Practice Present Simple and Continuous

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Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use present continuous in the statements.
1. The train to Glasgow____________________ (leave) from platform 8.
2. I ___________________(begin) to understand the Present Continuous now.
3. Sue_______________________ (work) tonight.
4. Listen! The telephone________________________ring).
5. Ms. Johnson_______________________ (see) a customer at 3 o'clock.
6. My dad________________________ (not have) his lunch now.
7. The kids ________________ (not study) tomorrow.
8. It ________________________ (not rain) today.
9. I_____________________ (not study) German.
10. We ______________________ (not go) to Egypt on summer holiday.
11. The phone _________________ (not ring).
12. We ____________________ (renovate) our house this week.
13. She____________________ (paint) her room today.
14. They _____________________ (try) to sell their car.
15. He _______________________ (study) to be a lawyer.
16. This table ________________ (break) apart.
17. Oliver_____________________ (help) me with my homework these days.
18. Luke ______________________ (become) more and more handsome.
19. I _____________________ (work) on my accent.
20. You _____________________ (change) your work place.
21. She______________________ (have) a hard time.
22. This month we ____________________ (stay) with my Sister.
23. Eva _______________________ (look) for a roommate.
24. They _____________________ (study) Spanish this summer.
25. Anna_____________________ (rest) right now.
26. Bella _____________________ (cook) dinner now.
27. They _____________________ (help) the teacher right now.
28. He ________________________ (run) very fast!
29. Julia ___________________ (bake) a chocolate cake at the moment.
30. I ______________________ (have) fun!9.
31. They _________________________ (answer) all the questions.
32. John______________________ (eat) Salad, and I am eating fish.
33. Marta _________________________ (drive), and Chris is sleeping (sleep).
34. It ________________________ (rain).
35. Jack and Peter _________________ (work) late today.
36. Rossmery _________________ (not listen) to music.
37. Maria __________________ (sit) next to Paul.
38. I__________________________ (write) my homework.
39. ___________________ (it start) to rain?
40. ___________________ (Sue study) to become a doctor?
41. ___________________ (you take) your daughter with you?
42. ____________________ (the dog play) with the kids?
43. ___________________ (they come) tonight?
44. John ____________________ (read) a book now.
45. What ________________ (you do) tonight?
46. How many other students _________________ (you study) with?
47. What company ____________________ (you work) for?
48. What class _______________________ (they study) in?
49. Who ______________________________ (John shake) hands with?
50. What time __________________________ (your friends come)?
51. What country _______________________they visit) at the moment
Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use Simple Present in the statements.
1. They ________________ at birds. (to look)
2. He ___________________ the laptop. (to repair)
3. Walter and Frank _______________ hello. (to say)
4. The cat ______________ under the tree. (to sit)
5. She _________________ the lunchbox. (to forget)
6. Rita____________ an exercise. (to do)
7. Tim and Pat ___________ text messages. (to send)
8. Oliver ____________ fun. (to have)
9. Maria ______________ their room. (to tidy up)
10. He _______________ a new MP3 player. (to buy)
11. The dog _____________ out of the house. (to run)
12. You _______________ your glasses. (to need)
13. She ______________ a snake. (to touch)
14. Tom ________________ stamps. (not/to collect)
15. Julie________________ in the garden. (not/to work)
16. I_________________ at home. (not/to sit)
17. Tina and Kate ________________ the windows. (not/to open)
18. Adam _________________ French. (not/to speak)
19. His sister_________________ lemonade. (not/to like)
20. My father_______________ the car every Saturday. (not/to clean)
21) Johnny and Danny _____________________ in the lake. (not/to swim)
22. Laura ________________ her room. (not/to clean)
23. Mark__________________ his homework. (not/to do)
24. Susan and Jerry ___________________ TV. (not/to watch)
25. They ________________ at 6.30. (not/to wake up)
26. You _______________ shopping. (not/to go)
27. Mrs. Smith_______________ a big box. (not/to carry)
28. My brother________________ English. (not/to teach)
29. The teachers________________ stories. (not/to tell)
30. They play volleyball every week. – They____________________volleyball every week.
31. John is nice. - John ______________ nice.
32. This car makes a lot of noise. - This car____________________ a lot of noise.
33. I like computer games. – I__________________ computer games.
34. We are from Greece. – We__________________ from Greece.
35. They speak English. – They________________ Spanish.
36. ________________ to school? (you/to walk)
37. ________________a banana in the morning? (Ronda/to eat)
38. ________________parrots? (your father/to like)
39. ___________________a room with her sister? (Wendy/to share)
40. ____________________a lot in England? (it/to rain)
41. _____________________sports after school? (the friends/to do)
42. _____________________camping in summer? (Susan and Jack/to go)
43. Anne_______________ my questions. (not/to answer)
44. ___________they ______________ tomatoes in this shop? (to sell)
45. This girl___________ a skirt at school. (not/to wear)
46. __________Mr Barker_____________ Physics? (to teach)
47.The guinea pigs_______________ under the desk. (not/to hide)
48. ______________ Ken often ___________ the school bus? (to miss)
49. The poster____________ on the wall anymore. (not/to hang)
50. _______________for the tickets? (you/to pay)
51. ______________ in the mornings? (he/to smile)
52.____________the bells of your church still_____________ ? (to ring)
Simple Present - Present Progressive
Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).
1. Look! He________________(leave) the house.
2. Quiet please! I _________________(write) a test.
3. She usually (walk) ________________ to school.
4. But look! Today she _________________(go) by bike.
5. Every Sunday we_________________ (go) to see my grandparents.
6. He often___________________ (go) to the cinema.
7. We _____________________(play) Monopoly at the moment.
8. The child seldom___________________ (cry) .
9. I ___________________(not / do) anything at the moment.
10. ______________________(watch / he) the news regularly?
11. This _________(be) Caroline.
12. Caroline____________ (have) long blond hair.
13. She usually____________ (wear) glasses, but now she_____________ (wear) contact lenses.
14. Caroline ______________(like) sports.
15. She____________________ (play) football every Monday and Thursday.
16. Joe and Dennis _______________(be) best friends.
27. They often _____________(meet) in the afternoon.
18. What _________________(do / they) at the moment?
19. They __________________(play) football.
20. They _______________________(love) football.
21. Joe______________ (practice) with his father every weekend, but Dennis______________ (not / play)
22. Andy sometimes_____________ comics. (to read)
23. We never________________ TV in the morning. (to watch)
24. Listen! Sandy_________________ in the bathroom. (to sing)
25. My sister usually _________________ in the kitchen. (to help)
26. My mother ________________ breakfast now. (to make)
27. They often________________ the bathroom. (to clean)
28. Look! The boys_______________ home. (to come)
29. Every day his grandfather______________ for a walk. (to go)
30.I ______________ with my friend at the moment. (to chat)
31. Cats_____________ mice. (to eat)
32. James_______________ (live) in a little village.
33. After school, James________________ (want) to become a banker.
34. So this week, he_______________ (do) a practical course in a bank.
35. There_____ ___(be) a bank in a nearby town, but James_________ (have) to take the bus to get there.
36. The bus _____________(leave) at 5.30 in the morning and __________(return) at 8.15 in the evening.
37. James __________(not / like) to spend so much time in town before and after work, waiting for the
38. Therefore, this week he _____________(stay) with his aunt, who______________ (live) in town.
39. You______________ (see / not) her every day.
40. I ______________(read / not) a book now.
41. We__________(go / not) to school on Sundays.
42. He_______________ (watch / not) the news every day.
43. __________________you / go) on holiday by plane sometimes?
44. _________________(they / play) computer games every day?
45. __________________(she / eat) dinner at the moment?
46. What______________ (they / do) right now?
47. _________________(she / visit) her grandma very often?
48. ___________________She (not / ride) her bike right now.
49. When____________________ (arrive / the plane)?
50. What time___________________ (get up / you) in the mornings?
51. Why____________________ (cry / she) now?
52. __________________(swim / they) in the pool at the moment?

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