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1- Used to and be used to.

2- Relative clauses.
3- Future.
4- Conditional.
5- Present perfect.
6- Phrasal verbs.
7- Reported speech.
8- Direct and indirect questions.
9- Do and make.
10- Passive voice.x
11- Pronunciation. (Consonants and vowels)
12- Rol playing (Dialogues)


SUBJECT : Used to /Be used to

A) Complete the sentences using USED TO or BE USED TO:

1. I ……………………………… (live) in Finland, but now I live in

2. He ……………………………….. (sit) in the back of the classroom,
but now he prefers to sit in the front row.
3. When I was a child, I ………………………………… (play) games
with my friends in a big field near my house after school every
4. It’s hard for my children to stay inside on a cold, rainy day. They
……………………….. (play) outside in the big field near our
house. They play there almost every day.
5. People ………………………………………… (believe) that the
world was flat.
6. Trains ………………………………….. (be) the main means of
cross-continental travel. Today, most people take airplanes for
long-distance travel.

B) Rewrite the sentences using USED TO:

1. When she was a child, she lived in a small village.

……….When she was a child, she used to live in a small village.
2. When he was a young man, he enjoyed playing basketball.
……When he was a young man, he used to enjoy to playing

3. In ancient Rome, wall paintings were a popular form of

……In ancient Rome, wall paintings used to be a form of
4. Before she learned to read, her parents read stories to her.
…Before she learned to read, her parents used to read
stories to her…
5. Before he came to Ankara, life was cheap in Turkey.
…Before he came to Ankara, life used to be cheap in
6. Jim spoke German at school, but he has now forgotten.
…Jim used to speak German at school, but he has forgotten
7. Susan was a nurse before she got married and raised a family.
…Susan used to be a nurse before she got married and
raised a family…
8. Sally played tennis when she was abroad, but she prefers
swimming now.
…Sally used to play tennis when she was abroad, but she
prefers swimming now…
9. Before they bought their house, they lived in an apartment.
…Before they bought their house, they used to live in a

10.While she was going to university, she worked in a doctor’s office.

…While she was going to university, she used to work in a
doctor’s office…
11. Before he married his second wife, he was quite happy.
…Before he married his second wife, he used to be quite

C) Complete the text about Ziggy Starr when she was a child using
USE TO and the verbs in brackets:

I didn’t use to have (not have) many friends when I was a child so I
…used to play... (play) with my toys all day. I …used to worry... (worry)
about things a lot but
I …didn’t use to bite… (not bite) my nails I remember that I …used to
cry.. (cry) a lot and I …used to be…. (be) really afraid of the dark.
D) Complete the text using USED TO and the verbs in the box:

do give have learn read wear

School has changed since I was a student. We used to wear

school uniform and I didn’t like that very much. We
…………………………………. a lot of lessons and most of them were
difficult. We ………………………………….. homework every day. We
lots of books and we ……………………………………. everything by
heart. And our teachers …………………………………… us a lot of
tests and examinations. Some of them were impossible! I think school
is easier now than it was 50 years ago.

SUBJECT : Relative Clauses

A) Put in WHO / WHICH :

1. I met a woman ……who….. can speak six languages.

2. What’s the name of the man ……who……………….. lives next door?
3. What’s the name of the river ………which………………. goes through
the town?
4. Everybody ……who………………… went to the party enjoyed it very
5. Do you know anybody ……who…………….. want to buy a car?
6. Where is the picture ………which………………. was on the wall?
7. She always asks me questions ………which……………. are difficult to
8. I have a friend ……who………………. is very good at repairing cars.
9. A coffee-maker is a machine ………which…………… makes coffee.
10.Why does he always wear clothes ……which……………….. are too
small for him?

B) Make one sentence from two. Use WHO / THAT / WHICH :

1. A girl is now in hospital. She was injured in the accident.

A girl who was injured in the accident is now in
2. A man told me you were away. He answered the phone.
A man who answered the phone told me you were away
3. A waitress was very impolite and impatient. She served us.
A waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient .
4. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.
A building which has now been rebuilt was destroyed in the fire.
5. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour.
A bus which runs every half hour goes to the airport.
6. I saw the man. He closed the door.
I saw the man that closed the door.
7. The girl is happy. She won the race.
The girl who won the race is happy.
8. The student is from China. He sits next to me.
The student who sits next to me is from China.
9. We are studying sentences. They contain adjective clauses.
We are studying sentences which contain adjective clauses.
10.The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport.
The taxi driver who took me to the airport was friendly.
11. The woman was polite. She answered the phone.
The woman who answered the phone was polite.
12.The man has a good voice. He sang at the concert.
The man who sang at the concert has a good voice.
13.We enjoyed the actors. They played the leading roles.
We enjoyed the actors that played the leading roles.
14.The girl is hurt. She fell down the stairs.
The girl who fell down the stairs is hurt.
15.The student is in my class. He is walking with Ann.
The student who is walking with Ann is in my class.
16.The police caught the thief. He stole the money.
The police caught the thief who stole the money.
17.Is the river very large? It flows through that town.
Is the river which flows through that town very large?.
18.There is a new house in our neighborhood. It has a swimming pool.
There is a new house in our neighborhood that has a swimming pool
19.The man is at the bus stop. He fixed our refrigerator.

The man who fixed our refrigerator is at the bus stop…
20.Who are those students? They are talking to Mrs. Hinton.
Who are those students that are talking to Mrs. Hinton?
21.This is the package. It came in the mail today.
This is the package that came in the mail today
22.I like the songs. They tell about life in the country.
I like the songs that tell about life in the country.

C) Construct sentences with the cue words. Use WHICH or WHO.

1. vase / costs $500. Don’t touch it! …… That’s the vase which costs
$500. ………
2. girl / is always late. Don’t wait for her! …… That’s the girl who is
always late. …..
3. letter / came for my father. Don’t open it!
4. man / gave me the wrong directions. Don’t listen to him!
……………………………………….. .
5. dress / got dirty. Don’t wear it!
6. bus / goes to New York. Don’t get on it!
7. woman / told everyone my secret. Don’t tell her!
……………………………………… .

D) Join the sentences using WHO, WHEN, WHERE, WHICH or WHOSE:

1. She’s the girl. She works in the library.

She’s the girl who works in the library.

2. Corfu is an island. It has many beautiful beaches.
Corfu is an island which has many beautiful beaches.
3. Here’s the alarm clock. I bought it yesterday.
Here’s the alarm clock which bought it yesterday.
4. I’ve spoken to John. His house was burgled last Monday.
I’ve spoken to John whose house was burgled last Monday.
5. That’s the lady. Her jewellery was stolen.
That’s the lady whose jewellery was stolen.
6. That is the radio. I won it in the competition.
That is the radio which I won in the competition.
7. John is the man. His house was destroyed by the fire.
John is the man whose house was destroyed by the fire.
8. There is the hospital. I was born there.
There is the hospital where I was born there.
9. That was the summer. I met my wife then.
That was the summer when I met my wife then.
10.That is Fiona Webb. She is a famous dancer.
That is Fiona Webb who is a famous dancer
11.France is the country. The best wine is produced there.
France is the country where the best wine is produced there
12.1945 was the year. The Second World War ended then.
1945 was the year when the Second World War ended then
13.That’s the hotel. I stayed there last summer.
That’s the hotel where I stayed there last summer …

14.August is the month. Most people go on holiday then.

August is the month when Most people go on holiday then …

E) Complete the conversation using WHO, WHICH, WHOSE or WHERE:

Simon: Hi Nigel! Where did you go on holiday?
Nigel : I went to Greece …where ….. I had a nice time.
Simon: Did you see anything exciting?
Nigel : Yes. I went to the Acropolis, ……which……………. is very
famous. I also went to the place ……where……………the first Olympic
Games were held.
Simon : Did you meet anyone interesting there?
Nigel : Yes. I met a girl …who…………….. was from England. She knew
a Greek family…who….. lived in Athens and she took me to meet them. They
were a very rich and kind family ……whose…………. friendliness made me
feel very welcome.
Simon : It sounds like you enjoyed yourself!
Nigel : Yes, it’s a place ……where…………. I would like to go back.

F) Match the phrases using relatives

a blender a path at the side of the you relax in

a party something you mix things
an armchair a machine people walk along
a pavement a piece of furniture people enjoy going to
a fork an occasion you eat with

1. A Fork is something which you eat with.

2. A pavement is a path at the side of the road where people walk along
3. A blender is a machine which you mix things
4. A party is an occasion when people enjoy going to.
5. A armchair is a piece of furniture where you relax in.

G) Complete with WHO or WHICH:

“ Bob Geldof is a singer and songwriter WHO was born in Ireland in 1954.

1. He is the famous pop musician …………………. organized charity pop
concerts in the 1980s.
2. “I don’t like Mondays.” is the name of one of his songs ………………..
became a big hit.
3. “Feed the World” is the song …………………… raised $8 million for
famine relief in Ei
4. “Bond Aid” was the name of the group …………………. sang the
number one hit.
5. Geldof traveled all over the world. He found a lot of famous people
…………………. were willing to give money for his projects.
6. Before Bob became a pop star, he had many different jobs
………………….. he didn’t like.
7. Being a music journalist in Canada was a job ……………………. he
8. “The Boomtown Rats” is the name of the group ………………………
he formed in Dublin.
9. Geldof wrote a best-selling book about his life …………………… is
called IS THAT IT?
10.People ………………… know Geldof say that he is a very kind person.


I Complete the text with the most appropriate form of the verbs, using
will, be going to or the present simple.
(be give have make not start not stop)

I was standing at the bus stop reading my horoscope in the

newspaper. It said “You ________________ good moments and
bad moments today.” I looked up and saw the bus coming. Then I
realized it _____________ because it was already full. “Oh, no”, I
thought. “If I ______________ walking fast, I _______________ late
for my first class!” I had just started walking when a car pulled up
beside me and one of my classmates leaned out. “Hey, Jean, get in,
we ______________ you a lift.” It’s amazing how the bad moments
_________________ the good moments feel so much better.

II Complete the conversation. Use will, be going to or a present tense.

Choose the best form.

Peter: Hello. Where are you going?

Polly:To my evening class. I’m learning Swedish. And next week I
______________ (have) a
chance to speak it for real. I ________________ (go) to Sweden
for three weeks. I
_______________ (visit) some friends there.
Peter: That _________________ (be) nice.
Polly:Well, I’d rather hurry. My lesson ________________ (start) at half
past seven, and it’s
twenty-five past now.
Peter: OK. Come and see me when you __________________
(get) back from Sweden.
Polly:Thanks. I ________________ (send) you a postcard.

Conditional If clause
Usage Main clause verb tense
sentence type verb tense
Zero General truths Simple present
A possible condition Simple
Type 1 Simple future
and its probable result present
A hypothetical Present conditional or
Type 2 condition and its Present continuous
probable result conditional

If you heat
it melts.
the grass gets
If it rains


If you don't you will miss the
hurry train.
If it rains
you will get wet.


If you went to bed you would not be so
earlier tired.
If it rained you would get wet.

I. Use the Zero Conditional (If + Simple Present - Simple Present) to fill in the

a) If we _____________ (to heat) water to 100º C, it

______________________.(to boil)
b) If I _______________(not - to water) the plants, they
____________________. (to die)
c) If Karla ______________(to play), the team
____________________________. (to win)
d) Chilindrina ______________________ (to cry) if she
___________________ (to see) a cat.

II. Use the First Conditional (If + Simple Present - Future) to fill in the blanks.

a) If my mother _____________________________(to give) me money, I

_______________ a new jacket.(to buy)
b) Grace ___________________________(to be) very happy if her team
____________ the championship. (to win)
c) If I ________________________________(to eat) a lot of chocolate, I
______________ a lot of acne. (to have)
d) Amanda and Victor _______________(not - to buy) the car if Victor
__________________the promotion.(not - to get)

III. Use the Second Conditional (If + Simple Past - Would) to fill in the

a) I _________________________________ (to travel) to the beach if I

_____________the money. (to have)
b) If Amanda ______________(to be) here, she _________________ the kids
eat so much candy. (not - to let)
c) My mother _____________(to make) a cake for you if you
___________________________ her. (to ask)
d) If I _______________________________(can) travel now, I
____________________ to Europe. (to go)

IV. Answer the questions and then share your answers with the class.

a) What would you do if you had one million dollars?

b) What will you do tomorrow if you don´t have classes at school?

V Fill each space with the correct form of the verbs to make either first
or second conditionals.

1. If I get home late tonight, I (not eat).

won't eat

2. If Jan ran 100 metres in 10 seconds, he (be) an athlete.

would be

3. If Simon catches a fish today, we (eat) it.

will eat

4. She (buy) a Porsche if she won the lottery.

would buy

5. If it (rain) in the Sahara desert, everyone would be very surprised.


6. If it rains tonight, we (can/go) to the cinema.

can go

7. If you were there you ( understand) everything.

would understand

8. If we play football on Saturday, I (be) tired on Sunday.

will be

9. You (become) fat if you eat too much.

will become

10. If I (be) you, I wouldn't accept that job. It sounds terrible!!


The Present Perfect Tense is formed using the following structure:

Affirmative:Subject + Have / Has + Past Participle
Negative:Subject + Haven't / Hasn't + Past Participle
Question:Have / Has + Subject + Past Participle

Affirmative Sentences

Ha Past Rest of the

ve Participle Sentence

I studied for the exam.
You bought a new computer.
He eaten my chocolate.
She written an e-mail.
It been cold this month.
ha the
We won
ve championship.
You tried to learn a lot.
They forgotten my birthday.

The contracted form of the perfect tense is quite common:
Have Examples
I have I've I've spent all my money.
You You've worn that dress
have before.
He has He's He's slept all morning.

She has She's She's lost her purse.
It has It's It's fallen off the wall.
We've chosen you for the
We have We've
You You've begun to annoy
have me.
They've They've drunk too much.
We use contractions a lot when we are speaking.

Negative Sentences
The contraction of the perfect tense in negative form is: 
Have not = Haven't
Has not = Hasn't
Subjec Rest of the
Have Participl
t Sentence
I haven't studied for the exam.
You haven't bought a new computer.
He hasn't eaten my chocolate.
She hasn't written an e-mail.
It hasn't been cold this month.
We haven't won
You haven't tried to learn a lot.
They haven't forgotten my birthday.

Have Subject Rest of the Sentence

Have I been chosen for the team?
Have you bought a new car?
Has he eaten my sandwich?
Has she written the letter?
Has it started on time?
Have we won a trophy?
Have you kept my secret?
Have they driven there?

I Read carefully the dialogue and answer the questions

Kate: Have you ever been to New York?

Sophie: New York? No I’ve never gone there. Have you?
Kate: Yes. In fact I’ve just come back from there.
I’m doing some consultancy work there and I’ve spent at least six weeks there
in the last year.
Sophie: That sounds fabulous. Have you gone up to the top of the Empire
State Building?
Kate: No, I haven’t yet. I haven’t driven the ferry to Ellis Island either. I’ve
just had to work so hard. Though I have taken dinner
at Sardi’s and seen a Broadway show.

1. Has Sophie been to New York?

2. Has kate driven the ferry?
3. Has Kate taken dinner at sardi’s?
4. Has Sophie seen a broadway show?
5. Has Sophie asked about the empire state building?


II Ask and anwer these questions

1-Have you ever drastically changed your hair style or clothing

style in a short time?
2-Have you ever ridden an animal?

3-Where have you traveled?

4-What sports have you played?

5-Where is the best place you have ever been?

6-What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?

7-What interesting foods have you eaten?

III Ask questions with using have you ever.

Have you ever:

driven or rode in a sports car?

eaten anything really strange?

fallen down stairs?

IV Create your own questions ( 5 questions)






Phrasal verbs
A phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a main verb together
with an adverb or a preposition, or both. Typically, their meaning is not
obvious from the meanings of the individual words themselve

Bring up: look after a child until it is an adult ,Mention a topic.

She brought up five children.

They always bring up the same old issue.

call off: cancel.

They called off this afternoon's meeting.

find out: Discover

My sister found out that her husband had been planning a surprise
party for her.

Phrasal Verbs Dialogue : Underline phrasal verbs and Practice with

your classmates.

A: Hey Jack! Hi!

B: Oh hi! How are you doing?

A: Not too bad. You? Where are you headed so late?

B: Err, just to the convenience store on the corner - we’ve run out of

A: I see. How’s your wife? Did she get over that flu?

B: Oh yeah, yeah. Thanks. She’s fine now. Actually, we had to put off
our trip to Whistler because of it. But we are going next week.

A: Oh, you are? Skiing is great. It’s important to stay active in winter.
Me too, I’m trying to get healthier – trying to quit smoking.

B: Really? Good for you. How’s your new job, by the way?

A: Job’s good. I get along well with everyone there – my co-workers,

management. And the pay is pretty good too. I’m saving up for a new
car now.

B: Nice. Oh, do you have any idea how much a dog hotel might cost
per day?
A: A dog hotel? Not sure. Around 40 bucks? Why?

B: Well, we’re looking where to leave Rex while we are in Whistler. So,
I need to find out if there’s any good, reasonably priced place… We
don’t want to take him with us this time.

A: Oh. We could look after him, I guess. I’ll have to check with my wife,
though - see if she is okay with it. B: Oh really? I mean, we’d be so
grateful if you could.

Reported speech

Tense Quote Reported Speech
"I play tennis on
present simple He said he played tennis on Fridays.
present "They're watching
She said they were watching TV.
continuous TV."

past "I visited my parents in She told me she had visited her parents
simple Temuco in Temuco.

future with "I'll see them He said he would see them the next
'will' tomorrow." day.
future with "We're going to fly to La He told me they were going to fly
'going to' serena ." to La serena.

I Change the direct speech into reported speech. Use 'she said' at the beginning
of each answer.

1)"He works in a bank.

2)"Julie doesn't like going out much."

3)"I don't have a computer."

4)"They never arrive on time."

5)"We often meet friends in London at the weekend."

6) "I don't go to the gym very often.

7) "Lucy owns three flats in the city."


Verb Tense Direct Question Indirect Question

Present simple
Is he Spanish? Can you tell me if he is Spanish?
with 'be'

Present Is the restaurant Can you tell me if the restaurant

continuous closing now? is closing now?

Past simple with Was he late for the Can you tell me if he was late
'be' meeting? for the meeting?

Were you watching Can you tell me if you were

Past continuous
TV at 3pm? watching TV at 3pm?

Has Lucy been to Can you tell me if Lucy has been

Present perfect
Mexico? to Mexico?

Future simple Will she start her new Can you tell me if she will start
with 'will' job next week? her new job next week?

Future simple Is it going to rain Can you tell me if it is going to

with 'going to' later? rain later?

Indirect Questions Exercise 1 (Present Simple Tense)

Change the direct questions into indirect questions. Use
'can you tell me'

1) Where does she play tennis?

2) Does he live in New york?

3) Is she hungry?
4) When is the party?

5) Did she go out last night?

6) How was the film?

7) What was the problem?

The use of do and make

30 mph (miles per Many people do more than 30 mph through this town. It's very
hour) dangerous.

badly She did very badly on the exam, so she'll have to retake it.

your best Don't worry about getting everything correct. Just do your best.

business It's been a pleasure doing business with you.

chores I have to go home and do some chores this afternoon.

a course John has decided to do a course in computing this autumn.

a crossword She sat on the sofa, doing a crossword and drinking tea.

damage The storm has done a lot of damage to the house.

the dishes / the I really hate doing the dishes. I'm hoping to buy a dishwasher
washing up this year.

a drawing The little boy spent hours doing a drawing.

your duty He has to do his duty and look after his elderly parents.

an exam I have to do three exams and write a huge essay this term.

exercise Julie likes doing exercise, especially running.

an exercise The teacher asked us to do a lot of grammar exercises over the


someone a favour My friend did me a huge favour and lent me some money.

the gardening David often spends Sunday afternoons doing gardening.

good She helps homeless people and tries to do good.

you good You should eat your vegetables. They'll do you good!

your hair Allie spends ages doing her hair in the morning.

harm I spilt coffee on my suit and tried to clean it, but I did more harm
than good. It looks even worse now!

homework Have you finished doing your homework?

housework Let's do the housework quickly this morning, then we can go out
for lunch.

the ironing My mother listens to the radio while she does the ironing.

a job I think the students did a great job with this essay. It's excellent.

the laundry / the He did the laundry, cleaned the house, and made dinner.

your nails Jenny likes to do her nails each week.

a painting There was an old man sitting on the bank of the river, doing a

paperwork Does everybody hate doing paperwork?

research I'm doing some research for my thesis at the moment.

the shopping I'll do the shopping tomorrow morning. We need milk, bread,
pasta and bananas.

time (= be in prison) He broke into a bank, was caught by the police, and now he's
doing time.

well My sister is doing well in her new job.

work Unfortunately, Lucy does a lot of work at the weekends.

your worst I've bought all new winter clothes:– boots, a coat and a very
warm hat. Weather, do your worst!

amends I'm so sorry that I upset you. How can I make amends?

an appointment She had toothache, so she made an appointment with the

dentist for the following day.

arrangements Okay, so we're going to go on holiday in September. Let's make

some arrangements. I'll find a hotel, and you can look at flights.

an attempt I know we might not catch the plane, but let's at least make an
attempt to be on time.

believe The children's favourite game is to make believe that they are
kings and queens from long ago.

certain I think the café opens at six, but let's make certain. I don't want
to be standing in the street waiting!

a change I've made some changes to the document.

a choice Which job are you going to take? You need to make a choice.

a comment My mother made a comment about my shoes.

a complaint The food took so long to arrive that Julie made a complaint to
the manager.

a confession I'd like to make a confession. I was the one who ate the last of
the chocolate.

a date I'd love to see you soon. How about if we make a date for next

a decision I've made my decision. I'm going to go back to university.

a difference Going to the gym has really made a difference to how I feel.

a discovery When John was last in London he made a discovery - a

beautiful little café in a quiet street.

an effort You're not trying hard enough! Make an effort!

an error He made several errors on the report, and the boss told him to
rewrite it.

your escape The bank robbers took £10,000 from the safe and then made
their escape.

an exception Usually the children aren't allowed to watch TV but I made an

exception today since the weather was so horrible.

an excuse Why was Lisa late? Did she make an excuse?

a face The child took a bite of the broccoli and made a face.

a fire We put up our tent, made a fire, and had a hot drink.

a fool of yourself You shouldn't sing in front of everyone! You'll make a fool of

a fortune Lucy made a fortune when she sold her company. Now she
doesn't have to work.

friends She loved university and made lots of friends.

fun of The children love to make fun of the teacher,– but only when
she's not looking.

a fuss It's okay! I'm fine, it's just a cough. Don't make a fuss!

an impression Jenny certainly made an impression last night! All my friends

are asking about her.

a joke The interview was very tense at the beginning, but then John
made a joke, and after that it was much more relaxed.

a journey Because of the snow, try not to make any journeys which are
not absolutely essential.

a list First, I must make a list of all the things I need to do.

a loss Their business made a loss the first year, but did much better
after that.

love The hero and the heroine made love in the film.

a mess What a mess you've made! Can't you tidy up a bit?

a mistake She made so many mistakes in her essay that the teacher
couldn't understand it.

money John made a lot of money in his twenties and was able to retire
at the age of 35.

a move Look how late it is! Let's make a move.

a noise Please try not to make a noise when you come home, because
I'll be asleep.

an observation Could I make an observation? I don't think some of our

customers like the new adverts.

an offer She made an offer on a house. She's nervous because she'll find
out today if it has been accepted, and she really wants to buy
that house.

a payment Hello? I'd like to make a credit card payment, please.

a phone call I'm going to go outside and make a phone call. It's too noisy in

plans David is making plans to move to Paris.

a point The professor used lots of examples to make his point.

a prediction The journalist made a prediction about the economy, but in the
end it wasn't correct.

a profit His business made a profit from the beginning.

progress Finally, after being stuck in a traffic jam for an hour, we're
making some progress! We'll arrive by 8pm.

a promise I must study hard today. I made a promise to my mum that I

wouldn't fail any more exams.

a remark John was upset because the boss made a negative remark about
his work.

a reservation Could you call the restaurant and make a reservation for

a scene Susie made a scene in the café when her order was wrong. She
shouted at all the staff and demanded to speak to the manager.

a sound Don't make a sound! We need to be completely quiet.

a speech The bride's father often makes a speech at her wedding.

a suggestion Could I make a suggestion? How about going out for dinner?

sure I don't think I left the gate open, but I'm just going to go and
make sure.

the bed Could you please make the bed before you leave the house?
Otherwise it looks so messy with the duvet and the pillows

time (=find time to do Everybody's busy, but you need to make time to study.
something) Otherwise you won't be able to get a better job.

trouble That employee is trying to make trouble. He is always telling

the boss bad things about his colleagues.

a visit I'll call you this afternoon.– I need to make a visit to my granny
this morning.

your mind up Do you want chocolate or strawberry ice cream? Make your
mind up quickly!

your way After the film, John made his way to a café, where he had two
cups of coffee and some cake.

Put in the correct form of 'make' or 'do'

1) If you'll.....................
the dishes, I'll sweep the floor.

2) Thanks for...................................
such lovely comments about my paintings! I'm really glad you like them.

3) Could you call the manager please? I'd like to..........................

a complaint.

4) I feel terrible! I really must...............................

some more exercise! Will you come for a run with me tomorrow?.

5) He's volunteering at a homeless shelter because he wants


6) She needs to.................................

a choice. Either move to Madrid or stay in London. She can't keep
changing every week!.

7) Let's.......................................
a date to meet and talk about your business idea. How about next Friday?.

8) John...............................................
a decision to take the bus, but it was so delayed that he wished he'd taken
the train.

9) The child...................................
a face behind the teacher's back.

The passive voice in English is composed of two elements:
the appropriate form of the verb 'to be' + past participle


A) Passive: Napa Valley is known for its excellent wines.

Active: [Many people] know Napa Valley for its excellent wines.

B) Passive: The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. (agent

=Leonardo Da Vinci )
Active: Leonaro Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.

Practice this dialogue


B: Did you have your broken windows repaired? B: Have you had your
carpets cleaned yet? B: I heard your car was towed away last week. B: Hmmm
I’m sorry! Anyway it was your fault I guess! B: Yes, they’ve already been
wrapped. B: Yes, it’s already been bought. B: Yes, it’s already been decorated,
and all the invitations have been sent.
A: I had my house painted last week. A: Yes, and I got my sink installed
finally. A: No, I got them all replaced. The stains wouldn’t come out. A:
Yes, and it’s really a shame. I was charged an arm and a leg to get it back.
A: Yes, It was. By the way, have Bob’s birthday presents been wrapped
yet? A: Has the birthday cake been bought yet? A: Has it been decorated


p pen /pen/
b bad /bæd/
t tea /tiː/
d did /dɪd/
k cat /kæt/
ɡ get /ɡet/
tʃ chain /tʃeɪn/
dʒ jam /dʒæm/
f fall /fɔːl/
v van /væn/
θ thin /θɪn/
ð this /ðɪs/
s see /siː/
z zoo /zuː/
ʃ shoe /ʃuː/
ʒ vision /ˈvɪʒn/
h hat /hæt/
m man /mæn/
n now /naʊ/
ŋ sing /sɪŋ/
l leg /leɡ/
r red /red/
j yes /jes/
w wet /wet/

Vowels and diphthongs

iː see /siː/
i happy /ˈhæpi/
ɪ sit /sɪt/
e ten /ten/
æ cat /kæt/
ɑː father /ˈfɑːðə(r)/
ɒ got /ɡɒt/ (British English)
ɔː saw /sɔː/
ʊ put /pʊt/
u actual /ˈæktʃuəl/
uː too /tuː/
ʌ cup /kʌp/
ɜː fur /fɜː(r)/
ə about /əˈbaʊt/
eɪ say /seɪ/
əʊ go /ɡəʊ/ (British English)
oʊ go /ɡoʊ/ (American English)
aɪ my /maɪ/
ɔɪ boy /bɔɪ/

aʊ now /naʊ/
ɪə near /nɪə(r)/ (British English)
eə hair /heə(r)/ (British English)
ʊə pure /pjʊə(r)/ (British English

Look at the phonemes and decide which word it is










9 . 











I Dialogue: Ordering Food in a Restaurant

Practice the following dialogue :

Waiter: Hello, Can I help you?.

Kim: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch.
Waiter: Would you like a starter?
Kim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please.
Waiter: And what would you like for your main course?
Kim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
Kim: Yes, I'd like a glass of Coke, please.
Waiter: Would Pepsi be OK? We don't have Coke.
Kim: That would be fine.
Waiter: (After Kim has her lunch.) Can I bring you anything else?
Kim: No thank you. Just the bill.
Waiter: Certainly.
Kim: I don't have my glasses. How much is the lunch?
Waiter: That's $6.75.
Kim: Here you are. Thank you very much.
Waiter: You're welcome. Have a good day.
Kim: Thank you. Same to you.

II Sample Menu

Use this menu to practice ordering food in a restaurant.

Chicken $2.5
Soup 0

Sandwiches - Main
Ham and cheese

Grilled Cheese

Slice of $2.5
Pizza 0
Cheesebur $4.5
ger 0
Hamburge $5.0
r 0

Soft Drinks - Coke, Sprite, Root $1.7
Beer, Ice Tea 5

1 Looking for a Perfect Gift. ( Practice this dialogue)

A:I need help finding a gift for my daughter.

B:Would she like a laptop?

A:That sounds like a good idea.

B:A Mac is a very popular brand.

A:She mentioned a Mac. How much is it?

B:A 15-inch Pro model is $2,100 plus tax.

A:That sounds like a great price. I'll take one.

B:This is a gift she'll cherish for years. How do you want to pay?

A:I'll use my VISA.

B:We're almost through. Just sign here, please.

A:Just take it home and plug it in?

B:She'll be online 20 minutes after she opens the box.

A:She's going to be so pleased with this.

B:Remember us for all your computer needs.

Make a deposit

A: What can I do for you today?

B: I would like to deposit some money.

A: Are you depositing cash or a check?

B: I want to deposit cash.

A: How much are you depositing?

B: I would like to deposit $300.

A: What account do you want your money in?

B: I want to deposit it into my checking account.

A: Do you need anything else?

B: No. That's all. Thank you.

Using the ATM

A: I need to go to the ATM.

B: So, why don't you?

A: I have no idea how to use the ATM.

B: What do you mean?

A: This will be my first time using an ATM.

B:I can help you with that.

A: Explain to me how to use it.

B:Just put your card into the machine.

A: Now what do I do?

B:Then you need to type in your PIN.

A: Now what?

B: Just click on one of the choices they give you, and that's it.


A:I need to find the cereal aisle.

B:The cereal is over by the breakfast foods.

A:Where is that at?

B:It's by the oatmeal and breakfast bars.

A:I think I can find that.

B:Did you need help finding anything else?

A:Actually, I do need to find the dishwashing detergent.

B:That would be over by the paper towels and toilet paper.

A:I thought it was over there.

B:Yeah, you'll find it there.

A:I really appreciate all your help.

Conversation on asking for directions

William: Excuse me, am sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me how I
can get to the train station?
Kate: Yes no problem, it's that way. Keeping walking straight ahead then
after you pass the library you have to turn left. then take your first right and
it's across from the bus station. You cannot miss it!
William:Thank you so much! I have only been in Manchester for 2 days, so I
don't know how to get anywhere yet.
Kate: Oh, I know that feeling. Me and my husband moved here a 6 months
ago, and I still don't know how to find certain places! Manchester is so big.
William: So just to double check Keep walking straight ahead till I pass the
library, then I have to turn left and take the first right. Then it's across the bus
station. Is that correct?
Kate: Yes, that is correct.
William: Well thanks for helping me. I must go and catch my train, hopefully
I haven't miss it!
Kate: OK, bye.

Questions you can ask about directions
Can you please tell me how do I can get to Oxford Street?
Where is the nearest supermarket?
How can I get to the local market?
I'm trying get to Downing Street.
How do I get to the office?
What's the best way to get to your house next?
Where is Mc Donalds can you tell me please?
How to give directions to somebody else

Go straight on till you see the hospital then turn left.

Turn back, you have gone past the turning.
Turn left when you see a roundabout.
Turn right at the end of the road and my house is number 67.
Cross the junction and keep going for about 1 mile.
Take the third road on the right and you will see the office on the right.
Take the third road on the right and you will see the shop on the left.
Take the second road on the left and you will see the house on the left.
Take the second road on the left and you will see the hospital straight ahead.
The hospital is opposite the railway station.
The shop is near the hospital.
The house is next to the local cricket ground.
The shop is in between the chemist and KFC.
At the end of the road you will see a roundabout.

Conversation between three friends going to a concert
Alex: Hey Jane, John, there is a musical concert in the park. You want to go
see the band play?
Jane: I am done with my homework; I can go.
John: Me too. Let’s go.
Jane: Hey, look at that sport car. Isn’t it neat?
Alex: That is exactly the kind of car that I want once I get a good job. I bet it
is very fast. I want mine to be red though.
Jane: Keep on dreaming, Alex. That car costs a fortune.
Alex: It does not hurt to set high expectations. Maybe one day I will make a
lot of money, and I might surprise you.
John: Talking about cars, why is the traffic so heavy today?
Alex: People are probably heading toward the park for the concert. The band
does play pretty good music.
Jane: Yes, it does. For the last three years, I have never missed the concert. I
have always arranged my schedule so that I could attend the event once the
band was in town.

John: How long ago did the band start playing at our park?
Jane: I think it started this tradition five years ago before you moved into our
neighbourhood. Every year it always arrives the first week of June to play for
the whole week.
Alex: You will enjoy this evening, John. There will be good Country music, a
lot of stomping around, and definitely a lot of hollering.
John: It sounds like fun.
Jane: My favourite is Rock and Roll music; however, I have to say that
country melodies can be quite enticing. I can listen to them all day long.
Alex:John, what kind of music do you like?
John: Oh, I like all kinds of music as long as it is not Hard Rock.
Jane:Wow, look at the number of people who have already shown up for the
concert. Good thing that we are here already.
Alex:Jane, where do you want to sit? In the shade or in the sun?
Jane:In the shade, please. I have been in the sun too much lately.
John:There is a food stand over there. Do you two want anything?
Jane: Nothing for me, thanks. I already have my bottle of water.
Alex:I want a bag of chips and a soda. Are you sure you do not want any
chips, Jane?
Jane:I am quite sure. Besides, my mother is cooking a good steak dinner, and
I want to save my appetite.
Alex:Jane, you are so lucky to have such a good cook for a mother. John, you
have to taste her cream cakes one of these days. You cannot find better cream
cakes anywhere in this town.
Jane:I know we will have cream cake for dessert this evening. I will save you
a piece if you want, John.
John:I always love cake, so please save me a piece. Thanks, Jane.
Jane: How about you, Alex? A piece of cake for you too?
Alex: You know I will say yes to a piece of your mother’s cream cake any day.
Jane: OK, I will save two pieces of cream cake for both of you tonight. We
can meet at the cafeteria at lunch time tomorrow and I will give them to you.

John:Alex, you better get your chips and soda now if you still want them. It is
almost 3:00PM, and the concert is about to start.
Alex: For the last time, do you guys want anything?
Jane:I am sure I do not want anything, Alex. I am doing fine.
John:Me neither, Alex.
Alex: OK, save me a seat. I will be right back.

Expressions used in the conversation

Isn’t it neat?
Keep on dreaming
Cost a fortune
Set high expectations
Heavy traffic
Arrange my schedule
Start the tradition
It sounds like fun
Sit in the shade
Food stand
Nothing for me
Save my appetite for the steak
For the last time
I am doing fine
Save me a seat

Telephone conversation about between a lady and her local sports

Nancy: Thank you for calling Sports Centre. May I help you?
Lisa: I bought an exercise bike from your store last year, and I am
having problems with it. I need to have it repaired.
Nancy: Let me connect you to the Service department. One moment
Karen: Service department, this is Karen. How can I help you?
Lisa: I bought an exercise bike from Sports Centre last year and it
needs to be repaired.
Karen: What seems to be the problem?
Lisa: I am not very sure, but I think there is a problem with the bike’s
computer console because the LCD screen does not display the
different features.
Karen: Nothing was on when you pushed the Start button?
Lisa: No, nothing.
Karen: What is your bike model?
Lisa: It is a 126 Upright Ford Bike.
Karen: I can send a technician out to take a look at your bike. It will
cost $75.00 for labour. Also, if we have to replace any parts, that will be
Lisa: That is expensive. Isn’t the repair cost covered by warranty?
Karen: When exactly did you purchase your bike?
Lisa: About fifteen months ago.
Karen: I am sorry. The standard warranty only covers a year. Did you
buy extra warranty coverage at the time of purchase?

Lisa: No, I did not. Are there any other options besides paying $75.00
for repair labour?
Karen: No, I am afraid not.
Lisa: I guess I just have to pay for the repair. When can you send a
Karen:I have next Thursday November the twenty third at 2:00PM
available. Otherwise, the next date has to be December the eighth at
Lisa: I take this coming Thursday. Will you send out a reminder?
Karen: Somebody will give you a call the evening before to confirm the
Lisa: Will the technician accept credit card payment?
Karen: Yes, he will. By the way, you can buy the extra warranty
coverage now if you want to.
Lisa:How much does it cost?
Karen: Fifty dollars for one-year warranty, seventy-five dollars for two-
years, and a hundred dollars for three-years.
Lisa: Does it cover both labour and materials?
Karen: It covers everything. Do you want to sign up for it?
Lisa: Oh, I do not know.
Karen: It will be good for you. We will send a technician any times the
bike needs services. It does not matter how many times you call us in a
year. Also, if we cannot fix the problem, we will provide you with a new
exercise bike.
Lisa: OK, I want to sign up for the two-year warranty program.
Karen: I think it is a good investment. Are you going to pay by credit
card now or do you want me to send you a bill?
Lisa: Send me a bill, please.
Karen: One last thing before I let you go, I need your address please.
Lisa: 995 Silver Lake Street in Long Beach.
Karen: OK, it is all set. Is there anything else I can help you with

Lisa: No. Thank you for your help.
Karen:You are welcome. Have a nice day!

Expressions used in the conversation

I feel great
What a relief!
Enjoy life
It is a piece of cake
It looks inviting
It is delicious
Go ahead
So do I
Be crazy about something
In the afternoon
Get home from school
Don't worry!
Let's not overdo it
No more, no less
It is a deal
It has been a long time since
Do you need any help?
Leave the cooking to me
Just kidding

Conversation 1 GIVING OPINIONS

A:So Dave, what do you think makes a good friend?

B:Well for me, a friend is someone who is good fun to be with.

A:Hm…fun to be with? Can you give me an example?

B: I like friends who like to go out and have fun

together – go down town, go to the beach,
see a movie, something like that.

A: So….does that mean a friend has to like the same things you do?

B: No…not really, just that they have a fun personality.

 You know, fun to be with whatever we do.

Conversation 2
A: So, do you have lots of friends?

B: I guess so.

A: What do you think makes a good friend?

B: Hah…good friend….well, a good friend helps you

when you have a problem.

A: Hmm…do you think that’s the most important thing?

B: Yeah, friends help each other. I really think so.

A: Well, what kinds of problems does your best friend help you with?

B: Well, that’s kind of personal.

Conversation 3

A: Some people say friends are always honest with each other.
Do you agree?

B: I completely agree. Friends need to be completely honest.

One little lie and the friendship just disappears.

A: Ah, that’s pretty strong language. Do you really think that?

B: Yeah. Once, one of my good friends lied to me.

He was a really good friend, and I just felt completely betrayed.
It destroyed the friendship.

Language Focus

Asking for opinions Giving Opinions

Do you think that….?                              I agree / I don’t agree.
What do you think about….?                  I think so / I don’t think so.
What’s your opinion on….?                    I believe that / I don’t believe   
Do you believe that…..?                         I’m not sure / Maybe.
Is that right / correct?                              For me, it’s important     
Do you think it’s a good idea that….      In my opinion…

Take notes



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