ecclesinstical leaders and workers became oompasy reduced, but those who withdrew becnme
alarmed at the withdrawal of their meinbers and tried zealous for the Lord and, joining the Lord's army,
to start revivals amongst their own company, and msrehed on to the assnult of the enemy by the p m e
thw by a form of godlineas they gave hypocritical h t i o n of Qod's truth.
"glory to tho God of heaven", but their real reason The sixth angel had sounded his trumpet, and "the
for 80 doing was for their own interests. The clergy second woe ia past ;and, behold, the third woe cometh
and thc principal of their flocks cast out the names of quickly". (Vs. 14) Up to this point in the eleventh
thoae who had withdrawn from their church organiza- chapter of Revelation events are recorded atretching
tions, and in so doing claimed to be glorifying God; over a period of time from 1914 until the sounding
and thia the Lord had foretold by his prophet. ''Your of "the seventh angel". In that period there waa
brethren that hated you, that cost you out for my
a complete transition from the Elijah work of God's
name's sakc, said, Let the Lord be glorified."-Isa.
66: 5. people to that fore~hadowedby Elisha and done by
As further support of the correbtnw of this con- the same people of God. A greater transition is that
clusion the following is cited, to wit: The Intcrohnrah which mark the end of Satan's rule by permiasion
World Movement; the "personal visitation" cam- and the beginning of the kingdom of the Lord, an-
paign of the nominal charoh workers; the & H n O W C 8 nounaement of whieh must now be made.
N8 L I G H T a.
BFYENTH TBTSMPET take credit for what is done, whether that owature
It seems certain that the seventh trumpet would be an invisible angel of heaven or some earthly serv-
proclaim events of the greateat importance coming to ant. It might be well here to recall that when sod
/ p w . The greatest doetrine of M ' s Word is his sent hi angel8 to deal with some of his earthly crea-
kingdom, because the kingdom will vindicate the word turea the angels' names were not disclosed These
and name of Jehovah. God's great drama was moving oreatnres, far greater than man, kept their names
forward orderly, and each event exactly on time in eearet from man. The manifest purpose waa that all
harmony with his schedule. "And the seventh angel glory and honor should be given to Cod (Jndg.
sounded ; and there were great voices in heaven, say- 13: 17,18) This must mean that the creature shall
ing, The kingdoms of this world are become the king- take no credit to himwlf for what he is privileged
doms of our Lord, and of his Chrigt; and he shall to do.
reign for ever and ever."-Vs. 15. If it appears, then, that God's people on the earth
From this text, according t o the rendering of the have been used by the Lord to perform certain things
Autkorised Version of the Bible, it might appear that 'in connection with the fdtllment of his propheey, let
Satan's world has become God's Idngdom; but that these facta cauae them to humbly fall before Jehovah
is not the correet thought. The Diaglolt rendering of Qod and give h m all glory and all honor. Let no
the text is more nearly correct, which is: "The king- flattering titles or honor be given to men, for such
dom [the right of rulership] of the world has be- is not pleasing to the Lord. (Job 82: 22) Gad's peo-
come" the kingdom (right of rulerehip, Ezek. 21: 27) ple can today see where they have made this great
of our Lord and his Christ. This latter rendering is error many times in the past; but henceforth let them
supported by the S i i i t i c and Alexandrine W S . and be warned and hereafter give all the glory and honor
the Amel.dcanRevised Versim,Rotherham, and others. to God, and none whatsoever to men.
"The world" here mcans the new world beginning, From July 30 to August 6, inelusive, 1928, God's
which did begin in 1914,because it is then that Christ servant elam held a convention at Detroit, Michigan
J e w , whom right it is to rule, came into power. In that convention were conseorated men and women
Again the Lord sent his angel to carry out matters from many countries of the earth, speaking many
of great importance as pertaining to his people on donyes and languages. The clergy and their allies
earth. He caused his representatives or deputies, who ased every power at their command to keep the pw-
are invisible to men, to direct what should be done ple in ignorance of the fact of this oonvention and
by his visible servants on the earth. This is fnrther to deter persons from attending. They would have
proof of the completeness with which Jehovah keeps prevented the shouting of the multitude# who did
in hie hand all his work. Everything is in his right attend, if they could; but they could not. Satan and
hand; and he directs his sewants, and they act accord- his agenta have not power to prevent anything that
ing to his sovereign will. No ereatwe em pmperly &d willa to have done. That waa a service convention
L I G H T Em. 11 Ilsn. 11 TBANBITION

the general purpose of whieh waa to make known the lowers of C ~ P MJesoa The radio sta.tiona linked to-
kingdom of God. The Society published its own paper gether numbered one hundred and seven, wvering all
for the occasion, called The Messenger, whieh guve a parts of the United States and almost all of Canada,
daily report of the evente of the convention. From and with short wave channels carrying the message
The Messenger the following is quoted: to foreign lands. There were many comecrated people
'The most important event that ever happ~nedin assembled in similar groups at various points with
Detroit, or in Michigan, or in the United States, or on loud-speakers installed, that they might listen to the
the American continent, or in the world., takes place radio; and therefore these similar groups formed a
this morning at 9: 80 when an address will be given part of the convention and had a part in its pmcecd-
on "Ruler for the People", over the greatest network ings. At the appointed hour a resolution was read
of radio stations over linked together in human h i s setting forth in substance thnt Jehovah, the only true
tory. . .. The wire network of these stations wvera God, is the true Friend and Bencfactor of mankind;
33,500 miles of telephone lines, and 91,400 miles of that Satan's world has ended; and that Jehovah has
telegraph lines. More than 500 telephone experts will plaeed hi beloved Son Christ Jesus upon hi throne
superintend the network.' The New York Times said: to rule the world; and then the resolution aalled up-
'The most extensive and expensive radio hook-up in on & nations and peoples to give their allegiance to
history hss been arranged for the International Bible God's kingdom. Then followed the a p e d in support
Students next Sunday at Detroit. The speaker is an of the resolution, the title of which wee "Ruler for
rmeompromiaing foe of organized Christianity.' The the People". At the conclusion thereof the resolution
Wwhington (D. 0.) Post, on August 6, said: 'The was enthusiastically adopted by a vote of the seen
broaderast of Sunday morning's session of the Inter- and the unseen audience.
nationaI Biblc Students Aasoeiation, asembled yester-
day morning in Detroit, included more than 100 sta- "DECLARATION AGAINST SATAN AND FOX
tions, and therefore was the largest in the history of JEHOVAH .
radio. ... For the convenience of listeners in the "The Bible Students in international wnvention
Capital loud speakers mere installed in the Pythian aasembled do declare themselves against Satan and
auditorium, and at several other points in the city. wholly for Jehovah of hosts, and emphatically an-
The visible audience in the auditorium numbered more nounce further these vitnl truths, to wit:
than 12,000. I n addition to that, loud speakers were
placed in Belle Irile Park, about ten miles away in "First: That the peoples of earth organieed into
Detroit, where it is said another crowd wmbled.' forms of go~ernment and under the control of a
The most important period of the convention waa superior and invisible ruler constitute the world;
the Sunday morning session, August 5. Asembled "Second: That Jehovah is the only true and AI-
at the Coliscum were upward of l2,OOO earnest fol- mighty God and the source of all just authority; that

he is the Eing Fitend, the Uod of jwtice, wisdom, Christ Jewa will preas the d o t against Satan and
love and power and the true Friend and Benefsetor all of hie f o m of evil, and henceforth our battlwry
of all creation ; hall be, THII SWORD OF JEHOVAH AND OF
"Third: That Jehovah delegated to his son Lncife~ HIS ANOINTED ;that the great battle of Armaged-
the authority to be the overseer of man;'that Lucifer II don swn to begin will d t in the full restraint of
Satan and the complete overthrow of his evil or-
became disloyal, rebelled against Ood and cawed man
to fall away from righteon~~ess, and &@A that rebel- Y &ation, and that Jehovah will establish righteous-
lion Lueifer has been known by the titles Dragon,
I ness in the earth by and through Christ, the new
Serpent, Satan and Devil ; that Satan the Devil has Ruler, and will emancipate manlrjnd from evil and
caused H e amongst the nations and is responsible bring everlasting bleaeinga to all the nations of the
for all the cruel wars, wicked murders, aJ1 heinous I earth ;
orimes and other corrupt aats that have been oom- 1 "Seventh: Therefore the due time hw come for all
mitted; that until now Jehovah has not reatrained who love righteousness to talce their stand on the side
Satan from the exercise of power and influence over of Jehovah and obey and serve him with a pure heart,
man; that for many centuries Satan han been the that they may receive the boundless blessings which
invisible ruler of the world, constantly defaming the the Almighty GIod has in reservation for them."
name of Jehovah Bod and working great injury to A full report of the resolution and the supporting
men and nations ; address appeared in the f f o l d m Age magazine of
"Fourth: That Jehovah promiaed that in his due September 6, 1928. Bor further report of the pm-
time he would reatrain Satan and establish a righteous ceedinga of the radio hook-up broadcasting of the
government in the earth that men might have an op- resolution and the supporting argument, see Wdch
portunity for life everlasting in happinem; and to Tower, September 16, 1928.
that end he anointed his beloved Son Jesus to be the It seem quite eonvinoing that the Lord throagh
Redeemer and invisible Ruler of the world; hia angel dirscted the proceedings at that convention
"Fifth: That Jehovah's due time has come to and afforded the opportunity for proclaiming it over
his promise and to clear his reputation in the minds the broadest area that any memage ever delivered
of all creation; that Ohrist Jems has taken hi high on earth up to that time had been broadcast. On
' ofilco as the executive of Jehovah and the great issue Monday morning following, at four o'elock in the
now is, Who is sod, and who shall rule the peoples morning, the same resolution and supporting argu-
and nationsf ment were broadcast by short wave from Detroit,
"Sixth: That beclause Batan w i l l not m e n d e r his Michigan, by wire conneetion with the large station at
wiclred rule over the nations and peoples of the earth, Schenectady, New Y o r , for the special benefit of
Jahovah of hosta with his anointed executive officer Australia, New Zealand and other islands of the sea
224 L I G H T
Shortly thereafter cablegrams were received fmm
m.11. TEANBITI~N -
i m e , and God's minted people are marching on
x 225

Australia and New Zealand announcing that the re-

ception was splcpdid and well received. Cablegrams with songs of praise proclaiming, 'Jehovah shall reign
from the islands of Jamaica, Trinidad, and other forever, by his C h i a t l Jehovah's name shall now be
B.W.I. points, likewise reported good reception. vindimtad.' The ffovcmmeltt hook, released then and
./ This was an mouncement that Jehovah is the widely distributed since, especially emphasizes the
King eternal and that he has set his beloved Son, fa& that Jehovah is the Supreme One, and that hia
earth's rightful Ruler, upon his throne. That the government, by and through his anointed, is the eom-
Lord directed it there can be no doubt, because no one
connected with this convention had thought that its
1 plete panacea for the ills of humankind, and that
which will set the people free, and that therefore Godts
proaeedings might be in fulfilment of ReveIation
11 :15. Nor did auch a thought occur to any one, so
fnr as known, for more than a year thereafter. "Je-
i government is their great friend.
John's vision then shows the twenty-four elders
that sat upon their seats or thrones as falling upon
hovah hath become king." (Ps. 97: 1, Roth.) "For their faces, worshiping God, and saying: "We give
the lringdom is Jehovah's, and he is .the ruler over the thee thanks, 0 Lord God Almighty, which art, and
nations." (Ps. 22: 28, A.R.V.) 'Jehovah hath set his wast, and art to come ;because thou hast taken to thee
king upon his throne.' (Ps. 2: 6) Thus the Lord thy great power, and hast reigned." (Pas.1 6 , l l ) The
had long ago foretold what he would do, and which "twenty-four elders", being double the number of
he did. The facts show that he set his King upon his the apostles, symbolically represent the kingdom clam,
throne in 1914, and here was the occasion for cansing those in heaven and those on the earth, to whom the
his people to make a proclamation of that fact to the Lord has said: "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."
nations and peoples of the earth. The resolution and These worship not men, but worship the Supreme
the supporting addresa broadcast on that masion One and humble themselves undcr his mighty hand.
were afterwards put in book form under the title (1Pet. 2: 17; 5: 6) Theae say, not merely at prayer
"The Peoples Friend", and millions of copies in and teatbony meetings, but aloud by speech and by
various languages were placed in the hands of the radio and by millions of printed books prodaiming
people. At that same convention the book entitled the fact, that God's kingdom has come; they say that
ff~vemmeatwas released for distribution, and has the Lord took his power and began his reign in 1914,
since been widely distributed throughout the earth. as the Scriptures and the facts show; and saying this
These measages, symbolized by the "voices", are they rejoice and give thanka to Jehovah and delight
and were from heaven because what is therein stated to become heralds of his kingdom.
is the Word of God, and not the meaaage of man. Jehovah has always exercised supreme power over
The i m e is squarely raised, Who shall rule the the universe aeide from the earth; but now, by and
world! From that time forward such is the great -ugh his beloved Son, he wumes authority over
things pertaining to the earth: "And.the nutiom were
anprp, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the during Armageddon and bo forever on eartli.-MaL
dead, that they should be judged, and that thou 8:16,17; 4:2,3; PB. 115:18; 145:19.
uhouldeat give reward unto thy servants the prophets, Jehovah by his prophet tella of the ruling claeses
and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, smnll on earth, 1111der Satan the invisible ruler, who have
and great; and should& destroy them which destroy deilled the earth because they have transgreased his
the earth.'?-Vs. 18. law, changed his ordinances, and broken his ever-
The nations became angry in 1914, at the end of lasting covenant. (Isa. 24: 6) These wicked ruling
Satan's world. Jehovah's wrath came when his be- faotors have so corrupted the earth, that is to say,
loved One m e to his temple in 1918 for judgment. the organization of men on the earth, that God will
(Ps. 11:4-6) Thereafter God's people came to a reali- destroy the wicked organization. This was better un-
zation of the fact that the faithful sleeping saints had derstood by the Lord's people after the explanation
been resnmoted about the time of the Lord's coming given in the Watch Tower of December 15,1927. This
to his temple.-See W b c h Tower, June 1, 1927. is another proof that Qod reveals: hia truth to hia
/ "That thou shouldest give reward unto thy sewants people in his own due time.
the prophets" applies to that class that pmphwy or The vision then discloses the temple of God in heav-
preach "this gospel of the kingdom': The prophets en opened. "And the temple of Qod was o p e d in
of old are left out of the picture because "they with- heaven, and there waa aeen in hia temple the ark of his
out us should not be made perfect". (Heb. 11:40) testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and
But the faithful witness class on earth, and giving thunderinga, and an earthquake, and great hail."
the witness,is symbolized by the two prophets Elijah (Vs. 19) This indicates that the time had come for
and John the Baptist, which "two witnerares" " a s the awakening out of death of those saints who had
oended up to heaven in a oloud". Thereafter their died faithful; and also for thoee on the earth, found
work is represented or foreshadowed in the events faithful, to be brought into the temple dm. This
that came to paas in conneation with Elisha the would mark the beginning of the ful5lment of the
prophet. Therefore these witnesses are called "thy parable of the talents. (Xatt. 25: 21) The opening of
the temple would also diselose to those of the temple
servants the prophets". Others mmtioned are "the class what things are therdn. "And there was seen
saints" and evidentlr include the 'prisoner' class or in hia temple the ark of his [covenant].'' Thia would
"great multitude", which are classed aa "righteous" not mean that the temple class &st had this under-
and which class must so011 be fully manifested and tand ding after the sounding of the seventh trumpet,
come unto the reward God has providod for them. but rather that the opening ooincidw in point of time
"Them that fear thy name" is another class men- with the beginning of the wrath of Qod, whieh worda
tioned and seems clearly to mean those who shall hear immediately precede. The ark of the covenant is
the mewsage of h t h and tarn to the Lord before and seem in the temple. In the reign of King David the
228 L I O H T REV. 11
ark of the covenant was transferred from the house
of Obed-Edom to Mount Zion, and that was occasion nant may be sprinkled upon it in due course. The
for song and great rejoicing, and a song was com- location of the ark was the place where the tribes
posed and sung by David telling of the presence of of Israel went up and had a rally. (Ps, 122 :4) Now
Jehovah for judgment. a t this day God's faithful witnesses must rally to the
The Scriptures show that the ark of the covenant performance of the oovenant by sacrifice, and i n so
is a symbol of the presence of Jehovah, and it is there doing give praise to Jehovah's name.
fore a time for his people to rejoice: "Arise, 0 Lord, The presence of the Lord in his temple is a time
into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength. Let of great shaking and agitation and commotion, which
thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let is symbolically stated in the nineteenth verse. Thii
thy saints shout for joy."-Ps. 132: 8,9; see also shaking, agitation and commotion has been partic-
Heb. 9 : 24. ularly true with reference to conseerated people and
The picture thereof, in Revelation 11:19, is that those who claim to be followers of Christ. This is
Jehovah, through his Messenger, Christ Jesus, has enhanced by the lightnings from the Word of God.
come to his temple and it is the time for the ap- The faithful ones see the light upon God's Word and
proved ones to greatly rejoice. "The Lord is in his rejoice, and those not faithful become incensed a t
holy temple." (Hab. 2: 20) The Lord now comes to their brethren and are shaken out. The flashes of
build up Zion, which is pictured by the transfer of lightning from the Lord are followed by proclma-
the ark to Mount Zion: "When the Lord shall build tions of the message of truth; and these messages of
up Zion, he shall appear in his glory. " (Ps. 102 :16) truth, hard and cutting, like hail, sweep away the
It is therefore the time for his people to say: "Save covering of lieq, and Cod's anointed joyfully proelaim
ns, 0 God of our salvation, and gather ns together, the praises to his name, and continue to sing the new
and deliver ns from the heathen, that we may give song.
thanks to thy holy name, and glory in thy praise."
-1 Chron. 16 :35.
The blood of the atonement sacrifice was sprinkled
upon the ark, representing the covenant by sacrifice.
The completion of the covenant by sacrifice is Jeho-
vah's chief consideration during the Christian era,
and particularly so during the period of the f m -
ment of the Revelation The complete establishment
of the kingdom hinges upon the performance of this
covenant, and in symbol the "ark" of Jehovah is now
present in order that the blood of this sacrificial cove-
ICav. 18 TBB1 B I B T H 231
CHAPTER VII In the light of the events whiah God c a m to came to
paas in fnlfllment of prophecy.
The Birth In order to give birth to a creature or thing there
must be a husband and wife, that is to say, a father
(-x, 12 a 13)
and a mother. Concerning the kingdom of heaven,
EHOVAH alone can givelife everlasting,becanse
J he is "the fountain of life". "For with thee is
the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see
light." (Pa. 86: 0) There is no exception to this
which ehall rule over and blesa all h ' ' d, Je v'
hovah God is the husband and Father, and his or-
ganization called Zion is the mother. Concerning the
wicked kingdom which have misruled the peoples of
divine rule. It includes his beloved Son, the King of earth for many centuries, Satan is the husband and
glory. "He naked liie of thee, and thou gavest it father, and hi8 wiaked organization, called Babylon,
him, even length of dam for ever and ever." (Ps. 2s the mother. The kingdom of Satan is darknw and
21 :4; see also Pa. 16: 11; Rom. 6:23; John 17:3) death, and the end thereof shall be everlasting de.
"In his favour is life." (Ps. 30: 5) All creatures struetion. The kingdom of God is light and life, a d
who will live forever must know these truths and wn- ble&sed are they that flee into it.-Zech. 14: 4-ll.
form themselves thereto. There is but one true &I&
Jehovah is his name. There ia a false mighty one, THE KINGDOM
, $ . .
or god, who may well be called "the mimic god", b e
cause he haa attempted to counterfeit and mimic what By the term "kingdom" is meant Jehovah God's
the true God haa done and does, but he does so to kingdom established by and through his beloved Son
ridicule and bring reproach upon Jehovah. He is Christ J e m and for the benefit of man. Above -all,
Satan the Devil, who in due time shall Buffer evcr- that kingdom will vindicate Jehovah's word and his
lasting destruction. (Heb. 2: 14) The term "life" name. Jehovah God fixed a definite time when that
applies to oreaturea and to organizati0118. "Birth" kingdom should be born and begin to function, snd
means the act of bringing forth to life. Everything that time began when he set his King upon his throne
that receives liie must have a birth. in A.D. 1914. John, the servant of God, waa given
In this chapter consideration is given to the birth a vision of the birth of the kingdom of Ood and he
of the kingdom of &Id and to the birth of Satan's wmte it down to be understood by the John or serv-
offspring. Chapters twelve and thirteen of Revelation ant class on the earth after the birth of that king-
are here considered. Theae chapters should now be dom had taken place, and after the opening of the
carefully read and studied in conneetian with what temple. For aome time now the servant clam has seen
is here said. Keeping in mind that Revelation is a this and rejoiced, and now others who love God may
prophecy, we must aee and understand auch propheoy see it for their good. The twelfth chapter of Revela-
Pa0 tion &uld now be wefully read.
a?% L I Q H T BY.
18 TEBl B I B T H 2%
Note that i t opens with the statement: "And there shoes, and the stars are about her head. The sun and
appeared a great wonder in heaven." The Renrised the moon and the stars give light to men on the earth.
V e r A says: "A great sign was seen in heaven." So the light of God shines upon and about them that
Truly it is a "great" sign, bemuse of its importance. love and serve him. Those of God's organization on
The kingdom or nation was born with the end of earth are sune of God's light and favor both day and
1914, but this fact was not intelligently discerned by night, whiah i s here symbolized. The 'twelve stars
the people of God until some time after 1918. That upon the head of the woman' symbolically says: 'She
great wonder or sign appearing in heaven is symbol- b a heavenly queen and therefore fit to bring forth
ized by "a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon the offspring of Jehovah. Her husband is the King
under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve of Eternity.' (Jer. 10: 10) Being with child and
stars". That woman symbolically represents God's about to be delivered she aried out. (See verse 2.)
organization, otherwise named Zion. Jehovah God is Her cries were those of pain directed to Jehovah God,
her husband and he accepts her as his wife because the only One who could help her. Her cries are
he has made her fruitful and he aclrnowledges her prayers for Cod's kingdom to begin. Clearly the
child by 'catching it up to him in heaven' at its birth. lesson taught by this b that the kingdom ia not pro-
The nation or organization of Imael, which was typical d u d except a t great mt of pain and d e r h g on
Zion, God used to foreshadow the greater light that the part of t h w who are members of Ood'a orgeniea-
he would bring to the attention of his people conoern- tion.-Acts 14: 22; Gal. 4: 19.
ing his organization "For thy Maker is thine hua- At the same time "there appeared another wonder
band; The Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Re- [or aign] in heaven". After the temple of God was
deemer the Holy One of Israel; The Ood of the whole opened those who were brought into the temple had
earth shall he be called."-Isa. 54: 6. an understanding of these "signs" or "wonders",
Cod's organization, symbolized by the pure wom- but they could not have an understanding prior there-
an, is partially visible to man, but the greater part to. Through the columna of the Watch Tower of "
thereof is invisible to man. It includes his beloved March 1, 1925, the Lord revealed thew truths con-
Son and all the host of heavenly creatures in harmony eerning the great wonders to his people. Thii latter
with Cod, and it includes those on earth who are faith- l'wonder" or "sign" is described as "a great red
ful and true to God. The latter are the only part that dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven
is visible to human eyes, but these are the ones who crowns upon his heads", and he had a taiL (Vs. 3)
are in real danger, by reason of the enmity of Satan Dragon is one of the names that God gave to Satan
against God and against his organization and the the enemy and properly applies to Satan's organiza-
.ahildren thereof. .,
tion. It is derived from the Greek word drahon, and
Note that the woman is elothed and shod with God's meam a serpent, and this a h is one of the names
light. The aun was her clothing, and the moon her that apply to Satan the Devil. (Eev. 12: 15; 20: 1-8)
Thus the Devil is identifie& and hie orgmhtion
- with condition tliat obtained at the cloae of the year 1914.
him. For centuries W ' s people have looked forward to
The diadem were upon his seven heads, and he had the &bg up of the kingdom with great expectation.
"ten horns", symbolically representing complete in- %en on earth Jews spoke of the coming of the king-
visible and visible power and authority over his or- dom more than of any other one thing, evidently be-
ganization, whereas the "seven heads" 6ymbolicslly ea~mof its greateat importance. It is the most Bta-
represented his complete invisible organization. Hie pendous of all things. Its birth was and is of the
"tail" is hia prophet, and therefore "the false proph- greatest importame. Bs Satan recognized Jews as
V' et)). (Isa. 9: 15) The proof is &ewhere herein sub- the heir of Ood and of the kiugdom, and tried to kill
mitted showing that "the false prophet" is the wm- him when he was in the flesh, even so he reco&ed
bined world powers of Britain and America SuBce the kingdom ss his (Satan's) greatest enemy. He
for the present that this abstract statement is made. waod ready to destroy the kingdom at its beginning.
Satan's organieation, particularly by and through Jehovah ehallemges him when he says : "Shall I bring
this false prophet, know8 how to lure and draw and to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? sdth Ja
entice; and therefore it is written that "his tail drew h o d : shall I that cause to brilng forth shut the
the third part of the Btsrs of heaven, and did cast m b ? with thy Ood" (Isa 66:9 A.R.V.) Ood's
them to the earth". Evidently this doea not mean ex- due t i e had arrived at the end of the waiting period
actly one third in number, but rather a clam of per- and no€hing oonld prevent the birth of his govern-
sona who claim to be faithful, yet are unfaithful to ment.
Ood. Those who will compose the "body of Christ" "And she brought forth a man ohild, who was to
and the "great multitude" must prove faithful. But rnle all nationa with a rod of iron : and her child was
there is a third part that will not be faithful but will eausht up unto God, and to his throne." (Vs.6) The
go after the Devil, and these are called "wandering man child here mentioned is a d ' s kingdom, new na-
atars, to whom is reserved the blaolmeea of darkness tion or government under Christ that must rule a l l
for ever". (Jude 13) By his prophet Ood foretold tPre nations of the"earth. This period of waiting and
that Satan, through his instruments or agents, would i&e bed thereof was foretold by another prophet of
"cast down some of the host and of the stars to the rJod, who wrote: "Therefore will he give them up,
ground". (See Daniel 8: 10.) The false prophet has until the time that ahe [Zion] which travaileth hath
accomplished this. bmught forth; then the remnant of his brethren shall
In verse four the dragon is shown standing before return unto the children of Israel. And he shall atand
the woman of God, ready and waiting to devour her and feed [margin, rule] in the strength of [Jeho-
ohild as soon as it is born. Thus is pictured the 'en- vah]."-Mia. 6: 8, 4.
mity between the serpent and the woman', as Cod had 'The heavenly queen,' whkh is G d ' s organhition,
previo* declared. 8.: 15). This was the exact d net bring forth the child except 'Gdgive the
e88 L I Q H T REV.11
increase'. By his wisdom and power his organization
labored not in vain. (1 Oor. 8: 6; 16:68) It ia only
Jehovah who could create the kingdom and from
whom proceeds all power and authority. (Rom. 13:
1, 2) I t was his will that Jeans, his beloved Son,
should remain inactive againat Satan until the end of
1914 and that then he should take his power and be-
gin hi reign.-Ps. 110:1.
Inamnuoh as he willed the righteous government,
and the manner in which it should be born, his great
organization served as the mother and furnished the
material for such government to be born and to rule
all the nations. I t is God'a entire or universal organi-
zation that gives birth to the new government, but it
ia his "elect" servant or great "high priest" that
d m . (Isa. 42: 1-7; Ps. 110:4) The woman of Ood'a
organization therefore gave birth to the kingdom and
to t h e who shall compose the kingdom, to wit, C h r i
at his resurrection, and the members of the body
later, and the oEoe which The Chriat i3I.l~.
Another picture likens this to the cutting of the
Stone out of a great mountain without hands. (Dan.
2:45) The birth of the man child ia therefore the
birth or bringing forth and the beginning of the oper-
ation of the kingdom or new nation, whieh i~ the holy
nation of M.(1Pet. 2: 9) The fact that the man
ohild ia pictured as being caught up to heaven provesl
that it is God's kingdom the authority of which ia
exercised by and through hi beloved elect and
anointed One.
Jehovah had foretold by h i ~ ' ~ r o ~of t time
h ethe'
aoming when he would send forth his Son out of Zion
m. la THE B I R T H 239
to rnle in the midst of his enemiea, and that war
would follow: "The Lord shall send the rod of thy
strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine
enemiw. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy
power, in the beautias of holmem from the womb of
the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. The
Lord hath mom, and will not repent, Thou art a
priest for ever after the order of Nelchizedek The
Lord at thv right hand shall strikc throuph k h w in
the day of-his-math. He shall judge mong theV[na-
tiom], he shall fll the placea with the dead bodies;
he shall wound the heads over many conntriw. He
' shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall
I he lift np the head." (Ps.110: 2-7) Thia period of
time necemarily began when Christ was placed upon
, his throne, in 1914. (Pa. 2: 6) That would mark the
time when war was begun by Chriit againat the ene
my Satan.
I n hannony with this it is writtan: "And there was
war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought againet
the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
and prevailed not; neither was their plaoe found any
more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out,
that old aerpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which
, deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the
8 earth, and his angels were aast out with him."-Rev.
, 12:7-9.
It is the great Prince Christ that began the war
against Satan and he is identsed in the aeventh verse
by the name Eehael, the manifest purpose of which
is to oall attention to the corroborative prophe~yof
Daniel, thus fnrnishing two witnesses to this impor-
tant fact. The only place in the Old Teatament that the
title Michael is applied to M ' a great Prince, Christ
1 n?x. 1B THE B I R T H 241
Jews, is in Daniel% prophecy, wherein it is written: father Satan. But every head or prinee in Satan's in-
"And at that time [at the birth of the man child, thc visible organization would be involved. These would
kingdom] ahall Michael stand up, the great peaven induce the visible organization of Satan on earth to
ly] prince which standeth for [ruler of] the children ww the membera of God's organbation on
of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble earth, which did take place.
[in heaven and also on earthl, wch as never was." On the side of Christ in this flght were his myriads
(Dan. 12: 1) That trouble in heaven ended with the of holy angels, but none of the members of the body
casting out of Satan; and the time of trouble on earth of Ohtist were involved. Those who had died faithful
was halted for a season, in which time the witnesa had not even been resnrrected, ond none of the serv-
work must be done, and then ahall come the h a 1 end. ant class on earth could render any aid in that war-

-Matt. 24: 14, 21, 22. fare. The gtrength of the enemy was no match for
This and other scriptures prove that Satan had a (lhrist, who has all power in heaven and earth. This
place where he was permitted to be in heaven. Prob- is proof th&tJesus dam not have to bind Satan before
ably God confined him to a certain zone, but that he his demons ca% be cast out or before Satan's earthlf
was permitted to appear in the presence of God is organization can be destroyed. We may expect the
made certain by other scri~tures.Job 1:6: Zech. Lord to give Satan full opportunity to fight all he
3:1,2. can and then b i d him when he is thoroughly
Four names Ood gave to him as a means of identi- whipped. Satan and his forces in that fight were corn-
fication, and they eymbolize the wicked work in which pletcly defeated and csst out of heaven; and this is
he engages. It is stated that he "deceiveth the whole proof that in God's due time Christ will completely
world", but evidently what is meant is the 'whole in- destroy Satau's organization and then put Satan into
habited earth'; and this is in harmony with the Re- tho pit.
uisdd Version and the Diaglott rendering of the text. It was not Jehovah's due time to kill Satan; thew-
It would not apply to Bod's anointed people, who are fore he had Satan and his angela literally thrown out
not a part of the earth. of heaven. Jew had prophesied: "I beheld Satan as
When Chrii, the great Prince, was placed upon lightning [that is to my, with lightning speed] fall
his throne the first work was to oust Satan from heav- from heaven." (Luke 10: 18) The time arrived for
en. Satan assembled all his host of powers and prin- Jesue to do that very work, and it must have afforded
cipalities and angels, symbolized under the "seven him great joy to thus vindicate his Father's n m e be-
heads", and resisted; and war followed. It was a war fore the h o b of heaven. That work, however, could
between Satan's heavens and the "new heavens" un-
der the Megsiah. The beast, the false prophet and the
kings of the earth were not in that fight, because they
could do nothing in a heavenly battle to ansist thei~
I not serve to vindicate the name of Jehovah before
earthly creatures. That vindiaation will take place at
Armageddon. Ood permits Satan to eontiiue his
wicked work about the earth, and in due time he will
destroy hie organization by and through hia great from heaven show the beginning of the exemiae of.
Prince, and that will be a complete vindication of his the power of Christ and marks the besinning of a new
name. era in the kingdom of the great "King of Eternity",
A voice in heaven is heard by John [representing m d a new era or kingdom beginning before the wm-
God's anointed], proclaiming, "Now is come sdva- plete destruction of Satan's organieation and power.
tion, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and AU the holy angels are sons of God, and are there-
the power of his Ohriat." (Rev. 12: 10) This further fore the brethren of those Christians who have died
shows that the war and the proclamation took place faithful aad the faithful ones yet on the earth and
at the birth of the kingdom or nation of Qod. The who are in Chr'i Tkc proclamation says: "For the
prodatnation would be heard by all the angelic hoiit accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused
~f heaven, and heard by the resurrected saints after them before on- God day and night." This accusing
J their resurrection out of death. It was not until 1925 is well illuatrat 4 in the case of Job. Satan a o d
that the faithful saints on earth began to Bee and nn- hi before,Jeho 'ah and declared that Job would n ~ t
dwskand; therefore that mwt have been Qod's due maintain his intc Jrity if he were put to the test. Ood
time for the latter to see. The Lord revealed this and permitted Satan " 9 try out his scheme on Job. The
caused it to be publiahed in The Watch Tower in 1925 teat was made anh Job did maintain his integrity b e
(Mmh 1) that there had been a war in heaven, S e fore Qod. S a m has alwap conabntly mused the
tan caat out, and much rejoicing in heaven becam followera of Christ, declaring they would not remain
the birth of the nation or kingdom had come. The faithful when put to the test. But those who have
strength of the Lord wae demonutrated againat Satan been faithful and true to &d have maintained their
m d his an& and later demonatrated to his rewr- integrity and Satan could not overcome them. On the
rected saints, and revealed to hie faithful onw on contrary, thwe faithful ones have overcome Satan, as
earth. Thwe then learned "The Lord is my strength it is writtea: "And they overcame him by the blood
and song, and is become my sa1vation". (Ps.118: 14) of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and
The robe of righteou~~eea and garments of salvation they loved not their lives unto the death."-Va. 11.
were not understood by the church until the Febru- By their faith in the blood of Christ as compensat-
ary 1, 1925, Watch T w e r . Then they appreciated ing for all their natural weaknesses and other nnin-
what was meant by the robe and the garments of sal- tentional imperfections, and holding on to him, these
vation. gained the fight. "This is the victory that overcometh
The period of waiting had ended and the time had the world, even our faith." They overcome "by the
eome for 'all power in hewen and in earth' of Chriet blood of the Lamb"; which meana that the Lamb of
to be exeraisad. Thia is what constitutes the "adminia- Qod is their advocate with God, making interoession
tration of the fulnem of the [times or] seasons". for his wesker brethren. (1 John 2 :1) "The word of
(Eph. 1:10, Both.) The immediate oast'mg of Satan their testimony" is also mentioned, whioh mwifestly
m.18 THE BIRTH 245
means that these have been faithful witnasses to the WOE
name of God and of Christ, giving testimony thereto.
One cannat be pleasing to God who does not act as a Since being oagt out of heaven Satan is limited in
witness to the name and word of God. To be his wit- his operations to the things of the earth; therefore
ness is one of Jehovah's positive commandments. The warning is given to the inhabitants of the earth.
truth was given to God's people, not merely as some- "Woe to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the sea!
thing to enjoy personally, but to tell to others to the for the devil is come down unto you, having great
glory of his name. For a time his witnesses testified wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short
in sackcloth, and when that period was ended their time." (Vs. 12) The remnant is no part of the earth;
witness was 'killed'. In hi due time God resuscitated hence the "woeJ' is not to them or for them, but is
his witnesses and gave them a change of raiment; and direoted to Satan's organization and those who bear
now, clothed "with the garments of salvation" and it u p and support it, and who are subject to it. The
"the robe of righteousness", these go forward with m a n t is now proclaiming this "woe" of warning;
great zeal to the giving of the testimony, and their and for this reason and cause they witness to Cod's
witness work is a boomerang to Satan and his agents m e and word and Satan tries to destroy them. This
on earth. text would further indicate that Satan will drive hia
I n the language of this prophecy, those who went representatives, to wit, Big Business, politicians, and
to make up the "two witneses" testifying in sack- clergy, to the extreme limit in their opposition to God
cloth "loved not their lives unto the death". They and to his anointed.
preferred to die rather than to yield to the solicita- Satan's great wrath is directed against God and
tions or demands of Satan's crowd. They would be his organization. He therefore oppresses the people
faithful to the Lord at the cost of their lives. To such in divers and numerous ways and causes great sorrow
Cod's "lovingkindness is better than life".-Ps. 63: 3.
and trouble to befall them and then induces his pions-
"Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell faeed and lying-lipped clergy to charge all these sor-
[tabernacle (or tent), Roth.] in them." The remnant
or faithful servant class on the earth, by reason of rows, woes and calamities up to Jehovah God, The
their conditional right to eternal life, are truly now reason is to turn the people away from God before
tabernacling or tenting in the heavens or heavenly h a g e d d o n is fought. Satan sees that his time is
places. By faith they now see how marvelously God short, and his purpose and aikempt to turn people
has dealt with them and how his purposes he so won- away from God is to get all on his side. The proclama-
derfully unfolds for them, and that soon his word and tion of the voice from heaven at this point of the
name shall be completely vindicated and their own Revolation ends, which indicates that the woes of the
joy shall be complete. Such is the portion of those peoples of earth will oontiuue and will reach a climax
who faithffillr serve God. in Armageddon.
W THE WILDERNESS (Vss. 6,14)These two verses are considered together
The result of the war in heaven found Satan en- because they relate to the same thing.
tirely excluded therefrom and he could take no fur- Elijah fled became of fear. God's woman, repre-
ther offensive operations against the heavenly host. sented by the faithful members of his organization
His wrath was great against God's L'woman", God's on earth, fled because God had made provision for
organization, and therelore the Devil must exercise these, and while in the wilderness condition the Lord
hii vengeance against God's people on earth; hence fed those of his organization. During the period of
it is written that "he persecuted the woman which the World War and while God's organization on earth
brought forth the man child", or kingdom. This is was prevented from activities, the members thereof
a warning to all of God's anointed that they should prayed the prayer the psalmist had put in their
expect the persecution of Satan and his opposition to mouth, to wit: "Oh that I had wings like a dove! for
be exercised by and through his &gents as long as they then would I fly away and be at rest. Lo, then would
are on earth. This is conclusive proof that if any one I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness. I
is found earnestly and zealously serving God by giv- would hasten my escape from the windy storm and
ing testimony concerning God's great name and p w - tempest."-Ps. 55: 6-8.
pose, that one will be persecuted by Satan and some God resuscitated his witness work, foreshadowed by
members of his visible organization.-Vs. 13. the Prophet Elisha; and then Jehovah God heard the
Jehovah, by his spirit, led his beloved Son away in- prayer of his faithful ones and answered and pro-
to the wilderness for a period of time, immediately vided even more than was asked of him. Jehovah God
foUowing his baptism a t the Jordan. At the end of is "the great Eagle" whose wings provided the sup-
that period of time Satan violently opposed the Lord port and protection for his organization. Therefore
Jesus, in the great temptation. And then Christ Jesus his woman was given two wings of his provision, his
began his aggressive work in prewhing the khgdom love and power, to bear her away. "I bare you on
of God. It would seem appropriate that God should eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself." (Ex.
lead his faithful ones on the earth away into a wilder- 19 :4) After the birth of the nation, or kingdom, and
ness immediately follo@ing the time his "two w i t while the witness work was yet in restraint, the
nasses" are re.suscitate& themfore it is written: Lord's saints on earth continued to pray: "Keep me
"And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she as the apple of the eye; hide me under the shadow of
hath a plaoe prepared of God, that they should feed thy wings." (Ps. 17: 8) "Be merciful unto me, 0
her there a thousand two hundred and thrascore God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in
days. And to the WOW were given two win@ of a thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my
great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, refuge, until these calamities be overpast." (Ps.
into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and 57: 1) "I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever; I will
times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent." trust in the covert of thy wings."-Ps. 61: 4.
When the Lord's people began to see his proviaion being a year of twelve months of thirty days each,
for them they said: "How excellent is thy loving- three slld a hdf yeam would equal forty-two months.
kindness, 0 &dl therefore the children of men put The hvo periods of time mentioned in verses six and
their trust under the shadow of thy wings." (Ps. fourteen are one and the same. Periods of forty-
36: 7) And the Lord's prophet responds: "He shall two montha, or 1260 days, occur in several places in
cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings the Seriptutq but that doea not mean that they all
shalt thou trust: hia truth shall be thy shield and refer to the same time. The forty-two months that the
buckler.'' (P& 91:4) And God by his truth re 'holy aity was trodden down', and the "two wit-
vealed himself to hia people, and his ministration to neeses" testify in sackcloth, began in November, 1914,
them has fed them. and ended in May, 1918, the proof of which is set
It is written: "Aa soon as Zion [God's 'woman7- forth in the preceding chapter.
organization] travailed, she brought forth her chil- At the end of that period of time the two witnesse8
dren." (Isa. 66: 8) In the wildernw was a place of were overcome and killed. There was then a period
aermrity or protection from the face and presence of of waiting or inactivity, because that which is repre
the enemy. In the wilderness was an appropriate sented as being dead could not be doing anything.
place for the ramnant of her seed to be brought forth There would be no remson or &on for the woman
and made a part of the temple and anointed. When to flw while the "two witneesea" were dead. Mter
Elizabeth learned that she was to be the mother of the war ended and Satan had been cast out of heaven
John the Baptist she went and hid herself for a sea- into earth his anger against the woman wa8 great, as
mu. (Luke l: 24) "Until the time that she which mentioned in verae thirteen. That seems to be the re&
travaileth [God's woman] hath brought forth; then sonable time for the 'fleeing into the wildernw'. The
the remnant of his brethren shall return." (No. period of 1260 days in the wilderness began March
5: 3) She brought forth her children in the place or 27, 1919, and the end of that period came Septamber
condition that God had prepared for her, and then he 8,1922. The phyrdaal fwte in support of this conclu-
fed them upon the food convenient for their growth. sion are now here given.
This seema to picture the Lord's people preparing for On March 26, 1919, the imprisoned ofllcers of the
and b e g h b g the Elisha work Society were released, and immediately on the 27th
day of Mareb, 1919, efforts were begun to c a f i ~on~
TIMBl the witness work. There waa then no organization
In verse six it is stated that the period of time prepared for *ark. Some preliminary steps muat be
in the wilderness is 1260 days. I n verse fourteen the taken I t WM then that God took his organization
time is mentioned as "a time, and times, nnd half a "into the wilderness", or into the condition which he
time". Thus the Lord demonstrates that the period had prepared for those of hiis orgrmbation on earth.
here is three and a half year#; that is to say, a tima The members of the organization muet be fed and
250 L I G H T EEV. 1% &. 18 TEIE B I R T H 261
nouri&ed and prepared for action. God and his b e get thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms
loved Son, working through other invisible members of my hands; thy walls are eontinually before me."
of his organization, made provision for his saints on (Isa. 49: 15, 16) This special provision for feeding
earth. The prayer of such was, "Feed me with food and preparing Zion was to continue 1260 days, or
convenient for me." (Prov. 30: 8) The promise is, forty-two months.
"He shall feed his flock l i e a shepherd, he shall The Lord caused his people to gather in convention
gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his in September, 1922, at Cedar Point, Ohio. The eonse-
bosom, and shall gently lead those [God's woman, orated came from Canada, the United States and Eu-
Zion] that are with young [the remnant of her rope. Some time previous, and without any thought of
seed]." "And he [Christ the King] shall stand and the fulfilment of the prophetic dates, September 8
feed [God's people] in the strength of [Jehovah], in was designated on the program as "The Day". (Ps.
the majesty of the name of the Lord hi^ Cod."-Isa. 118: 24) It was on that day that, a t the meeting of
4O:ll; Mic. 5:4. the convention, and amidst great enthusiasm and zeal
This feeding, done by the Lord Jesus, and men- for the Lord, the slogan was announced, "Advertise
tioned in Revelation 12: 6, was the providing s w the King and the Eingdom"; and from that day for-
tenance for the building up of God's organization, ward the organized witness work began
and corresponds to the building-up-the-organization That date was exactly the end of the 1260-day peri-
work that proceeded from the spring of 1919 until od i n the wilderness experience. God's organization
the climax was reached in 1922, when the organiza- on earth had come out of the wilderness and the time
tion, equipped for service, went forth to service. The had arrived for the beginning of the 'sounding of the
feeding the Lord did through the oolumna of The trumpet by the first angel'. (&v. 8 : 7) The woman
Watch Tower and kindred publications, which nour- in the wildernass had given birth to her children, and

ished, comforted and strengthened his people. it would now seem to be an appropriate time for their
Early in that period of time God revealed to his anointing. It is suggested that this marks the second J'
people that the Elisha witness work must be done, 'outpouring of the holy spirit', as described by the
and preparation for doing it progressed. In that peri- prophet and by Peter. (Joel 2: 28-32; Acts 2: 16-21)
od of time the "Bethel IIome" was again made hab- It was then that the followers of Christ Jesus in an
itable, and the office headquarters of the Society were organized body heard and appreciated the call to go
returned to Brooldyn, and preparation was made for forward to the service. Their lips had been cleansed

the publication of literature with the Society's own and now the time had come to give the witness to the
equipment. Jehovah was giving proof that he had not conelusion thereof, which the Lord had foreshadowed
forsaken Zion. "Can a woman forget her sucking by his prophet. (Isa 6: 6-11) It was then that they
child, that she should not have compassion on the son began to see the great "serpent" organization and
of her womb? yea, they maJ: forget, yet will I not for- t o appreciate its great wrath againat Ctod's organiza-
uaing all hia "ueven mouths", eymbolically meaning
tion and the neceaaity of being true and faithful unto dl his i&ruments, to thw turn loose a flood of
the Lord. schemes upon the peopla Satan's purpose waa to
mmIT sweepthe"wom~n", &d'a organization, on the earth,
The enemy's name "Serpent" meane deceiver; and along with the current of worldly opinions and talk
it may alwap be expected that hia actions are for the and to w e m her thereby to worship the begst and
purpose of deceiving men and to turn them away his image by taking part in some of these sehemea.
from God. "And the serpent cast out of his mouth Quite a number of thoae claiming full consecration
water as a flood, after the woman, that he might came to the Lord were swept away by the flood, but the
her to be carried away of the flood." (Rev. 12: 15) faithful remnant wuld not be swept away. This
The word flood is by some translators rendered dvsr. ehonld be a wmplete warning to God's people. It is
(Diag.) This'floodof watcr' coming out of the mouth only God's orgsnieation that Satan is trying to injure
of Satan symbolized doctrines talked about, schemes and destroy. The others he has under either his con-
and varioua palaver intended to deceive. Satan used trol or his influence. The faithful remnant will not
every available instrument to accomplish that pur- yield. "By their fruita ye shall know them," with
pose. In the flery times of 1917 and 1918 a number the Lord. "The fruit of the spirit is love." That
who had pretended to be in the truth and followers means that those who love God put self in the baak-
of CluM broke away from Ood's organization and ground and devote their all to the Lord and to hi
immediately began talking and publishing their o m glory. Such bring forth the fruits of the iringdom,
viewa in divers and numerow ways and taking special meaning a full and wmplete devotion to the kingdom
care that fmm that time forward those who remained and the serving of his truth to others. That proves
faithfnl and held fast to God's organization received beyond all question that all those who oppose the
copies of these messages. Their publications that ba- kingdom and the giving of the tastimony concerning
gan about that time increased and continue. The pur- the kingdom, and advertisimg ik, are being used by
pose manifestly was and is to draw others away from Satan, whether they realiee it or not. They are against
the Society. Thas Satan used these as instruments. Ood and his Christ and manifest the fruithi of the
From the spring of 1919 and thereafter there enemy, to wit, opposition to the kingdom work
flowed a great flood of talk and sehemea such aa peace But would the "woman", God'a organkation, yield
treaties, conferences, parleys, and political propa- to the pressure of this flood and drink thereof by go-
ganda and a cavorting by the clergy, all of which ing along with the advocates of a compromising
waa dirmting the people away from God to Satan's policy towssda Satan and his organization? No l The
schemes. The greater portion thereof came from Brit- Devil did not succeed and could not succeed in swwp-
ain and America. Politicians, Big Businem and the ing the true followers of Christ off their feet. Such
olergy joined together in the promulgation of these schemes as the League of Nations, prohibition, re-
dm@.It may well be said that the Devil has been
I D.U THE B I R T H 255
forms of vnriow kinds, p e w treaties, peace paat%, fnithfulnw and perrristcncy of the remnant class in
having the appearam of righteonanem, have all been giving the witnes to Jehovah's name and speaking
schemes to turn away God's people from him. forth his glory greatly enrages Satan and his orgnni-
Many profwed ones have said: "Let us go eaag sation. Therefore Satnn m d his organization go forth
and say n o t h i i about the clergy or the Devil's or- tv mnke war ngainst the woman, God's organization,
gnnization. Let the Devil alone and talk about some and her remnant now on the earth. "And the dragon
thing &."But the true and fnithful have not heeded was wroth with the woman, and went to make WW
weh. To those forming allinnoes and confederacies with the remnant of her seed, which keep the com-
to reform and upbuild Sntnn's old broken-down or- mandments of God, and have the testimony of Jews
ganization, the world, the faithful say: "Ammisite Christ."-Vs. 17.
yourselves [together],
. . ... and ye shnll be broken.
. Take counsel together, and it shall come to God committed to Chriat Jesua the great work of
giving the testimony concerning himaelf and his king-
nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for dom. Thehonor of giving this testimony Chrint JW
God is with us." This they do because the Lord God aharea with those of the templo clam who are made a
direeta them and they follow his commandments. To part of the servant. (Isn. 42: 1) These faithful on@
his faithful he says: "Say ye not, A confederaay, to h o w that the commmdments of God to them are:
all them to whom this people shell say, A confeder- 'Ye we my witnesw that I am Jehovah; make men-
my; neither fear ye their few, nor be sfraid. Snncti- tion that my name is exdted; the kingdom is bow
fy the Lord of hoata himself; and let him be YOIE which is good news to all tho88 who love righteous-
fenr, nnd let him be your dread."-Isa. 8 :9,10,12,13. nem. Thk gospel of the kingdom ahdl be preached to
This flood of schemes and palaver that haa flowed all nations a4 a witness, and then the end shall come.'
out of the months of the Devil's organization, as the Since 1922 many have come to a knowledge of the
Lord foretold, 'waa swallowed up by the earth,' that truth and been anointed of the holy spirit and have
is to my, the peoples of earth drmk it in. The ex- quickly entered the service nnd gone forward as mem-
tremes to whieh the peoples have gone in their abor- bers of God's servant claea and delighted to sing the
tive eftort to carry out mch schemes have demon- new song and proclaim the praises of Jehovah and
strated to the remnant the absolute neceasiw of rn hia King.
maining entirely aloof from the world and standing
firm for the Lord. With them there enn be no eompro-
mise. And thna the earth haa helped God's woman"^ The power committed to Lucifer was divine power,
The remnant see that Satan's flood has deceived I ,because God commissioned him to do certain things.
many, but it cannot deoeive God's elect.-Vs. 16. (Ezek. 28: 14) Lucifer devised a scheme to brenk
God's servant class is blind and deaf to everything I away from God's orgnnization and have an opposing

exaept the intereats of the kingdom. (lea. 42: 19) The one of his own, (ha.14: 13). He got control of the
L I G H T W.

first woman on earth. The first man, because of his

own selfishness, followed Satan into wickedness. The
offspring of this once perfect pair were born imper-
feot and as sinners, and have ever been easy marks
for the enemy. Lucifer's name was changed to Satan
the Devil. He induced some ang& of heaven to follow
him in wiekednem and proaeeded to form an organi-
zation that has ever opposed God, slandered and re-
proached his Feat name, and deceived many, and he
has attempted to devour every one that has taken his
place on the side of Jehovah God and righteousness;
and thus his wurse has been indicated by his four
The thirteenth chapter of Revelation pictures John'
standing upon the sand of the sea and fltly represents
the servant or anointed class standing in a place of
security and gaining a view of Batan and his works.
The sandg mark the impassable bounds of the sea, and
hence a place of safety for one to stand. "Fear ye not
me9 saith the Lord: will ye not tremble at my pres-
ence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the
sea, by a perpetual deeree, that it cannot pass it; and
though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet an they
not prevail; though the7 roar, yet can they not pass
over it?" (Jer. 5 :22) Thus is disclosed the fact that
those who stand safely in the Lord would be the first
ones to discern and make known the hideons organi-
zation of Satan and to warn the people to flee there-
At his vantage point John says : "And I Stood up-
on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out OI?
the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon
hb horm ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of
blasphemy." (Va 1) Both the Diaglott and Rother-
ham render this text "wild benst". Indeed all the
fact^ show that it is a "wild beast". The thirteenth
ahapter of Revelation is now here considered and the
Seripture texts should be carefully read.
It ia of much importance to determine what ia sym-
bolied or pictured by the ma. To say that it repre-
m t s "restleas mass of aociety" would hardly be ade-
quate. The symbolic meaning of "sea", and which is
abundantly supported by the scripture, is: The peo-
ples of earth that are alienated from Qod and thcrc-
?ore ungodly, that mother, nourish, bear up and sup-
port the visible part of Satan'a organization. The
commerce of the earth ie done chiefly on the watera and
the commercial element exeraisea great iduence and
power over the people. The politicians of the world
organize and harness up the "sea", or the people, and
control them, except in time of storm or great trou-
ble. The religious element, and particularly the clergy
class,complaaently sit upon and armgantly ride upon
the "see", or people. All three of these governing ele-
ments draw their sustenance from the "aea", or peo-
ple. When Qod's kingdom ie in full away there will
be "no more sea"; for the reawn that the peoplea of
earth will then be reatored and brought into full har-
mony with Cod, and Satan's power will be gone.-
Rev. 21 :1.
I n the creation by the Almighty sad the waters
appeared first and the dry land afterwards. The
spirit of Qod moved upon the watera and there came
forth living creatures. S a w became a mimio god
and has attempted to copy the great Creator's work.
The people were fmt alienated from God, then Satan
exploited them. His power moved upon the ungodly whale [margin, dragon (devil)] in the w,and thou
peoples of earth, that is to my, the sea, and symboli- camest forth with thy rivere, and troubledst the wa-
a l l y the sea was fecundated and brought forth the tern with thy feet, and fouledat their rivers." (Ezek.
beastly creature or instrument of Satan which he has 82: 2) This symbolically describes how Satan has ex-
u4ed for tho purpose of ruling the peoples of earth. ploited the peoples of the world.
Tyrus is one of the names applied to Satan and his
Then the dry land appeared, that is to say, the visible organization and concerning which it is written:
organization of Satan. In the waters of the sea there "When thy wares went forth out of the seas, thou
are monstera which play in the watem and devour the AUedst many people; thou didst enrich the kings of
smaller rrestnrcs. Among the peoples of earth there the earth with the multitude of thy riches and of thy
are monster organizations, cruel and hearties, that merchandise. In the time when thou shalt be broken
devour the smaller and weaker ones. The wicked ones by the seas in the depth8 of the waters, thy m e r e h a
in the "sea" cause the trouble and oppression. The disq and all thy company in the midst of thee, shall
wicked ones catch the people like Ash of the sea. (Hab. fall." (Ezek. 27: 33, 34) "And Tyrus did build her-
1:13-16) "But the wicked are l i e the troubled sea, self a strong hold, and heaped up silver as the dnat,
when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and and i h e gold as the mire of the streete. Behold, the
dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wieked." Lord will cast her out, and he will smite her power
-Isa. 57 : 20, 21. in the sea; and she shall be devoured with fire."
The Scriptures show that the "sea" represents (Zech. 9: 3, 4) Thus the Lord eymbolically foretells
commercial activity, and this is true with those who how the Devil will exploit the people and use a small
exploit their fellow creatures. "He stretched out him class to enrich themselves and how his organization
hand over the sea; he shook the kingdoms: the Lord shall perish.
hath given a commandment against the merchant As the sea is wide and covers much of the earth, SO
city, to destroy the ntrong holds thereof." (Isa. 23: 11; also does wickednm under the wicked ruler Satan
see also Ezek. 27 :9; 28 : 2; Zcch. 9 : 3 , 4 ) Satan is the cover the earth and rule it. (Ps. 104: 26; Lam. 2: 13)
great power that has organized the commerce of the Jehovah made the leviathan to play in the sea and
world which provides sustenance for his officers and Satan made his monstrous organization of commerce
representatives on the earth. (Ezek. 28: 16) Egypt to play with the people and exploit them. (Pa. 104:
was Satan's first great world power and had a mo- 26) Tho sea, is the abode of the dragon; that is to say,
nopoly on the food supply of the earth, and the trufiic Satan and his organization use the people for his
thereof was carried on upon the waters of the rivers own purposas.-Isa. 27 :1.
and the sea. "Son of man, take up a lamentation for Jehovah's organization is eymbolized by a good and '/
Pharaoh, k g of Egypt, and say unto him,Thou art pure "woman". Satan's organization ia pictared or
like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a symbolized by a bad or wicked L'w~man".The chief
part of Satan's organization is invisible to man, but thority over others and mtinuea to do so even to this
the power and influenee thereof is exercised upon the day and hm bmme the ruler of the sea. The gateway
peoples of earth and has long used them far Satan's to the Mediterranean is the straits of Gibraltar, and
wiclred purpmes. The Lord does not leave na in doubt the eeventh world power (Britain) forcibly took p+
as to what the waters of the sea symbolize. "And he maion of this and holds it to dominate the sea. John
saith unto me, The waters which thou saw* where had a vision of a 'wild baaat arising from the sea'.
the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and The John dam long centuries afterward discerned
nations, and tongues. " (Rev. 17 :15) The hope of the the meaning of the term "wild beast". "Beast" or
peoples of earth is to be entirely rid of Satan's or- '(wild k t " symbolieea a rule or government or
ganization and to return fully into the favor of God. power exeroiaed in a ha&, e m d and oppreBSive
Thia great truth Ood firen ahom to those in Christ manner:
who are devoted to him. Now the time has wme for Ipn,D BE4ST1
all the people to begin to receive the knowledge of the The "wild beast", which John saw arise out of the
truth whioh is so much needed by them. They muat sea, is &own by his dmription thereof to be not onlp
know that Satanr@organization is their great and de- wild, bat unalean, orael and vicious. Daniel the
structive enemy and that Qod and his o r g d a t i o n prophet was given a viuion long prim to JohQZs VL
is the true Friend of the people. sion, and he wrote: "The four winds of the heaven
Many centuries ago Satan exercised his power over [invisible power of Satan, who ia 'the prince of the
the peoples of earth whom he had alienated from &d power of the air'] strove upon the great ses. And four
and which are pictured by the sea. Exereisii his great bsagts came up from the sea" (Dan. 7: 2-8)
power over the sea or peoples Satan brought forth The description given by the prophet shows that they
his offspring therefrom, and this offspring is symbol- were wild beasts and extremely emel. God in his law
ized by the term "wild beast". Long centuries after- specified what are unclean be* and the beasts de-
wards Ood's emant class, standing in the place of aoribsd by John &ow that they were unclean accord-
security which Ood had provided for that elasa, ing to the law, beoause they did not chew the end nor
looked upon the "sea" of ungodly people and beheld divide the hoof. (Lev. 11:1-12) This is further proof
what Satan had done. They saw that the oppression that that which aame out of the sea is a product of the
and suEering of the peoples of earth is due to Satan Devil. It is the kind of ravenous be& symbolizing .
and his oppressive organization. that which will not be permitted to be on the highway
John, the faithful witnw of God, stood upen the and live in God's kingdom. (Ina, 36: 9; Reek, 34: 25)
isle of Patmos and without doubt looked out upon the The "wild beast" therefore aymboliees Satan's visible
Mediterranean sea i t was around that sea that six of organisation that: rules the peoples vf the earth.
the world powers existed and exercised control and "The beast" John saw in vimon had seven heada
where the seventh world power exe~cisedgreat au- The head refers to the ruling part. It is the mind thar
rules or controls. (Judg. 11:9, 11; Eocl. 2: 14; lkek ain. The god of each one of these has hen and is Sa-
10: 11) The head therefore is the responsible part of tan the Devil, because he is "the god of this world".
the body and upon it is usually 'visited blood' in (2 Uor. 4: 8,4; John 12: 31; 14: 30) All thm world
punishment for wrongdoing.-1 Ki 2:44; Obad. 15; powera are properly classed in the symbolic term
1Cbron. 29 :11; Pa. 18 :43. t'wild be&" and they all form the "wild beast"
The head is the one that directs the wume of action when referred to' collectively, whereaa one at a time
taken by the body. "Seven" is a m b o l i e number h a held the place of preeminence.
representing completenem. Satan is the head of his The "name of blasphemy" appeared upon each
organixation, and the aymbol "seven" therefore head. One root word from which blasphenzy is tram-
stan* for the entire organization, and partidarly lated meana "to haak and reproach". "Thus saith
refem to the invisible parts of Satan's organization. the Lord, Be not afraid of the worda which thou hast
The term "beast" symbolicaUy represen@ Satan's heard, with which the servant8 of the king of AsSyria
visible organization, whether it appears in the form have blasphemed me. Whom hast thou reproauhed
of one or in the form of many beasts. and blaaphemedll and againat whom hast thou exalted
To Daniel there appeared four be-, but these did thy voioe, and lifted up thine eyea on high) even
not represent or picture four aepnrate devilish or- againat the Holy One of Israel."-2 Ki.19: 6, 22.
ganiaationa; but they did picture Satm's orgsniea- Every one of the world powee has blasphamcd,
tion appearing and exhibiting c& or particular hacked and reproached the name of Jehovah Cod;
characteristics. We may lay it down as a rule without and Satan has seen to it that wch was done. They
exception that the term l'wild be&" always stands have acted as hia mouthpiema to speak against a d
for that part of Satan's organbation whi& ia rm the and to turn the people fmm him.The Scriptures also
earth. The number "seven" seems to refer also to indicate that all such are doomed to violent d&mb
geven different world powers, each one of which at tion.-Num. 15:SO; Pa. 74: 10.
a time certain helda the place of preeminence in the Thia "wild beast" had "ten horns, and upon his
world, and all under Satan as the invisible lord. horns ten crowna". Symbolically this means that Sa-
It is alao written: "The seven heads are seven tan's organization on earth, and each kingdom taking
mountaim, on which the woman sitteth. And there the lead or preeminence therein in order named, has
are seven kinga" (Rev. 17: 9, 10) A "mountain" had and exerckd full secular power to crowd and
aymbobes a kingdom with a ruling head. The histow puah the peoples of earth. "Horn" represents that
of the world shows that there have been seven sepa- which pushes or crowds. "His glory is like the ilr&
rate and distinct world powers mhieh ham in their ling of hi bullock, and his horns are like the horns
respeotive order held a plwe of supremacy on the of unicorns: with them he shall pmh the people to.
earth. Theae world powers are, to wit, Egypt, As- gether to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten
syria, Babylon, Medo-Pemia, Glreece, Rome and Brit- thousands of Xphraim, and they are the thousands of
268 L I G H T Em+%@ IODp. 18 THHI B I B T H 267
Man&." (Deut. 33: 17) "And Zedeltiah the son elaimed that they did so by divine authority. They
of Chenaanah made him horns of iron: and he said, have made force or might what they call right. All
Thus saith the Lord, With them shalt thou push the m m of conquest and butchery they have justified b e
Syriana, until thou have consumed them." (1 Ki. manse they claim it to be right and within the swpe
22:11) It is a well-known fact that these beastly gov- of their authority.
ernments of earth, which are Satan's organization, Then John further describes the "beast": "And
have horncd and pushed the people about as a wild the beast which I saw waa Wre unto a leouard. and his
bull ehovea aside the herd. feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth a8 the
By thcir horns or power cruelly exercised these mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power,
nations have pushed and opprewd the people; but and his seat, and great authority." (Vs. 2) Thii d e
they have particnlarly shoved about and persecuted scription of the "wild beast" &OWE that it would not
J God's people. Jehovah hns chiefly in consideration his be limited to any one world power, but that it is the
people, and he caused the Bible to be written for their complex or composite of the 'seven' or entire number
beneflt. Hence God would not wink at or lightly pass of world powers that go - to make up the Devil's earth-
by the world powers that have oppressed his people 4 organization.
and blasphemed and brought reproach uponhis name. I t was l i e a leopard, that is to say, it waa spotted;
Israel was God's chosen people whom he wed to fore- which indiontm that it is deeeotive and cunnina and
shadow spiritual Israel, or his consecrated pwple on crooked and diahonest. It c-ot change its hots.
earth. God haa taken notice of these world powers (Jer. 13: 23) This is especially charaetedstic of the
that particularly have oppressed his people. The ehii- Devil. It is always on the watch for spoil. (Hos. 13: 7)
&en of Glod in Christ are therefore pictnred by Jn- The leopard is speedy and wan used by "Nimrod
dah, Ierael and Jerusalem: "Then lifted I up mine the mighty hunter", whom Satan put "before" Je-
eyes, and aaw, and, behold, four horns. And I snid hovah, to traok and take other animda; so the Devil
anto the angel that talked with me, What be these? Satnn's beastly organization is speedy, and hunts and
And he m e r e d me, These are the horns whioh have matches others by his m e a .
mattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem." (Zeoh. 1: "Hifeet were aa the feet of a bear." The bear is
18, 19) At the time the prophecy of Zechariah was noted for its power to crush, and is mid to be five
written four of the world powers, to wit, Egypt, A& timas as strong aa a lion. By the Lord's grace David
syria, Babylon and Medo-Persia, had been engaged in slew a bear that had caught one of his father's sheep.
'homing' Gpd's people. [ I Sam. 17: 34-37) The antitypical David, Christ the
The crown8 or diadems were upon the horns, thna great executive ofllcer of Jehovah, will slay the or-
mbolizing that these world powere have uaed cruel ganization of Satan that has attscked his Father's
fome and violence to rule the people and to wrrg on , eheep. The bear lias in wait for his prey. The wicked
a wnpueat for wealth and territory and have a l w w ~ ruler or wioked power is lika a ranging bear. (Prov.
868 L I G H T Itfm. 13 T E N BIRTH
28: 15) Thii is another plain haoteristic of Satan's beoame the god of the entire world and could have
viaible organization. 1 1
. given it away even though he lmow hi offer would
"And his mouth as the mouth of a lion, " that is to a ,be denlined by Christ Jews. The prophetic deserip-
say, with powerful jaw teeth to bite and crush and pion and facts prove beyond all doubt that the "wild
devour. (Jool 1:6; Em. 13 :8) Satan's organization, 3 lbeast" that John saw in vision is Satan's organiza-
like a lion, is bold-fsced and greedy, and make8 a tion of the earth which came into &enae long om-
terrifying noise. All these 8~rmbolsexactly lit Satan's - 4 t n r i e s ago, nnd was manif& in the first world power,
brazen-faced, g~eedy,sly, cunning, cruel and violent ' - q$Egypt, and is now manifeat in all the powers and ns-
organization. This description shows dso that the -' tiom of the earth, of which the B r i W Empire holds
"wild beast" is not a bear or a leopard or a lion, but the supremacy. The further description given in the
is a monstrosity, which eymbolizes Satan's cruel and
wicked organization. God never made a beast that
looked like this one. Only the Devil would have such
- prophecy of Revelation fully corroborates the fore-
going conolasiom.
a thing. Tho symbolic description by John exactly ftts WOUNDED
wery world power that has ever cxisted on the earth. Jehovah intended those who love righleomeag to
Concerning tho father of this monstrosity, or "wild Yunderstand Revelation at some time. The time has /
beast", we are not left in doubt. "And the dragon to understand it. By followjng these
[which is Satan the Devil] gave him [the 'wild ogoriptiom any one who lovea righteous-
beast'] his power, and hia seat [throne (Diag.) or an- the ruling powers of the world are
thority]." This shows that Satan brought the M y red in the "wild beast''. John saw, as he
thing into existence and gave or aupplied it with the of his heads, as it were wounded to death."
power that it has and exercises; hence it is his child n verse fourteen he statea that this wound wss in-
and hia instrument. E e is the father, and his wicked "by a sword". The Cheek word here rendered
"woman", his organization, gives birth thereto. Be !"mord" is the same as that so rendered in Revelation
ing the product of the Devil it would be specifically d which clearly refers to the World War b e
excluded from God's organization.-1 W o n . 28: 5; ng in 1914. The physical fa& make it rather
29:28. soay to locate thie head that appeared to be wounded
The "wild be&" therefore represents all that is unto death. It is not stated who inflicted the wound,
anti-God and anti-Christ and against the kingdom but the presumption must be indulged that it was
and the worlr of God's kingdom and those who are inflicted by another head of the "wild be&" or world
God's servants. Satan offered to give this kingdom power, since that beast is represented as having seven

and authority to J e w , but Jesus refwed to Jn'eldto heads.
his blandiahmenta. (Luke 4: 6) When Uod withdrew In 1914, and for some yeaw prior thereto, the sixth
rulership from Israel, his typical people, then Satan world pover, to wit, the Roman, survived with Ger-
many as the chief one in that empire. Originally
Rome was pagan, and later became papal, and mis-
named "Christian", and also misnamed "The Holgt;
Roman Empire". The dominant race in the "Holy
Roman Empire" was Teutonic or German. This i~
particularly shown in the fact that the title given to
the empire was "Holy Roman Empire of the German
Nation". (The EmcgcEopeclkz A r n e r i c ~Vol.
~ 12, p.
511) Germany was the head or preeminent part of
the Teutonic peoples, and therefore the head of the
sixth "beast", and particularly so in 1914. Germany
created and became the head of the Dreihund, eom-
posed of Germany, Austria and Italy, and thus the
sixth world power continued, with Cermany as thc
Britain became the seventh dominant world power,
with England as the head thereof. Both these world
powers and heads were in existence in 1914, and are
still in existence, and both form a part of the "wild
be&" that came up out of the sea, Such was the ex-
act condition that existed in 1914 at the beginning of
the World War.
"Enrope was, for many years before the actual
eruption of 1914,practioally divided into two hostile
oamps, with France, England and Russia on the one
side and the Dre<b'tlnd on the other, thus paralyzing
all efforts of the nations to live in hearty concord, a
thoroughly unhealthy state of things, one breeding
all around distrust and hatred a i ~ drendering impos-
sible harmony.
"Of courge, thore had been many seeing eyes in
Germany herself which discerned clearly the abnor-
mal features in the above, featurea threatening per-

petnall,9 && %&ee of the world."-27bs

g, to

many y e r to muover.. T h p : J o h sa$a $ the @me

oonneation: "&d

o u q +-
- -

wit, 'the b& that

into ,a k h t . its heads
i$htin&w& other. @e&&y the head oh ono side
Britain the head on the other side led the flRht,
Every nation involved in that war wlls and is a
of Sntan's orgnnization. That World Wnr reaulted in
a terrible ~unikihrnentto.~ &rmanv nod her allie8. and

looked~f6r some. time as $boug1;. Gemany waa'com.

pletely done .for. This hnr&~ni&.rRiXb John's stats
ment : " u d I-&w weof hie [S&taa%..h&ly govern-
mqtlaJ,.i&de,.'f&ie:wqe wounded to d ~ & . "
m a - aor emmt elass !of the ~ o r for
thought thaiIt wgs ,liberally . h e th* G
be deatrayed. T o w~
d some timi \/
it s e e d rihlpdble fon
hG deadly wound wea h e e d : niid
&.the world wondered after the beast."-Vs,
Germany in particulnr was a very sick nation. She
aontinued to linger and her people &red;

& to he&&%&tion began at the Geneva Con-

ference in the springof 1922. Later the plnn was sub.
mitted whieh proGded that a loan of two hundred
million dollars be made to Germmy by the other na-
tions forming a part of Satan's "wild b&?. The
British quota f o r this loan wm over-subsoribed in

8. . .

lingering, she did live. The Devil's own orgnnization,

sfter the war, b ~ , @
the w w-4

three hours, srnd the Amerioan bnnLeis sold their por;

tion in tlfteen miriutas. An enwura& Survey of the'
flrat two years of the operation of t6is plan sndof oon-
ditiom in Uermany was published in.Current Hiatow
to put forth e r t s to olenii off
$ j it up an! heal it. A real
274 L I G H T mv. la ' T H B~I R T H 276
of Naroh, 1927, under the title "Germany's Bestora- Many who were once BBid to be in present truth,
tion ". and who claimed to be rejoicing in the aecond coming
''A day of happy prorniae dawned on 10 Sept. 1926 of the Lord, have also wondered and have doubted
when Germany was received into the League of Na- m m i n g the Lord and his kingdom and have been
tions 'amid scenes of European reconciliation, which led to the condusion that the Lord has delayed his
in their fire of enthusiasm have been unexampled coming, and these have not since that time, nor at the
since the Armistice. Germany and France, through pretmt, appreciated "the birth of The Nation or
their Foreign U t e r a , Dr. Gustav Stresemann and Xingdom". They have not observed the two great
Arktide Briand, committed themselves to perpetual signs or wonders in the heavens; nor have they had
peaoe, and ~olemnlyengaged the honor of their na- an appreciation of the greater light that has come to
tions henceforth never to draw the sword, but to set. God's people since the opening of the temple. But
tle disputes by arbitration or compromise'."-The those of the temple who have faithfully and lovingly
EsogcZopedia Anzeriurna, Vol. 28, p. 645. gone forward in obedience to God's commandmen&
in his service have walked in the ever-increasing light
The world has wondered at the recovery of the and together sing the new song. (Iaa. 42: 10) God
German nation and at the ability of the "beast", permits his anointed to diaoarn the real meaning of
meaning the other pa& of Satan's organization, to the prophecy.
heal np the breach or wounded head. S k the im-
portant question is always concerning God's own peo- D m WOBBHIP
ple, what has been the effect upon them? The clergy Satan, knowing that his time ie short to prepare
p m f m d to represent God, and in these latter daya for Armageddon, spreads h i e l f and struts about
they boast of what they have accomplished. They take and sends his agents forth as measengers of light in
the credit to tbemselvea and to their allies and scoff at his attempt to turn all the people away from God. He
mything said concerning the coming of Ood'a king- I
has drawn together the clergy and their allies, Big
dom and his Christ. They insist that their orgsniza- f' Buaineas and big politicians, and these together boast
tion will make the world a fit place to live in, eom- of what the world organization has done and will do.
pletely ignoring the Word of Cod. Therefore the a p The people well know that it is a l l talk and wind, b e
pmpriateness of the words of Peter when he forekJIa aause their o p p r d o n and hardships continue. The
of them, saying: "Knowing this first, that there shall time has oome for the people to know the real reason
come in the last days scoEcrs, walking after their own why; and therefore the time for the understanding
lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his oom- of Revelation. The clergy ignore entirely the Word V'
ingP fer since the fathers fell asleep, dl things con- of God; and regardless of the many prophecies ful-
t h e as they were from the beginning of the c r m filled in recent years, and in couree of fulfilment, they
tion."-2 Pet. 8 :8, 4. go on expressing their own wiedom, denying God a d
hie Word, ridiculing the Bible in their ef€orta to turn clergy, ia a dedlant challenge to Almighty Ood and to
the people away from Jehovah and his kingdom. In- his executive officer, Christ Jewa. They raise the k
stead of directing the people to read the Scriptuw sue, Who ia supremet and how will the world be
J and the helps that have been provided to understand
rnLBd? Sueh are the counterpart of the measengem
them, and to view the faate showing propheoy ful- gent by Satan to defy God's people in Jerusalem.
Wed, and proving that Ood'a kingdom is here, the God's anointed witnesses on earth are telling the
olergy and their allia do everytbiq within their people that a d ' s kingdom is here and is the complete
power to keep the people in the dark as to the truth. W e f for mankind. The clergy, Eke the messengers
They indu6e the law-making and lap-exeeutivo before the walls of Jernsalem, are saying to the peo-
pa& of the govenunent to make lam and ordhancee, ple: "Bewaro loat Haeltiah permade you, saying,
and to wrongfully conatrue thom that have bean The Lord will deliver us. Hath any of the gods of the
made, to oppreas and permute men and women who nations delivered his land out of the hand of the king
earnestly and diligently go from home to h o w to of hayria9 Where are the gods of Hamath and Ar-
inform the people concerning God and his kingdom. phad,dl whem are the go& of Sepharvaimt and have
They well know that no one is going from place to they delivered Samsria out of my hand( Who me
plaec with books explaining the Bible for the pPUrPMJe tkey umong all the go& of these lands thst have de-
of making money and that therefore there is no com- livered their land out of my hand, that the Lord
petition with any trade or butheas, yet they canae the should deliver Jerusslem out of my hand!" (Im.86:
arrest and persecution of such on the pretext that 18-20) Satan's organization of earth now s a p : 'We
J they are violating the 'peddlers' lam'. They well .ruill establish the world, and none can war with us.'
know %hat them boob enable ,the people to nnder- Thus they induce the people to worahip the Devil and
stand the truth and that W ' a kingdom is at hand, the "beast", which is Satan's organiention. Seeming-
and therefore, as instruments of Satan's beastly or- ly they are totally blind to the fact that they are
ganization, they attempt to turn the people away marchiag on to Armageddon.
from God and hold them under Satan's organimtion "And there was given anto him a mouth speaking
preparatory for Armageddon great things and blasphemies; and power was given
The rnling factors of the beastly organization boast dnto him to continue forty and two months." (Vs. 5)
that now they will eetDblieh everlsating peace on Satan is the arch blasphemer. He is the great de-
earth; hence the Lord directed John to describe thia ceiver of the people. The clergy in particular pro-
condition in these worda: "And they woshipped the claim their doctrines that tarn the people away from
dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they God and hi kingdom, and these are Satan's mouth-
worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the pieces. During the war they resorted to lies, urged
beast? who is able to make war with him?" (Vs.4) men to tight, and with great eloquenea and croaodile
The eourm of the raling factore, and pmtkulariy the team told them that their Mwd would be counted aa
278 L I a H T REV. 13

a parC of the blood of the vicarious saerEce. They
twisted God's Word to support their course concern-
ing the war, while at the same time they used all their
power to suppress the truth. They now misrepresent
God's Word and elaim that the "wild beast'' will
malie lasting peaoe; wherens the Scriptures show that
there can be no peace until the ''wild beast" is com-
pletely destmyed, whioh Cod will do in Armageddon.
Concerning the time mentioned in this verse the
Diagbtt rendering is as follows: "And authority was
given him to aet forty-two months." (See also A.R.V.,
Tisch., Roth. Likewise they render this text.) Satan
ww especially interested in destroying the influenee
of God's repxesentatives on earth, and the war period
furnished the opportunity. The "forty-two months"
is that same period of time that the "two witnesses",
represented by Elijah and John the Baptist, prophesied
in sackcloth. (See Revelation 11:3.) I n Germany and
Austria those devoted to God's service, and especially
the Bible Students, not only were in disrepute, but
were persecuted, many of them forocd into the front
lines of battle, and were caused to mfFer because they
insisted on testifying concerning God's kingdom. Par-
ticularly Germany, England and Ameriea are re-
ferred to as "Christendom", and in those countries
the truth of God's kingdom was treated with cou-
tempt and his witncases were figuratively in sackcloth
and so continued until his "two witnesses" were
killed, as is heretofore stated.
"And he opened his mouth for blasphemy agaiast
Bod, to blaspheme hi name, and his tent, them who
in heaven were tabernacling." (Vs. 6, Ruth.) The
mouthpiece of Satan's organiaation on earth raised
the issble, 'Pilro is God, that we should obey him!'
UP. 18 THBl B I R T H &a
I bnd l i b w b did tho former representative of Batsn,
who ssi&z "Who is the Lord, that I should obey his
v,ob Oo let Iarad go? I know not the Lord, neither
&.I let Iarael go." (Ex. 5: 2) Particularly dnring
the World War and sin= have the ruling faatQra
bhkphemed God and those who faithfully hold to the
Word of God Ood'a tabernacle or tent is among his
pieople and he dwell8 there; and those ill-using his
witnesses, b u m they testify aoncerning God's king-
dom, do thereby reprorosah or blaspheme Jehovah
God's holy nnma In The Goldan Age Nwnber twents-
w e n , and in the booklet Freedom for tZe Peopls, is
an a b u ~ h o eof evidenoe set forth sh6&~g that
mu& bhapha~llyhaa been and is utterdby these rep-
resentatives of St~tanon ~arth.
As 'stclted in -' aevea,<tke he& 6% make war
with the #aim, me- @ad?@pmple on 6al%h, and
w m them. To be irinre, Jehovah wuld have pre-
ven'ted We; but he did not. Doubtleas he withdrew
his restraining power for a time to give the clergy
and their allies a full opportunity to demonstrate to
what extent they would go. "And power was given
him [the beast] over dl kindreds, and toivpes, and
natiom" This ie further proof that the beast includes
d the nation8 of the the and ~- a r t i c a l a r Chris-
In the World War every nation on earth was either
directly or indirectly deeded. The war having ended,
g a b seelrs to bring dl tho nations into his make-
P shift, the Leame of Nations. which is another hurried
&oh to for ~m&iddon.
The line of demarhtion is olearly d r a m betwBm
Glad's organization and that of the enemy, and'.Ehk
BLOOD OF THE INNOC37NTS ON ETi3 SEIRTS matter w i l l doubtloas be made more dearly to appeear
#(Jer. 8: 34) Pages 277,!278
.BUY. 18 THEl B I B T H 288
to many before the end of Satan's orgauimfion cornea of “prisoners". (See Zechariah 14:2.) The Lord
Faith in the blood of Christ, the antitypical Lamb, then pmribes the pnnishment upon those of Satan's
is the only way that man can ever get life everkting. organization. "Be that lendeth into captivity shnll
All the people that dwell upon the enrth and who do go into captivity: he that k i e t h with the sword must
not trust in the sacrificial blood of Christ Jesus will be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the
be align~don the side of Satan and his organization faith of the saints." (Vs. 10) Jehovah's great Prieat
before the final end. The Lord h causing the measage and Blxeoutive Officer ahall lead the "bewt" into cap-
of his kingdom to be widely preached for the mani- tivity. "Be1 boweth down, Nebo stoopeth; their idola
fegt p- of informing mnnltind of God's ppnrpose were upon the hem and upon the cattle: your ear-
to grant life to those who devote themselves to the riageg were heavy loaden; they are a burden to the
Lord; and those who do not talre their stand on the weary beast. They stoop, they bow down together;
dde of the Lord and give h im the honor and glory they could not deliver the burden, but them6elvea are
due, by their contrnry course do give honor and wor- gone into captivity,"-Isa. 46: 1; 2.
ship to the beast, or Satan's organization, as the In A, D. 70 the "wild beast", acting through ita
prophecy shows.-See verae 8. head the Romm Empire, caused the Jews to fall by
The latylage of verse nine is clearly a warning to the sword. It killed James the brother of John with
nll who have mnde a comeeration to do the will of the sword, and by the sword of war killed God's "two
Qod, snd indicates a teet to all "that hear the words witneea~~" in 1918. Likewise a h d the "beant" be
of thii prophecy". Who will be on the Lord's side! It killed in Armngeddon In 1918 there came a great
dea shows an obligation resting upon God's anointed trial upon God's people. It was a trial of patience and
ones to BBR.Y this me- of truth to the "prisoner" faith, even as Jesns had foretold (Matt. 24: 9,18) It
claw, &at they may have no excum for not taking will mean a h that the remnnnt must continue in pa-
their stand on the side of Jehovnh and his King. Let tience and faith and love even unto the end. Complete
those who love the Lord stand lirm on his side and devotion to G;od and faithfully giving the witness of
faithM1y and earnestly proceed with the proclamti- hi. name and kingdom according to hi command-
tion of the message of hii kingdom. ments will be required. Victory will be given to the
faithful.-Rev. 2 :10.
In A.D.70 the "wild benet" that came up "out of T W O HORNED BEAST'
the sea" led the Jews, who were God's typical peo- John, repr~4entingGod's anointed people, beheld
ple, into the captivity of the nations. (Luke 21:24) 'another beast having two horns liie a lnmb coming
J In 1918 the same "wild b w t " led W's people into up out of the earth, and ita e p w h was liie Satan'.
enptivity and lrilled his "two witnaases". Now the (Rev. 18: 11) At th% point carefully read Revelation
same "beast"h01ds in captivity the ''great multitude" 18:11-17. Gradnally the Lord hae made known to hie
L I Q H T B+p. 18 REV. 18 TEB BIBTH

people on earth the identity of this two-horned beast, "the earth". Hence the Scriptures aay that 'the two-
as well as the 'wild sekbeast'. In an emembled and horned bmt came up out of the earth'. Thia does not
operating machine there are w h d within wheels. at dl militate against the fact that it waa snd is a
Every great organization has parts, and the wheels p& of the wild beast that came up out of the sea. In
represent important parts. The symbol of "the other words, Britain for a time existed as a part of
wheels" ia found in God'a organization, d w e might the 'aea beest', but growing up out of this Devil or-
expect the mimic god Satan to try to follow a similar gsnieation came the 'two-horned besat'.
course in his organization. (Ezek. 1 : 16) Satan The Britirrh Empire really started ae an empire
brought out of the Eea his "wild beast" organization when its ruling sovereign chartered the Englieh East
and Wa dates from ancient Egypt forward. He built India Company in 1600 A. D. Centuries before that
up a powerful organization with many parts thereto. England was a part of the Raman nmpire; therefore
That pjsible organization is otherwise nymbolized by as an empire she grew up out of the earth, that ia to
"the earth", and which is marked for deatruetion. say, out of Satan's visible organization already in
(2 Pet. 3: 10) The two-horned beast comes up out of BKistence. Within seven yea% after the beginning of
the earth, that ia to say, grow up out of the organha- the empire, to wit, May 13, 1167 A. D., the firat per-
tion that already existed. The two-horned beast then manent settlement in America waa founded at James-
direeta the making of the "image to the beast". The town, Virginia. That marked tha begjnning of tho
student will be aided by 5rst having a brief de5ition W e e n colonies of the British Empire in Americn;
of these beasts, and then considering the proof in m a
p and for a hundred and sixty-nine years thereafter
port thereof. these colonies were an integral part of the Britiah
The "wild be&" that came up "out of the sea" is Empire. Even today in Ameriea Great Britain ia rc-
Satan's entire visible orgnnizatioa on earth, the proof ferred to as "the mother country". The revolution of
of which has hereinbefore been submitted. It had one 1776, and the subsequent e s t a b W i of the inde-
of its heads wounded in the World War, and the pe~.dentgovernment of the United S t a h , d m not
wound was healed. The two-horned beast is the Anglo- at dl militate againat the fact that 'the two-horned
American imperialism, that ia to say, the combined beast' refers to Britain and the United States.
power of Britain nnd America, and which is a part The two nation8 or countries have had too many
of Satan'a orgnnizntion. The "image to the beast" ia contact8 and important and related interests, to
the League of Nations, also an instrument of Satan. Beparate them. English ia the common language of
The British Empire is the seventh in the list of the two nations, and is today the dominant language
world powers and is the most powerful of all. That of the earth. Some British imperialists view the
world power grew up out of the nations and peoples United States as one of the integral parts of the Brit-
that had al~eadybeen organized into Satan'a visible ish Empire. By act of the British parliament the v d -
organieation, and which is prol?erly symboW by ow eouutries forming the empire, or commonwealth,
%!am', 18 THB BIRTH 287
have each a rewpieed messare of independence and has a kLPg; yet in fact it is a democratic representa-
autonomy, and each has a separate seat in the League tive government in form and in ruled by the commer-
of Nations, which forms the "image to the [wild] dslt and political intereata in which the clergy unite.
bead", To be anre, the United States stands out in .The Proteetast dergy constitute an important part.
a class all by herself amongst the English-ppealdng There are in the oflcial government lords temporal
people, and that makes of her W e t l y one of the 9nd lor& ecclesiwtical There is also a haneial or
horns of the two-horned beest and also a part of the commercial relationship between the two countries of
seventh world power. Britain and Ameriaa that binds them together. They
It is true that there was war between Britain and are in fact one great country, acting separately and
the UniW States in 1812; but it is also true that distinctly and yet together, and fitly represented by
there have been many rebellions in Ireland, and one the "two horns".
is now in progresn in India, against the British Em-
pire. At the time of the World War the financid con- rLWBR1CAN IMPJlBULISM
nections between the United States and Bfitain were The imperislPwo of America dates from DscemW
so interconnected that they were practically one. The 2, 1828, with the "Monroe Doctrine". In subs$ahoe
commercial interests of the two countrim are vitally that &trine is that European monarchies or gown-
tied together. The shkhg of a British veasel was the ments mnst not br conquest acquire territory and
real pretext for America to enter the World War, and rulership over the aountries of North and South
during the war mo& of the American troops and sap- Amerim and make them colonies and thereby enlarge
plies were carried in British ships. It was the British- the territory of the European nations. The doctrine,
owned hexican newspapem that took the lead in the however, does not declare against the United States'
propaganda m p a i g n carried on to put America in enlarging her territory on the Western Continent at
the World War, and she went in as an ally of Britain. the expense of minor Ameriean repnbliw. Ameriea
There is today a reciprocity agreement between the did make war with Mexico and took over Texas. She
United States and Canada, a part of the dominion of m d e war with Spain and established a protectorate
tho British Empire. The Latin countries of South over Cuba and Porto Rico. She aLao acquired title to
America are afraid of the imperialistic aims of the the Philippine Islanda, to the Hawaiian Islands, and
United States. In the Pan-American UniontheUnited S m a and Guam, and thereby enlarged her terri-
Statea is the dominant figure, of course. There is a tory. She has established a protectorate over Santo
roligioua tie that bids the two nations w one. Al- Damingo, Xaiti, and has mently put ,ut operaatioa
though tho hoatholics arc strong in Britain and Amer- s, military policy in Nicaragua. She has acquired the
ica, these two countries are the bulwark of Pmtm- Canal Zone and Alaska.
tantiam. No Catholic baa ever been able to be elee-teel . True to the traditional policy (to wit, diplomatic
prddent of the United States. Nominally, E n g W bypmiey) of the two-horned beaat, the wtenaible
reason for the Monroe Doctrine was to p m W .the John Q u h y Adams, Searetary of State, oonvineed
infant republios of the AmeTiean continent. The reid the PxGdent that it would be better to make an in-
reason was in the interest of Britain and America; dependent declaration. Adams' papers show that he
and in support of this conclusion the followhg ,his: not only suggested but formulatad most of the im-
torical fact is related: "The European power com: p e a t presidential mwsage of 2 Dec. 1823, several
monly called the 'Holy Alliance' [the ehief amongst paaaege~in which, construed together, constitute the
which was Germany, tke head of the sixth beast] . .: originrrl and genuine Monroe Doctrine."-The ETL-
turned its attention & Spain arid to tke Spanish qielopedia Americana, Vol. 19, p. 374.
coloniw. The United States feared that France would A# with the League of Nations compact, an Ameri-
undertake this commission also and would claim Cuba can president got the credit for writing the Monroe
as the price of service to Spain, th'ereby securing & Dwtriuc, byt it really emanated from afertileBritish
broader foothold in America." To show that Great mind. In suppont of this wncluslion the following his-
Britain was deeply interacted in the policy of the torical fact is important:
Monroo Doctrine, and that Britain and America were "The original Monroe Dootrine waa a%onee &ee-
workiing in conjunction with each other, the followinig tive. Canning wag so much interested in the result
historical fact is cited:
"The time aeemed to have come in 1823 for some
sort of action that would head off the threatened in;
18263 : 'I looked another way
pewation in another hemisphere.
. .....
that he claimed it for htnself and said (21 Dee.
I nought for cram-
I called the new
vaaion of Latin America by third parties in behalf of world into existence to redrese the balance of the
Spain. Something was, slao needed to check the RaiE- old.' "-The Encyclopedia Amwimna, Vol. 19, p. 374.
aisn advance into' N&h h e r i m ; and the opprtn; The same authority further s a p :
n i t -was convenient f%rexprming the undybig l6m "During the Spanish War of 1898 O r a t Britain
of American8 for the popular govement that they made it clear that other Buropean powers must not
had ahosen. At this moment George Canning, Foreign i n w e r e w3t.h the American polioy of the United
Minhr of Qreat Britain, stepped into the contra; States."-!l'he Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 19, p.
veray. England was interested in umwdricted trade 876.
with the Spanish-American countries and was ex- Thie shows that both of the horns of the beast were
tremely opposed to the eonstrieting policy of the Eoly working together and continue to do so.
Alliance, both in Europe snd America. Hence, in An- The original beast came up out of the sea. Thia
gust and September 1823, Canning four timee pr& two-horned beaet came up out of the earth, that is
posed to Richard Rush, our Minister in Load~a,that to say, out ole nations already o r g ~ e e dwith S a h
the United States join angland in a daelibratioa as lthe overlord. There never waa a land monster filre
againat ktervention, and Monroe was iwlked to a+ the two-homd beast. "It ie the largeat body of l$n&
wpt the p r o p d . After long Cabinet disanssionit and of peaple under any one jurisdiction on the glob
%Q L I G R T REV. 18 REV. la THE B I B T H &I
eomprising about one-fonrth of the earth's surface, always takee.the part of hnmaniw. The Anreriaan
and one-fourth of its inhabitants. Extensive portirms g o v e m e n t makes the same boast eoneerning her
of it lic in .each of the five grand divisiom of the libexz&ty. British diplomacy ia the last word in de-
globe. Its organization is entirely diierent from that ~ t i v e n e s s .Ameriaa has tried to copy it. Satan the
of any other 'empire' in history.'!-The Enoyolope. Devil, represented by the great Dragon, claims the
dtk Americana, VoL 4, p. 558, under title "British world is his. The great Dragon said: "My river is
Empire". m h e own, and I have made it for myself." (Bzek.
If we add k~the above the vast domains of the 89 :3) The Monroe Doctrine says, 'Hands off Ameri-
United States and its territories it is seen that this ea'; and its epeeoh is by the 'two-horned beast', and
two-horned beat& governs and easta a shadow over a i$ therefore like unto the speech of the Dragon. Th%
large part of the earth's surfaee. This imperialinn %wo-horned beast is a part of the "wild beast" that
dating from 1600 A. D. isr unparalleled and is the acwne up out of ehho sea, beoause Britain was at one
greatest empire of all time. gime under the sixth h e 4 &me, and has now become
The vision 8hows this beast with "two horns l i e the seventh head of the "wild beast". Britain and
a lamb". A lamb is an inoffensive oreature and acta h e r i o a , the two-horrid beast, really constitute the
only on the defensive. It ia the boast of the British power that wounded the sixth bead of the 'embeast'

that Englsnd ha8 always waged a defensive warfare, and afterwsrds healed its wound. The two-horned
The Americans claim that America is always on the bes& is a 'wheel witbin a whed', *at ia to say, a part
defensive. Both Britain and Amcriea claim to be d- af Satan's organization within an organization, and
ways on the defensive and as harmless as a lamb, yet it becomes the dominant power of that organization.
the facts show that their operatiom have heen to the "And all the authority of the first be& he executes
contrary. The description proceeds: "And he spalte irr his presence, and makes the earth and those who
as a dxagon," meaning the Devil. One of the names dwell in it to worship the &st beast, whose mortal
of the Dr~ragonis that of Serpent, which means de- wound ww healed." (Vs. 12, Diag.) The 'two-horned
ceiver; and while this two-horned beast has had a keast' receives its authority from the same devilish
lamb-like appearance, its words have been deceptive. source. It becomes the dominant power because it is
'Thy speech betrayeth thee.' Its speech shows it to the seventh head or wevanth world power; and it real-
be the offspring of the Devil, because it is poisonous, ly takes &st place, while the other natlona play Sec-
deacptive and devouring, and making a vioiow at- ond fiddle. Although these beasts fought amongst
tempt to destroy God's kingdom, and particularly themselves (like the hypoeritieal clergy, which form
God's "two witnesses". a part of the beast), they are united in one thing, to
Britaip boasts that she rules the waves and tha$ wit: that they are against God and his Anointed. (Ps.
the sun never goes down on her domains and that she 2:$ 3) Therefore: "They shall speak lies at one
ass L I G H T m. 18 THE B I R T H a58
[the Devil's] table," and feed upon the Sam6 prov- "And he kgeraiseth all the power of the 5rst beast
ender. ( D m 11:27) They ignore God's Word wn- before him,and cauaeth the earth and'them which
cerning his kingdom and all evidence of the setting d d &mein to worship the first beast, whose deadly
up of the same, and, imbued with their imperialistic woumd was healed." This is another wonder like fire
idea, they go on to carry out Satan's purpose in p r e ewhg from Satan's heaven. It waa the two-horned
paring for his 5.31 stand to rule the earth. beast that limed up the clergy contingent, espeaially
Verse thirteen states that this beast 'performs grent to give 'heavenly' approval to its war policy. This 5re
wonders and makes 5re come down from heaven in &om Satan's heaven was not for the purpase of d s
the sight of men'. This '%re" comes down, not from atroying "the earth", but to indicate that he has
Jehovah'# heaven, but from Satan's exalted place in supernatural power to perform great things through
his orghation. The evident purpose of this work his two-horned instnunentj also for the purpose of
of Satan's agents is to deceive and mislead the peo- ahowing tlmt the two-horned bewt haa mperior power
ple. It shorn that the two-horned beast is a favored to camy cm~d&&rnetivework, and that all the world
instrument in the hands of Satan, espeaially equipped apnld take note thereof and deport thmwdves ae-
to carry out hie designs. Among these signs or won- oordingly. This program carried out did deaeive the
ders done and performed by the 'two-horned beast' peoples of earth, and such policy is in keepbg with
may be mentioned, to wit: the faot of the establish- the oE@ng of Satan, that it is la generation of ser-
ment by the two-horned besat of the greatest empire pents'.
of earth, ruling both the land and the sea; the gain- The 'sea beast' includes all the world powers, but
ing of mpremacy in the winning of the World War; h this particular picture is represented by Germany,
the promoting of great miseionary moments; the the head of whieh waa wounded, and which was com-
publishing and distribution of millions of Bibles, en- pelled to take a grandatand seat and watch the per-
gineered by the clergy, who themselves do not believe formance of the two-horned beast doing its tricks and
the Bible, but which is done to deceive the people pqfomdng its great wonders.
into understanding that these nations are Christian;
the capture and wntrolliig of the banking power of "IMAGE TO TB1 B W F
the world; the capturing of the holy city of Jcrusn- The fmo-horned beapt, having the attention of all
lem; tho taking of the lead in the peace treaties of the t&e d e r s of the earth drawn to it, is represented aa
world; the mpplying of the chief portion of the "aayhg to them that dwell on the earth, that they
money for the healing of the wounded head of the should make an image to the beast", one of the heads
'sen beast'; the posiiig as the benefactors of mankind; of which had received the wound and had reaovered.
and their clergy turning the people away from God (Rev. 13: 14) Rotherham rendera this text: "They
and from the Bible, and causing all that dwell upon should make an image unto the wild-beast." This
the earth to worship the Devil's organhtion. masage w requwt the twa-horned beast addressed to
the ruler6 of its own empire, as well as nJl the other come to ssve Europe from the termre of f u t m
mlem of the earth. Thie image should be made "m- wars." In London he was mnde the occasion of a simk
to", that is to say, in the liienese of the 'sea beast' lat @onatration to that given in Paris.'-See m a
and for the benatit of the 'sea beast', to wit, Sam's E w q d o ~ d i aAmericana, "Wilson."
entire organization. That which resulted is a modern- The League of Nations compact includes all the
ization of the ancient universal empire wstem, in a &bs or remnants of the original 'sea beast'. Tha
muitilatwal Peace Pact for the preservation of the signatory powcrar embrnce most of the nations of the
Devil's imperial rule, and for its benefit to avoid earth. Egypt (represeated in Britain) and Mwp*
further atrife between component parts of his organ- tamin, under the kingdom of Iraq (the site of Baby-
ization, and to draw them into a eompaot and unite lon and Aesyria), nre included in the League of Na-
them in wnr against God's orgmizntion. This is a t i o n ~ ; Persia, Greece, and Italy (Rome), and the
&ompiracy formed against Uod's organization. (Pa Anglo-Arne* Etnpire, are included. It is important
2: 2, 3; Isa. 8: 9) The facts conclusively prove that here to eMte thn&one of the divisions of the League ia
the League of Nations is thia image to tk5 beast. It '!The Permanent Court of htemational Juatioe", a t
i~ a formation of a thing for the ben&t of Satan's The Hngne, (2% Ewycbpadicc Amsvkioona, Vol. 17,
wicked organization. p. 177) The Len-e ef Natipne was made %.part d
The pmof is also overwhelming that the League of a e heem Treaty. Whe president of the United States
Nations compaet originated with British officers and wged its adoption by the United S t a h Sennte. Op-
that the "fourteen points" and the League oompact position arose agninst him them, b e d "on mb8t.m.
itself ware ib.afted by British of5cera. But the honw tially imperialistic grounds". Big Business, many
of m o d n g the same was given ta the war pr&- politicinus, nnd prncticnlly nll the clergy of America
d e ~oft the United States. He,was made the mouth. joiaed a like group of British d n g powers to put
piece or spokesman for the two-horned beast, and hie the League eampact through. The United States
speech war, smooth and fair and calculated to de- Seaate r & d to confirm the oompaat md negotiated
ceive. a separate treaty with the Teutonic powera But tbe
When he spoke to the nations of the world concem- &ht to put America into the League did not at nJl
ingthe,League a noted Englishman anidof theilmwi- aGP theri.
cnn war president: ".It was like the voioe of God tallr- The American Federation of Clurches prono1111ced
ing over our heads to the eontinent and to the nntions the League the "political expression of God's king-
caf %heworld," When thia same great war presidetrt dom on enrth". The prasident of the United States
wched Pasis, it is mitten of him: 'In Paris W h moeeding the war made a desperate effort
"received an matiin surpassing anshing vitnessad $0 induce the ratification of the World Court, which
5n Rance since the days of Napoleon. . .. E e *ted ia a part of the Lengue of Nations compaat. In May,
P m e whwe he was ooun%edaa a sort of me&&, la%, the elan, embraeiug 125,000 congregations in
%% L I G H T EEV. 1% m.18 TEE BIRTH 297

America, began a campaign to topport the p r d - whereby hmcial wisistance would be given to coun-
dent's proposal that the United States enter the trias wbe are victims of aggression will be submitted
"Permanent Court of International Justice" of the
League of Nations. The Federal Council of Churches
to non-members of the League. . .. The comment in
Geneva is that the United States is interested in ob-
pushed this campaign and used all their power upon servance of the Kellogg Pact and that if any s i g m
the politicians to bring about the desired result. They % o q resorted to war in violation of its provision8
claimed to represent twenty million persons. But the American sympathies would lean towards an ecoaom-
United States is in the League of Nations, notvith- ic blockade of tbe aggressor and perhaps to parti&
standing the efforts of some of her people to keep the pation in h a n c i d mistance to the victim or threat-
nation out. ened victim.'"
The secretary of state of the United States, acting The JmraCSt Da Gmeus, whiah voiaes the senti.
as spokesman, pwented at the conference of nations ment of the League, recently said: '"The League can
at Paris the treaty known as "The Ceneral Pact for talk wieh the United States in the event of war and
the Itenunciation of Mar". It was signed by fourteen sayi 'The Kellogg Paet h a been violated. What are
powers all of whieh are members of the League of N& your intentionel' Reneeforth the aggreseor at least
tions, and was ratified by the United States Senate. will encounter the passive though none the less terri-
An American newspaper say6: "At last the United ble reprobation of the United States." The facts
States has joined the family of nqtione. We are no therefore show that the peace treaty known as "The
longer an isolated people. We are not afraid of the General Pact for the Renunciation of War" is a p a d
ghost of entangling alliances. We are ready to assume of the League of Nations and an indirect way, there-
the obligation of our power and good fortme."- fore a deceptive way, for the United States to get
Age-He~ald(Birmingham). fully into the League, where she now is.
Another newspaper says: "The League opens the Verne fifteen tells that the two-homed beast "had
way for the United States to assume seat in World poww to give life [Greek, gneuma, spirit or breath]
Court. *' Germany's foteign minister, according to unto the image" in order that this image 'should
the press, said that "the adhesion by the United both speak, and cause those that would not worship
States to the Court was a logical sequel to the Kellogg Donor] the image to be killed'. I n other words, the

Paet, that it would inorease the tribunal's pr&ige "image" is a kind of dummy that requires a ventrilo-
and greatly advance the cause of arbitration as op. quist to speak for it, and the two-horned beast acts
posed to war". The New Pork Evening World, of in the capacity of a ventriloquist to make it speak"
Mareh 8, 1929, says: "A sequel to the Eellogp Pact and when it speaks it apparently utters a sound that
was seen by many in the League of Nations today emanatem, from the two-horned beast.
when the Coumil approved a motion by Foreign Image-making for the purpose of worship is utterly 'v
W e r Briand of France, that a proposed treaty wntrary to the law of God (Ex. 20 :4,5; Rom. 1:23)
@%? L I O 3T 8%o. U h v . 13 THEI B I R T H 299
The clergy rooters for the L e a e e of N a t i w are most
reprehensible, beeawe they claim to represent God
and yet they are openly brwl-ing God's law. Notwith-
I kn&e & praetieally itnpomible for an in8vidual t o
compete with their combines in a wmmereizll way.
Then the chapter coneludes with verse eighteen:
standing this, the clergy ,and their aUies bend their "Here is wisdom. Let him that ha* understanding
efforts to compel the people to give their honor to and
reliance upon, and therefom their worship of, the
image. The violator of the Leap;ue pledge "is auto-
matically in a state of outlawry" with the nations
whicb have bound themselves to sever economio r e l a
tions with the defaulting member. This is the same
I count the number of the beaat: for it is the number
of a man; and his number is six hundred threesoore
and six." Only those who have an understanding will
appreciate the meaning of this scripture. Since the
Lord has o6me to hIs temple, the time ia due to under-
m n d . Those of the temple being illuminated by the
&ect as that of the Paris Peace Pact. Thus it is seen Lord do undwstand what constitutes '<thenumber of
$hat the Devil hns prepared a moans, by threatening the be&". They see and underetand that the "be&"
'death', ta keep the natiow in line. The whole ar- is Satan's organization visible to human eyes, that the
rangement of the League of Nations or "image of the ruling faetors therein are made up of men who are
beast" is ignoble and blasphemous. The words of Je- imperfect. Six is a symbolic number representing im-
hovah are appropriate here: "What prolltoth the perfection. Six hundred sigty and six (three or-
graven image, that the maker thereof hath graven i t ; ders of six) represeau the three ruling elements in
the molten image, and a teachcr of lies, that the the beastly organization, t o wit, oommeroial, political
maker of his worlr trusteth therein, to makc dumb and religious power. The "number" is not the num-
idols8 Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; ber of "the man Christ Jesus", nor the number of
$0 the h b atme, Arbe, it &&all teagh! Behold, it is the 'Lmanchild", but it is the number of the imper-
laid over with gold and silver, and there is no breath feet or natural man (1 Cor. 2 :14), and the earnal
st all in the midst of it. But the Lord is in his holy man (1Gor. 3:3), and the "old man" (Rom. 6: 6).
temple: let all the earth keep silenoe before him.''-- It is the numb@ of "oorrhpt minds, and destitute of
Eab. 2 : 18-20. the truth, supposing that gain is godliness"; of "evil
The seventeenth verse declaros that no man can fnen and seducers". (1Tim. 6: 5; 2 Tim. 3: 8, 13) It
buy or sell without having the marl< of the beast or is the number of the men or organization of men 'dm-
the number of his name. This surely does not mean allowing The Stone', and therefore " ungodly men",
emry individual, but means that every nation that which form the Devil's visible organization. (1Pct.
will not conform to the beastly arrangement shall be 2 :4; 2 Pet. 3 :7) The chief sustaining part of the or-
ganization is the commercial element that dictates to
boycotted in its commerce; and that is tke open
threat In another way, however, the ruling factors the others. The "numher" suggests mammon, because
the value of Solomon's annual revalue of gold was
in t@ beast, to wit, Big Bwinwx and thcir allies, six hundred and sixty-six talents, (See 1 E n g s 10:
8m L I O H T $Ev. 13

14.) The giant of Gath had six digits on e& hand CHAFTER Vlll
and foot, and is therefore a picture of the &vilJs or-
ganization. (1Chron. 20: 6) The diimsiom of Nebu-
chadnezzar's golden image was ~ixtycubita by six Activities in Zion
cubits. (Dan. 3: 1) It is inb!est&g to note that the (!3mm~mox, O a m 14)
great giant having six 5ngm on each hand and six
toes on each foot was killed by David, and his head
taken off. This suggests thnt the antitspied David,
h, the @eat executive officer of Jehovah, will
aompletQ behead and deatroy the devilish, b m y
J EHOVAH'S organization appears in his Word J
under the symbol and name of "Zion". In the
Soripturea "monntain" is a symbol of God's
government or kingdom. The highest part of a mom-
organization of Satan, all to the glory of God and tain is properly called s hill. The high& part of the
the vindication of hie name. kingdom is the governor or king. Jehovah says: "Yct
have I set my king upon my holy hill of =on." (Pa.
S:6) "His foundation is in the holy mounts'1~t9."
(Pa. 87: 1) When David was made W g Mount Zion
was made the #eat of gMernment of Israel. There
David built n h ~ of e'er& wood", s~rmbolioof
evertasting axiatenue of ' h d b kingdom. That wss Je-
hovah% typfcd gov~~nment. The reader is here re-
quested to sfttdy ReveIation the fourteenth chapter,
whioh is now considered.
In the vision John beheld a beautiful mountain.
(Vs. 1) It must have been a white mountain, and
glorious; birara, white 9 8ymbolic of pmity, and the ,
Lord is glo@o$#, h wae Mount Zion, which is sym- .
of God% pure nud haly organization and of the
n born out of that organization, the Bovmiori
of which is pure, holy and nndded. He is OMat tbe I
beloved One of God. The faot that John saw Blowt
Zion ie proof that the kingdom was barn befnre the
servant olass, whom John represents, saw and appre
ciated it. The proof appearing in thc preceding chap-
ters shows thnt the kingdom was born in 1914; but
the faot thereof was not mderstood by the servant
802 L I G H T REV.14 e.
14 AcmVmrnS IN ZION 808
class until some years afterward. The Lord, therefore, prophet, in f u l h e n t , and b fflled wlth satisfaction
waa at his templc, and Zion bnilt up, before his faith- and joy because the time haa come to vindicate his
ful people on enrth mdemtood it. Fnther'a name. (Iaa. 53:11, 12; Jer. 11: 19, 20; Pa
Jehovrth loves Zion and the entranoe thereunto. 110:2-6)A lamb of the flock was slain and its blood
(Ps. 78: 68; 87 :2) Zion is the dwelling place of God, waa used as the basis for the law covenant made in
and therefore Zion is pure and holy. (Pa 9:11; XJgypt and confirmed at Sinai. The blood of Jesus,
182:13) Out of Zion God shines, bemuse Zion honors the Lamb of God slain on earth, is the basic sncriflce
the Lord and m m e a hi^ name. (Pa. 60 :2; 136:21) for the new covenant, which is made on earth and
The day comes, and is not far distant, when Mount ratified at Mount Zion. Jesus Christ is the Mediator
!Zion will be the peaae and joy of all that live forever
on the earth.-Ps. 48 :2.
> 1 of that covenant. (Heb. 12:24) He is the grentwt as
well as the most loved of all W'Ecreation: "And
John saw a Lamb that stood on Mount Zion. The b, 0 tower of the flock, the strong hold wf the
transflgmtion scene "in the holy mount" seems to daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the
refer to the same thing. (2 Pet. 1:17, 18) Thb is erst dominionj the kingdom shall come t o the dnugh-
"the Lamb of Ood,'whioh taketh away the sin of ter of JeFuaalem."-Mio. 4: 8.
the world". (John 1:29) H is blood shed at Calvary His kingdom waa born or began in 1914,before the
is for sin atonoment, and now he comes in his glory, travail of Zion. "Before she travailed, she brought
clothed with all power and authority, to clean np and forth; before her pain cnmq she was delivered of a
remove the sin-stain from the world. In the book of man a d . " "Unto us a son is given, and the govern-
Revelation Jews is called the "Lamb" hentpeight ment shnll be upon his shoulder." This is true because
times, which is more times than of any other name it he ie God's dear Lamb and anointed Eing now upon
gives to 6im. God must have a reason for emphaaia- his throne. (Isa. 66: 7; 9: 6, 7) The law, or rule of
ing that title. It is derived from the word amion, action that shall govern the new heavens nnd new
which more literally moans "dear lamb" or "lamb. earth, shall go forth frem Mount Zion. (Isa. 2:3) In
ling". The evident purpose is to remind aU creation Eoh, Cod's organization, the dear Lamb of God is
that God is the great Shepherd and that Jesus is the laid 88 the ahief corner Stone and sanctuary for the
denrest One of God's great flock. J e w said: "Jeho. ~hiidrcnor members of Zion, which is the chnroh, and
vah is my Shepherd." (Pa. 23: 1) (See nlso Genesis i s also laid as a stumbling Stone for bia enemies.-
22 :8.) The one standing on Mount Zion, therefore, 1 Pet. 2: 6-8;Iaa. 28: 16; 8: 14.
is de5nitdy. identified as Christ Jesus, the gloriow After coming to his temple it waa time to tell L'the
Eing. Lamb's wife", who is also a child of Zion, thnt she
V' Jogus took his position on Mount Zion in 1924; and might rejoice. 'Rejoice greatly, 0 danghter of Zion;
and shout for joy; for behold, thy King cometh nnto
the vision suggests that, standing there, Jesus now
'see6 of the 'travail of his sod: ~pokcnof by the ..
Chee, , He shall speak peaae to the nations; and hi
E@& L I G E T IOXv. 14

dominion s h d be throughout all the earth.' (Zecb.

9: 9, 10) The churah is the "daughter of Zion". It is
Zion (God's organization) that gives birth to her
uhildren who constitute members of God's kingdom.
The travail came upon Zion in 1917 and 1918: "For

Zion begin and continue to sing Jehovah's praises

and mjoice: "And the Lord shall reign over them
in mom+ Zion from henceforth, even for ever."-
Wit. 4: 7, 13.
The number that stood with the Lamb on Mount

as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her M- i Zion is the aame as those who were 'sealed of the
dren. "-1sa. 66 :8. twslve tribes of spiritual Israel'. (Rev. 7: 4) God had
J Zion having now been h 3 t up, and her uhildren promised to write upon his faithful ones his name.
brought forth, John, representing God's people on (See ReveMion 3: 12.) mey are shown in the tab-
earth, the servant class, is given a vision of what has leau as having received bis name written in their fore-
taken place. Therefore it is added: "And with him heads. These are they who have escaped fro~hthe
an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Fa- snare of the enedy, as it is written: "But npon
ther's name written in their foreheads." (Vs. 1) This mount Zion shall be deliverance [they that escape,
pioture oould not be fuliilled until the faithful who margin], and there shall be holiness [it shall be hob,
slept in death had been resurrected out of death and
judgment had begun a t the house of God and the ap-
margin]; . .. And savioura shall come up on mount
Zion to judge the mount of Esau [Satan's organiiei
proved ones, constituting the remnant, were brought 'tion]; and the kingdom shall be the Lord's." (Obad.
into the temple and illuminated by the lightnings of 17-21) Jehovah hsa now 'received the eougregation',
Jehovah. Being brought forth as God's children and the Oemple elass, which is in his favor, and the time
a~knowledgedby h i they would have his name in of h$ wrath upon Babylon must now be due. "Wheu
their Sorreheaads. They would have an intelligent ap- I shall receive the congregation, I will judge upright-
preciation of the faut that they were God's children, ly. The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dis-
and are esily identified as children of God. solved: I bear up the pillars of it." (Ps. 75: 2, 3)
ThL8 eould not have come to paw prior to 1918, and U p n t3e foreheads of t h a faithful one8 there is no
it was more cotnpletely fuElled at or after 1922. It mom for the "name"0r "number of the beast". In-
was then true that "the outcasts of Israel" were &end, there appears upon them the name of honor,
gathered unto God, "to the plaee of the name of the mverenee and praise to Jehovah and to his King.
Lord of hwts," to Zion (into God's srganiaation), They are wholly devoted to the Lord.
and the fact was revealed unto t h e . (Ps. 1477;% 12; This blesned assembly of God's people would now
50 :6; Lsa. 18: 7) The John or servant ulass, now in fndicate that ''Babylon is fallen", as annowaced by
the temple, ean begin to see and appreciate the beau- the angel, in verse eight of this ehapar. Gathered
tiful tableau, the hefirst part of which appears to Be anto the Lor& hie pmple are now out of Babylon and
Ghrist the glorious King and his body laemhers in it i.i a t h e for them to rejoice and sing, and they do.
.Cod's orgrenkiation. Those who are the children of ,cPs, 126 :1; Im. S2: 7,8) It is the time also for God%
wrath to begin against the enemy organiaation. and do not keep atill. They cannot, becam "in hhl
Therefore it is written: "The Lord hath brought
fortb our righteousnew: wme, and let us declare in
temple doth eveq one speak of his glory (Pa 29 :93
Zion the work of the Lord our God. . For hie de-
M n g in the temple, they must Bing forth Jeho-
vah's prdae. Where there are those who clnim to be
vice ia agninat Babylon, to deatroy it; because it is followers of Christ and who are using the soft pedel
the vengeance of the Lord, the vengeance of his tem- wneerniug Satan's organization, or who insist on
ple. And I will render uato Babylon, and to ull tho 'keeping atill and ignoring the faet that Satan ha6 u i ~
inhabitants of W d e a , all their evil that they have brganieation, such ia oonelusi08 proof that thay am
done in Zion in your sight, aaith the Lord. Aa Baby- not of Zion, whatever else might be their position.
lon hath cauaed the slain of Israel to fall, so at Baby- Let no one who haa entered into a covenant with the
lon ahall fall the shin of ull the &'' (Jer. 51 :10, .Lord be deaeived into remaining qaiet snd inactive.
11, 24, 49) The time has now come to declare "the T$ia pioture and many corrobriting Eexb &OWtb&t
day of vengeance of our God", and those of the or- khe temple olae~must be aecive to the very end.
ganization of the Lord must declare it-& 618 2. Phe goand 09 these hakpma portends a downpour
Q* QOdk ble~~inus. '%%en he uttereth his voice, the*

Some who were favored with the knowledge of

Se a multitude-of vatera in the heavens, ...
W&eth lightnings for rain." (Jer. 10: 13, margin)
Glod's truth and who covenanted to do his will became 'The voice's being "ae the voice of a great thunder"
"weary in well doing" and have coneluded that dl 'thae symbolically aye that it is a mesaage of God
they need to do js to manifest outwardly a "meet being proclaimed, which mesaage is a rebuke to tho88
&W", meet together and have what they d l who reproach his name. (Pa. 104:7; 18:6, 7, 13) But
"fellowship'', then wait to be taken to heaven. They to thhee who love God it is a sound of refr-
deceive themselves and are deceived. Jehovah gathers truth announcing to them that God's kingdom is
hi8 people into Zion for service. He visited the na- come, a d the t h e to rejoioe and sing. The temple
tiom to take out of them a people for hia nume, and being now open, the time ia wme for the installation
t h w tulsen out must be his witnesses to sing forth his of the sacred singers and harpists who shall engage
praises. (Acta 15 : 14; 1 Pet. 2 :9; Isa. 43: 10, 12) in singing the praises of Jehovah God. Such service
Therefor0 John, reprwnting the servant elaas, heam ~ p a eemployed in the typical house of the Lord.
"a vohe from heaven, as the voice of many waters, ttq40reover, David and the captains of the hoat scpa-
and &s the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the taked to the service of the sons of ilsaph, and of He-
voice of harpers harping with their harps".-Vs. 2.
man, and of Jednthun, who sbould prophesy wtth
The American RevGed Version reudem this, "the
voice whieh I heard was as the vciae ef harpers."
harps . .. for song in the house of the Lord,..
wrding 00 the beg's order to haph." (1&on. &lit
The pictare shows that the nembem of Zion cannqt i, 8, 6) In the temple service the singwa, eelwkd
from the tribe of Levi, were enwed to sidg and to p 1 ~to pwfvrm other purpoaea to whiah he aseigne
play upon the harp. (2 Chron. 5: 12, 13) Thns Qod them. To these are committed the interests of the
foreshadowed that when he gathered his spiritual kiagdapll,' and the obligation is laid opon them to
haelites into the temple they should sing forth his zwb b w n W's pmpow to the rulers and tq the
praisee. The time of joy had arrived and Christ Je. peoples of the earth. Since the building up of Ziw
sus, the great Judge, said to those whom he approved: J&ov& haa appeared in his glory, and by his l,i&+
"Enter thou into the joy of thy lord" They entered dng# haa revealed himaelf, hi organization, and his
the temple, and their songs and their harps sound p m w , to his people a~ never before. He h a made
with praise to the great Jehovah and his King. clew to hi psople maay prophecies that have been
"And they sung aa it were a new song before the ~ ~ eandd nhw , gives them a gleam of other things
throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: that we sh~rtlyto be fulfilled. The tima has gome for
and no man could learn that gong but the hundred them to ging, m d they do "dug unto the Lord a new
and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed 8 M , cad hjrr pr& from the end of the earth",
from the earth." (Va. 3) In the Biblioal record the IS&.&; 9, 10.
earliest singing is mentioned in Job 38 :7. There the . m e angelie homta sang to the praise of Jehovah Qod
Lamb, the beloved One of God, he who bears the title at tlns birth 0%Jam, whom they agnouneed as the
of "The Morning Star'', employed wng to the praisa 8avior of the woxld. NOW the f i g in glory Hands
of Jehovah; and thua is fixed the rule that must Mount ?don with all power and authority to
govern those of Zion now. The song which John heard rale and b l e ~ and
, all of God's organization join in
sounds new, and therefore would indieate that the tha new song. The angels in heaven and the remnant
servant olsee would have a change in their witness on earth sing before the throne the praises of the
work from that of Elijah to that foreshadowed by Most High. The Bingere have the throne, and not who
Elisha, the latter being a service attended with no they WQ, in mind. The ningere are nat the &portent
fear but with great joy. It is the love of God that o w , it .is the great Jehovah God, and hie King,
prompts them to service, and the love such as Christ mha they W. In the grand ahoras the
haa that constrains them and holde them together: 1 W are ‘singing before the four be&'; whieh
and these fear not the enemy or his organization, but wruul they me singing in the presence and hearing
boldly sing forth praises of the great Eternal One.- a2 Jehovah's orgmization. They are 'made a theater
1John 4 : 17, 18. ger men and for angela'. Elven the "prisoners" are
The remnpnt of his people now on earth are enabled bg$i?uring t s hear the mng. 'Jerusalem, lift up thy
by God's grace to see and appreciate the faet that Je- @88 and &IS.' They sing to eaeh other and &g tq
hovah's 'elect servant' is Christ Jesus and the faith- aJl who love Jehovah God; they lift up a s~an&d. 2@
ful member* of his body, end that these Cod has tb people and pobt them to God's kingdom,(&, 62:
s o l e d and hatailed aa his sweet singers in the tem- lQaaa33 ther b M good tidingy of gwt jw)&p
Bw. 14 A O T ~ IN
B ZION 832
pnbliah peace and my rmto those of Zion, "Thy God me of the '%eat in due season", which by the grace
reignath"; they me eye to eye the wonders of God's of God ie pmvidcd for the remnant. That "meat im
pu~pmesand together they Sit up the voice and sing. due semenJ1is the illumination and publieatim of
(Iaa. 62:7-9) All thme "elders" who have been bis Word of truth from time to time. That text book
raised out of death in the first resurrection l i k e d of sozig ia "sealed" to the earthly learned, and also
hear the song. AU who are of the 144,000 muet sing eakd to those who now imii on doing "the Elijah.
arork". Those who insist on doing the work that ww
now, and they do sing, The singing in the henring of
all of God%orgmieation implies that the remnant on prepared in the Elijclh period af the slnurah, and who
onrth muet now be singing as their theme Cod's su- we looking forwerd to the time they will enter into
ppom&cy in the throne, that his word and his name thek rset and rulership, are dreamem and prefer to
might be made lmown and in due time fully vindi- more rather than to aing with enthwiaam. The faith-
&tad. ful are ~ejoicing,and they pray for success and pros-
J "No man could learn that song but the hundred perity w they sing. /&. 118: 24, 25) They say: "Give
and forty and four thousand." This mans that no me maderatanding, that I may learn thy coummnd-
oiie aside from Gad's anointed can appreciate and menta. "--Psr. 119 :78.
join the invisible members of God's organization in To hhis ohildren the Lord givw instruetion thus:
the song of joy. One muat appreciate a thing in order "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning;
to really rejoice therein. Only the Levites were trained snd a ntan of understmcting shall attain unto wise
end allowed to sing in the temple serviee. (1Chron. emmmIs.'' (Prov. 1:5) "Give inatmetion to a wiae
8 : 81, &2; Nah. 12:46, 47) From the L e W the man, and he will be yet wieer: teach a just man, and
priests were taken, and h e are the singvm Not he will increase in lenming." (Prov. 9:9) It ia them
wery one who ean malce a noise would be ohoaen to iore the wise that understand and give praiae to the
aing before the King. Only highly trained voiees Lord Qod and delight in his a&. (Dan. 12: 10)
would be given that privilege. No one could ever ?The E S W B E ) ~of~ ~the lips in0resaet.h learning. The
learn the song except God% anointed. The Hebrew heart of the wiae teaaheth [margjn, maketh wise] his
word rendered "barn" meana "aceustom self to". wuth, a d addeth learning to his lips." (Prov. 16:
And ao it ia that practice, and muoh of it, is required; 21, 23) The wise are they that hear the command-
and constancy in the witnw work ia 8 thing w t i n l . p~entaof the Lord and hastt?n to obey them. They use
Only those who do the required practice are pic- &eir Eps in obedience to God's emandmenta and
+awed in this group of singers. That explains why hearP to sing that "sew song". The faithful remnant
there ia a remnant that really earnestly and faith- we "redeemed" through tlte love m d by the blood of
gully jdwa the work of malring Ohe word srod name of Christ and are literally separated from tho eazth an4
+' %ovah hm.And they must learn the text of that in due time will be taken therefrom to be forever
song, and the hammy; aad thia they de by making with the b r a

The faithful remnant dam ia further identih.ed a d that ia married careth for the things that are of the
denmibed in Revelation 14:4 5 : "These are they world, how he may please hi wife", and hence mani-
which were not defiled with women; for they are vir- feats leas love for the Lord and hi kingdom than 2re
gins. These are they which follow the Lamb whither- d m for hia wife. 'Pherefore the advice is given: "The
soever he goeth. These were redearnad from among time is short : it remaineth, that both they that have
men, being the fbtfmitaunto God and to the Larob. wives be an though they had none." (1Uor. 7: 29,33)
And in their mouth was found no guile: for they am Earthly relatives often induce one to divide hii af-
without fault before the throne of God." They are fections with 'things of thia world', which pertaha
not de5led with women, "Women" here r e f 4 to to Satan'a organization, by giving leas conaideration
mat be diwolute women, which s y m b o l i ~repre. to the aervice of Uod and to hie kingdom. They argue
sent Satan and are in hia s e r v k The term appliea that one should not make hirrmelf foolish and obnox-
to the religious syatema that praotiw and draw men ious to the world, but should show the proper honor
away from God. But the term "women" mearm much to the world m d to men and inatitutiona of the world.
more than that. I t repreaents the devilish influence, Thus they are caused to worship or give honor to the
G,deceitful and sedu&ive, that tries to induce God% Devil's organization and are dofiled. The faithful
begotten ones to violate God's law eithar positively remnant muat be absolutely and completely s e ~ a r a t d
or negatively. That means to either refuae or neglect from Satan's organization. They stsnd out boldly as
to keep and perform God's commandment4. Some God's witnesses.
tima a legal earthly wife of a cornrated man may Attaehed to the heathen temples were dissolute wom-
oeaee auch dc61emeuG or the husband l i k d e influ- en. The unfaithful prophet Bdaam auggwted to
easethewifetorefrainfmmserpimgtJmLord:"And Balak the employment of nu& immoral women to a-
another mid, I have married s wife, and $herefom I tice the Israelites and to 'call the people unto the
omnot come."-Luke 14: 20. sacriflw of their gods: and the people did err% ,md
dlso literal mothers, Bistera and daughters, and bow4 down to their gods'. (Num. 25: 1-6) The wun-
others, are wed by the adversary to draw the come- eel of Balnam thus cnnacd the children of Israel to
mated away from God's service. "If any man eome eommit treapam againat the Lord in the matter of
to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, Pear (a devilill worship with lewd rites). Thus Ba-
and children, and brethren, and sisters; yea, and his ham earned Balak to mat a stumblingstw.ebefore the
own life also, he cannot be my diieiple." (Luke 14: Ieraelitea, to eat the things sacrificed to idols and to
26) One who is in a Covenant with the Lard mast mmmit fornication. Likewiae those that compromise
love Jehovah supremely. That does not mean ha is to with the Devil's organization are an abomination an-
do injury to any one, but, with h i , to please God is tu God.-Rev. 2 : 14.
that of first importance. The Scriptures explain that The faithful hundred and forty-four thousand am
this wrongful influence is due to the faot that "he described as "wise virgins" that are separated and
devotd in singlenem of life and pnrpose unto Cod. Jehovah predestinated that those he eel& for hi%
Of them it is written: "That I may present you as a service &all be faultdm aa to their lwe and &votion
W e virgin to Christ." (2 Cor. 11:2) Their eye is to $im. (Eph. 1:4) Tbey devote themselves to God
single to one thing; and that is, faithful service unto and endeavor to oarry out hi will so "that thp minis-
the Lord. They "follaw the Lamb whithersoever he try be not blamed", and in thii oonditim they shine
goeth" aad delight to walk in his footsteps. (1 Pet. as "the light of the world". (2 Cor. 6: 3; Phil. 2:
2: 21; Rev. 6: 2) They "were redeemed from among l5,16) Ood keeps them by his power and in due time
men, being the 5ratfmitsunto God and to the Lamb". them are 'presented faultlw before the -p-ce of
Thb waa foreshadowed by the "two wave l a v a , ...
they are the firstfruits unto the Lord". (Lev. 23: 17)
his glory '.--Jude 24.
Renoe Pentecost was called "the feast of harvest, the WEBIY(BTINO. QOBPEL
5mtfruits of thy labours". (Ex. 25: 16) In A. D. 33 The radio belongs to Jehovah (Ps. B: 11) He */
at Pentecost there was a fulfilment of thig in minis. brought it into exiatenm for his purpom, and Sa-
ture. In 1918 this feast of the firsffruits is ful5lled tw's agents attempt to monopoliee it; but in due time
in completion by the resur-ection of the faithful ones CJad will manifest his supremacy in this and in ail
and by the gathering of the remnant to the Lord ta other things. In Revelation 8: 13 it is stated that s~
Mount Zion. The 144,000 is a very small number eom- angel (like an eagle) flies in the midst of heaven.
pared with the billions that God saves, and are there- Again John saw in vision this angel and he wrote:
fore spoken of as the "firatfruits". "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of hmven,
These are without guile (lies) and "are without having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them
fault before tbe throne". (V& 5) They "w& in the that dwell on the earth, nnd to every nation, and
light", henee they 'enter into the aity'. (1John 1:7; kindred, and tongue, and people." (Vs. 6) The Lord
Rev. 22: 14; 21 :27) They are not false Christs, but by his angel invisible to human ayw again aeta and
true to their anointing. (Matt. 24: 24) They do no% directs lria people. '
turn the trnth into a lie by worshiping the emture. . . It waa in 1922 that efforts began to be put forth to
' build
(Rom. 1:23, 25) They do not honor men; but they tha firat radio station to broadcast the truth
worahip and serve and obey Cod, and do not lie when wnaeming Ood'a kingdom, and that station began its
they say that they "know him". (1 John 2: 4) The3 par at ions on February 24, 1924, a d has eontinuow
'add not unto his word [moh thin@ as so-called broadcast tho message of the kingdom since. In
"&one witnw in EgyptJ'], lest they be found liara'. April, 1922, a public leoture entitled "BiIilliom NOW
(Prav. 80: 6) The remnant shall not da iniquity nor Living Will Never Die", delivered before a large an-
speak lies. (Zeph. 3: 13) "A faithful witness will not &nee filling the Metropolitan Opera House at B b i h
lie," an&the remnaat mnat continue faithful.-Prw. dalphih wan at the same time broadoast by a radia
14.: 5; Rev. 12: 17. atation cf that city. That same year the ~ a m alecture
L I G H T -7. 14 I BV.

was delivered by a large number of speakem in thirty- world is eecn worshiping Satan and hls organization,
three merent langurigea. In the United States thcre and the ruling powem compelling auoh worship. (Rev.
are people of every h g m g e , kindred nnd tangue, 18: 1 4 1 5 ) The faithful remnant refuse to honor and
and in- that c o m t q the radio has been naed more worship any part of Satan's o r g h t i o n , but they
than in any other place on enrth to broadcast the are worshiping and telling the people to worship Je-
"everlasting gospel" of the kingdom of Cod. This is
further proof,that Cod has not given his m-e of
truth to his people for them to aelilahly hold to it, but
I hovah God, who made heaven and earth and all that
u therein..
that they wust preach it as his witnema to the na- The time has arrived to amounce the fall of Baby-
tioas of the earth. (Matt. 24: 14) Those of Satan's lon: "And another, a second angel followed, saying,
obgdzation must have an opportunity to hear it, Fallen is Babylon the Orcat, who has given nll the
whether they heed or not. nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her forni-
The angel of the Lord is heard mying with a loud cation." (Vs. 8, Diag.) Thiidoes not mean aWsecond"
voice: "Fear God, and give glory to him; for the group; but it means the delivery of tho seaond part
hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that of the meseage due at that time. Here is the .first ap-
made heaven, and enrth, and the sea, and the foun- pearance of the word "Babylon" in Revelntioa It is
tains of waters." (Vs. 7) The faithful remnant on the Greek form for considering the Hebrew word
earth tnke up this measage and hernld it. Be it noted Babel. Satan is the hnsband and head of Babylon.
that the voice or message does not say, Fear the Devil Satan had been cast out of heaven, and therefore the
or hi organization, but does say, 'Fear God, and husband of Babylon had fallen to the earth, bnt waa
give him glory,' Worship the Creatbr, an& not the not yet dwtroyed. The name "Babylon" &o proper-
oreatwe I ly applies to the organization of Satan called "Chri5
For many centuries the chnrch organieations have tendom", which is the offspring of the wicked "worn-
exnlted men and praised their virtues; and in thia
they did wrong. Jehovah is auprem4 nnd the truth is . The ancient city of Babylon fell at the w u I t of
his. This fact is now dearly revealed to his people, Cyrus, but it was not immediately destmyed. Two
~ h must
o w v e and praise Jehovah, and not honor hundred years later an attempt was made to rebuild
men. 'The hour of God's judgment ia come,' because it; but that failed, and then it went into complete
he j~in his temple for judgment, and his people will ruin. The memage in Revela%ion,"Babylon is fallen,"
be required to meet the rulea he haa laid down. The doea not mean that suoh is final, and that literal de-
fact of the hour of his judgment was first undemtood struction has come to it, but means that it has reaohed
ad published by God's people at the C e b Point such a condition that no part 09 it can ever rise to
convention in 1922. (See Watch Tower, Nov. 1%1022+ itn Pormer position. (Itev. 18 :21) Satan and the henv-
p. 884.) 'Phis is the pame period of time when the enlp part of or)Ia&ation were cast oat shortly
following 1914. Xb wwesl in 1919, the year lrfter tbetime heaven and earth. Oh&, the great Mel&ized&
that judgment began at the temple, thnt Christendm Prieat, in 1914 bogan the assault on the head and
adopted the devilish oEspring, the Leogne of Nations, ngainat the entire organieation of Babylon, and there
and nmed it the "politioul expraasion of Cod's king- reeulted a great full, even a lightning fall to the
dom on earth". Like Upleiah, who was stricken with earth; and henceforth Satan and all of his o ~ g ~ a
leprosy, 80 the offspring of Satan was stricken with tion m oonfined in the operation thereof to the earth,
the incurable disease. CMendom w b there un- and preparations for the great battle of the day of
equivocally cut oft This faot was seen nnd the decla- Qod Almighty pmeeed. At that battle the complete
ration made by the Lord's people at Cedar Point on fall and everlasting dehwetion of Babylon will re-
September 8, 1922. The fall had taken p k before d t . Her "burning" is yet future.-Rev. 18:18.
that announcement, and the Lord throqgh his angel Why did Babylon fall9 Booaw with the end of
caused the announcement to be made. 1914 the period of waiting ended. It was then that the
Tho resolutions, designated "Warning" and "In- a o m e *hen @od would. no longer pennit Satan
dictment", following thereafter, further emphasiged tomle the world without inMrfercnce. The Lord then
the fact of tho fall. From 1914 to 1918 Babylon was Bent forth his great Priast, who threw Betan and his
trying to destroy God's heritage. (Jer. 50: 11) When organiaation out of heaven. Babylon, Satan and his
Babylon rejected Jesus the King, she fell, and God's organization, had "made all nations drink of the
wrath had come and must be pmclaimed. The sacking wine of the wrath of her fornication". She has neTer
of typical Babylon did not take place immediately employed mercy, but always us= foree and violenee,
following her capture. Thia indiaates that the same and this partic~~larly against God's holy nation er
mlo appliea ~ ~ n ~ e r n the
i n gfall of mystic Babybn. people; whioh wan exhibited in ita most vicious way
Who is Babylon? Not merely a church system, but about 1918.
the great organhtion ruling the earth. "A lnnd of mmoN'8 WINE CUP
.. .
traffic; a city of merchants." (Ezek. 17: 4, 12) The time of wsiting having ended, it was the time
to begin the puuishment of Babylon, and the first
She is a great power, and not merely a myth, as m e
would have the people believe. "Who art thou, 0 part thereof was casting her out of heaven. Then the
great mountainf before Zerubbabel thou ghslt become reoord adds concerning her full: "Becauae she made
a plain." (Zech. 4: 7) "That great city, which reign- all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her
eth over the kinga of the earth." (Rev. 17: 18) For fornication," Bnbdon is fallen. Babylon's wine has
this reason all nations are reauimd to drbk of her
been understood to mean errors or false doctrines;
but that oonclu~ionia not supported by the Scrip-
Babylon ia Satan's complete organization, wkth S s tures, and is therefore incorrect. All the nations or
fan the husband and head thereof. I t ineludes the in- - peoples of earth worshiped Satan and his "woman"
visible as well sg the piaible part thereof. It is %tan's Babylon before the beginning of the flrst world pow-
8ao L I Q B T JDv. 14 Em'. 14 AUTIVI'Pm IN ZION 821
er. Babylon M e d on her work of conquest with the Fornication is the act of wrongfully gratiqring a
organization of Egypt as the flrst universal world paasionate desire. From the beginning Satan has had
power, and the Deoil roligion had been practiced a passionate and inordinate desire to have other crea-
long before that. The Scriptural definition of the turss worship him instead of Jehovah. This is eul.
aymbola here used will aid in understanding thia p-ed in his offer of the kingdoms of the world to
prophecy. Jam npon the sole condition that Jegus would fall
A cup is a container of a drink potion, and the con- down and worahip him. Babylon is Satan's "woman"
tents of the cup are what is provided by one for an- or organisation of which he is the husband. His or-
other, and symbolize the imposing of one's will upon gmization Babylon h a passionate, unrestrained
another. The wine in the cup was a symbol of violenoe and inordinate deaii to control all the peoples of the
and death. Jesus said: "The oup which my Father. earth and turn them away from Cod and have them
hath given me, shall I not drink it?" (John 18:11) worship the Devil. That nnr&ained and wrongful
"And he took the cup,
blood ... ... saying, . .. This is my
shed for many for the remiasion of aim."
w e bas led to great violeaee upon the peoples of
earth, The 'wine of Babylon's wrath of her fomi*
(Matt. 20: 27, 28) The cup which God provided for w' is thwefoxe the mel,harsh, military opprwion
the wicked means their dest~ction."Hdw oft is the ld violence adminiatered to the peoples of earth in
audle of the wicked put out? and how oft cometh d e r to compel them to come under the control and
their destruction npon them? Cod distribntcth sor- be aubjwt to the Rlle of Satan and hia woman Baby-
rows in his anger. His eyes shall see his deertruetion, k,ni All the world powera have been and are a part
and he shall drink of the wrath of the Ahnighty." of 8ett4nk organieation, and therefore properly called
(Job 21: 13, 20) "For in the hand af the Lsrd there Babylon, and every one, without an exception, ha8
ia a cup, and the wine ia red; it is full of mixture, and used great violence toward the people in order to
he ponreth out of the same : but the d r e p thereof, dl bring them under Satan's rule and control.
the wicked of the earth ahall wring them out, and ][n 1414 Satsn c a d all the nations to d e r from
drink them." (Ps.75: 8) "For they eat the bread of h W i @ r y , mel and wicked heel of his organiaa
wickehesa, and drink the wine of violenm," "He #@, a& thereby made dl the nations drink of the
.. . drinketh damage [violence, margiu]." (Prov. 4:
17; 26: 6) These gwipturea show what 'the wine cup'
#$ter, poisonous potioa The inducing cause was the
p i o n a t e ambition to have the exelusive worahip of
m a w . The "wine" which Satan hsa provided ia a a$e ,peoples of earth. His wioked organieation also
drink of violence and wrath. Babylon is Satan's or. W e d Ood'e people to drink of that wrath and to
ganization; therefore the wine cup of tha math 03 M e r . dfter the war ended, the same paasionate, un-
her fornication is the imposing of Babylon's will up. EeBtrained and inordinate depire led to the formation
on the mtions of the earth, and thb ie done by do. @4the beague of Nations, by which Satan would keep
lewe. . f l na#pns and people8 under hia rule and control.
t42B L I G H T %x. 14

"The wine of the wrath of her fornication" there- Jer. 51 : 18) Having been appointed to his position by
fore means Babylon's will (which is the will of 55 Jehovah he wee a container or a cup of gold (divine
tan) imposed upon the peoplea of the earth by force instmmeent) in the hand (power) of Jehovah. But he
and violence; and ambition and covetousness are the rebelled. The prophwy of Jeremiah does not say that
inducing cause. By this &el and wrongful means of Babylon ia a cup of violenoe by the will of Jehovah,
gratifying that inordinate and wrongful desire ths but it do@ ssy that Babylon "hath been" a eup, that
peoples of earth have been mbjectsd to horror, shame, is to my, when Lucifer was in harmony with God ha
defeat, and mudty, and have been forced under th6 and his organization were a divine instrument, whioh
yoke of opprwion of Babylon, or the ruling factors afterwards twed to wickedness.
of the &h. (2) Jehovah's covenant people Israel became m-
Jeremiah prophesied: "Babylon hath been a golden faithful ul hint and to theb covenant. Cod punished
oup in the Lord's hand, that made all the e a ~ t h them zapeatedlr for thein wrongdoing, and when
drunken . . of her wine; therefore the n a t i m are
mad." (Jer. 61: 7 ) How could Babylon be a golden
they' %%pentsdhe forgave them and took them back
to BimseE, Whe time oame when their wickednw
cup in Jehovah's hand if Babylon has always meant reached it# fulness, and then God completely with+
Satan's organization? This scripture is true in two drew his favor and t n m d them over to the Devil nud
separate and distinct ways: permitted the Devil and his organization to subject
(1) Lucifer was appointed to his position by Je- h a t ppeople to the greatest violenoe. (Bmk. 21: 24-27)
hovah and had an organization which was a part of The nation of IarIarael committed fornication with the
God's organhtion. "Thou haat been in Eden the gods of Satan, and therefore with Satan's organiza-
garden of God; . .. Thou art the nnohted eherub
that eovereth; and I have set thee so,thou w& upon
tion. Israel had a paasionate desire to have an earthly
king or viaible ruler, like the heathen nations round
the holy mountain of a d ; thou hast wslged up and about. They had n passionate d& to practice the
down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast heathen or Devil religion. God had said to them:
perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast "For thou shalt mrahip no other god: for the Lord,
created, till iniquity was found in thee." (Ei-ek.28: whoae name is Jealous, is a jealous God: I& thou
18-16) The fact that he woa the nnointed eoveriag make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and
oherub or deputy of Jehovah God s h m that he had they go a whoring after their gods, and do anorifice
othera under his direct supervision, which constituted pnto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of h i s
his organization and therefore a part of God's or- sacrifice : and thou take of their daughters unto thy
gani~ation. sons, and their daughters go a whoring &er thak
It was his covetom ambition for worship that in- gods, and make thy som go a whoring after their
duced him to become a traitor to Cod and to turn hi# gods. Thou shalt make thee nomploltengods."-Ex.
part of the organization into evil paths, (&a. 14: 14; 84: 14.17. tm'. . \

%4 L I G H T Em. 14 ACTIWl'IEB lN ZION B"f!$

The Israelitee did the very thing that &d com- Babylov that thereafter afliioted the Israelih. (1%
manded them that they should not do. They went a 61:17-&I) Babylon, or Satan's organbation, h a
whoring after other gods. Therefore God permitted therefoe been an inatrument in the ham% of Jehovah
Babylon, Satan's organization, to administer to Is- in this way also.
rael a terrible pnnishment and to bring that people Babylon has made all the nations of the earth
into subjection to B&im, where they have been drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. All
einee. "Por thus saith the Lord Glad, Behold, I will bthsse nations have come under the ernel rule of Satan
deliver thee into the hand of them whom thou hat&, and have Buffered much violence. Devil-worship, and
into the hand of them from whom thy mind is alien- not the union of ah& and state, is spiritual forni-
ated: and they shall deal with thee hatefully, and .oation. It is a wicked rule of violenee, induced by a
ahall take away all thy labour, and shall leave thee paeaionate snd uneaMed desire, 'that is fornication.
naked and bare; and the nakedness of thy whoredoms All the ralers of the eartb, partiaulsrly of "Chiaten-
shall be diawvered, both thy lewdneas and thy whore- I~ODI'',eo called, m #piritual fornicators. Thae rulers
doms. I will do these thinga unto thee, because thou have p f dta worahip and honor the Devil rather
hast gone a whoring after the heathen, and bwause ~ s nworship and honor Jehovah Cod. Thii paasion-
thou art polluted with their idola Thou hast walked s desire for Devjl-worship and power has led the
in the way df thy sister; therefore will I give her cup d m to make the common peoples of earth drink of
into thine hand. Thua saith the Lord God, Thou shalt iheir op reasion and military violenee. The combine
drink of thy dater's cup deep and large: thou shalt Big f;wines, big politicians and olergy, led by
be laughed to worn and haa in derision; it contain- their inordinate and passionate desire to rule the
eth much. Thou ahalt be filled with drmkennw and world in utter disregard of God's Word, has cawed
m o w , with the cup of astonishment and desolation, the people great oppression and d e r i n g .
with the cup of thy sister Samaria. "-I3ee.k. 23 :28-33. When God presented his beloved Son, who is the
Therefore the prophet, speaking for Israel, s a p : antitypid' Cynrs, as King, these d m of Baby-
"0 Cad, thou hwt cast us off, thou hast scattered w, lon (in 19141918) rejeded him and gave their alle-
thou hast been d i ~ l u ~ s e 0
d ;turn thyself to ns again. gianee and worship to Satan's organization. That
Thou hast shewed thy people hard things; thou h u t mark6 the time of the fall of Babylon, or casting of
made us to drink the wine of astonishment."-Pa her out of heaven, and also the release of Ood's peo-
6o:l. 3. ple from Babylon. (1118.46: 1, 13) Became Babylon
~abylon,therefore, was used as an htrument in hsw made the nations of earth to drink of the wine of
the hand of the Lord to cause the Iwaelitea to 8ufPer the wrath of her fornication, and so-called "Christen-
great and severe pnnishment. Jehovah had punished dom" haa preferred to have it so, Ood in his due time
that people, but they had not profited by that punish- will compel Babylon to take a dose of her own medi-
ment, and then he turned the cup into the hand of cine. All nations will be required to drink thereat,
. '5
"and the king of Sheahach [Babylon] && drink
after them." (Jer. 25: 26; 51: 41; Rev. 18:6;14: 10) great High Priest and Judge in the temple. These
But before her find drinking and destruction Ood verm should be carefully studied at this point. The
will have an' announcement made of her fall, and a mgd is called "the third angel" because manife4tly
testimony given conearning hiis purpose to destroy cha~gedwith the delivsry of the third part of a me@
her finally at Armageddon. sage due to be proelaimed from the Lord, and his
The casting out of Satan nnd his organieation from m t a on earth nre given a part in telling the same.
heaven would seea to be the appropriate time for The fall of Bnbylon, mentioned in the prececcding
making an annbunoement of Babylon's fall tu a verses1 could nat mean the lkfinal dcdmtion thereof;
warning to some and an encouragement to others. because v e m nine to twelve show that tho wicked
J The Prophet Isaiah representatively stood for Cod's organieation still exiats, but h t its operation is con-
people on the earth in the end of this nge. The Lord fined to the hegarch. Thja mesgage m d e s t l y is to warn
directed Isaiah to "go, set a watchman, let him de- cbs people agaiast taking ~ d e with
a Satan's organiea-
clare what he seeth". Isaiah placed a watchman in tion d o 8 Godpakingdom has come. Sinoe the dis- 'V
the watchtower, who reported: "And he cried as a aeming of Satanls orgw&ation by the people of the
lion [margin] :My lord, I stand continually u p p the Lord in 1926 they have particularly sounded the
watchtower in the daytime, nnd I am set in my ward warning by radio, by public dimoursea, and by. mil-
whole nighta; and, behold, hew cometh a chariot of lions of books put in the hands of the people, and
men, with a couple of horsemen [a train of horw in l q e especially warned the consecrnted through the
oouples,-4. B. DictionarvJ. And he answered and d m n s of Phe Watch Tower. Tha Watah Tower is
mid, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven for all men, but applies with special force to those
imagea of her gods he hath broken unto the grou~.d." who hwe made a covenant to do Cod's will. The me&-
-I=. 21:6-9. s g e of w i n g is, "If any man worship the beast
That prophecy related to Satan and his organizn- and & image, and receive his mark in his forehead,
tion falling to the earth. (Rev. 12: 9) Likewise John or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the
the servant elma heard the voice of the angel saying: m t h of Qod." (Vss. 9, 10) Emphasis is here placed
"Babylon is fallen, is fallen." Theh Qod's people are upan tbe fact that Qod's nnointed people, in the
released from Babylon and go up to build up Zion. mouth of which he has put hi measage of truth, mnst
Chriet, the nutitypical Cyrua, builds up the temple, boldly and fearleasly preach that measwe of truth
the paople of God, and let8 l m e the captives,-Isa and continue so to do until the end regardlw of
46: 1, 18; Ps. 126: 1. *ether the people hear or not. This responsibility
WARNING annnot be escaped. God will have the meaaage dc-
Revelation fourteenth chapter, verses nine to livered, and his anointed ones who fail or refuse to
twelve, is a apwial warning from C h i s t Jesacl, the have part in the proclamntion of the message d l do
ea at their peril; and therefore this ecriptare is cts
pecially a warning to all. The angel of the Lord pro- adulterated. I t is the wrath of God, and ia deatruw
claimed the message ''with a loud voice", suggesting tiye.-Rev. 11 :18.
that the servant clam on earth must make a wide Those thus compelled to clrii of this cup of God's
proclamation thereof. wrath ''shall be tormented with 5re and brimstone in
The 'sea beast', the "image of the beast", and 'the the prwnce of the holy angels, and in the preaenee
two-horned beast' are still in existence and operating of the Lamb". (Vs. 10) The word here rendered
at full time and speed in the earth, and millions of "torment" is from the Cre& basoniwo (from ba-
the people are bdng oppressed. If one mentally or A), and meaw "to go to the bottom of things a#
actively takes a stand on the side of Satan's or- a test". Applied to persuns, it would mean a close
ganization, represented in the "beast", he thereby and searahing cross-examination.When one rn orow
shorn that he is againat Jehovah Ood. He is not for examined under the law a d was obntinate and re-
Christ and Ood; therefore he is against the Lord and fosed to yield, he was w M in prison; and hence
his kingdom. (Matt. 12: 30) Those who in any wise uha jab- was designated "bas&tea", or the tor-
support Satan's organization, actively or passively, mentor. "And his lord wae wroth, and delivered him
are responsible fop their course of action and thereby to the tormentors [jailora, Dbg.], till he ahould pay
bear his mark either in the forehead or in the hand. all that was due unto him." (Matt. 18: 84) Clearly,
Babylon (Satan and hi organization) has com- therefore, the torment of Bevelation 14: 10 mnst in-
pelled the peoples of earth, by a violent role, to clude the confinement in death or destraction which
"drink of the w i ~ cof the w-rath of her fornication", 3 the fate of the wicked.
and now those who remain on Satan's side after being When dead they oould not experience pain; there-
w m e d must, together with all of Babylo& drink of fore the torment mwt begin while one is aonsaiow
Uod's wine cup of wrath. This dow not mean doc- and is gndergoing crowaamiuation before the bar
trines; because such have refused and continue to r e of the great Judge of the temple. Today the kingdom
fuse to m p t the truth and take their stand on the -ern are tormented constantly with the message
side of the Lord, but are supporting Satan and his of God's kingdom. This is proven b.y the repeated ob-
organization. Concerning such, Jehovah says: "I will Section to hearing anything about Satan'# organiza-
tread down the people in mine anger, and make them tion and by opposing the witness concerning Ood's
clrank in my fury, and I will bring down their kingdom. There are those who have bean begotten of
strength to the earth." (Isa. 63: 6) This "wine of the holy spirit and enlightened who refuse to say any-
the wrath of God" is "poured out without mixture thing about Satan's orgaaixation and who oppose
those who are diligently giving the witness for God's
into the cup of hk indignation". This me- that hie * kingdom. The message of the kingdom, and the serv-
wrath ia poured into the container of Ood and is the ice thereof, are a torment to them. If they persist
potion p o d for his enemiw, and is not diluted nor in t&ia oppcaition, the wrath of Ood, whiah is the gea-
I1E.r. 14 A O T r V I l ! ~IN ZION 881
ond death, must of necessity be their portion. Thii and being jailed in death, they are therefore in the
torment results from the constant holding of the pains or torments of death forever. Jesns was in "the
truth before the rulers of the earth as well as othcrs pains of death" but could not be held there: "Whom
who oppose, and is done in the preaence of Christ and God hath rsised up, having loosed the pains of death:
hi holy angels, who are dtneases thereto. The faith- beaswe it was not possible that he should be holden
ful remnant are; need a.witnesses of this torment now of it." (Acts 2: 24) Their only comiousnesa is before
in progress. The messryo of truth w o y s the oppow- go* into death, and then they are conscious of the
ers to the king&, like the botch or some other loath- wmws and pains such as'get hold on the victim b e
soma d i . Those who wilfully sin against light fore he goes into unconsciownw. (Ps. 116:3) If the
and who imowiugly treat with contempt the testi- fbe were nvt kept burning, the smoke would cease to
mony of God's kingdom and his King, and who op- ascend; because 'Where t k e is no wood, there is no
pose the aame, and give their support m d aid to the h', hence no emoke. (Prov. 26: 20) Themfore the
Devil's organization, Jam says, "shall go away into amtiauoae smoke arising symbolically says: 'Thii fire
everlasting punishment."-Matt. 25 :46. of dastruation shall never cease, for the wicked shall
"And the smoke of their torment sgcendeth up for remain deatroysd forever.' The scripture doea not say
ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, $hat the wwcious a d r i n g continue8 forever, but
who worahip the beast and his image, and whosoever daes gay that "smoke of their torment", which is an
receiveth the mark of his name." (Vs. 11) Smoke is evidmce of their destruction, never ceases. "For
evidence of a burning Are or flame, became there Ulek worm & d l not die, neither shall their tire be
a d d be no smoh without fire. (Judg. 20 :98-40; &a. qnenched." (Isa. 66:24; 30: 33) The smoke could not
84: 10) The natural tendency of amoke is to disap- rapreecnt "the memory" of them, as has been sug-
pear. "A8 the smoke out of the chimney.'' (Hos. gested, because "the memory of the jw is bleased:
18:3) "The heavens shall vtlnish away like smoke." but the name of the wioked shall rot", and disappear.
(188. 51:6) But $he fnct that the smoke here men- (Prcov. 10:7) While there is consoiousnese, there is
tioned doea not vanish away, but continues to rise up pb relit day or night while the Lord's witnesses ex-
forever, shows that the smoke-producing fire and ~ ~ themg e by telling God's truth. Jehsvah therefore
brimstone (symbolic of destruction) are never 'vexes them in his sore displeasure'. (Ps. 2 :5) 'There
quenched, and therefore the d&ruetion of the wieked is no pence for the wicked.' (Isa.57 :20, 21; 48: 22)
never ends; and hence they ahall ncver he permitted Therefore the evidence shows that their torment and
to live any more, but "ahall be as though they had confinement in jail or death is forever.
not been". This is the fate of the wilhzlly wioked.- "Rere is the patience of the saints: here are they
Eeek. 28 :19, Ps. 145: 20; 2 Theas. 1 :9. that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of
Being tormented while alive by the messwe of Jesus." (Ve. 12) This shows a teat of God's people,
God'a tmth;whiah they willingly resist and o p m and the test is now on. Who is on the Lord's aide?
L I a H T REV. 14

and who will worship the enemy organization and "And I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me,
receive his name and mark? This shows that judg- Write, Blessed are the dead whioh die in the Lord
ment begins at the house of Qod. (I Pet. 4: 17) I n from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may
Revelation 13: 8, 10, it is recorded that those "whose rest from their labours; and their works do follow
names are not written in thebook of life of theLamb" them." (VS.13) There are seven "beatitudes" in the
fail in the test. ''Here" ig the time of the crisis, be- book of Bevelation and they appear, to wit, in this
cause it is the day of judgment and the time that the verse and at Revelation 1:3; 16: 15; 19: 9; 20 : 6;
saints 'must have boldnw'for the Lord' in declaring and 22: 7, 14. The "dead" here mentioned are not
his message of truth.-1 Jo:m 4: 17, 18. those who are unconscious, but those who are wholly
These faithful ones refuse to worship or have any- devoted to God and who are therefore "dead with
thing in common with Satan's organization. They Christ" and 'whose lives are hid by Jehovah with
keep the commandments of God by refusing to have,
any other god besides Jehovah, and refuse to bow '. . Christ'. (001, 2: 20; 3: 3; 1 Theas. 4: 16) These at
the moment of aetual death are raised again to life.
down to any graven image. They worship and serve '. 1 The spirit of Jehovah emphasizes the blessedness of
Jehovah. (Ex. 20 : 3-5; Deut. 6: 5) They also keep- ,' those continning faithful, with the word "Yea".
God's commandments by joyfully being his witnesses. , 'They rest from their labors.' This does not mean in-
(Isa. 43: 10, 12) At this crisis there will be and now
. activity; but it means a cessation from toil, and their
are those who say, 'Lord, Lord, have we not done trouble ends.-Luke 5 :5; 12: 27; Matt. 26 : 10.
wonderful things in thy name?' But they refuse to They are not idle now, but earnestly engaged in the
do Jehovah's will as expressed. The Lord declares Father'sbusiness. "Their works do follow with them"
they are workers of lawlessness and are not recog. (230th.) into the kingdom. They are "changed" in-
nized by him. (Matt. 7: 21-23) It is those who are stantly, "in the twinkling of an eye." Having re-
faithful, who maintain their integrity and manifest mained faithful unto the Lord and his worla nnto
eomplete fidelity and devotion to God, that shall live the end, they enter into glory and continue their
and be forever with the Lord. (Hab. 2:4; Heb. work to hip praise forever. This work is not "charas-
10: 38, A.Z.V., margin) I n this crisis the ones faith- ter development", and this "character development"
ful unto death receive the reward.-Bey. 2 :10. is not taken into heaven; but it is "works", which
means faithful service to the Lord. (Jas. 2: 20) This
THE BLESSED is an encouragement to those who continue faithful
in doing the work that God has given them to do at
From the time of the crisis or judgment that be- this time.
gins when the Lord comes to his temple those are TEE HARVEST r/
"blessed" who remain firm, true, steadfast, and From about 1375 until the coming of the Lord to
wholly devoted to God Henee the voioe from heaven: God's temple ww a period of time in which Christ
884 L I o H T Em. 14I B v . 14 AOTWlTI@B IN ZION
the Lord, in asking yon a king."-1 Barn. 12: 13, 17.
the M e w g e r was preparing the way before Jehovah
for the"bnildhg up of Zion. Then he, the great Judge, Since the typical king wna installed in the harveat
erne mddenly or straightmy to his temple for judg. t h e , it was appropriate that the great g i s g of earth
ment. (Mal. 3: 1-8) John, zepresenting the servant ehould he inaugurated at the harvest season. The
class, then adds: "And I looked, and behold a white a y m W vision show8 Christ taking his power in 1914
cloud, and upon the elond one sat like unto the Sou with a crown upon his head and "in his hand a sharp
of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his Bckle". Since judgmexzt began three and a hnlf y e m
hand a Bharp sickle." (Vs. 14) The white cloud de- later, which means, of wuree, the examination began
notes the presence of the Lord Jesua in righteouanesa there, it follows that the hnrvest work would bqin at
and glory. (Matt. 25: 31) It mnrks his coming for that time, to wit, 1918. (Matt. 13: 30) He comes with
judgment and for the building up of Zion by bring- a "sharp aiekle" ready for fortion to cut away those
ing into God'a organization the faithful sleeping not approved and to gather the approved ones into
sainta and the remnant of faithful ones on earth; also 5fa God%typical mangement, immediatelyafter
the time of gathering togethei. the faithful of God, aa the Pamover the dcHe was put into the grain (both
foretold by the prophet.-Ps. 50: 5. barley and wheat), which work culminated in the
J The crown of David's Successor whose right it is to fesat of Pmtemst, for&-nine days thereafter. "Seven
rule was 'overturned' until Christ was placed upon. week [forty-nine dayti] shalt thou number unto thee r
hi throne, in 1914. That is the time "he went forth begin to number the seven weaha from such time aa
conquering, and to conquer" (Rev. 6: 2), the same thou beginneat to put the sickle to the corn. And thou
being the time that God plaoed him upon hi# throne.
(Ps. 2: 6) Concerning this time it wna written: "The ...
ehalt keep the feast of weeks unto the Lord tby God.
And thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God.''
-Dent. 16:9-11.
king shall joy in thy strength, 0 Jehovah. [A.R.V.]
Thou settest a crown of pure gold on his head." (Ps. Pentamst marked the time of the p o w out of the
21: 1, 3) Then it was that he began his kingly activi. holy spirit. (Joel 2: 28-30; Acts 2: 16-18) The build-
ties, the h t work of which wna to oust Satan and hi8 ing up of Zion and the wholesale nnointing are the
1 a h i points here to be considered. Thia picture, there-
organization, and then proceeded to the building up
of Zion. The typical king of Israel was installed at tore, s m to say tbst the gathering of the faithful
grain hnrvest scason, or in the spring of the year: ones into Zion began in 1918, when the Lord came to
"Now therefore behold the king whom ye have cho. hia temple, and that the anointing followod there
sen, and whom ye have desired l and, behold, the Lord - after. That marks the time for the beginning of re-
joking: "This is the day which the Lord hath rnadei
hath set a king over you. Is it not wheat harvest to
day? I will enll unto the Lord, and he shall send thun- we will mjoioe and be glad in it."-Ps. 118: 24.
der and rain; that ye may perceive and see that your This conoluaion is supported by verses fifteen and
Wiokednem is great, whiohye haye done in the night of sixteen: "And mother nngel oame out of the templa,
836 L I G H T m.l& bClTrCTPIB1B IN ZION 337

erying with a loud voiae to him that eat on the cloud; aftorwards anointed when the spirit of the Lord was
Thruat in thy aiekle, and reap : for the time is wma, on all 'regardleas of whether they were
for thee to reap; for the harveat of the earth is ripe.'' .male or femalo, and as the prophet had foretold.
This indicates that the command to reap was not , - ( h t a 2: 16-18)The greater part of the reaping wss
given until after the Lord had come to his 8831dnary1 forth to reap. Not
and cleansed it. The f a i W remnnnt brought into ~ a wthe distiinction be-
the temple shall prepare now to "go", as commanded, Eliaha work; hencemany did
and deliver the t&ony in connection with the tnken into Zion. (Isa 18:5)
reaping. (Isa. 6: 9-12) This shows the Lord at his, eeping Saint&! are
temple, and his holy angels, the deputies, accompany- to the heavens above,
ing him to serve under him. The angel comes out from that he map judge his people.
the temple and announces the fact that the time haa en of lovingkindness, who have
come to reap. The fact that the angel addre%sea Christ. over uraerifice.'-Ps, 60: 4,5,
the King does not indicate that it is a command given,
by the angel to his superior, but rather ns ai hernld. . The angels of the Lord do the reaping. (Matt. 13:
to the King, employed and directed to proclaim tbt jl! 89-41) The faithful of earth do the witness work,
the time has arrived for the reaping. '*& gathering themael~eaunto the Lord, and are gathered
J The servant e b , represented by John, heard this r I by the Lord into Zion. The faithful ones of earth
voiae for the flrst time in The Watch Tower, in the carrp the spiritual provender to others, thnt they too
articlea entitled "Ble~~ed Are the Fearless", pointing
out the didination between the Elija6 and the E W a
I work of the church. The message was not &om th0
6' may know the way to go.-Matt. 24 :46.
The roeord h: "The hameat of the earth is ripe."
"the earth". (Matt. 13:38)
Tower, but from the Lord, given through h% consti- 8 gathering began, the time of joy began.
tuted organization. This message from the Lord was' "0 Judeh, he hath set an harvest for thee, when I re-
a sharp, cutting one, and served to divide those of the: turned the captivity of my people." (Hos. 6:11)
conareerated. The ~ervante l m took up the message- "They joy before thee according to the joy in hnr-
which the angel of the .lard had announced and W." (ha. 9: 5) 'He @halldoubtless come again with
plaaed the matter clearly before one another. The real rdoicing, bringing in the sheaves.' (Ps. 126:6) The
work and the Anal rewlts were left to the Lord. Those brvest now ripe "is dry" (Diag.), and the "latter
who had been faithful in the Blijah work were donbt- rain" which ripens the harvest has now fallen .and
leas anointed then, and these went forth to do the. the time has aome to reap. "Be glad then, ye ahildren
work foreahadowed by Elisha. The message pro-ro-l of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he
claimed by them was used to warn othem to gather hath given you the former rain moderately, and he
t h d v e e to the Lord, and t h e were gathad and. to come d o m for you the rain, the former
win, nnd the latter rain in the 3 r ~ month."
t (Joel
2: 28) Thie reaping represent8 slso the tabing of upon the high places of thc earth." (Mic. 1:2,s) The
God's nnointed oncs into "the secret place of the only part that the remnant has to do with this work
Moat High': the place of safety8 and abidisg there, is the proclamation of the merplage of God's ven-
the enemy cannot do them injury, because they sre geance and, thus doing, thereby invite the gathering
Jehovah's sons and under the &adow of his protec- of Satan's organization sgaiast them to battle.-
tinn Zech. 14 :2.
W m OF TBB U R T ~ Then John adds: "And another angel cane out
"And another angel came out of the temple which from the altm, which had power over fire; and cried
is in heaves, he alao having a sharp aidde.'' (Vs. 17) with a loud my to him that hnd the Bharp sickle, say-
The angel h e ~ ementioned as having the sharp aiokle, ing, Thrust in thy sharp siclde, and gather the clus-
or vintage knife, is h d ' s instrument with which he ters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully
destroys Satan's orgnubation. Hence it is Christ. The ripe." (Vs. 18) Doabtless the angel of f.hc heord here
mgol is his messenger who makes announcemsnt of mentiqned is assigned to the authority or duty to di-
tho purpoee of the Lord to destroy the enemy organi- reot the fiery inwage of &dla vengeaace that his
sation. anointed ones on earth are to deliver in the earth.
Satm, by and through his orgnubation, hasbrought Fleming at the altar, giving attention to the &re, ~ y m -
forth to the people that whioh ia claimed to be lif* bollcally represents thefaithful witnwm on the earth
s u s ~ for $ mnnkind, but whieh in fact has brought -ding beeid4 the altar, in this, that 'they present
Mering and death upon the human race. Such pro. %hmeIvea a living sacdice for service, holy and ac-
vision made by Satan and hia or@m.tion is the ceptable unto God', and they render this "reasonable
'cluster of the vine of the earth'. The angel an- service". (Rom. 12: 1) The angel of the Lord is
nounaes, in wbatanca, that the time hw come w h a charged with directing that service. Whether those on
God will destroy Cia 'claster of the vine of the earth' earth know how it is done or not is not material.
and will then give to the pebple the fruit of the king* Every part of God's o r g e n t i o n must have some-
dom of Christ, which is lifesustaining to -8, . thing to do.
, The fzithful wituses having to do with the f i w
Jehovah's Exwutive OEcer is in his tempte fox
judgment, and his angals there for servioe. Therefore mwage are entirely separate from Satan's organiza-
it is written: "Behold, the Lord cometh out of his - tion; hence they are innocent. In the language of the
place to punish the inhabknts of the earth for their! psalmist they any: "I will wash mine hands in inno-
iniquity." (Isa. 26 :21) "Let the 3;ord God be aib oency: go will I compam thine altar, 0 Ord." (Ps.
n w a g W you, the Lord hom his holy temple. For, Z6:6) 'I'hese pray thnt the Lord will send out his
behold, the Lord cometh forth out of his place, light and trnth (not mm's light and truth) that they
oom down, md tread [ss a wwhs of grrrpesf, may be led thereby, and then they will be doing prop-
arviae at the altar, nnd doing it in joy. "0 send
out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let
them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy taber-
mountains on are, .. . that men may know that thou,
whose name alone is JBHOVAH, art the Xost High
nacles. Then will I go unto the altar of Cod, unto Cod over all the earth."-Pa. 83: 13-18.
my exweding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise Since God's anointed w i t n m on the earth have
thee, 0 God, my God."-Ps. 43: 3,4. discerned that Satam's organization is made up of the
"And of the angels he with, Who maketh his an- commeroial, political, and religious combine that acta
g& spirita, and his mhktera a flame of &. Are they as Satan's visible reprenentative, and that 'horn',
not all r n h h r i u g wirits, sent forth to minister for maltreats and oppresraos the people, they pray that
them who ehaU be he& of salvationl" (Heb. 1:7,14) this wiclred combination might be destroyed and the
The angel the Lord assigned to this work has au- people released that they might praise and serve Je-
thority over fire, mewing the mewage of dest~etion, hove& God. Because Satan's organization and those
and the remnant are directed by this invisible deputy under hi conttol oppoare the meflsage of truth, the an-
in the eourae of their work. The words of God's ven- g$ of the Lord ories aloud for the remnant servant
geanoe are like Are: "Is not my word like as a fire! elam to he moxe reamset aad zmlo1~1in giving the
saith the Lord."--Jer. 23: 29. wihw of what is impending and about to come to
The angel having authority over fire cries out with p a . The command ia: 'Thrust in the shmp sickle
a loud voioe (command) to the angel having the vin- and cut away the dusler of the vine of the earth.'
tage knife, or sharp pruning hook, and directs h im to T b fa the vine Chat has grown up out of Satan's
out off the dWr of the grapes that encumber the oiaible organizatibn: "Yet I had planted thec a noble
earth. Thh is not a command to the Lord, of course, vine, wholly a right seed; how then art thou turned
but is sn annouaoement made in harmony with Cod's into the degenerate plant of s strmge vine to
will. It is a b i n the nature of a prayer that is in the me9" (Jer. 2: 21) "For their vine is of the vine of
heart of every one of W ' s organization, all of whom Sodom, and of the flelds of Oomorrah; their grapes
long for the time when Cod will wholly destroy the ape grapes of gall, their elrmtem are bitter: their wine
enemy and vindicate his name: "Oh that thou would- is the poiaon of dragone, and the c a d venom of aqs.
eat rend the heavena, that thou wouldest mme down, To me belongeth veng~&ace,and recompence; their
that the mountains might flow down at thy preaence." foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their m-
(Isa. 64: 1) "Let God arise, let his enemies be scat- lamity is at hand, and the thing8 that shall come upon
tered: let them also that hate him flee before him. Bs them make h&e."-Deut. 82: 32, 33, 35.
smoke is driven away, so them away: as wax As the ripe grape is full of 'blood', eo the iniqaity
melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the of the wicked organization of Satan has come to the
preaence of God." (Ps. 68: 1, 2) "0 my God, make full and there is a full crop. (Gen. 49: 11; Deut.
them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind. Aa 8B: 14) "Pat ye in the sickle; for the vintage is ripe:
the fire burneth a wood, and ae the flame setteth the me, tread ye; for the winepress is full, the vats
842 L I G H T REV, 14 Em. W ACTrVITInS IN ZION 848
overflow; for their wick-
A.R.V., margin.
is e;reat."-Joel3: 13, i the Midi&niteathat slayklg was likened unto vintage,
and foreahadowad the slaying of the visible repre-
Action begiins: "And the angel thrust in hipl uickle %tiyes of Satan.--Judg. 7 :25; 8 : 1-3.
into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and
onat it into the great wineprw of the wrath of God."
(Vs. 19) The angel here who does the work is the
great executive offieer of Jehovah, O b i s t Jews, in Christ Jesus, the beloved of God, stands upon
command, m d who goes forth to the de~trnctionof p Nount Zion an h a d e w as a lamb to all thoa~who
the wicked orgdation. (Ps. 110: 4, 6) Conoerdng work righteownw; but he is a great and terrible and
Chis great Executive Officer the prophet reaords: destructive Warrior ag&& God's enmica. He is the
"Wherefore art thou red in thine appnrel, and thy Head and Chid of the "wineprw", which is used as
garmenta like him that trendeth in the winefat? I a symbol to show that which destroy8 Saton's wicked
have trodden the wineprem alone; and of the people orgmizaaon in the earth. "And tha winepress was
there was none with me; for I will tread them in mine trodden without the city, and blood came out of the
anger, and trnmple them in my fury; nnd their blood wineprw, evm unto the horse bridles, by the spnm
shnll be sprinkled upon my garments, and I w i l l s t a h of a thousand and six hundred furlongs." (Va.20)
all my raiment. For the dap of vengemce is in mine The treading down is shown as "without the city",
heart. and the vesr of mv redeemed is come."-Isa. whbh means outeide of the holy city, whieh is God's
63: k: organization. 'For outside are dogs, soroerers, for&
The vision now discloses Ohrist the great executive @ator, murderera, idolaters and liars.' (Rev. 22: 15)
offlcer of Jehovah onsting the vintage of the enrth God's city or kingdom class is no part of that corn-
into the great wjne-p1e88 of the wrath of W: "And pray. The children of God are commanded to keep
the angel thrust in his sickle into the eartb, and awny &om such. 1 o r . 5: 1113) The 'treading
gathered the vine of the enrth, and cnst it into the do- outside the city' therefore shows the complete
great winepress of the wrath of God." (Vs.19) Thii c r d g oP everything that is oppoaed to God's or-
is proof that Satan's organization is a great and ganiehtion.
mighty one, becaw it requires so great a wine-press. Some professed consecrated persons, deceived by
Some who have eonseerated themselves nuto the Lord S&m, deccive themselvea also by their own selfish de-
ignore this and many other scriptures, and my that sires and say: 'The time of trouble is pa&; Satan hna
Satan has no orgnniaation and that we should say rmo organization; the saints should develop a aweet
nothing about the world. In this they deceive them- character and calmly wait to be tal~mto heaven; and
aelvs. The "winepress" is Jehovah's militan0 organi- we will do nothing and will wait until our change
nation under the leadership of Christ Jesus. @ideon , -88.' The fourteenth chapter of Revelation and
waa a type of Christ; and whon he slew the prinw sly anany supporting ncripturee 'rove beyond slf doubt
that the worst time of trouble that will ever have been ness of the vintage knife. "Therefore prophesy thou
is just ahead. against them all these words, and say unto them, The
It has been said that the 'treading' is a mental fiord ahall roar from on high, and utter his voice from
process; hut this also is incorrect. The t~eadingof the his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his
vintage of the earth by the "winepress" will witness habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread
the most terrible slaughter that will ever have oo- '.- the grapes, agsjnst all the inhabitants of the earth."
curred in the earth. For more than a decade Cod has -Jer. 25: 30.
caused his truth to be told to the rulers and to the I n this day of wickedness, when Satan's ruling fac-
people, and has furnished an abundance of corrobor& tors are administering the affairs of men, righteous
tise facts and ciroumstances showing that the king- judgment is fallen back and 'justiee &an& afar off,
dom is at hand. Instead of giving heed to the truth, far truth is fallen in the streeta [in the way of Sa-
the ruling factors of earth have completely ignored tan's organization] and equity cannot enter'. (ha.
the evidence and deny Cod's Word, and go on in their 59 :14) But when Jehovah by his mighty Officer
boasting, and exalt themselves and their own power is treading out the grapes of the terzibble, wick&
and worship Satan, the false god, and his organiza- ccvinev,the treaders w ill rejoice and be glad became
tion. T the time has come for truth and righteousnes@to tri-
,/ Jehovah has sent his witnesses t o give testimony to umph. The hope of the world lies in the completo de-
the rulers, that "Christendom" may have no excuse. 7 ~ v ~ > s t p u of ~ t iSatan's
~n organization and the establish-
God do@ nothing in secret or in a corner. When this , ',.:meat of God's kinedom in full swav. Hamv is the
witness work is done, then Christ Jems will lead on now who has part in testifyingto the people of
in this indescribable slaughter such as h e m before the coming day of blessings.
was lmown and never again will be known. (Matt. is Christ and his mighty army of angel61 that will
24: 14, 21,22) There will be so maw corpses from the treading, or the squeezing, of the grapes. So
one end of the earth to the other that there will he omous will be that battle that the flow of blood is
none who wilI bury the dead. (Jer. 25: 33) The escribed as reaching "even unto the horse bridles".
Anglo-American empire has been the place on earth Since in ancient times horses were used almost exclu-
mogt fawred and where there has been published the sively for war purposes, this indicates that the great
greatest amount of truth, and yet where is practiced treading of the wine-press is the "battle of that great
the greatest amount of hypocrisy by the clergy and day of God Almighty". The fact that the blood
their allies. It has been the chief place where God's reaches to the bridle of the horse does not indicate
"two witnesses" suffered persecution, and it might that the horse would he overcome, hut it indicates
be expected that in these countries there will be the that the blood will run deep enough for a horse to
greatest trouble and slaughter. Every part of so- swim therein. I t is a mmholic wav " of- d- m i h i n o thn
called "Christendom" of earth shall feel the sharp- terrible slaughter thai shall be wrought. And why

&odd w6 not: expect the Irord to do so? 'For her press, but to serve not& upon the rulere and the pee-
[Babylon's] sins have reached unto heaven [heaven ple that God through Christ win do the work.
high], and God will remember her iniquity.' (Rav. For centuries Sakan and his visible age& ham
18: 5) "For her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and shed the blood of Cod's saints. They she$ the bload
is lifted up even to the skies." (Jer. 51: 9) I t is not of his beloved Son. They have blasphemed and re-
surprising that eoneei-ning that time Isaiah prqhe- pmaohed God's holy name and opposed his peaple on
~ e d "And
: the mountains [kingdoms of the earth] earth. The day of reolioning is at hand and Jehovah
shall be melted with their blood." (Isa. 34: 3) "He will analre a compkte and s h o ~ work
t of iC, and when
shall j u a e among the [nations], he shall 5ll the done, hi4 name shall # t a d vindicated forever I
p%aceswith the dead bodies." (Ps. 110: 6) The exteat
of the slaughter is indicated by the wor& "by the I (Continuecl in Book T W ~ ) > 'I

spaoe of a thousand and six hundred furlongs."

This does not mesa so many miles from one place
to another. The Sbaitie manuscript reads: "A thou- --
sand and two hundred furlongs." The difEerent
- - %\:
manuscripts therefore make the meamremat unaer- 5 LA"*

tain. The fact that the Lord mould permit the exaet ,-
Ifi$u~es to be mixed or u n e e r t ~ nproves that the ex-
detness of the number of Iurlongs is not the -or-
lm~t tliig, but that the number is used as s. figure of
speech or symbol uf the greatnasg of the daughter. An
ordinary winepress of ancient times was not even ane
furlong in length. God would have it known that hiS
wine-pras is 80 great and so deep that even horses
ean swirh therein; and that it is required 'to be so
great in order that it may be used to tread out and
destroy the wioked organisation of Satan, Human
feet could not tread the grapes in it; hence 'horses'
are employed. When one talres a view of the tremen-
dow organization that Satan has built up it is 5%
once apparent that nothmg diort of divine power can
destroy it. The mere proclamation of the tru'th for
r million years would not accomplish that result. Tb*
work of the remnant on earth is nat t o tread the wine-
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