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The Future of Chess-Playing Technologies and the Significance of Kasparov

Versus Deep Blue

Article · July 1997

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eBay Research Labs


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From: AAAI Technical Report WS-97-04. Compilation copyright © 1997, AAAI ( All rights reserved.

The Future of Chess-Playing Technologies and the Significance of

Kasparov Versus Deep Blue

Dennis DeCoste
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive; Pasadena, CA 91009
http://www-aig., decoste~aig, j pl.nasa,

Abstract Significance for AI

Appreciating the significance of GKvs DBfor AI re-
In this paper we argue that the recent Garry
Kasparovvs. DeepBlue matches are significant quires assessing the significance of four distinct items:
for the field of artificial intelligence in several 1. the task of computer chess,
ways, including providing an exampleof valuable
baseline benchmarl~sfor more complexalterna- 2. the solution instance represented by Deep Blue,
tives to contrast and justify themselves. Wewill 3. the matches between GKvs DBper se,
also briefly summarizesomeof the latest develop-
ments on computerchess research and highlight 4. the closed-nature of Deep Blue development.
howour own work on a program called Chester Weexplore these issues in turn below.
tries to build on those developmentsto provide
suchjustifications. Significance of Computer Chess
Criticisms of computer chess that lead to its fall from
Introduction grace partly arose from growing pressure to fund and
conduct research that directly addressed "real world"
Since "falling from grace" (DSg0) by the late 1980’s, problems. Muchearly work was particularly vunera-
computer chess has recently received considerable at- ble to such attack, due to the predominance of manual
tention in the popular media due to the 1996 match crafting and tuning of search and evaluation functions
between IBM’s Deep Blue chess machine and Garry that seemed required for competitive performance. Re-
Kasparov, the reigning World Champion. Further- cent advances in software engineering, search, and ma-
more, researchers of artificial intelligence seem to be chine learning technology promise to make these issues
increasingly willing to cite Deep Blue as an example less germanein the future.
of success (e.g. (SBD+96)). The topic of computer More fundamental has been the failure to address
chess, and game-playing in general, has also enjoyed a the issue of scaling-up. As Schank forcably argued in
considerable resurgence of significant and creative re- (Schgl) a key distinction between AI and engineering
search, particularly in the areas of search and machine is that AI strives foremost for representations and al-
learning (as we shall discuss later). gorithms that scale-up gracefully with task complex-
In our view this reemergence of computer chess was ity. Recent success of predominately brute-force ap-
somewhat simply a matter of time -- requiring both proaches such as Deep Blue seriously bring into ques-
maturity of technologies and better appreciation by tion whether chess is complex enough to require more
AI researchers of the importance of empirical evalu- general AI techniques which scale-up. Indeed, manyre-
ation of comparative performance on problems with searchers on game-playing have shifted to games such
well-defined success criteria. as Go, whose sheer complexity seems certain to protect
In this paper, we will argue that the Garry Kasparov it from brute-force ’approaches. Others have argued
versus Deep Blue match ("GK vs DB") has great sig- for artificial generalizations, such as META-GAME
nificance to AI in several ways. Wewill directly avoid (Pe194), which would better justify the use of learn-
philosophical questions such as whether DBis a "think- ing and sophisticated search.
ing machine" or howwe might test such a proposition. Someargue that chess is simply not a rich and im-
However, we will argue that the development of Deep portant enough problem to warrant significant atten-
Blue represents a legitimate, and in some ways even a tion. However, the visibility and attention of the GK
role model, example of the future of AI research. We vs DBmatch demonstrates that chess performance re-
will also summarize some recent developments in rele- mains a valued and easy-to-grasp metric. Furthermore,
vant AI research areas, including our own. recent work on "rational search" (Bau92) highlights
the fact that even though chess is a deterministic game, 6 were dramatic contrasts in the current strengths and
the importance of reasoning with uncertainty, which weaknesses of human and computer approaches.
dominates manyreal-world tasks, arises even in chess. Webelieve that similar evaluations will play an in-
creasingly commonrole in future development of AI.
Significance of Deep Blue First, because it is a natural humancuriousity to want
to compare machine and human approaches to achiev-
To evaluate the extent to which Deep Blue and other
ing intelligent behavior. Second, because such com-
computer chess work is "Ar’, it is useful to recall parisons can in fact provide useful scientific feedback.
that AI has several components, most notably: knowl- Similar feedback during the development of medical
edge representation schemes, search, and learning. The expert systems, for example, seems to have been a sig-
best performing computer chess projects have often re- nificant influence in the development of approaches to
quired significant manual knowledge encoding/tuning reasoning under uncertainty, such as Bayesian belief
per se, causing somedoubt of thei.r being AI. networks, that are now popular and promising in AI
In contrast, the brute-force approach of Deep Blue research.
dearly focusses on the issue of search over knowledge. Also, the importance of visibility can perhaps not be
However, Deep Blue’s contributions to our understand- underestimated. Indeed, muchof the public before the
ing of this issue are debatable. For example, recent 1996 GKvs DB match seemed to have believed that
work has shownthat there appear to be significant di- computers had already "solved chess", or at least were
minishing returns in chess around ply 10 (JSB+), much better than all humans. Anyone who wants assurance
as that occuring at shallower plys for simpler games that AI is still no match for humanintelligence and
such as checkers. Thus, it may be the case that con- flexibility need look no further than Game6.
tinued workalong DeepBlue’s brute force lines will of- In short, we view the current significance of Deep
fer very little additional insight. Indeed, the designers Blue to be largely in providing some highly visible data
of Deep Blue have publically stated that for the up- points to better understand how far largely brute-force
coming May 1997 rematch, the enhancements to Deep search can go in one historically-significant and com-
Blue have focussed more on improved knowledge than plex domain. Webelieve it extremely important that
search per se. Whether such knowledge engineering such work continue to parallel that of more fundamen-
will be of the unscalable and chess-specific sorts that tM AI research. At the very core of the notion of intel-
made early chess work easier to dismiss or not remains ligence is the notion of speed of computation. Indeed,
to be seen. typical IQ tests do not allow one to bring the test home
and work it out in leisure over the course of a year. In
Significance of GK vs DB this sense, better case studies into whenspecific styles
In our view, the largest significance of DeepBlue is in of search and shortcuts are sufficient for a domain at
fact in the GKvs DB matches per se. The role and hand are critically important.
utility of "competitions" in driving and evaluating AI
research seems to be getting increased acceptance in Closed-Nature of Deep Blue Work
recent years, in part due to the easier disemination of One criticism of Deep Blue has been that the specific
data sets and domain knowledge via the advent of the techniques and knowledge used have not been widely
World Wide Web. For example, the Sante-Fe Institute reported, makingit difficult to adequately assess what
recently organized a successful competition to compare is really being demonstrated during these matches. In
techniques on blind time-series prediction tasks over fact, to many, Deep Blue simply seems synonomous
several data sets (WG94). with "the brute-force approach". Muchof our knowl-
Of course, the history of computer chess is full of edge comes from early work on the predecessor, Deep
competitions, most notably the ACMtournaments. Thought (HACN90) (ACH90).
However, competition amongrelatively weak computer Furthermore, the number of published games of
programs, as should be expected, tends to overly- Deep Blue is relatively very small. All such exam-
reward short-term competitive advantages, such as ples of under-reporting seem to be motivated at least
cooking opening books. Such tricks are of little use in part by the desire to keep a competitive edge over
against a flexible opponent such as Kasparov, particu- Kasparov. It would be scientifically far more pleas-
larly given that he is well-versed in the weaknessesand ing for the Deep Blue team, for example, to have the
tendencies of existing computer chess programs. match-ready version of Deep Blue generate hundreds
It was thus of considerable interest when Kasparov or even thousands of games -- perhaps both from self-
proclaimed in his TIMEarticle after the 1996 match play and against their chess consultant Grand Master
that "I could feel -- I could smell -- a new kind of Joel Benjamin -- for Kasparov to have in preparation
intelligence across the table" (Kas96). His surprising before rematches. Similarly, Deep Blue could prepare
initial loss in Game1, due to under-appreciating the ef- (with suitable machine learning) from the huge his-
fectiveness of DeepBlue’s search, and his final crushing toric database of Kasparov’s games. Presumably, Kas-
victory due to vastly superior positional play in Game parov’s evaluation function and search techniques will

not change as rapidly as Deep Blue’s might. and propagated up the tree such that the low estimate
Perhaps if Deep Blue wins an entire match against on the value of one movebecomeshigher than the high
Kasparov, it might become more acceptable to allow estimate of all alternatives.
such preparations, leading to more significant evalu- Since position evaluators generally only provide "re-
ation of in what ways the human mind may still be alistic" point estimates, B* uses null moves (GC90)
superior in the domain of chess. Thus, we argue that (and other heuristics) to generate optimistic and pes-
once (or if) a computer beats the world champion in simistic values. To avoid the complexity of managing
match, perhaps the real science will begin in earnest, full probabilistic distributions across these intervals,
although presumably with significantly less public in- they explored the use of probability distributions that
terest and drama. decay linearly from the realistic value to the optimistic
value. To handle instability of position evaluations,
Summary of Chess-Playing they use alpha-beta to conduct shallow probe searches
(e.g. full 3-ply, plus tactical extensions).
Recently "rational search" methods have been pro-
In light of the diminishing returns of brute-force search posed for selective expansion based on Bayesian meth-
in chess noted above, we have considerable doubts on ods. This approach has been championed by Eric
whether the brute-force style epitomized by Deep Blue Baum (Bau92) (Bau93) (BS96). These methods
will actually suffice to prevail against Kasparov.In this tempt to identify at each iteration some small set of
section we highlight a variety of other AI techniques nodes whose expansion would be most informative,
that offer great promise in the longer run. based on detailed probabilistic distributions of the
evaluations of the current leaf nodes. Though gen-
Search eral and theoretically sound, use of these techniques is
incompatible with alpha-beta cutoffs. This approach
Perhaps due to the success of Deep Blue, many seem
to believe or to assume that parallel algorithms are the has not yet been demonstrated to be competitive with
prime future technology for computer chess. However, alpha-beta variants in the domain of chess, but cer-
tainly some reasonable approximations may prove use-
in fact, within the last decade there have been a wide
variety of advances in research on game-tree search. ful in the future.
It is important to keep in mind that, due to the de- Korf and Chickering has proposed an alternative
sign requirements that the Deep Blue hardware places selective search method called "best-first minimax
on its search algorithms, it is not clear which of these search" (KC94). Essentially, it always expands the leaf
techniques could be easily incorporated into the Deep of the current principal variation m i.e. the node which
Blue approach. determines the minmaxvalue of the root. They argue
Someelegant advances, though relatively modest that it will not generally suffer from excessive explo-
ration of a single path because of the well-known os-
performance-wise, have arisen from recent work by
cillation of values that occurs during minimaxsearch.
Platt et al. Their MTD(f) procedure (pSPdB95)
Best-first minimax search is relatively simple yet
(PSPdB96a) (Pla) essentially reformulates the
plex best-first method of SSS* (Sto79) into an elegant beats fixed-depth alpha-beta search in the game of
combination of zero-window alpha-beta searches and Othello for comparable-sized trees, for mediumdepth
extensive use of transposition (hash) tables. This work alpha-beta trees. However, deep fixed-depth alpha-
has led to modest yet surprising speed improvements beta search beats it for comparable-sized trees. This
for chess (15%) as well as significant clarity about suggests that its best use might be as a relatively shal-
low probe search for method such as B*, although Korf
alpha-beta and SSS* variants in general.
and Chickering did not discuss nor explore that option.
Their work on Enhanced Transposition Cutoffs
(ETC) (PSPdB96b) takes advantage of the fact Another promising area is that of generalizing the
notion of a transposition table so that each entry con-
game "trees" are actually graphs. For example, they
explore heuristics to maximize reuse of transposition tains an equivalence class of positions instead of just
table results, such as checking moveswith transposi- one. Ginsberg’s work on partition search (Gin96) has
developed this idea into the basis of a world-class
tion table entries first under certain conditions, since bridge program. Although he has not developed repre-
those might lead to immediate cutoffs. They report
sentations for chess, he notes that this might provide
that these heuristics lead to searches with 25%fewer
a more formal approach to the specialized though in-
triguing "method of analogies" (AVAD75).
Less clear at this point, but potentially muchmore
powerful, are methods for selective tree growth. Re- Knowledge
cent results (BM96)on approximate probabilistic vari-
ants of Berliner’s well-known B* algorithm, for exam- Knowledge-engineering has long played a role in com-
ple, appear promising. B* involves search using in- petitive computer chess, particularly in the areas of
tervals to represent position values, instead of points. endgame table precompilation and manually crafted
Search continues until enough information is gathered opening books. Considerable effort typically goes into

selecting features and weights for the evaluation func- learning functions suitable for monitoring tasks were
tion. The requirement of such initial overhead to de- in fact inspired by ideas from B* search.
velop a competitive chess program has perhaps gone Webelieve and hope that such tight synergy between
a long way towards discouraging most AI researchers chess and "real world" domains might make serious re-
from even attempting, and towards computer chess’s search on chess more easily justifiable and even encour-
fall from grace. With the advent of mature search and aged. In the spirit of this workshop, we wish to stress
machine learning techniques, it seems likely that this that one of the significances of the GKvs DBmatches
will change in the near future -- particularly if the is the simple fact that there is renewed interested in
Deep Blue approach falls short. computer chess and thus it could becomea useful fo-
rum through which to educate the public about what
Learning AI is about as a whole. This gives added urgency to de-
velop more learning-intensive alternatives to the Deep
Recent advances in machine learning offer perhaps the
Blue approach, so that we are better able compare and
best hope for significant near-term advances in com-
contrast over spectra of approaches, rather than just
puter chess. Recent surveys such as (Fur96) and Jay
the human against machine theme per se.
Scott’s active web site at (Sco97) are good summaries
Detailed discussion of our techniques are beyond the
of a variety of approaches that have been proposed to
scope of this paper. However, we wish to outline our
date. Unfortunately, most of these approaches have
not been within the context of tuning a competitive- basic ideas here. In our monitoring work, we have
developed an approach called Envelope Learning and
level chess program, making their immediate impact
Monitoring using Error Relaxation (ELMER), which
difficult to assess.
essentially learns high and low limit functions for each
For example, there has been a fair amount of work
sensor, based on historic spacecraft data (DEC96).
on learning chess evaluation functions, with the Neu-
roChess work (Thr95) being perhaps one of the most Our techniques involve regression using asymmetric
interesting. cost functions (DeC97b),similarly to the 0-1 loss func-
tions commonin classification tasks. However,the key
Fktrthermore, there has been some work in learning
difference is that our cost function is parametric and
search control heuristics for game-playing, although
we search over those parameters and select the settings
the more successful ones seem particularly well-suited which give the best fit on cross-validation data.
for games with simplier features, such as Othello
In this way, we are able to learn envelopes which
It seems fair to say that machine learning to date do not necessarily suffer from classic problems such
has not had nearly the impact on computer chess that as variance underestimation (BQ97). In fact, our ap-
it could. It seems logical to expect that this situation proach is specifically designed to address cases which
will change as the impact of diminishing returns in are not handled well by the typical approach of learning
confidence intervals by first estimating means and then
chess search is better understood -- particularly when
research chess programs mature to the level that such estimating input-conditional variances (e.g. (NW95),
walls are routinely hit. (Bis95)). Thus, we can offer better assurance that
bound estimates are not too tight, as required both for
B* position evaluations and for spacecraft sensor limits
Summary of Our Chester Program for automated monitoring with few false alarms.
In this section we briefly summarizeour own research A simple example which illustrates the usefulness
on computer chess. Our search engine uses a variant of our approach is the task of learning high and
of B* to conduct high-level selective search, MTD(f) low bounds on the complexity of example run times
to conduct the relatively shallow low-level probes, and of an algorithm such as quicksort, given as input
extremely fast move generation and transposition ta- only the size N of each data set that was sorted.
ble routines, so as to reach a competitive level re- Consider that we wish to use linear regression (for
quired for meaningful evaluation. Wecall this program speed and for understandable results) and use the fol-
Chester (Chess Terminator), which reflects our serious lowing reasonable set of features for all such tasks:
but perhaps naive ambitions. The main novelty of our IgN, N, NlgN, N2, N3, 2N. With the high and low
approach is our means of attempting to learn good bounds of quicksort actually being (O(N2) and O(N lg
interval-valued evaluation functions, suitable for B*, N) respectively, it turns out to be difficult to capture
as opposed .to relying on heuristics such as null-moves these bounds using standard mean plus/minus stan-
to generate the bounds. dard deviation approaches. Essentially, the problem
The emphasis of our research is on using chess as is that there are critical missing inputs (namely, the
a domain to help test the generality of our machine "sortedness" of each data set to be sorted).
learning techniques being developed for real world Webelieve that such an approach is likely to prove
tasks such as monitoring the NASASpace Shuttle. useful for learning high and low bounds for chess posi-
(DeC97a)In reality, though, the causality of this line tion evaluation functions suitable for B* style selective
of research is not straightforward, since our ideas for search. However, we stress that we have not yet had

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