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Participation and Teaching


Learning Episode 1

Dr. Antonio T. Enerio Jr.


B-begen A. Baluran
Learning Episode 1 “THE TEACHER WE REMEMBER”

A) Analyze

1. From the PPSTs, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards and the TEDx
videos that you viewed, what competencies does a great teacher possess?
 The four competencies must be applied to become a great teacher, (1) knowing and
understanding what to teach, (2) helping students learn, (3) engaging the community,
and (4) becoming a better teacher every day. This competencies should be the basis
and foundation to be productive teacher. In addition, this phrases from the videos a
teacher must possess; “A great teacher eats apple” “A great teacher is chill”, “A great
teacher isn’t a teacher,”, “A great teacher loves to teach” and “A great teacher loves
to learn.”.

2. Are these competencies Limited only to professional competencies?

 According to movies-choice article (2020) Professional competencies are skills,
knowledge and attributes that are specifically valued by the professional associations,
organizations and bodies connected to your future career. It means, these professional
competency is limited only by the teachers profession since it serves as a helpful tool
and being capable of performing a task or job effectively and to provide the needs of
the student.

3. For a teacher to be great, is it enough to posses the professional competencies to plan a

lesson, execute a lesson plan, manage a class, assess learning, compute and report
grades? Explain your answer.
 Professional competencies is a guide only to teachers what are the task they should
do, however a teacher must possess a good values and knows how to manage every
characteristics of the student. Dealing diverse students is stressful, they have
different perspectives and views that you should respect, teachers must be flexible to
be one of the great.
4. For a teacher to be great, which is more important-personal qualities or professional
 For a teacher to be great, both are important to possess, the personal qualities and
professional competencies. Personal qualities makes the teacher to understand the
grounds of individual needs of the learners. Potential characteristics and good
communication will show the students that a teacher is approachable. Professional
competencies will guide the teachers to be great, it enable them to perform from
their duties and responsibilities as a professional teacher.

5. Who are the teachers that we remember most?

 The teachers that we remembered most are those who loves to talks about their past
experience before they achieve what they have right now, it can gave an inspiration
to continue studying no matter what the situation is . A teachers who have passion to
teach, not only on the lesson objectives but a lesson that can be applied in the real

B) Reflect

1. Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I improvement in?

 Listening, Turkish proverb “If speaking is silver, then listening is gold”. This traits
should possess to a teacher like me, because listening can touch the emotion of
someone who are talking to you, the empathy they feel when the time they speak
and open their heart and to trust with you.
2. Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating?
 The professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating is helping
the students to learn. This will build the relationship between the learner and myself,
and the students would not be shy to approach me, because they can feel and see
that I am willing to help them.
3. In which competencies do I need to develop more?
 Becoming a better teaher every day, these competency should I develop more,
because there’s some instances that affected by the situation. Like for example, I
have a problem within my self or my family, I can’t assured from that day that I am
a good mood and a productive teacher because I am emotionally disturbed.
Becoming a better teacher every day is not easy, sometimes we I cannot control my

4. Who are the teachers that we remember most?

 This question is repeated from the previous, so I just copied and pasted my answer.
 The teachers that we remembered most are those who loves to talks about their past
experience before they achieve what they have right now, it can gave an inspiration
to continue studying no matter what the situation is . A teachers who have passion to
teach, not only on the lesson objectives but a lesson that can be applied in the real

Check for my mastery

1. A
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C

I NMSCST BTVTED FS student were sent to Dumingag National High School. Since its
pandemic and Im pregnant, I choose to conduct my FS near in our house in Dumingag. First, I
passed the Memorandom of Agreement between the school of NMSCST and Dumingag National
High School. After that, I assigned at Senior High School Computer Laboratory in line with my
major which is Computer Hardware Servicing. My cooperating teacher is Mr. Roger Apale a
TVL teacher in ICT.

The first day of my FS (April 6, 2022), was introducing myself and my cooperating teacher ask
me questions about myself and the school where I studied. He conduct a orientation about the
rules of the computer lab. He introduced me with his co-teachers. Sir Apale was shared his life
being a teacher and motivate me to pursue my dreams in life. Since im pregnant, Sir Apale didn't
want me to work but I insist to check the modules of his students.

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