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Admission Details

---- 3X4IW Freshmen Senior 11/07/2022

Student ID Admission Reference Admission Status High School Curriculum Date of Application

Personal Information
Rhoenjay Albia Gemino Rhoen
First Name Middle Name Last Name Name Ext.
Zone 6b Natumolan Tagoloan Misamis Oriental , BUGO, CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY
Address (Street/Lot/Block, Barangay, Municipality/City, Province) Disablity
2003-09-07 Evangelical Christian Male Single July 09 203 09369671920
Birthday Place of Birth Sex Civil Status Religion Mobile No. Email Add.

Family Background
Dhora Gemino. Beronggoy Household -
Mother's Name Mother's Occupation Mother's Contact No
Dante Mirador. Beronggoy - -
Father's Name Father's Occupation Father's Contact No
3,000 - Below 600 0 - -
Parent's Income No. of Siblings No. of Children Name of Spouse Name of Guardian

Contact Person In-case of Emergency

Micabalo - Zone6b Natumolan Tagoloan
Name Contact No. Relationship

If Working Student
Type of Working Environment

Educational Background
Level Name of School Address Year (Graduated/Last Attended)
Gqh3+c8f, Tagoloan, 9001 Misamis
Elementary Gracia Elementary School

(Junior) High School Tagoloan Natiol Highschool Poblacion * Municipality : Tagoloan 2020
(SHS) High School Villanueva Senior High School Hq59+cpp, Villanueva, Misamis Oriental 2022
(SHS) Track and Strand Tvl (smaw)
(Transferee) Last School - - -

I hereby declare that all the above mentioned information is true and correct.

Signature over Printed Name Date Signed

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