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+ At first, Porfirio Diaz was dictador for decades of Mexico, from 1876 to 191. ‘+ He made efforts in trying to indusrialize and westernize Mexico. + When Porfirio was president, He enforced the construction of ralroads, telegraph lines and mining + In a time, the tension grew between the upper and lower class because a Mexicos “hacienda system. + During elections in 1910, he tried to run against Porfirio Diaz, But Diaz won “+ Madero formed the “Anti-Reelectionist? Party to challenge: Diazé presidency. MEXICAN + Atthe end ofthe yoar1910,he declared revol against Porfirio when re-elections happen. REVOLUTION «+ He was a revolutionary leader. + He fought again! the hacienda system and Madero (EMIDFAMOWZAPAEA{ + Zopcta croated the "lan of Ayala’ to help the peopl and returning thr lands + Onthis day in 1911, Emiliano Zapata liberated the south and created a military band called *Ejéreito Libertador del Sur + Inthe beginning, Villa was a former bandit. + He formed the "Divsién del Norte It was a military band against Huerta. APANCHON TELE tor Pancho Vila joins forces with Emiliano Zapata + At the end, became an important figure or the Mexican Revolution. Ceja Lagunas Karen Arely 508

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