MA-applied-psychology Jamia 2016

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Paper Code No- M15 Question Booklet No. : 615251 ENTRANCE EXAMINATION-2016 M.A. (Applied Psychology) [Set A] ROLL NO. : 4 Signature of Invigilator Time : 1 Hour 45 Minutes ‘Total Marks: 100 10. u. 12, Instructions to Candidates Do not write your name or put any other mark of identification anywhere in the OMR Answer Sheet. IF ANY MARK OF IDENTIFICATIONS IS DISCOVERED ANYWHERE IN OMR ANSWER SHEET, the OMR sheet will be eancelled, and will not be evaluated. ‘This Question Booklet contains this cover page and a total of 100 Multi uestions of Imark. Space for rough work hhas been provided at the beginning and end, Available space on each page may also be used for rough work. Each correct answer carries one mark. There is negative marking in Multiple Choice Questions, For each wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted. USE OF CALCULATOR IS NOT PERMITTED. USE/POSSESSION OF ELECTRONIC GADGETS LIKE MOBILE PHONE, iphone, iPad, pager ETC. is not permitted. ‘Candidate should check the serial order of questions at the beginning of the test If any question is found missing in the serial ‘order, it should be immediately brought to the notice ofthe Invigilator. No pages should be torn out from this question booklet. Answers must be marked in the OMR answer sheet which is provided separately. OMR answer sheet must be handed over to the invigilator before you leave the seat. ‘The OMR answer sheet should not be folded or wrinkled. The folded or wrinkled OMR/Answer Sheet will not be evaluated. Write your Roll Number in the appropriate space (above) and on the OMR Answer Sheet. Any other details, if asked for. should be written only in the space provided. ‘There are four alternative answers to each question marked A, B, C and D. Select one of the answers you consider most appropriate and fill up the corresponding oval/circle in the OMR Answer Sheet provided to you. The correct procedure for filling up the OMR Answer Sheet is mentioned below. Use Black or Blue Ball Pen only for filling the ovals/ircles in OMR Answer Sheet wl Choice of answers darken the correct oval/circle completely. Ifthe correct answer is “B ‘be completely filled and darkened as shown below. le answering the Questions. For your , the corresponding oval/circle should CORRECT METHOD ©@00 WRONG METHOD [ DH OGYO FOOO® OO GOO LS Uae i Which among the following branches of Psychology specifically studies behavior in relation to genetic inheritance? A. Evolutionary psychology B. Developmental psychology C. Health psychology D. Experimental Psychology Which among the following Schools of ‘Thought used Introspection as a method of analysis? A. Funetionalism B. Behaviorism C. Structuralism: D. Psychoanalysis ‘Who among the following is credited with the book titled Principals of Psychology? A. Wilhelm Wundt B. William James C. BE. Skinner D. None of the above ‘Who among the following was the first female president of the American Psychological Association (APA)? A. Margaret Floy Washburn B. Leta Stetter Hollingworth C. Karen Horney D. Mary Calkins Which among the following suggests that all individuals posses an innate tendency to grow and develop? ‘A. Psychodynamic perspective 7. 10. Who among the following study how psychological processes may differ among people of different cultures? A. Cultural psychologists B. Cross-cultural psychologists C. Social psychologists D. None of the above Double-Blind Study refers to: ‘A. An experimental procedure in which both researchers and participants are uninformed about the nature of the independent variable. B. A study where participants are uninformed about the dependent variable under study. C. An experimental procedure in which part of the information about the nature of the study is withheld from the participants D. A study where one group of participants is subjected to placebo effect. Chemical messengers that relay neural messages across the synapse are known as: A. Neurotransmitters B. Hormones C. Neural chemicals D. Synaptic vesicles The ability of brain to adapt or modify itself as the result of experience is known as: ‘A. Maturation B. Plasticity C. Neural growth 24, 25 C. Developed as a rebellion against the narrow perspective of bebaviorism D. Allofthe above. The inability to remember events during the first two or three years of life is known as: A. Early amnesia B. Childhood amnesia C. Long-term amnesia D. None of the above Which among the following are common in highly emotional experiences? A. Working memory B. Semantic memory C. Flashbulb memory D. Sensory memory Cognitive strategies or “rules of thumb” used as shortcuts to solve complex mental tasks are known as: A. Heuristics B. Algorithms C. Cognitive maps D. Scripting Creative intelligence is a component of: A. Cattel’s Theory of Intelligence B. Gardner’ Theory of Intelligence C. Spearman’s Theory of Intelligence D. Stemberg’s Theory of Intelligence A biologically organized mental structure in the brain that facilitates the learning of language is called: A. Language Acquisition Device 30. 31 32. 33. The authoritative style of parenting is characterized by: A. Parent permits child to make decisions in accord with developmental readiness; listens to child’s viewpoint. B. Parent is warm, attentive, and sensitive to child’s needs and interests. C. Parent is warm, but may spoil the child. D. BothA&B When one engages in an activity regardless of an extemal reward, the behavior is guided by: A. Need for achievement B. Intrinsic motivation C. Extrinsic motivation D. None of the above ‘A socially acceptable reason for actions that are really based on motives believed to be socially unacceptable is known as: A. Rationalization B. Reaction Formation C. Sublimation D. Displacement Who among the following is considered as the proponent of Word Association Test to understand the unconscious conflicts in an individual: ‘A. Henry Murray B. Carl Jung C. Sigmund Freud D. Donald Winicott The process in which cognitions, behavior, and the environment mutually influence each other is known as: ‘A. Situational- Interactionist Approach 41. The commonly used statistic to test the significance of difference between two groups is: A. F-test B. test C. Chi-Square D. None of the above A number typically describing a population characteristic is known as: A. Statistic B. Parameter Cc. Datum D. Median’ In the following, there is a meaningful zero to the measurement: A. Nominal measurement B. Ordinal measurement C. Interval measurement D. Ratio measurement The average amount by which the characteristics of samples from the population differ from the characteristic of the whole population is known as: ‘A. Estimation Eror B. Researchers’ Bias C. Standard Error D. Statistical insignificance 53. 54, 55. B. Bach individual is unique and cannot be compared with another C. Individuation and uniqueness of people accounts for personality differences D. Allofthe above The reliability of a diagnostic category indicates: A. It acknowledges the uniqueness of each individual. B. Ithas explicitly stated criteria. C. Clients with the label respond 10 treatment the same. D. Diagnosticians apply it consistently. The characteristic pattem of explanation people use to make sense of life-events is called: A, Self-serving bias B. Attributional style C. Cognitive appraisal D. None of the above In psychological research, debriefing refers to: ‘A. Providing information about the true purpose of the study B. Participants learning more about the ‘benefits of the research to them and to society in general C. Researcher has the opportunity to alleviate any discomfort the participants may be experiencing D. Allofthe above 38. 59. The hypothesis stating thatthe independent variable has no effect and that there is no difference among the ‘groups is known as: A. Null Hypothesis B. Alternate Hypothesis C. Directional Hypothesis D. Non-directional Hypothesis ‘Which among the following represents the ‘applied’ branch in Organizational Behavior? ‘A. Human Resource Management B. Organizational Development C. Botha&b D. None of the above According to Bandura’s SCT, which among the following does NOT represent a Basic Human Capability? ‘A. Forethought B. Self-Reflective C. Symbolizing D. Cognitive Orientation 63. 64, 65. 66. 67. An employee's emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in the organization is known as: Affective commitment Normative commitment Continuance commitment None of the above pap Which among the following involves exposure to a hierarchy of stimuli while relaxing to decrease fears: A. Floodit B. Systematic Desensitization C. Aversive Conditioning D. Implosion Exaggerated sense of self-importance is a characteristic feature of: ‘A. Paranoid personality disorder B. Narcissistic personality disorder C. Schizoid personality disorder D. Schizotypal personality disorder ‘The re-channeling of sexual or aggressive impulses in a socially acceptable direction is known as: A. Displacement B. Overcompensation C. Projection D. Sublimation Among the following theories, which one states that emotion is a result of the interpretation of the causes of 69. 10. 1. Which among the following approaches to therapy explores issues such as death freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness? Existential Approach Humanistic Approach Psychoanalytic Approach All of the above poE> The NEO personality inventory consists of the following number of facets: A. 25 B. 30 c. 35 D. 40 Which among the following considers the central core of dysfunctional behavior to be due to irrational beliefs? A. Cognitive Behavior Therapy B. Dialectical Therapy C. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy D. Behavior Therapy The use of statistics to pool and analyze results of different studies is known as: ‘A. Mega-Analysis B. Meta-Analysis C. Multiple-Analysis D. Mediated-Analysis Organization Citizenship Behavior refers to: ‘A. Promoting the effective functioning of the organization. B. Actions and behaviors for the welfare of the organization that are not part of an employee’s formal job requirements. C. Completion of requirements of the contract with the organization D. Botha& b The tendency of an individual to “underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of ‘intemal factors when making judgments about the behaviour of others is known 16. 71. 2B. 2. C. Fundamental attribution error D. Distinctive perception Judging an individual on the basis of one’s perception of the group to which he/she belongs is called: A. Stereotyping B. Prejudice C. Projection D. Discrimination A personality trait that describes the degree to which an individual is responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement- oriented and dutiful is known as: A. Extraversion B. Agreeableness C. Openness D. Conscientiousness Which among the following is NOT a component of emotional intelligence? A. Self-awareness B. Self motivation C. Social skills ‘D. Sympathy Which among the following is true of Type A Personality? ‘A. Are always moving, walking, and cating rapidly * B. Feel impatient with the rate at which most events take place C. Strive to think or do two or more things at once D. Allofthe above The extent to which a measuring instrument appears valid on its surface is known as: ‘A. Content validity B. Face Validity C. Criterion Validity D. Construct Validity 80. 81. 84, : ‘The First Afghan War took place in year: Which among the following is an inferential statistical test for comparing the means of three or more groups using a between participants design and one independent variable? A. One-Way ANOVA B. Two-Way ANOVA C. Three-Way ANOVA D. None of the above For which of the following disciplines is the prestigious Nobel Prize awarded? ‘A. Physics and Chemistry B. Physiology or Medicine C. Literature, Peace and Economics D. Allofthe above ‘Which among the following is true about Galileo, the Italian astronomer: ‘A. Developed the telescope B. Discovered four satellites of Jupiter C. Discovered that the movement of pendulum produces a regular time ‘measurement D. Allofthe above Exposure to sunlight individual’s health due to: A. Kills the skin bacteria B. Helps in maintaining the homeostasis ‘in the body . The pigment cells in the skin get stimulated and produce a healthy tan D. Skin oil gets converted into Vitamin D improves an A. 1839 10 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. The following country has largest in the world: The state of Rajasthan has the following number of seats in Lok Sabha: 32 25 30 17 POPS How many red blood cells are found in a normal human body? A. 15 trillion B. 20trillion C25 trillion D. 30trillion In the game of cricket, what is the distance between the two sets of the wickets? ‘A. 18 yards apart B. 20 yards apart C. 22 yards apart D. 24 yards apart Penicillin was discovered by: ‘A. Alexander Fleming B. Albert Einstein C. Archimedes ‘D. Aryabhatta The official languages of the United Nations are: ‘A. Hindi, Chinese, English, French, Korean and Spanish B. Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish C. Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, English, French and Hindi D. Korean, English, French, Hindi, Japanese and Spanish 2016 ul In the series, 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, umber should come next? A. 10 iB, it ie 12 D. 13 What 99, Bowl is to soup as cup is to: A. Dish B. Liquid C. Coffee D. Food 100. Enlightened is to Ignorant as Elated is to: A. Worrier B. Irritable C. Intolerant D. Despondent Which among the following words does NOT belong with the others in the series? A. Book B. Index C. Glossary D. Chapter The national sport of Canada is: . Soccer Lacrosse . Cricket . Rugby ‘The normal threshold of hearing is around 70-80 db 50-60 db 90-100 db 25-45 db pow> paopp “Who is the newly elected President of __ A. John Van Thio _B. HtinKyaw _ C. Tung Swe _D. Suu Kyi San India has launched the Fulbright — Kalam Climate Fellowship in collaboration with? A. United Kingdom B. Australia C. United States of America D. Germany Which among the following countries hosted the 2016 World Congress of Biosphere Reserves? A. United States B. Peru C. Belgium D. Switzerland

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