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Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT who has given many blessings,
taufik and guidance. So that we can complete the paper entitled “Technology in Use (GPS)” properly
without any significant obstacles.

Many thanks we say to Mrs. Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D. who has guided us in
completing this paper. And also, to all those who have contributed.

We realize that there are still many shortcomings in this report, both in terms of material and
presentation techniques, given the author's lack of knowledge and experience. Therefore, we
welcome constructive criticism and suggestions.


4 September 2022

Table of Content
Table of Content....................................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1
1.1 Backround.............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Question of the Problems.....................................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives..............................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II THEORY AND DISCUSION...................................................................................................2
2.1 How GPS Work......................................................................................................................2
2.2 Main Functions of GPS..........................................................................................................5
2.3 GPS Applications and Advantages........................................................................................5
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION.....................................................................................................................7
3.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................7
3.2 Recommendation..................................................................................................................7

1.1 Backround
In the current millennial era, the development of technology is so rapid that it is even
equipped with very sophisticated features and various forms of digital systems. With the
development of technology, human actions and work become easier and more efficient with
the technology used. One of the technologies used and also very influential on human life is

GPS was originally used to determine the location of the earth's surface with the help of
satellite signals and then developed a system to determine position instantly through
technology that is connected to GPS. By knowing the functions and developments, humans get
a lot of benefits and applications from GPS.

1.2 Question of the Problems

1. How does GPS work?
2. What are main functions of GPS?
3. What are applications of GPS devices?
4. What are the advantages of GPS?

1.3 Objectives
1. To know how GPS work.
2. To know main functions of GPS.
3. To know applications of GPS devices.
4. To know the advantages of GPS.

2.1 How GPS Work
Before knowing how GPS works, what you need to know first is the characteristics and
components of GPS. GPS aka Global Positioning System, is a system designed to show a
position of an object or location of a place that can be used anytime and anywhere without
depending on time and weather conditions.

GPS uses 3-part components to perform its functions:

1. Satellite - Installed in outer space placed in a certain orbit around the earth like a star in a
constellation that serves to send signals.
2. Ground Stations - monitor and control satellites to ensure that the satellites can function
properly. Ground stations also identify their location.
3. Receiver - The satellite constantly sends a signal to a receiver that can access the GPS.
Highly advanced receivers can identify exact locations within fractions of an inch.

How GPS works

GPS uses 24 satellites that are continuously orbiting the earth and requires at least 4
satellites to track location. To determine the location of an object in GPS, it is necessary to use
a mathematical technique, called trilateration.

 Trilateration – 2D
In 2D trilateration requires at least 2 satellites. By knowing the distance between
object and satellite 1 (R1) and the distance between object and satellite 2 (R2). An object
is inside both circles R1 and R2. By being inside the two circles, the location of the object
should be right at the point of intersection. By using only 2 circles a small problem arises,
there are 2 intersection points.

This problem can be solved by using the circle of the earth surface as the third circle then
by removing the point from the two intersections where it is impossible to get the
object's point.

 Trilateration – 3D
In 3D trilateration requires at least 3 satellites. 3D trilateration uses spheres to determine
the location of objects. By using 2 satellites the object is known in the sphere area R1 and
R2 the location of the object is determined from the intersection of the 2 spheres that
produce a circle.

With the help of the third satellite the location of the object can be narrowed down to
just 2 points.

Just like before, using the earth surface as the fourth ball, and will get the point where
the object is.

How to measure the distance between an object and a satellite.

All satellites are equipped with automatic clocks. Satellites use intermittent radio signals
to earth. The radio signal will contain the exact time it was sent from the satellite position.
Assume that the receiver has a very accurate automatic clock and radio waves travel at the
speed of light. The receiver will receive a signal with a certain duration.

By knowing the sent-time (t1) and received-time (t2) and multiplied by the speed of
light, it will be known the distance between the object and the satellite object position will be
known by trilateration technique as explained before.

Inaccuracy of smartphone clock

On cell phone or laptop receivers usually use a crystal clock. Crystal clocks are not
accurate when compared to atomic clocks. The inaccuracy between receiver and satellite
timing is called time offset. Time offsets can cause major errors in GPS calculations. But in this

case, the receiver and 3 satellites have the same offset time so to find out it requires help
using the 4th satellite or additional satellites.

2.2 Main Functions of GPS

By completing the previous mathematical calculations; GPS receiver uses the correct
position from at least four satellites. The distance to each satellite estimates four important

 Earth latitude
 Earth longitude
 Elevation
 Time

Once a GPS receiver identifies (Unknown, Pengenalan GPS, 2022)the user position, it can
calculate other metrics based on your next position and subtracting time and distance, such

 Trip distance
 Speed
 Bearing
 Distance to destination
 Track
 Sunrise, and sunset time
 Etc.

2.3 GPS Applications and Advantages

1. Vechile navigation system
 Monitor traffic conditions both on land, air, and at sea so as to reduce the risk of
 Used to find out the route of travel, shipping and flights
 More varied and more efficient route determination
 Describing the distance and travel time to get to a place
 Identify the traffic jam on some place
 Live record position
 Guide the plane on takeoff, approach and landing
 Improving the safety of aircraft at airports and ships in ports

2. Emergency signal
GPS can be used to send an emergency signal in an urgent situation such as a
minor accident on the road or getting lost in the forest by detecting the travel history,
location and last position.

3. Predicting a disaster
GPS can read the earth's atmospheric conditions, wind direction and wind speed.
Detects ground movement or shifts in the earth's crust and observes tides off the coast.
When a disaster is about to happen, an early warning effort can be made for more alert
to deal with such a disaster.

4. Monitoring building deformation and mining
 Looking for soil conditions and determining the level of strength of a building
 Explore the potential yield of natural resources
 Monitoring soil movement and subsidence in mining areas
 Monitoring the position of offshore oil drilling rigs
 Monitoring the descent and slope of a building

5. Help monitor animal and plant populations

With the role of GPS to search for the presence of animals and plants or by
catching methods then a tracking device is installed on the animal's body and then
accept their data to monitor the population.

3.1 Conclusion
GPS (Global Positioning System) is a system designed to indicate a location that can be
used anytime and anywhere without depending on the time and weather conditions. GPS uses
24 satellites that are continuously orbiting the earth and requires at least 4 satellites to track
location. GPS uses 3 important components there is satellite, ground station, and receiver. To
determine the location of an object in GPS, using a trilateration system that requires at least 2
to 3 satellites. An atomic clock synced to the GPS is needed to calculate the ranges of these
three signals. However, by taking measurements from the fourth satellite, the receiver avoids
the need for an atomic clock. Then, the receiver uses four satellites to calculate latitude,
longitude, altitude, and time. For its application, GPS can be used as a vehicle navigation
system, send emergency signals, can predict disasters, monitor building and mining
deformation, also can help monitor animal and plant populations.

3.2 Recommendation
Similarly, we can benefit from the material that is the subject of this paper, of course,
there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, due to lack of knowledge and lack of
references related to the title of this paper. We sincerely hope, dear readers, to provide
constructive criticism and suggestions for a perfect paper to the author in writing a paper on
the next opportunity. Hopefully this article is useful for readers.

Ibbotson, M. (n.d.). Cambridge English for Engineering.

Lesics (Director). (2019). GPS, How does it work? | ICT #12 [Motion Picture].

LLC, Trakkit. (2022, May 1). Retrieved from

Unknown. (n.d.). Pengenalan GPS. Retrieved from

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