Research Chapter 1

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According to Angel (2001) cited by Diez, Ivy a concern with attitudes and other

effective factors has develop because it seems reasonable to assume that the way

children feel about. This Logical relationship has led to the continual with

“Motivation”. Furthermore student’s motivation depends on both expectation and

value, that is expect to be able to perform the task successfully if they apply

themselves and the degree to which they value the task or the rewards that

performing it successfully will bring, therefore teachers can motivate students to

strive and also by supporting their expectation for achieving their success through a

reasonable investment of effort and also by helping. Then appreciate the value of

what they are learning.

(Marr, 2000) cited by Diez, Ivy that the Motivation is an interval process

that makes a person move toward on his or her goal. It is something that energizes,

directs and sustains behavior. Motivation like intelligent can’t be directly observed,

instead motivation can only be inferred by nothing a person’s behavior, furthermore

the same author states that motivation in the most general since of the term is an

attempt to explain why behavior occurs.

In USA , a major problem nowadays is the mathematics education which is

effectively teaching , many of the students are generally prepared in mathematics

and they have a negative thoughts of this subject its because not all the students

love math because others for them taht mathematics is too very difficult for them to

undderstand. Every teachers of mathematics courses are probably heard that there

students questioned them that why do we need mathematics in our daily lives? And

why do i need to learn this kind of difficult subbject?.

In teaching global issue, mathematics has several important advantages such

as students motivation toward mathematics a greatly increased as they can see and

how can provide the knowledge of mathematics. Coherence is provided by focusing

studies and learn all the mathematics global issue. Students will become aware of

their studies provided in the value background information of a necessary for them to

play an active role in helping solve environment problem.

In Panabo City, particularly in Salvacion Elementary School. There’s a

common problem existing in motivating their students. These are the reasons on why

researchers decided to study the student’s motivation and academic achievements

in mathematics among grade six pupils at Salvacion Elementary School.

Tackled and also stated in there how students motivate themselves in field of

mathematics, but not all was specify and discuss furthermore we would like to

addition the knowledge that we know, on how students motivate in field of

mathematics subject regarding on their participation on this subject, there interest,

and also there mood when the teacher discuss it.

1. Statement of null hypothesis

 There is no significant difference in student motivation and academic

achievements when classified according to grades, course and family income.

 There is no significant relationship between student motivation and academic

achievements among UMPC students major in mathematics

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This Diez, Ivy S. (2007) The Study is based on the theory of lange (1996),

which states that a second biological approach to the study of human motivation has

been the study of mechanisms that change the arousal level of the organisms. It was

proposed that emotional expressions on the motivation of behavior are the

observable manifestations of the changes on arousal level. One of the earliest

arousal theories suggested that one’s perception of emotion depends upon the

bodily responses the individual makes to specific, arousing situation.

This theory was inclined by the theory of thomdike (1996) also known as the

connectionism of the stimulus-response theory. According to this theory, human

activity is based on association between stimulus and response. It sees the learner

vary his responses by trial and error until he achieves a solution. It is also associated
with the social learning theory by Bandura and Wallace (1997) with them, the role of

reinforcement is learning this theory.

The understanding and a proper use of motivation techniques bring interest to a

student. Good morals and effective learning of real achievement to the classroom.

Intrinsic motivation is an internal stimulus to learning. It is based on the motives the

every individual strives to satisfy. Motives are thoughts, feelings or condition that

cause one to act. Extrinsic motivation is an external stimulus to learning activity.

However, the dependent variable of the study is academic achievements of the

pupils taken from the report on promotion from 18 and E2. Academic achievement
pertains to the grades achieved by the pupils.

 Student’s Motivation

One of the most difficult aspects of learning a teacher is learning how to motivate
your students. It is also one of the most important. Students who are not motivated
will not learn effectively. They won’t retain information, they won’t participate and
some of them may even become disruptive. A student may be unmotivated for a
variety of reasons: they feel that they have no interest in the subject, find the
teacher’s methods un-engaging or be distracted by external forces it may even come
to light that a student who appeared unmotivated actually has difficulty learning and
is need of special attention. While motivating students can be a difficult task, the
rewards are more than worth it. Motivated students are more excited to learn and
participate. Simply put: Teaching a class full of motivated.

Student is enjoyable for teacher and student alike. Some students who do not have
this natural drive, a great teacher can make learning fun and inspire them to reach
their full potential.

 Academic achievement

Is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or
long-term educational goals. Academic achievement is commonly measured through
examinations or continuous assessments but there is no general agreement on how
it is best evaluated or which aspects is the most important-procedural knowledge
such as skills or declarative knowledge such as facts.

Furthermore, there are inclusive results over which individual factors successfully
predict academic performance elements such as test anxiety, environment, and
emotions require consideration when developing models of school achievement.

 Intrinsic Motivation

Defined as a performing action or behavior that could enjoy the activity itself,
whereas acting on extrinsic motivation is done for the sake of some external
outcome, the inspiration for acting on intrinsic motivation can be found in the action

 Extrinsic Motivation

Refers to behavior that is driven by external rewards such as money fame, grades,
and praise, this type of motivation arises from outside the individual, as opposed to
intrinsic motivation which originates inside of the individual.

Extrinsic motivation can involve tangible or psychological rewards extrinsic

motivation is usually defined as our tendency to engage in activities in order to gain
some type of thrown, external reward.
Significance of the study

The result of this study will gives us effective in formation and

beneficial as well as to the following.

School Administrator

The result of this study should be a basis for those students wants to
motivate in order to enhance their academic skills. Also it evaluates the techniques
and methods of a teacher on how to motivate their student in their perspective


This study promotes an awareness of each student to motivate their

learning’s. The two executive student’s motivation which is Intrinsic and Extrinsic can
help the students to motivate their learning’s. It consequently, the teacher’s way of
learning process of education as a whole has a big improvement.


They will be aware on what type of motivation they incline with and what can
make themselves motivate when dealing their subjects and also stimulates their
interest to learn the subject.


As the researcher it will be useful to make a design and a factual of a

study. The efficient row of motivating students would be more revealing to make the
learning process fastest on the other hand , students in many years to come will
participate others for as to be learn and motivate academic performance.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

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