Phases of The Marginalist Revolution

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Phases of the
Marginalist Revolution
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"The conclusion to which I am

ever more clearly coming is that
only hope of attaining a true
system of Economics is to fling
aside, once and for ever,
mazy and preposterous
assumptions of the Ricardian
School. Our English
Economists have
been living in
a fool's paradise. The truth is
with the French School, and the
sooner we
recognize this fact,
the better it will be for the

(William Stanley
Jevons, Theory
Political Economy,
1871: p.xliv-xlv).

"If, instead of welcoming

inquiry and criticism, the
admirers of a
great author
accept his writings as
authoritative, both in their
excellences and in their
the most serious injury is done
to truth. In matters of
philosophy and science,
authority has ever been the
great opponent of truth. A
despotic calm is usually the
triumph of error. In the republic
of the sciences, sedition and
even anarchy are
beneficial in
the long run to the greatest
happiness of the greatest

(William Stanley
Jevons, Theory
Political Economy,
1871: p.275-6)


(A) Scarcity and Utility in the Classical Schema
(B) The Franco-Italian Tradition: Subjective Scarcity
(C) The Holy Grail: Marginal Utility
(D) The Revolution of 1871-4.
(E) Consolidation: the Great Flood.
(F) Aftermath: the Great Drought.
(G) The Paretian Revival

Selected References


The crux of the Neoclassical theory of value is the notion of subjective scarcity. The
Neoclassical answer to the famous "water-diamond" paradox is that diamonds are naturally
more valuable than water not because diamonds are costlier to produce (the Classical answer),
but rather because diamonds are more scarce than water. Some may object to this distinction:
if diamonds are very costly to produce, then one should expect to see somewhat less of them
around, thus the cost-of-production and rarity arguments seem to boil down to the same thing.
Smith seems to imply this when he writes:

"[T]he value of [precious] metals has, in all ages and nations, arisen chiefly from their
scarcity, and that their scarcity has arisen from the very small quantities of them which
nature has any where deposited in one place, from the hard and intractable substance
with which she has almost every where surrounded those small quantities, and
consequently from the labour and expence [sic] which are every where necessary in
order to penetrate and get at them." (A.
Smith, 1776: p.563).

But this is not quite true for Neoclassicals. The Neoclassical notion of scarcity is not merely
that something is "rare", but rather that it is perceived as rare by consumers. To take Lionel
Robbins's (1932: p.46) famous example, bad eggs may be "rare", but if people do not desire
bad eggs, then even one bad egg is already "too many" in their eyes and thus will not have
much value. In contrast, if people's desire for diamonds is very great indeed, then in their
perception, even a large number of diamonds may be "too few" in their eyes, thus they will
have a high price. Consequently, the Neoclassical concept of scarcity is quite distinct from the
Classical notion: the subjective element of desire is an integral part of the story.

There are thus two essential ingredients of Neoclassical value theory: (1) that the relative
values of things arise from their relative scarcity and (2) that subjective desires are an integral
part in determining the relative scarcity. Both of these notions have an old history predating
1871-4, but they were not always wedded together. Some economists believed that rarity gave
rise to value without thinking too hard about whether rarity was a subjective or objective
thing; in contrast, others have thought that subjective notions such as utility and demand were
important in determining price, but did not really connect it to scarcity.

(A) Scarcity and Utility in the

Classical Schema

The Classicals -- Adam Smith, David Ricardo,

John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, etc. -- believed in
neither of these ideas. 
Following the pattern set by Richard Cantillon (1755), they argued that
subjective desires and scarcity may be important factors in determining market (or temporary
or short-run) prices, but they insisted that the natural (or equilibrium or long-run) prices were
determined solely by relative costs of production (usually, relative labor costs).

The Classicals perceived rarity to be an aberration: if goods can be produced -- i.e. created --
then there is no inherent scarcity of them. Consequently, scarcity prices were what 
called "monopoly prices" -- i.e. the prices which arose only "when by no possible device their
quantity can be augmented; and where, therefore, the competition is wholly on one side --
amongst the buyers." (Ricardo, 1817: p.165) and thus "their price is limited only by the extent
of the power and will of purchasers" (ibid.) But this is not the natural, long-run price. "The
exchangeable value...of a commodity which is at a monopoly price is nowhere regulated by
the cost of production." (Ricardo, ibid.) Thus, scarcity may play a role in the short-run (when
quantities are fixed), but not in the long-run.

They had granted that rarity might be a determinant of value in a few cases, "rare statues and
pictures, scarce book and coins, wines of a peculiar quality"
(Ricardo, 1817: p.6) -- goods
which cannot be produced and thus whose value is regulated by "monopoly prices". But these
cases were so exceptional that they could be safely ignored. At best, as our earlier quotation
from Smith indicates, they were willing to discuss scarcity as a foundation of value only
insofar as it arose from high costs of production. Certainly, whatever lip service they paid to
scarcity, they did not incorporate it into their central theoretical schema.

Utility was a slightly different story. The Classicals confused utility of a good with its
usefulness. They agreed that a good must have usefulness if it is to be produced. The
mercantilist Nicholas
was perhaps the first to explicitly claim that price was
influenced by utility: "the Value of all Wares arise from their Use; Things of no Use, have no
Value, as the English phrase is, They are good for nothing."
(Barbon, 1690: p.13). In this, he
was followed up by John
Locke (1692) and John Law (1705).

Richard Cantillon  (1755) -- like

all the Classicals thereafter -- acknowledged that a good must
have utility in order to be produced. But utility itself did not determine the relative prices of
the goods. It is relative costs of production that will determine the natural prices of goods.
Utility merely determines that a good will be produced, period. That's where its role both
begins and ends. Utility is of no further use beyond that.

Why did the Classicals cut utility's role so short? The reason is that utility seemed to run into
trouble when confronted with the old water-diamond paradox set forth by John
Law (1704:
p.4) and made famous by Adam Smith
(1776: p.44-5). As Smith noted, water is useful to
humans, diamonds are useless to humans, thus water should have a higher "use-value" or
"utility" than diamonds. But clearly, water commands a lower "exchange-value" than
diamonds. Thus, like
Aristotle before them, the Classicals gave up on the utility-value
connection: it seems as if utility simply could not be incorporated successfully into a theory of
natural price.

Of course, Smith's error was to confuse "utility" with "use-value". The concept of "utility"
handed down by the
Scholastics to the modern 18th Century economics by writers such as
von Pufendorf  (1675) was to connect utility to desiredness and not to usefulness.
Diamonds may be "useless", as Smith asserted, but they could still have utility in the sense
that they are desired. With the notable exceptions of
Jean-Baptiste Say and Nassau Senior, the
misleading argument by Adam Smith was accepted by the rest of the Classical School.

At best, utility (like scarcity) will have a prominent role to play in Classical 
theory only for
the temporary case of short-run market prices. Indeed, 
Cantillon (1755) was the first to
suggest a clear supply and demand mechanism for the determination of market prices which
includes both utility and scarcity (inexplicably, a lot of Anglo-Saxon literature tends to credit
Sir James
Steuart (1767) for this). But for long-run natural prices, neither utility nor rarity
have a role in the Classical schema.

(B) The Franco-Italian Tradition: Subjective Scarcity

Some writers during the Classical period refused to relegate the utility explanation to a
temporary or minor phenomenon and disputed the cost-of-production solution to the water-
diamond paradox. The most notable of the disputants was
Jean-Baptiste Say (1803, 1815,
1828). Although a follower of
Smith in many other respects, he rejected Smith's labor theory
of value. Or rather, he argued that utility and thus demand must play a part in the
determination of natural price. At times, he went quite far in this pursuit. James Maitland Earl
Lauderdale (1804) also rejected Smith's theory and proposed a long-run demand-and-supply

The Classicals were not amused: David Ricardo

(1817: Ch. 20) and John Stuart Mill (1845,
1945) took both Say and Lauderdale to task for their heresy. For instance, Ricardo writes:

"M. Say acknowledges that the cost of production is the foundation of price, and
yet in various parts of his book he maintains that price is regulated by the
proportion which demand bears to supply. The real and ultimate regulator of the
relative value of any two commodities is the cost of their production, and not the
respective quantities which may be produced, nor the competition amongst the
(Ricardo, 1817: p.231)

However, we should note that the resistance of the Classicals was not mere pig-headedness or
simply a reiteration of Smith's "use-value" confusion. As particularly expressed by
J.S. Mill
(1845), if one was to acknowledge the role of both demand and supply in long-run price-
determination, one is effectively mixing together mathematically heterogeneous things which
cannot be juxtaposed upon each other.

"It seems to me necessary, when we mean to speak of the ratio between the
demand for a commodity & the supply of it, that the two quantities should be, in
the mathematical sense, homogeneous -- that both of them should be estimated in
numbers of the same unit."
(J.S. Mill, 1945: p.143)

Although insisting on the importance of subjective utility in price determination, Law, Say and
Lauderdale were less clear about the role of rarity in all of this. This is understandable given
the traditional difficulty of distinguishing a costly item from a rare item. Objectively-
determined rarity had been of central importance in the work of Bernardo Davanzati (1588),
de Lugo (1642) and Pierre de Boisguilbert (1695), but the connection with utility was not
immediately and clearly made.

The first explicit recognition of scarcity, i.e. subjectively-determined rarity, as the source of
value is contained in the remarkable work of Ferdinando
Galiani (1751). Galiani's brilliant
performance was followed up by the
anti-Physiocrat philosopher, Abbé Condillac (1776).
Condillac explicitly employed both utility and rarity in determining scarcity and value and was
willing to confront the Classical solution directly. As he wrote, "a thing does not have value
because of its cost, as some suppose; but it costs because it has value." Condillac's argument
was reiterated in a relatively obscure note by the ambiguous
Physiocrat, Jacques Turgot

It is evident, then, that Say's groping for a subjectivist theory of price was not
isolated. There
was already a somewhat long history in France and Italy. Under Say's own influence, this
Franco-Italian tradition sustained itself in these countries throughout the 19th Century. The
ground-breaking work of French
proto-marginalist economists such as Louis Auguste Say
(J.B. Say's brother), Auguste Walras (1831) (L. Walras's father), Augustin
(1838) and Jules Dupuit (1844) can thus be seen as natural outgrowths of a long tradition and
not merely a series of brilliant isolated sparks of insight. It was upon this tradition that Léon
Walras  was to draw in composing his 1874 masterpiece..

In Germany, another ambivalent follower of Smith and popular textbook writer, Johann
Rau (1827) did not discard the role of demand entirely -- indeed he showed how
demand-and-supply diagrams can be used to determine
price explicitly!  In addition, the
weight of the German
Historical School ensured that the Classical
Ricardian theory never
penetrated very deeply in Germany either. Together,
this can perhaps explain the German-
language contributions to the utility-cum-scarcity tradition, such as
F.B.W. Hermann (1832),
Hans von Mangoldt 
(1863) and, above everything, Hermann Heinrich Gossen
(1854). Carl
Menger was thoroughly soaked in Rau and Hermann before trying his hand in 1871.

In Great Britain, where the Ricardians

reigned supreme, the subjective scarcity notion had
more trouble catching on. Nonetheless, the idea had been hatched by Nassau Senior 
and his associates at Oxford and Dublin -- Richard Whately 
(1832), William F. Lloyd (1837)
and Mountiford
Longfield (1834). These fledgling Neoclassicals did not mince their words
when confronting the
Classicals. As Whately asserts heretically, "It is not that pearls fetch a
high price because men have dived for them; but on the contrary, men dive for them because
they fetch a high price."
(Whately, 1832: p.253).

These tentative efforts in Britain, however, were smashed by John Stuart Mill's Principles of
Political Economy (1848), a weighty restatement of the
Classical Ricardian doctrine. It was
with Lloyd, Whately and company in mind that Mill went on to assert that "Happily, there is
nothing in the laws of Value which remains for the present or any future writer to clear up; the
theory of the subject is complete" (Mill, 1848: Ch. III.1).

Despite Mill's abrupt interception, the grumbling continued. By the 1860s, the Classical
Ricardian doctrine had came under siege, not only from the usual suspects (e.g.
Cliffe Leslie) but, more importantly, from their own. The gutting of the wages fund
doctrine by
Thornton, Sidgwick and Walker, and the wide-ranging assault on the "vulgar
economists" by Karl
Marx, had dented the confidence of Classical theory. As a consequence, a
window of opportunity opened in Britain during this time for outcasts such as 
Jennings (1855), William E. Hearn (1864), Fleeming Jenkin (1870) and Henry Dunning
Macleod (1857, 1881), to pursue subjective scarcity and/or supply-and-demand mechanisms in
their work. Thus the claim that William Stanley
Jevons was working in a vaccum in 1871 with
little more than Bentham to draw upon, is not strictly correct.

[Note: Emil Kauder (1957) has argued that the reason for the retarded acceptance of subjective
scarcity theory in English economics and the predominance of labor-cost theories was due to
differing philosophical and religious traditions. Protestant Britain was wary of the hedonistic
conception of utility, and the labor-cost theories seemed quite more compatible with its work-
oriented Puritanical traditions. Thus it is in Catholic countries, like France and Italy, where
sensualism is not altogether dead, that we find the great expounders of subjective scarcity
theory. This is an interesting hypothesis, but it does not perfectly fit with the facts and
certainly overlooks more straightforward explanations.]

(C) The Holy Grail: Marginal Utility

Discussions of utility, scarcity and the mechanism of demand and supply, however suggestive,
were not well-integrated in the efforts of the early proto-Neoclassical economists. The great
missing ingredient was the connection between utility and demand. 
Auguste Walras (1831)
and  Mountiford Longfield (1834) attempted an explicit connection, but their theories ended
tied up in knots. As was to be discerned later, the key to successful integration was marginal
utility -- specifically, diminishing marginal utility.

The concept of diminishing marginal utility -- i.e. that equal increments of a good yield
diminishing increments of utility -- was already widely known. Daniel Bernoulli (1738) had
employed this concept to solve the  St. Petersburg Paradox. 
The utilitarian Jeremy Bentham 
(1789, 1802) had certainly stated the idea. Lloyd (1833), Senior (1836), Jennings (1855) and 
Hearn  (1864) were well aware of diminishing marginal utility as well. The question was one
of connecting it to demand, which these writers failed to do clearly.

(i) Auguste Cournot

The idea of a demand function itself was proposed by Charles D'Avenant 

(1699), who even
attempted to estimate one for wheat (on the basis of data allegedly provided by Gregory King
(1696)). The first concrete expression of a demand function was accomplished by Pietro
(1760). Thereafter silence reigned until the enormous leap of Augustin Cournot
Cournot did not bother with the niceties of utility; his concern was focused on demand
functions directly which he considered to be deducible from empirical fact. He was the first to
express the demand function in algebraic form as D =
F(p) and the first to draw demand-and-
supply functions in price-quantity space
(Cournot, 1838: p.92, Fig. 6). This, of course, was not
all: in addition to demand functions, Cournot introduced the concepts of marginal revenue,
marginal cost, the concept of the profit-maximizing firm, monopoly, duopoly, perfect
competition and, of course, his famous "reaction functions". But marginal utility was nowhere
in sight. As he argued, the "accessory ideas of utility, scarcity, and suitability to the needs and
enjoyments of mankind...are variable and by nature indeterminate, and consequently ill suited
for the foundation of a scientific
theory" (Cournot, 1838: p.10).

(ii) Jules Dupuit

The first successful connection between marginal utility and demand was accomplished by the
French engineer Jules
Dupuit (1844). His remarkable effort at developing a cost-benefit
analysis of public works led him to draw the demand curve in price-quantity space. Unlike
Cournot, Dupuit did not rest his demand curve on empirical intuition but rather identified the
demand curve as the marginal utility curve itself. Dupuit's basic idea was this: as quantity
rises, the marginal utility of the good declines. Consequently, one should also say that as the
quantity rises, the willingness of a person to pay for that good declines. Thus, the concept of
diminishing marginal utility should translate itself into a downward-sloping demand function.

Of course, Dupuit's logic was suspect in at least one place: marginal utility is particular to an
individual, while market demand is an aggregate, so something must be said about the
interpersonal comparability of utility in order to proceed with the connection. Dupuit skimped
on this. Nonetheless, the important point was that the connection was made between demand
and utility.
Dupuit, however, did not draw a supply curve and thus did not get price-
determination into his story.

[Dupuit went on to define "relative utility" (what later became known as Marshall's "consumer
surplus") as the area under the demand/marginal utility curve above the price and used it as a
measure of the welfare effects of different prices -- yielding his famous conclusion that public
welfare is maximized when the price (in his case, the toll rate on a bridge) is zero.]

(iii) H.H. Gossen

The final step came from Hermann Heinrich Gossen (1854). Unlike Dupuit, Gossen clearly
distinguished the marginal utility curve from the demand curve. Gossen posited that demand is
derived from the utility-maximizing choices of the consumer.
Gossen's "Three Laws" can be
stated as follows:

(1) the amount of utility derived from the consumption of a good declines with
each additional unit of that commodity (i.e. diminishing marginal utility, or, to use
Gossen's term, "diminishing worth of the last atom".)

(2) a person maximizes his utility when he distributes his income among various
goods so that he obtains the same amount of satisfaction from the last unit of each
good or, if money is being used, he obtains the same amount of satisfaction from
the last unit of money spent upon each commodity (i.e. equality of the ratio of
marginal utilities to the ratio of prices, i.e. MUi/pi = MUj/pj for any two goods i,

(3) a good has value only when the demand for it exceeds supply (i.e. subjective
scarcity is source of value).

Of Gossen's three laws, the second is perhaps the most remarkable. The idea that, at the
margin, the consumer substitutes between goods so that he obtains the same marginal utility
(in terms of money) across goods yields the downward-sloping demand curve for each of the
goods. To see this, merely note that when the price of a good rises, the marginal utility in
terms of money
(MUi/pi) declines and thus, by Gossen's first law (diminshing marginal
utility), less of that good will be bought. The foundations of the Marginalist Revolution
thus in place.

(D) The Revolution of 1871-4

H.H. Gossen's (1854) work had already anticipated much of the Marginalist Revolution.
However, this
"ingenius idiot", as Schmoller called him, was an unknown man -- a retired
Prussian civil servant -- whose work was entirely neglected. His work was only accidentally
discovered in 1878 during a search by
Jevons for fellow travellers. As such, the works of 
Jevons, Menger
and Walras came forth without the benefit of Gossen's insights.

(i) William Stanley Jevons

William Stanley Jevons developed his results on marginal utility (which Jevons called "final
degree of utility") independently and first announced them in an abstract of a 1862 lecture
(published in 1866). The publication of Fleeming
Jenkin's (1870) diagrammatic representation
of the demand-and-supply mechanism led Jevons to quickly write and publish his own 1871
treatise, Theory of Political Economy in order to establish priority. Jevons couched his
construction in the context of pure exchange. Specifically, assuming two goods (call them x1
and x2) and two agents (call them A and B), then in equilibrium, Jevons proposed that:

MU1A/MU2A = -dx2/dx1 = MU1B/MU2B

where MUih is the marginal utility of good xi to household h. The term dx1 is the amount of
good x1 given by agent A to agent B and dx2 is the amount of good x2 given by agent B to
agent A. Thus, for agent A, the marginal utility of good x1 after amount dx1 has been
surrendered divided by the marginal utility of good x2 after amount dx2 has been gained, is
inversely related to the exchange ratio dx2/dx1. The analogous reasoning applies for agent B.
Thus: "The ratio of exchange of any two commodities will be the reciprocal of the ratio of the
final degrees of utility of the quantities of commodity available for consumption after the
exchange is completed."
(Jevons, 1871: p.95).

Through the medium of a market, the exchange ratio can be expressed as prices, i.e. -dx2/dx1
= p1/p2, so that this can be rewritten as:

MU1A/p1 = MU2A/p2 = MU1B/p1 = MU2B/p2

so not only does Gossen's Second Law hold for every single consumer, but it also holds across

However, Jevons got somewhat tangled up in this derivation. In particular, he was not quite
sure how to get from dx1/dx2 to p1/p2 or back again.  It is important to note that Jevons did not
assume price-taking behavior nor any kind of auctioneer, and thus did not construct a "supply-
and-demand" model..  He wanted the exchange ratios to emerge from a process of exchange,
and this landed him into some difficulties. Jevons believed it was easier to determine exchange
ratios in bilateral exchange than in competitive situations - thus he tried to reduce his "market"
situation into one of simple bilateral exchange. He did so with the help of two pieces of
scaffolding: (1) by constructing "trading bodies"
( Jevons, 1871: p.88-90), so that the
enormous mass of heterogeneous traders in markets could be reduced to a pair of what would
today be called "representative agents" that would exchange with each other; (2) then via
arbitrage-theoretic reasoning -- in his famous "Law of Indifference" 
(Jevons, 1871: p.90-5) --
he goes on to argue that, by definition, dx1/dx2 = p1/p2.

Ten years later, Francis Ysidro Edgeworth

(1881) was to show that Jevons's instincts should be
reversed: determining the exchange ratio between two bilateral trading bodies, Edgeworth
argued, is in fact more difficult than determining the exchange ratio when there are numerous,
heterogeneous agents in a competitive market situation. Edgeworth's demonstration of the
indeterminacy of exchange ratios in bilateral exchange was captured in his famous notion of
the "contract curve" and the "core". His
famous conjecture, that indeterminacy is eliminated
when the number of traders increases ("perfect competition"), however, was not picked up

 Jevons established equilibrium in pure exchange, but, not having a good theory of production,
was unable to construct the familiar
"supply-and-demand" theory with variable output levels.
His resolution was considerably unsatisfying. Jevons argued, as
Gossen had before him, that
labor supply was governed by disutility of labor: the greater the amount of work, the greater
the marginal disutility of labor. Consequently, he went on to argue, by
Gossen's Second Law,
that the marginal utility of consuming a good must be equal to the marginal disutility of
producing it. In other words, the quantity of a good produced is determined by the intersection
of a downward-sloping marginal utility of consumption curve and an upward sloping marginal
disutility of labor curve.

With the quantity of the good thus determinate,  Jevons's next step was quickly and sloppily
reasoned: once the supply of the good is given, then we can apply the pure exchange scenario
we had before to determine the price of the good. This entire story is summarized by Jevons in
a famous "catena":

"Cost of production determines supply;

Supply determines final degree of utility;
Final degree of utility determines value"

(W.S. Jevons, 1871: p.165)

The first line seeks to explain the output-determination process we have just summarized:
namely, how higher or lower wages shift around the the marginal utility of income/disutility of
labor curves so that output level, i.e. supply, changes. The second line merely states that once
we have supplies of goods determined, we know what marginal utility of those goods will be;
finally, the third line summarizes the pure exchange process.

This is confusing. The immediate temptation is to remove all the intermediate steps and reduce
the catena to the simple claim that "cost of production determines value", a complete
restatement of the
Classical theory of  Ricardo and Mill! Obviously, Jevons did not quite want
to put it this way. Wages ought not to be hanging in the air by themselves. Unlike Classical
theory, Jevons argued, the value of labour "is determined by the value of the produce, not the
value of the produce by that of the
labour." (Jevons, 1871: p.166). Thus, years later, Alfred
Marshall would invert Jevons's catena into its proper order:

"Utility determines the amount that has to be supplied,

The amount that has to be supplied determines cost of production
Cost of production determines value."

(A. Marshall, 1890: p.674)

Without deriving demand and supply functions from his marginal utility/disutility schedules,
Jevons discussion is quite confusing. It was Alfred
Marshall (1890: Ch. 3; Math. App.), that
Jevons' out of this knot by deriving it formally. Now, as stated, MUi/pi is the marginal
utility of dollar spend on good xi. By
Gossen's Second Law, MUi/pi = MUj/pj for all goods
i, j.
Consequently, we can define the marginal utility of income (what Marshall called the marginal
utility of money) as:

MUY = MUi/pi = MUj/pj = ....

Jevons, as we know, was clearly aware of this and even offered the identity MUi = piMUY in
his work
(Jevons, 1871: p.146). But how is one to construct a demand function? Marshall's
process is to follow Jevons in assuming that the marginal utility of income MUY is a constant.
Doing so, we immediately recognize that differentiating with respect to quantity demanded xi:

dMUi/dxi = (dpi/dxi)·MUY

so that:

dxi/dpi = MUY/(¶
as, by the rule of diminishing marginal utility, dMUi/dxi < 0, then dxi/dpi < 0, so a rise in the
price of good xi leads to a decrease in demand for it. Thus, the demand curve is downward-

[Note: the constancy of the marginal utility of income is a dubious assumption, discussed
more fully elsewhere. Effectively, what it does to eliminate the famous "income effect" of a
change in price (note that this is not the same as saying that all other prices are held constant!
rather, intercommodity effects are neutralized). However, this also implies that as pi rises and
xi falls, total expenditure on this good, pixi, is unchanged, i.e. the demand function is unit
elastic. Marshall was uncomfortable with this assumption, thus he cautioned that this was only
approximately true, provided that the expenditure by a consumer on any particular good is
only "a small part of his total resources"
(Marshall, 1890: p.279). The derivation of demand
from utility without the constant marginal utlity of income assumption had to wait until
Pareto (1892)]

(ii) Carl Menger

Carl Menger's (1871) contribution was more clear, but less formal. Although he did not name
it explicitly, he introduced the concept of diminishing marginal utility in general discussion.
He just referred to the decreasing "importance of the satisfaction of needs" and used numerical
(Menger, 1871: p.127) to illustrate the idea. [Note: the term "marginal utility",
Grenznutzen, was only introduced by Friedrich
von Wieser (1889); in his work, Menger uses
the term "utility" in the same misleading sense Adam Smith did, i.e. in terms of objective
"use-value"]. As a result, Menger comes to the Marginalist conclusion:

"Value is therefore nothing inherent in goods, no property of them, but merely the
importance we atribute to the satisfaction of our needs, that is, to our lives and
well-being, and in consequence carry over to economic goods as the exclusive
causes of the satisfaction of our needs."
(Menger, 1871: p.116)

Menger did not bother to derive a demand function, but his discussion of exchange, in many
ways, supersedes that of
Jevons. In particular, he defined prices as "only incidental
manifestations of [exchange], symptoms of an economic equilibrium between the economies
of individuals."
(Menger, 1871: p.191). Prices, then, are formed by market processes of
exchange and the nature of the process can vary depending on a variety of factors, notably in
the degree of competitiveness. In his famous Chapter 5, Menger outlines the process of price-
formation from a bargaining process between two individuals, under monopoly, duopoly and,
finally, competition. Although he was not consistent (e.g. at one time recognizing the
indeterminacy of prices in bilateral exchange, and then retreating from this elsewhere),
Menger's analysis of the market process was highly suggestive and marked the approach of the
Austrian School in years to come.

Two other points insisted upon by Menger

are worth mentioning. Firstly, his distinction
between economic goods and non-economic (i.e. free) goods was given central importance
(Menger, 1871: p.94-109). He underlined the fact that one cannot assume that goods have
prices; whether a good is free or not is a result of the final equilibrium configuration and thus
is endogenous to the problem. Secondly,
Menger (1871: p.149-74) outlined the important
theory of imputation. As only utility can confer value, then the value of factors of production
("goods of higher order") which have no utility in and of themselves must be determined by
the prices of outputs ("goods of lower order"). This is the heart of the Neoclassical treatment
production as "indirect exchange".

(iii) Léon Walras

The contribution of Léon Walras

(1874) outshines both Jevons, Menger and all other
predecessors in clarity, rigor and insight. It is in Walras where we find the most careful,
complete and visionary statements of the Marginalist Revolution. As Schumpeter expressed it,
with characteristic lack of restraint:
"Walras is in my opinion the greatest of all economists. His system of economic
equilibrium, uniting, as it does, the quality of a "revolutionary" creativeness with
the quality of classic synthesis, is the only work by an economist that will stand
comparison with the achievements of theoretical physics. Compared with it, most
of the theoretical writings of that period - and beyond - however valuable in
themselves and however original subjectively, look like boats beside a liner, like
inadequate attempts to catch some particular aspects of Walrasian truth." (J. A.
Schumpeter, 1954: p.827)

The details of Walras's general equilibrium system are given elsewhere,, so we shall note only
a few of his contributions here. Walras adopted the notion of marginal utility and the scarcity
theory of value from his father, Auguste 
(1831). However, Auguste Walras did not
manage to connect the two concepts. Already in his early work, we find the young Léon
Walras following his father in claiming that the value of goods depends on both utility and
rarity ("rareté"). Walras then was holding on to an objective definition of rarity, defining a
good as rare if "it is offered to general demand in a limited quantity"
(Walras, 1860: p.8).

It was only in an 1873 article preceeding his Elements (1874) that Léon Walras took the leap
and made the connection by noting that "rareté is personal or subjective" (Walras, 1874:
p.146). Walras used the term rareté for "marginal utility". At least for the case of bilateral
trade, this is an extremely fortuituous use of language -- for what does marginal utility of a
particular good represent other the intensity with which that good is needed and thus the
degree to which its absence is felt? If my marginal utility for eggs is greater than yours, then
eggs are perceived by me as being more scarce than they are perceived by you.

Walras's use of the term rareté keeps the fundamental Neoclassical idea of subjective scarcity
at all times in the forefront of our minds and does not let it slip out of sight. However, moving
beyond exchange between two parties, the connection becomes more tenuous: scarcity is a
market-wide phenomenon; marginal utility is an individual phenomenon, and thus his use of
the term rareté for marginal utility may be confusing in the case of economy-wide exchange.

The rest of Walras's work is sheer brilliance. Recognizing the multi-good nature of exchange,
all of Walras's analysis proceeds with multiple markets. No oversimplifying ceteris paribus
assumptions are made. Alone among the early
Marginalists, Walras provided a proper
derivation of the demand curve from utility functions via the use of household budgets
(Walras, 1874: Ch. 8, 11.). If anything is demanded, something else must be offered in
exchange; consequently the aggregate value of what is offered must equal the aggregate value
of what is demanded. As a result, for any bundle of goods demanded x = [x1, x2, .., xn] and for
a given set of endowments e = [e1, e2, .., en], it must be that:

p1x1 + p2x2 + ... + pnxn = p1e1 + p2e2 + ... + pnen

Walras's recognized that the need for a numeraire good enabled him to fix one price, e.g. p1 =
1. In this case:

x1 + p2x2 + ... + pnxn = e1 + p2e2 + ... + pnen

where p2, p3, etc. are the prices of goods x2, x3, etc. in terms of the price of good x1. Now,
Walras used an additively separable utility function so that the utility of a bundle x can be
written as:

U(x) = u1(x1) + u2(x2) + ... + un(xn)

where ui(xi) is the utility from good xi. Substituting the budget constraint into the first of these
separate utilities:

U(x) = u1(e1 + p2e2 + ... + pnen - p2x2 - ... - pnxn) + u2(x2) + ... + un(xn)

which, upon maximization, yields for any good xi the following first order condition:

xi = -(¶
x1)·p2 + ¶
x2 = 0

or letting MUi = ¶
xi, then we obtain the result:

MU1 = MUi/pi

for every i = 1, .., n. This is Gossen's Second Law once again.

As we have n goods, we have n-1 such equations. The addition of the aggregate budget
constraint equation implies we have a total of n equations. What about unknowns? As prices
are given, then all we have to do is determine the amounts demanded/supplied by agents, x1,
.., xn. With an equal number of equations and unknowns, we are there and can express our
resulting individual demand functions as:

xi = xi(p1, .., pn)

for i = 1, .., n. He aggregates these into market demand/supply functions by horizontal

summation over households. Equilibrium is achieved when market demand is equal to market
supply in each market.
Walras goes on to his unique discussion of the stability of equilibrium
via his tatonnement price adjustment process, to which we
refer elsewhere. Finally, Walras
goes beyond the other pioneering Marginalists in proceeding, in later chapters, 
to incorporate
production, capital
and money into his general equilibrium model in a
complete and consistent

[Note: William Jaffé (1976) has noted that "instead of climbing up from marginal utility to the
level of his general equilibrium system,
Walras actually climbed down from that level to
marginal utility". This seems evident from
reading Walras. As such, at least in Walras's case,
one might be tempted to play down the influence of the French utility-cum-scarcity tradition in
favor of the other French tradition of "grand systems" of general equilibrium (cf. Cantillon,
1755; Quesnay, 1759, Turgot, 1766; Isnard,

(E) Consolidation: the Great Flood

The works of  Jevons, Menger and

Walras were met with different reactions.
Jevons's Theory
received various notices and reviews, some of them sympathetic, many of them hostile (Alfred
Marshall's (1872) review was noticeably lukewarm). At any rate, one could not fail to notice
Even textbooks written in the Classical tradition, such as John E. Cairnes
(1874) and Henry
Sidgwick (1883), were forced to make some note or other about Jevons's new theory.

In contrast, a complete silence surrounded Léon Walras's Elements -- the only notice of the
existence of this book were Walras's own follow-up publications, most of them also duly
ignored. Walras became aware of Jevons's existence in 1874 and gracefully acknowledged his
priority. They took to each other immediately and made a joint effort to spread the word.
Something akin to a division of labor ensued:
Jevons went off digging up illustrious
predecessors in order to enhance the pedigree of the new doctrine while Walras endeavored to
establish communication with virtually every important economist of the day.
Jevons's task
proved to be more rewarding: in his efforts, he
helped unearth Cantillon,
Cournot and Gossen
out of their obscurity. In contrast, Walras
just found shut doors and impatient listeners. Only a
handful of the economists he contacted responded positively to the new ideas. In frustration,
he turned to contemporary mathematicians, only to be dismissed once again.

Menger, who did not exactly cooperate with the Jevons-Walras efforts, went on his own
crusade. His 1883 Investigations provoked prominent German-speaking economists such as
Schmoller into a bruising debate on methodology. This Methodenstreit enhanced
general awareness of Menger's new theory, but it also bogged him down. In the end, it was
somewhat self-defeating: although his fame and reputation were greatly increased in 
the entire university system in
Germany itself was closed to him and his followers.
The Marginalist Revolution really began only to take off in the 1880s with the publication of
the works of a younger generation which had begun to read up on their works. The wide
dissemination of the work of two close disciples of
Menger, Friedrich
von Wieser (1884,
1889) and Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1886, 1889),
gave the theories of the Austrian School
wider attention.

The mathematical tone of Jevons's and Walras's own works attracted a slew of technically-
gifted young economists throughout the world. Among these we can count the Englishmen
Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1881) and Philip H. Wicksteed (1888), the Austrians Rudolf
Auspitz and Richard Lieben (1889), and, a little later, the
American Irving Fisher (1892) and
the Swede Knut Wicksell (1893).

The trickle of the 1880s turned into the flood of the 1890s, particularly after the joint
discovery of the
marginal productivity theory of distribution by the American economist John
Clark (1890, 1899), Knut Wicksell
(1893), Philip H.Wicksteed (1894) and Enrico
Barone (1895). The Marginalist Revolution then went into high gear with the publications of 
Maffeo Pantaleoni
(1889), Vilfredo Pareto (1892, 1896-7, 1906), Knut
Wicksell (1898, 1901,
1906) and Giovanni B.
Antonelli (1886). Details on the consolidation of the Neoclassical
theory of value by these economists are found elsewhere.

Nonetheless, the most significant event of the 1890s was the publication of Alfred
Principles of Economics (1890). This is notable not so much for the research or insights which
it generated, but rather because it was the first really
successful Neoclassical textbook. It was
through Marshall that the Marginalist Revolution became palatable to contemporary
economists -- Marshall's extremely conciliatory attitude towards the displaced
School was the sugar that permitted it be swallowed by fellow academics. Through its wide
adoption as a university textbook, Neoclassical theory was delivered to a wider public. The
infamous "demand-and-supply" diagram with the reversed axes that has since become the
standard staple of economics textbooks was a centrepiece of Marshall's book. In other
countries, the works of 
Knut Wicksell, Maffeo Pantaleoni, Etienne Antonelli
and others
gained wide textbook usage, but in English-speaking countries, despite several efforts at
displacement (e.g. by Wicksteed
(1910)), the successive editions of Alfred Marshall's
Principles remained the dominant text at least until the 1930s.

[Note: Alfred Marshall

irritatingly continued to insist time and time again that he had basically
formed most of his ideas before he had read
Jevons's 1871 volume (cf. Marshall notes and
letters in
Pigou, 1925), and thus that he should be counted as one of the original
"revolutionaries". He pointed to two 1879 articles printed for "private circulation" as evidence
of his habit of coming up with new ideas, but not rushing them to publication. However, most
historians of economics have concluded that Marshall claims to originality have no basis. It is
quite apparent that Marshall did derive most of his
own theory after reading Jevons. For
further notes on Marshall and his role in the Marginalist Revolution, see Whitaker (1975),
Maloney (1985) and Mirowski (1990). In contrast, we should note that John Bates
(1885) did arrive at his utility-based theory of price while quite ignorant of the work of
Jevons, Menger and Walras -- and thus Clark, but not Marshall, should be given high marks
for originality.]

(F) Aftermath: the Great Drought

Although sharing the same underlying Neoclassical theory of value, the

different emphasis,
approaches and methods of the various pioneering Marginalists on
details such as production,
money, capital, dynamics, etc. led to the segmentation of the
Neoclassical school into various
largely independent "schools of thought",
rather than consolidation into a "monolothic"
Neoclassical edifice. The Cambridge Neoclassicals followed Marshall's approach, the Austrian
School followed Menger Böhm-Bawerk
and Wieser, while the Chicago School followed a
combination of both
Marshall and the Austrians. Naturally, the Stockholm
School followed
Wicksell, and and one can
even divide the Lausanne School further intosubsequently distinct
Walrasian and Paretian traditions. 
However, this segmentation should be treated with caution. Some
Neoclassical economists,
such as Jevons, Wicksteed and Fisher
failed to belong to or develop behind them any clear
"school of thought". Furthermore, there was a good degree of cross-pollination among schools
-- for instance, the influence of the
Austrians on the Swedes (and vice-versa) is well-
documented. Finally, there were occasions when several economists attempted to hammer the
disparate contributions of the different schools of thought together into a single, all-
encompassing "Neoclassical" theory. Such efforts are discernable, for instance, in the 1930s,
1960s and the 1980s, although not always successful.

Finally, we should note that the "Marginalist Revolution" had severer growing pains than this
brief account indicates. Initiated in 1871-4, it only began to be noticed in the 1880s and by the
late 1890s it was already running out of steam. In the early part of the twentieth century, the
Marginalist Revolution was, in fact, retreating on many fronts. The great splash in the 1880s
excited both support and opposition and, as a result, it advanced quickly and generated great
professional debates that helped it become better known. However, a mere two decades later,
we begin to notice that Neoclassicism seemed more and more to have become a peripheral
"fringe" movement in the economics profession as a whole.

The reasoning for the Neoclassical retreat in the 1900s is largely because, to many
contemporaries, it seemed to be descending into "quackery". Originally, the Neoclassicals had
promised that their approach would provide a more sound, "scientific" explanation of
economic phenomona than the alternative
Institutional or Historical approaches.
However, its Achilles' heel was the very notion of "marginal utility". Marginal utility, let us be
frank, is hardly a scientific concept: unobservable, unmeasurable and
untestable, marginal
utility is a notion with very dubious scientific standing. 
As Stigler notes, "Had specific tests
been made of the implications of
theories, the unfruitfulness of the ruling utility theory as a
source of
hypotheses in demand would soon have become apparent" (G.J. Stigler,

However, it was given the benefit of the doubt in the 1880s by

contemporary economists as a
tentative hypothesis that was helpful to economic
analysis, but which, hopefully, could be
dispensed with later. But it quickly
became apparent that rather than being a small part of the
paradigm, it was increasingly becoming the "all" of Neoclassicism. Everything
was beginning to be reduced with almost religious devotion into this nebulous
concept and thus seemed less and less "scientific".  As Henry L.
Moore, an early disciple of
Walras, wrote:

"In the closing quarter of the last century, great hopes were entertained by
economists with regard to the capacity of economics to be made "an exact
science". According to the view of the foremost theorists, the development of the
doctrine of utility and value had laid the foundation of scientific economics in
exact concepts, and it would soon be possible to erect upon the new foundation a
firm structure of interrelated parts which, in definiteness and cogency, would be
suggestive of the severe beauty of the
mathematico-physical sciences. But this
expectation has not been realized." (H.L. 
Moore, 1914: p.84-85)

The indulgence contemporary economists had granted to the Neoclassical marginal utility
hypothesis in the 1880s was largely withdrawn by the 1900s. In contemporary eyes,
Neoclassicals were "quacks": they had promised a "scientific" approach and instead yielded up
a "religious" approach to economics. Contemporary economists echoed with approval the
merciless ridicule that Thorstein
Veblen heaped upon Neoclassical quackery. As Jacob Viner
was to lament in 1925:

"In the scientific periodicals, however, in contrast with the standard treatises,
sympathetic expositions of the utility theory of value have become somewhat rare.
In their stead are found an unintermittent series of slashing criticisms of the utility
economics." (J. Viner, 1925).

By and large, economists throughout the world withdrew from Neoclassicism and moved back
into what seemed like "more serious science": i.e. the empirical approach of the
and Historical
schools. There were a few isolated exceptions: at Cambridge, Chicago and
Vienna, Neoclassical dominance was maintained through the early part of the 20th Century. At
the University of Cambridge (UK), Neoclassicism survived because it was a pretty self-
contained place anyway -- "everything is in Marshall", they believed (although things changed
considerably after
Sraffa's 1926 attack, and particularly, after
Keynes's 1936 General Theory).
The University of
Chicago survived as a Neoclassical bastion in good part because of it was
composed of a few strong personalities --
esp. Frank Knight, Jacob Viner,
Henry  Schultz --
who were gripped by siege mentality (witness their extensive journal forays in defense of
Neoclassical methodology). The third exception was the University of
Vienna -- which was
also energized by a siege
mentality and wilful personalities. However, the Austrian
Neoclassicals held on there only until the end of the First World War, when they were finally
Consequently, for nearly thirty years, Neoclassical economics was effectively
moribund, being slowly pushed forward by a handful of economists hidden away at
Chicago and a few other scattered
places .  

(G) The Paretian Revival

This state of affairs changed drastically during the 1930s, when the
Neoclassicals began
rolling back in. The most significant institutional event was the "reconquest" of the
School of Economics by Lionel Robbins in the early 1930s -- and a parallel "half-conquest" of
by Joseph Schumpeter and Wassily Leontief. The formation of the
Commission and the Econometric Society put the Neoclassicals back in touch with each other
and the research energy that emerged was remarkable.
Paradoxically, Hitler's armies
contributed to this process:  by expelling
many economists from Central Europe, they
effectively forced them to reassemble
together at places like the LSE, Cowles and other

But it was the theoretical achievements of the 1930s on the part of a handful of a few young
technically-minded economists that saved Neoclassical economics. The Hicks-Allen
"ordinalist" revolution and Paul Samuelson's "revealed preference" approach helped remove
much of the quackery that stained utility theory. It gained an empirical plausibility which had
been missing before -- or at least, in the words of one contemporary economist, it was no
longer "repugnant to our logic to suppose that [experiments] can be made" (Ricci, 1933: p.15).
Welfare economics, firstly via A.C. 
Pigou and then through the hands of Harold Hotelling,
Oskar Lange,
Maurice Allais and the L.S.E. economists (John Hicks, Abba Lerner,
demonstrated that there was still something quite useful in the hypothesis. 
At any rate,
Cassel's resurrection of
the Walrasian general equilibrium system, the consolidation of the
theory of production, the empirical efforts of
Shultz and Douglas, and even
Hayek's foray into
macroeconomics were all done on the basis of demand functions -- without
-- thereby demonstrating that there remained huge swathes of Neoclassical theory were
not too reliant on
that dubious hedonistic concept.  All these theoretical developments helped
lend "scientific" teeth to Neoclassicism that were previously missing.

The rest of the story is too well-known. After the fervor of the 1930s -- the
"Paretian revival"
as we have chosen to call it -- Neoclassical theory managed to displace virtually all other
theories and approaches from economics. Thus, the "Marginalist Revolution" was not
something that just happened in the 1870s, but, in fact, it took at least six decades to entrench
itself. Cheekily, some historians have preferred to call the early period merely the "Marginalist

Some would argue it took even longer to attain its monopoly over the economics profession.
At least four other important paradigmatic challenges were hatched during the 20th Century
which slowed down the Neoclassical ascendancy or at least prevented its complete
Monopolistic Competition, the Keynesian Revolution, Classical-Sraffian counter-
revolution and the rise of Game Theory. By the 1980s, the first three had been "beaten back"
by the Neoclassicals with different degrees of success; Game Theory, however, has proven to
be a far more resilient beast and might conceivably yet undo considerable parts of
Neoclassical theory, and perhaps the Marginalist Revolution as a whole, in the future.

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