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European Journal of Neuroscience

European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 28, pp. 829–840, 2008 doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2008.06381.x

Autobiographical memory of the recent past following

frontal cortex or temporal lobe excisions

Laila Thaiss* and Michael Petrides

Montreal Neurological Institute and Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada

Keywords: autobiographical memory, event sampling, frontal cortex, patients, temporal lobe, temporal order

Previous research has raised questions regarding the necessity of the frontal cortex in autobiographical memory and the role that it
plays in actively retrieving contextual information associated with personally relevant events. Autobiographical memory was studied
in patients with unilateral excisions restricted to the frontal cortex or temporal lobe involving the amygdalo-hippocampal region and in
normal controls using an event-sampling method. We examined accuracy of free recall, use of strategies during retrieval and memory
for specific aspects of the autobiographical events, including temporal order. Patients with temporal lobe excisions were impaired in
autobiographical recall. By contrast, patients with frontal cortical excisions exhibited normal autobiographical recall but were less
likely to use temporal order spontaneously to organize event retrieval. Instruction to organize retrieval by temporal order failed to
improve recall in temporal lobe patients and increased the incidence of plausible intrusion errors in left temporal patients. In contrast,
patients with frontal cortical excisions now surpassed control subjects in recall of autobiographical events. Furthermore, the retrieval
accuracy for the temporal order of diary events was not impaired in these patients. In a subsequent cued recall test, temporal lobe
patients were impaired in their memory for the details of the diary events and their context. In conclusion, a basic impairment in
autobiographical memory (including memory for temporal context) results from damage to the temporal lobe and not the frontal
cortex. Patients with frontal excisions fail to use organizational strategies spontaneously to aid retrieval but can use these effectively if
instructed to do so.

Functional neuroimaging has indicated that the prefrontal cortex, & Shimamura, 1995; Petrides, 2000) and hence the influence of such
medial and lateral temporal regions, and the posterior cingulate ⁄ impairments on autobiographical memory requires examination.
retrosplenial cortex play some role in episodic autobiographical The present study examined patients with excisions restricted to
memory (e.g. Gilboa et al., 2004; Svoboda et al., 2006). However, either the frontal cortex or the anterior part of the temporal lobe,
changes in activity in particular brain regions observed in functional including significant removal of the amygdalo-hippocampal region,
neuroimaging do not prove that these regions are necessary for in order to clarify the relative role of these two brain regions in
autobiographical memory. The increased activity may reflect general autobiographical memory. Previous studies tested autobiographical
processes that may be involved during autobiographical memory memory with structured questionnaires (Dall’Ora et al., 1989;
retrieval but may not be essential for it (e.g. increased attention in the Kopelman, 1989; Della Sala et al., 1993; Viskontas et al., 2000)
case of the frontal cortex). Studies of patients with brain lesions can or various adaptations of the cued-word test (Crovitz & Schiffman,
establish the necessity and role of a particular brain region but studies in 1974; Zola-Morgan et al., 1983; Baddeley & Wilson, 1986;
which the lesions are restricted to the area of interest are rare. For Moscovitch & Melo, 1997). In these studies, the accuracy of
instance, although some lesion studies have suggested a critical role for autobiographical memory recall was verified by asking relatives or
the frontal cortex in autobiographical memory, the patients typically friends about the events or by later retesting the patients. Because
also had extensive extra-frontal damage due to head injury (Kroll et al., these methods pose difficulties in terms of the interpretation of the
1997; Levine et al., 1998), dementia or Korsakoff’s syndrome accuracy and quality of the patient’s retrieval, we adopted an
(Kopelman, 1989, 1991; Kopelman et al., 1997). It has thus been experience-sampling method (Brewer, 1988). This method has the
difficult to establish the relative importance of the prefrontal cortex in advantage of providing a detailed and accurate record of the events
autobiographical memory from these studies. Nevertheless, it is known that the subjects experienced. In addition, as the personally
that patients with lesions to the frontal cortex exhibit inefficient use of experienced events are linked in time and organized in a diary,
semantic organization and search strategies during active recall (Stuss their retrieval encourages active search and organization during free
et al., 1978; Incisa della Rocchetta, 1986; Jetter et al., 1986; Gershberg recall, thus permitting examination of these processes in relation to
autobiographical memory. The subject’s spontaneous use of temporal
organizational strategies during free recall was studied separately
Correspondence: Dr L. Thaiss, *present address below.
E-mail: from the ability to order events in time. Finally, analysis of the
accuracy and detail of subject’s memories allowed us to explore
*Present address: QACCH, 2400 Arbutus Road, Victoria, BC, Canada V8N 1V7.
whether they relied on generic autobiographical knowledge during
Received 5 October 2007, revised 20 June 2008, accepted 24 June 2008 recall, as opposed to having specific episodic memories.

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830 L. Thaiss and M. Petrides

Materials and methods identified and labeled using an interactive three-dimensional drawing
program (DISPLAY) that was developed at the Montreal Neurological
Experimental subjects Institute (see Thaiss & Petrides, 2003 for details). The location and
Twenty-nine individuals who had undergone unilateral cortical extent of the excisions from the left or right frontal cortex are
excisions for the treatment of pharmacologically intractable focal illustrated in Fig. 1. The etiology of the seizures included low-grade
epilepsy and 16 neurologically normal individuals participated in this tumor (n = 1), arteriovenous malformation (n = 1), cavernous hem-
study. All subjects gave written informed consent according to the angioma (n = 2) and idiopathic epilepsy (n = 7). The anterior speech
Declaration of Helsinki for participation in the study and for release of area (Broca’s region) was spared in all patients with left frontal
magnetic resonance images (MRIs) and neuropsychological assess- excisions. The median time elapsed since surgery for the patients in
ment results. The study was approved by the ethics committees of the the frontal group was 2 years and 1 month, with a range of 3 months
Montreal Neurological Institute and the Department of Psychology, to 25 years.
McGill University. The subjects were provided with an honorarium for
their participation. Temporal lobe excisions
All subjects were fluent speakers of English and ⁄ or French. There were 18 patients with unilateral temporal lobe resections in this
Bilingual subjects responded in the language in which they had been study. The unilateral surgical removals in this group of patients
formally educated. Gender, age, language, education and full-scale IQ involved either a selective amygdalo-hippocampectomy (four patients
information for the subject groups are provided in Table 1. Full-scale with left- and four with right-sided excisions) or an excision of the
IQ scores were available only for the four patient groups. The groups anterior temporal cortex that included the amygdala and hippocampus
did not differ significantly with respect to age (F4,40 = 1.58, P = 0.20), (five left- and five right-sided excisions). In the selective amygdalo-
length of education (F4,40 = 0.45, P = 0.77) or full-scale IQ hippocampectomy procedure, a small narrow excision was made
(F3,25 = 0.03, P = 0.99). through the first or second temporal gyrus or through the floor of
In order to ensure that the memory performance obtained in this the superior temporal sulcus, allowing the surgeon to remove the
study could be attributed with confidence to damage of either the amygdala (4 ⁄ 5 or total resection) and the anterior 2.5–3.5 cm of the
prefrontal cortex or the anterior temporal region, we established very hippocampal formation together with the surrounding parahippocam-
strict inclusion criteria. Patients were excluded from the study if they pal gyrus (2.5–4 cm), while sparing the rest of the temporal neocortex.
met one or more of the following criteria: (i) seizure disorder arising In anterior temporal lobe resections, the anterior-most temporal cortex
from or associated with diffuse cerebral damage; (ii) bilateral was removed (ranging from 4 to 6 cm along the Sylvian fissure and
independent electrographic abnormalities; (iii) rapidly growing neo- from 4.5 to 6 cm along the base of the temporal lobe), as well as the
plasm; (iv) bilateral or right hemisphere speech representation amygdala, anterior portion of the hippocampus (between 1.5 and
as determined by the preoperative intracarotid amobarbital procedure; 4 cm) and adjacent parahippocampal cortex (between 1.5 and 4 cm).
(v) damage to the brain that was outside the operated area, such as Thus, in both the anterior temporal lobe group and the group with
damage contralateral to the side of the operation or damage involving selective amygdalo-hippocampal excisions, a significant proportion of
subcortical structures (e.g. basal ganglia and basal forebrain region); the amygdala, hippocampus and adjacent parahippocampal cortex was
(vi) full-scale IQ below 80 on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- removed. Note that, in these surgical removals, the entorhinal and
Revised; (vii) age above 55 years old and (viii) evidence of impaired perirhinal cortex is considered to be part of the anterior parahippo-
receptive or expressive language abilities. campal cortex adjacent to the amygdala and the anterior-most part of
the hippocampus. Thus, the excision included the limbic structures on
Frontal cortical excisions the medial part of the temporal lobe (amygdala, hippocampus and
There were seven patients with an excision restricted to the left side adjacent entorhinal ⁄ perirhinal cortex as well as the more posterior
of the prefrontal cortex and four with a right-sided excision. A parahippocampal cortex lying next to the removed part of the
postoperative MRI of the brain was available for 10 of the 11 patients hippocampus) in addition to a minor part of the lateral temporal
with frontal cortical excisions. For the one patient without a neocortex in the amygdalo-hippocampectomies and a more sizeable
postoperative MRI, the location and extent of the excision was part of the anterior temporal neocortex in the classic anterior temporal
determined from a preoperative MRI. The available MRIs were removals. Figure 2 shows an example MRI (in standardized propor-
transformed into the Montreal Neurological Institute standard stereo- tional stereotaxic space) of each of the two types of anterior temporal
taxic space, which is based on the Talairach standardized proportional lobe excisions.
stereotaxic space (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988), in order to compare The etiology of seizures in this group of patients included idiopathic
the size and location of the excisions across patients. The location and epilepsy (n = 13), febrile illness (n = 2), low-grade tumor (n = 1),
extent of the surgical resections within the frontal cortex were perinatal illness (n = 1) and meningitis (n = 1). The median time

Table 1. Subject groups

Gender Language
Education Wechsler
Group M F Age (years)* French English (years)* full-scale IQ*

Left frontal 6 1 29.3 (18–43) 4 3 13.0 (10–17) 98.0 (83–116)

Right frontal 2 2 28.3 (20–35) 0 4 13.0 (11–17) 96.25 (90–110)
Left temporal 5 4 35.2 (22–43) 3 6 13.9 (10–17) 96.5 (86–119)
Right temporal 4 5 36.9 (27–43) 6 3 14.0 (11–17) 100.2 (83–124)
Normal control 7 9 35.1 (23–59) 8 8 14.3 (11–19) NA

*For Age, Education and Wechsler full-scale IQ, data are presented as means, with range in parentheses. M, male; F, female; NA, not available.

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Fig. 1. The location and extent of the surgical resections for patients with frontal cortical excisions are illustrated in these brain images. The excisions are shown in
red on the three-dimensional MRI reconstructions and on coronal sections through the site of the excision. Left- or right-sided lesions are represented on the left and
right side of the coronal sections, respectively. The numbers above each coronal section refer to the y (anterior ⁄ posterior) stereotaxic coordinate in standardized
proportional space. The signs of these coordinates refer to sections anterior (+) or posterior ()) to the anterior commissure. The patient’s identifying number and the
volume of each patient’s surgical resection (in cm3) are indicated below the brain images.

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Fig. 2. Examples of the location and extent of the surgical resections in a right-sided selective amygdalo-hippocampectomy and a right anterior temporal lobe
resection are illustrated in these three-dimensional MRI reconstructions and coronal sections. The excision is shown in green. The numbers above each coronal
section refer to the y (anterior ⁄ posterior) stereotaxic coordinate in standardized proportional space. The signs of these coordinates refer to sections anterior (+) or
posterior ()) to the anterior commissure.

elapsed since surgery for the patients with temporal lobe excisions was details retrieved represented unique information that could not be
1 year and 7 months, with a range of 3 months to 30 years. inferred and, therefore, true episodic autobiographical memories.

Diaries (event sampling)

Experimental procedures Each subject was provided with a pager, 16 diary forms in individual
The subjects filled out a diary form detailing the activity ⁄ activities that envelopes, written instructions and a prepaid courier service envelope.
they were engaged in each time they were paged. At 1 week to 10 days Two consecutive days were chosen by each subject to do the event
after the diaries had been completed, subjects were contacted and their sampling and a telephone interview was booked for 1 week to 10 days
autobiographical memory of the activities that they had recorded in their following the event sampling. The subjects were told that the study
diaries was tested during a telephone interview. In the first part of the was about people’s daily activities and that the telephone interview at
memory test, we examined the number of activities from the diaries that the end was ‘to go over how things went’. They were not told that
the subjects were able to retrieve and their recall accuracy in order to there would be a memory test during the telephone interview. The
establish whether the subject groups differed in their free recall of subjects were instructed to fill out a separate diary form each time the
autobiographical memories. As previous studies had implicated the pager beeped, showing the number ‘1111’, and then to seal the form in
prefrontal cortex in the online maintenance and initiation of search for its own envelope.
past events (e.g. Petrides, 2002; Levine, 2004) and perhaps also in the As it was critical that the diaries represent the subject’s current
retrieval of contextual information (e.g. Janowsky et al., 1989; activities, rather than their memory of an event, the subjects were
Shimamura et al., 1990; Schacter et al., 1998), we also examined instructed to fill out the diary form as soon as they received the paging. If
whether the subject groups differed in their use of retrieval strategies this was not possible (e.g. a subject was driving) they were required to fill
during recall (specifically, whether they organized their recall sponta- it out as soon as possible. The subjects wrote down the time that they had
neously by the temporal order of events) and in their ability to organize completed each form so that any time delays in recording the event in the
their memories in the order of occurrence when instructed to do so. diary could be identified later by the examiner. For events that the
In the second part of the memory test, the quality of the subject’s subjects were not willing to disclose, they were told to leave the form
autobiographical memories was examined in order to confirm that the blank. The subjects were asked to list in their diaries the activities that
subjects were, in fact, retrieving episodic autobiographical information they were engaged in when paged and to specify: (i) the time; (ii) the day;
(i.e. personally relevant memories from a unique time and place) as (iii) their current location; (iv) the details of the activities and the context
opposed to generic autobiographical knowledge (Brewer, 1988). For or goal of the activities; (v) their interest level and their feelings at the
this purpose, a cued recall test was administered in order to examine the time (using a five-point Leikert scale); (vi) the people that they were
amount of detail that the subjects were able to retrieve about each one with; (vii) the general topic of their conversation; (viii) the activities of
of the events that they had recorded in their diaries (regardless of the previous half-hour and (ix) what they planned to do next (see
whether they had recalled the event in the free recall test). This allowed Supplementary material, Appendix S1).
us not only to examine the subject’s memories for specific types of During the event sampling, the subjects were paged at semi-
autobiographical information associated with an event (e.g. the day, random intervals between 1.5 and 4 h apart. Each subject was paged
who they were with, the preceding activity, etc.) but also whether the a total of 12–14 times in the 2-day period. Each subject had to have

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completed at least 10 diary forms in order to be given the memory information, specifically the time or the day of that particular event,
test 1 week later. At the end of the 2-day event-sampling period, the was provided to the subject.
subjects returned the completed diaries (individually sealed in
envelopes) and the pager to the experimenter by prepaid courier.
Two subjects failed to carry the pager with them during the 2-day Scoring
experience-sampling period and did not fill out the diary forms when Diaries
paged. For these two subjects, the instructions for the study were
provided again and they repeated the event sampling approximately The events recorded in the diaries were classified into one of 34 action
5 weeks later. Only their memory of the events during this second categories in order to examine how varied the activities of individual
event-sampling period was tested as the first event-sampling expe- subjects were over the 2-day period. The relation between the degree
rience was considered invalid. of variability of the activities and the ability to recollect these activities
In this paper, each diary form that was filled out by a subject was examined. It was postulated that more frequently performed
over the 2-day event-sampling period is referred to as a diary activities (e.g. watching television) would be less salient for subjects
‘event’. Each event includes information about the activity (or and more difficult to remember. A word count of each diary was also
activities), context and other details, the persons the subjects were calculated in order to examine whether the subjects differed in the
with, previous activity, etc. Occasionally, a subject’s activity was amount of information that they had provided and whether this was
the same over several diary forms (e.g. watching TV over several correlated with their memory of the autobiographical events.
hours). For the purpose of testing, the different diary forms Two raters who were ‘blind’ to the identity of the subjects and who
containing the same activity were treated as separate events. In were both fluently bilingual (English and French) independently
most instances, although the activity was listed as the same at the scored the subject’s memory responses on the free recall and cued
top of the diary form, the subjects described different details on recall tests by comparing these responses to the events recorded in the
their forms (e.g. ‘watching the news’; ‘now I’m watching Seinfeld, subject’s diary forms. They also scored the cued recall responses for
the cat is sitting on my lap’). When more than one activity was each event according to the quality of the memory trace. The raters
listed on a diary form (e.g. eating breakfast and reading the were provided with detailed scoring instructions and were each trained
newspaper), these were considered a single diary event. with five example protocols. The inter-rater reliability was calculated
for all measures and determined to be acceptable (see supplementary
Appendix S1).
Telephone interview
The subjects were interviewed over the telephone 1 week to 10 days Accuracy of free recall
after the event-sampling period. They were asked to be alone in a All of the subject’s free recall responses were included in the accuracy
room during the interview and to be uninterrupted for about 1 h. The score. Accuracy of free recall was determined on the basis of whether
interview was organized in two parts. In the first part, free recall of the each activity recalled was consistent with one of the subject’s diary
diary events was tested. The subjects verbally listed all of the activities events (taking into consideration information from diaries that specified
that they had filled out on the diary forms over the 2-day event- the context, details, what they were doing just before the event, etc). As
sampling period. All responses were transcribed verbatim by the the subjects were specifically asked to recall events that they had
examiner. When free recall was completed, the subjects were told how recorded on their diary forms, activities that were not consistent with the
many times they had been paged and were asked to recall again as diary events were scored as intrusions. The free recall accuracy score
many events as they could. Finally, in order to examine whether recall was a proportion calculated as follows: the number of activities correctly
of the diary events improved when a retrieval strategy was employed recalled over the total number of diary events recorded.
during recall, the subjects were asked to recall the events one more
time but this time in the temporal order in which they had occurred
(temporally ordered recall). Those subjects who had recalled their Organization of free recall
activities in temporal order during the free recall trial, as verified by In order to examine the use of organization strategies during free
their diary entries (17 subjects), were not asked to recall the events recall, the free recall responses were scored on a scale from 1 to 3
again. according to whether the subject had spontaneously organized their
For the second part of the interview, a cued recall test was given in retrieval of the activities by the temporal order of occurrence (score
order to examine the level of detail of the information that the subjects of 3) or not (score of 1). A score of 2 indicated that there was
could recall for each one of the diary events, including those diary some temporal organization apparent in their recall (e.g. the
events that they had failed to retrieve during the free recall attempts. activities were organized by the day) but it was not used
The examiner had prearranged the diary forms in random order and a consistently to aid retrieval of events. The ‘temporal organization’
cardboard mask was placed on each diary form so that it covered all of score was a measure of retrieval strategy and was independent of
the responses on the form, except for the brief description of the whether the subject’s responses corresponded accurately to the
activity engaged in. The mask was necessary to avoid biases in the events recorded in the diaries. Furthermore, this score was not
questioning. The examiner read the activity entered in the diary form dependent on the accuracy of the temporal order as established by
and asked the subject to provide the remaining information by verbally comparison with the diary events. Instead, the score was determined
prompting him ⁄ her with each one of the nine category headings: day, on the basis of temporal cues provided by the subject during their recall
time, location, details and context, interest level and feelings, (e.g. ‘on the first paging I was still in bed, then it beeped while I was
interactions, conversations, previous half-hour and next half-hour. If having breakfast...’ or ‘on Saturday I was paged while I was
more than one activity was listed on the diary form, either both shopping...’). The position of activities that had clear temporal
activities or the activity that provided the most information about the associations (e.g. breakfast, dinner and afternoon nap) was also taken
event was read to the subject by the examiner. If the activity was the into consideration in determining this score. For example, breakfast is
same on two or more of the diary forms, additional identifying one of the first events in the day and therefore if it appeared at the end of

ª The Authors (2008). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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a list of activities during recall, it was assumed that at least some events event that suggested a vivid memory for the event (e.g. specific details of
were misplaced temporally. a conversation or of their thoughts at the time).

Accuracy of event recall when temporally ordered

We also examined whether the instruction to the subjects to organize Results
their recall by temporal order improved their memory for events. The The median scores and distribution of the individual scores for the
subject’s responses after the instruction to recall the diary events in the different tests of memory (specifically, free recall, temporal ordered
correct temporal order was therefore scored for accuracy. The same recall and temporal organization scores) were similar for the patients
scoring criteria were used in this measure as in the free recall test. The with excisions from the right and left frontal cortex. The data of all
temporally ordered recall score was a proportion calculated as follows: patients with frontal cortex excisions were therefore combined into a
the number of activities correctly recalled over the total number of single group of 11 subjects in order to increase statistical power.
diary events recorded.

Accuracy of temporal order Statistical analysis

The accuracy of temporal order was scored separately from the When the data were based on ordinal scales (e.g. the three-point scales
spontaneous use of temporal organization during recall. This score used for temporal organization and cued recall), non-parametric tests
was based on whether the subject had recalled the relative sequence of were used to test the significance of group differences. Post hoc tests
each activity correctly. The accuracy of temporal order was a following the Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric anova compared the
proportion score calculated as follows: the number of recalled differences between ranks to the standard normalized score at
activities that were in the correct sequence over the total number of a = 0.05 (unless otherwise indicated), as described by Siegel &
activities recalled correctly. Castellan (1988). All post hoc testing following parametric anovas
used the Neuman–Keuls method with a significance level of 0.05. The
Cued recall reported significance levels are two-tailed.
In the cued recall test, the subjects had to retrieve details about each one
of the diary events from nine different categories of information (e.g. the
day and time that the event took place, the persons they were with, etc).
The two independent raters scored responses to each one of the nine As described in Experimental procedures, two subjects repeated the
categories of information for each diary event that the subjects had been experience-sampling procedure because of problems in the first
questioned on. A three-point scale was used: 1, wrong or no memory of attempt and therefore the telephone interview and tests were based on
this information; 2, some correct or inferred information and 3, generally diary entries from their second event-sampling experience.
correct information that contained some non-inferable information. The Each subject filled out between 10 and 15 diary forms (overall
data from this test were used to examine whether the subject groups mean, 13.5, SD 0.92). There was no significant difference between the
differed in terms of the type of information that they remembered about four groups in the number of diary forms filled out by subjects
an event. For example, was a particular group of subjects less likely to (one-way anova, F3,41 = 2.02, P = 0.12) or in the variability of the
remember information about the context of the events? activities (i.e. the number of different categories) reported in the diaries
(one-way anova, F3,41 = 0.94, P = 0.43, n.s.; mean categories, 8.84).
Quality of memory trace There was no correlation between the variability in the activities over
the 2-day period and the subject’s recall performance (all subjects,
The question of whether subjects had episodic autobiographical r = )0.07, P = 0.63; just the normal control subjects, r = 0.17,
memories for the events that they recalled, i.e. a memory that P = 0.54). See supplementary Appendix S1 for a list of the activities.
represents a personal experience that happened at a unique time and A one-way anova on the word count of the diaries for the various
location, or whether they relied primarily on autobiographical groups indicated a significant difference between the groups
knowledge or generic information about what they generally did (F3,41 = 3.18, P < 0.05). Patients with left temporal lobe excisions
was addressed with this qualitative scale. For each subject, the cued provided significantly longer (i.e. more words) descriptions of the
recall responses for each diary event were classified according to events in comparison with all of the other subject groups. There was
one of seven categories based on a scale defined by Brewer (1988). no significant correlation between the length of the descriptions in the
The classification scheme represented the quality or type of the diaries and the proportion of diary events correctly recalled during free
memory trace for the event (e.g. the success with which subjects recall (all subjects, r = 0.17, P = 0.27; just the normal control
recalled specific information about the context and content associ- subjects, r = 0.38, P = 0.15).
ated with the event) and included the following: (i) ‘don’t know’,
i.e. they had no memory of the event; (ii) ‘wrong event’, i.e. they
retrieved a different event (not in the diary) on the basis of the cue; (iii) Free recall
‘wrong time slice’, i.e. their memory for the event cued was misplaced in
time compared with the diary entry (e.g. the subject recalled that they Use of temporal sequence to organize recall of events
were on their way to the car wash when, in fact, according to the diary, Overall, 17 of the 45 subjects spontaneously used temporal order to
they were waiting at the car wash for their car); (iv) ‘overt error’, i.e. they structure their retrieval of the diary events. A chi-squared analysis,
recalled the event but made an overt error in their memory of it (e.g. used to examine the differences in the frequency of scores across the
remembering that someone was there when, in fact, no-one was there); groups, was significant [v2(6) = 19.09, P = 0.004]. Further break-
(v) ‘inference’, i.e. the retrieved information was probably inferred on down of this analysis showed significant differences between the
the basis of the cue provided; (vi) ‘correct’ but with little detail; (vii) groups in the number of subjects who scored 1 [v2(3) = 7.98,
‘correct with details’, i.e. the subject included a detailed account of the P < 0.05; v2(3)critical = 7.82, P = 0.05]; specifically, the patients with

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Fig. 3. Frequency with which subjects spontaneously organized their free

recall. The bar graph for each subject group represents the number of subjects Fig. 4. The mean proportion of diary events that were correctly recalled by
who scored 1, 2 or 3 on a measure of the spontaneous use of organization each subject group is shown for the free recall condition and for the subsequent
strategies during recall. A score of 3 indicates that the subject spontaneously recall condition in which subjects were specifically instructed to temporally
organized their retrieval by temporal order and 1 means that they did not. A order their recall of the events. Error bars represent SEM. Abbreviations as in
score of 2 indicates that some organization is apparent. The number of subjects Fig. 3.
in each group is indicated in parentheses. Abbreviations: F, frontal cortical
excisions; N, normal control group; LT, left temporal excisions; RT, right
temporal excisions.

frontal excisions were more likely than the other groups to use no
organization in their recall. In addition, patients with frontal cortex
excisions were significantly more likely to score 1 than 2 or 3
and normal control subjects were significantly more likely to score
3 than 2 or 1 [v2(2) = 6.45 and 7.57, P < 0.05, respectively;
v2(2)critical = 5.99, P = 0.05] (see Fig. 3).

Performance in free as opposed to temporally ordered recall

A two-way repeated-measures anova (group · recall type) was used
to examine the proportion of diary events that were correctly recalled
in the initial ‘free recall’ test compared with the subsequent
‘temporally ordered recall’ test in which the subjects were instructed
to retrieve events according to their temporal sequence. This analysis
revealed a significant interaction between the group and the recall type
(F3,41 = 5.51, P = 0.003). Post hoc analyses showed that, during both
the free and temporally ordered recall, patients with left and right
temporal excisions recalled a smaller proportion of the diary events
correctly than normal control subjects and patients with frontal cortical
excisions. In contrast, the patients with frontal cortical excisions did
not differ from normal control subjects in the free recall test and were Fig. 5. The mean proportion of recall responses that were classified as
the only group to show a significant improvement in their recall during intrusions in the free recall condition and in the temporally ordered recall
the subsequent temporally ordered recall test when they were told to condition is shown for each of the subject groups. Error bars represent SEM.
Abbreviations as in Fig. 3.
organize their retrieval by the sequence of occurrence. The perfor-
mance of the frontal group was significantly better than that of the
control group in the temporally ordered recall condition (Fig. 4). between the first free recall and the subsequent temporally ordered
A two-way repeated-measures anova (group · type of recall) was recall trial. Furthermore, in temporally ordered recall, these subjects
used to examine the proportion of activities remembered that were had a significantly higher proportion of responses that were intrusions
intrusion errors (i.e. activities ‘remembered’ but that were not part of compared with any other subject group (Fig. 5).
the diaries) in free recall compared with the later temporally ordered
recall. Results of this analysis revealed a significant interaction Accuracy of the memories for the temporal sequence of events
between the groups and recall type (F3,41 = 3.05, P = 0.039). Post hoc The proportion of correct events that were recalled in the correct
analysis showed that the left temporal lobe group (but not any other temporal sequence was examined using a one-way anova. In this
group) exhibited a significant increase in the proportion of intrusions analysis, the sample size was 44 subjects instead of 45, as one subject

ª The Authors (2008). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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836 L. Thaiss and M. Petrides

success of the retrieval. Due to the small number of ‘wrong event’

responses, these were combined with ‘don’t know’ responses, thus
reducing the total number of categories to six. A two-way repeated-
measures anova was used to examine the differences across the
groups in the frequencies of these classifications. There was a
significant interaction between group and the different classifications
(F15,205 = 1.9, P = 0.025). Simple, main effect analyses, using the
pooled error term and degrees of freedom, were used to examine this
interaction. For each one of the subject groups, the pattern of
distribution of responses across the six categories was examined. As
expected, the number of responses classified in each one of the six
categories differed significantly for each one of the groups (frontal
cortex, F5,164 = 9.42, P < 0.01; left temporal, F5,164 = 8.79, P < 0.01;
right temporal, F5,164 = 7.61, P < 0.01; normal control,
F5,164 = 27.82, P < 0.01; Fcritical5,164 = 3.14, P = 0.01). For the
groups with frontal cortical excisions and the normal control subjects,
there were significantly more responses classified as ‘correct’ than any
other category. However, the number of responses classified as
‘correct’ were not significantly different from the number classified as
‘inference’ in the left temporal and right temporal lobe groups. For
each of the two temporal lobe subject groups, responses classified into
these two categories were significantly more common than those
classified in the other categories (Fig. 8).
Fig. 6. The mean proportion of recall responses that were in the correct
temporal sequence in the temporally ordered recall task. Abbreviations as in
Fig. 3. Error bars represent SEM.
The present study demonstrated that patients with left or right
from the right temporal group had recalled only one event and temporal lobe excisions that included significant involvement of the
therefore had no temporal accuracy score. There was a significant limbic medial temporal region (amygdala, hippocampus and
difference between the groups (F3,40 = 3.32, P = 0.029) and post hoc entorhinal ⁄ perirhinal and parahippocampal cortex) are impaired in
testing showed that the left temporal group was significantly impaired autobiographical memory retrieval compared with control subjects and
in recalling the temporal sequence of the events from their diaries patients with frontal cortical excisions. Specifically, the patients with
compared with the group with frontal cortical excisions and the normal temporal lobe excisions recalled fewer events and fewer details of
control group (Fig. 6). these events (Figs 4 and 7) and they were significantly more likely to
produce plausible intrusions drawn from their autobiographical
knowledge when pressed to produce more responses, in comparison
Cued recall with the other groups of subjects (Fig. 5).
Patients with frontal cortical excisions showed no impairments in
Quantitative measures
autobiographical memory retrieval compared with the normal control
The cued recall test examined the subject’s ability to recall specific subjects. These patients, however, differed from the other groups in
information (from nine categories) about the individual diary events. that they were less likely to use retrieval strategies spontaneously
The Kruskal–Wallis one-way anova by ranks was used to assess during free recall (Fig. 3), a finding consistent with results obtained in
differences between the groups for each one of the categories of previous studies (e.g. Stuss et al., 1978; Incisa della Rocchetta, 1986;
information. A significance level of a = 0.01 was used to correct for Jetter et al., 1986; Gershberg & Shimamura, 1995; Petrides, 2000).
the multiple comparisons. Results of these analyses revealed Specifically, during free recall the majority of normal control subjects
significant group differences for the subject’s memory of the day and many of the temporal lobe patients organized retrieval of their
on which the event took place [v2(3) = 12.47, P = 0.005], the event memories by the order in which they had occurred. This strategy
amount of detail remembered [v2(3) = 11.35, P = 0.01], memory for was used spontaneously by only three of the 11 patients with frontal
what they had been doing just prior to the event [v2(3) = 11.03, cortical excisions. It is important to note, however, that the patients
P = 0.01] and memory for what they said they were going to do next with frontal cortical lesions were able to retrieve the temporal order of
[v2(3) = 10.11, P = 0.01]. Post hoc tests indicated that the left the diary events as accurately as normal control subjects when
temporal group was impaired in their memory of the day on which instructed to do so (Fig. 6). It appears, therefore, that the lack of
events occurred and for the details of the events in comparison with strategy use by these patients during free recall is a failure to initiate
the normal control group. Patients with right temporal excisions were the strategy rather than an inability to use it. This finding is again
impaired in their memory for the day and for what they said they consistent with results from earlier studies that also showed that
were going to do next in comparison with the normal control patients with frontal lesions can use strategies when instructed to do so
subjects (Fig. 7). although they may fail to use them spontaneously (e.g. Jetter et al.,
1986; Hirst & Volpe, 1988; Incisa della Rocchetta & Milner, 1993;
Qualitative scale Gershberg & Shimamura, 1995). Interestingly, when the patients with
For each subject, the cued recall responses for each diary event were frontal cortical excisions were provided with a retrieval strategy, they
classified into one of seven categories according to the quality or outperformed the normal control subjects in terms of the retrieval

ª The Authors (2008). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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Autobiographical memory and the frontal cortex 837

Fig. 7. Mean cued recall scores for each of the subject groups for the different aspects of the events (e.g. time, day, current location, etc.). Only the four scales (of
nine) that showed significant differences (at a = 0.01) between the subject groups are presented here. A score of 3 indicates an accurate recollection of that specific
aspect of the event, 2 means that there was incomplete or inferred information and 1 indicates that the information was either not recalled or was incorrect. Error bars
represent SEM. Abbreviations as in Fig. 3.

accuracy of their autobiographical events (Fig. 4). In other words, with frontal cortex excisions performed so well in the autobiographical
even in the face of poor recall organization, the patients with frontal memory tests in the present study?
lesions could remember as well as the normal control subjects who It has been argued that lateral frontal cortical lesions are not likely
had the benefit of organized recall and, when instructed to recall their to affect memory retrieval when retrieval can be based on the clear
memories in an organized fashion, the frontal patients recalled more unambiguous recognition of familiar as opposed to unfamiliar stimuli
than the normal subjects. Thus, the present study provides strong and or when strong and unambiguous stimulus-to-context relations can
unambiguous evidence that, when the lesions are restricted to the trigger the retrieval of specific information (Petrides, 2002, 2005). The
frontal cortex, they do not affect the ability to recall autobiographical involvement of the lateral prefrontal cortex and, in particular, the
memories accurately. ventrolateral prefrontal cortex increases as retrieval requires active
A recent meta-analysis of functional imaging studies of autobio- top-down control processing when memory information is embedded
graphical memory found that nearly all of the studies reviewed in complex and ambiguous relations (Petrides, 2002, 2005). The
reported activation of the prefrontal cortex (Svoboda et al., 2006). It present autobiographical memory experiences were embedded in their
has been suggested that the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex is involved own unique contexts. Thus, during free recall, memories of specific
in the strategic retrieval, verification and controlled retrieval of events were triggered by their unambiguous associations with
information from posterior regions (Fletcher & Henson, 2001; particular contexts. We did not examine here autobiographical
Petrides, 2002, 2005; Cabeza & St Jacques, 2007) and that the memory retrieval under conditions in which the same stimuli enter
superior medial and lateral prefrontal cortex and dorsal component of into multiple and ambiguous relations with various contexts that
the anterior cingulate and frontopolar cortex are involved in memory would tax prefrontal control processing because the question that we
reconstruction (Cabeza & Nyberg, 2000; Duncan & Owen, 2000; aimed to address was whether autobiographical memory per se (and
Fletcher & Henson, 2001). How is it possible then that the patients not resolution of ambiguity in memory) depends on prefrontal cortex.

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838 L. Thaiss and M. Petrides

Fig. 8. Cued recall responses were classified according to one of six qualitative categories. The mean number of cued recall responses in each category is shown
here for each of the subject groups. Error bars represent SEM. Abbreviations as in Fig. 3.

The findings provided a clear answer, i.e. autobiographical memory recency ⁄ order of any two test items is by necessity a judgment of
depends more on the classical medial temporal (i.e. hippocampal) subtle differences in their relative saliency ⁄ familiarity (e.g. Milner,
declarative memory circuit rather than the prefrontal cortex. It remains 1971; Shimamura et al., 1990; Milner et al., 1991; Mangels, 1997).
to be tested whether the prefrontal cortex would become increasingly A clear distinction must be made between the cognitive requirements
necessary with increasing ambiguity in the relations of autobiograph- for the retrieval of the temporal order of everyday experiences from
ical information in memory. memory that are embedded in a rich fabric of contextual information,
The present study also addressed another major issue with regard as in the autobiographical memory studied here, and the relative
to the role of prefrontal cortex in memory. It has often been order judgments on the recency task in which stimuli are presented
suggested that patients with frontal cortical excisions have specific in a long list with non-existent or impoverished contextual informa-
deficits in retrieving the temporal context of long-term memories tion and there is no basis on which to infer or reconstruct order
(Janowsky et al., 1989; Kopelman et al., 1997; Schacter et al., information other than by making judgments of subtle differences in
1998). This suggestion is largely an inference based on the well- the relative saliency ⁄ familiarity of stimuli.
known failure of patients with frontal lesions on the recency task As pointed out above, in autobiographical memory, events are
(Milner, 1971; Milner et al., 1991). In this task, subjects observe a embedded in a variety of rich contextual cues, including the time of
long list of items (words, concrete pictures or abstract designs) and, day when something happened, and are linked by multiple other
occasionally, they are presented with either pairs of stimuli, both of associations that can be used to retrieve the order of events. In the
which were seen in the sequence (e.g. the 25th stimulus vs. the 39th latter case, order is largely an inference based on a series of strong
stimulus), or pairs in which one of the stimuli was seen but the other contextually related experiences. For instance, the memory of riding
is novel. When presented with the pairs, subjects have to decide a bicycle in the park triggers the preceding memory of having
whether the stimuli were previously seen or not and, if both were stopped at the grocery store to buy my favorite soft drink and the
seen, which of the two items appeared earlier in the long sequence. following memory of stopping to make a phone call from the pay-
Patients with frontal cortical excisions are not impaired in recogniz- phone on my way back home from the park. Temporal order in these
ing whether particular stimuli are familiar or novel but are severely types of serially related memories is unlikely to depend on the same
impaired in judging the relative order of two familiar stimuli (Milner, neural circuit as judgments of the relative order between stimuli
1971; Milner et al., 1991). As the long sequence exceeds by far the presented in a long, arbitrary and unstructured sequence, which has
subject’s immediate memory span and there is no external structure been shown to depend on the prefrontal cortex. Temporal order in
(e.g. no contextual information) in the arbitrary long sequence of autobiographical memory is likely to be another aspect of the
unrelated items that are presented, the judgment of the relative relations between stimuli coded by the hippocampal memory system.

ª The Authors (2008). Journal Compilation ª Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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The present results are consistent with this view. The patients with was not the main activity listed), it nevertheless remains a possibility
temporal lobe excisions that exhibited impairments in autobiograph- that those items scored as ‘intrusions’ included true memories that
ical temporal order retrieval also had a basic deficit in autobio- had not been recorded (or referred to) in the diaries. For example,
graphical event retrieval. By contrast, memory for the temporal these ‘intrusions’ could have been the result of memories retrieved
context of autobiographical events (which is different from serial from the wrong time frame, thus representing an error in the
order in long lists of arbitrary unstructured stimuli) was not impaired retrieval of the temporal context of an event. Although one can
in patients with frontal cortical excisions. Although we have not question whether ‘intrusion’ is an accurate description for this type
tested the present group of patients with frontal cortical excisions on of recall error, the fact remains that only subjects with left temporal
the recency test, we would expect them to be impaired because they lobe lesions showed elevations in this type of error compared with
are the same type of frontal patient population tested in the classic control subjects. Furthermore, the analysis of the cued recall
studies of recency by Milner and her colleagues (Milner, 1971; responses, both in terms of the ability to retrieve detailed
Milner et al., 1991). information and the quality of their responses, supported the
Interestingly, in comparison with normal control subjects and interpretation that these subjects had weaker memory traces for
patients with frontal cortical excisions, patients with left temporal lobe the diary events and were more likely to rely on generic semantic
excisions recalled fewer autobiographical events correctly and, autobiographical memories during recall than the other subject
furthermore, were not helped by instructions to structure their recall groups. Specifically, patients with left temporal lobe excisions
according to the temporal context of the experiences (Fig. 4). They appeared to resort to making educated guesses when retrieving
were also less accurate during recall in temporally ordering the events autobiographical information, as often as they actually remembered
that they had recorded in their diaries (Fig. 6) and in recalling the an autobiographical event (Fig. 8). In contrast, the cued recall of
specific details, including contextual information, about the diary events by patients with frontal cortical excisions and normal control
events (Fig. 7). These results are consistent with previous evidence subjects were significantly more likely to be accurate autobiograph-
that these patients have a primary, generalized episodic (declarative) ical episodic memories (i.e. the subjects retrieved unique information
memory impairment (Milner, 1971; Barr et al., 1990; Squire & Zola- that could not have been inferred) than inferences based on their
Morgan, 1991; Viskontas et al., 2000) and their present impairment on autobiographical knowledge.
autobiographical memory can be attributed to their generally poorer In conclusion, the present study design permitted the uncovering of
memory trace for the events from the 2-day sampling period. Thus, the new information about the neural basis of autobiographical memory.
evidence does not support the assumption that temporal context in The use of an experience-sampling method allowed us to verify
autobiographical memory is a distinct dimension that is dependent on personally experienced events. Although some of the events may have
the prefrontal cortex. Instead, the present evidence suggests that been mundane, everyday events (e.g. having breakfast), asking
temporal contextual information in long-term memory is just one of subjects to reflect and write about specific details of the event
the many attributes of contextual ⁄ associative information that is highlighted those aspects of the event that were personally relevant
encoded by posterior cortical association areas in interaction with the and salient to the subject. This information was not only important in
limbic medial temporal lobe region (Petrides, 2000; Addis et al., verifying the accuracy of the subject’s memories but also allowed us to
2004). This conclusion is also supported by previous studies in which explore the level of detail of their subsequent memories and to
patients with left temporal lesions were impaired in their memory for distinguish between generic ‘knowledge-based’ retrieval about them-
contextual aspects of events (Spiers et al., 2001; Steinvorth et al., selves and true episodic recall of the events. As we were able to
2005). demonstrate, patients with temporal lobe lesions were in fact more
The fact that further prompting (i.e. subjects were told how many reliant on this generic autobiographical knowledge to fill in the ‘gaps’
times they were paged and asked if they could recall any more of their memories for the events.
events) resulted in increased intrusion rates in patients with left Finally, the results of this patient study provided evidence that basic
temporal lobe lesions, but not in those with frontal excisions (Fig. 4), autobiographical memory is critically dependent on the medial
is of considerable interest. These intrusions would not have been temporal lobe region, just as with other forms of declarative memory.
obvious without the diaries. The use of the event-sampling The findings also suggested that the lateral frontal cortex may aid in
methodology (Brewer, 1988), therefore, allowed us to show that the efficient retrieval of events through its initiation of strategic
ordinary and plausible memory distortions do occur in the autobio- processes but do not provide any support for claims that the frontal
graphical recall of patients with temporal lobe lesions. An earlier cortex plays a necessary or critical role in autobiographical memory.
study by Moscovitch & Melo (1997) did not find a significant Furthermore, the widespread assumption that temporal order in long-
increase in such memory distortions in the autobiographical recall of term episodic memory is a distinct dimension that relies on the lateral
non-confabulating amnesic patients compared with normal control prefrontal cortex did not receive support from the present data. On the
subjects. The method used by those investigators to verify memories, basis of these findings, we argue that temporal order in normal,
however, may not have been sensitive to higher rates of plausible everyday, long-term declarative memory is just another type of
intrusions, such as those found among left temporal lobe patients in contextual information that is encoded and retrieved like other
the present study. contextual cues (e.g. spatial context). Temporal order information in
What exactly do we mean by plausible intrusions? The subject’s this sense relies on the limbic medial temporal lobe region like other
memories for the events during the event-sampling procedure had types of contextual information.
presumably been practiced or ‘highlighted’ by the fact that they had
recorded them in detail in the diaries. For the recall test, the subjects
were specifically asked to retrieve the events from the 2-day period
that they had recorded. Although the raters considered whether the Supplementary material
responses were consistent with the diary when they scored for the The following supplementary material may be found on http://
accuracy of the subject’s event memories (e.g. a response that was
consistent with the detail of an event was scored as correct even if it Appendix S1. Supplementary information. Method.

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840 L. Thaiss and M. Petrides

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